A brother of mine recently had his motorcycle stolen. Dean Shawler, the editor of Biker Magazine, had his motorcycle bagged from in front of the hotel near the California Speedway. Stealing bikes is bullshit. To many riders their bikes are their lives. They put their hearts into these machines. They aren’t goddamn televisions. We need them back. Some 32 bikes were stolen from Street Vibrations a week ago.
I’m going to start to post stolen motorcycles in the news. If you or a friend has a bike bagged tell us as much as possible about the bike and when and where it was taken and we’ll post it.
If you spot one of these bikes or know what happened to one, we don’t want to be snitches. We want the bikes back. We will develop an archive of stolen bikes and see if we can’t get a few back. Let me know your thoughts. Let’s get to the news:

GLENDALE, CA – Sheryl Crow, Mick Fleetwood & Friends, and JeffersonStarship will headline Love Ride 19, the largest motorcycle fundraisingevent in the world, on Sunday, November 10. Grand Marshal Jay Leno,Honorary Grand Marshal Peter Fonda, and a host of celebrity bikers will lead20,000+ motorcyclists on a 50-mile caravan from Harley-Davidson of Glendale,California, to a barbecue, trade show, and concert at Castaic Lake.Proceeds will benefit Reading By 9, MDA, and other charities. In 18 years,the Love Ride has raised over $15 million.
Sign up is 6am-9am on Sunday, November 10 at Harley-Davidson of Glendale,with a 90-minute Jefferson Starship concert at 7:00am, followed by acelebrity press conference at 8:45a.m. The caravan of bikes departs toCastaic Lake at 9:15am.
Festivities at Castaic Lake will begin at 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. (gatesopen at 10am). Mick Fleetwood & Friends perform at 11:45am followed bySheryl Crow at 1:15. The minimum donation is $60, or $50 if you sign-up inadvance online (www.loveride.org) or at Harley-Davidson of Glendale beforeNovember 5, 2002. For larger donations, participants qualify to receive avariety of prizes, including a 2003 100th Anniversary Harley-Davidson V-Rodand a 2003 Ford Harley-Davidson F-150.
Harley-Davidson of Glendale is located at 3717 San Fernando Road betweenLos Feliz Blvd. and Glendale Avenue. For more information, call (818)246-5618, extension 7.
RAPE, KIDNAPPING CHARGES DISMISSED–Oct 1, 2002 – Minnesota,Hennepin County prosecutors dismissed rape and kidnapping charges against an alleged member of the Hells Angels motorcycle club. Jay D. Rankin, 42, of Hastings, was charged in July with raping a 25-year-old woman June 27 at a clubhouse in northeast Minneapolis. According to the criminal complaint, the woman said she was sexually assaulted by several men, including Rankin, at the clubhouse after being forced to drink a beverage that left her partially paralyzed.
“New credible evidence came to light which was inconsistent with the original version of the events,” Deputy County Attorney Pete Cahill said Monday.
The clubhouse had a surveillance camera and the woman was seen on tape hugging and snuggling with one of the men who was accused of raping her two hours earlier. A tape also showed her leaving on someone else’s motorcycle. “Her behavior was not consistent with someone who was raped,” Tallen said. The woman reported that she was raped by several men but only Rankin was charged.
Laboratory reports showed no sign of a date-rape drug. Rankin is being held in federal custody on drug-trafficking and money-laundering charges and is scheduled for trial Nov. 4 before U.S. District Judge David Doty.?
OZARK ED CONFESSES–It seems that Wednesday is going to be the day for me and the juvee girl. She’s off work and doesn’t have college classes until 6 pm. Anyway, yesterday we went on a road trip to this little park about 20 miles from town. It’s on top of a hill looking out over the lake. We were there for 3 or 4 hours. At the last minute I decided to meet her in my car so we could leave it and talk in her car while we traveled. I almost took the bike. Glad I didn’t.
On the way home I’m stopped at a red light and I look across and guess whosE sitting there? Titty Bar Mike. He was looking right at me, but her car is a Honda and there are thousands of them just like it in the neighborhood. If I had been on the bike… busted. If I had taken my car… busted. It’s a miracle that he didn’t see me.
I dropped her off and drove like the wind to get home before he called. I wasn’t sure if he saw me or not, so I called him as soon as I got home and he didn’t say anything. So I know he missed it. I have to be more careful. I don’t want to mess this up.
I think me and Mike are going to san Jose, ca this saturday. His dad has a tattoo shop. We’ll drive non stop there and back. One day (22 hours) to get there. One day to get home, and one big old party day in between. I need some ocean. Been a long time since I woke up on the beach wondering what happened. I can’t wait. Hope my country ass don’t get all California’d and I come back saying “dude” all the time. That’ll get your ass whipped around here.
–Ozark Ed

WILL THE DRAG RACING REPORT RETURN?– I’ve attached a photo of Ron Houniet who won Top Fuel at Woodburn. It was of one of his over 200 mph passes that weekend. My digital just doesn’t want to take sharp shots of fast moving objects, though.
Perhaps?you can see why I need a better camera body. Actually, I have two great film bodies, but digital is what I need and want.?Film’s frustrating and expensive.?
I smell negotiations.?
PRESIDENT BUSH AND COLIN POWELL SITTING AT BAR– A guy walks in and asks the bartender, “Isn’t that Bush and Powell sitting over there?” The bartender says, “Yep, that’s them.”
So the guy walks over and says, “Wow, this is a real honor. What are you guys doing in here?”
Bush says, “We’re planning WW III “. And the guy says, “Really? What’s going to happen?”
Bush says, “Well, we’re going to kill 140 million Iraqis this time and one blonde with big tits.
The guy exclaimed, “A blonde with big tits? Why kill a blonde with big tits?
Bush turns to Powell, punches him on the shoulder and says, “See, smart ass?! I told you no one would worry about the 140 million Iraqis!”
–from the Princess
RUMOR HAS IT A GROUP OF RIDERS HEADING OUT OF SAN PEDRO FOR TOMBSTONE–It’s scheduled for the 18th through the 20th of October in Tombstone. Apparently, they turn the clock back to the 1800’s and reenact the Gunfight at the OK Corral, do a bunch of Old West stuff like shootouts and the whole nine yards. I’m going to stay in Benson which is about 25 miles from Tombstone. The other towns close are Sierra Vista and Bisbee. I just got off the phone with the Tombstone Chamber of Commerce and the lady advised me that the temperatures should be in the 80’s during the day and 60’s as a low. Sounds like perfect riding conditions to me!

Anti-Virus Control.
MINNESOTA INDICTMENT–October 2, 2002 – Minnesota -Pioneer Press.The Hells Angels motorcycle club, once synonymous with violence, drug dealing and racketeering, is making headlines again. And while Minnesota has not had deadly shootouts like in Nevada and New York earlier this year between rival motorcycle clubs, authorities here have investigated the Hells Angels for drug trafficking and money laundering. Federal prosecutors Tuesday announced the drug distribution indictment of the local Hells Angels chapter president Patrick J. Matter, who also owns a motorcycle shop in Northeast Minneapolis. A federal grand jury also indicted two of Matter’s associates, Mark A. Armstrong and Michael T. Eason, although it was unclear whether they are members of the Hells Angels.?
–from 1%er.com

Valentines Day isn’t even close.
GOLF BALLS AND BLONDS–A man entered the bus with both of his front pockets full of golf balls. He sat down next to a beautiful, you guessed it, blonde. The blonde kept looking quizzically at him and his bulging pockets.
Finally, after many such glances from her, he said, “It’s golf balls”.
Never-the-less, the blonde continued to look at him thoughtfully and finally, not being able to contain her curiosity any longer, asked, “Does it hurt as much as tennis elbow?”
–from Nuttboy
“THE OUTLAWS MOTORCYCLE CLUB MAY BE HURTING IN ONTARIO, BUT FAR FROM DEAD,” A BIKER SPECIALIST WARNS–?October 1, 2002 – Canada,And if messages on the club’s Web site are any indication, he’s right. “You can’t dismantle the Outlaws by just having 50 per cent of the Ontario members in jail and 10 per cent of the puppet club,” said Guy Ouellette, a former Quebec anti-biker officer. Thirty-five of 70 known Ontario Outlaw bikers and four of 30 Black Piston puppet club members are behind bars, he said.
That leaves many still on the streets, Ouellette said, and others soon will be out on bail. “They are in a mess,” he said. “But they will go away only when they are dead.”?

ASPHALT COWBOY REPORT–?? We have been meeting with Stephen Baldwin to discuss casting,rewrites and have had a few meetings, but he went back to New York lastnight. He has lots of connections and feel confident that we will get it moving quickly.

We are really excited and aresetting up meetings with several distribution companies over the next twoweeks. We really want to start shooting by January 1, which is when Stephenis available. He has a quick movie to do in Montreal and then we can getmoving.
–Linda Nelson
THE ROMANCE CONTINUES–Man my life is good. I spent the whole day with the juvee girl. We rode some beautiful roads then spent four hours at her cabin in the mountain, then had the beautiful ride home.
Big tall Roger and Skitzo Eric came over last night and we sat out in the shop and drank a bunch o’ buds. Juvee girl just had her hair darkened and the two of them started talking about how fine she is and yada yada yada. You know how hard it is to not tell them. Dammit, iIcould be “the man”. Of course that would blow the whole deal, so I just listen to them talk their shit and I nod along in agreement.
I have been down this road before. I know that sooner or later we’ll get caught together and the shit will hit the fan. Then I’ll be shit with my girl, but the man with everyone else. I hope that day never comes. I could do this till she gets old and ugly.
–Ozark Ed?????
Continued On Page 2