Continued From Page 3

BEACH RIDE LIVES–I stumbled into a Beach Ride meeting last night for the 10-year-old Southern California charity event. It was canceled last year by the Ventura, California authorities because of the club battle 600 miles away. The Beach Ride will live again next July and retain the name, although it looks like the next event will take place in Frazier Park only a few miles from Bakersfield.
We voted on the name last night and concluded wisely, I hope, to retain the “Beach Ride” name. Even if we have to drag palm trees and sand to the edge of the Fishing pond on the pine tree surrounded property in Frazier Park, it’ll be the beach ride.
It was also tentatively decided last night to raffle a bike for the charity that benefits from the ride, the Exceptional Children’s Foundation in Los Angeles. I’ll keep you posted.
HER BEST FEATURE–A young man moved into his new apartment in the city. On his wayto the mailboxes in the lobby, an attractive young lady came outof the apartment next to the mailboxes wearing only a robe.
The boy smiled at the young woman and she started a conversationwith him. As they talked, her robe slipped open, and it wasobvious that she had nothing else on.
The poor kid broke into a sweat trying to maintain eye contact.After a few minutes, she placed her hand on his arm andsaid, “Let’s go to my apartment, I hear someone coming.”
He followed her into her apartment; she closed the door and leanedagainst it, allowing her robe to fall off completely.
Now nude, she purred at him, “What would you say is my bestfeature?”Flustered and embarrassed, he finally squeaked, “It’s got to beyour ears!”
Astounded, and a little hurt she asked, “My ears? Look at thesebreasts; they are full and 100% natural! I work out every day! Mybutt is firm and solid! Look at my skin – no blemishes anywhere!How can you think that the best part of my body is my ears?”
Clearing his throat, he stammered, “Outside, when you said youheard someone coming? That was me.”
–from Ray R.

2003 CLASSIC TRIUMPH CALENDARS–The 2003 Classic Triumph Calendar is now available for retail and wholesaledistribution. Baxter Cycle, Inc. has produced the calendar in conjunctionwith Wolfgang Publications, a well-known publisher of motorcycle titles.
The calendar offers a twelve-month supply of various Triumph models.Each month features a brilliant color photograph of a different classicTriumph model, plus close-up photos highlighting interesting details on eachbike. Brief text offers insight into a bit of the history of thesefascinating machines.
Baxter Cycle is a motorcycle dealer with an emphasis on classic Britishmotorcycles. Twenty-five years of experience in buying and selling classicTriumphs, Nortons, BSA’s and other vintage European motorcycles has turnedthis thriving, small-town shop into a worldwide business.
Calendars are available for $15.95 plus $4.50 S&H from Baxter Cycle, Inc.Wholesale discounts offered on quantity orders. To order, call712-781-2395, FAX 712-781-2355. or email bikes Find themon the web at
MARNE, IA 51552
712-781-2351712-781-2355 FAX
DRINKING BIKERS BEWARE–A Bill has been introduced by New York Assembly members which mandates the installation of ignition interlock devices by 2005 on all new and second hand motor ve3hicles sold within the state. Further, all motor vehicles in New York should be equipped with such devices by 2006.
Ignition interlocking devices connect to the ignition system and preventa vehicle from being started without first determining the operator’s breath alcohol level.
–from The American Motorcycle Dealer News
HOT AIR BALLOON PILOT LOST– A man in a hot air balloon realized he was lost. He reduced altitude and spotted a woman below. He descended a bit more and shouted, “Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don’t know where I am.” The woman below replied, “You’re in a hot air balloon hovering approximately 30 feet above the ground. You’re between 40 and 41 degrees north latitude and between 59 and 60 degrees west longitude.”
“You must be an engineer,” said the balloonist.
“I am,” replied the woman, “How did you know?”
“Well,” answered the balloonist, “everything you told me is, technically correct, but I’ve no idea what to make of your information, and the fact is I’m still lost. Frankly, you’ve not been much help at all. If anything, you’ve delayed my trip.”
The woman below responded, “You must be in Management.”
“I am,” replied the balloonist, “but how did you know?”
“Well,” said the woman, “you don’t know where you are or where you’re going. You have risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise, which you’ve no idea how to keep, and you expect people beneath you to solve your problems. The fact is you are in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but now, somehow, it’s my fault.”
–from Chris T.

V-TWIN EXPO BACK IN CINNCINATI–For years the dealers who attended the Indy show complained that they had to wander through hordes of jet ski and dirt bike booths to see the Harley guys. Well Jim Betlach and his crew kicked off the V-Twin Expo in Cinncinati to create a dealer show just for the Harley aftermarket.
If you’re a dealer don’t miss it in February.

INDIAN PARTS CONNECTION–This is probably the longest enduring Indian connection in the country. Starklite Cycle ( in Riverside, California is now in their 60th year. “My father was the indian dealer in Akron, Ohio from 1918 to 1952,” said Bob Stark, the current owner. He started working in the dealership in 1944, and purchase his first Indian in 1949. In 1955 he obtained his degree in mechanical engineering. Now his son, Gary Stark, is the parts manager.
Starklite Cycle is responsible for manufacturing and distributing thousand of parts to keep old indians alive. Their parts book also contains dynamic tech tips to keep those puppies afloat. Drop them a line and order a catalog.
THE PICKLE SLICER– There once was this man, who worked in a pickle factory, who had this very great and powerful desire to put his penis in the pickle slicer.
This went on for years, and he couldn’t stand it, so he decided to seek professional help for this odd infatuation of his.
They up and tell the man that since his desire is so powerful to put his penis in the pickle slicer, the only way to get over it was to do it. The man gladly agrees and says he will do it the next day at work …
The next day he comes home from work about 11 AM. His wife is very worried and asks what happened. He explains to her, for the first time, the desire he has had to put his penis in the pickle slicer.
And then explains that he couldn’t take it any more and today he did it. She gasps and runs over to him, yanks down his pants and briefs, only to see his member perfectly normal and intact.
She looks back up and says I don’t understand … what happened to the pickle slicer?
“I think she got fired too.”
–from Miss Kris

RevTech(r) Chrome Single-Sided Swingarm Kit
Made from chrome-plated 6061-T6 aircraft-grade billet aluminum
Includes the swingarm assembly, RevTech(r) 4-piston caliper, brakerotor, brake bracket,polished splash guard, and domed hub caps.
Ride height is adjustable from 1″ under stock height to 1″ over (patentpending)
Innovative design maintains perfect alignment of the wheel and the belt
Works only with 18″ x 4″ RevTech(r) billet wheels (not included) withup to a 150-series tire
Quick installation utilizes the stock shocks, drive belt, fender andstruts
28348 –Fits Softail(r) models from 1986 thru 1999 –$2,999.00
600101 –Replacement stainless steel brake rotor –$94.99
Note: Does not work with solid pulleys and requires custom brake lines(not included).Chrome 18″ x 4″ RevTech(r) Rear Wheels

Only these wheels should be used with this kit.
642413-Spoke Swept –$999.99
64897RevPro(tm) Solid –$849.00
64532T-3 –$1,099.00
64412Grinder –$1,099.00
64452Wings –$1,099.00
64632Pulsar –$1,099.00
64232Spider –$1,099.00
64233Spike –$1,099.00
64234Meridian –$1,099.00
64235Airfoil 3 –$1,099.00
64236DF5 –$1,099.00
64814Inferno(r) –$1,099.00
63852Creep –$1,179.00
63881Style 53 –$1,179.00
63910Sabbath –$1,179.00
63939West Side –$1,179.00
63997Penta –$1,179.00
63617Doom –$1,600.00
63823The Wheel –$1,074.00
Chrome RevTech(r) Rear Belt Pulleys
65-Tooth –70-Tooth
4714447142Scorpion –$544.99
4713847136Stiletto –$544.99
47156471483-Spoke Swept –$544.99
4813948140RevPro(tm) Solid –$499.99
4811248113T-3 –$499.99
4810048101Grinder –$499.99
4810648107Wings –$499.99
4812048121Pulsar –$499.99
4723547238Spider –$539.99
4724547246Spike –$539.99
4729847299Meridian –$539.99
4723947240Airfoil 3 –$539.99
4722647225DF5 –$544.99
4723247231Inferno(r) –$544.99
4816348164Creep –$546.99
4816848169Style 53 –$546.99
4817348174Sabbath –$546.99
4817848179West Side –$546.99
4818848189Penta –$546.99
4818348184Doom –$546.99
4815848159The Wheel –$524.99 – USD $620 FOR SALE– Please note that after years, the registration on the domain was not renewed and this domain became available toregister.
Consequently, we have been approached to market this domain name that hasbeen tracked and registered by a client. As a result, isnow available from us for IMMEDIATE transfer.
With so many companies using these initials along with what many wouldconsider to be a genuine investment, we expect to find an interested partyfor this excellent .com.
Please note that transfers take just 15 minutes and are extremelystraightforward – absolutely NO technical knowledge is required!
If you would like to use for your online business,please contact us at your earliest convenience – we will be on hand shouldyou require any further assistance or information.
E m p t y N e s t r o g e n–Highly effective suppository that eliminates melancholy by enhancing the memory of how awful they were as teenagers and how you couldn’t wait till they moved out.?????
THAT’S IT–I’m outta here. A woman now wants to shoot a documentary as Mike Lichter and I finish our “Badlands” book project. We’ll be riding north to Oregon, then East to Phoenix, Denver, Kansas City and south to New Orleans. You may see chapters of the book in the Cantina and in American Rider. Hang on as we move forward. I’m embarrassed to say that the documentary may be aired on the Discovery Channel.
Have a helluva weekend.