Continued From Page 1

GUARD GETS FIVE YEARS FOR HAVING SEX WITH INMATE–ABOUT TIME–VERO BEACH — A fired Indian River County prison guard, found guilty of having sex with a female inmate he was transporting, was sentenced Tuesday to the maximum of five years in state prison.
Carl Lewis, 35, didn’t speak before he was sentenced by Indian River Judge Cynthia Cox. A jury of five women and two men found Lewis guilty of sexual activity with an inmate following a trial Sept. 11. The jury found Lewis innocent of two counts of sexual battery involving other female inmates.
At sentencing, Detective James Hyde, who testified at the trial on behalf of the state, recommended the maximum penalty for Lewis.”These crimes have definitely tarnished the reputation of the sheriff’s office and law enforcement as a whole,” he told the judge.

NEW PROJECT COMING FROM KUSTOM FAB IN HAWAII– I have these photo’s of Mel’s bike start to finish, he said you might beinterested in using them. If you want I can send you photos from concept tofinish.
— Darren
We’re all for it. Check the last Kustom Fab build in the bike feature and tech area. You’ll see it from start to finish.

MOTORCYCLE GANGS OR MOTORCYCLE MAFIA?–by Sergeant Steve Tretheway Arizona Department of Public Safetyand Lieutenant Terry Katz Criminal Intelligence Division, Maryland State Police
Once considered nothing more than rowdy toughs on two-wheelers, motorcycle gangs have evolved into crime units that are sufficiently well-oiled and well-organized to rival the Mafia. It’s not just police officers who lump these groups together. Documented evidence in state, provincial and federal courts throughout the United States, Canada, Europe and Australia suggests that motorcycle gangs have become organized crime entities equal to the Mafia on many fronts. Biker gangs are organized internationally, with chapters in Europe, Australia, South America and Africa. As retired Illinois State Police Sergeant Joe Satercier noted in 1993 at a Chicago-area Outlaw Motorcycle Gang training seminar, “Biker gangs are the only sophisticated organized crime groups that we export from the United States.”
The international problem has become clearer through Interpol’s “Project Rockers,” which demonstrated that American-based motorcycle gangs such as the Bandidos, Hell’s Angels and Outlaws (three of the larger gangs) use their networks to spread criminal activity overseas. Indeed, at least six motorcycle gangs in the United States now have chapters outside the country’s borders. The Hell’s Angels gang alone has chapters in 20 countries and is expanding so rapidly that it’s difficult to keep up withprospective new chapters. By moving outside the United States, biker gangs can enhance their international criminal connections through involvement with the Italian Mafia, Columbian cartels and other organized crime enterprises.
The gangs’ own mottos, however, offer insight as to how they should be viewed:Hell’s Angels: “Three people will keep a secret if two are dead.”Outlaws: “God forgives, Outlaws don’t.”Bandidos: “We are the people that our parents warned us about.”
Motorcycle gangs are recognized as organized crime not only by the FBI, but also by other police agencies and courts throughout the United States. Within the past two years, Australia and Canada have successfully used immigration laws to prohibit organized crime members–such as non-citizen members of Hell’s Angels–from entering their countries. Although Canada’s laws were initially designed to keep the Mafia out, they have been interpreted to include all organized crime, and these exclusions are based on documentation that outlaw motorcycle gangs are international criminal organizations.
–National Gang Investigators
–from Rogue

If this blonde is single in California, give Jose a call!!!
BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT– Southern California is burning, and burn it will since I’m heading over next week!! Hide the blondes…. brunettes and redheads….Now joking aside, I hope every one of our readers in Cali is safe and well. Disasters like that are not wished upon our worst enemies. I really hope the fire gets contained at least, sure we can deal with yuppies and Twinkies and the latest shit heads on neo choppers, but loosing a lifetime of memories, and like George Carlin says “stuff” has to be a “flattening” experience.
The Love Ride is taking place and like last year, I’m heading over to visit/ take the Bikernet Headquarters by force. I get to see friends and hang out at Jesse’s No Love party. Jay Hodge, the infamous foam sucker/board shaper will be my partner in crime, I hope we don’t end up on CNN. I’ve already got reports that Irish Rich and Fabricator Kevin are heading to the West coast; let’s see what kind of trouble we can get into. Maybe we can create a heavy-duty distraction at the Monster Garage, let?s see….

One of the choppers we are re-doing with the owner Antonio
Ah, Los Angeles, the land of the high maintenance, big breasted blondes. Unlike last year when I was still “new” to the single scene, now it’s guerilla mode and Rambo will look like a wimp.Let’s see which chick and which bike I can manage to steal from the mighty Bandit. There’s already a plan on cutting off his protein shakes and doubling the doses of Jack, yeap I figured out the weak side…Beware !
Now on another subject…..We heard in Biketoberfest that Merch went out of business, too bad that those motors are no longer available, again this was an “inside” scoop so I don’t know for sure but we will find out pretty soon. While hanging out with our mutual friend Frank Kaisler, we traded some sarcasm and he passed on some of his photos so I could post them on my site. Frank has the most amazing archive of chick photos from events, so I decided to add an Eye Candy section. While I shoot a hundred photos or so, Franks shoots thousands. I guess that’s why he’s the pro.

Melanie and Jose in Biketoberfest
Melanie from exotic dancers of is sending a disc, also a few of the guys that were there, so we will have a very solid gallery of what went on Biketoberfest 2003.
We are working hard for the upcoming event in Puerto Rico. I’m trying to finish all the bikes I have, and the planning goes ahead. We are still trying to close the deal with some industry friends who will show up, and as soon as I know, everyone here will. We also heard that our own Crazy Horse is getting a V-Rod, there goes the neighborhood (fact or fiction?)
On the ChopperFreak front we are getting ready for the Holidays; new shirts, jackets, work shirts and caps are on the way. We are shooting a couple bikes for The Horse, and you guessed it, with hot chicks on them….Keep the eyes peeled.

The first bike I ever customized, called a Tuca in Puerto Rico
And now to end this babbling, to my readers, the ones that enjoy my antics week after week…… I know I’ve been kind of mild lately, not my intention I should claim, but we have been really busy and time for the weekly report is less than desirable, so I’m kind of holding back. Anyway, I raked amazing amounts of bashing material at that circus we call Biketoberfest, so sooner or later, the stories will come…I promise.
–Later, Jose Bikernet Caribbean Reporter on the loose
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