Continued from Page 2

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN LIVE–Just got back from Biketoberfest, amazing how crowded it was. We expectedless people since, as we all know, the past events had dampened a lot ofactivities, but no, not a Biker event. Actually it was way too crowded,just a bit less than the dreaded Bike Week some are already claiming100,000 , which is a lot more than ever before.
I would dare to say that most bikes sported Florida tags, lots of Georgiaand other southern states, lots of newbies cracking their brand new dragpipes at all hours, and cops had a great time shutting them up.
Jesse James showed up in a Yamaha R-1, (yeap a Jap bike) and had a verycool Chevy 2 in his booth.Bourget’s had the new EX models and was seen riding one of his RetroChoppers, Billy Lane was riding around in his new Knuckle, and chopperswere seen left and right. Arlen Ness has a new shop next door to Carl’swhich displayed a banner saying Arlen Ness Customs.
We had a great time (andmissed Bandit) at The Horse party,all the magazine crew was there, and the best display of choppers inDaytona was at the parking lot, great time was had by all, and finally wewere able to talk to friends without the hussle people trying to takephotos and talk to the “famous” builders. The fun was over and as soon aswe hit the island was back to the bikes, WCC number 2 and number 3 are onthe mock stages, will send photos as the work progresses. Oh well, and nowto the news.
The Horse had a great party at Willy’s Honky Tonk bar, I would dare to sayone of the few bars in Daytona that allow colors. Hammer, Geno and crewwere there to say hi and plan on the future of the already very succesfulmagazine, seems like the plan is to do a party every year, we hope so.
Jesse James and the West Coast guys were camped at the parking lot of thenew bar and grill The Wreck, yes it was always crowded with people tryingto get a glimpse of Jesse and buy some shirts. Some really cool choppersand cars were in display as well as to Jap bikes that were used astransportation. Jesse says he will get the whole parking lot for Bike Week,can’t wait to see what are they up to, something cool , I’m sure.
The unveiling of the V-Rod by our local dealer was a huge success, theytell me it was so crowded that people could not get into , get this, theparking lot! Also there were a bunch of Rubbies at hand trying to buy thebike right there and then.
We spent some time with our friends at Custom Works in Daytona, to me thebest and most complete shop there, plus they keep expanding and will havemore space for bike week to serve you better, if there call them, tell themwe sent you.
Also we took the Road King to Carl’s Speed shop, we needed to remap thePowercomander, this ended up being a quick and thorough job, including afew dyno runs to do it properly, and at a great price. It helped that wedid this before the heavy crowds showed up.
We were looking for a Buell Blast, we think it would be a cool shop bikeand the best bike for Yoly to learn how to do burn outs and wheelies,Daytona Harley had a couple, so we went in to inquire, I asked for thesalesperson wich ended up being a dude called Dave, jeez what an ass, afterbeing extremely rude and basically kicking me out of his office ’cause hewas too busy and “in the middle of a deal” Too bad since I had the crisplettuce burning my pocket, and I did tell him so. Now I know why I keepdoing our own bikes and being glad I don’t have to deal with guys likethat. Thanks again Dave.
While standing in Main Street I found hope in the law enforcement officialsonce more, a very efficient cop was giving verbal warnings and pointing atpeople that were, sort of, breaking the law. I’m sure he could have ticketeda lot of people but chose not to, like a normal cop (not the ones inSturgis). A simple warning seemed to be enough. I’m surely hoping that he isthe one that pulls me over the next time.
Watch The Horse (subscriptions sold on Bikernet), we will be featuring an article every month, new and oldbikes alike, plus a run or two, all from Puerto Rico.It all starts with the2002 issues.
Oh well gotta get out of here, bikes 2 and 3 are waiting for me, plusanother sporty on the works. Maybe by 2005 I will have a life oncemore……and to the Weasels, action speak louder than words.
–Jose, Caribbean Bikernet Agent.

RAY RUSSELL REPORTS FROM AUSTRALIA–Our man Down Under was seen at a race with a famous… Hell, we don’t know. Fill us in.
CONFIRMATION NEEDED–In a classic case of Cheech and Chong redux, two morons from Melborne,halfway down Florida’s East Coast, flew their Piper Cub this week on ameandering course from Pensacola in the Panhandle towards the tiny coastaltown of Crystal River, just north of Tampa.
There they lingered, flying slow, lazy circles above the manatees,canoeists, scenic freshwater springs…and Florida Power Corp.’s CrystalRiver nuclear power station.
Until, that is, two Air Force F-16’s promptly appeared alongside and forcedthem to the local runway. Where they were arrested. And their 65 pounds ofonboard pot, and a shiny new Glock, was confiscated. Bail: $250,000. Lawenforcement’s reaction: priceless.
WE ARE MUCH TOO CIVILIZED TO DO THIS NOW………… TOO BAD ! General John ‘Black Jack’ Pershing – USMA class of’86 (that’s 1886).
He?showed us how to stop Islamic terrorists when he was in command of the?garrison in the Philippines in 1911. There had been numerous Islamic terrorist attacks, so “Black Jack” told his boys to catch some of the terrorists alive.
Having done so, General Pershing intended to teach them a lesson. He forced?the terrorists to dig their own graves and then tied them all toposts,?execution style. Knowing they welcomed the chance to die a martyr for?Allah, General Pershing had several pigs slaughtered in front of the terrorists and instructed his soldiers to dip their bullets in theblood?and?fat of the pigs. Thus, the terrorists were terrorized; they saw that?they?would be contaminated with the blood of pigs, which would mean that they?could not enter Heaven, even though they would die as terroristmartyrs.
All but one was shot, their bodies dumped into the grave, and the hog guts?dumped atop the bodies. The lone survivor was allowed to escape back to?the?terrorist camp and tell his brethren what happened to the others. This?brought a stop to terrorism in the Philippines for the next 50 years.
DIXIE RIDER SCUTTLEBUTT– I just hung up the phone with Scott Goodknight and I’m excited. Not about Scott or anything weird like that….I mean he’s a nice guy and all, but hey, I’m strictly a T & A kinda guy….
Anyway, before I tell you about that, I wanted to remind you that there are still some great events to attend……The Gulf Coast Thunder is going on this weekend in Biloxi Mississippi. If you get the chance, ride over to the Gulf Coast Civic Center right there on the coast highway and tell them I sent ya! Next weekend is the Steel Pony Express?is down the road in Naw’?Leans (New?Orleans for you illiterate folks!) and then it’s home for the holidays. I hope to see you at one or both of these events.
Speaking of events, we’ve finally gotten some pictures of the Labor Day blowout at the Steel Horse Saloon up on our site. Check it out at Now about that special deal. Scott Goodknight, the founder of the American Bikers Guide. These are the folks that put out those super rally maps. The ones drawn by Thunder. Thunder draws the “Jaded” cartoon for us every month. Anyhoo, American Bikers Guide has printed a Bikers Atlas that lists hundreds of events in 2002 and a whole bunch of rally maps and maps of major metro areas. There is also a helmet law status map and a rally locator map. In short, it’s a great book to have, or to give as a gift. Seriously. We don’t endorse very much, and this one gets the nod. This book is going to sell for $19.95 from dealers across the country, but for the next?5 days, everyone who responds to this email will?save $ 6.45!. (Your price is $13.50) But, (there’s always a butt, isn’t there?) You have to act BEFORE midnight on Wednesday October 31.? After that, and you’ll have to pay full price, or wait until your dealer gets their shipment. Limit one dozen per customer. STICKER PROJECT–We’re working on a line of stickers with a down under artist, Tokes. This is a black and white sample before the color is splashed into all the right places. Watch for ’em comin’ up. If you need stickers, this is the company we’re working with along with Jesse James. BIKERNET TRAVEL RECOMMENDATIONS–A young guy from Texas moves to California and goes to a big departmentstore looking for a job. The manager says, “Do you have any sales experience?” The kid says, “Yeah, I was a salesman back home in Texas.” Well, the boss liked the kid, so he gave him the job. “You start tomorrow.I’ll come down after we close and see how you did.” His first day on the job was rough but he got through it. After the storewas locked up, the boss came down. “How many sales did you make today?” The kid says, “One.” The boss says, “Just one? Our sales people average 20 or 30 sales a day. How much was the sale for?” Kid says, “$101,237.64.” Boss says, “$101,237.64? What did you sell him?” Kid says, “First I sold him a small fish hook. Then I sold him a mediumfish hook. Then I sold him a larger fish hook. Then I sold him a newfishing rod. Then I asked him where he was going fishing, and he said downat the coast, so I told him he was gonna need a boat, so we went down tothe boat department, and I sold him that twin engine Chris Craft. Then hesaid he didn’t think his Honda Civic would pull it, so I took him down tothe automotive department and sold him that 4X4 Blazer.” The boss says, “A guy came in here to buy a fish hook and you sold him aboat and truck?” Kid says, “No, he came in here to buy a box of tampons for his wife, and Isaid, ‘Well, since your weekend’s shot, you might as well go fishing!” –Max THINK ABOUT THIS–After the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, which killed six andinjured1,000, President Clinton promised that those responsible would behunteddown and punished. After the 1995 bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed five U.S.military personnel, Clinton promised that those responsible would behunteddown and punished. After the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed 19responsible would be hunted down and punished. After the 1998 bombing of U.S. embassies in Africa, which killed 224and injured 5,000, Clinton promised that those responsible would behunted down and punished. After the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole, which killed 17 and injured 39U.S. sailors, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunteddown and punished. Maybe if Clinton had kept his promise, an estimated 7,000 people wouldbe alive today. This question was raised on a Philly radio call-in show. Withoutcasting stones, it is a legitimate question.”There are two men, both extremely wealthy. One develops relativelyinexpensive software used by tens of millions of people and giveshundreds of millions of dollars to charity. The other sponsorsterrorism.That being the case, why is it that the US government has spent moremoney chasing down Bill Gates over the past ten years than Osama binLaden?” –Dan CANTINA WINNERS ROCK– If you joint the Cantina and support the Bikernet Crew every 10th winner gets a signed copy of my latest book, Sam “Chopper” Orwell.Here’s the latest list of winners: Mike Bradshaw William Nelson John Boaz Thomas Willingham THAT’S IT– We’ve dumped the news on you today, ’cause a crane is coming to the headquarters tomorrow to deliver to small cells to the back yard to imprison writers who can’t make their deadlines or women who try to escape. We’ll have pictures over the weekend. The Blue Flame was sold to a long time rider who hadn’t been on a bike in a while. Get this, he wanted to slap the cash on Micah McCloskey’s desk recently when his wife talked him out of the radical chop for a new Road King. So he rolled down to Bartels’ on the coast and plucked a new jet black Road King off the floor, but after a week of riding the King he took it to Micah McCloskey’s Custom Motorcycles and told him, “Sell this sucker. It’s not me. I’ve got to have the Blue Flame!”He’s had the bike for a couple of weeks and loves every minute of it. Choppers Rule. I’m waiting on my visas for the world wide adventure. We’ve got a serious line-up of articles and new plans for the site while I’m away. Each week a bubbly little travel maven calls and throws another date on the table. I was packing my seabag for shipping out the week before the Love Ride then the teletype report came in that the ship’s hold caught fire and it’s stuck for repairs in the Panama Canal. I’m pacing the hardwood decks. I’m going to drag out the ’48 Pan and go for a ride.–Bandit
Hot Springs, AR
Greer, SC
Whittier, CA
Oakland, CA 94607