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V-ROD GIVEAWAY TIME!!!–That’s the line at the head of an e-mail I received from California H-D in Lomita. Can’t find anything more on the subject. I’m still looking.

BIKERNET TAHITIAN RUN FOR KIDS–We’re working with T Bear (above) on a bike tour of Tahiti with 20 of our closest friends, to support the island kids’ facilities. Bikernet never does anything using the Biker Book Of Hoil. We’ve got to break rules. So here’s the deal as it stands. We take 20 riders to Tahiti for six days, of island drinks, island hopping, warm pristine waters and island riding. We’ll drag along Bikernet staff, and a handful of well known builders for this week getaway to some of the most beautiful islands in the Pacific.
Stay tuned.

ASPHALT COWBOY MOVIE PROJECT REPORT–The slow process of bringing a biker movie to life plods on. This movie project is based on one of Ball’s book outlines. Here’s recent scriblings from one of the producers:
Happy Halloween to you. We are expecting to speak with Stephen Baldwin this week,as he is back from Hawaii and bound for Montreal to shoot a film for fourweeks. I finally got a signed agreement for Conrad yesterday and now wewill begin creating the Production Board and planning production. It’s anarduous task, but necessary to begin serious discussions with productioncrew, etc.
When we finish with that we will be ready to discuss locationsand hope that we can shoot the begining of the film in San Pedro and useyour garage for one of the scenes, as well. The script needs a majorre-write, which we couldn’t start before contracts were complete and we havehad to have the whole script re-typed, as Conrad had a computer crash and noreadable e-version of the script.
Take care and we will keep you posted,
–Linda and Michael

DAVIE ALLAN CUTS NEW RECORD–We’re doing a demo cover this weekend and then we’ll start shopping it. I have no label, no agent, no manager… representation at all but what I do know is that this is the best damn “Arrows” album ever!!!
Next year marks 40 years since my first recording was released and I never felt the magic before like I do with this new one.

NEW JOHN COVINGTON SURGICAL STEED– It’s a Steed Bronco ‘NOglide’. It’s not on the ‘Chassis De jour’ long down tube stretch, more of a Frisco Bobber. New CCI fake knuckle with a 6- speed kicker, tunneled tank, cool 2-1/2″ pipes by me, big 250 tire, OEM H-D Springer with the fender tabs cut off, along with some other interesting ‘chopper’ type stuff.
He just built this for a guy in Denver, and he’s picking it up next week. John asked about a feature in the HORSE. Here’s what he said, “If you think the Horse would be interested, and not put it on their Coon-Tail page, please forward it.
–John Covington

BIKERNET PARENTAL ADVICE– Have recieved alot af advice from older people.Much was wasted because when I was young I didn’t always listen. Those gemswerewell and good, but the one I remember most.
“Son, Don’t marry a woman with big hands. It makes your dick look smaller.”
–from Rogue
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