Continued From Page 2

LOOKING FOR A GOOSENECK FRAME–They’re available on line through Bikernet’s Shopping Gulch in the Chrome Specialties area. Check it out. Part number 170378. Yep, it’s a rigid for $1299.

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT– Yes, I’m back in the tropics but not for long. Next week we will pay a visit to the Bikernet headquarters. It’s something I must do. The promises of my new Porsche, a first class ticket and accommodations on Bandit’s coin is something impossible to refuse, yeap twist my arm. I’m heading to the land of freeways, silicone implants and sick choppers. I hope the chateau San Pedro is ready for us, yes us, the Choppers Inc. masters of disaster will be following closely. I’m sure this will be a story to tell our kids, if we end up having any, but for now, let’s do this, one more week.
As always I received an e-mail of some Bozo, like I say, one out of twenty ain’t that bad. Almost always the Bozo e-mail is the one who makes me think the most, so here we go. Yessir..fully editorial rampage tonight, just because it’s Halloween. To make things short and not give too much importance to the aforementioned individual, the claim was that since I’m from Puerto Rico and did not fight in the second big war, nor was an Angel, I could not be talking about or building choppers because my roots were as far as they can be from all this ??? In other words, most of us can’t talk, nor build, nor say stuff about other bikes since we are not part of those three things. My choice in building motorcycles, riding rigids, or doing whatever I damn please has nothing to do with my homeland, or my war attendance (I was not even remotely born then) or my membership to a club. I sort of understand what he was saying, I lack the background basics for the true chopper hardcore culture. Maybe so, but…

Anyway, the freedom that we all cherish is the freedom to do as we damn please with our lives. I can bash any Softail, Road King or rubber mount that I please. It’s called freedom of speech buckoo… But you know what, and since we are on this line of thought, sometimes when people read stuff, they should read between the lines. I really don’t give a rats ass what you ride or what you do with your freedom. To some it might be interesting to read other viewpoints, to some the coolest thing in the world is a Road Kill, do you think that because of Bandit buying a Road King that I don’t think is cool or my respect towards him changed, Hell no!!! He has paid more dues than all of us together.
It’s the Biffs and Buffy’s of this ” lifestyle” who I make fun of, the posers, the wannabees, the pretenders. True I was not born into this culture, but at least I don’t put my chaps on every Sunday, get on my brand new factory whatever and pretend to be a Harley encyclopedia, bad ass, road warrior. I live and breath these fucking cycles day in and day out, year after year…. To me it’s not a fashion statement, nor the latest cool thing to do, it’s a way of life, here in Puerto Rico or in Katmandu, and I don’t have to take my newest priced possession to the ” authorized” dealer for a burnt light bulb. I can kick a damn bike and ride with a jockey shift. These are now rarities in our ” culture” I guess we just respect our peers because they don’t pretend to be what they are not, Softail, rubber mount, rigid or not. We like certain bikes because we can. Everyone develops a certain taste for certain stuff. Some like brunettes, others Asians, some like rigid choppers , some like Softails….The beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I would not be caught dead on a HOG ride, and I have absolutely nothing against them. It’s just not my style, not my kind of people. I rather be wrenching on a broken down chopper with friends that ” enjoying” the ultra reliability of the TC (yeah right !!). I rather be getting soaken wet than have a windshield. It’s what I prefer. To me old is cool, less is more, choppers rule, and posers suck.
And now to the news…….
Congratulations to Jesse James and his new bride, they tied the noose last week, we wish them both the best.

Congratulations to Billy Lane and Rumble Customs from Canada the two new Camel Road House builders. Jim Nasi and Jesse James are stepping down from the honors. All I can say is that Billy’s bike is gonna be wicked….Buy as you know, what happens here, what you see here, and what is talked here…..Stays HERE !
I just read Chuck Zito’s new book Street Justice, another cool book, it’s more or less the story of his life and the rules in which he lives it. I think if there was more people like Chuck this would be a better world. It’s worth a read.
Like we said, we are heading to California, the Love Ride and Jesse’s No love Party, it promises to be lots of fun and chock full of mishaps…stay tuned…
The San Juan HOG chapter will have their annual Caribbean Rally Nov 21 to 25th. There’s still spaces available (you can take mine). They will ride around the island, on their latest 100th anniversary bikes, blinding and boring people as they go by…..Don’t miss it. It’s a great ride, plus a good time to try out how loud your drag pipes really are (do not apply if under warranty).

Crazyhorse from the Bikernet stable gettin’ crazy at Biketoberfest.
I want to thank everyone who we met at Biketoberfest and only had good things to say about my stuff in Bikernet and the Horse (even if you were lying). It’s really great to hear people actually liking our work. There was also a lot of people talking about me busting Bandit’s balls about the Road kill, thanks for the encouragement….For those who said that you did not like it….go suck an egg (actually there were none).
Issue 28 of The Horse is already out, cool articles and cool photos of the Smoke Out, I believe even Bandit managed to stay in the infernal heat long enough to get his photo taken. Speaking of taken, don’t even think about the Horse Maiden….
Our friend Mike Maldonado is back at it and in full force. Check his stuff out at Heavy Cycle Customs, it’s on the web.
Also our friend the Sheriff from Sweden got back from his trip to Japan, check out this cool site of the people he was hanging out with

Paul Cox’s creation.
We had time to meet with Indian Larry and Paul Cox from Gasoline Alley in NYC, we have all seen Indian Larry’s bike, but Paul had a really cool choppa with the fliest girder front end I’ve ever seen.
Keep an eye for our Biketoberfest report, the regulars, like Crazy Horse, Frank and yours truly will bring you a kaleidoscope (did I spell that right?) of reports. A wild variety, besides all the naked chicks at Lollipops…..Coming soon to a web site near you…..
Our web site Well that’s about it for this week. Gotta go hide before the kids with masks come knocking at the door with Uzis and Glocks. I guess now days it’s treat or lead….See ya next week. PS: Any gripes, praise or gifts please direct them to –Jose “Hardly Dangerous prestigious reporter of the day” award winning Caribbean Report. YANKEE OPENER–Bill and Hillary were at the Yankee’s home opener, sitting in the firstrow, with the Secret Service people directly behind them. One of theSecret Service guys leaned forward and said something to Bill. Clintonstared at the guy, looked at Hillary, looked back at the agent, and shruggedhis shoulders. Then he picked up Hillary by the coat collar and theseat of her pants, and dropped her right over the wall into the field. She’skicking and swearing and screaming, and the crowd goes wild. They’recheering, applauding, and high-fiving. Bill is bowing and smiling, when theagent leans forward and says: “I said, they want you to throw out thefirst PITCH!” –from Bob T. HARLEY-DAVIDSON AUTHORIZED RENTALS & TOURS WELCOMES EAGLERIDER TO TOUR OPERATOR PROGRAMMILWAUKEE Continuing to offer the most exclusive and exhilarating motorcycle tours available, Harley-Davidson Authorized Rentals & Tours announces the addition of tour operator, EagleRider, to their Authorized Tours family. Now motorcyclists have even more options to select from for their next motorcycling adventure. Continued On Page 4