Continued From Page 3

HALLOWEEN PHOTO SOURCE–Well, here they are, the Tacoma Chapter ABATE of Washington Halloween party photos. I certainly hope you guys got your high speed cable connection already. If not, let me know and I’ll send fewer per e-mail. I’ll try to get a couple more race shots done, but its late again and I’m still at the office – again.

DEAL OF THE WEEK– ’94 Sportster Rolling Chassis/ Clean 883 title, forward controls, wide drags on 4″riser, shiny wirewheels, 21″ up front, PM brake,stretch 4 gal tank, dragger front fend, Corbinrear w/flush brake and licence. Lots of chrome, new pipes, short shocks,newlow profile seat. Only $2500.

TECH TIP OF THE WEEK–We are planning to install an oil cooler on the King, but a reader responded to the suggestion with the following. He recommends a Jagg unit because of the routing of the oil lines on the stock job: Yeah, on the Jagg setup, there are two nipples on the oil filter fittingthat reside under the oil filter when it is in place. The oil lines hook upthere and run toward the front of the bike where they hook up to the Jaggoil cooler ( either the real Jagg horizontal oil cooler or the “Jagg asmarketed by H-D” oil cooler) . Short and sweet!!
If you want to add inthe manual switch to turn off the oil flow to the oil cooler, it fits neatlyin the oil lines between filter adapter and oil cooler….just cut the linesand insert the switch.
Jagg makes another type of oil cooler that hangs outin the wind off the left front frame leg and can be used with the Jagg oilfilter adapter as well, but it just does not look good hanging out therelike that….I prefer the horizontal one installed on the voltage regulatormount instead.
NATIONAL ID CARD COMING–A national Identification card — complete with biometric identifiers, such as fingerprints or retinal scans — is coming. Only it’s not being called that. House Resolution 4633 — the Driver’s License Modernization Act of 2002 — would effectively create a national ID if it’s passed.
“The bill would require each state to adopt a uniform standard for driver’s licenses and link their motor vehicle databases to a central computer registry….It would make use of “encoded biometric data matching the holder of the license or card.”
“In other words, American citizens who have never committed any crime would be subject to fingerprinting (or something similar, such as a retinal scan) and compelled to carry a card with an embedded computer chip containing reams of personal information…
“As Eric Skrum of the National Motorists Association put it recently: “Ultimately, anybody in any state with a card reader would be able to look up your personal driving record, credit rating, Social Security number, health information, personal address, and anything else the government would force you to divulge in order to ‘voluntarily’ obtain a driver’s license.”
“They can call it whatever they want, but the end result will be the same. This bill should be rejected as being incompatible with a free society.”
–from Rogue

BASSANI PRO-STREET–Bar Hoppers, Street Scorchers and just about any Harley rider looking to enhance the performance and appearance of his, or her, machine are going to be hard pressed to find an exhaust system that even comes close to these new PRO-STREET pipes from Bassani. Aggressive “Let’s-get-it-on” styling combined with superior exhaust flow characteristics put the latest from the Bassani works in a class all their own. Offered for Softail, Dyna and Sportster applications, Bassani PRO-STREET pipes feature 16-gauge steel construction with stepped head pipes, rugged, show quality hard chrome finish, slant or straight cut tips and Bassani’s unique tunable/replaceable flow-through baffle system.
PRO-STREET pipes by Bassani retail for $359.00 and are available exclusively from North County Customs. Call 866-439-4287 or catch them on the Web at

PERMATEX LOCTITE ARTICLE COMING–John Covington today submitted a tech article on the use of Loctite. We’ll have it posted in the next couple of days. Check out the bikes John builds at

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN– Introducing Tom Fritz on his newest Oil painting: “What It Takes”.”Although this is a depiction of a rider in a signature posture, I intentionally chose a vantage point which obscured pertinent details of his act in order to direct focus to the rider himself — all gussied-up in his leather, attitude, and righteous pretensions.””I strove to depict self-assuredness. Confidence. Getting his highs. Making it happen. (While doing all this, the title came from some dusty corner of my noggin during the painting and stuck.) It?s one of a thousand moments on a bike where he is caught, sucked in by his addictions, playing the game, doing it instead of talking about it. – Experiencing a soulful connection between a himself and the machine; a relationship that transcends the motorcycle and is part of my mission – to focus on the grandness of the art of riding and the spirit of it all.”
This original oil painting is 23 x 30 (33 x 41 framed). To date every painting that Tom has painted has sold immediately. The price, framed and shipped, is $21,000. Dealer price is $14,750. First come, first serve! HALLOWEEN TIDBIT– “I think that’s how Chicago got started. A bunch of people in New York said, ‘Gee, I’m enjoying the crime and the poverty, but it just isn’t cold enough. Let’s go west.’ ” – Richard Jeni –from Kris B.

BIKERNET DRAG RACING CORRESPONDENT–Unleashed her new digital camera at the Las Vegas drags recently. Drag racing has a tough time building and obtaining sponsors, but with Screamin’ Eagle they are making some headway.
We’re also looking for a Sponsor for our Drag Racing coverage, so we can continue to send Helen to events.
NEW BIKER NOVEL RELEASED–The author of Hog Fever recently unleased his next book, LIFE, DEATH AND DIVORCE ON THE ROAD TO STURGIS, on all the riders who have experienced a ride to Sturgis while fighting relationship wars. I know Richard La Plante who wrote a series of gruesome crime dramas including Praying Mantis. Christopher Reynolds of the L A Times said, “The result is an offbeat, perplexing book, full of sustained soul searching, unpunished speed limit violations, the occasional raw, true moment and much loving descprition of custom bikes.”You might want to check it out. If you’re looking for Hog Fever, we have a couple of copies for sale in the Bikernet Gulch.

JON TOWLE’S BRUSH STROKES–Jon is creating some new art for the home page. This is just an example of many to come, if he sobers up and his daughter unties him. We’ll keep you posted.

Jon is also building a Sportster from parts donated to the starving artist, by Richard Kransler, Hackasaw, Concrete Pete and Bikernet. When he got it, it was nearly a running mid ’70s Sporty. It’s never run since. We’ll sneak some shots of it soon.

TRICK OR TREAT MOFO–May the night be eery, the moon be full and your chrome reflect the neon of the nightclubs in your area. Speaking of Tricks check that scoot, claiming to be the world’s largest scoot.
I knew there was something more evil to add, but I’m at a loss. Maybe is was the margarita, maybe her costume. Have a helluva Halloween. May it be cool, full or romance, burn-outs, fist fights and hot costumes. Ride Forever.