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BILLY LANE CLEARED IN FIRST NORTH CAROLINA DUI CASE– Custom motorcycle builder and TV personality Billy Lane, appearing Thursday in a North Carolina court, was found not guilty of driving a motorcycle while intoxicated after a three-hour trial before a judge.
Lane had refused to take a Breathalyzer test after being stopped in June. The refusal forced the suspension of his driver’s license, but also left prosecutors without any evidence to present in a Rowan County court.Lane’s attorney, James Davis, called several witnesses who testified that Lane drank only one beer that night in North Carolina.
Lane, however, still faces DUI and “driving with a suspended license causing a death” charges in Brevard County after a Sept. 4 head-on crash on State Road A1A that left a motorcycle rider dead.Because his license was revoked in North Carolina, he had lost his right to drive in Florida at the time of the fatal accident.
“Regardless of the outcome in North Carolina, he was still driving with a suspended license when he got involved in the crash at Brevard County,” said Sgt. Michael Brown of the Florida Highway Patrol.”We have our own case,” Brown said. “The investigators are confident they have a good case against Mr. Lane.”

SUCKER PUNCH SALLY?S RELOCATES MANUFACTURING FACILITY TO ARIZONA–Oct. 06, 2006 (Scottsdale, AZ) Sucker Punch Sally?s announced today it is moving its manufacturing facility to Scottsdale, Arizona in order to better serve customers and fully develop a dealer network. Donny Loos and Jeff Cochran, co-owners of Sucker Punch Sally?s, believe Arizona is the perfect place to set up shop to accomplish their goals. Donny and Jeff picked Scottsdale because it is home to many custom bike builders and manufacturers, has great test-riding weather, and has a trained workforce that will enable Sucker Punch Sally?s to boost their production capabilities. They are hoping to add 6-10 new dealers in the first year and believe that their new manufacturing facility will enable them to do that. Donny and Jeff want to ensure all bikes with the Sucker Punch Sally?s name are of the highest quality possible and still maintain an affordable price, therefore; the co-owners will continue to be involved in every step of the manufacturing process at the new facility.

?We feel like this is the natural progression for us. We have been backed-up on our builds lately and have had to tell customers we won?t be able to get them a bike finished for two to three months. This move is the only logical solution to better serve our customers. Moving our manufacturing facility to Arizona will enable us to deliver our manufactured bikes quicker and also create a dealer network, something we think will help get our bikes out there to a wider audience. We are keeping the custom aspect in Ohio, where Jeff and I can continue to produce one-off bikes that customers are willing to wait a little more time for.? Said Loos.
Sucker Punch Sally?s is built on old school values. Donny and Jeff have always tried to keep their bikes affordable, so regular, working class people can afford them. ?We have never followed any trends in the industry. Our philosophy has always been the same?we want to build cool looking, old school choppers that are affordable. This move will enable us to improve on that philosophy by allowing us to continue to sell bikes at reasonable prices and boost our production at the same time. We will continue to build one-offs and do R&D at the Ohio facility, so essentially nothing is changing as far as that goes, but the Arizona facility will allow us the manpower to build more production bikes and rollers.? Said Cochran. Sucker Punch Sally?s retail and custom shop, located in Miamitown, OH, will continue to be home to Donny and Jeff?s custom creations, as well as parts development and research and development for new models.

You can visit Sucker Punch Sally?s on the Web at or call them at (513) 353-2803. For dealer inquiries contact Christian Clayton at or call him at (602)361-3166.


POLICE/FBI RAID BIKER HAUNTS–, MI – The FBI and Brownstown Township police raided 12 homes and clubhouses around Metro Detroit on Tuesday in a crackdown on alleged drug operations of the Highwaymen motorcycle gang, the U.S. Attorney’s Office announced.
The government brought three sets of indictments against 22 people, alleging drug conspiracy involving cocaine, marijuana and ecstasy.
Agents seized 18 assault rifles, 14 pistols, four shotguns and a machine gun. They didn’t announce the seizure of drugs.

KIDDIMOTO WINS AT HAMLEYS– Hamleys of Regent Street votes Kiddimoto Superbikethe ‘One of a Kind’ toy of the year. Kiddimoto, the trainer bike for toddlers that looks just like a real motorbike, has won a category in the prestigious Hamleys Toy Awards 2006. Alongside competition from Fisher Price, Lego and Tomy, this Somerset David met the Goliaths of the toy world, and won!
“I’m absolutely chuffed,” said Kiddimoto designer, founder and builder Simon Booth. “This will open up doors for us that we’ve been banging on for ages – it’s brilliant news.”
Kiddimoto’s Superbike won the ‘One of a Kind’ category, for the most original and quirky toy of the year. To get this far, the Kiddimoto underwent the toughest test of all – in the hands of real children – and came under scrutiny from a panel of expert judges.
Handmade in Somerset from birch ply, the Kiddimoto Superbike exceeds all current safety standards. It’s simple, safe and robust, and this pedal-free trainer bike is a great way of building confidence and balance through play. It comes in a whole range of colours, including natural wood, bright yellow and racing red, plus there’s an off-road style Scrambler as well.
Kiddimoto SRP ?89
–Contact Simon Booth at Kiddimoto on 01934 733654
Web –

THIS WEEKS PHOTO ART EXHIBIT FROM WHIPLASH– Fall colors are in so break out the leathers and crack the throttle!
Ride Hard,
–Whiplash Biker Photog

SAXON CROWN GAS CAP AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC–L.A. County Choprods is now offering our Billet Crown gas cap. This unique cap has been used on Saxon’s ’06 & ’07 Black Crown model and is now available to the public. The cap is machined from 6061 billet aluminum and comes in several different finishes, polished, black nickel, and for all you pimps 24k gold. The cap comes complete with a specially designed bung that can be welded into your tank either raised or flush and can be used non-vented or vented by simply removing the stainless steel set screw on the bottom. An adapter to use these caps in OEM Harley’s will be available soon.
To purchase this or other fine LACC parts visit their website @ or order by phone at (310) 353-CHOP.
Billet Crown Gas Cap, retails for $150.00, dealer inquiries are always welcome.

THREE IN THE DESERT–CBS News Anchor Dan Rather, NPR Reporter Cokie Roberts, and aU.S.Marine were hiking through the desert one day when they were captured by Iraqis.
They were tied up, led to the village and brought before the leader.The leader said, “I am familiar with your western custom of granting the condemned a last wish. Before we kill and dismember you, do you have any last requests?”
Dan Rather said, “Well, I’m a Texan, so I’d like one last bowlfulof hot, spicy chili.” The leader nodded to an underling who left andreturned with the chili. Rather ate it all and said, “Now I can die content.”
Cokie Roberts said, “I’m a reporter to the end. I want to take out my tape recorder and describe the scene here and what’s about to happen.Maybe someday someone will hear it and know that I was on the job ’til the end.” The leader directed an aide to hand over the taperecorder, and Roberts dictated some comments. She then said, “Now I can die happy.”
The leader turned and said, “And now, Mr. U.S.Marine, what is your final wish?” “Kick me in the ass,” said theMarine. “What?” asked the leader. “Will you mock us in your last hour?”
“No, I’m not kidding. I want you to kick me in the ass,” insisted the Marine.
So the leader shoved him into the open, and kicked him in theass. The Marine went sprawling, but rolled to his knees, pulled a 9-mm pistol from inside his cammies, and shot the leader dead. In the resulting confusion, he leapt to his knapsack, pulled out his M4 carbine, and sprayed the Iraqis with gunfire.
In a flash, the Iraqis were dead or fleeing for their lives.As the Marine was untying Rather and Roberts, they asked him, “Whydidn’t you just shoot them? Why did you ask them to kick you in the ass?”
What!” said the Marine, “And have you liberal assholes call ME theaggressor?”
Never Corner Anything Meaner Than You.

BIKINI DREAM TEAM POSTERS AVAILABLE–I’ve posted a bunch of the different Bikini Dream Team Posters up on
The Infamous Choppers posters are selling 2 posters for $15.00 plus shipping. Only a few hundred remain and they will be sold out.
Michelle McCurry’s Pitbull Poster is also available along with 5 others.
RICK RAUS IS BACK ON HIS FEET–It sure is nice to be back at work and I “Thank each and every one of you” for all of your concern and prayers regarding the medical ordeal that I recently went through. I am getting stronger on a daily basis and look forward to seeing many of you in Daytona.
I have attached a PR Release regarding a new business relationship with American Performance Cycle and V-Twin Marketing along with three different 2007 model photos. (Please note that the Spirit S starts at $23,995).
If you have any questions pertaining to either of these matters, please don’t hesitate to call me at 714-280-8537.
As always many thanks for your continued support.
V-Twin Marketing
1014 S. Saint Tropez Ave.
Anaheim Hills, CA 92808

THREE MODELS FROM AMERICAN PERFORMANCE CYCLE–American Performance Cycles was started in 1996 and soon became a well-known manufacturer of high class, affordable custom production bikes that are approved for sale and use in all 50 states. As APC’s reputation for value and quality spread throughout the motorcycle industry, so did the demand for parts to build them. Early on, APC became concerned with all of their venders and their ability to deliver products in a timely manner so they began buying all of their own equipment and got into the manufacturing of all of their own products. This successful business decision has allowed them to control their own destiny and today, they build bikes as fast as needed. Dealers and customers alike never have to wait for product. “Mike Sample Jr. stated, “We got tired of waiting for products from outside sources and now manufacture most of our own parts so that we don’t have to rely on anyone.”

In 1998, APC grew out of their original building located in Bullhead City, AZ and moved to their new ultra modern 50,000 square foot facility in Las Vegas, NV. CEO/President Mike Sample stated, “Our business philosophy is to make the very best custom production bikes that are affordable, rideable and reliable. That’s why we have 5 distinct models that are all reasonably priced, but can be built with a variety of options to suit the most discriminating buyer.” Mike Sample Jr., Vice President of APC added, “Three out of our 5 models are available in 4 different packages, ranging from a 96″ S&S motor all the way to a show quality polished 124″ S&S engine.” There are a total of 5 distinctive models. And four different packages offered from APC. All APC bikes are easily registered insured and are financeable through all major banks and lending institutions. Flooring is now available for those dealers that qualify through GE Capital.
To see the latest from American Performance Cycles, visit or call 702-314-5272. Dealer inquiries invited!

CHOPPER KING BIKER BUILD-OFF REPORT FROM DISCOVERY–We’ve got more shows and are already in production on the first three. BBO is being sent over to TLC, as is all of Discovery’s gear head shows including American Chopper ( I think). The reason we’re slammin’ it is that these six new shows must be delivered by February of 2007. That’s cutting it mighty close. We haven’t had time to write a press release but here’s the line up.
Gard Hollinger vs. Jason Hart
Michael Barragan vs. Chica
Trevelen vs. Paul Cox
Greg Westbury vs. Brian Fuller
Dawn Norikas vs. Scott Webster (Leroy Thompson Motorcycles
James Compton vs. Roland Sands.
Most of the people you know but you’ve probably not heard of James Compton or Michael Barragan. Compton is from a small town in Texas. He’s on the Michael Jordan race team. He built by hand a street worthy dragster called “The Crusher”. It weighs 300 pounds but developed 220 hp at the axle. Roland will have a hard time beating him in a drag off contest for the trophy.
Michael Barragan is from Glendale, CA. He builds post industrial, futuristic ghetto sleds…quite Road Warrior like. The Japanese love him but here we don’t know him yet. Michael is competing against Gard, so that’s perfect.
Bikernet is the first to know the line-up ’cause I just completed it a minute ago.
Still rocking from the image of Valerie astride your salt bike. Now there’s a vision to curl up with.
–Hugh “Chopper” King

CUSTOM CHROME REPS ATTEND S&S? TRAINING– LA CROSSE, WI (October 4, 2006) S&S Cycle announces the completion of their first Distributor Product Training Course. This class was conducted at the Dealer Training & Certification Facility in La Crosse, Wisconsin on September 22 & 23, 2006

“Our Team is really fired up about being here – this training equips our sales force with the extra knowledge needed to differentiate ourselves in the market place,” said Steve Veltri, Senior Vice President for Custom Chrome. “We are preparing our team for an exciting new year of selling S&S products. Anybody who’s serious about this business, especially selling S&S products, needs to book their training course. We’ve heard a lot about it, and now after spending a couple of days here we know why it’s a world-class training center. The friendly Midwest hospitality from the S&S staff, along with people in the La Crosse area help make this an excellent experience,” concluded Veltri.

“Over the past several years, S&S has focused on developing alliances and relationships based upon mutual trust and effort,” said Brett Smith, president of S&S Cycle. “CCI’s decision to attend our training, and be the first distributor to have their sales representatives S&S trained and certified, clearly demonstrates their commitment to that same philosophy.”
WILDEST NEWSPAPER REPORT OF THE WEEK–“When Nathan Radlich’s house was burgled, thieves left his TV, his VCR, and even his watch. What they did take was a “generic white cardboard box filled with a grayish-white powder,” at least that’s the way the police described it. A spokesman for the Fort Lauderdale police said, (the powder) “looked similar to cocaine, and they probably thought they’d hit the big time.”
“Then Nathan stood in front of the TV cameras and pleaded with the burglars: “Please return the cremated remains of my sister, Gertrude, who died three years ago.”
Well, the next morning, the bullet-riddled corpse of a drug dealer known as Hoochie Pevens was found on Nathan’s doorstep. The cardboard box was there too with about half of Gertrude’s ashes remaining, and this note attached: “Hoochie sold us the bogus blow, so we wasted Him. Sorry we snorted your sister. No hard feelings. Have a nice day.”
–from Rev CarlR

CAROLINA HARLEY-DAVIDSON/BUELL JOINS THE HARDBIKES FAMILY–Hermitage, PA October 4, 2006, The Gastonia, NC based Carolina Harley-Davidson Buell adds the premium Hardbikes motorcycle line to their dealership.
From its founding in 1985, Carolina Harley-Davidson Buell has carried only the factory brands. In September of 2006, they decided to add Hardbikes to their stable of motorcycles to fulfill the demands of their clients for custom motorcycles.
“I met Bob Kay, Hardbikes Vice President of Sales and Marketing, through Dave Perewitz at the Texas Motor Speedway, saw the bikes and met the management at the industry motorcycle show in Cincinnati,” said Click Baldwin, Carolina Harley-Davidson Buell Owner. “I liked what I saw and felt that they had what our clients were looking for.”
Female customers of Carolina Harley-Davidson Buell are responding to the Hardbikes program as well. The dealership’s Garage Night is a woman-only evening event that has generated positive feedback from both new and experienced riders. Enthusiasts have expressed satisfaction in being custom fit to Choppers, Bobbers and Prostreet bikes by the time they take delivery instead of purchasing a bike and then having to modify it after the fact.
The Hardbikes program includes customers entering the dealership or logging on to the Hardbikes website and designing their custom motorcycle through a software application called the Design Wizard. After that is completed they sit down with their dealer designer to get fitted for the bike to their physical dimensions an

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