Last weekend Custom Chrome rolled out the diamond plate for all its major dealers across the country and Europe to allow them to view the inner workings of the largest aftermarket distributor on the planet devoted to getting custom parts to their customers fast. It’s a gathering of manufacturers of the parts we use and they distribute. If your local shop owner had the privilege of attending, he could stand face-to-face with Jesse James and ask him why he doesn’t build a frame for Sportsters. Of course he could ask the same question of Santee or Daytec (they probably make one). They could ask engine builders from their Rev Tech department about new engines, like their new Twin Cam model, Jim at JIMS about his 106-inch kit for twin cams or S&S about their gear drive for the new twin cam motors to eliminate the bothersome hi-vo chains.
We tag-teamed the joint, with Oz relieving me Saturday night at the clone party. I dislike the word clone, but they were all represented, from Surgical Steeds in Phoenix, to California, Titan, Big Dog and several more. I was surprised not to see Oscar from Pure Steel, but I’m sure he’s still reeling from his pact with Penthouse. (Man, was that guy in seventh heaven in Sturgis with the girls hangin’ on him, the cover of the latest issue sporting one of his bikes and all the publicity for his bikes. The guy is dancing on air.) I also spoke to Mark Greene from Titan, who I think is the best in the business at what he does, and he is certain that Titan will rebound. I hope he’s right. I slipped out early in the morning. I had a date at an intimate concert overlooking the Queen Mary on the bluffs of Long Beach. Kid Ramos from the Fabulous Thunderbirds snapped guitar strings as I ran my hand up her thigh. She blew in my ear as Willie G. (not the Willie we know), with a 15-piece band that included a Grammy winner and a member of the Carlos Santana band, melted us in our seats with Latin love.
I almost forgot about parts and shit until a police officer tapped me on the shoulder and asked to speak to me in the back. We better get to the news:

THUNDER UPDATE– The run heads out next week after a country bash in Nashville at the dealership. Legendary bike builders Dave Perewitz and Donny Smith will ride their newest creations, the Thunder Over Dixie customs, from Nashville to Daytona.
Montgomery/Gentry, the group Thunder Productions secured to play the concert in Daytona, was voted Vocal Duo of the Year at the CMA awards.
Thunder Over Dixie has been included in press releases and publications throughout the United States and Canada, courtesy of Daytona Beach Area Convention and Visitors Bureau. They are also arranging the publicity at the Florida state line when we arrive there on Oct 19 and also at Daytona Harley when we pull in that afternoon. This will include local radio, TV and print media.
Speedvision will travel the entire route with us and will air the show Nov 7.The post-ride article will appear in six publications.Biker Billy will have “live” postcards from the road via his Web site, BikerBilly.comT-shirts, ride pins, wristbands and jackets are all in place and we are ready to THUNDER TO DAYTONA!!!! Thanks Bandit!!
I better at least get a pin.–Bandit
Jesse James and his bad-to-the-bone gang of Choppers for Life followers are throwing their third annual pre-Love Ride, No Love bash the Saturday before the Love Ride. Don’t miss the hatred, the evil spirits and da broads. Call (562) 983-6666 (natch), for evasive tactics. Or, if you’ve got the balls, show up from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Nov. 11 at the West Coast Headquarters, 718 W. Anaheim St., Long Beach.
Doug Vancil did everything right but WIN at the IHRA’s 9th annual Expressautoparts.com President’s Cup Nationals at Maryland International Raceway, outside Budds Creek, Md.
Vancil qualified second on the Vance & Hines Harley with a 6.540 ET at 208.17 mph behind the third qualifying attempt of Screamin Eagle Nitro Harley reigning champion and current points leader Jay Turner’s 6.517 ET 206.99 mph.
In round one, Vancil defeated Orangeburg, South Carolina’s favorite son, Bill Furr. Furr’s 0.498 RT with a 6.847 ET at 188.41 mph wasn’t enough for Vancil’s 0.511 RT with a 6.593 ET at 199.88 mph. Vancil stayed consistent in the center of the lane as Furr hugged the wall.
In the semis, Steve Stordeur’s 0.442 RT at 6.617 ET with a 204.26 mph pass won over Vancil’s 0.478 RT at 6.592 ET 210.87 mph. Some thought it was the holeshot that gave Stordeur the .011 margin of victory, Vancil thought his front wheel was still in the air.
But the consistent series of 6.5’s just means Vancil has the Vance and Hine’s Nitro Harley on track and dialed in. Vancil will remain fourth in points with two races remaining in the IHRA Season.
“We’re on our way to Shreveport in a couple weeks, then back to IHRA Rockingham. We’re pleased to have found our problems, though late in the season. After Shreveport and Rockingham, we can look forward to a long winter of designing and building next season’s Vance & Hine’s/Drag Specialties nitro bike.”
Don’t forget to watch IHRA on TNN Sunday nights at 10:30 pm EST.
THE BOSS IS ON THE MOVE, AGAIN–Next week, Sonny will head east for book signings in Ohio, New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Connecticut. These appearances are sponsored by local Hell’s Angels chapters.
He will also be appearing at Biketoberfest in Daytona, Florida.
Check the dates, times and locations athttp://sonnybarger.com/nav_tour.html
ON THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MAN AND WOMAN– “On the one hand, we’ll never experience childbirth. On the other hand, we can open all our own jars.”– Bruce Willis
“And God said: ‘Let there be Satan, so people don’t blame everything on me.And let there be lawyers, so people don’t blame everything on Satan.'” — George Burns
“What are the three words guaranteed to humiliate men everywhere? ‘Hold mypurse.'”– Sandra Bullock

VICTORY GOES 007– Victory and Polaris have teamed up to sponsor the James Bond 007 Classics. You could win a v-92 cruiser, snowmobile, an ATV or some form of subversive watercraft. Watch for details. And no, James Bond is not in the image above.

ROSEMARY’S ART–I’ve been checking out your site and wonder if you’d be interested in checking out my art. I am an artist specializing in hand-painted leather. My work isbeautiful and unique. I have been doing this for 22 years, painting for many major leather jacket manufacturers. Some include Avirex, Branded/Orchard Motorcycle, Willis and Geiger and Flight Suits Ltd. My client list consists of many diverse groups such as The Smithsonian Institute and Anheuser-Busch, RCA Music and Elvis Presley’s MemphisCafe. I do jackets and leather patches and I also do canvas. I paint from ideas or photographs and I do motorcycle tank art. For more info, you can reach me at:
Rosemary D. Dery
(520) 774-0086
All my work is guaranteed 100 percent satisfaction.
MISSED OPPORTUNITY–While in Sturgis, I was supposed to hit Mike Lichter’s photographic art exhibit in Rapid City, about 25 miles east of Sturgis, but I never made it. I’ve never seen so much goddamn traffic. Usually the ride between Sturgis and Rapid is a thundering 25-mile drag race through rolling hills and vast farms. Not this year, pal. That would have been suicide in the Love Ride-like crowds.
In addition, there’s so much going on that you can’t hit every party, race, bar, concert. It’s fuckin’ impossible. Darcy’s still pissed at me for not hitting the Victory new-model announcement. She does a killer presentation.
But all is not lost. You now have Mike’s entire exhibit on Bikernet and if you see a print that tickles your motorcycle bone, you can purchase it right here and Mike will carefully custom print each image, mat the sucker for easy framing, send you the history of the shot and sign it. He’s the best, and has been one of the finest ER photogs for almost 20 years.
The exhibit was evidently a major success since the curator, Deborah Mitchell from the Apex Gallery in Rapid City, is putting out a call to all motorcycle-related artists for entries for next year’s display. For more info, call (605) 394-1254, or drop her an e-mail at deborah.mitchell@sdsmt.edu. I’ll be entering some of my more bizarre motorcycle art. Probably be turned down, though.
JUST IN CASE– you weren’t feeling too old today, this will certainly changethings. Each year, the staff at Beloit College in Wisconsin puts together alist to try to give the faculty a sense of the mindset of that year’sincoming freshmen.
Here is this year’s list:
The people who are starting college this fall across the nation were bornin 1982.
They have no meaningful recollection of the Reagan era and probably did notknow he had ever been shot.
Black Monday 1987 is as significant to them as the Great Depression.
They were 11 when the Soviet Union brokeapart and do not remember the Cold War. They have never feared a nuclearwar.
Their lifetime has always includedAIDS. Bottle caps have always been screw off and plastic. Atari predatesthem, as do vinyl albums. The expression “You sound like a broken record”means nothing to them since they have never owned a record player.
They have always had an answering machine. Most have never seen a TV setwith only 13 channels, nor have they seen a black-and-white TV. They havealways had cable. There have always been VCRs, but they have no idea whatBETA is. They cannot fathom not having a remote control.
Roller skating has always meant in-line for them.
Jay Leno has always been on “The Tonight Show.”
They never took a swim and thought about “Jaws.”
Michael Jackson has always been white.
SWEET CORAL REPORT–Hi, Bandit,I have to tell you about the other night. I bought a digital camera from work and was messing with it when Sin came over. I told her she should be a model (and she could be too!). So I started taking pictures of her. I made her pose in the most suggestive ways. God, I was getting turned on. She’s so soft and malleable. I told her to touch herself and she spread her legs gently. She had on a pleated black skirt and a white blouse buttoned up the front. A black and white scarf was tied around her collar. She was wearing black stockings and black high heels. She looked like a high school fantasy as I unbuttoned her blouse. I wanted that massive cleavage to show and as I touched her blouse she seemed to push her breasts toward me and my fingers played along the top of each tit, her nipples struggling to free themselves from the confines of her silk bra.I was going out of my mind. I had to kiss her. Gotta go. I’ll tell you about it when I calm down.~Coral

LAND SPEED RACER DON VESCO ATTEMPTSPLUS 400 MPH WORLD SPEED RECORDAT THE FAMED BONNEVILLE SALT FLATS–Capitalizing on a pristine, 13-mile course, speedrecord holders Don and Rick Vesco of TEAM Vesco Racing, together withEd Dempsey, are poised to set a new world land speed record forwheel-driven cars at the famed Bonneville Salt Flats, Oct. 18-21.
“We already hold the national speed record,” explained Rick Vesco. “Itis way past time that the United States take back the world recordfrom England.”
Vesco refers to Britain’s Donald Campbell who set the world record forturbine-powered cars in 1964 at 403 mph. TEAM Vesco’s “Turbinator” hasexceeded that speed nearly a dozen times, but not during anFIA-sanctioned event. The high-speed time trials, conducted by theSouthern California Timing Association (SCTA), will host officialsfrom the international record governing body Federation AutomobileInternational (FIA).
All eyes are on the Turbinator driven by racing veteran Don Vesco, 61,who has held the World Land Speed Record for Motorcycles three times.He is expected to break the existing World Land Speed Record (409mph) for wheel-driven cars currently held by friend and competitorAl Teague of Brea, Calif., but the Burkland family “411” and White family”Spirit of Autopower” streamliners have turned in plus 400 mph runs aswell. “Our friends have shown us that they are capable of 450 mph,”mused Don Vesco, who together with his brother, Rick, have theirsights locked on the elusive record. “I know we are capable of suchspeed, especially with the freshened Dempsey engine in the car.”
Turbinator relies on its 850-pound, 3,750-horsepower turbine enginefor stunning power-to-weight performance. “We already own the worldrecord for electric-powered vehicles,” remarked Ed Dempsey. “Theturbine engine is just another direction to obtain big speed numbers.We want to push the technology envelope, generate a competitiveplaying field and have fun in the process.”
If successful, TEAM DEMPSEY/VESCO Racing will bring the coveted speedcrown back to the United States for the first time in almost fourdecades. Having already set a new national land speed record of 427mph in October 1999 during SCTA World Finals, the world record iswithin reach.
EASYRIDERS OF DALLAS ROCKS–While Rick and Tina Fairless, the owners of Dallas Easyriders, were away on vacation in Tahoe, their young daughter, who is affectionately called Big-Un, went to work. Actually, as you will see, Big-Un and Rick’s mother, Mom, really run the joint. This is just an example. While they were away, Big-Un organized this big party as a pre-Bikers Choice gathering and she’s flying in Dave Perewitz of Cycle Fab, Howard Kelly and Dave Withrow from Hot Bike Magazine for the party Oct. 28 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. so mark you calendar.
That’s not all. She moved the service department around back to a larger location and hired nine new technicians to be on hand to fix and build bikes, like my Shovelhead (ex-Mexican cop bike). Then she promoted Stone McVey to parts manager and she did a stellar job of marketing the shop while the folks were away. She hired two more parts chasers to keep the stock high and back orders low. Since the folks were out of town, she invited the local hot rod and custom truck enthusiasts by on Friday and Saturday nights to party at her bar, Strokers. It’s not cool for a minor to own a drinkin’ establishment, so don’t let the news leak out.I hope Rick and Tina don’t get upset, but while they were drinking exotic drinks and squandering the company money at the gambling tables, Big-Un ordered a fresh supply of Big Dog 2001 models and Victorys. She expanded the bro’s club and created a calendar of events that you can catch in our calendar section. I could go on. Oh, shit, I almost forgot. As a surprise for the old man’s return to the shop, Big-Un called Easyriders and made arrangements to have her dad’s first serious chopper, built almost entirely with Kennedy components, shot for the cover of the magazine. That should make up for some of the late-night parties.Lookin’ for a job at a shop that’s happenin’, growing and progressive? Big-Un is looking for the following team members to keep the joint cookin’:
Service technicians
Bike builders and fabricators (they need to have my Shovelhead done by the Love Ride)
Parts people; business is cookin’ and the holidays are around the corner.
Counter help (Roadware clothing girl). Big-Un can’t do it all herself. Hell, she’s only 13 and still must attend her classes. Call Big-Un at (214) 357-0707. If you’re a fuck-up, forget it. She may be less than 5 feet tall, but she’ll kick yer ass.
Biketoberfest Sites–Ya need info on the upcoming Daytona event? Here’s a list of sites to help you get drunk, find parts for your wrecked bike, find girls to bail you out or call the cops when she absconds with your bike:
www.jackonsvilleholesaloon.com Jacksonville
www.jacksonholesaloon.com All or possibly Florida
www.n-jcenter.com (Not sure what this one is. It was on a list sent me.)

AB 1515, CALIFORNIA’S ‘VETERANS LICENSE PLATES FOR MOTORCYCLES’ BILL IS NO MORE– This is a goodthing. AB 1515, sponsored by ABATE of California, has been signed into law by Gov. Davis and has been chaptered (see definition below). Its new name is Chapter 859.
It started on Oct. 19, 1998, and was finishedon Sept. 29, 2000. Someone recently asked me if all this was worth the trouble. Huh? What trouble? (Withapologies to Robert Redford.) More than just the passage of a law that allows motorcycle-riding Veterans a way to display their pride in having served, the passage of this bill into law is proof that we can make a difference. Each and every one of us matters,biker, motorcyclist, Veteran or just the common citizen. Each of us has a voice in government.
–Trash The Geezer From Hell

STURGIS REPORT–A handful of brothers had a bitch that I didn’t cover Sturgis in my ride report. There’s a reason for that, in fact, several. One, every fuckin’ magazine on the planet features major coverage of Sturgis. How many times ya gonna read about the Mike Corbin party or the H-D display in Rapid City or the drags. Gimme a fuckin’ break. I rode out, didn’t I? Since I wasn’t there on magazine duty, I chased women rather than hitting every event I could squeeze in. Besides, the traffic was worse than L.A. at prime time. Damn, it was a bitch to get around.
Finally, HORSE magazine called the other day and pleaded with me to write something on Sturgis for their rag ’cause they can’t afford to send a soul to the Badlands. So look out, I have one photograph of the entire region on fire (above) and I plan to write something that will make Armageddon look like a picnic. Shit, it’ll even be the truth. Watch for it.
THREE GUYS AND A LADY– were sitting at the bar talking about their professions. The first guysays “I’m a Y.U.P.P.I.E, you know… Young, Urban,Professional, Peaceful, Intelligent, Ecologist.”
The secondguysays ” I’m a D.I.N.K, you know… Double Income, No Kids.”
The third guy says, ” I’m a R.U.B, you > know… Rich,Urban, Biker.”
They turn to the woman and ask ” What are you? ”
She replies: ” I’m a WIFE, you know… Wash, Iron,Fuck, Etc..”
L.A. TIMES SLURS BIKERS– Harley-Davidson, Texans, Jesus, Bush and your Bill of Rightsby Special Agent Zebra
As someone holding a degree in journalism, I am appalled and insulted at the yellow rag pack of opinions and elitist slurs recently dumped on American bikers by the liberal rag, the L.A. Times.
According to the Times, all Texans are redneck morons who are raised to kill. All bikers are common scum and anyone with a beard, a ponytail or long hair is a “dirtbag”. Most contemporary depictions of Christ himself include “dirtbag” prerequisite long hair and beard. These and countless other idiotic opinions were leveled and attempted to be passed off as “journalism” by hack idiots at the L.A. Times, despite the fact that even the prosecutor said there is nothing wrong with the Texas concealed weapons law.
The story was that a man committed a murder. Oddly enough, the L.A. Times muckrakers had to go clear to Texas in order to dredge up a phony angle crooked enough to hump their dead horse of gun control and smear a presidential candidate who has the nuts to abide by the Bill of Rights in the face of the constitutionally disrespectful Clinton administration. The article is below. If you feel insulted, especially our bros in Texas, take five minutes and drop them a no-bullshit letter at:
Los Angeles Times
202 W. 1st St.
Los Angeles, Calif. 90012
Or even better, give the assholes a ring at: (818) 772-3200 and let them know what you think of their “journalism,” you long-haired, motorcycle- riding “dirtbag”.
Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2000
How One Texan Got a License, Then Killed 2
By RICHARD A. SERRANO and WILLIAM C. REMPEL, Times Staff WritersLIVINGSTON, Texas–Robert Clinton Hinkle lived life hard–the bandit biker gangs, the death threats, the drugs, the gunfights too many to count. But then something odd came real easy–his plastic concealed handgun license card from the state of Texas. He mailed in the yellow, 19-question application, passed a written exam and a shooting test, and soon became one of the tens of thousands legally walking around Texas with a hidden firearm.With his new license slipped neatly in his wallet, he carried a .380 semiautomatic in a shoulder holster and a .41-caliber magnum Smith & Wesson tucked under his belt at the back of his pants. Hinkle was armed. He was also dangerous. In fact, he is among the most egregious examples of how the state of Texas has granted hundreds of concealed-weapon permits to citizens with questionable backgrounds. Roughly a year after he received his license, Hinkle killed two men and seriously wounded a third in a wild shootout over drugs.
Hinkle is in prison in Livingston, probably locked up for the rest of his life, but he laughs when he talks about how little effort it took to get the concealed handgun license. “It just fell into my hands,” he says, sitting in the maximum security penitentiary next to Texas’ death row.
Law enforcement officials in Texas maintain that because Hinkle had no prior criminal history, there was no reason for him to be denied a license. Ray Nutt, chief investigator in the district attorney’s office in Henderson County, Texas, where Hinkle was tried, convicted and sentenced, called it unfair to blame the state program for awarding Hinkle a license in 1996.
“You’re always going to have a few people who slip through,” Nutt said. “And if you wrote the law so Hinkle couldn’t have one, then nobody could have one.”
Even local prosecutor Shari Jenkins Moore, who helped put Hinkle away for so long that he won’t even be eligible for parole until he is nearly 90, said that while in hindsight he should not have gotten a license, the program is sound and should not be changed.
“Given his history, I don’t think anybody made an error giving him one,” she said. “A lot of it is whether you’re honest about who you are and why you want the license.
“Because even if you beat up your wife and shove a gun in her face, if you’re not convicted of that, you’re going to slip through.”
But Herman Porter, a federal agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, has a different perspective because he had earlier investigated Hinkle and his world of violent biker gangs. Asked whether Texas should have licensed Hinkle to carry a concealed weapon, Porter replied: “Are you kidding me?”
A Love Affair With Motorcycles
A Texas native, Hinkle loves guns (he kept as many as seven around his home at any one time) and he had long been a hunter. But motorcycles, Harley- Davidsons mostly, were his real love. Even though he was nicknamed “Pokey,” he bragged in the prison interview that he once built the fastest Harley around, one that could fly at 187 miles an hour. Twenty years ago he began riding with the Banshees, a biker gang, and soon was flaunting the trappings of that nether world–heavy beard, ponytail, black leather boots, blue dragon tattoo on his left forearm.
“It was like a family,” he said. “We would drive to the lake and drink a few beers, maybe 40 or 50 of us.”
Hinkle was an expert motorcycle mechanic, brought into the “family” because he could build fast bikes.
In the early 1980s, things turned ugly. The Banshees were challenged by another biker gang, the Banditos. According to Hinkle, the Banditos did not want the Banshees wearing the words “Texas Rocks” on the back of their riding jackets. There soon was an altercation–shots fired, knives flashed and one Bandito was left dead. Porter, the ATF agent, helped put a prosecution together, in which he said about 20 Banditos were convicted of various crimes. Hinkle was called as a government witness to demonstrate to the jury what kind of person joins an outlaw gang. “He was pretty raunchy looking,” Porter said. “We tried to clean him up a bit in court, but he was still just a dirt bag biker.”Hinkle said his life went into a tailspin after his court appearance. He said that a bounty was placed on his head for testifying against the Banditos–and that the reward was a five-gallon jug of P2P, an oil base that is a critical ingredient used in methamphetamine.
What followed, he said, was a series of attempts on his life. Suspicious characters began showing up around his motorcycle shop near Dallas and someone placed a bomb on the gas meter at his home, destroying a side of the house, he said.So Hinkle moved east to Eustace, Texas, to elude his enemies, he said. But he kept his shaggy look (ponytail down his back and the beard down to his chest). He kept tinkering with motorcycle engines, did drugs daily, and always, he said, worried about his safety.
That’s not all, unfortunately it’s not short, but I think it’s very newsworthy and hits right along the line of your new book, “Orwell”. I say run this in its entirety. The site for the story is, http://www.latimes.com/news/nation/updates/lat_biker001003.htm. Read the whole burrito. It’s worth it–Zebra

BIKERNET BANNERS–Wanna trade links or sport a Bikernet banner on your site? For anything to do with link trades, sponsorships or advertising, ask the man behind the muscle–Oz. Drop a note to Oz@bikernet.com
LIE CLOCKS–Hillary Clinton died and went to heaven. (As if you can believe that!)As she stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates she saw a huge wall of clocks behind him.She asked, “What are all those clocks?”St. Peter answered, “Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone on earth has a Lie-Clock. Every time you lie, the hands on your clock will move.”
Oh,” said Hillary, “whose clock is that?”
“That’s Mother Teresa’s. The hands have never moved, indicating that she never told a lie.”
“Whose clock is that?”
“That’s Abraham Lincoln’s clock. The hands have only moved twice, telling us that Abe only told two lies in his entire life.”
“Where’s Bill’s clock?” Hillary asked.
“Bill’s clock is in God’s office. He’s using it as a ceiling fan.”

SENSUAL SASHA REPORTS– I will have my Sturgis piecedone for you next week, before the Penthouse launch. I need to get my outtakephotos back from them so I can use a few for your site. It’s cool with themthat I do that. The story is hot, dripping with sultry notions and longing caresses. You know about that.
Also, been doing stuff with Indian Larry lately. Perhaps you would like todo an article on him someday. He’s New York City’s master builder, as youknow, and a legend in his own right.www.indianlarry.com
THE AMERICAN DAREDEVIL–I recently phoned this 32-year-old, Bon Secour, Alabama boy who has taken over the throne of the Harley-Davidson jumpers from the legend Evel Knievel, and the master doesn’t like it. Bubba Blackwell has broken every confirmable record Evel ever made and he was recently taken under the star-struck wing of the William Morris Talent Agency. I interviewed him for Hot Rod Bikes Magazine. Watch for it in the coming months.
COMPANY MASCOT–Hey, I sent a request for you to be the company mascot. Note to them asfollows: Hello,You need a REAL mascot and I have known one for over 31 years that fits thebill to your beer. He is known by literally millions of motorcycleenthusiasts and readers of top biker magazines throughout the motorcycleriding world as “ROGUE”! Take a look at him and I’m sure you will agree athttp://www.bikerrogue.com. Get him as your “official company mascot” andadvertise in Easyrider & Biker magazineand watch your sales hit a new record! Now, in appreciation of THAT hotmarketing tip, it is sure worth a case of your beer delivered to me! Drinkup!Al Pace, Meridian, IdahoDid someone ask for a mascot? I thought it was Jon Towle’s nick the dick–Bandit
AH, THE PROVERB FOR THE WEEK–Worrying doesn’t empty tomorrow of its troubles,it empties today of its strength. Thought you could use that when moneyseems too important. Remember that you are loved. Put your hand in your backpocket, squeeze, that’s from me. Love, Angeld

TIM CONDOR’S KNUCKLE-CUSTOM–HellBilly will be featured from start to finish on Bikernet. Watch as Tim hand-forms this drawing into a raggedy-assed, fast-as-hell Knucklehead. We’re please to lend our support to a relatively unknown world class custom builder. Remember, he’s the man who rode a highbar chop into downtown Seattle and attempted to demonstrate the ultimate flame job by dousing himself with gasoline and setting himself ablaze, then splitting lanes through the northern city streets. Too bad the fire kept stalling out the bike. Watch for it.
RAY PRICE ROCKS THE SCREAMIN’ EAGLE NITRO HARLEY FIELD– at IHRA but breakage haunts his Ray Price Racing team.
This weekend at the IHRA’s 9th annual Expressautoparts.com President’s Cup Nationals held outside Budds Creek, Md., at Maryland International Raceway, Price qualified sixth on his last attempt with 6.671 ET at 201.67 mph.
In the first round of eliminations, though Price launched a little slow, he was on a good run when the chain broke, ending his day early.
Oct. 7-8 AHDRA Rockingham, N.C.
Oct. 12-14 IHRA Shreveport, La. (Finals)
Ray Price Racing is supported by Ray Price Harley- Davidson, Raleigh HOG, S & S Cycle, Power Arc Ignition Co., Ultra Pro Machining, JIMS, Royal Purple Synthetic Motor Oil, Shumaker Racing, Performance Machine, Barnett Tool & Engineering, Vanson’s, Carolina Cobras, and Wilder’s Inc
Check www.rayprice.com, or call(919) 832-2261.Don’t forget to watch IHRA on TNN Sunday nights at 10:30 pm EST.
BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–Once more waiting for the hurricane to hit or miss. Lifeduring hurricane season is sketchy to say the least–check the weather channel, check the Internet andhope for the best. Isaac went way North, Joyce seems weird, went way southbut the forecast is to come back west, Go figure! Meanwhile, riding is shit,all the rain waves from the storm keep on passing by, maybe raining for fourminutes, maybe four days.
The trailer has to be ready by next week, and on the ship towardBiketoberfest, seems like the same day Hurricane Joyce might come visit, oh well, notthe first time.Finally will get my new chopper, which has been sitting in Phoenix at Bourget’sshop for a couple weeks. I expected to have it for Sturgis but got delayed.Hell, we all know how that goes. As soon as I get it back, I promise willsend some photos. We are also building (at the same time) a chopper for mygirlfriend with a Sportster motor, all hell is breaking loose. Last week,Bourget was here for a while, also Steve Zammit, from BBW New York. Just alittle r&r before mayhem in helmetless Florida!
Speaking of helmets, we are working to change the law in PR and be able toride lid free. A big step was taken when I received a phone call last weekfrom a friend of the governor asking about the study-proposal we did torepeal the law. Seems that our governor talked to the governor of Louisianaand invited him over to ride. The Louisiana governor replied by asking ifhe could ride helmetless or would not come at all….Funny how things turnfor the better. Will keep you posted on this.
Just saw the new Avon 250 tire, hey what’s up? How wide are tires going toget?200,230,240,250……–Jose
A SHY GENTLEMAN– was preparing to board a plane when he heard that the Pope was on the same flight. “This is exciting,” thought the gentleman. “I’ve always been a big fan of the Pope. Perhaps I’ll be able to see him in person.” Imagine his surprise when the Pope sat down in the seat right next to him. Still, the gentleman was too shy to speak to the pontiff.
Shortly after takeoff, the Pope began a crossword puzzle. “This is fantastic,” thought the gentleman. “I’m really good at crosswords. Perhaps, if the Pope gets stuck, he’ll ask me for assistance.” Almost immediately, the Pope turned to the gentleman and said, “Excuse me, but do you know a four-letter word referring to a woman that ends in ‘u-n-t’?”
Only one word leapt to mind… “My goodness,” thought the gentleman, “I can’t tell the Pope that. There must be another.” The gentleman thought for quite a while, then it hit him. Turning to the pope, the gentleman said, “I think the word you’re looking for is ‘aunt’.”
“Of course,” said the Pope. “Do you have an eraser?”
A WISPY FOG–hangs over the harbor as I wait for Nuutboy to show up and assist with the final construction of the dual-carbed ’48 Panhead. Then Marcus will roll in with burritos and two bus loads of cameras and we’ll finish the tech shots. The cops quit coming around once I got the clue and started to answer the questions with the right answers for me–not them. Always remember, the less they know the better.
I want to thank all the readers who wrote in about my gun-totin’ incident. Most agree that the kid should have been shot. By taking some feeble action, I saved the vehicle, but it cost $500 for repairs. The options would have been a dead kid and life in prison. If I had sat back and called the cops, the van would have been gone and I still would have to deal with a bunch of guys who want to put someone in jail, even if it’s the victim. If the kid had been caught, his girlfriend would have thought he was a cool outlaw and I would have been put in the position of being a snitch, which is against my code. Suppose I saved the tax payers a bundle, the cops a gross of paperwork, and the kid a ton of bail money. Shit, I don’t know. I’ll take a razor out the next time and slice off $500 worth of hide.
Quick, another subject. Sex. Maxim is full of Cosmo tips for guys trying to get laid. What they don’t realize is that women are trying even harder, except they have a problem. Our fucked-up society dictates that they can’t show it except in the way they dress. OK, so we had a meeting the other night and Sin, who is handling the classifieds and the calendar section (they’re both free, so post your shit), suggested a tech tip. Well, actually we threatened to throw Snake out of the Bikernet crew if he didn’t come up with a tech tip–the ultimate tech tip. As usual, the down-trodden bro stumbled and mumbled in a drunken stupor until Sin slithered up beside him, whispered in his ear and the bastard was saved. So Snake is responsible for writing and producing the Ultimate Tech Tip or, in this case, the perfect sexual evening.
I got to thinking about it and I was beginning to let a cloud of hesitancy shadow my raspy thinking when Ray Russell sent me a list of sexual do’s and don’ts from a report in Australia. It was good, damn good, and we’ll post it shortly along with the Ultimate Tech Tip. As Zebra put it, “We do techs on hot rod motors, why not a tech on high-powered sex?”
Get your scoots running, it’s the weekend–let’s ride.
–BanditPS. If you’ve got something to say, post in the news, complain about, here’s your shot–Your Shot