Me on my ’48 pan in early ’70s headed to the Terminal Island Prison Run. Shot was taken by R.T.
One of our goals is to bring you a complete guide to wide tire kits and installations. CCI is going to assist with that project. We plan to follow that with guides to aftermarket carburetors. Since CCI is hot into the Bike In A Box Kits, we may be building one of those so you can witness how badly the crew at Bikernet can fuck one up.

SEPTEMBER WINNERS FROM BIKERNET BIKE SHOW–Yep, here’s the gang. Each builder will receive the famous Bikernet 5 Ball Trophy, thanks to brothers like Jose from Caribbean Cycles who bagged all the 5-Balls on the island and hauled them to Sturgis to meet up with me. Since I ended up in the hospital, he hauled them through customs back to Puerto Rico, then back to the states for the Custom Chrome Show. We hooked up in a San Jose men’s room to make the exchange. I slipped him a small bag of gold and he turned me onto a bag of bruised and chipped 5 balls. Such a deal.
Winners each month also receive valuable prizes and gift certificates from our Bikernet Sponsors. It’s free to enter the bike show. Just get the shots of your bike together and get your ass on line. The lovely and talented Ms. CrazyHorse oversees the show and unknown members of the staff judge the entries monthly.
In The “Buell” Category
Chadley L. Childress
Austin , Texas
In The “Pro-Street” Category
Jerry Howe
Olivenhain , CA
In The “Radical Custom” Category
David Davis
Bentonville , Arkansas
In The “Ridden” Category
B Wise
Harrisonville , MO.
In The “Sportster” Category
Sioux Falls , SD
In The “Street Custom-Stock” Category
David Lloyd
Olive Branch , MS
In The “Vintage” Category
Steve Ortloff
Buena Park , CA.
In The “Vintage Chopper” Category
Charles E. Sumner
Houston , Texas

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DOWNED ANGEL UPDATE–Good to hear from ya. Bambi can be deadly sometimes, eh? One time abrother in Flagstaff was on the way to a meeting and hit a small herd ofdeer. He laid the bike down just before impact and took out the legs of abig elk. They all scattered after his bike stopped sliding, even the onehe hit.
He was tore up and bleeding but managed to get up and after a fewminutes was on the road again. When he got to the meeting another brothersaid, “What’s that stickin out of your forehead?” He reached up and feltwhat was part of an antler stuck in the scalp of his head. Anyway, I’mglad you’re recovering well from the wreck, it’s a trip how fast we canget our tickets punched. We’ll keep sendin things your way. 3 years to go,We’ll be partyin then. See Ya next one.
–Respects – Rusty
GUN LAW NOTION– This notion came to mind the other day. I don’t know whether it’s worth a damn, but what the hell. We’re allowed fire extinguishers in case our house catches on fire. We have tools to fix the plumbing, so why are they taking away our tools to prevent attacks on our family or friends.
Obviously, we haven’t the money to hire a security guard to live in our homes. What gives?

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–We could not make it last week, we were in Frisco and then Santa Clara forthe Custom Chrome dealers show.Speaking of which, and I’m pretty sure Bandit will add on, we had a greattime, meeting new people and hanging out with old friends, even seeing somethat we have only known via computer.We spent a couple days in Frisco playing tourist, what a cool city, plus wehad friends showing us around and making sure we had the best time ever ! The cool thing about this industry, brotherhood, or lifestyle, whatever youwant to call it is the solid bond and friendships that come with it. Ourfriends Heather and Rudy from California Choppers went out of their way totake us around town and making sure we had a place to stay, good places toeat, and knew which way to go. We went to the shop for a after hours tourand later to hang out with the other guys there. Then off to Santa Claraand the show, everyone was there, but in a less crowded, relaxed,situation.We even got to see Bandit and Layla and finally got rid of the famous worldtraveling 5 balls(I’ll leave that story to Bandit). One thing about themeeting, those guys from Custom Chrome throw a hell of a party. We made itback to Puerto Rico, safely, after hours of waiting in line and severalsecurity checks, so here are the news.
If visiting San Francisco (or already live there) check out CaliforniaChoppers 1490 Howard St. Frisco Ca(415) 431-8181. This shop is super stocked, from parts to full custom bikesand the home of the real Crime Inc.stuff. (Friscotees.com) ask for Rudy, Wayne or Heather, everyone there willgo out of their way to help you, and can get the coolest parts quicker thananyone including the always back ordered West Coast Choppers stuff.If not check their booth at some of the rallies around the US.
While in Frisco, we met Kosik, a super talented artist who happens to writefor The Horse, his 81 poker run posters are super cool, plus all the otherstuff that can be seen at www.mansruin.com. Check his art out and help himscore a ticket to the Caribbean for next winter. Check it out soon sincehis art is done in very limited quantities.
The Caribbean HOG rally will take place Nov 14 to 17, if you already haveplans or would like to ride around Puerto Rico with your hogging fellowsgive them a call. Caribbean Rally Office (787) 774-6764, fax (787)793-6293e-mail caribhog@caribe.net tell them we sent ya’
If you want to make a week long visit to the island there will be a Custombike show November 11th, so it may be possible to hook up both dates. Theshow will take place in Cayey, a very pictoresque mountain town and a verynice ride from San Juan. Call us at the shop for any info (787) 721-0633
Custom Chrome Show news:Jesse James brought a couple of new exhaust designs ala Hell bent, and newsof the upcoming show, sometime in Jan is the pending date.Paul Yaffee has a new bike kit with one cool chopper, plus had the superexpensive Arizona Diamond Backs bike on display, to all you Sportsterowners, a very cool set of pipes are on the way.
BMC displayed their new Softail chopper, and the prototype for a rigid 250tire bike, all at prices lower than a new “factory”bike.Those are some highlights, since I’m sure Bandit will tell us about theshow.
Oh well, time to go. Three WCC frames are waiting at the dark dungeon, andBiketoberfest is around the corner.Soon our web site will come lurking from the cyber shadows and work will bedoubled when Bandit parts for foreign lands.
–Jose, Caribbean Bikernet report.
FIREFIGHTERS COUNTRYWIDE BROADCAST–Firefighters from all over have come to the aid and rescue of the tragedy inNew York and Washington, DC Many firefighters have lost their lives to savesomeone else’s. The truth of the matter is they do this every single day.They truly are heroes. I know many of them feel the same as I do – – helpless,especially those of us who live far from NY and DC. We all want to dosomething, show our appreciation, our support. I think we can… In honor of the bravery, courage and determination of American firefighters,there should be a day in our nation to celebrate and appreciate their hardwork and never ending passion for saving lives.
Let’s start a petition for aNational Firefighters Day. Will you join me? Please type in thechronological number, your name, city and state and pass it along. (You mustcopy this message into your outgoing e-mail in order to add your name.) Thank you. *
When the list reaches 500 please E-mail to –Carl, the Chief in Scottsdale, AZ BIKERS PREPARE TO FIGHT EPA REGS– The Motorcycle Riders Foundation issued this emergency alert to State Motorcyclists? Rights Organizations (SMROs):? ?Prepare now for a major grassroots offensive aimed squarely at the Environmental Protection Agency?s proposed rulemaking on street motorcycles.? The alert was announced at the September 29 Meeting of the Minds members? banquet, MRF?s premier national leadership summit, a riders gathering that brings together the leaders of the American motorcyclists? rights movement and key international allies. For more information on this critical point see Bikernet Legislative news. BIKERNET BONNEVILLE CONNECTION NOTICE– AS OF OCTOBER 3, 2001, LANDSPEED PRODUCTIONSHAS A NEW FAX NUMBER: 805.233.0118. PLEASE UPDATE YOUR RECORDS, BUT BEAR IN MIND THAT E-MAIL IS PREFERRED OVER FAX AT ALL TIMES. THANK YOU, “LandSpeed” Louise Ann Noeth Sure, it doesn’t have a damn thing to do with Vietnam or bikers, but it was a real advertising mistake. VIET NAM SPECIAL ON PBS– At 9:00 pm (PDT) Friday, October 5th on PBS (Ch.28 where I’m at in California) there will be the debut broadcast of a new TV documentary series. Part of this broadcast will be about the battle my company was in on 11 April, 1966 in Viet Nam. The name of the show is “Life 360: Six Degrees of Separation.” featuring the Pitsenbarger Medal of Honor story and Charlie Company’s (C 2/16 Rangers, 1st Inf. Div.) fight for survival. I don’t know anything about the broadcast, but I do know about that fight. Over 80% casualties. Out of 134 men, all but 28 of us were either killed or wounded. Both William Pitsenbarger, an Air Force Pararescue Jumper, and SSgt. Jimmy Robinson (one of our men) earned the Medal of Honor, both posthumously, and our unit was awarded the Valorous Unit Award. For more info, go to : Continued On Page 2
Be Vigilant,
LandSpeed Productions
Telling Stories with Words and Pictures
http://www.homeofheroes.com, http://www.angelfire.com, or http://www.af.mil/news/airman.