
We need to stick together and never give up. There’s a lot of bullshit flying around this country, and I wonder if it’s because there are too many rats in the cage, so pandemonium ensues.

Let’s hope not and work for Freedom, because it works. I have another mantra I’m pushing these days: Oil isn’t the Bad Guy. More and more I’m finding out that the oil industry is magnificent and there’s nothing bad about it. Hell, look around. Almost everything we use started as oil and became a product

Maybe there’s another bad guy in the park and he or she tortures and kills animals for a living. As a kid when I asked mom what’s for dinner, she would say, “Dead Chicken.” It sorta brought it into prospective.

Let’s hit the magnanimous Bikernet Weekly News sponsored in part by Cycle Source Magazine, Iron Trader, ChopperTown, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation, Las Vegas Bikefest and Born to Ride.

THE COWSPIRACY FACTS— We covered Greenhouse Gasses and Water Consumption. This time we hit the LAND USE.

Livestock or livestock feed occupies 1/3 of the earth’s ice-free land.

FAO. “Livestock a major threat to environment”

Livestock covers 45% of the earth’s total land.

Thornton, Phillip, Mario Herrero, and Polly Ericksen. “Livestock and Climate Change.” Livestock Exchange, no. 3 (2011).

IPCC AR5 WG# Chapter 11, Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Us (AFOLU)

Animal agriculture is the leading cause of species extinction, ocean dead zones, water pollution, and habitat destruction. [xix] [iv]

Animal agriculture contributes to species extinction in many ways. In addition to the monumental habitat destruction caused by clearing forests and converting land to grow feed crops and for animal grazing, predators and “competition” species are frequently targeted and hunted because of a perceived threat to livestock profits. The widespread use of pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers used in the production of feed crops often interferes with the reproductive systems of animals and poison waterways. The overexploitation of wild species through commercial fishing, bushmeat trade as well as animal agriculture’s impact on climate change, all contribute to global depletion of species and resources. [XIX]

Oppenlander, Richard A. Food Choice and Sustainability: Why Buying Local, Eating Less Meat, and Taking Baby Steps Won’t Work. . Minneapolis, MN : Langdon Street, 2013. Print.

Comfortably Unaware. Oppenlander.

NOAA, “what is a dead zone”.

Scientific America, “What Causes Ocean “Dead Zones”?”.

“What’s the Problem?” United States Environmental Protection Agency.

“Livestock’s Long Shadow: Environmental Issues and Options.” Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2006.

The Encyclopedia of Earth, “The Causes of Extinction”.

Annenberg Learner, Unit 9: Biodiversity Decline // Section 7: Habitat Loss: Causes and Consequences

WWF, “Losing their homes because of the growing needs of humans.”

Center for Biological Diversity, “How Eating Meat Hurts Wildlife and the Planet”.

Science Direct “Biodiversity conservation: The key is reducing meat consumption”

FAO, “Livestock impacts on the environment”.

“Fire Up the Grill for a Mouthwatering Red, White, and Green July 4th.” Worldwatch Institute.

Oppenlander, Richard A. “Biodiversity and Food Choice: A Clarification.” Comfortably Unaware. 2012

“Risk Assessment Evaluation for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations.” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency – Office of Research and Development. 2004.
Livestock operations on land have created more than 500 nitrogen flooded deadzones around the world in our oceans.


NOAA News, 2014.
Largest mass extinction in 65 million years.

Niles Eldredge, “The Sixth Extinction”.

Mass extinction of species has begun.

Accelerated modern human–induced species losses: Entering the sixth mass extinction

2-5 acres of land are used per cow.

The Diverse Structure and Organization of U.S. Beef Cow-Calf Farms / EIB-73: study by USDA – Economic Research Service ( for acres/cow- pages 12 and 13)

Oppenlander, Richard A. Food Choice and Sustainability: Why Buying Local, Eating Less Meat, and Taking Baby Steps Won’t Work.

Minneapolis, MN: Langdon Street, 2013. Print.

Nearly half of the contiguous US is devoted to animal agriculture.

The US lower 48 states represents 1.9 billion acres. Of that 1.9 billion acres: 778 million acres of private land are used for livestock grazing (forest grazing, pasture grazing, and crop grazing), 345 million acres for feed crops, 230 million acres of public land are used for grazing livestock.

U.S. extrapolated data from EPA, Land Uses.

Versterby, Marlow; Krupa, Kenneth. “Major uses of land in the United States.” Updated 2012. USDA Economic Research Service.

USDA, Major Uses of Land in the United States, 1997.

“Rearing cattle produces more greenhouse gases than driving cars, UN report warns.” UN News Centre, 2006.
1/3 of the planet is desertified, with livestock as the leading driver. [xviii]

“UN launches international year of deserts and desertification.” UN news centre, 2006.

Oppenlander, Richard A. Less Meat, and Taking Baby Steps Won’t Work. Minneapolis, MN : Langdon Street, 2013. Print.

UWC, “Desertification”.

The Encyclopedia of Earth, “Overgrazing”.

UN, “Desertification, Drought Affect One Third of Planet, World’s Poorest People, Second Committee Told as It Continues Debate on Sustainable Development”.–An article that explains desertification and livestock’s role.

Have you seen this?

This kind of shit must Stop!!!!–Rogue

Is Law Enforcement Training To Terminate Bikers

Many people interested in target shooting are familiar with practice targets. Many times these targets are silhouettes of human beings. Nothing descriptive, just a neutral target. Then there are practice targets that more graphically depict people. Beyond neutral practice targets, these targets depict stereotypical images of terrorists, bank robbers, and armed criminals with a hostage. It’s impossible to defend the actions or goals of any of these types of people so vilifying their images receives little objection.

But what about law enforcement practice targets that depict motorcyclists as a caricature of criminality? If motorcyclists wearing helmets and leather jackets are depicted pointing a gun as if they are a threat during training, doesn’t it make sense that this would eventually create the same instinctual threat assessment when they see a biker in the field? Do these targets encourage and reinforce discrimination and profiling against bikers, or worse?

It only makes sense that biker practice targets reinforce a discriminatory mindset that has persisted for decades. But what do the experts or studies say? Experts and university studies both say the instinct to shoot is intimately tied to the visual depiction of the target. And subject matter experts agree that biker shooting targets are dangerous, and all use of such targets should completely cease.

Target Company Says Bad Bikers Need To Be Terminated!

A company called Baker Targets offers a practice target called the “Bad Biker Target”. The ad reads “Bad bikers need to be terminated!”. The ad depicts a masked man pointing a handgun with his right hand while riding a motorcycle. Aside from the fact that reality requires your right hand to be on your throttle while riding or you will rapidly decelerate, this image contains red dots indicating high value targets within the target. Notice one of these is on the front tire!

Unfortunately, “Bad Biker Target” is not the first discriminatory depiction of motorcyclists on practice targets. The practice of vilifying motorcyclists has been occurring for decades. The feature image is a practice target depicting a motorcyclist that has existed since the ’70’s.

Experts Say “Bad Biker Target” Increases the Chance of Unjustified Deadly Force

Retired 1st Sgt. Bobby Colella, a Subject Matter Expert on the U.S. Army’s premier marksmanship training system, has trained thousands of Soldiers in marksmanship skills. Colella says, “If any police department or officer is found using “Bad Biker” targets on or off duty, it’s a logical assumption that they are conditioning their minds to automatically perceive a threat, and subsequently eliminate that threat, based on the observation of a person who resembles a motorcyclist. Perhaps this is what happened in Waco?”

“In conventional warfare, the enemy is identified by his uniform – In civilian policing, the threat should be identified by its actions, and actions alone. Motorcyclists are not at war with the police; they shouldn’t be at war with motorcyclists. These targets MUST be immediately removed from any inventory or range facility.”

Dr. Will Dulaney, an Associate Professor of International Security with over 25 years subject matter expertise in Counter-terrorism and Counter-insurgency says, “The “Bad Biker Target” reinforces a stale negative stereotype of bikers, but also establishes a new “biker threat” to law enforcement: the ride-by biker shooter. And military research over the past nearly seventy years establishes conclusively that these types of targets have a direct and powerful psychological impact on trainees’ willingness to engage human targets.”

“When used in repeated training scenarios – otherwise known as “programming” – law enforcement trainees will likely adopt the conditioned perception that motorcyclists now represent a threat while riding their machines.

Indeed, anyone who purchases and uses these targets, even in fun, will also be conditioned over time to “see” motorcyclists as more and more of a threat. Either way, the result for society can only be negative.”

Study Confirms Stereotypic Shooting Targets Can Increase Deadly Force

A study conducted by the University of Chicago in 2007 concluded that stereotypes in targeting training creates a bias influencing the decision to shoot a target, even an unarmed target. “As predicted, frequent presentation of stereotypic (vs. counterstereotypic) targets exacerbated bias.” The study continues, “In the domain of criminal justice, category-based judgments can have profound consequences through….the spontaneous, split-second reactions of a police officer.”

Stereotypes systematically bias reactions in shoot/don’t shoot decisions. Stereotypes in targeting increase the perception of danger in real life applications. “Perceptions of danger bear directly on the decision task in these studies, [shoot/don’t shoot] which involves the detection of a hostile target.” To the extent that targets seem more dangerous, “they should promote a tendency to shoot, facilitating correct responses for armed targets but inhibiting correct responses for unarmed targets.”

Fortunately, the University of Chicago study provides a possible solution. Eliminating the use of targets that reinforce stereotypes of danger also reduces the probability of shooting unarmed targets. This data can also be seen in a more positive light. The data offers evidence that “counter-stereotypic information can reduce or even eliminate bias, at least on a temporary basis.”

*See JOSHUA CORRELL from the University of Chicago, The influence of stereotypes on decisions to shoot, Eur. J. Soc. Psychol. 37, 1102–1117 (2007)

Ending the Use of Discriminatory Training Targets

Baker Target’s depiction of motorcyclists reinforces a discriminatory mindset that has resulted in decades of profiling and abuse. These targets depict motorcyclists as dangerous criminals and the enemy of law enforcement. The message is explicit. Bad Bikers need to be terminated! How many law enforcement agencies utilize the Bad Biker Target? How many bikers have been victims of felony-style stops at gunpoint for simple traffic infractions because of their training? Why is it acceptable to exploit and vilify a class of 10 million Americans for economic gain?

These are questions that Baker Targets, and other companies selling similar targets, should be forced to answer on moral and ethical grounds. Baker Targets, law enforcement, and other entities either selling or buying targets like “Bad Biker Target” should cease and desist. Law enforcement officers and agencies that utilize these types of targets should be held accountable. Motorcycle profiling is an epidemic in the United States and training law enforcement to treat motorcyclists as an inherent threat perpetuates this discriminatory mindset. Or worse, teaching that bikers should be terminated could potentially escalate harassment to homicide.

–from Rogue
Editor in Charge
Bikernet Baggers

Subject: RE: Biker Targets

There is an update on the MPP site saying that the company making the targets has removed them from its website.

–Jim Witters
Managing Editor
American Motorcyclist Association
13515 Yarmouth Drive
Pickerington, OH 43147
Phone: (614) 856-1900, ext. 1279


Last year, Lockheed Martin commissioned Harley-Davidson to produce a motorcycle to commemorate the commissioning of the USS Milwaukee (LCS-5) because, like Harley-Davidson’s motorcycles, the Littoral Combat Ship represents a beautiful combination of steel and speed.

We worked with Harley-Davidson’s Ray Drea to design the bike, a 2016 Softail slim S, which you can read more about it here. This coming month, we are donating the motorcycle to the National Military Family Association, an amazing charity that supports those who serve, their spouses and their children.

The NMFA will be auctioning off the motorcycle Dec. 10. In fact, the online pre-bidding is open now. It is a great cause and we want to get the word out to your readers.



Greg Lester—Lockheed Martin
Thought Leadership Lead, Rotary and Mission Systems
(mobile) 856-397-3601
(office) 856-722-3317

BIKERNET ADVERTISING FOR 2017 IS A BARGAIN— And the service is amazing. We can share your product info to over 100,000 readers daily. Check out our new media kit:

It’s not stop. And our services have expanded 10-fold.


My wife and I were happy for twenty years; then we met.

A male patient is lying in bed in the hospital, wearing an oxygen mask over his mouth. A young student nurse appears and gives him a partial sponge bath. “Nurse,” he mumbles from behind the mask, “Are my testicles black?”

Embarrassed, the young nurse replies, “I don’t know Sir, I’m only here to wash your upper body and feet.”

He struggles to ask again, “Nurse, please check for me. Are my testicles black?”

Concerned that he might elevate his blood pressure and heart rate from worrying about his testicles, she overcomes her embarrassment and pulls back the covers. She raises his gown, holds his manhood in one hand and his testicles gently in the other.

She looks very closely and says, “There’s nothing wrong with them, Sir. They look magnificent.”

The man slowly pulls off his oxygen mask, smiles at her, and says very slowly, “Thank you very much. That was wonderful. Now listen very, very closely: “Are – My -Test – Results – Back

–from Rogue and Sidehack Jerry

[page break]


Funny the things you think of sometimes. The engine on the Big Black Bagger is still a dirty girl from the Alabama monsoon. Which reminded me of when I took my MC riding test back in the ‘70s for my license, it was raining hard!

I went to the DPS on Dacoma, here in Houston initially I was the only one there, standing in the puddle of rain water from the ride over. Rain gear? Never heard of it!

The Trooper came out to do the riding test and inquired where the person who would be following me was? I hadn’t brought anyone, didn’t know I needed too? To which I replied that he had a car, he informed they are not allowed to use the state vehicles for the test. At this point a voice behind me chimed in and there stood another soaked to the bone rider, who had come by himself also!

Fortunately, for both of us, a very cute young lady behind the second rider overheard the conversation and offered to drive the Trooper for both our tests! I know we both thanked her of course, don’t recall if we offered her gas money?

I went first on my Suzuki Titan 500, with No Rear Brakes At All, in the rain! (Traded $40 and a Cobra CB radio for her) The Trooper would honk when he wanted you to turn or stop, maneuver the cones, Etc. I still remember the route we took, I wonder if that other rider is still out there?

Of course it was still raining on the way home, but I was a 15-year-old licensed teenage rider, with a 500cc motorcycle! Never did fix the rear brakes either.

Thus began my legal journey into a lifetime way of life!


P.S. – My friend did inquire how did I not fail the test by riding to the test? He said he carried his in a truck? I really couldn’t say, other than the comment about who was following us, the only thing I remember the Trooper saying was we were getting the floor wet. And I cannot recall just why I had to take it that day, in the rain? We didn’t have to schedule it. Also the law has changed now, at 15 you can only get up to 250cc…

BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!–

Illusion Line WCC Signature Series

I was wondering were to find these an how much?

Stretch: 4 up

Rake: 35 degrees

Modifications: Spider Web neck

I want a custom frame for my 2016 forty-eight Sportster 1200 XL.

Please help me out if you can.

— Randy Mason

Abbotsford, BC, Canada

Of course we can. Rusty is not offering frames right now, but Paughco has a complete line of custom frames and if you want something one-off you can also try Spitfire Motorcycles.

Hallowed: HAL-ohd


1. regarded as holy; venerated; sacred: Hallowed be Thy name; the hallowed saints; our hallowed political institutions.

… he must take the patent leather from off his feet, for the ground on which he stands is hallowed ground.
— Saki, The Unbearable Bassington, 1912

Origin of hallowed

Hallowed comes from the verb hallow, which stems from Old English halgian and is derivative of halig meaning “holy.”



Our chapter in the northwest is having their banquet on Saturday, October 29th in Tigard at Beaverton Motorcycles. Be there at 4:00pm for story telling and bench racing. Banquet starts at 6:30pm. For more information contact Steve Simon fass4q@gmail.com


For the 1st time in its 91 years an American team won the ISDE. The event was founded by the FIM in 1913. This year it was held in Narvanna, Spain. Congratulations to the team members, their support crew and sponsors.

The US World Trophy team consisted of Taylor Robert, Kailub Russell, Thad DuVAll and Layne Michael. More details and photos are at http://www.todayscyclecoveragecom/wordpress/2016/10/17/american-team-wins-international-six-days-enduro-for-the-first-time-in-history


The 32nd Annual World Vet Motocross Championships will be held at Glen Helen on Saturday, November 5th and Sunday the 6th. Gates open at 6am and racing at 9am on Saturday. The gates open at 6am Sunday. Racing for the pro purse at 3PM. Each day the admission is only $10.00 for spectators. A real bargain.
18585 Verdemont Ranch Road, San Bernardino California 92407


The Edison Dye Motocross Lifetime Achievement Award will be presented to Lars Larsson at the World Vet Motocross Championships at Glen Helen on Sunday, November 6th a little after noon. The presentation will include a video, photos and a chance get autographs from some very accomplished racers. Come out to Glen Helen for great races and rub elbows with some of your heroes.


Reported by Jess Thomas
Jim McMurren died of congestive heart failure at 5:30 this morning. He passed at home with his family around him. We were team mates for the NSU and Motobi importer in 1961 and 1962 at USMC International races and Daytona and close friends ever since. Will let you know of any arrangements.
Thank you Jess. Jim was one of the finest. He will be missed terribly.


Glen Pierce reported that Trailblazers Hall of Famer, Dan Rouit continues to battle with some long running health issues. He was hospitalized and soon to be released. Cards or letters of encouragement would be welcome.
Dan and Kathy Rouit
309 W. Rialto St.
Clovis, CA 92612-4331


TodaysCycle Coverage has great reporting and photos on Eddie’s races. Check out:
1st Day http://www.todayscyclecoverage.com/wordpress/2016/10/18/carver-halbert-spring-to-the-top-at-willow-springs
2nd Day http://www.todayscyclecoverage.com/wordpress/2016/10/21/halbert-baker-top-day-two-at-willow-springs.


I know it isn’t here yet, but you may want to order a couple of fine books to put under the tree. And maybe one each for yourself.
Don Emde’s new book “Finding Cannon Ball’s Trail” is a 168 page publication which includes over 400 illustrations. It details Don’s five year project to retrace Erwin “Cannon Ball” Baker’s 1914 transcontinental record ride from San Diego to New York City. The book sells for $25.00 + $5.00 shipping. California residents add $2.00 sales tax. Order online at EmdeBooks.com

Another exceptional book is Malcolm Smith: The Autobiography. You can purchase through his website at www.malcolmsmith.com/malcolm_smith_autobiography.htm and pay with Pay Pal or order by phone at (951) 687 1300 or drop by the shop:
Malcolm Smith Motor Sports, 7599 Indiana Ave. Riverside, Ca 92504
The price is $49.94 plus taxes and shipping.


American Flat Track, formerly the AMA, has T-shirts and hats. Take a look at them on www.americanflattracker.com. They would make great stocking stuffers.

At www.ascotmotorsports.com you will love the quality nostalgic shirts and hats. Posters also available. Shop early and enjoy all the coming holidays.


Congratulations to all who were inducted into the 2016 AMA Hall of Fame in Orlando, Florida. L-R Jeff Cole, Ronnie Jones, Miguel Duhamel, Denis Mahan and Chris Haines.


Doug Towsley sent a link for the Veterama Mannheim swap meet that took place in Europe.


But this time it is Uncle “New York” Ben “Janie” “Bootin” Agajanian, now 97, who is being inducted into San Pedro High School Hall of Fame. Uncle Ben is the oldest living Ram to date. He lost four toes in an elevator accident, but that foot was his kicking foot in professional football. He probably had more nick names than most. Lots of surprises in the Agajanian family.


This has been wandering around the internet. It is the story of filming the famous jump. http:///www.budanddaveekins.com/the-great-escape-jump


The October issue of Motorcycle Consumer News has a Biography of Bryon Farnsworth, written by Joe Michaud. Congrats on the fine article.


The 1st Doug Bingham Memorial Sidecar Rally took place last weekend at William S. Hart Park in Newhall. The rally was started by Doug in 1971 and many good times followed. You can get information at www.meetup.com/Southern-California-Sidecar-club/event/234030503. Many attendees have posted photos. Mike Kolberg has some at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KX4pSQI_GI&feature=youtu.be


Gary Nixon was the 1st American to win a major road race in Japan. Two BSA mounted teams set out to break the speed record from one end of Baja to the other. The Luguna Salada dry lake was discovered by riders in Baja. Larry Haley shared how to race the Checkers Hare & Hound, pucker bush by pucker bush.

Mike Bast won the 1976 Speedway Nationals at Costa Mesa. Springsteen captured the #1Plate in 1976. Roger DeCoster won both motos at Unadilla with Gary Semic second and Brad Lackey Third.


The Archives has the Larry Lawrence story of the race for #1 plate in 1976, featuring Gary Scott, Springsteen and Kenny Roberts.

By the way, did you know that you can read the rest of any of these stories and more from Cycle News online, for FREE. A new issue comes out every Monday. www.cyclenews.com


From Cycle News
Back to fun cheap racing. Reminds me of the Bassani Indoor mini bike races. The bikes start out as a 150cc or less and most modified to the limit of 175cc, 2 valve, air cooled and 4 stroke. The racers are any age, any size any skill. Started at the Texas Tornado Boot Camp in Montgomery, Texas. This year was the first Steven Bodak Mad Dog National with a $500.00 purse. Even the guys from Cycle News couldn’t resist riding. Too much fun and can be done with a minimum of cash.


NOVEMBER 12 – 13
To be held at the Elsinore Motorsports Park, 20700 Cereal St. This races were started in the late 60s and made famous by the movie “On Any Sunday”. There was no racing for a few years and resurrected in 1996. The original races had a different course that took you through town. It has moved to the Motor Sports Park because of the drought and water restrictions. Lots of water is needed to control dust. It is at the south end of Lake Elsinore. (951) 674 3124 Lake-Elsinore.org www.racele.com


Saturday, November 12th. Cut off date for modern sport bikes is 1996. They are aiming to attract new riders for fun and low stress racing. Their goal is to have 4 events in 2017. See attached flyer.


On November 19th they will hold Speedway races at Perris Raceway.


SCFTA Round 11 will be held on Saturday November 5th at Perris Raceway. Gates open at 11:30, Practice 3:30, followed by races. The Final race of the Season will be Round 12 on Sunday, November 6th. Gates open at 8am, Practice at 10am, followed by racing. socalflattrack@aol.com (951) 443 7622

BRITISH MOTORCYCLES ONLY. To be held at Triumph Classic Motorcycles, 1281 Logan Ave. Costa Mesa CA 92626
7AM to 11AM, Seller fee $20.00. Pre-Registration recommended. Steve Ortiz (951) 440 3521. For meeting info call Barbara Barrett (661) 703 9249


Dual-sport ride for British bikes only please.. 9am for coffee, ride at 10am. Meet at Steve Ortiz home, 133 S. Ralph Road in Lake Elsinore (951) 440 3521


Saturday, October 29th REM Octobercross (main track)
Sunday, October 30th SRA GP
Saturday, November 5 Dubya World Vet MX
Sunday, November 6 Dubya World Vet MX
Saturday, November 12 REM MX / MX Practice
Sunday, November 13 Open / ARX (Back Track)
Saturday, November 19 REM MX / MX Practice
Sunday, November 20 SRA GP
Nov 25, 26, 27 Day in the dirt


The final Endurocross event of the year will be at the Citizens Business Bank Arena on November 18 – 19. Take a look at a sample of the exciting races at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jykBN1lCj50. www.EnduroCross.com
If you miss it, or want to enjoy it again, catch it on www.cbssportsnetwork.com on Sunday, December 4 at 6am EST. There will be a season recap on CBS on Sunday, December 18 at 2pm EST


Friday, November 18 gates open at 12 noon. On Saturday, November 19 and Sunday, November 20th gates open at 7am. If you pre-enter you save. They also have some nifty tee shirts. And if you don’t have a vintage bike, they will rent you one. Contact Tom at (760 403 3634. Get online to learn more: www.oldschoolscramblesracing.com (951) 313 0380 Tami, https://www.facebook.com/southwestvintagecommittee, Directions: http://www.theroyrogersranch.com/directions.html

will be held on Sunday, November 6th. It is the biggest event of its kind on the west coast and gathers the largest collection of British motorcycles, over 1000 British Bikes last year. Coffee and donuts start at 8am and ride starts at 10. Last year over 100 vintage bikes participated. It will be held in the lower lot at Hansen Dam.

Enter off the #210 at Osbourne.

–Thanks to Tom Van Beveren


Old School or just plain Cool, these solid brass 5 ¾” headlights from Paugho will certainly personalize any ride. Each body is deep drawn from a solid sheet of solid brass, not cheaply plated like many similar lights on the market.

That means you can polish them as often as you like or let them age into a vintage unpolished brass finish. Each light comes complete with a 12-volt sealed beam, red high beam indicator and bottom stud mount.

Depending on your taste you can order the brass lights with either a chrome or black ring.

Part #1300BRB features the black ring and #1300BRC comes with a chrome ring. Both versions retail for $221.95.

For further details check out the catalog at www.paughco.com of call direct to 775-246-5738

As a Nation let us pay tribute to our brave Service Members & Families with
Complimentary Thanksgiving Dinner.

DONATE ONLINE AT: http://DanaPoint5thMarines.com/2016-thanksgiving

Let’s celebrate our Marines & their families with a festive, fully plated Thanksgiving dinner and desserts! Come join in the celebration with our Marines, Sailors, Wounded Warriors and their families.

The meal, desserts, drinks, raffle prizes and entertainment are our way of saying Thank You and all are complimentary for our 5th Marines thanks to your support.

On Thanksgiving Day, November 24, 2016, Waterman’s Harbor Restaurant will again be hosting for the 5th year a complete plated Thanksgiving Dinner, Open Bar, Dessert and Coffee for our Marines and their Families at Waterman’s Harbor Restaurant in Dana Point

The cost to Sponsor a Marine or Family Member is only $35/Person.
To Sponsor a Marine(s) and their Family Member(s) please visit:

If you prefer to send a check, please make and send your check to:
The Dana Point 5th Marine Regiment Support Group
Attention: Thanksgiving for Marines
P.O. Box 471
Dana Point, CA 92629-0471

All Donations are Tax Exempt.

To learn more about our sponsoring restaurant, please vist their websites at:

Semper Fi,
Your Dana Point 5th Marine Regiment Support Group

[page break]

HARLEY-DAVIDSON MILWAUKEE-EIGHT BREATHES DEEP WITH NEW SCREAMIN’ EAGLE HIGH-FLOW AIR CLEANER– Feed a Harley-Davidson Milwaukee-Eight engine more air for more power with this new Screamin’ Eagle High-Flow Air Cleaner (P/N 29400246).

Designed to fit behind the original equipment air cleaner cover, this Screamin’ Eagle High-Flow kit features a back plate sized to provide an open-element function that permits airflow around the entire perimeter of the air cleaner and through the ram air opening at the front.

The kit fits 2017 Touring and Trike models (except CVO™ models) and includes the die-cast back plate, a high-flow oiled-cotton filter element, all required gaskets and hardware, and a diamond-cut Screamin’ Eagle® medallion. All models require ECM calibration with Screamin’ Eagle® Pro Street Tuner (priced separately) for proper installation. This kit is 50-state U.S. EPA compliant.

These and other Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Parts & Accessories are available at more than 750 authorized retail locations in the United States and online.

–Charles P.

From the Petersen Automotive Museum Motorcycle ride-in yesterday– Michael Ojala’s custom H.D., ‘Bonneville Salt Flats’, built in his native Sweden.

Snapped up right away by American Iron Magazine.

Yep, the good Dr. Hamster was in at The Petersen Automotive Motorcycycle Ride-in on Sunday morning, 8 a.m.

–Markus Cuff
Bikernet Investigator
Certified Feature Photographer
American Iron Magazine
Cycle Source Magazine

Pete Pearson “Rocket Bob’s Cycle Works” Claims Title of Master Builder Champion of Artistry in Iron at 2016 Las Vegas BikeFest

At a ceremony held at Las Vegas BikeFest, Pete Pearson from the United Kingdom was named the 2016 Artistry in Iron, Master Builder Champion.

Pearson won with a Triumph-based build named “Speed Weevil”.

It’s featured here on Bikernet right now.


Fans of Victory Motorcycles who vote earn a chance to win a 2017 Victory Octane, $3,000 worth of Victory Octane accessories and the opportunity to customize their awarded bike with TV’s Bryan Fuller

Victory Motorcycles is excited to launch “Operation Octane,” a contest that has Victory dealers competing against each other by turning wrenches to create the ultimate custom Victory Octane motorcycle.

You’ve seen Victory Octane customs built by motorcycle industry icons like Zach Ness, Aaron Colton and Rick Fairless. Now, over 20 Victory dealers from around the world have created their own interpretations of the light, fast and affordable Octane.

Dealers participating in Operation Octane were asked to utilize a 2017 Victory Octane, however their build inspirations and themes were up to them. There’ll be four winners – a North American champion, North American runner-up, International champion and International runner-up – who’ll compete for prizes including a 1st place of $5,000 and inclusion in a print ad, and a 2nd place of $3,000. The four winning dealers will be determined by the voting public.

Fans of Victory Motorcycles are invited to vote for their favorite bike online at VictoryMotorcycles.com until November 21. Voters will be entered for a chance to win a free 2017 Victory Octane, $3,000 worth of Victory Octane parts, garments & accessories, plus a trip to meet and customize their awarded Octane with TV’s Bryan Fuller and his Fuller Moto design shop.

Available in Gloss Black ($9,999), Matte Super Steel Gray ($10,499), Matte Pearl White ($10,499) and Gloss Black with Graphics ($10,499), the 2017 Victory Octane features a high revving liquid-cooled 60-degree V-Twin with four-valve heads and dual-overhead cams that makes 104 horsepower and 76 foot-pounds of tire-shredding torque.

While it has the heart of a Pikes Peak International Hill Climb racer and a 0-60 mph time that makes it the quickest Victory ever produced, there’s also a stiff and lightweight cast-aluminum frame, sharp steering geometry, a tight wheelbase and 32 degrees of lean angle.

Learn more about Operation Octane and Victory Motorcycles at VictoryMotorcycles.com or follow on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Information about Victory motorcycles, apparel and accessories is available at www.victorymotorcycles.com

Gents – I had to buy it. Got it for a great deal, and now need to fill that gaping hole in the middle. Fuller stuffed in a Guzzi. Not sure I can quite handle that.

If you come across an engine, or know somebody with an engine, who has to have a good frame and chassis bits…well, I own this now.

Thanks and have a smooth week –

Robert Pandya

Welcome to the comfortable insanity that is old biking.

–Steve Orrell

You might try KIWI Mike about the drivetrain. I’m sure he can help. Check this:



New BANDIT’S CANTINA Reader Comment!–

Christine Blackburn Podcaster, Producer, Host, Writer, Mom

Hi Christine,

Will you marry me?


–Ujjwal Dey
Location: Bombay, India

Developed for Harley’s latest café racer style Sportster Roadster model, this complete bolt-on steering damper kit features a 16-position adjustable, rebuildable, racing quality Ceriani steering damper with smooth and consistent damping.

The damper is attached with CNC machined billet aluminum mounting brackets and full front fork rotation is retained. Mounting hardware and instructions are included.

The purpose or a steering damper is to dampen oscillations in the front fork assembly (aka “headshake”) when the front wheel is deflected from its normal track by road bumps, tire reaction, frame flex, etc.

P/N: HD1200-RDS

MSRP: $435.00

As a reminder, this digital edition won’t replace your printed magazine, which will still arrive in the mail every other month as always. Your current issue is in the mail now. For those in the U.S. you will receive your copy within days. Members in Canada and Mexico in a week or so and overseas in several weeks.

While you are patiently awaiting your copy in the mail, you can click on the above cover image to see exactly the same magazine, containing every page, every story and every ad, from your desktop computer, your laptop, your tablet or even your phone!

The digital edition is an invaluable tool for members who want to find a story from an old magazine. As new magazines are posted, we’ll build up an archive of past issues you can refer to anytime, without fumbling through that stack of printed magazines in the corner of your shop.

All you’ll need to take advantage of this new benefit is your AMCA number and your last name. Just fill in that information on the login page and start reading.

In the Nov/Dec issue of the Antique Motocycle, you’ll get:
An inside look at some of the classic machines on display at the annual Rhinebeck Meet in New York.
The background behind Marsh-Metz, one of America’s earliest motorcycle manufacturers.
A look ahead at schedule of AMCA National Meets and Road Runs for 2017.
Plus much more

Oh, heard interesting scuttlebutt on Jesse James frames at The Petersen Museum. Did not know the framed crack & broke up high in the front?!!

It was, according to my source, a good thing he got out of West Coast Choppers when he did– there might have been a class action suit.

The frame cracks, then could snap while riding. The custom frame tubing he used was too thin at the stress point.

My connection noticed cracking on a long trip & had to have it towed back to L.A. as it could have collapsed at high speed. Frame was cut and re-tubbed in the stress areas.

–Anonymous Investigator


Thursday January 5 Sporting Clay Tournament Ancient Oak Gun Club (16800 SR 64 East Lakewood Ranch, FL) Friday January 6?Born To Be Wild Kickoff Party Polo Grill and Bar (10670 Boardwalk Loop-Lakewood Ranch, FL) 6:00 pm until 10:00 pm $75 PP Music By: Billy Rice Band Complimentary Food/Bev Tasting Stations

Silent Auction Includes (2) Drink Tickets Welcome Thunder Event The Coral House (8389 S. Tamiami Trail Sarasota, FL) 3:00 pm until 10:00 pm


Live Music
Bike Wash Saturday January 7

Cruise for Cash Charity Motorcycle Ride Registration 9:30 am until 11:30 am/$20 PP Starts at Suncoast Charities for Children

Festival Info: Thunderbythebay.org


Mr. Ball, have you guys heard anything of the S&S winter kit? These are supposed to be 4-inch bore with no need to bore cases. It’s a bolt-on system.


We already have on in play, but are releasing the 4-inch pistons (110-inch) top end kit on its own next month and that might be a good one for a Bikernet Tech.

–David Zemla

I’m reading George Christie’s “Exile on Front Street” regarding his life with the Hells Angels. I’m up to page 162 and we will bring you reviews and more reports. It’s well written and we may soon sell copies in our 5-Ball Garage.

Or go with my latest fiction book for pure excitement and adventure, “World Run.”

FIVE REASONES Why You Want Spectro Oils in Your Dealership–

Spectro Oils offers your shop the most comprehensive product selection developed for the Motorcycle and Powersports Industry. With close to 250 different SKUs available, Spectro Oils can provide you with the fluids needed to service any application on all major OEMS. They offer 2 and 4 Stroke Engine Oils, Transmission and Gear Oils, Suspension Fluids and Fork Oils, Coolant, Brake Fluid, Filter Cleaners and Oils, Chain Waxes and Lubes, and a wide variety of Cleaning Products.

Spectro Oils offers your customers premium quality products for their Motorcycle. From Group 4 synthetic base stocks to the best additive packages on the market, Spectro Oils is dedicated to using the highest quality ingredients. All of the products are blended in a process called “Small Batch Blending”. This helps to ensure that you are getting a consistent quality product every time you buy that will protect your bike from the inside out.

Spectro Oils offers you something unique…loyalty! For 50 years Spectro Oils has set up their distribution network in a way that helps support dealers. Instead of large nationwide distributors, or automotive groups that have massive buying power and run on minimal margins, Spectro Oils enlists independent distributors that have set territories and only sell to Motorcycle Dealers. This means that the big box chain down the street can’t carry Spectro Oils. Working with smaller distributors also means that everyone has a better margin on their sales, so everyone profits!

Tote and promote! It’s nice getting a free hat, or some stickers on occasion from a sales rep when they stop by, but wouldn’t it be nice to be able to get more? Spectro Oils offers a proof of purchase program, so every case you buy can be turned into promotional items. Spectro offers apparel, metal signs, neon clocks, display racks, and many other great items.

This is the custom wheel company of wheel companies. They feature terrific designs, some by Chip Foose. Pick any of their designs, they will polish and finish them to your specs, finally they can deliver them to your door with matching rotors and pulleys and tires mounted and balanced, ready for quick and easy installation.

Here’s a new 3-D wheel. It comes in Chrome or all Black Anodized in sizes 18-inch to 32-inch for the front, 16 to 18-inch for the rear.



S&S Shorty Carburetor Adjustments

Like all the articles I’ve read on this site. They’re informative, easy to understand. It works for me, so I’m sure it does for most everyone else….thanks guys!!

I truly appreciate everything

— Anthony Florez
Vacaville, CA

LOVE JUGS DOES THE UNIMAGINABLE!– Attention Harley-Davidson and Indian Dealers…This Email Will Be Very Profitable for You

“It’s never happened before and it’s going to be one of the most outstanding product support programs in the history of the motorcycle world – no kidding.”
–Rick Raus President V-Twin Marketing

Harley & Indian dealers, be alert to the fantastic opportunity that Love Jugs is offering you and your customers. If you are not already a Love Jugs dealer, contact us and learn how simple it is to get into this profitable game. I promise you’ll be very happy you did!

Below is the recent Fix My Hog endorsement that elicited thousands of web visits.
This is only the beginning of an unprecedented campaign that will help you sell Love Jugs like no other product on your shelves.

Watch this space, there’s much more to come. You’ll be amazed by who else loves Love Jugs as the list grows…

Available in luxurious show polished stainless steel, gloss black powder coated and flat black finishes.

For more information, please contact: Hammerhead Engineering CEO Steve West at info@love-jugs.com or visit the web site: www.love-jugs.com

Visit Our Website

[page break]



Our founder and head designer, Alan, was recently interviewed by Petrolicious. The interview highlights our story at Revival Cycles and our commitment to quality craftsmanship.

Revival Signature Line: New Leather Colors
The Revival Cycles In-House leather line is getting updated colors in the coming months. We’ll be introducing Olive Green, Mahogany, Black and Midnight Blue.

Our leather is USA made from Tasman leather which has been tanned in Hartland, Maine since 1947.

We’re excited to continue our Revival Signature Leather line which ranges from card wallets to belts to pannier bags. Look for these products to debut on the webstore soon. For now, click on the picture below to view our current signature selections.



Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of Bikernet. I appreciate the press. You never know where the next big project will come from.

Tony Q.

KBC Tools has these on sale until New Years. Buy online, they Will ship to you.

The local store is in Placentia, by State College and Hwy 91. I have a catalog here. They mail out a discount catalog every other month.

Dr. Willie


“Err, nice bike.” It was heartbreaking to watch the man’s eyes. He had poured his heart and soul into building his dream bike.

Now for sale, I was looking at the monstrosity that he had built. The rear fender kicked up way too high. The rear signal lights were haphazardly screwed to the fender leaving the mounting holes on the fender struts empty. The seat has hacked and slashed from two-up to a solo leaving unsightly gaps.

A single filament rectangle tractor headlight mounted to beach bars that he had heated and bent up the ends to an uncomfortable angle. The long swooping front fender argued against the short bobbed rear fender. Beauty truly was in the eye of the beholder.

It is something that I run into quite a bit. There are lots of people out there who think they can, lots of people who think they should but the number that actually can is few and far between. The previous owner of my son’s house thought that he could rewire it but stretched the wires as tight as he could and left only 2 inches or less wire in each box. I’m not even sure how he was able to connect them to the outlet.

I’ve seen man caves built without a level or even apparently a measuring tape. I’ve seen cars rebuilt with clear and obvious damaged shoed up with cedar door shims–death traps waiting for someone to unknowingly buy up.

To accomplish something successfully you have to have the knowledge, the skills and the attention to detail. All too often people are missing one or two legs from that tripod. The person who wired my son’s house had the skill but didn’t have the knowledge that the wire needs to have some slack, that there needs to be some wire to pull into the box if a wire breaks, and that there needs to be enough wire exposed to safely connect it to the outlet.

The guy with the bike had the knowledge and the skill but lack the attention to detail to see the bike as a whole – each part complimenting the next in harmony. So before you dive into a new project ask yourself if you’re smart enough, talented enough, and stylish enough to accomplish it. If not you’re going to create a lot of work for someone else.

-bad Uncle Monkey

KEEP THE BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY WIDE OPEN— A very nice, innocent Australian woman wanted to get married, but she is only willing to marry a man if he has never had sex with another woman. After several unsuccessful years of searching, she decides to take out a personal ad. She ends up corresponding with Scotty Greer, who is an average golfer and who has lived his entire life in the Australian Outback and he has no experience with women.

They meet and she is very happy with him; she feels that they are perfect for each other. Eventually they end up getting married. On their wedding night, she goes into the bathroom to prepare for the evening. When she returns to the bedroom, she finds her new husband standing in the middle of the room naked. All the furniture from the room is piled in one corner. “What happened?” she asks.

“I’ve never been with a woman” he says, “But if it’s anything like a kangaroo, I’m going to need all the room I can get!”

I don’t like political jokes. I’ve seen too many get elected.

–from Rogue and Sidehack Jerry

GOVERNMENT NOTICE– Federal agency seeks comments on vehicle cybersecurity policy

Take Action!

On Oct. 28, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration requested comments on its Cybersecurity Best Practices for Modern Vehicles manual. The deadline to submit comments is Nov. 28.

The American Motorcyclist Association applauds the NHTSA for its effort, because this manual represents a sound first step in meeting a provision of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (i.e., Highway Bill) related to cybersecurity standards. It will help prevent hacking, spoofing and disruption of connected and automated transportation vehicles.

As an organization that represents motorcyclists who will share the road with vehicles using these technologies, safety is our utmost concern. Therefore, we support the NHTSA’s recommendations to automobile manufacturers. Specifically, “Allocating dedicated resources within the organization focused on researching, investigating, implementing, testing, and validating product cybersecurity measures and vulnerabilities.” (Emphasis added).

Since 2014, the AMA has been urging the U.S. Department of Transportation to test the security of vehicle-to-vehicle communications to ensure motorcyclists’ safety and privacy. If this manual is adopted, it will help ensure that vehicles using advanced crash-avoidance and vehicle-to-vehicle technologies are not compromised. A threat the Federal Bureau of Investigation warns is a real risk.

With vehicular intersections already a well-documented problem for motorcyclists, can you imagine the danger presented by a false sense of security among drivers who rely too heavily on advanced safety technologies? Drivers may believe these technologies will fully protect them, as well as other road users, and may not be prepared should these technologies malfunction at a critical juncture.

With the safety of motorcyclists the utmost priority of the AMA, we urge you to voice your opinion before Nov. 28.

Make our voice stronger by sharing the AMA alert. Share with your friends on Facebook.

Now more than ever, it is crucial that you and your riding friends become members of the AMA to help protect our riding freedoms. More members mean more clout against the opponents of motorcycling. That support will help fight for your rights – on the road, trail and racetrack and in the halls of government.

If you are a motorcycle rider, join the AMA at www.americanmotorcyclist.com/membership/join.

Take Action! 

Be sure to comment on automated vehicle policy

On Sept. 20, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration requested comments on its plan for a federal automated vehicle policy. The deadline to submit comments is Nov. 22.

Take Action!

NEW MODEL Indian Springfield– It’s only money

You pay for what you get, but Indian’s new Springfield is a lot of motorcycle
Indian has worked fast to create a family of large-capacity V-twins since the famous old marque’s rebirth under Polaris ownership three years ago. The initial Chief Classic cruiser was launched alongside the screen-and-saddlebags equipped Vintage and half-faired Chieftain, and has already been joined by the Roadmaster tourer and blacked-out Chief Dark Horse.

Now I’m riding through the old Florida city of St Augustine on the next of the family: the Springfield. The low sun is gleaming off its chromed headlamp nacelle; an air-cooled V-twin engine beats lazily below a broad red gas tank with Indian’s curly logo on its sides. Right now the Springfield is a simple naked cruiser — but earlier this morning it was a tourer: rumbling north from Daytona Beach with its windscreen keeping off the breeze, and my gear stashed in its pair of hard panniers.

The Springfield — named after the Massachusetts city where the old Indian firm’s famous “Wigwam” factory was located — is the sixth member of Indian’s family of air-cooled, 1811 cc V-twins, and could almost count as the seventh model too. It’s the most versatile of the bunch, because its screen and panniers can be removed in moments to create a naked cruiser very similar to the base-model Chief.

It’s not surprising that Indian has developed such a bike. The Road King has long been one of old rival Harley-Davidson’s most popular models, based on its combination of retro charm and the practicality of panniers and removable screen. Indian admits that since the Chief’s launch they’ve had numerous requests for such a machine, and that the reason the Springfield is appearing only now is that developing it wasn’t simply a case of bolting hard luggage to the Vintage.

That would potentially have concentrated too much weight at the rear of the bike, to the detriment of handling. Instead the Springfield’s chassis is tweaked to reduce rake from 29 to 25 degrees, moving the centre of gravity forward enough to allow fitment of Roadmaster-style panniers, which come as standard, and also an accessory top-box. Trail is also reduced, and the rear suspension is via the air-assisted shock from the big tourer, rather than the simple preload-adjustable unit used by the other models.

In most other respects the Springfield follows the Vintage, though it has a neatly stitched-and-studded black leather saddle instead of brown tassels, and its 16-inch wheels are cast and wearing black tires, rather than wire-spokers with white-walls. Its fat buck-horn bars are slightly more pulled back, which Indian says gives a more relaxed hand position, and its chromed parts include running lights as well as the Indian’s head on the traditionally gigantic front fender.

On the freeway the Springfield sat with about 130 km/h showing on its stylish tank-mounted analogue speedo, holding its pace via the standard-fit cruise control, the big engine loping long-leggedly at just 3000 rpm, and the screen doing an excellent job of adding to the luxurious feel.

Handling was also impressive, especially the steering which, thanks to the steeper geometry, was subtly lighter than that of the Chief Vintage that we also got to ride. At 364 kg dry the Springfield is a pretty hefty machine but was pleasantly manageable, helped by its fairly low seat. Indian’s aluminum frame is impressively stiff, and the combination of stout 46 mm forks and air-assisted monoshock did a good job of maintaining stability and control while delivering a very supple ride.

The Springfield is essentially a big American tourer designed mainly for straight lines, but when we found a few bends it tracked round in reasonably enthusiastic fashion, and even had enough ground clearance to be fun.
The Springfield costs several thousand dollars more than the rival Road King in the Canadian market, and its $26,299 sticker makes it $1,300 more expensive than Indian’s own Chief Vintage. Then again, the Springfield’s versatility means it’s almost two bikes in one. And whether in cool urban cruiser or laid-back American tourer form, it’s a wonderfully stylish, charismatic and enjoyable machine.

Read the entire well-written report at Cycle Canada.

–from Cycle Canada and Passion Performance

SPEAKING OF INDIAN, JIMS Tools for Indian Motorcycles– JIMS has released three new tools for Indian Motorcycles. JIMS No. 5800 Flywheel Puller has improved thread engagement over the OEM tool, so there is less chance of rotor damage on 2015-present Indian Scout models. It has a suggested retail price of $76.00.

JIMS No. 5801 Water Pump Seal(s) Installer for 2015-present Indian Scout is two sided, so it also installs the oil seal beneath the water pump seal. You get two tools for the price of one at $79.50 MSRP.

Finally, JIMS No. 5803 Hub Protector prevents wheel damage when removing wheel bearings with JIMS or OEM wheel bearing tools. The hub protector retails for $48.00, works on all Indian models, and any other wheels with insufficient hub surface area for the wheel bearing tool to pull against.

JIMS is continually designing and improving tools for American motorcycles. As always, JIMS tools are guaranteed for life and made in the USA. In addition, these Indian tools work on 2017 Victory Octane models. For more info, contact sales@jimsusa.com, visit us on the web at www.jimsusa.com, or call sales at (805) 482-6913.

–Clark Kirkendall

INNOVATION OF THE WEEK– Not sure where it keeps it’s fuel – seems to last a long time! ~~~ JT

–from Joe Teresi
Emperor of the Easyriders
Vast and Unrelenting Kingdom

Inaugural Galveston Beach Classic Postponed to 2017

Lone Star Rally 2017 To See First Oval Beach Race In 60 Years

For the past several years Cycle Source Magazine and Grease & Gears Productions have been working with the promoters of the Lone Star Rally in Galveston, TX to bring new motorcycle events to their hugely successful show.

In conjunction with city officials, industry sponsors and Grease & Gears Productions 2016 was slated to be the inaugural Galveston Beach Classic. The first oval beach races to be held in the US in 60 years. Unfortunately, despite the fact that the City of Galveston graciously provided an amazing facility at the Stewart Beach location and planning was well underway, time was not on the side of Grease & Gears Productions as they got off to a late start.

While they are very excited to bring this history-making event to Galveston and the Lone Star Rally they felt it crucial to allow proper planning and promotion to bring this event to rally goers and race enthusiasts in world-class fashion. As such, the Galveston Beach Classic has been postponed to the 2017 Lone Star Rally.

In an effort to make the inaugural events a smashing success for all participants, the vintage swap meet and Kustom Kulture Lot have been postponed as well.

Please stay tuned to www.lonestar.com and www.cyclesource.com for more news and updates. Galvestonbeachclassic.com is currently under construction but check back regularly for racer registration, tickets, news and more.


Victory to donate $100 to IAVA for every “Thank A Hero” note submitted on behalf of a U.S. military veteran or active service member

Victory Motorcycles is proud to launch the “Thank A Hero” program, which invites the public to thank a military veteran or active service member with a personalized note posted to the VictoryMotorcycles.com website.

Launching today, November 1, the beginning of Military Appreciation Month, the Thank A Hero program benefits Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), an organization committed to providing support and resources to the newest generation of U.S. military veterans.

For every note that’s submitted, Victory will donate $100 to IAVA on the hero’s behalf. Also, when people submit their Thank A Hero notes to their loved ones, they’ll have an option to share their “salute” on Facebook and Twitter.

The Thank A Hero program is one of the ways Victory Motorcycles and Victory riders and dealers are saluting military veterans and those currently serving. Additionally, on Saturday November 19, the public is invited to visit their local Victory Motorcycles dealer for a charity ride in honor of the IAVA. Any individuals who have served in the military, police, or fire department will receive $1,000 off the purchase of any new Victory heavyweight bike and $500 off the purchase of a new Victory Octane. Log on to http://www.victorymotorcycles.com/en-us/thank-a-hero for more information.

As a strategic partner of IAVA, Victory has provided financial support and resources to help IAVA raise awareness of veterans’ issues and the resources that IAVA provides. Scott Wine, Chairman and CEO of Victory’s parent company, Polaris, received the 2015 IAVA Civilian Leadership Award. And the Victory “Hero’s Metal” program provides military personnel and veterans, as well as police and fire personnel, with $1,000 off the price of a new Victory motorcycle ($500 off a new Octane).

Visit IAVA.org for more information about Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. Learn more about Victory Motorcycles at VictoryMotorcycles.com or follow on Twitter and Facebook.


Founded in 2004 by an Iraq veteran, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) is the first and largest organization for the more than 2.8 million veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan and their families. As the group’s website notes: “IAVA strives to build an empowered generation of veterans who provide sustainable leadership for our country and their local communities.” For details about IAVA programs and how you can support IAVA or get involved, visit www.iava.org.

We made it through another week. I’m working on two articles involving the historic factory in Milwaukee. One will cover the new M-8 engine more in-depth. The other is about the Softail mentioned in the news.

I’m also working on a nasty, dangerous, slimy Cantina Episode and it involves an oceanside H-D dealer. What’s the deal.

I better roll my Indian into the street and go for a ride. Need to center myself. Can’t show favoritism.

In the meantime, ride Free forever.


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