
Brothers and sisters all over the world are on the road. It’s that time of year and the Sturgis motorcycle rally is coming up fast.

Since most folks are on the road and not reading the news, I’m going to jump right into the action.

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, BorntoRide.com and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum.


This shot was taken at an AMCA event is Wassion. This is one Washington enthusiast’s collection. Incredible.


BREAKING SEMA NEWS: California Judge Rules in Favor of SEMA, EcoLogic to Protect Motorized Recreation at Oceano Dunes

July 20, 2023 (San Luis Obispo County, California) — The California Superior Court of San Luis Obispo County ruled that the California Coastal Commission does not have the authority to prohibit motorized recreational and overnight camping access at Oceano Dunes State Vehicle Recreation Area (SVRA).

The Honorable Judge Tana Coates ruled in favor of the Specialty Equipment Market Association, EcoLogic Partners (a legal collaboration between the Off-Road Business Association (ORBA), American Sand Association (ASA) and American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) District 37), and Friends of Oceano Dunes, ruling that the Coastal Commission abused its discretion by unilaterally ordering the elimination of off-highway vehicle (OHV) use at the Oceano Dunes SVRA.

“Today’s ruling is a huge win for SEMA, ORBA, ASA, and AMA District 37 in the fight to protect motorized recreation access in California and across the United States,” announced Mike Spagnola, President & CEO of SEMA. “The Coastal Commission’s efforts to stop off-road access at Oceano Dunes were unreasonable and set a dangerous precedent,” continued SEMA President and CEO Mike Spagnola. “This is a hard-fought victory for the motorized recreation community and the millions of enthusiasts that recreate at Oceano Dunes each year. SEMA is proud to have supported this lawsuit and is committed protecting the right to responsibly recreate on California’s coast and public lands throughout the country.”

The court determined that San Luis Obispo County’s Local Coastal Program (LCP) governs activities at the SVRA under the Coastal Act. The LCP expressly allows OHV use at the Oceano Dunes SVRA. Under the Coastal Act, the County of San Luis Obispo has exclusive authority to enforce and manage the LCP. The Coastal Commission, acting on its own, has no power to take any action inconsistent with the LCP.

Oceano Dunes SVRA is a premier destination for motorized recreation enthusiasts and tourists alike as the only off-road park in the state offering direct access to the Pacific Ocean.

For decades, recreationists and off-roaders have enjoyed riding all types of motorized vehicles, from trucks and SUVs to dune buggies and quads, on the California beach, which was threatened by the Commission’s March 2021 amendments to Coastal Development Permit 4-82-300 that demanded the California Department of Parks and Recreation phase out OHV access to Oceano Dunes SVRA by 2024.


Going to Sturgis? Join us, along with Harley-Davidson, for our Choppical Pool Party! The Choppical Pool Party is exactly as it sounds, a tropical themed pool party & chopper show that will feature the most unique and custom builds.


FIM Rules and Forms Now Online.

All final forms you need to complete your FIM World Record Entry and registration are now on our website. There are some slight adjustments on the processing of the Licensing and Application to the AMA so please read all the instructions. A printable checklist is also online to assist the process. All form are on our FIM Licensing Info and Forms Page.

Pre-Entry Discount Deadline Extended.
Thanks to those that already have submitted their BMST Registrations! We’ve extended our discount deadline to JULY 22nd 2023 @ Midnight. Late fees will now apply from July 23rd 2023.


Salt Conditions
We’re heading to the Salt early next week to check on conditions and track layout options for BMST. The best place to get the most up-to-date info from us while were out there is via our Facebook, page where we can post live. We will add infomation to our Salt Conditions page @ bonnevillemst.com

More Volunteers Needed!
As an all-volunteer organization, this doesn’t happen without the help of a dedicated crew. We’re always looking for volunteers, without who we would not be able to race! Looking for a front row seat to the action? Volunteering is a great way to have an active role at BMST! Check out our Volunteer Page for more details or to get signed up!

Dates to mark on your calendar:
July 22nd Pre-Entry discount Closes, FIM Entries due to AMA
August 13th- Online Entry Closes (Entry on the salt still available after deadline)
August 25th – VIR Pit Entry and Registration
August 26th – General Entry Pits, Registration & Scruineering Open
August 27th- 31st – Racing
August 31st – Awards Party.

Keep Posted to our Web & Social Media pages for updates!


on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @bonnevillemst


–Sam Burns
Art Curator


The heart of this year’s raffle bike comes straight from the collection of the American Pickers.

Matt acquired the ’37 Knucklehead engine from Mike Wolfe and built this year’s incredible raffle bike around the storied motor.

The ground-up restoration, presented in a period-modified look and feel, features Flanders bars with risers and bobbed fenders and is finished in HD custom Silver, striped in black, and edged in Gold.

The 61 cubic-inch engine, paired with a four-speed transmission, is built to give the winner plenty of power and performance while hitting the road.

Don’t miss your chance to own this incredible piece of history ??

EPA CORRECTION– Few Stations Show Increase in Hot Days

Look for upcoming newsletters that will document how U. S. governmental agencies like EPA and NOAA have been removing data and information that does not conform to the their promotion of a man-made climate crisis.

Below is an important chart that somehow slipped by EPA’s “consensus” censorship squad. It is a map of all 1,066 weather stations across the United States. The change in the number of hot days for that station are ID’d as increasing (red), stayed the same (blank) or decreasing (blue).

A total of 863 stations, or 81%, reported either a decrease or no change in the number of hot days! Any guesses on how long this map will remain up on their site?

As reported by EPA, only 19% of all weather stations report an increase in the number of hot days since 1948!

BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!–

HOMECOMING BIKERNET WEEKLY NEWS for July 13th, 2023 – click here to read

Hey Bandit, Have you ever considered bringing back some content from those old Easy Rider, Tech, Tricks & Tips books? It seems like you put a lot into them. I still enjoy flipping through my old copies, especially when I putting together one of my Shovelheads.

I know some of the stuff is out dated, but it might be good for some riders today to get an idea of how it was done before we had ten thousand aftermarket options to work with. Then there’s all the politically incorrect art work to raddle some cages.

Also, would like to see more about events, roads & rides out here in the great Northwest. Just asking for a friend.

— Bill O’Neil
Eltopia, WA

“Great notions. I’ll see what I can do after the rally and after Bonneville.”


TEAM DicE is out on location at the Malle Mile with the Demon Drone Wall of Death working on a secret project.

Keep an eye on Instagram for updates.


If you want to continue to be able to work on your own motorcycle, with guaranteed access to the parts, tools and service information needed to modify, service and maintain it yourself, then you need to contact your member of the House of Representatives and ask them to cosponsor H.R. 906; the “Right to Equitable and Professional Auto Industry Repair” Act, or better known in Congress as the “REPAIR Act”.

“The REPAIR Act ensures that vehicle owners or repair shops are not denied access to the information, software or tools needed to work on vehicles,” reports the Motorcycle Riders Foundation in an MRF alert. “The proposed law also establishes rules regarding vehicle data access. This commonsense law will help preserve consumer choice and a fair marketplace.”

The MRF invites motorcycling constituents to communicate with your federal lawmakers via this link:


–Bill Bish
NCOM Biker News Bytes

“See Bill’s complete report on Bikernet in the next couple of days. Don’t miss it.”

GAS STOVE WARS– Lawmaker Questions Top Official Over Proposed Gas Stove Ban, Cost to Move to Electric.

A top Biden administration official behind the Department of Energy’s (DOE) proposed regulatory crackdown on gas stoves said in congressional testimony on July 18 that she doesn’t know the details of electric stove installation.

Geraldine Richmond, the Department of Energy’s undersecretary for science and innovation, on July 18 testified before the Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Energy Policy, and Regulatory Affairs during a hearing called “Canceling Consumer Choice: Examining the Biden Administration’s Regulatory Assault on Americans’ Home Appliances.”

During the hearing, Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) addressed Ms. Richmond regarding a DOE notice of proposed federal rulemaking unveiled in February that would allow the agency to set new efficiency and conservation standards for home appliances, including gas stoves.

The proposed rule (pdf), which is meant to reduce emissions from household appliances, would affect at least half of new gas stove models sold in the United States and make most of the existing ones on the market noncompliant, according to Republicans on the subcommittee.

‘Not a Ban’?
During the hearing, Mr. Perry disputed Democrat claims that the DOE rule shouldn’t be referred to as a gas stove ban.

“I don’t know what kind of gas stove you have in your house … and to the gentlelady on the other side of the aisle, she says it’s not a ban [but] according to my figures, 4 percent of current gas stovetops available on the market today meet the rule, which means that 96 percent of them don’t,” Mr. Perry said.

The GOP lawmaker then said that many people on lower incomes wouldn’t be able to afford a new gas stove that’s compliant with the new rules and so would opt for an electric stove but pointed out that installing one could be costly.

“If you’re not making a lot of money, you can’t afford the expensive one that probably will meet it, so you’ve got to try and buy the other one,” he said, adding that he’s glad the DOE is getting people to save money by “forcing them to spend a bunch of money.”

Mr. Perry continued, “If you have a gas stove in your home right now, there’s a gas line coming to it and probably a 110 [volt electrical] connection.

“Do you know what it takes to put an electric stove in your home? Do you have any idea?”

“No, I don’t, but—” Ms. Richmond replied, and before she could elaborate, Mr. Perry cut her off.

“Here, I do! You got to run a 220 [volt] line. Which means you’re going to probably have to get an electrician because unless you know how to do that yourself, you’re playing with potentially losing your life and electrocuting yourself,” he said.

“You’re going to have to hire someone to come in and drill holes in your floor and pull wire to the panel and hook that whole thing up.”

He then asked whether Ms. Richmond had included installation costs for a new electrical line for an electric stove in the DOE’s estimated efficiency savings.

Mr. Perry added that such installation costs would be especially burdensome “for poor people, who are just happy to have a gas stove.”

Ms. Richmond replied by saying that the administration isn’t looking to force anyone to replace their existing stove with an electric one, prompting Mr. Perry to argue that when a person’s existing stove breaks down, he or she would be forced to buy a more expensive one that complies with the new rules.

“We’re strongly in favor of consumer choice,” Ms. Richmond began to say, with Mr. Perry interjecting, “Apparently not!”

–Tom Ozimek
Epoch Times

Why WALKING Helps Us Think–

Since at least the time of Greek philosophers, many writers have discovered a deep, intuitive connection between walking, thinking, and writing.

Walking organizes the world around us; writing organizes our thoughts.

By Ferris Jabr


Editor: Bikernet Blog

NEW SAXON BIKERNET READER COMMENT–Roadtesting The 2007 Saxon Warlord

I own a 2007 Saxon Warlord and enjoyed hell out of this story! I can’t wait to get mine back to where it supposed to be. Third owner, guess first one trashed hell out of it. No fenders, crap handlebars etc. Pure sacreledg!

–Avis T Woods

“Thanks, great bikes. I hope you can bring it back to life. Check Ebay for parts. Too bad, the guys are no longer around.”


[page break]


This book is gettin’ a lotta flack from people with no discernment complaining that it’s not Hunter S. Thompson or Jack Kerouak. The bwa ha ha’s and the ha ha ha’s seem to annoy them.

The book doesn’t have long paens – look it up – to the nobleness of destitution, suffering or sadness….. nor long tirades against the relentless oppression of the government and “the greedy corporations” and Man’s inhumanity to trees or anything else remotely whiney. This utter lack of depressing content and mega overdoses of relentless can-do-ness CAN be upsetting to some readers who demand to be driven to despair via their reading material.

And you are not going to get that kind of a book from someone who, from what I have read so far, is the human version of a river otter…

–J.J. Solari

“Read the massive and unrelenting review on Bikernet in the next couple of days, or fuck it, just buy the book.”



REPORT FROM Ron Harvey’s Classic Motorcycles–

Ron went to the Palmer, Alaska DMV on Friday to get the title for the Panhead. He got a number and waited in line for almost an hour when he got a phone call of some bikers in need. Riders do a 2200 mile motorcycle run in Alaska for the 22 Vets that commit suicide every day. Ron helps to organize it each year.

A couple guys on the run needed some repair work on their bikes so he left the line and went to his shop to help them out. He got them back on the road and returned to DMV to find out his number had just been passed over, so he had to start over. Someone in line did give him their number to help out.

Anyway, he did succeed in getting an Alaska title with the VIN number on the case for my project Panhead. He had to do the surety bond which is basically an insurance policy for 3 years that will pay anyone who might come forward claiming ownership of the bike. Doesn’t seem to be a concern. The VIN number came back clean.

He will have the bike to the shipper later this week and it should arrive in Rapid City in about 3 weeks. I’m pumped.

–45 John


I love the Bikernet Inspirational Seminar. I read the book by Paramahansa Yogananda once back in the ’70s. I am a great believer in Astral Projection. You project yourself to other places in the world. It takes a while to recognize it after you learn about it. That has been my experience.

I think the older you get, the more inclined you are to recognize it. I experienced transcending pain years ago during meditation. I left my physical body and was outside of not only my body but outside of my house too. I could see myself inside through the window. I was sitting in my chair in the living room. I was experiencing a lot of ear pain at the time and was able to rise above the ear pain completely in this state.

This takes practice in meditation and refining your body with a correct diet. No lie!

–Ann Robinson
Belmont Shore, CA

JUNE WINNER–Magnificent Bikernet.com 100-Word Fiction Contest

We decided to get our readers engaged in fiction focused on motorcycling lifestyle. The contest is completely free for anyone to participate. All you have to do is subscribe to Bikernet weekly newsletter and email us your fiction. Can you weave a tale in 100 words or less?

The May 2023 winner was announced on June 22, weekly Thursday News — click & read it here.

We are glad to announce the winner for the month of June 2023 is Chris Dutcher for his 100 words adventure “A Hundred”. As Bikernet Metaverse Editorial Emperor Bandit himself stated “Great story, no wasted words, emotion and action strong. Well done.”

You can read all the multiple fiction entries for this contest at Bikernet.com by Clicking Here.

Chris is not new to fiction writing. He has published two novels in his “Storm Rider” series. You can read a review of those books on Bikernet.com itself.

Storm Rider – Book One — click for review
Storm Rider – Book Two — click for review

Chris Dutcher wins a fantastic goodie bag, full of Bikernet gifts, signed Bandit books and swag. Don’t miss your chance. The July winner will be announced next month.

Don’t ever stop riding or writing…

Supreme Judge

CONGRESSIONAL HEARING OF THE WEEK—Check this hear out from just a couple of days ago. Senator Perry vs. John Kerry…




–Sam Burns
Feature Bike Editor


The Motorcycle Riders Foundation’s annual Meeting of the Minds conference will reflect that the MRF listens to our members, partner state motorcyclists’ rights organizations, and motorcycle clubs.

MRF members and the motorcycling world can see that the MRF is making a difference and moving forward – on Capitol Hill and in state legislatures — to protect the future of motorcycling and motorcyclists’ rights. The Meeting of the Minds conference is where it all began and it’s where motorcyclists’ rights advocates come to experience tailormade workshops addressing issues facing motorcyclists today.

The Meeting of the Minds is where motorcyclists’ rights advocates can get up-to-date information on issues relating to the attacks against motorcycling and motorcyclists’ rights. The success of this year’s Bikers Inside the Beltway was a result of what the MRF shared at the Meeting of the Minds. Keeping our members and partner SMROs informed and on point is what makes the Motorcycle Riders Foundation the foremost motorcyclists’ rights advocacy group in the nation.

Listening, making a difference, moving forward to protect the future of motorcycling, and motorcyclists’ rights — this year’s Meeting of the Minds features sixteen workshops and ten new presenters, plus a stack of new topics added to the mix!

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation – presenters who live and breathe motorcyclists’ rights, topical workshops that have real-world applications for protecting the future of motorcycling – Bikers Inside the Beltway, the Meeting of the Minds – there’s no other place in the world that you can get this much information in such a short span of time!

If you haven’t already, get ready to meet Bob Stoner, a 27-year member of ABATE of Indiana. He’ll join MRF Vice President, Jay Jackson, to present 90 minutes that will help keep your SMRO on track – SMRO

Guidebook: A Cookbook for Your Organization.

Whether you’re contemplating running for political office or supporting a motorcycle-friendly candidate, “think globally, act locally” puts the mission of protecting the future of motorcycling directly into the avenue of approach to motorcyclists’ rights advocacy.

Traci Beaurivage and Imre Szauter present Beyond Legislative Lobbying and share their collective political experience with attendees in their workshop.

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation — Bikers Inside the Beltway, Meeting of the Minds–listening, making a difference, and moving forward to protect the future of motorcycling & motorcyclists’ rights!

The Meeting of the Minds – September 21-24, Red Lion Hotel, 4751 Lindle Road,
Harrisburg, PA 17111. Use the QR codes below to register and make reservations or call 717-939-7841 and mention Motorcycle Riders Foundation 2023 Meeting of the Minds.

Thank you for your support of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation. We look forward to
seeing you in Harrisburg at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Minds, Sept. 21-24, 2023.
Yours in Freedom,

–Fredric Harrell
MRF Director of Conferences & Events

PS: Hotel rooms are available and going fast, confirm your plans now, register with the MRF, and use the QR codes to make hotel reservations early for the Meeting of the Minds 2023.

QUICK, New Bikernet Reader Comment

Music Album Covers with Motorcycles in Bandit’s Cantina 


Let’s not forget Purple Rain by Prince and his 1981 Hondamatic Honda CM400A

–Gary Mraz
Sedona, Arizona

“Yup, we had that and should have probably added it to the article which was originally expected to be just an image gallery. 

Purple Rain became Prince’s first album to reach number one on the Billboard 200. The album spent 24 consecutive weeks atop on the Billboard 200 and was present on the chart for a total of 122 weeks.

The music video for the album’s lead single “When Doves Cry” sparked controversy among network executives, who thought its sexual nature was too explicit for television.

The risqué lyrics of “Darling Nikki” raised complaints from Tipper Gore and the Parents Music Resource Center and contributed to the implementation of Parental Advisory stickers and imprints on album covers.”

— Wayfarer
Editor for Bikernet Blog


Headline Performances by Green Day and Foo Fighters and Events Across the

The Harley-Davidson Homecoming Festival, the biggest music-and-moto event to hit Milwaukee this summer, took place from July 13-16 at venues across the Milwaukee area. Moto enthusiasts from all over the world enjoyed the festivities celebrating the rich, 120- year history of the world’s most-desirable motorcycle brand, Harley-Davidson. The Company also announced next year’s Harley-Davidson Homecoming will be July 25-28, 2024.

Some key highlights of the 2023 Harley-Davidson Homecoming Festival included:

Veterans Park on the Milwaukee Lakefront – Performances by Green Day and Foo Fighters

On Friday and Saturday night at Veterans Park, music headliners Green Day (July 14) and Foo Fighters (July 15) performed to massive crowds on the Milwaukee lakefront. The shows gathered more than 80,000 moto and music enthusiasts throughout the weekend.

Leading up to the headlining acts at the Veterans Park venue, key performances on July 14 included Abby Jeanne, KennyHoopla, Phantogram, and The Cult. On July 15, performances included Ghost Hounds, White Reaper, Joan Jett and the Blackhearts, and Cody Jinks.

In addition, Nitro Circus, the most explosive crew in action sports, provided an action-packed freestyle motocross show, plus the exhilarating stunts of the Ives Brothers Wall of Death & Ball of Steel, food and beverage vendors, and special merchandise added to the family-friendly entertainment.

Matty Matheson hosted a Burger Build Off, where legendary chef, actor, author, and restauranteur Matty Matheson created the ultimate, show-stopping burger in a head-to-head cookoff.

Harley-Davidson Museum – Milwaukee

Activities kicked off at the Harley-Davidson Museum grounds on Thursday with Bike Night and continued through the weekend. 73,000 bikes lined the museum grounds and Sixth Street over the four days. 130,000 attendees enjoyed food trucks, Flat Out Friday Boonie Bike races, motorcycle displays and demo ride opportunities with LiveWire, and Stacyc electric vehicles, the Division BMX Stunt Show, custom and vintage motorcycle shows, and evening musical entertainment.

The music line-up included headliners Hairball, The Jimmys and The Now Band, Rust Bucket Road Trip, and The Toys and Rebel Grace.

Harley-Davidson Powertrain Operations – Menomonee Falls

The Harley-Davidson Powertrain Operations in Milwaukee suburb, Menomonee Falls, hosted demos of 2023 Harley-Davidson motorcycles, factory tours, and Police Skills Riding Demonstrations.

Harley-Davidson 120th Anniversary Motorcycle Parade – Downtown Milwaukee

The 2023 Homecoming event concluded on Sunday with the Harley-Davidson 120th Anniversary Parade, winding through Wisconsin Avenue to the heart of downtown Milwaukee, ending at Veterans Park on the lakefront. 7,000 motorcycles participated in the parade to the cheers and waves from crowds gathered along the route.

Ride In Routes

All roads led to Milwaukee as Harley-Davidson plotted six exciting Ride In routes, each starting from the furthest reaches of North America and leading to Milwaukee, to arrive for Homecoming festivities. This provided an opportunity for riders to join at any point and ride at their own pace while mingling with fellow H-D riders. Each daily Ride In segment began and ended at an authorized Harley-Davidson dealership, with a mid-day stop also at a H-D dealership, to meet other riders, chat with local staff, eat at local food trucks, and conduct bike maintenance, as needed.

New 2023 Custom Vehicle Operations (CVO) Motorcycles

Homecoming weekend was also the official consumer debut of the new 2023 CVO Street Glide and CVO Road Glide models showcasing advanced technology, enhanced rider comfort, and dynamic performance propelled by the powerful new Milwaukee-Eight VVT 121 engine, with a technical display in the Harley-Davidson Museum Garage area and demos at the Company’s Powertrain Operations facility.

Harley-Davidson Dealership Events

Six Milwaukee-area Harley-Davidson dealerships hosted events and entertainment. Dealerships that participated included House of Harley-Davidson (Greenfield), Milwaukee Harley-Davidson (Milwaukee), Suburban Motors Harley-Davidson (Thiensville), Uke’s Harley-Davidson (Kenosha), West Bend Harley-Davidson (West Bend), and Wisconsin Harley-Davidson (Oconomowoc).

EPA Uses Misinformation to Promote Climate Fear–

One year ago, if you had visited the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) page on heat waves (Climate Change Indicators: Heat Waves) you would have found the lead chart to be the one below (Figure1). It shows that heat waves peaked 90 years ago and have been at a relatively low level (thankfully) since that time.

Since the government allows nothing good about our modern climate to be presented, the above chart has been replaced with the one below (Figure 2). It shows an alarming increase in frequency and intensity of heat waves.

As you have likely guessed, there is more to this story than first meets the eye. First, the chart begins in 1961, near the end of a 33-year cooling period that had some of the coolest temperatures since the 1930s and conveniently omits the high temperatures of that decade of the “Dust Bowl”.

Second, and more importantly, the charts above are not representative of America but, rather, are heat measurements in the 50 largest metropolitan areas in the Lower 48 states. As you may be aware, the Urban Heat Island Effect has artificially increased urban temperatures greatly over the last several decades.

This fact is revealed only deep within the fine print of the description of the methodology used. The authors DO admit that “Urban growth since 1961 may have contributed to part of the increase in heat waves…” Indeed.

–cO2 Coalition

[page break]


For The Hearing Despaired

The speed limit signboard hid behind overgrown flora on public land. The no parking signboard, worn-out junk rested in the weeds. The district magistrate crept behind schedule. My lawyer, rusty on traffic violations, ducked. Me? I was screwed…tighter than the bolts on my motorcycle, which was impounded for being on the road!?

I took the stand, hand raised, and swore; cussing instead of the solemn oath. No comic relief. The Sheriff banged on the cuffs as soon as the judge’s gavel hit. Contempt of court, wasting court’s invaluable time, while possession of ‘some balls.’

–by Wayfarer

DICE ACTION–Holy moly, what a weekend it was at the 101 Run in Margate.

Never drinking again!

Ok, maybe one tonight for a laugh.




Join us in Santa Barbara, CA to celebrate 10 years of BRO at our annual west coast gathering. It’s coming up quick and we don’t have too many tickets left…

NEW TECH READER QUESTION—Rev Tech DFO Performance System

I bought a 2004 Softail Standard that has the RevTech DFO installed. The Bike is not currently running. There are 4 wires on the Revteck module, Green, White (kinda yellowed), Red, and Black.

The Black wire is not connected, has no terminal (Broken ?) and is not connected to anything. Is this supposed to be a ground wire ? Where does it go ?

Please help as I am not finding any wiring directions anywhere…Many Thanks !!


“It’s probably a ground wire. Hook it to ground and see if that makes a difference. You might reach out to Custom Chrome. They are still in Morgan Hill, CA.”


Cabana Dan and his van travel far and wide to bring the finest antique and historic race bikes to the Sturgis Museum.

When he’s back in the Black Hills he’s building or restoring very early Harley’s also for the museum. He hit Michigan then Lacrosse for the night. Like he said the other day, “No rest for the weary.”

Check it out at the Sturgis Museum.


The ultimate debunking of “solar and wind are cheaper than fossil fuels.”

I’ve identified, for the first time, the root fallacy behind the all the claims that “solar and wind are cheaper than fossil fuels.”

Myth: Solar and wind are cheaper than fossil fuels

Truth: Solar and wind are only cheaper than fossil fuels in at most a small fraction of situations. For the overwhelming majority of the world’s energy needs, solar and wind are either completely unable to replace fossil fuels or far more expensive.

Why we should be suspicious of the pervasive claim that “solar and wind are cheaper than fossil fuels”

Observe that “solar and wind are cheaper than fossil fuels” is usually invoked, not to encourage competition but to justify coercive government policies to punish fossil fuel use and favor solar and wind.

Observe that the same people claiming “solar and wind are cheaper than fossil fuels” moved heaven and earth to demand hundreds of billions of dollars in subsidies under the “Inflation Reduction Act” for these supposedly “cheaper forms of energy.”

On its face, justifying favoritism toward solar and wind by invoking their cheapness is highly suspicious. If they’re cheaper, why do they need coercive policies to throttle their fossil-fueled competitors (e.g., opposing fossil fuel investment, production, and pipelines) and reward solar and wind?

If a company has a TV set that’s as good as others, but cheaper, they win by selling their cheaper TVs on the market.

They don’t ask government to ban other TVs, to mandate their TV, or to give them hundreds of billions of dollars.

Truly cheaper products don’t need preferences.

The simple reason that advocates of solar and wind who claim they are cheaper than fossil fuels aren’t willing to outcompete fossil fuels in reality but instead demand massive government favoritism.

If solar and wind were cheaper, much-hated fossil fuel use wouldn’t still be growing

Notably, fossil fuel growth is centered in the places that care most about cheap energy, above all China—which is using record amounts of coal to produce the solar panels and wind turbines we use. If solar and wind were cheaper they’d use solar and wind to produce solar and wind.

When China is concerned about its grid reliability, it starts building more coal power plants, not more solar and wind farms, to boost supply. In late 2022, the Chinese government permitted about 2 new coal plants a week.

China, despite being the world’s leading producer of solar and wind (using coal) is also using record amounts of oil. Why not just use solar and wind instead, since “solar and wind are cheaper than fossil fuels”?

Because solar and wind aren’t cheaper. In most cases, they’re totally incapable of replacing oil.

–Alex Epstein
AlexEpstein Substack

Alex can be long-winded albeit thorough. If you want to read more find his substack.

If you have issues with answering loaded climate alarmist questions, google Alex Epstein Energy Talking Points. He picks the top 10 Climate Question apart and give you the real data.


ME: “Yeah like I need 9 imbeciles in British Cosplay Dresses to tell me what free speech is.”

HIM: “Well, it’s actually them explaining what free speech is with regard to the Constitution.”

ME: “So the Constitution’s version of free speech is different from what free speech actually is?”

HIM: “You are a rabble rouser and a social detriment”

ME: “Fuck you. Just answer the question.”

HIM: “Fuck YOU.”

the end

–J.J. Solari


This ceremony begins at 5:30 p.m. at the Sturgis Buffalo Chip on Friday, July 28, 2023.

National Anthem – Jeremy Waddell
Invocation – Deb Whitman
Special Guest Speaker – Gen. David Dailey
Assistant Adjutant General, SD Army National Guard
Food, Drinks, Friends & Fun

FRIDAY, JULY 28, 2023 AT 5:30 PM

We would be honored by your participation in helping to create this memorial to American Heroes lost.



Broke the literal record for highest global heat three times this year, but climate change isn’t real. How fucking retarded can you be? Come to Texas and tell me climate change is fake.

–Tom Jefferies

“You’re getting your news from a slanted source. Temps were higher 1000 years ago and 2000 years ago before SUVs.

Here’s a note from the CO2 Coalition: So, here at the CO2 Coalition, we did what scientists are trained to do:

We looked at the available data. Our Science and Research Associate Byron Soepyan reviewed temperature data from the US Historical Climatology Network and found that both the number of weather stations reporting temperature over 100 degrees F and the Maximum Average Temperature for July 4th were slightly declining since the record began in 1895 – not increasing”


TRIKE OF THE WEEK— Want more images of this X-Wedge powered trike?

–Buck Lovell
Lovell Photography & Design
B.L.A.B.B. (Buck Lovell’s American Biker Blog)
bucklovell@gmail.com / bucklovellsblog@gmail.com
Sturgis, SD 57785
(605) 490 2991

“Buck is pulling together a feature on this Trike for us. Hang on.”


WyoTech Students Revs Up for Flying Piston Benefit’s Tiny Bike Chop Off at 83rd Sturgis Rally

Resulting auction supports All Kids Bike, putting kids on bikes in kindergarten P.E. Class nationwide

The Flying Piston Benefit is pleased to announce that students from WyoTech, a technical training institute specializing in automotive and diesel technology education, is taking part in the 2023 Flying Piston Benefit Tiny Bike Custom Chop Off.

As part of this prestigious event, WyoTech students will showcase their skills by building a custom tiny bike, starting with a stock Strider balance bike. In Laramie, Wyoming, WyoTech has been empowering students since 1966, offering hands-on training and preparing them for successful careers in the automotive industry.

The custom tiny bike created by WyoTech students takes center stage at the Flying Piston Benefit Breakfast, followed by the online auction.

The Flying Piston breakfast kicks off on Sunday, August 6th, from 8:30 AM to 11:00 AM at the Sturgis Buffalo Chip and the tiny customs are auctioned off online that morning. Anyone can bid from anywhere. Proceeds from the auction support All Kids Bike, a program that puts bike riding classes in kindergartens nationwide. The Flying Piston Benefit has helped train over 100,000 kindergartners so far, encouraging confidence, enjoyment of the outdoors, and autonomy.

“We are thrilled to have WyoTech participating in the Flying Piston Benefit 2023 Tiny Bike Chop Off,” said Marilyn Stemp, Flying Piston Benefit co-producer. “This competition provides a great experience for the students and really, in this competition, there are no losers, only winners!”

Enthusiasts can register for the auction at https://qtego.us/qlink/piston to bid online from anywhere. To buy tickets for the Builders Breakfast, held at the Sturgis Buffalo Chip Crossroads on Sunday, August 6th and presented by Russ Brown Motorcycle Attorneys, go to https://www.tixr.com/groups/sturgisbuffalochip/events/sturgis-buffalo-chip-2023-60458.

The tiny custom bikes began as a stock Strider balance bike generously provided to the programs by Strider Sports International, of Rapid City, SD. The Tiny Custom Chop Off highlights six programs include Kevin “Teach” Baas’ Lakeville North High School from Lakeville, Minnesota; Pine Bush High School, Pine Bush, NY; Helping with Horsepower in Ethan, SD; WyoTech, Laramie, WY; Mitchell Tech in Mitchell, SD; and the Jessi Combs Foundation.

Strider is changing the paradigm of how kids learn to ride through AllKidsBike, which seeks to teach every kid how to ride a bike in kindergarten P.E. class.

www.AllKidsBike.org, www.Striderbikes.com

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Who thought mixing a chopper show and a rodeo was a good idea??

Oh, that was Choppers Magazine!

Back in 2021, Lowbrow was at the first annual Virginia City Roundup (Nevada) put on by Choppers Magazine.

Not only was it a good time, it was a different kind of show…

Show-goers had the opportunity to ride a bull, get dragged, or wrestle a calf.

You can join in the next one (or just watch)… The Virginia City Roundup is August 26th, 2023!


PS – Keep up with the latest news on the show by following @virginia_city_round_up on Instagram!


Do you offer some free advice or knowledge? I have a 2017 Street Glide special with a 107 M8 built to a S&S 124 bore with a 475c SNS cam. I have the Screamin eagle programmer that I have loaded. A couple of their programs.

Bike is running fairly well just with some hiccups I added the Screamin eagle auto tune and having a lot of running issues now with check engine light. Codes p0031, p0051, and p0134… any help or insight would be great. I do not have any accessory upgrades, except for two brothers exhaust slip ons and SNS big mouth air cleaner. I have a lot of popping and backfiring on mid throttle an heavy throttle. What base calibration should I be using?

The stock 107 calibration or a calibration closer to my setup?

–Keith Jackson

“You’re way ahead of me. I would use the calibration close to your setup. You might need to back down and reset your system.”


Vickie’s bike is coming together. I ordered a part that wasn’t needed. Thanks Rich. But I know her bike is close.

I’ve sorta decided to reduce the number of projects I have. It’s tough, but there’s only so much time in a day. Unfortunately, the ’48 UL may need to go. It’s a classic, but I’m trying to hang onto the bikes I was directly involved it or built. Make me an offer if you’re interested. It’s a classic.

That being mistakenly said, I’m building two bikes currently. One is a 1913 twin Harley board track racer, and I just scored some more parts. Billy Lane wants me to bring it to Tennessee and race it against his 1912 Twin. He knows the secrets to making them fast. But I told him I would kick his ass, if I can find a Sifton cam and a small Mikuni carb. Hang on.

I’m also building a VL, XA, FL Knucklehead. Check the tech on the home page. I had to install seriously longer studs in the transmission. Fortunately, with slight mods the transmission would fit.

My son, Frank got pulled over the other day because he had a problem with his tags. His old Suburban faded and he rolled to a lot to trade it in fortunately. He’s got tattoos on his face and lifts weights constantly, but the cop cut him a deal. He drove home with a semi-new Jeep pickup.

Okay, tomorrow we are having a Salt Torpedo Meeting and I’m driving the ’58 Chevy to a Chili Cookoff in Spearfish.

For a town of 1200, it’s never dull around here. Next week, we will have a meeting with our local Senator and see what’s up.

Make sure to support your motorcycle freedom fighters, so we can continue to ride free and not get banned.


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