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Charitable Custom Motorcycles & Wonderful Sponsors

by Jack McIntyre At Johnny Mac’s Chopper House in Philadelphia, our focus has been on building motorcycles for qualified charities, and so far it’s been terrific. We have one rule when choosing a charity, it has to support the military, kids, or dogs. We then work closely with the charity to handle advertising, social media, colors, and more. We had HUGE success with our first charity build for Philabundance in Philadelphia, only to be followed up by our latest Tunnel to Towers Foundation Custom Build at the MECUM Auction in Las Vegas 1/28/22, which brought in $41,000.00. What’s up next?

Click Here to discover the cool Choppers & Charities: a Photo Feature Article.

* * * * * * * * Get the motorcycling News that matters, every Thursday only on – click here. RIDING FREE for 25 Years
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Charitable Custom Motorcycles & Wonderful Sponsors

At Johnny Mac’s Chopper House in Philadelphia, our focus has been on building motorcycles for qualified charities, and so far it’s been terrific. We have one rule when choosing a charity, it has to support the military, kids, or dogs. We then work closely with the charity to handle advertising, social media, colors, and more.
We had HUGE success with our first charity build for Philabundance in Philadelphia, only to be followed up by our latest Tunnel to Towers Foundation Custom Build at the MECUM Auction in Las Vegas 1/28/22, which brought in $41,000.00. What’s up next?
Well we are already on it, two new builds again, for our charities. Want to be involved, donate some parts from your company or a few dollars, all help is accepted. PLEASE LOOK BELOW to see our latest charity builds.

We are ALWAYS looking for donations and parts so if your budget allows, please consider a donation here ,
* which all sales & donations support the building & transportation of the motorcycle

Stay tuned on this one, what a great cause… CLICK HERE TO VIEW PROGRESS PHOTOS

So if you are wondering why all of this is so important, watch this video:
A few dollars, or a bit more, whatever you can do helps. We will build a wonderful motorcycle to auction off, and at that point, we will write the largest check possible, 100% of ALL PROCEEDS

This is a rendering of the future Dogs for our Brave Charity auction motorcycle.

January 2023, this motorcycle will be on stage at the Mecum Motorcycle Auction in Las Vegas. If we have the same experience as we did in 2022 with the Tunnel to Towers Auction Motorcycle, we will be able to yet again write a HUGE check to the chosen charitable organization.
This build has some added excitement as well, FOX & Friends will be filming the build for a special news report to be aired later this year. More to come on that! Please stay tuned.
Also, you can Visit & Share the GOFUNDME Donation webpage:

As seen in the picture below, we came through with our promise to the Tunnel to Towers Foundation with a massive check for $24,000.00. This was a fantastic project for us, and we just announced to them yesterday, that we are doing it again for 2023. Stay tuned.

In the image below, left to right: John Marcella, Jack McIntyre, Donny Hudec, and Austin Byrd.

Below was our Freedom Bike for the Tunnel to Towers Foundation.

The Bike is a custom build for the Tunnel to Towers Foundation. It’s a Johnny Mac Chopper House build, built in 2021.
  • Motor is an 88 cubic inch custom Harley-Davidson
    (10.5 to 1, Weisco Pistons, Andrews EV27 Cam, Milled & polished heads, S&S Super E carburetor, Dyna 2000 Ignition).
  • Nash Motorcycle Handlebars,
  • Led Sled fender,
  • Drag Specialties 5 speed,
  • 2″ Belt Drive,
  • Custom leather seat,
  • Custom 1 off paint by Franny Drummond / Paint Zoo,
  • 60 spoke chrome wheels,
  • GMA Hand controls,
  • 180 rear tire,
  • 21″ front tire,
  • Metzeler tires, &
  • Custom Johnny Mac High Low  exhaust pipes.


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Enlightened Bikernet Weekly News for September 8, 2022

Hitting it Hard This Week !!!
With news from MIC, CO2 Coalition, Al Gore, Biker Movie, Pete Alva, NMA, Dragon Fire Racing, Quad Boss, Bandit’s Cantina, Control Freaks, Climate Alarmists, Peashooter, Knuckle Single, MSF, Intermot 2022, Bob McLean, BMW, Chopper Chronicles, Virginia, Climate Change, Gun Nut, FPC, Buck Lovell, J.J. Solari, K. Randall Ball, Paughco, Springers, DAV, Veterans and way more…

If you like Choppers, you’ll dig the news and be relieved.
Hang on, and fight for freedom and the truth or die trying.

CLICK Here to Read the Weekly News only on

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Click & Join the Cantina, grab the free swag, explore the 25 years of archived content. Best value deal anywhere on the internet!!!

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It’s so interesting. Speak to anyone about major issues over Climate or Gun Control and you receive vastly different responses. Even my son said, “You can see the smog.”

For a younger, uneducated generation, they look at grimy oil fields and dirty black coal pits and cringe. They look at a solar panel and see progress. Even young folks look at wind farms and wonder. They don’t look so cool, make noise, fuck the view, kill eagles and don’t turn most of the time.

The above made it easy to question oil and coal. Coal was nasty at one point, but now it’s safe. Oil was a pollutant at one point and that’s almost gone due to new technologies. But are we Doomed and should be forced to use unproven green technologies immediately? There’s the core issue. The greens chose to lie to us and then accuse anyone who questions them–deniers. They must be censored. That’s against the American Code and our constitution. But since Al Gore’s movie in 2006 it’s been the driving force behind the Green movement. Did you know that Al’s movie was banned from schools in the UK because of multiple inaccuracies?

Since I’m a grubby biker and brothers across the country questioned and fought helmet laws, that were also fed to the public behind lies, I questioned Al and his proponents. I kept digging and learning. The news contains several Climate milestones. If you love Choppers, you’ll dig them and be relieved.

Let’s hit the news.

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum.

An Inconvenient Ruling for “An Inconvenient Truth”
A British judge has ruled that Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth can’t be shown in schools unless accompanied by materials explaining the film’s inaccuracies.

Inaccuracies in Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth – A Ruling of the British High Court

The decision by the British Government to distribute Al Gore’s film “An Inconvenient Truth” has been the subject of a legal action by New Party member Stewart Dimmock. The Court found that the film was misleading in nine respects and that the Guidance Notes drafted by the Education Secretary’s advisors served only to exacerbate the political propaganda in the film.

In order for the film to be shown, the Government must first amend their Guidance Notes to Teachers to make clear that 1.) The Film is a political work and promotes only one side of the argument. 2.) If teachers present the Film without making this plain they may be in breach of section 406 of the Education Act 1996 and guilty of political indoctrination. 3.) Nine inaccuracies have to be specifically drawn to the attention of school children.

The inaccuracies are:

1. The film claims that melting snows on Mount Kilimanjaro evidence global warming. The Government’s expert was forced to concede that this is not correct.

2. The film suggests that evidence from ice cores proves that rising CO2 causes temperature increases over 650,000 years. The Court found that the film was misleading: over that period the rises in CO2 lagged behind the temperature rises by 800-2000 years.

3. The film uses emotive images of Hurricane Katrina and suggests that this has been caused by global warming. The Government’s expert had to accept that it was “not possible” to attribute one-off events to global warming.

4. The film shows the drying up of Lake Chad and claims that this was caused by global warming. The Government’s expert had to accept that this was not the case.

5. The film claims that a study showed that polar bears had drowned due to disappearing arctic ice. It turned out that Mr Gore had misread the study: in fact four polar bears drowned and this was because of a particularly violent storm.

6. The film threatens that global warming could stop the Gulf Stream throwing Europe into an ice age: the Claimant’s evidence was that this was a scientific impossibility.

7. The film blames global warming for species losses including coral reef bleaching. The Government could not find any evidence to support this claim.

8. The film suggests that sea levels could rise by 7 m causing the displacement of millions of people. In fact, the evidence is that sea levels are expected to rise by about 40 cm over the next hundred years and that there is no such threat of massive migration.

9. The film claims that rising sea levels has caused the evacuation of certain Pacific islands to New Zealand. The Government was unable to substantiate this, and the Court observed that this appears to be a false claim.

Also, the Court’s interim ruling included the following:

1. The film suggests that the Greenland ice covering could melt causing sea levels to rise dangerously. The evidence is that Greenland will not melt for millennia.

2. The film suggests that the Antarctic ice covering is melting, the evidence was that it is in fact increasing.


SPEAKING OF MOVIES–Coming Soon: The Biker Movie Official Program and Online Magazine!

* Behind The Scenes Stories about The Making
Of The Biker Movie!
* The Biker Movie Reviews from our Viewers. and Journalists!
* The Story Behind The Biker Movie Posters!
* The Story about The Biker Movie Soundtrack Music!
* The Biker Movie News!
*How to rent The Biker Movie and what TV equipment do you need to rent it.
* What is a Fire TV?
* What is a Roku device?
* What is an Amazon Fire stick?
* About Film Highway.
And Much More!!!

–Pete Alva
Supreme Executive Producer
The Biker Movie

Tucker’s DragonFire Racing and QuadBoss Brands to Participate in Sand Sports Super Show

Fort Worth TX – September 7, 2022 – DragonFire Racing and QuadBoss, two of Tucker Powersports off road brands, will display their newest and most popular products at the annual Sand Sports Super Show in Orange County California this month. The Sand Sports Show is the largest dune and dirt sports show in the world and attracts attendees from around the United States.

“The Sand Sports Show is the premier consumer event in our industry,” said Kyle Frederick, Brand Manager for DragonFire Racing and QuadBoss. “We’re happy to show some of our newest products for the first time at this year’s show.”

Highlighting the exhibit space is a newly created, custom 2022 Polaris RZR XP decked out with the newest DragonFire Racing paddle tires, custom wheels, custom pro-series seats, lighting package, and resplendent in a British Racing Green finish with gold striping.

QuadBoss, the go-to brand for keeping UTV’s rolling for work or for play, will highlight a new high-performance battery at the show, an addition to its expansive line of upgrade and maintenance parts for four-wheelers.

DragonFire Racing will be debuting new paddle tires and two styles of wheels, helping the brand meet the needs of customers who want style and performance that sets them apart from everyone else.

The Sand Sports Super Show runs from September 16 to September 18 at the Orange County (California) Fairgrounds.


What’s the best thing about Switzerland?
I don’t know, but the flag is a big plus.

Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers?
He’ll stop at nothing to avoid them.

Why do we tell actors to “break a leg?”
Because every play has a cast.

Did you hear about the actor who fell through the floorboards?
He was just going through a stage.

Helvetica and Times New Roman walk into a bar.
“Get out of here!” shouts the bartender. “We don’t serve your type.”

Yesterday I saw a guy spill all his Scrabble letters on the road. I asked him, “What’s the word on the street?”
Once my dog ate all the Scrabble tiles. For days he kept leaving little messages around the house.

A woman in labor suddenly shouted, “Shouldn’t! Wouldn’t! Couldn’t! Didn’t! Can’t!”
“Don’t worry,” said the doc. “Those are just contractions.”

I childproofed my house
Somehow, they still got in!

Knock! Knock!
Who’s there?
Control Freak.
OK, now you say, “Control Freak who?”

How do you drown a hipster?
Throw him in the mainstream.

Did you hear about the claustrophobic astronaut?
He just needed a little space.

Why don’t scientists trust atoms?
Because they make up everything.

I don’t have a carbon footprint.
I just drive everywhere.

Editor – Bikernet Blog

Climate alarmists often claim that current temperature, and other aspects of the weather, are “unprecedented”. But in our latest “Backgrounder” John Robson examines the past history of the planet and finds that, just since the end of the last glaciation 12,000 years ago, a series of natural cyclical peaks have frequently been warmer than today, and without any runaway “greenhouse effect”, terrible weather, mass extinctions or any of the other dire consequences we’re told will accompany a further half-degree rebound from the depths of the Little Ice Age.

Indeed, the current warming cycle seems to be weaker than any of its predecessors during the Holocene.


Knuckle single! (down is a ”peashooter” engine, taken from a 21-cubic-inch 350cc–BA Model single-cylinder Harley from 1926.) On top it is attached to an EL front cylinder!!! A lot of work here to accomplish such a rare machine.

–Sam Burns
Tech Editor™

MIC and MSF Call on Safety Administration to Protect Riders from “Self-Driving” Cars

The MIC and the Motorcycle Safety Foundation sent a formal letter to Dr. Steven Cliff, administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, stating that autonomous vehicle technology must recognize and react to motorcyclists out on American roads. The letter highlighted two crashes in July, both involving Tesla cars, and both raising questions about the potential danger to riders everywhere.

The letter states that “America can ill afford using public roadways as a testing laboratory for companies, and autopilot/self-driving features should be kept off public roads until the safety of motorcyclists, pedestrians and other vehicle drivers can be assured.”



INTERMOT 2022: The first motorcycling highlight of the year

Premieres, innovations, special events and test tracks are waiting for motorcycle fans

It’s the first trade fair highlight of the year for motorcycle and scooter fans from Europe and the specialized trade from all over the world: INTERMOT, the International Motorcycle, Scooter and E-Bike Fair, from 4 to 9 October 2022. Around 500 exhibiting companies and brands from around 29 countries, including many big names, will present their new and current models and product innovations to the international specialized trade and the biker community. In addition to motorcycles and scooters, the INTERMOT offering also encompasses accessories, clothing, parts, heritage and customizing, travel and workshop equipment. INTERMOT is organized by Koelnmesse GmbH, and the conceptual sponsor of the event is the German Motorcycle Industry Association (IVM), based in Essen, Germany.

Starting in Cologne are, among others, the brands Benelli, BMW Group, Energica, Honda Deutschland, HOREX Motorcycles GmbH, Kawasaki Motors Europe N.V., KTM, MSA with the Voge brand, the Piaggio Group with the brands Aprilia, Moto Guzzi and Vespa, SUZUKI Deutschland GmbH, Triumph Motorrad Deutschland GmbH, or ZERO Motorcycles. Announced are world premieres and innovations presented in the context of INTERMOT 2022.

INTERMOT will be staged in Halls 7, 8 and 9 and in the neighboring outdoor areas of the Cologne fair grounds. The big brands will thereby be distributed through all halls in order to ensure a steady visitor flow to all areas and segments. Horex, KSR with the Benelli brand, the MSA Group with Voge, Piaggio Group with the brands Aprilia, Moto Guzzi and Vespa as well as Suzuki will present themselves in Hall 7. Kawasaki and Zero, among others, can be found in Hall 8. The BMW Group, Energica, Honda, KTM and Triumph will appear in Hall 9.

As an event-oriented trade fair, INTERMOT Cologne 2022 will also offer its visitors interesting special events and many other highlights on the topics of motorcycles and scooters in addition to exhibition presentations. Visitors will be able to try out the new models for themselves on the various test tracks in the directly neighboring outdoor areas. Whether novice, returner or experienced motorcycle or scooter rider, there is a test track for everyone: rookies as of 15 years of age can make their first rounds on the 125 cc test track, while experienced riders can test the new models on the big bike test track. On the e-test track, everything revolves around electromobility – pedelecs, electric kick scooters, scooters and motorcycles with e-drive are ready to ride here. There is, of course, expert supervision and instruction on all test tracks.

The best 40 stunt riders of Europe will compete at INTERMOT from 7 to 9 October 2022 for the European Street Freestyle Championship. Organized by FIM Europe (Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme), the international umbrella organization for motorcycling, only absolute experts are at work here. One unbelievable stunt follows the next – an absolute audience highlight!

The Institute for Motorcycle Safety (ifz) dedicates itself to the theme of “safety” in breathtaking action shows. A mix of stunt, action and riding demonstration takes place here four times a day. Important safety topics are thus presented in a uniquely entertaining and memorable way.

And those who are looking for a new tattoo or want to shape their beard can take a short detour to the tattoo and barber shop of INTERMOT in Hall 7.

The “Bike Woman of the Year” award, sponsored by the trade journal Bike und Business, will also be presented here on 5 October 2022.

The 125 cc special show, realized by Motorrad magazine, presents the whole world of 125 cubic centimetre bikes. From petrol engines to electric drives. Whether cross/supermoto, street/naked, scooters or specials, including café racers, flat tracks and choppers. You can also test-ride all the exhibited models on the 125 cc test track. And you don’t even need a license. Those 15 and over can participate when accompanied by an adult. Protective clothing will of course be provided on location.

The next events:
* INTERMOT Cologne – International Motorcycle and Scooter Fair (04.10. und 05.10. trade visitor and media day), Cologne 04.10. – 09.10.2022

* MOBILITY – Moving Cities, Cologne 24.05. – 26.05.2023

* THE TIRE COLOGNE – The international trade fair for the tire industry, Cologne 04.06. – 06.06.2024

* ‘American Pie’ Album Remains In iTunes Top 10 Albums For 2022
* McLean Set To Appear On ‘Good Morning Britain’ This Friday In Advance Of European Tour Kick-Off

NEW YORK, N.Y. – Don McLean’s “American Pie” reach the top spot on SiriusXM’s 70s on 7 listener-voted list of 1,000 songs of the 1970s during Labor Day weekend. The Grammy award honoree, Songwriters Hall of Fame member, and BBC Lifetime Achievement Award recipient continues his 50th Anniversary American Pie World Tour with nearly 40 shows throughout Europe, including the United Kingdom, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, and Austria. The tour kicks off on September 11 in the UK and concludes on November 13 in Austria. McLean will appear on Good Morning Britain (ITV) this Friday in advance of the tour.

“2022 has been an incredible year for us. I launched the tour on Feb 3rd, honoring the ‘day the music died’ and will be ending the year of touring in Europe,” says Don McLean. “Performing has been something I have been looking forward to. The pandemic kept all of us musicians locked up, so now getting back on the road and traveling is something exciting and fun. The fans in Europe have always been exceptional and I am looking forward to seeing them next month.”

As tragic as the backstory behind the song “American Pie” is with the much too early death of the new rock’n’roll-hope Buddy Holly, the track is also magnificent and legendary. And “American Pie” still goes to heart as soon as originator Don McLean plays this classic at his concerts. Still, it’s worth remembering that the 76-year-old composer has written and sung numerous other melodic and harmonic successes in his decades-long career with “Vincent (Starry Starry Night),” “Castles in the Air,” “And I Love You So,” and “Cryin’,” all of which will be heard and reveled in along with newer pieces on the upcoming tour.

Along with the 50th Anniversary American Pie World Tour, THE DAY THE MUSIC DIED: THE STORY OF DON McLEAN’S “AMERICAN PIE” launched on Paramount+, both in the U.S. and internationally where the service is available. With a narrative running deeper than a catchy tune and cryptic verses, “American Pie” is a musical phenomenon woven deep into the history of American culture, entertaining audiences around the world for over 50 years. In THE DAY THE MUSIC DIED: THE STORY OF DON McLEAN’S “AMERICAN PIE,” McLean powerfully reveals and shares the secrets behind his iconic song. In addition, the documentary highlights cultural moments in America’s history that are as relevant now as they were in 1971 when the song was released. The film tells stories of the people who were a part of this moment from the beginning and shows the point of view of a new generation of artists who are motivated by the same values and ideas that inspired the song’s creation.

50th Anniversary ‘American Pie’ World Tour 2022 European Dates:
September 11, 2022 – Cardiff, U.K. – St. Davids
September 13, 2022 – Ipswich, U.K. – Ipswich Regent Theatre
September 14, 2022 – Birmingham, U.K. – Symphony Hall
September 16, 2022 – Bath, U.K. – The Forum
September 17, 2022 – Torquay, U.K. – Princess Theatre
September 18, 2022 – Bournemouth, U.K. – Bournemouth Pavilion Theatre
September 20, 2022 – Brighton, U.K. – Brighton Dome Concert Hall
September 21, 2022 – Southend-on-sea, U.K. – Cliffs Pavilion
September 23, 2022 – Manchester, U.K. – Bridgewater Hall
September 24, 2022 – Gateshead, U.K. – Sage Gateshead
September 25, 2022 – Glasgow, U.K. – The Glasgow Royal Concert Hall
September 27, 2022 – Edinburgh, U.K. – Usher Hall
September 28, 2022 – York, U.K. – York Barbican
September 30, 2022 – Leicester, U.K. – De Montfort Hall
October 01, 2022 – Sheffield, U.K. – City Hall
October 02, 2022 – Liverpool, U.K. – Liverpool Philharmonic Hall
October 04, 2022 – London, U.K. – London Palladium
October 07, 2022 – Dublin, Ireland – 3Arena
October 09, 2022 – Nijmegen, Netherlands – Concertgebouw de Vereeniging
October 10, 2022 – Amsterdam, Netherlands – Koninklijk Theater Carré
October 14, 2022 – Bergen, Norway – Peer Gynt Salen
October 15, 2022 – Stavanger, Norway – Stavanger Kuppelhallen
October 16, 2022 – Oslo, Norway – Sentrum Scene
October 18, 2022 – Göteborg, Sweden – Lorensbergsteatern
October 20, 2022 – Turku, Finland – Logomo
October 21, 2022 – Helsinki, Finland – Kulttuuritalo
October 23, 2022 – Stockholm, Sweden – Göta Lejon
October 24, 2022 – Malmö, Sweden – Palladium
October 25, 2022 – Greve, Denmark – Portalen
October 27, 2022 – Hamburg, Germany – Fabrik
October 28, 2022 – Neuruppin, Germany – Kulturkirche
October 29, 2022 – Berlin, Germany – Admiralspalast
October 31, 2022 – Bremen, Germany – Metropol Theater Bremen
November 01, 2022 – Antwerp, Belgium – De Singel
November 03, 2022 – Holstebro, Denmark – Musikteatret Holstebro
November 05, 2022 – Leverkusen, Germany – Bayer Erholungshaus
November 09, 2022 – Halle, Germany – Steintor, Variete
November 12, 2022 – Munich, Germany – Prinzregententheater
November 13, 2022 – Linz, Austria – Posthof Zeritkultur Am Hafen

For tickets and more information, visit


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NEW FOR BMW— Stainless steel crash bars for BMW R18 First Edition, Classic, Bagger & Transcontinental

Our crash bars are made of high-quality stainless steel and are especially designed for your BMW R18. The crash bars are designed to be very robust (pipe diameter 34mm) and allow for an equal distribution of forces in a crash. You and your bike are protected in the best possible way. Thanks to the stylish custom look, the crash bar protects your motorcycle without disturbing the look.

Crash bars offer a very good protection but they can reduce the cornering angle.

Hey Bandit,

Cop stealing a motorcycle of a senior ranker. LOL. Outlaw? Read the hot pursuit part.

Editor’s Note: A barangay captain is the highest elected official in a barangay (barangay is a small territorial and administrative district)

Off-duty cop nabbed for stealing village chair’s motorcycle in Iloilo
from Malina Bulletin

Ilolilo City, Philippines — An off-duty policeman was arrested for stealing a motorcycle owned by a barangay captain in Pototan, Iloilo on Wednesday, Sept. 7.

The suspect was identified as 39-year-old Corporal Darrel Sablon Dumaraogl and assigned to the Regional Mobile Force Battalion (RMFB)-6 in Calinog, Iloilo.

The Pototan Municipal Police Station said the motorcycle owned by Barangay Captain Nicky Pescuela was parked at the Pototan Public Plaza when it went missing early Wednesday morning.

However, closed circuit television camera footage revealed that Dumarao swiped the motorcycle and he was identified by a landlady based on his clothing.

The suspect was arrested in a hot pursuit operation by the Pototan Municipal Police Station and the RMFB-6.

Aside from criminal charges, Dumaraog will also face administrative charges for his offense.The Police Regional Office (PRO)-6 condemned Dumaraog’s acts and assured that the law is unselective with the suspect’s arrest.


We are just about to publish our second episode in our Chopper Chronicles series. All will be based on true stories such as this one. –Bandit

A team of experts assembled by the CO2 Coalition has completed a detailed examination of effects (or non-effects) of climate change in the Commonwealth of Virginia. View the entire document (pdf) Virginia and Climate Change on the CO2 Coalition web site.

This detailed analysis of climate change and its alleged impact on Virginia finds the following to be true and supported by voluminous governmental and peer-reviewed studies concerning the Commonwealth:

  • There is no unusual or unprecedented warming
  • Heat waves have been declining
  • Severe weather is not increasing
  • Crop and forest growth are increasing
  • Droughts are in decline
  • There is no increase in hurricanes
  • Complete elimination of carbon dioxide emissions within Virginia will have an impact that is so close to zero that it is meaningless
  • In short, there is no climate crisis and any attempts to eliminate CO2 via regulation or taxation are simply “solutions in search of a problem.”

–CO2 Coalition


GUN NUT REPORT–FPC Secures Partial Preliminary Injunction in Lawsuit Challenging ATF “Frame or Receiver” Rule

FORT WORTH, TX (September 2, 2022) – Today, Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) secured a partial victory in VanDerStok v. Garland, in the form of a partial and limited injunction in its lawsuit challenging the ATF’s rule that would create new terms and enact a slew of regulations for the agency to enforce. The opinion can be viewed at

“The Final Rule’s redefinition of ‘frame or receiver’ conflicts with the statute’s plain meaning,” wrote Federal District Court Judge Reed O’Connor in his Order. “The definition of ‘firearm’ in the Gun Control Act does not cover all firearm parts. It covers specifically ‘the frame or receiver of any such weapon’ that Congress defined as a firearm. 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(3)(B). That which may become a receiver is not itself a receiver.”

Specifically, today’s ruling:

  • Finds that the plaintiffs are likely to succeed in their challenge to the ATF’s “Frame or Receiver” Rule;
  • Grants a preliminary injunction as to plaintiff Tactical Machining, but does not grant a preliminary injunction in regards to Tactical Machining’s customers, other manufacturers or retailers, or any other individuals interested in buying the affected products; and,
  • Gives the plaintiffs an opportunity “to submit further briefing and evidence on the scope of the injunction” by September 8th, with a response from the government due 7 days later.

“This is an important initial victory, but we have much more work to do in this case,” said FPC’s Senior Attorney for Constitutional Litigation Cody J. Wisniewski. “We look forward to presenting the Court with additional arguments and moving this case towards a full decision recognizing the deep flaws with the Agencies’ Rule as soon as possible.”

Individuals who would like to Join the FPC Grassroots Army and support important pro-rights lawsuits and programs can sign up at Individuals and organizations wanting to support charitable efforts in support of the restoration of Second Amendment and other natural rights can also make a tax-deductible donation to the FPC Action Foundation. For more on FPC’s lawsuits and other pro-Second Amendment initiatives, visit and follow FPC on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube.

Firearms Policy Coalition (, a 501(c)4 nonprofit organization, exists to create a world of maximal human liberty, defend constitutionally protected rights, advance individual liberty, and restore freedom. FPC’s efforts are focused on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and adjacent issues including freedom of speech, due process, unlawful searches and seizures, separation of powers, asset forfeitures, privacy, encryption, and limited government. The FPC team are next-generation advocates working to achieve the Organization’s strategic objectives through litigation, research, scholarly publications, amicus briefing, legislative and regulatory action, grassroots activism, education, outreach, and other programs.

FPC Law ( is the nation’s first and largest public interest legal team focused on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and the leader in the Second Amendment litigation and research space.

The only thing government succeeds at is failure. The only thing the private sector succeeds at is success. Naturally humans prefer government. Most people can RELATE to failure. This is why we have government. It’s not as complicated as philosophers and “all the great thinkers” would have you believe.

It’s as simple as smart and stupid.

–J.J. Solari
budding smart guy
Professor Emeritus
Bikernet University
Pillar Peak Campus
Sturgis, SD

BLACK HILLS TRAFFIC REPORT–He received a traffic citation for exactly 79 MPH in a 65 zone….no more….no less.

–Buck Lovell
Lovell Photography & Design
B.L.A.B.B. (Buck Lovell’s American Biker Blog) /
Sturgis, SD 57785
(605) 490 2991

If you want a piece of fantastic western photography, go to Buck’s Web Site. –Bandit

Or check out the Bandit’s Cantina Series.

Or you can buy his fucking books in our new shop. Click on the image above.



$1,899.95 $2,199.95

Big Twin, Timken, Dual Brake Tabs, Flat Black Powder Coated Outer springs front and rear legs rockers top clamp crown nut and spring rods. Chrome hardware rocker studs and inner springs. no fender mounts

Paughco Part# N181-6 [ 6″ Over stock (total length – 33″) ]

Wide springer front ends With tapered oval rear legs

These Springer fork assemblies come assembled and include the fork stem, top nut, crown nut, top clamp, and inner and outer springs. Springers 15″ and longer have 3° stem angles, but this option is available on the shorter Springers upon request. Please specify type of neck when ordering (Big Twin or Sportster – see bottom of page). Also, please specify the style of top clamp you want….. with ears (for dog bone style risers) or without ears (for Glide style risers). Wide Springers twisted or Wishbone front legs.

Special notes:

1) will not work on touring models
2) use special axles on pages 118-120
3) all wide springers Can be ordered With mounts for a floating front fender kit (see Catalog page 28)
4) all springers Can be black pwdercoated at additional Cost
5) all springers Can be ordered With twisted or wishbone front legs instead of straight front legs at additional Cost.


1) 1981 and earlier Sportster front end has a 7/8″ neck stem. 1982 and later Sportster front end has a 1″ neck stem.
2) Rockers are available for 5/8″ or 3/4″-diameter axles.

3) Stock Harley axles will not fit Paughco Springers.
4) Minimum inside width is approximately 7-3/4″
5) Distance between rockers where axle goes is approximately 10″. 6) N181ST and N181-3 Springers can be specially-ordered to accept Paughco 16″ front fenders (see page 174 for fenders).

VETERANS NEWS–As a community of more than 1 million veterans, one of our most sacred duties is to advocate to improve the lives of all veterans. We’re proud to have been speaking out for veterans like you for more than 100 years!

Each year at our National Convention, DAV delegates identify the most pressing issues veterans are facing and create a set of resolutions designed to improve the lives of veterans throughout the nation.

This year, one of our top priorities was passing the Honoring our PACT Act to ensure veterans exposed to toxic substances finally get the benefits they have earned.

Along with a coalition of other veterans’ organizations, we’ve worked for years to develop and pass comprehensive military toxic exposure legislation to ensure every generation of veterans exposed to burn pits and other battlefield toxins receive the medical care and disability benefits they deserve.

We’re thrilled that the historic and bipartisan Honoring our PACT Act was signed into law on August 10.

The bill represents the largest expansion of VA care and benefits for those exposed to harmful substances during their military service in history. And your member support was crucial in getting to where we are today.

Now, it is our job to ensure that the VA faithfully and quickly implements the legislation guaranteeing wounded, ill and injured veterans exposed to harmful materials the benefits they have already earned.

In the meantime, we’ll remain committed to speaking out on other top priorities for veterans, including reforming survivors benefits, long-term health care needs, underserved veteran populations, and mental health care and suicide prevention.

Thank you for helping us carry these essential fights forward — and for being a member of DAV.

–DAV Membership

BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!

Is that Sept 1979 issue of Easyriders on page two? (Ann Robinson / Hal Robinson art). I was born that month!


Spectators at a fairgrounds half-mile after World War II would see bikes like this Indian, plus Harley 45s and BSA Gold Stars roaring around the track, flinging dirt, fighting for traction on their way to the checker flag.

All these brands and more fought for national championships in AMA Class C racing as it was one more way manufacturers could lure riders into showrooms to buy the street legal versions. In fact, Class C race bikes were all to be based on serial production 750cc flatheads or 500cc OHV machines.

This 1940 Indian Model 640 Sport Scout is a good example of an AMA Class C racer. Following the early 1930s Depression, the motorcycle industry was suffering from their lack of sales.

Also, with loss in spectator interest and cost of factory racing teams for Class A racing, the AMA in 1933 decided to establish Class C racing. Class C racing was limited to standard serial production street legal motorcycles with a side-valve engine with no more than 45 cubic inches, or 750cc, of displacement.

Overhead valve machines like the British made singles and twins were limited to 500 ccs. Class C racing became very popular with dealers and mechanics taking the Indian vs Harley-Davidson wars to the dirt track ovals, TTs and hill climbing events.

Both Harley-Davidson and Indian were ready for the introduction of the Class C racing season. The Sport Scout, introduced in 1934 was strong contender for 20 years, taking many wins. Particularly in the early ‘50s with the Indian wrecking crew of Bobby Hill, Bill Tuman and Ernie Beckman sharing several national championship titles, and shared riding with the AMA No.1 plate over a four-year period.

The Indian Sport Scout armed with the 42-degree V-Twin side valve, 45 cubic inches (745 cc) motor was in production for nine years 1934 to 1942.

Indian’s chief engineer and designer, Charles B. Franklin, responsible for the creation of the Scout (1919), Chief (1922) and Scout Pony (1932), roughed-out in sketch form the Sport Scout before his passing at 52 years old on October 19, 1932.

Diverging from Scout’s long running cradled-framed and leaf-spring fork motorcycle (1920 through 1933) the first Sport Scout, similar to the Scout Pony, used a keystone rigid frame through 1940, 1941-42, a rear plunger suspension and girder fork for the range. The two-piece frame consisted of a front down tube and rear fork bolted to the engine/transmission unit by front and rear mounting plates. Lack of a frame under the motor/transmission maximized ground clearance during banking and the girder fork offered more front-end travel, making the Sport Scout a good motorcycle for dirt track racing.

Tuner alterations to this bike include a BTE twist grip throttle, a modified foot clutch, shortened hand shifter, a special foot-peg set up, a solo/pillion seat setup and a Splitdorf magneto in place of the original battery ignition. 1940 was the first year for the beautiful, skirted fenders mated with 16 inch wheels, so of course the wheels are 18 inch for racing, front fender is removed, the rear fender is from an earlier Indian.

When you visit you can take in this great Indian Sport Scout named Little Poison as well as other dirt track racers. You can even compare it to a beautiful 1941 Sport Scout in stock trim on loan from Wanda Schumacher, a previous Featured Bike:

Engine: 42 Degree, Air-Cooled, Side-Valve V-Twin
Bore & Stroke: 2 7/8 x 3 1/2 Inches
Displacement: 45 Cubic Inches, 745 cc
Carburetor: Linkert
Ignition: Splitdorf Magneto
Brake Horsepower: 18HP (Stock)
Transmission: 3 speeds
Wheelbase: 56.5 Inches
Weight: 295 Pounds, Est., Ready to race
Wheels/Tires: 4.00 x 18 / 4.00 x 18
Brakes: Drum Brakes, Front & Rear*


Join us on September 24th for our annual Modern Classics Ride-In! This is one event you don’t want to miss. ALL bikes welcome! Inside our dealership you’ll find an extended display of vintage inventory along with Makoto Endo painting an iconic Kawasaki motorcycle. Outside; check out our Collectors Tent filled with vintage bikes for sale, live music, delicious food, and more!

Show starts at 9am until 3pm.
Located at Martin Moto: 1037 Unger Ln. Boyertown, PA 19512
Check out what we’ll be featuring at this exciting event below!

Looking for your next project? Interested in selling your vintage motorcycle? Bring your pre-1990s moto and display it for sale in our collectors tent during our Modern Classics Ride-In event. No fee- free to display! All bikes welcome, running or not.

*Display your bike all day.
*Located near the main entrance of the building.
*Your bike will be displayed in view of hundreds of potential customers and vintage enthusiasts.
*We will provide tags with your information on them.
*Check-in will be under the tent when you arrive.
For additional information please email

GUN NUT REPORT–NY Legislators Want to Force Credit Card Companies to Track and Report Gun Purchases

By Grace Stevens

Credit card companies track spending based on the type of retailer where a card is used — though they do not track the individual items that are purchased. Each purchase is tagged with what’s called a merchant category code, with the master list set by an international standards body. Some categories are fairly broad, such as those for grocery stores and airlines, while others are quite specific. There are unique codes for tent and awning shops, wig and toupee stores — even separate categories for antique shops, secondhand stores and pawn shops.

But there are no codes just for gun retailers.

A Mastercard reference booklet lumps them into a “miscellaneous” category with magic stores, silk flower shops and bottled and distilled water dealers, or a “durable goods” category that also includes lighting fixtures and grave markers. …

If credit cards had a code for purchases at gun stores, the same laws would let them flag if someone was spending large amounts of money at one dealer, or traveling to multiple gun retailers in a short amount of time. The legislators say that could ultimately help law enforcement to stop crimes like firearms trafficking, or even to prevent mass shootings.

[State Sen. Zellnor] Myrie said a new code would make it easier to target individuals who intend to traffic guns or use them for mass shootings. People buying guns legally with no intent to harm people, he said, would have “absolutely nothing to worry about.”

The Quadrant reports the system of satellites crossing high above Australia, maintained by the University of Alabama at Huntsville (UAH) for the past 40 years, has recorded no warming over the continent for the past decade.

Through June 2022, the UAH’s satellites have recorded no warming for seven years and 10 months globally, either. According to The Quadrant, the UAH’s temperature records are confirmed by the ground-based HadCRUT series, which have recorded no warming for 86 months.

The Quadrant reports the data from the satellites is not cherry-picked but instead “is calculated by a method taking all months into account. Indeed it’s the method recommended by the godfather of global temperature measuring, Prof Phil Jones of the early HadCRUT global temperature series, also of 2009 Climategate email fame.”

Of note is the fact that not a single climate model managed to forecast the present pause in warming.

In addition, the UAH satellite record is consistent with independent data from radiosonde measurements on weather balloons. Thousands of these balloons are launched every day.

On the global scale, satellite coverage is, of course, vastly superior to the three main terrestrial global temperature measuring systems HadCRUT, NASA-GISS and NOAA, which lack coverage of significant areas of the earth’s surface. Gaps includes the poles, large ocean areas, and much of Siberia and the African continent’s 30 million square kilometres.

SOURCE: The Quadrant


–Sam Burns
Feature Bike Editor™

QUICK, New Bikernet Reader Comment!–SAVE A LIFE

I live in Palm Beach Gardens Florida. Will there be a class down in my area soon.

–Christy Severino
Palm Beach Gardens, FL

Finally saw the Top Gun Maverick movie. Cool airborne stuff. US Navy PR and the actual Department of training academy supported the effort and contributed a lot.

The way it ended it seems the new Top Guns will be in the next movie. Val Kilmer made it to the movie (full-on cancer in real-life). He is a True Doc Holiday by real-life personality / attitude. I love that Tombstone movie. Whether Wyatt’s adventures are true or self-rewritten by Wyatt Earp (he was known to do that “allegedly”), the movie is a fun watch.

[page break]

BIKERNET RADIO–Song Pick of the Week

Song: “Don’t Tread on Me”
Song by: Metallica
Album: Metallica (‘black album’ 1991)

Don’t tread on me
Said, “Don’t tread on me”
Liberty or death
What we so proudly hail?
Once you provoke her
Rattling of her tail
Never begins it
Never, but once engaged
Never surrenders
Showing the fangs of rage

Said, “Don’t tread on me”

So be it, threaten no more
To secure peace is to prepare for war
So be it, settle the score
Touch me again for the words that you’ll hear evermore

Don’t tread on me

Love it or leave it
She with the deadly bite
Quick is the blue tongue
Forked as a lightning strike
Shining with brightness
Always on surveillance
(The eyes, they never close)
Emblem of vigilance
Ooh, no, no, no,
Said, “Don’t tread on me”

So be it, threaten no more
To secure peace is to prepare for war
So be it
Settle the score
Touch me again for the words that you’ll hear evermore

Don’t tread on me

So be it, threaten no more
To secure peace is to prepare for war
Liberty or death
What we so proudly hail?
Once you provoke her
Rattling of her tail
So be it, threaten no more
To secure peace is to prepare for war
So be it, settle the score
Touch me again for the words that you’ll hear evermore

Don’t tread on me

Official DJ™

Driver Courtesy Month September 2022

You have probably seen those signs on large trucks that ask, “How is my Driving?” The National Motorists Association’s Driving Courtesy Month 2022 is like that–a way to think about your own driving in, we hope, a fun, and straightforward way.

We can all use a tune-up every once in a while. This year, the National Office produced 15 animations that we hope will help remind motorists everywhere about the different aspects of driving courtesy. Here’s one that promotes a driving principle that all NMA members are quite familiar with.

To check out all 15 animations, go to

The Driver Courtesy Month 2022 Initiative is a project of the NMA’s Driver Education Committee. Communications Director Shelia Dunn did the voiceovers, and freelance animator John Weeden assisted with creating the videos.

If you know a member of the media or your local newspaper, radio, or TV station has an online presence, feel free to send this NMA E-Newsletter to them and ask that they share these animated driver courtesy tips with their audiences during Driver Courtesy Month in September.
If the media outlet produces a report, please let us know by sending a link to The NMA media kit for this promotion can be found at NMA website.

We appreciate your support of the National Motorists Association and Driver Courtesy Month 2022.


BELLY TANK RACING HISTORY—This is the belly tank razor that the dad of the patient of mine raced in 1953 to 1958 in /Bonneville. Got up to over 200 mph. On the plaque is says 207.97 mph in 1956. He later became physically handicapped and started making wood toys and became a photographer for the sprint car circuit.
–Dr. Hamster

13 Palms, California

More States Move Toward Banning Gas-Powered Vehicles
By Katie Spence

Seventeen states follow California’s rigid vehicle emission requirements instead of federal standards, and now they’re considering following California’s lead in its gas-powered vehicle ban.

Indeed, Oregon said it’ll update its Advanced Clean Cars II law proposal to include a gas-powered vehicle ban in 2035.

And Washington said it would adopt a version of California’s rule by year’s end.

In Sep. 2021, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) signed Senate Bill S2758, which effectively banned gas-powered vehicle sales by implementing a “zero-emission” in-state sales goal of 100 percent by 2035.

New York will likely institute an outright ban soon.

Further, other states have so-called trigger laws that require them to adopt the same emission regulations as California’s—even if they disagree with the requirements.

–Epoch Times

Attached is a later edition cover of Matt Helm (American spy) novel series by Donald Hamilton.

Dean Martin movie version ruined its Hollywood adaptation. The novels though are very pulp like their original covers. I had scored about 18 in a single buy on Ebay back in the day.

The basic plot summary mentions cliched crazy scientist in the novel. Its great to use it as a meme !!! I am using two other images for a story I hope will make it by Monday.

Novel: “The Devastators”
(first published 1965 / and 9th novel in the Matt Helm series)
Matt Helm, travels to London, England and eventually to Scotland in order to stop a mad scientist who plans to unleash a new Black Plague upon the world.


This is Justin Haynie and his 1950 FL. Justin lives in Denton, Texas. It’s a town where the chopper scene is pretty slept on, but with so many here who are into these old bikes, it was easy for Justin to get inspired and have the urge to build one himself. Being an old BMXer and flat tracker, the transition was bound to happen. Here is what Justin had to say about his beloved 1950 Harley-Davidson chopper.

Lindzen, Happer & CO2 Coalition file amicus brief in 5th Circuit Court

CO2 Coalition Tells Court Carbon Regulation “Scientifically Invalid”

ARLINGTON, Va. — President Biden’s Social Cost of Carbon rule is “scientifically invalid and will be disastrous for the poor people worldwide, future generations and the United States,” according to a court brief by two physics professors at Princeton and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the CO2 Coalition.

Filed today with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, the amicus curie brief said, “There is overwhelming scientific evidence that fossil fuels and CO2 provide enormous social benefits.” It asked that the rule be enjoined from further use pending outcome of a hearing by a trial court.

The lawsuit before the appeals court — the State of Louisiana versus Biden — seeks to stop the use of “temporary rules” that are implemented by presidential order. The Biden administration’s SCC rule directs regulators to include the purported projected “global cost” of every ton of carbon dioxide emissions from a wide array of projects where federal funding or approvals are needed, from transportation, to housing, to energy and infrastructure.

The academicians named in the brief are Dr. William Happer, chairman of the CO2 Coalition and professor emeritus of Princeton University’s Department of Physics; and Dr. Richard S. Lindzen, professor emeritus in the MIT’s Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences and a CO2 Coalition member and past chairman.

The brief says that a district court’s preliminary injunction should be reinstated because the technical document supporting the SCC and President Biden’s executive order imposing the regulation “are scientifically invalid and will be disastrous for the poor people worldwide, future generations and the United States.”

“Reliable scientific theories come from validating theoretical predictions with observations, not consensus, government opinion, peer review or manipulated data,” says the brief. The brief says the U.S. Supreme Court has adopted essentially the CO2 Coalition’s view of what constitutes valid science.

However, the brief notes, predictions supporting an SCC — particularly climate forecasts generated by computer models — have regularly failed the test of real-world observation. Meanwhile, the brief says, supporters promote an SCC on the basis of claims of a consensus, the favoring of governmental opinion over scientific challenge, endorsements by peers, the manipulation of some data and the omission of other information.

A glaring omission in the administration’s proposed regulation are the benefits of carbon dioxide and of the fossil fuels whose burning in the generation of electricity and industrial processes emit the gas.

“There is overwhelming scientific evidence that fossil fuels and CO2 provide enormous social benefits for the poor, people worldwide, future generations and the United States, and therefore it would be disastrous to reduce or eliminate them,” the brief says.

The brief notes that warmth and moderately higher carbon dioxide levels in recent decades have correlated with an overall greening of Earth and record crop harvests. The document shows that per capita gross domestic product has increased over the last 2,000 years from a few dollars to approximately $7,000, closely tracking the increased use of coal, oil and natural gas in recent centuries.

The brief says that the president’s order violates a congressional directive requiring that benefits as well as costs be included in environmental considerations and that it exceeds the president’s authority by unilaterally creating new law.

The CO2 Coalition, based in Arlington, Va., is an organization of approximately 95 scientists and researchers engaged in educating thought leaders, policy makers, and the public about the important contribution made by carbon dioxide to people’s lives and the economy.

ANOTHER New Bikernet Reader Comment!–

Nut Run to Bruce’s Bar in Severance, Colorado

Always a fun time and ride and fill of oysters and a couple beers. Go about every year.

–Phil Riedesel
LaPorte, CO


In the Buddhist tradition, compassion is considered the ultimate source of well-being and happiness. In the words of the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Buddhism, “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.”

Following this Buddhist-inspired logic, cultivating compassion for oneself and others can be achieved through meditation. Compassion meditation helps to overcome self-centeredness and creates empathy by connecting with the suffering of ourselves and others.

How does it work?
There are several ways you can practice compassion meditation. One is to meditate on someone (even yourself) who you know is suffering in some way. You can visualize them, with their suffering as a large dark cloud. Then, you can visualize yourself breathing in their suffering and breathing back out a warm light of compassion.

Compassion meditation is closely related to another kind of meditation called loving-kindness meditation. The difference is that where compassion meditation is focused on relieving the suffering of others, loving-kindness meditation is focused on developing a mental habit of selfless, unconditional love. Both aim to enhance positive emotional states towards others.

–Epoch Times


Get 50% OFF Our Men’s Green Bay Lightweight Shirt + FREE SHIPPING while supplies last!


2005 Harley Davidson Heritage Springer for only $16,995.00


Stock # 13508 is a 2005 Black Cherry Harley-Davidson HERITAGE SPRINGER FLSTSCI with only 23963.00 miles!

This bike is a super clean Springer with lots of extras some of the features/Add-ons on this bike are

* with 5-Speed trans
* True dual fishtail exhaust
* Chrome lip / Black spoke front and rear wheels
* Color matched stretched saddle bags
* Color matched detachable touring pack
* Chrome beach bars with black and chrome grips
* Chrome Bluetooth Speakers on engine guard
* Front fender marker light

This bike is only $16,995.00

Plus license, $85.00 documentation fee, and local sales tax. NO HIDDEN FEES like some dealers. And we have no reconditioning or prep fees. This bike has passed Lifestyle Cycles rigorous 92-point safety/mechanical/structural inspection.

Fill out an online application today. We have EZ FINANCING and EXTENDED WARRANTIES available!

Lifestyle Cycles is located at 1510 State College Blvd,Anaheim,CA,92806. Open 7 days a week.

NOT LOCAL? WE HAVE SHIPPING AVAILABLE! Call today (714) 490-0155.

We carry Street Glides, Road Glides, Road Kings, Ultras, Sportsters, Softails, Dynas, and much more!

We are California’s pre-owned Harley Mega-Store with over 200 Pre-Owned Harley-Davidsons in stock! To view our current inventory,

Please visit or

September 10th

Stop #7 (Bikes, Beer & BBQ) at Barbed Wire H-D

Swing a sledgehammer at the bike smash, eat some great BBQ, drink a beer, and more this Saturday in DeKalb, IL for stop #7 in the Handlebar Crawl. See you there!

Check their web site for Details & Directions


Trailblazer president Don Emde with his Arlen Ness Lifetime Achievement Award.

TRAILBLAZERS NEWS–Congratulations Don!
Here are some photos from the Sturgis Museum & Hall of Fame awards breakfast.

Club president Ken Holloway (on my left) and other members of the legendary 13 Rebels Motorcycle Club met me when I arrived and presented me with a club shirt and membership card as their first-ever honorary member.

My mom and dad had been members of the club back in the 1940s when there was a Los Angeles chapter and I have been in contact with the current organization for many years.

–Don Emde
Trailblazers Board member
13 Rebels Honorary Member
Sturgis Hall of Fame Inductee

Keeps getting postponed to write and do my own stuff.

So, I decorated my work today to make it less daunting — the old Bikernet stickers.

* Receive Transmissions & Execute Hotline to Badlands HQ (laptop)
* the live eXposed work files at Bikernet Media Center done by me (rather now it is more of – to be done by me )
* one of my pending Submissions — this book has various moments in motorcycle history

– This photo from the book shows the crazy race on ice using Motorcycles by the Russians.

Under Extreme Stress and Under Cover


Dear Governor,

I highly respect your recent speech to rebuff Biden’s recent attack on the American people.

I agree with many of your points, but I feel something must be addressed to solve many of the world’s woes. I keep hoping someone from the Republican party will step up and lead us away from the notion that everything human must be abandoned to save the planet.

Bottom line, we need scientific transparency, free speech and open debate. You must realize, we are living through another McCarthy era, but it has spread almost worldwide.

We should be celebrating our energy technology and not tearing down everything we have accomplished. Until we can ensure scientific transparency there is little hope for our future.

It’s going to take strong leadership to accomplish this. It should have been addressed 20 years ago when Al Gore’s film was released. It was banned in UK schools for being inaccurate. What does that tell you?

Honesty and integrity will ultimately win out.

I wish you the very best.

Keith R. Ball
5-Ball Inc.
11846 Ranch Road
Sturgis, SD 57785

OKAY, DID WE MAKE A POINT?—I dislike so much of this bullshit we face today. And I hope the direction changes rapidly and once again we can say we are living in the best of times. It’s that simple with Scientific Transparency, honesty and integrity.

The scramble still surrounds at the headquarters in the black hills. The front brake for the UL is almost complete.

I’m experimenting with removing the fishtails off the flathead and replacing them with Paughco mufflers. I added a slash cut to this 19-inch by 2.5 inch muffler, but then Steve said he had two shorter mufflers, 16-inchers. I decided to shift from building a 2-into-one system.

They are on their way and I’ll hold this one for the VL, XA, FL project. The S&S Knucklehead engine arrived yesterday and Cabana Dan helped me unload it.


The good doctor recommended shifting from Oatmeal to Chia seeds with fruit for breakfast. Tastes like shit, no sugar except the fruit. Can’t wait for the oatmeal to return.
The Builder, Steve Hannah, installed bolts into the fishtails, one bolt sticking over an inch into the pipe, maybe to create back pressure. I grappled with removing them. Had to fix a set of vice grips and ultimately made a tool to reach down into the pipe.

Waited for warm days to install the new number 5 stickers on the salt torpedo body.

Major moves in the shop and perhaps next week I will test my skills with the new lathe, but let’s discuss content for a second. I’m working on the Chopper Chronicles Episode this morning, while the Redhead deals with her folks, who came to visit. If the Paughco mufflers arrive quick, I will have the complete UL tech finished next week, hopefully. Then I will shift to the first VL, XA, FL Knucklehead build for the winter. And I need to reach out to Jack about the next Girl of Bikernet. Hang on!

Hang on, and fight for freedom and the truth or die trying.


Read More

XDA’s Bike Bash Delivers Big Numbers this Summer

Rodney Williford at Virginia Motorsports Park

For the second time this race season, the XDA brought the best show in motorcycle drag racing to Virginia Motorsports Park for the 5th Annual Bike Bash. This event paid out over $80,000 to Pro, Sportsman, and Grudge racers over three days.

If you do not attend the XDA events, you do not get to witness Rodney Williford’s swagger. For the last two seasons, Williford has held the number one qualifying spot at all the XDA events.

Don’t miss the DME Racing Fall Nationals at Maryland International Raceway on September 23-25; the fall air will have Orient Express Racing Pro Street delivering more records!

READ The Complete Race Report with eXciting Photos at – Click Here.

Check out the XDA Drag Racing Events near you – Tell ’em Sent Ya….!!!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Did you know the 5-Ball Racing Shop has a DVD Documentary with rare footage on “History of Motorcycle Drag Racing” ? Click and Buy it at only $24

Written by John Stein, Directed and Edited by Agusta Einarsdottir

Read More

XDA’s Bike Bash Delivers Big Numbers this Summer

For the second time this race season, the XDA brought the best show in motorcycle drag racing to Virginia Motorsports Park for the 5th Annual Bike Bash. This event paid out over $80,000 to Pro, Sportsman, and Grudge racers over three days. 

Orient Express Racing Pro Street
Orient Express Racing Pro Street brought out the horsepower as six personal records dropped, and a new MPH record was finally set after three years. In June 2019, Ehren Litten set the Pro Street MPH record to 232.59. In July of 2021, Justin Shakir ran a 232.79 to break that record; however, he did not stop at tech and claim it to make it an official record. Last weekend Jason Dunigan finally ‘donkey stomped’ Litten’s reigning MPH record with a 234.66 to officially reset the XDA record. However, for due diligence, we will also note that technically Greg Wallace has the ‘World’s Fastest No Wheelie Bar motorcycle’ when he ran 236.05 MPH on his Pro Street bike at the 2021 World Cup Finals. However, since it wasn’t an official XDA event, it cannot hold the XDA record.

If you do not attend the XDA events, you do not get to witness Rodney Williford’s swagger. For the last two seasons, Williford has held the number one qualifying spot at all the XDA events. Williford will typically set the pace for the class in Friday night’s qualifying session, and then on Saturday, he sits on his Bike at the back of the class, waiting to see if he needs to make another pass to keep the top spot. Sometimes he has to suit up and make another run, and sometimes he doesn’t. There is no way around it. He is a BAMF! And nothing gives his competitors more enjoyment than forcing him to suit up on Saturday to make another run. Jason Dunigan had that pleasure at this last event when he ran a 6.438 in the final round of qualifying, forcing Williford to make another pass. Rodney Williford qualified number one again with a 6.362, which would NOT be his quickest run of the weekend.

Shawn Pinkney, on the class’s only Kawasaki, reset his personal best ET with a 7.399 in qualifying.

In round one of eliminations, Jordan McDougald on the Mummert GS100 took a win over Gaige Herrera while resetting his personal ET record to a 6.700. Last event’s runner-up Darion Payne took a shocking loss in the first round to Christopher Edwards after he struggled to get down the track.  

In round two, Justin Shakir took out Greg Wallace with a 6.450 pass, Williford took out James Waugh with a 6.402, Dunigan took out Blake Sanders with a 6.461, and McDougald took out Edwards with a 6.781.

In the semi-final, the ET’s kept dropping as Rodney Williford ran a 6.362 to take out Justin Shakir, and Dunigan took a win over McDougald resetting his personal record with a 6.433.

Jason Dunigan would make it to the final round for the second event in a row. And to take on Williford, team tuner Andy Sawyer would have to throw a lot more into the bike to get around Williford in a final. Dunigan got a slight starting line advantage with a .043 to Williford’s .050 reaction time. Dunigan’s bike had an issue to only run a 6.594, but the effort was futile as Williford clicked off a new personal best ET and MPH, running a 6.357 at 232.23! Williford took his fourth win this season and clinched the 2022 Championship title.

Don’t miss the DME Racing Fall Nationals at Maryland International Raceway on September 23-25; the fall air will have Orient Express Racing Pro Street delivering more records!


DME Racing Real Street
It was a pivotal weekend in DME Racing Real Street; some hopes were shattered while others were realized. Mark Hylton was sitting third in points and needed a win for the weekend to give him a comfortable position going into the season finale that will happen in just a few weeks. But Hylton struggled in qualifying and took a second-round loss to Courtlan Whiting on Sunday. But for Rickey Gadson who came into the event sitting second in points, he had the exact weekend he had hoped for.

Gadson qualified number two with a 7.520 behind points leader David Stewart who ran a 7.504 for the number one position. Gadson needed a win in the final over Stewart if he wanted to close the gap on Stewart’s points lead, and Gadson was ready. At the tree, Gadson got the starting line advantage with a .027 light over Stewarts .095 as they dashed to the finish line. Stewart’s board lit up with 7.524 to Gadson’s slower 7.585, but that hole shot was the MVP as it turned the win light on for Gadson, sending him to the winner’s circle.  

MaxxECU Pro Xtreme
Ronald Procopio took the number one qualifying spot in MaxxECU Pro Xtreme with a 3.924 for the third time this season. But he wasn’t the only one running in under four seconds. Qualifying in the under four seconds was also Chris Cutsinger 3.968, John Collins, 3.971, and Travis Davis 3.991. However, on Sunday, when eliminations started, only Chris Cutsinger and Ronald Procopio would put three-second passes on the boards. And these quick passes would land them in the finals in opposing lanes. It was an action-packed final as Procopio cut a .017 light on Cutsinger’s .059 reaction time as these two monsters rocketed to the eighth mile. Procopio turned on this win light with a 3.917 to Cutsinger’s 3.953 for his third straight win of the season.

MaxxECU Pro Xtreme is presented by Billy Vose Racing, Fast by Gast, Dunigan Racing, DME Racing, Grothus Dragbikes, Harley Haul, Rob Bush Motorsports, Robinson Industries, Schnitz Racing, Timblin Chassis, and Worldwide Bearings.

HTP Performance Super Stock
For the fourth time this season Curtis McDougald took the number one qualifying spot with an 8.761 in HTP Performance Super Stock. And for the first time this season, Mike Davis did not make it to the final round. Instead, David met McDougald in round two and could not get around him. Darion Payne and McDougald are the only two racers that have won this season, and for the first time, they would face each other in the final. However, Payne would give up the win with a -.001 red light to send McDougald to his third straight final.

Vance & Hines 4.60
The Vance & Hines 4.60 Index class took in forty-eighty racers at the Bike Bash bumping up the winner payout to $6,000! Michael Stewart qualified number one with the only perfect 4.600 pass of the qualifying sessions. However, earning the number 1 qualifying spot would not translate into race day success as the number 48 qualifier Tyrone Lemons took him out in round 1 with a 4.706 against his 4.920 pass.

Eran Pielert made it to his first final round appearance of the season after five tough rounds of competition. In the lane next to him, he would find points leader Ronald Procopio who had one 4.60 win under his belt for the season and just came off a win in Pro Xtreme. Pielert knew he had his work cut out for him, and the pressure was displayed by a -.008 red light giving Procopio the win and a bigger boost in points!

HTP Performance Grudge

Saturday night Virginia Motorsports Park had a full house of grudge racers with an imposing 115 Grudge Bikes throwing down performance on the track.

Boosted Bulls
Chris Moore finally took some time off from roll racing and returned to grudge competition in dramatic fashion with ‘Melania’. Head tuner BJ Humphries picked up where he left off giving the crowd a show with repeated performance-based passes. Moore took out Malcolm Phillips on ‘Billy Mays’ and Geoff Godfrey on ‘Minion’ on his way to the final. Frankie Stotz on ‘Reddi-Wip’ just came off a win from the WPGC Bike Fest and took out Desmond Spalding on ‘Moonshine’ and had an earned bye to the final to face Moore. This final was the one everyone was waiting for, and the starting line was stacked with excitement. And while everyone anticipated a show of performance in the eighth mile, Stotz would let the crowd down and turn on the red light giving Moore an instant win.

APE Nitrous Bulls
The APE Nitrous Bulls class has been exciting to watch all season as different riders are rising to the top all the time. Gaige Herrera on ‘Bumpy Johnson’ and Caleb Holt on ‘Apocalypse’ dominated for three rounds Saturday night. Herrera took out ‘Dime Piece’ and ‘War Cry’, while Holt took out ‘Boogie Man’, ‘No Drawers’ and ‘FTW’ before their final round face-off. Unfortunately, the final was unable to be run because of curfew and Gaige and Holt split the $6,500 pot and flipped a coin for the points and trophy. Both riders did not agree to finish the race on Sunday, and Gaige won the coin toss and is your technical winner.

3 Sixty 5 Monster Bulls
The 3 Sixty 5 Monster Bulls class was showing out on performance Saturday night, but no winner would be crowned after an oil down created significant downtime during the grudge session. Antonio Williams on ‘Flawless Victory’ and Michael Thyen on ‘The Prisoner’ were the semi-final winners and decided to split the pot and end points with a semi-final finish. Both riders did not agree to finish the race on Sunday.

Tommie’s Motorsports DMV Bulls

Tommie’s Motorsports DMV Bulls, 63″ All motor class continues to grow. Malcolm Phillips and Caleb Holt made their first appearances in July at the WPGC Bike Fest and made it to the final round. Unfortunately, the final was unable to be run because of curfew and Phillips and Holt split the $4,000 pot and flipped a coin for the points and trophy. Both riders did not agree to finish the race on Sunday. Phillips won the coin toss and is your technical winner.

Tommie’s Motorsports All Motor Bulls
Only two racers have made it to the Tommie Motorsports all Motor Bulls winner circle this season: Edward Thomas on ‘Da Setup’ and David Fondon on ‘Bad Bitch. Despite Thomas hot lapping during testing, he could not make it past round one when Russell Dennison Jr on ‘Bodacious’ turned on the win light. In the final Fondon would face Matt Dozier on ‘Relentless’ for the second race in a row. And once again, ‘Bad Bitch’ would come out on top for the third win in a row.

1 Stop Speed 5.60
In 1 Stop Speed 5.60 index, there is no denying that Brayden Davis earned the winner’s circle at Virginia Motorsports Park. Davis, who took the win back in May at the MTC Summer Nationals, returned to Virginia for a repeat. After five rounds of win lights, Davis was again in the final round, this time to face Janrei Thompson. The two Kawasaki’s were at the tree ready for battle; and when the bulbs dropped Thompson left first with a -.068 red light making Davis the only 5.60 bike to win at VMP this season.

Mickey Thompson Tires Top Sportsman
In Mickey Thompson Performance Top Sportsman (the quickest bracket class at XDA), Ryan Burnell occupied the top spot qualifying with a 7.412. The number thirty-two spot was almost a full second later at 8.264 held by Frank Diaz. Previous event winner Robin Procopio earned her way to another final where she would face off against sportsman stand-out Ben Knight.

Prior to the Top Sportsman final, Robin watched her husband Ronald win both 4.60 and Pro Xtreme, and was the favorite for this final. Knight was dialed a quicker 7.60 and Procopio an 8.16. Procopio left first with a .091 reaction to Knight’s .084 reaction as they raced to the finish. With a mere 16″ lead, Knight crossed the line first for his second win of the weekend.

MPS Racing Pro ET
If there was one class Dustin Lee wanted to win at the Bike Bash, it was MPS Racing Pro ET. Lee, the multi-time XDA champion, trailed points leader Jimmie Miller III by just 20 points, and needed to gain rounds on him for a chance at the championship. Miller went out in round three due to a nitrous malfunction and Lee took every advantage as he powered his way to the final round to face his friend Ben Knight.

Knight had two class wins for the weekend already under his belt. So this final pass of the weekend looked like it was going to be a slugfest. Knight turned on the red light at the drop of the tree, automatically handing the win to Dustin Lee and denying Knight his 3rd win of the event.

Brock’s Performance Street ET
In Brock’s Performance Street ET, Ronald Lofland and Robbie Bryant turned on six win lights to make it to the final round. Lofland’s weekend started out rocky with problems on his Hayabusa that needed to be worked out in testing. But Saturday, the tide started to turn as he won $100 from JT Norton for the first perfect win light of the day. On Sunday morning, when eliminations started, there was no stopping Lofland from turning on win lights.

In the seventh-round final Lofland from Delaware dialed a 9.15 against North Carolinian Bryant’s 8.85. Lofland left first and cut a .042 reaction time while Bryant took his time with .151 light creating a deficit for himself to catch Lofland. In Bryant’s quest to catch Lofland before the finish line, he broke out running an 8.845 giving the automatic win to Lofland despite his 9.176 winning ET.

VooDoo Components Bracket Bash

On Saturday, the VooDoo Components Bracket Bash $3,000 payout came down to bar vs. no-bar competition. James Farmer dialed an 8.11 on his 2008 Suzuki bar bike to face Mike Sweeney dialed 8.60 on his 2012 Kawasaki ZX-14R street bike. Both competitors cut almost identical reaction times, with Sweeney besting Farmer at the tree with a .042 to Farmer’s .049 reaction. It was a side-by-side race to the finish line. Farmer ran an 8.111 on his 8.11 dial that Sweeny could not beat with his 8.641 time giving the win to Farmer.

Hard Times Parts & Service Gambler’s Race
The Friday night Hard Times Parts & Service Gambler’s race for our sportsman competitors kicked off the weekend with a slugfest among veterans. Boo Brown and Ben Knight, who are no strangers to the winner circle, won five rounds before meeting in the final round. Knight dialed an 8.93 to leave first with a .048 reaction time. Brown dialed an 8.02 and got the starting line advantage on Knight with his .009 reaction time.

In no time Brown caught up with Knight and they raced to the finish line. As the stripe approached, Brown backed off the throttle to not break out, but Knight powered on to run an 8.958 on his 8.93 dial to turn on the win light over Brown’s 8.105 ET. This is Knight’s third straight win in the Gambler’s class.

For full qualifying and round-by-round results of the event, visit

The XDA season concludes in a few weeks at Maryland International Raceway for the 30th annual DME Racing Fall Nationals on September 23-25, 2022. Mark your calendars now as Champions will be crowned, and the Fall air is bound to bring out record performances.

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Enzo Temmerman Secures Second Overall at MX Sports Scouting Moto Combine

Monster Energy Kawasaki Team Green Rider Enzo Temmerman Secures Second Overall at MX Sports Scouting Moto Combine

Foothill Ranch, Calif. (September 5, 2022) – Monster Energy® Kawasaki Team Green’s Enzo Temmerman earned second overall (2-2) at the final round of the invitation-only MX Sports Scouting Moto Combine at Fox Raceway. Teammate Preston Boespflug participated in both morning qualifying sessions but pulled out of competition due to a lingering injury.

The MX Sports Scouting Moto Combine hosted the top A and B Class amateur riders from across the country at Fox Raceway the Friday before the final round of the Pro Motocross Championship. Granting competitors the opportunity to receive mentorship from world-class athletes in media relations, fitness, and nutrition before taking to the track for two 15-minute plus two lap motos. The Scouting Moto Combine is the perfect opportunity for motocross’ next generation of top riders to obtain the tools necessary for their transition to the professional level.

With hot temperatures shortening motos, Monster Energy Kawasaki Team Green’s Enzo Temmerman brought high intensity to both qualifying sessions to earn an early gate pick as the start was sure to be a deciding factor. When the qualifying sessions concluded, Temmerman sat in fifth with a 2:33.287 lap time.

As the gate dropped for the first 15-minute plus two-lap race, Temmerman launched off the gate with his rear wheel spinning off the line resulting in a subpar start. Emerging from the first turn in 13th, Temmerman was forced to make quick work of the riders ahead to salvage a podium result. With precision execution and excellent flow around the track, Temmerman made his way into fifth by the halfway mark. The No.30 showcased his fitness and speed by clocking lap times consistent with the leader throughout the entire race and moved into third with only four laps remaining. Temmerman secured second place the following lap and attempted a run at the lead but ultimately ran out of time and finished second.

In the second moto, Temmerman launched his KX™250 race machine to a second-place start and raced close behind the leader during the opening lap. A patient Temmerman studied his opponent’s line choice in the early laps before attempting to make a pass as the race reached the halfway point. The No.30 nearly secured the pass for the lead once again in the latter stages, but the energy expelled in Moto 1 charging through the pack began to set in and Temmerman crossed the line in second place to take second overall (2-2).

“In the first moto, my tire spun on the gate which hurt my start and forced me to push forward from way back in the pack. The second moto started much better, I think I was second coming out of the first turn and stayed there the entire race. I tried to make a push for the lead a few times but couldn’t get close enough and finished second overall. As a racer, I’m always wanting that win but I am proud of my performance today and am happy with the knowledge I gained from this experience.” – Enzo Temmerman

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Gear up to ride to your favorite Motorcycling Events – Click Here to view the all-new 5-Ball Racing Shop

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We made amazing progress on the Salt Torpedo. We now have a solid team and will be up on three wheels for events in 2023, with what appears to be the first Streamlined Trike.

We need to raise enough money to make the run to perhaps the Texas Mile in March, Bonneville BMST in September, pay for registration, hotels, beer and a trailer to haul our creation to Texas and Utah.

1st Gear: For just $100, you will become a first Gear sponsor and be a part of our entire effort to become the World’s Fastest Trike.

2nd Gear: For $500, We will send you an official 5-Ball Racing shirt and bling, and your name or company name will become a part of our liner effort on all our signage.

3rd Gear: For $1,000, your company logo will glow on the side of the liner. Your logo will be featured in all of our articles and signage.

4th Gear: For $5000 you become a secondary title sponsor with sizeable logo on the liner and major placement on all signage, plus we will toss in an ad contract on our blog and Bikernet.

5th or High Gear: This is our title Sponsor for $25,000. Now we’re flying with a Title Sponsor’s logo on the liner forever and all signage and logos will include the Salt Torpedo sponsored by your company name. You will receive a leader board advertising contract on Bikernet, and the Bikernet Blog for an entire year and your logo will be right alongside of the Salt Torpedo logo on all the signage. Hang on, we’re moving fast.

Send your checks to:

5-Ball Inc.
11846 Ranch Rd.
Sturgis, SD 57785

Or reach out to me:
Keith R. Ball

Illustrations by Atomic Bob, George Fleming, and Chris Kallas 

Our Current Sponsors Include:

Jim’s Machine

Hot Rod Underground



Strictly Hawgs

MetalSport Wheels

Custom Cycle Engineering



Bassini Exhausts

Twin Power

Lucky Devil Metal Works

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Chopper Jack Got a Job

Did You Know there is plenty of FREE Biker Fiction on

Here is a brand new one!

“Jack worked at the local Harley dealership. He met even more bikers there though the greatest percentage of his customers were buying Honda parts. At the time, the CB450 was the largest displacement motorcycle in the Honda line. Shortly after, the 750 Four would be on the floor and things really began to change.

The mighty Sportster would lose its domination on the streets, but its popularity would stay strong for many years to come.”

A New Breed of Biker Emerged
By Sam Burns

CLICK HERE To Read this new short-fiction only on

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Click to see the Two-Wheeled Tales section.

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At the time, Jack worked at the local Harley dealership. He met even more bikers there though the greatest percentage of his customers were buying Honda parts. At the time, the CB450 was the largest displacement motorcycle in the Honda line. Shortly after, the 750 Four would be on the floor and things really began to change. The 350 had edged out the 305, and on and on went the displacement and horsepower wars among the Big 4 from Japan.

The Dealership started as a Harley-Davidson dealer only, but one of the mechanics talked the owner into carrying Honda. It was in the early days of Honda being imported. The vast majority of the business became Honda driven back then. Later the Motor Company required the two showrooms to be separated. Today, they are once again in a new building that meets the new business model.

The British bikes were being edged out. The mighty Sportster would lose its domination on the streets, but its popularity would stay strong for many years to come.

And a Sportster would bring a new brother into Jack’s life. Bobby just traded a stock FL for a brand new XLCH, and he didn’t waste much time making it his own. Jack helped him gather the parts he needed.

The Sporty would end up with a 5.00/16 out back and a 3.00/21 upfront. Six over fork tubes to make it cocky and short struts to keep the custom rear fender off the tire. We were both fairly new at all this, but Bobby had a good friend to help with setting things up and especially with the custom paint job. This cat was really hip and had what seemed a never-ending number of talents. Jack met people the like of which he had never known. Life got very interesting.

Bobby shared rent on an old house with a guy called Red. Their place became the hangout and where more than a few parties took place. They built a ramp at the back door so they could ride in from the alley and straight into the house. The cops never solved the mystery of the disappearing sickle that they tried so hard to catch. Red built a Beezer chop and it was the first limey custom Jack ever saw, nice.

Bobby’s Sportster was a real runner. Jack ordered a set of straight racing pipes from Harley-Davidson and a full set of PB cams. Big John set him up with an SU carb and intake. The carb would spit once and then the bike would take off like a scalded dog. That sucker was quick, and Bobby could wrangle that bike like nobody’s business. Red had a nice-looking springer on his beezer with a fat rear tire and skinny front as well. Jack got to ride the BSA and was impressed. It wouldn’t be long before Red got himself a Harley though.

Jack really liked the performance, style, and sound of the Sportster. One came up for sale and he first tried it out on a make-shift dirt track on the property of the old Catholic school. He had a blast, and a deal was struck. Jack felt like he could go anywhere on that bike and pretty much did just that.

It was a ’65 XLCH with magneto and DC Linkert carburetor. There were some aftermarket goodies available for that carb model and the early S&S carbs had a similar design. Someone suggested that Jack could get his points, condensers, and plugs at the local Massey Ferguson dealer. Jack liked the price, so he gave them a try and found it worked just as well as OEM.

The bike had a custom paint job that was done by a skilled local painter, but Jack just didn’t care for the color. Soon it was riding around in gray primer. Jack found a new riding partner from out of town who came to the Harley shop where Jack worked. He rode the same year Sportster as Jack, but his was customized and looked really cool.

Jack’s Sportster remained very much stock, but he would continue to customize his Pan and successive big twins. The bunch he rode with stayed independent for years, but the idea of a club kept coming. A very talented man whom all would come to have great respect and appreciation for opened the first custom shop in town.

There were a handful of guys who built Knucks and Pans with the precious few parts available at the time. Flanders, Bates, S&S, and Barnett come to mind, but these builders were customizers and hot rodder elite who made what they needed and made it well. They knew how to make those old bikes perform as well as they looked.

The new shop would provide a place for the up-and-coming custom parts, rebuilds, and any and all custom services. Some truly outstanding work came out of this shop. Jack and his crew found D&D Machine, Paughco, Santee, Andrews, S&S, and a host of others. Life couldn’t be better for the chopper builder or so it seemed.

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