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Motorcycle Mania And Hugh King


What hit the American Motorcycle industry like straight pipes and tire sizzling burn-outs, at 4 in the morning? Television, in the form of Motorcycle Mania one and two. The introduction of chopper building skills and rebel attitude, unleashed broadband, to citizens all over the country, rocked the biker world. Then chopper heaven in the form of Biker Build-offs struck with round two. Who was responsible for this Tsunami boon to our lifestyle? It was Hugh King, the producer/director/writer and editor at large of Original Productions.

Hugh felt the crisp freedom and wild wanton wickedness of the chopper industry in 1947 as a Milwaukee youngster, with his nose pressed against his living room window. An older neighborhood wildman, Billy Brody, screamed down the street on a bobbed ’46 Indian Chief. He tore across his folk’s lawn and slid to a stop on the front porch ignoring the driveway and garage alongside the house. That scene, on the Oak shrouded street, was emblazoned in Hugh’s expanding creative mind for years to come. In fact he added a wild black and white scene of a biker burning into a bar, to his documentary resume while living off grants and making social action films.

In 1989 he hauled ass to California and scrambled for a position cutting Easyriders Home Videos.

Through the reams of vast, rough-shot, motorcycle footage he learned the Harley biker industry, from event coverage, to land speed record attempts. Hired by Original Productions he produced reality shows. Then one fateful day, while warm California rays graced his small Original Productions, office, Tom Beers, his boss, wandered in.

“Discovery Channel called,” he said. “They want a feature on the custom motorcycle industry. You’ve experienced the motorcycle world. It’s your assignment.” Since the offices were located in Burbank, California, Hugh investigated valley shops and called motorcycle mag editors. A mystery connection was made, and an old crocked finger pointed toward West Coast Choppers. “And the rest is history,” Hugh said.

“Discovery didn’t billboard the first Motorcycle Mania episode,” Hugh said. “They only mentioned it one-half hour before it aired, but by act 4 they knew we had hit a home run.”

By Motorcycle Mania two, Jesse became a star. “Viewers wanted to talk to him,” Hugh said of growing audience. “We filmed it for the average Joe and sensed immediately that people wanted to reach out and touch tools. There was a deep longing for the ability to make something out of nothing.”

Jesse smacked a cord in young American viewers with a ballpeen hammer against a flat sheet of aluminum. Fans witnessed pure raw alloy shaped into sleek gas tanks. “The footage of metal being annealed was graphically inspiring,” Hugh said. At that stage he was the producer, director, writer and editor (Tom Beers was the executive producer).

Discovery was rocked and wanted more, so Hugh directed the first four Monster Garage segments, then kicked off the Build-Off series.

“We shot Borget versus Billy Lane and Discovery ordered three more,” Hugh said. “It was another grand slam.”

Life kicked into high gear for Hugh and again Original Productions was approached by Discovery Channel to make Motorcycle Mania III or “Jesse James Rides Again” starring Jesse James and featuring his buddy, Kid Rock. Jesse worked with wheelwright, Fay Butler, in Massachusetts to learn the intricacies of copper fabricating. Fay manipulates old yoders like an artist’s brush shaping copper. Yoders were used in WWII to fashion sheets of metal for fighter fuselages and wings. Jesse and Fay worked together to shape the copper chopper gas tank.

The MMIII film endeavor raised the bar for Hugh. “I had the opportunity to work with high def film and top quality camera equipment,” he said. “We got to use the highest standard automobile commercial equipment like a Shot Maker and Chapman cranes for dramatic rolling angles.” His life hit overdrive as he filmed the building of the Copper Chopper for Jesse, American Bad Ass Chopper for Kid Rock, and they hit it to Mexico. “Nothing went according to plan,” Hugh said. “We changed the itinerary constantly. The people of Mexico were terrific as we shot from El Paso, Texas and Juarez, Mexico, in 125 degrees, through 350 miles due south to Chihuahua.”

Hugh filmed spectacular footage of the two riders passing smoldering sand dunes, sweeping vistas and lumbering Iguanas crossing the rugged roads toward Copper Canyon.

“We suspected trouble from Federales,” Hugh said, “but Jesse and the Kid befriended the law. They stood alongside the smoldering highway and blasted sand dunes with the cops’ weapons.”

Having the time of their lives they rode south to Chihuahua, a growing city, and searched through the old market place. Riding west they climbed 6,000 feet to Copper Canyon, in the middle of the Sierra Madres, which is six times longer than the Grand Canyon. They slept in a small village on the lip of the gorge, in a town of 65.

Jesse and the Kid accomplished their goal of escaping fame and fortune as they continued West toward the coast over torturous curved roads through blinding lightening storms and over a territory where the only vocation is hijacking. “We slept in the camera van,” Hugh said, “since there was no place to stay, until we reached the white sand beach on the Sea of Cortez. It was a transcendental experience.”

Motorcycle Mania III will experience limited theatrical release later this year, followed by Discovery Channel airing. Hugh has a year and a half invested in the film while directing Biker Build-offs with Billy Lane, Dave Perewitz, Roger Borget, Paul Yaffe, Indian Larry and currently with Yank Young, Chica, Eddie Trotta, Russ Mitchell, Arlen and Cory Ness. “Choppers have turned my life upside down,” Hugh said. Although the family man doesn’t own a bike, he rides constantly. “I’ll jump anything the builders let me straddle,” Hugh said. You can see the motorcycle mania fever boiling in his gaze.

What’s the future hold for Hugh King? The Biker Build Off series is rockin’ through another chrome and flamed season and even hotter segments are headed for next year. “We kicked off the series with Billy Lane and Roger Borget,” Hugh said. “Initially it was intended as an elimination competition, but no builder can manufacture one ass-kickin’ bike after another, every 30 days. We currently pick builders by regions and diverse styles.” In 2005 he hopes to throw a massive live finale in Las Vegas and take the bike voting interactive.

At 65, Hugh ramped into an all-time high with custom bikes. He’s riding it for all it’s worth and the entire industry benefits.


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THE LAUGHLIN BUILD-OFF– On April 20th ten of the world’s greatest bike builders thundered into Laughlin, Nevada. For 72 hours in a secret desert shop they worked non stop to create BBO X, a one-off 124 cubic inch, rigid, right side drive, black and chrome, spear-like chopper. Then they presented it to Hugh King, producer of Discovery’s Great Biker Build Off. The geniuses who came together to make this awesome steed were Arlen Ness, Cory Ness, Russell Mitchell, Eddie Trotta, Mitch Bergeron, Kendall Johnson, Matt Hotch, Joe Martin, Chica and Hank Young.

h. king lauglin bike

Chica hand fabricated the gas tank. Hank Young made the oil tank. Kendall Johnson was responsible for assembling and tweaking the 124 cc. S&S motor and the Baker 6 speed transmission, Mitch Bergeron was responsible for the frame and the billet down tube (in which was cut in the Roman Numeral X and the Discovery planet), Matt Hotch fabricated the fenders, Joe Martin built the pipes and did the pin striping, Russell Mitchell and Eddie Trotta built the front end and Arlen Ness and Cory Ness were responsible for the paint and the overall supervision of the project.

A special guest appearance was made by legendary seat maker, Danny Gray who fabricated a black leather seat with a zebra stripped manta ray inset.

On Saturday night, April 24th, before thousands at the Laughlin River Run, BBO X was unveiled and formally presented to Hugh King.

Each of the ten builders had competed in Bike Build Off before. Their ten bikes were on display at the Discovery both where the people voted on which motorcycle they thought was best in show.

Matt Hotch’s low slung, blue beach cruiser took the prize. Watch every Monday night for a new Build-Off on Discovery.

american rider
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December 28, 2006


Author and freedom fighter, Bill Bish.

THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. For more information, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE or visit us on our website at

Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish
National Coalition of Motorcyclists


CHINESE CITIES CONTINUE TO BAN MOTORCYCLES China, the world?s leading producer of motorcycles with more than 13 million units manufactured annually, has been systematically banning or limiting the use of motorcycles. Most recently, the large Chinese city of Guangzhou, formerly known as Canton, will join over 100 other cities in banning all motorized two-wheelers. As of January 1, the city?s 260,000 registered motorcycles in the city will be forced off the roads, as well as an additional 100,000 unregistered ones and 100,000 electric bicycles, and tens of thousands of people who use the vehicles to earn a living and make deliveries must turn them in for scrap or move them out of the city.

After six decades of control, Communist officials are accustomed to issuing sweeping draconian edicts such as this, confident that they unfailingly act for the benefit of all citizens, while individual rights are ignored and citizens simply must accept what the one-party state decides is best and are helpless to act on their frustrations.

In 2002, Guangzhou shortened the service life of motorbikes to 8 or 10 years from the previous 13 years, and offered cash rewards to owners who discarded their bikes before their ?end of life? expired. The city began phasing out motorcycles, leading up to a total ban by 2007. But after motorcycle and scooter prices plunged, throngs of residents eagerly turned to two-wheel transportation, jamming up the roads, contributing to air pollution and increasing snatch-and-run crimes committed by motorcycle-riding thieves. Motorcycles were involved in half of the city?s accidents last year.

Since 1994, cities like Shanghai, Tianjin and Nantong have stopped issuing licenses to new motorcycles. In Shanghai, many motorcycle shops were even shut down recently. Motorcycles are not replacing cars in Chinese cities, they are replacing bicycles so whereas the environmental impact of a shift to motorcycles in Western cities would lead to cleaner air, in China it’s the other way around.

Analysts estimate that China will not have an urban market for motorcycles by 2010 if more cities continue to ban their use. Nowadays, the Chinese government is following a “no encouragement and no support” policy towards the motorcycle industry.

Avon Banner

SALT LAKE CITY PLAYING HEAD GAMES The Mayor of Salt Lake City, Utah has proposed a municipal ordinance that would implement a city-wide helmet law for all motorcyclists and bicyclists, though the state of Utah does not mandate helmets for adult riders.

The proposed ordinance reads in part: 12.24.130 Motorcycle or motor-driven cycle — Protective headgear — Closed cab excepted — Electric assisted bicycles, motor assisted scooters, personal motorized mobility devices.

A. A person may not operate or ride on a motorcycle or motor-driven cycle on a street, highway or public park unless the person is wearing protective headgear which complies with specifications adopted under Subsection (C).

The Salt Lake City Weekly newspaper had this to say about the helmet law: ?City Hall is on the verge of proposing a helmet law that would make Salt Lake City one of the few cities in the country requiring that all bicycle-riding adults don a safety helmet.

?The proposal also applies to motorcycles; small, motorized scooters and the Segway, that two-wheeled platform President George W. Bush fell off. Skateboarders, however, would be spared.

?The city?s smokers rolled over for the ban on lighting up on golf courses and in public squares, but bike riders might not be so complacent.?

ABATE of Utah is requesting that riders contact Mayor Rocky Anderson and voice your opposition to this legislation. You can contact Mayor Anderson by phone: (801) 535-7704, by e-mail: or by letter: 451 South State St., Room 306, SLC, UT 84111.


U.S. DOT ANNOUNCES SEATBELT USE DOWN, HELMET USE UP According to a new study recently released by the National Occupant Protection Use Survey (NOPUS), seat belt use in the U.S. is currently at a rate of 81 percent, down slightly from the use rate of 82 percent in 2005.

Citing the new report, U.S. Secretary of Transportation Mary E. Peters also noted the latest data shows that 51 percent of U.S. motorcyclists now wear helmets, up from 48 percent in 2005. She pointed out that in the West, motorcycle helmet use rose from 50 to 72 percent between 2005 and 2006; and from 42 to 47 percent in the Northeast. However, the use rate fell from 53 to 50 percent in the Midwest and from 49 to 45 percent in the South. Only helmets that comply with DOT standards were included in the survey.

According to Administrator Nicole R. Nason, the NHTSA recently started offering federal grants to states for programs that help reduce the number of motorcyclist accidents. For example, this year the agency will make available $6 million in grant funding to states for motorcycle safety training and motorist awareness programs.

Triumph ad

NO EMISSIONS TESTING FOR PIMA COUNTY, ARIZONA MOTORCYCLES Owners of more than 6,200 motorcycles in Pima County, in which Tucson is located, will soon no longer have to worry about whether their vehicles can pass the state’s emissions tests, but the 22,000 motorcycles registered in Maricopa County, where the city of Phoenix is located, remains one of the only places in the U.S. where motorcycles must pass emission testing.

Both areas of the state have had testing programs for years to comply with federal air-quality rules, particularly as they relate to carbon monoxide and ozone pollution. State legislators voted for the exemption in 2005, but the law was contingent on getting the required approval from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — that order came December 15th as the EPA agreed that exempting the motorcycles from the testing in Pima County will not harm air quality in the Tucson region.

“This is a big step in the right direction,” said Bobbi Hartmann, a lobbyist for the motorcyclist groups in Arizona and a member of the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) Legislative Task Force.

Motorcycle groups such as ABATE of Arizona, the Modified Motorcycle Association (MMA) of Arizona and the Arizona Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs had backed the legislation, hoping to get their vehicles exempted from what they call unfair and unnecessary emissions regulation. State records had shown that 26 percent of the motorcycles taking the test failed while cars flunked at the rate of 16 percent.

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MSF AND TEAM OREGON EMBROILED IN LAWSUITS The Motorcycle Safety Foundation has filed a lawsuit against Team Oregon Motorcycle Safety Program of Oregon State University alleging the parties infringed on MSF copyrights, and charging that they ?willfully misappropriated the MSF’s motorcycle safety and training curriculum materials in connection with the development and publication of Team Oregon’s Basic Rider Training (BRT) curriculum materials, and prepared derivative works based on the MSF’s copyrighted curricula,? and other charges.

The suit seeks to permanently enjoin the defendants from using the Team Oregon BRT, as well as from marketing or offering the Team Oregon BRT to other states or entities.

“The MSF has worked with the state of Oregon in connection with motorcycle safety training and policy for more than 20 years, and continues to support Oregon motorcyclists,” said Dean Thompson, director, communications of the Motorcycle Safety Foundation. “The MSF currently works with the Oregon Division of Driver and Motor Vehicle Services on licensing issues.?

“This is the first time in its history that the MSF has initiated legal action,” Thompson said. “We would prefer to focus on our mission of making motorcycling safer and more enjoyable. But if an organization does not protect its intellectual property rights, it can lose them. The MSF does not object to another entity developing a different basic riding curriculum. However, the MSF does take issue with any entity that takes a shortcut by misappropriating the MSF’s curriculum and misrepresenting it as its own.”

BikePAC of Oregon Executive Director Ken Ray responded to the lawsuit, stating in part, ?We are disappointed that MSF has chosen to file a lawsuit after their curriculum was deemed inadequate for Oregon. Although BikePAC is not involved in this legally, all motorcyclists in Oregon will suffer when money and energy that should go to rider training is having to be used to defend Team Oregon against MSF attorneys.?

Ray went on to explain that the ?MSF has implied or threatened legal action for several years ever since Team Oregon began phasing out the MSF curriculum and began using one developed by Steve Garets and other Team Oregon instructors. MSF has maintained that printed material dealing with motorcycle training is their intellectual property. Most recently the Motorcycle Safety Foundation attempted to have their motorcycle-training curriculum certified to meet Oregon standards to replace a DMV skills test for motorcycle endorsements. Although a final decision has not been reached by the Oregon Traffic Safety Commission on the MSF proposal, the Governor?s Advisory Board on Motorcycle Safety after a year of analysis and testimony unanimously voted to recommend disapproval by OTSC.?

Oldshot w/girls

PELOSI TARGETS GRASSROOTS LOBBYING House Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) has pledged to take up a lobbying reform proposal that would impose new regulations on speech by grassroots organizations (such as motorcycle rights organizations), while providing a loophole in the rules for large corporations and labor unions.

The legislation would make changes to the legal definition of ?grassroots lobbying? and require any organization that encourages 500 or more members of the general public to contact their elected representatives to file a report with detailed information about their organization to the government on a quarterly basis.

The report would include identifying the organization?s expenditures, the issues focused on and the members of Congress and other federal officials who are the subject of the advocacy efforts. A separate report would be required for each policy issue the group is active on.

?Right now, grassroots groups don?t have to report at all if they are communicating with the public,? said Dick Dingman of the Free Speech Coalition, Inc. ?This is an effort that would become a major attack on the 1st Amendment.?

The Lobbying Transparency and Accountability Act, which made some of these changes, was actually approved by both the House and the Senate in the 109th Congress, but failed to make it through a conference committee.


OKLAHOMA BILL WOULD REDUCE MOTORCYCLE TOLLS An Oklahoma state lawmaker is proposing giving a break to motorcycle riders on the state’s turnpikes. State Representative Paul Wesselhoft says it’s not fair for motorcyclists to pay the same price as a car on the toll roads because motorcycles cause less wear and tear on the roadway. And he says the bikes cause less pollution and are more fuel-efficient.

His proposal calls for motorcycles to be charged half the toll currently charged to two-axle vehicles such as cars and SUVs. Rep. Wesselhoft says he doubts the state would lose any revenue by reducing the toll because he believes more bikers would drive the turnpikes if the toll were lower.

Rep. Paul Wesselhoft (R-Moore, OK) has been coordinating with ABATE of Oklahoma regarding advancing this legislation, which ABATE of Oklahoma’s State Board has voted to fully support. ABATE contacted the Central Oklahoma HOG Chapter to provide a Harley for a photo-op for Rep. Wesselhoft, who has prior motorcycling experience, to introduce his proposal to the media.

?We appreciate Representative Wesselhoft?s decision to introduce this measure, which will be beneficial both to our state and to improving motorcycling Quality of Life in Oklahoma,? said Tiger Mike Revere, State Coordinator of ABATE of Oklahoma and a member of the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) Board of Directors.

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UK LICENSING PLAN FOR ALL MOTORCYCLES A plan to crackdown on teenage motorcyclists plaguing estates and shopping centers was unveiled by Labour MP Chris Bryant, who wants to bring in a new law calling for all bikes – including off-road scramblers and mini-motorbikes – to be forced to have license plates.

Many of the bikes used by hooligans to terrorize others are unlicensed as they are officially classified as off-road machines, he said. Police are reluctant to chase them fearing riders could be thrown off and be killed or injured. But Mr Bryant believes by putting number plates on bikes officers would know who owns the vehicles and track them down.

He told the London Mirror that, “Unlicensed so-called ‘off-road’ bikes are a lethal nuisance. The racket they make and the danger they pose to pedestrians and drivers means it’s time we licensed them.”

Sales of mini-motorcycles, which can go up to 60mph, have soared ten-fold since 2002, to 100,000 last year.


WEIRD NEWS: Bees mistake motorcycle cushion for real flowers. Vivid flowers on a cushion used by a woman for her motorcycle were so lifelike that hundreds of bees attempted to collect honey from it, the China Daily newspaper reported. Seeing so many bees flying over the motorcycle, parked at a village near Shenyang of Liaoning Province, the rider was scared out of her wits and cried for help. She was rescued from the spot only after fire fighters were called in to drive the bees away.


CNN POLL REVEALS MOST AMERICANS THINK GOVERNMENT IS DOING TOO MUCH A quarter century after the Reagan revolution, a CNN poll found that most Americans still agree with the Gipper; “Government is not the answer to our problems — government is the problem.”

The poll showed that an overwhelming majority of Americans perceive, correctly, that the size and cost of government have gone up: discretionary spending grew from $649 billion in fiscal year 2001 to $968 billion in fiscal year 2005, an increase of $319 billion, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

Queried about their views on the role of government, 54 percent of the 1,013 adults polled said they thought it was trying to do too many things that should be left to individuals and businesses. Only 37 percent said they thought the government should do more to solve the country’s problems.

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QUOTABLE QUOTE: “The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”

Ronald Reagan (1911-2004) 40th President of the United States & 33rd Governor of California

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December 21, 2006 Part 4


Continued From Page 3

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BIG BANK BIKE BLOWOUT!–2007 is just around the corner, and it’s time for some killer savings on some of LifeStyle Cycles’ bank-owned bikes. Don’t wait, because deals like these only come around once a year, and won’t last long! We need to make room, and you need to get a deal! Call the LifeStyle Cycles Bike Sales Department today and save HUGE on these big bank bike blowouts! Think of it as our gift to you!


(714) 490-01552004 HARLEY DAVIDSON DEUCE!ONLY $12,995!

This slick silver and pinstriped 2004 Harley Davidson Deuce is ready for you to take home! It’s got fuel injection, chrome Vance & Hines Big Radius exhaust pipes, custom handlebars and much more. With only 4388 miles you won’t find a cleaner 2004 Deuce at this price, so don’t let it pass you by. Inspected, tested & approved by a certified technician.

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DELAND GROUP ORGANIZES ITS 3RD ANNUAL BIKE RALLY– The third annual DeLand Bike Rally is scheduled for March 3 to enhance a positive relationship between the community and motorcycle enthusiasts.More than 30,000 people and 18,000 motorcycles participated in the second rally during Bike Week in March. The event received one of this year’s top honors at the Florida Main Street 2006 Conference last month.Wayne Arnold, president and event coordinator, said, “We are very proud to be recognized and happy to bring home to DeLand one of the 2006 Secretary of State’s Florida Main Street Awards.”

The setting in historic downtown DeLand with specialty boutiques and ethnic restaurants, combined with the friendliness and professionalism of city employees, committee members and volunteers created a sure recipe for success, said BJ Simoneau, bike rally president-elect and Main Street DeLand Association past president.Sponsorship or vendor information: 386-738-0649 or .

— from Rogue


BIKERNET POLITICAL CORRECT CORRECTION–Because of the climate of political correctness now pervading America, those of us in Oklahoma, Arkansas and Missouri will no longer be referred to as HILLBILLIES.

We ask that you now refer to us as OZARK-AMERICANS.

Thank you!

Now if you’ll excuse me, I got possums to fry.

–from Nick Roberts


BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY TO SELL HOLLISTER LICENSED T-SHIRT– High Bid will receive: Protection as the exclusive licensee for all official merchandise for the 2007 HollisterMotorcycle Rally. Protection will be enforced with copyrights, trademarks and service mark wherenecessary. Protection will also be provided in the form of a city ordinance that will onlyallow the official licensee to market the official merchandise.

The Hollister Motorcycle Rally will protect the word Hollister when used in conjunctionwith the following, Bike, Rally, 2007, 60th anniversary, 10th annual, motorcycle, or anyartwork that implies that the article bearing said logo as an official event product.


The licensee shall be allowed to market and sell said merchandise through out the 2007year. For instance after the 2007 rally the licensee may sell the merchandise to retailers inthe Hollister area that want to continue to market these products

All merchandise and artwork must be approved by the Hollister Motorcycle Committee. They must meet or exceed 6.1 100% Cotton Preshrunk quality.

The Licensee will receive up to 10 premium marketing locations at the rally ($30,000value). Licensee is responsible for all necessary staffing, displays and tents to properlyconstruct the official merchandise booths.

Licensee is responsible for reporting all sales tax.

70% of the bid is due within 14 days of the auction closing. The remaining 30% is dueon or before March 31st 2007.

Licensee shall have first choice to bid on 2008 License.

Proposals can be submitted to: from Dec. 10th 2006 through Dec.24th 2006.

Vetter MDA #1 - Vetter with Award3

CRAIG VETTER RECEIVES HONORARY MEMBERSHIP OF THE MOTORCYCLE DESIGN ASSOCIATION– Craig Vetter was the unanimous choice of the MDA committee for the 2006 Honorary Membership. Vetter didn’t invent the motorcycle fairing – numerous examples had been on the market for many years – but he was arguably the first to make them look good. He was also an astute businessman, hitting the market with his Windjammer after-market fairings at a time when motorcycle performance was exceeding the limits of rider endurance. Bike manufacturers had been scared away from protective bodywork in the 1950s, when models such as the Ariel Leader and Vincent Black Prince had been universally rejected by the customers, mainly on aesthetic grounds. During the 60s and early 70s, few bike manufacturers offered much in the way of wind resistance, but Vetter’s products became so popular that many buyers in the US would not consider buying a new Japanese model unless one of his after-market fairings was fitted. Eventually, the major manufacturers responded by producing fully-faired catalogue models, but Vetter had started the trend.

Vetter MDA #2 - Triumph X75 Hurricane4

But it is perhaps for the Triumph X-75 Hurricane that he is more generally acknowledged. The Hurricane holds a rightful place in motorcycle design history by being an early example of the integration of body components, notably in the merging of the tank and side covers. Although only produced in limited numbers, this approach influenced mass-market models such as the Honda 400N and Bol d’Or series, and a whole new way of thinking about bike design from which today’s models evolved.

Vetter was presented with the award by MDA co-founder and President, Glynn Kerr, in Carmel, California, on 9 December, 2006.

The Motorcycle Design Association

–Glynn Kerr – President


BIKER BEAUTIES CHRISTMAS SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE–Order a subscription to Biker Beauties Magazine as a Christmas Gift. Orders are sent out first class mail the day we recieve the order.

Order a subscription this week before Christmas and we’ll include the Sept/Oct. Issue and the November Issue in the package with the December Issue.

biker beauts 2

Subscriptions are $34.95/yr. for 12 issues and can be purchased at

January 2007 Issue will be shipped on Dec. 29th.

GP tank

TRIBUTE PAINT JOB FROM BIKERNET CORRESPONDENT IN AUSTRALIA– I’m just heading off to Brisbane to pick up the rest of the paint and we are both away all day to-morrow so I’ll try and put something together in the next couple of days, so keep your eyes on the computer.

Talk to you soon. Hey! nearly forgot, just got the latest edition of the Horse it was great to read your story and to have been part of it.


buell pickup1

BUELL RIGID PROJECT RETURNS–It was about a year ago you did a story on my BuellRigid.Had to redo a few things in a year of riding. New tankand new non-raked tress were the main parts replaced.And a third wheel was added. The hack platform isuniversal. It can be a pickup with the box, and a peoplehauler, when I remove the box and strap on a lawnchair, or a flatbed hauler.

If the vacation timing works we will see you atBonneville.


sbauman bike

CHRISTMAS CHOPPER DEAL OF THE WEEK– If you think you might need an extra pair of hands on your next trip to Bonneville, let me know. I’m sure you have more than enough volunteers, though. Enclosed are the two photos Kiese, he’s Greek, sent me.

Here are a couple of profile shots of the chopper. If you know anybody wanting a custom, I am thinking of selling this one for around $33,000

(949) 837-4991

clutch release cover flame1

JOKER CLUTCH RELEASE COVER– Give your cable-operated tranny a major up-grade with a Joker Machine Clutch Release Cover! CNC Machined from 6061 T6 billet aluminum using optimum machining technology.

Much stronger than the stock die-cast unit. Features full chrome plating and include chrome-mounting hardware. OEM dipstick and internals fit into unit.

NOTE: Our new billet dipstick is now available for this unit and H/D units!

clutch release cover smooth2






BIKERNET TEAMS WITH SUCKER PUNCH SALLY AND HOT BIKE TO DELIVER A BOBBER TO SPECIAL FORCES SOLDIER IN IRAQ–Johnny White, a Bikernet correspondent in Texas reached out to build his brother a bike. Then Sucker Punch Sally offered to help in addition to R-max. Johnny will build the bike in his garage, the first bike he’s ever built.

“Oh yeah, and SPS promises you can put their kittogether with a leatherman,” said Ken Conte, SPS marketing director. Nevertheless we asked Santa to give Johnny some tools. Plus Jeff and Donnie plan to throw in some custom touches. You’ll see it come together in HOT Bike magazine and on When Johnny’s brother returns from the front they will ride to Sturgis and party with the HOT Bike editor Eric Ellis.

Here’s the new number for SPS: (480) 778-9500.

arlen ness show flyer

WIN FREE TICKETS TO THE ARLEN NESS BIKE SHOW– Win Free Tickets and Swag for the January 27th and 28th 2007 Arlen Ness Bike Show in San Jose, CA. Enter your contact information and we will draw a name each week. Go to Arlen Ness Bike Show for more details.

Jani Albers wins 2 show tickets
Juan Gutierrez wins 2 show tickets
Michael A. Noble wins 2 Show Tickets

American Thunder Promotions produces the Arlen Ness Bike Show, the Donnie Smith Invitational Bike Show and the Donnie Smith Rochester Bike Show.

Arlen Ness Contest

19 and under


The Riders Have Spoken: Victory Motorcycles ReceivesHigh Ratings From J.D. Power and Associates —MEDINA, MN (Dec. 21st, 2006) – “With the release of this information from J.D. Power and Associates, we believe it’s clear that Victory Motorcycles has played a key role in raising the bar of consumer expectations – not only in the American V-Twin market, but in the motorcycle industry as a whole,” said Mark Blackwell, Vice President of Victory Motorcycles and International Operations for Polaris Industries.

For the first time ever, J.D. Power and Associates has publicly released brand-performance results from their annual Motorcycle Competitive Information Study. Over the past several years, the firm has conducted this research to help the industry’s major motorcycle manufacturers improve. Now, portions of their recent 2006 study have been made public for all the world to see.

Now entering just its ninth model year and growing at close to 10 times the industry rate, Victory Motorcycles, the motorcycle division of leading Minnesota-based power sports manufacturer Polaris Industries, was one of ten major motorcycle manufacturers (and one of just three American manufacturers) rated by consumers in this study. Each manufacturer received two to five Power Circle RatingsSM in five different factors, including Product, Service, Cost of Ownership, Quality, and Sales.

Victory Motorcycles performed particularly well and received five Power Circles in Product, Cost of Ownership, and Service. Victory received four Power Circles in Quality and Sales. “The entire Victory team is proud to have these kinds of ratings,” said Blackwell. “People who choose to ride our bikes love them – it’s something we’ve known for a long time – and we’re happy this information is finally public.”

Hold on, next week we’ll publish the entire report.


IT?S A JACK DANIELS CHRISTMASSSSS–Actually it?s a helluva season, in a helluva year and times are wild. There?s never a dull moment here at Bikernet, in this industry or in the country for that matter. Let me throw out a couple of reminders.

First, don?t forget to register to receive notices about Bikernet new articles. It?s free, goddamnit, and you might win something.

shrunken FXR

Don?t forget to buy our Amazing Shrunker FXR for that little rider in the family. Every girl who sits on this bike trips about how comfortable it is. Just $25,000 this week. Think I?ll take it to the ER show in Pomona.

WOW, we finished the goddamn news before Christmas. Have a helluva holiday. It’s been an Amazing year. Next will even be better. Hang on.

Ride Forever,


Bonneville 2007 sponsor banner

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December 21, 2006 Part 3


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METRIC THUNDER AND SADDLEMAN TEAM TO GET YOU A SEAT–Win A Custom Thunder Saddle of Your Tattoo!–This is what you have been waiting for. For the next 7 months will be giving away a custom Thunder Saddle each month. These saddles are the most exclusive saddles and most comfortable saddles every made. They are very cool because each saddle represents your tattoo.

The Tattoo Contest

BANDIT of Bikernet will pick the best looking tattoo of the month and we will make a custom Thunder Saddle with the Tattoo embossed on the saddle. Each saddle comes equipped with Saddlemen’s Saddle Gel. Saddle Gel makes an incredibly comfortable seat and allows you to stay on your motorcycle for longer periods of enjoyable riding.

Metric Thunder Banner

How to Enter the Thunder Saddle Contest

Entering is easy. Just send an email to: with your:

? Name
? Telephone number
? Picture of you and your tattoo
? Year and model of motorcycle

It’s just that easy. Send a picture of yourself sporting your favorite tattoo and you could be riding around with it on your motorcycle. It is your exclusive seat that is a show stopper and conversation piece wherever you stop.

Next Week
We select December’s winner next Thursday.

For more details and rules”>clicking here.

buell tank bag

NEW DELUXE TANK BAG FOR BUELL XB MODELS–MILWAUKEE (December 22, 2006) – The new Deluxe Tank Bag (P/N 92330-06Y, $142.95) from Buell Accessories features weather-resistant polyester fabric and waterproof zippers. The rigid body maintains its shape whether empty or full, and expands up to four inches for increased storage capacity. This bag features a removable MP3 case and two other side pockets, inner lid pockets and removable dividers. A mounting system with snap-buckles makes it easy to install or remove the bag, which comes with a rain cover and shoulder strap. The Deluxe Tank Bag fits 2003-later Buell XB models.

For additional information on Buell Accessories, see your local Buell dealer or visit the Buell website at To find a dealer near you, call toll free 1-800-443-2153 in the U.S.A. or Canada.

w8less banner

W8LESS ROTORS COMING– Happy Holidays to you and yours. Hope all of your expectations and dreams are becoming a reality. Your web site is awesome , to say the least .

With a solid 1 April production date from Benmaxx , we are moving ahead . Seems the small town in Michigan where rotors will be produced has voted to assist Benmaxx with a manufacturing building and tax incentives. Don’t have all the details yet, should have them soon . Enclosed are new photos, with rotor we will be producing.



GIVE THE GIFT OF BCCOM!–Looking for the perfect gift for a fellow motorcycle enthusiast? Why notgive the gift of BCCOM! 2007 memberships are now available through theBCCOM Office 1-877-580-0111 and our website

WIN FREE TICKETS TO THE VANCOUVER MOTORCYCLE SHOW!The first 5 people to reply to email update will win 2 tickets to Vancouvermotorcycle show on January 25-28, 2007 at the Tradex Centre in Abbotsford.More details about the show can be found at:

SUPPORT BCCOM BY GETTING YOUR VANCOUVER BIKE SHOW TICKETS EARLY AT DEELEY’SAdvance tickets for the Vancouver Motorcycle Show are on sale at the BRANDNEW location of Trev Deeley Motorcycles at 1875 Boundary Road in Vancouver

You will get a special deal if you purchase advance tickets from Deeley’s:Adult tickets $10Junior/Youth (7-15) tickets $5

Trev Deeley Motorcycles will be donating $1 for every adult bike show ticketsold to BCCOM (British Columbia Coalition for Motorcyclists).Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Open these Sundays in December 2006:

December 3, 10, 17 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
December 24th we are open from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

They will be closed on Monday & Tuesday, December 25 & 26th and closed onSunday & Monday, December 31st & January 1st.

–Trev Deeley Motorcycles

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR THE VANCOUVER MOTORCYCLE SHOW!BCCOM is looking for volunteers to help staff our booth at the VancouverMotorcycle Show on January 25-28, 2007 at the Tradex Centre in Abbotsford.Volunteerswill receive free admission to the show. Our shifts are as follows:

santa you be bad

BIKERNET SPONSORS SANTA CLAUSE FOR 2006–I wud like a kool toy space ranjur fer Xmas. Iv ben a gud boy all yeer.
Yer Frend, BiLLy

Dear Billy,
Nice spelling. You’re on your way to a career in lawn care. How about I send you a f—ing book so you can learn to read and write?


Dear Santa,
I have been a good girl all year, and the only thing I ask for is peace, love, and joy in the world for everybody!


Dear Sarah,
Your parents smoked pot before they had you, didn’t they?


Dear Santa,
I don’t know if you can do this, but for Christmas, I’d like for my mommy and daddy to get back together. Please see what you can do.


Dear Teddy,

Look, your dad’s banging the babysitter like a screen door in a hurricane. Do you think he’s gonna give that up to come back to your frigid mom, who rides his ass constantly? It’s time to give up that dream. Let me get you some nice Legos instead.


Dear Santa,
I want a new bike, a Playstation, a train, some G.I. Joes, a dog, a drum kit, a pony and a tuba.


Dear Francis,
Nice name Francis. Who names their kid “Francis” nowadays? I bet you’re gay.


Dear Santa,
I left milk and cookies for you under the tree, and I left carrots for your reindeer outside the back door.


Dear Susan,
Milk gives me the runs and carrots make the deer fart in my face when riding in the sleigh. You want to do me a favor? Leave me a bottle of your Dad’s scotch.


Dear Santa,
What do you do the other 364 days of the year? Are you busy making toys?

Your friend,

Dear Thomas,
All the toys are made in China. I have a condo in Vegas, where I spend most of my time making low-budget porno films. I unwind by drinking myself silly and squeezing the asses of cocktail waitresses while losing money at the craps table. Hey, you wanted to know.


Dear Santa,
Do you see us when we’re sleeping, do you really know when we are awake like in the song?


Dear Jessica,
Are you really that gullible? You must be a blonde. Good luck in whatever you do. I’m skipping your house.


–from Chris T.

roland bike

ROLAND SANDS DESIGN, INC. BUILDS CUSTOM MOTORCYCLE TO BENEFIT RIDE FOR KIDS CHARITYPROGRAM– LA PALMA, Calif. (November 28, 2006) – Roland Sands Design, Inc. today released images of its Ride for Kids charity bike for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation. The bike is a collaboration between Cycle World Magazine, the Ride For Kids Program and Roland Sands Design (RSD). With the creative vision of founder Roland Sands, RSD took a stock Honda 919 and transformed it into an urban street fighter they have dubbed “Brave Heart.”

“This project was an opportunity to support a greater cause,” said Sands. “We called this bike Brave Heart to embody the tremendous spirit these children possess. I hope it generates excitement and more importantly, that it raises a significant amount of money for the fight against pediatric brain tumors.”

When the “Ride for Kids” Program needed to raise money for children overcoming their struggles with brain tumors, they pulled on the heart strings of award-winning motorcycle designer Rolandapproached Sands Sands and his R&D team at the Roland Sands Design studio in La Palma, California RSD. With a the Honda 919 Street Fighter as the building initial platform, Sands went to work designing “Brave HHeart” in his renowned racing style that would draw attention from do-gooders and performance- minded motorcycle lovers to benefit the children.alike.Sands is known for his racebike-inspired, performance-first design ethic, and Brave Heart follows that theme with Performance Machine wheels and brakes, Vance & Hines exhaust, Dunlop tires and Ohlins suspension in the front and rear.Sands, the 1998former AMA 250GP roadracing champion, has skyrocketed to fame in the past couple of years as one of the hottest custom-bike builders in the country, and is often featured on the popular cable-TV series’ “Biker Build-Off,.” “American Thunder” and “Super Streetbikes.” RSD is currently engaged in designing, developing and commercializing premium performance parts and accessories for V-Twin and Metric Sportbikes under the brand name Roland Sands Design. Sands is known for his racebike-inspired, performance-first design ethic, and Brave Heart follows that theme with Performance Machine wheels and brakes, Vance&Hines exhaust, Dunlop tires and Ohlins suspension front and rear.

“This project was an opportunity to support a greater cause,” said Sands. “We called this bike Braveheart to embody the tremendous spirit these children possess. I hope it generates excitement and more importantly, that it raises a significant amount of money for the fight against pediatric brain tumors. I wish I could keep this bike, but I feel good knowing it will go to the garage of a caring enthusiast.”

RSD is proud to put their our designs and prototyping capabilitieses to work on this worthwhile project,” said Sands. “toWe hope to generate excitement and awareness for the Ride for Kids Program andwith this project and gain the attention of the younger people who associate with Sands and his bikes to RSD. sI encourage everyone to step up and buy some raffle tickets and to support the cause.”

Nicks Amsoil banner

FORD DEAL FROM BIKERNET READER–I want to let you and all your readers know about an opportunity to purchase most Ford Motor Company vehicles at the X-Plan rate. I am a retired United Autoworker from Ford as well as a motorcyclist, a budding Land Speed Racer and a Bikernet Assalt Weapan sponsor. I have several X-Plan slots left this year and I want to offer them to fellow bikers and your readers. There are no strings attached simply contact me and I’ll hook up anyone who asks with this offer. The X-Plan is like dealer cost, there are no hassles and the X-Plan price is printed on the vehicle invoice so the buyer doesn’t have to haggle for the best price.

Some may ask why I am doing this. It’s simple… I am retired from Ford Motor Company so my retirement is directly related to the health of Ford. I am also an American Consumer Patriot who believes that the best way to help my country is by supporting American Made Products. The best thing we can all do is to purchase American Made Products which will contribute to the economic health and lively hood of our fellow Americans. I ride Harleys because they are American made and I try whenever I can to buy products Made in the USA.

As I said there are no strings attached, if more people reply than I can help I will talk to my fellow UAW members and try to find more X-Plans from them. Use of the X-Plan offer still allows all cash incentives to apply too. From December 08, 2006 through January 2, 2007 the plan is also offering an additional $500.00 Bonus Cash on most vehicles.

Interested readers can reach me at

Be American, Buy American
–Nick Roberts”Every man can make a difference. And all of us should try.” President John F. Kennedy


SPYKE INC NEW BONNEVILLE ASSALT WEAPAN SPONSOR–We’d like to thank Bill McCahill and the Spyke team for sponsoring our 2007 Bonneville Effort. Spyke has supported and sponsored other Bonneville bikes and they saved out ass last year with a high performance starter. We are running a Spyke starter again this year. And you’ll be blown away by their latest development, a one-wire charging system for generator case bikes from ’36-’69. Check ’em out.

–Spyke Inc. 562 803 1700


EASYRIDERS V-TWIN BIKE SHOW RETURNS TO THE LOS ANGELES FAIRPLEX IN POMONA–(Newbury Park, CA) – November 2006 – Easyriders Events proudly announces the kick-off of the 2007 Easyriders V-Twin Bike Show Tour at the L.A. Fairplex in Pomona, Calif. on January 6th and 7th. Show hours are Saturday, from 10am-10pm and Sunday, from 10am-5pm. All ages are welcome to this family-friendly event showcasing the best custom motorcycles in the world. A complete schedule of events is available online at

Bike Show attendees can expect to see the best of the best custom-built motorcycles in the world combined with hundreds of motorcycle-related merchandise and service exhibitors. Thousands of custom designs will be showcased throughout the Tour, with top honors being awarded in Kansas City, Missouri on May 5 at the Invitational Bike Show. Bike Show competitors in the all-new Pro Class will be vying for more than just top honors; they’ll be competing for one of six places on the 2008 Easyriders Centerfold Tour, which affords the opportunity for any bike builder to reach an unprecedented level of national exposure.

As featured on Country Music Television’s new hit show, Foxworthy’s Big Night Out, the Purrfect Angelz (a.k.a. The Home Wreckers) will perform live at each Bike Show location and are available for photo shoots with bikes entered in the competition. In addition to the top-notch choreography and fashion shows put on by the Purrfect Angelz, the Fryed Brothers Band, which has been called the “epitome of biker bands,” will entertain the crowd with several live musical performances throughout the weekend.

Dorian Swanner, owner of Carolina Custom Products, Inc., is building a ground-up custom motorcycle to be given away to one lucky attendee at the end of the 2007 Bike Show Tour. This custom motorcycle is a Carolina Custom drop seat chopper with a polished S&S motor, Baker 6-speed transmission, 300 rear tire and features exotic sheet metal with custom paint. Swanner has also designed and created custom trophies for the 2007 tour, which are sure to beautify any winner’s trophy case. Additionally, Ralph Randolph of Rockem and Sockem Motorcycle Co. is feverishly building a one-of-a-kind motorcycle to be given away at the 2008 Easyriders Rodeo Tour Grand Nationals in Chillicothe, Ohio. Both giveaway bikes will be on display for the public at all 2007 Easyriders V-Twin Bike Show Tour locations.

Additionally, world-class creations from Paul Yaffe of Paul Yaffe Originals, Kendall Johnson of Kendall Johnson Customs, James and Dave Kaye of The Detroit Bros., Ralph Randolph of Rockem and Sockem Motorcycle Co., Bill Rucker of Rucker Performance and Austin Weiss of Streamline Designs will be displayed for up-close viewing at each of the Easyriders V-Twin Bike Shows. “Each of this year’s builders has been selected and personally invited to join the ranks of ‘Centerfold Tour’ predecessors like Billy Lane, Rick Fairless and Ron Finch. The excitement is in the diversity of these phenomenal motorcycle builders,” explained Easyriders Events president, John Green.

Lucas Motorcycle Oil Products proudly sponsors Easyriders Events in addition to For additional information regarding the 2007 V-Twin Bike Show Centerfold Tour, Carolina Custom Products Motorcycle Giveaway, Rockem and Sockem Motorcycle Giveaway, Exhibitor Information or Bike Show Competition Entry, please call our offices toll-free at 1-800-962-9857 or visit us online at

looking under skirt

BIKERNET CLASSROOM INVESTIGATION–As a teacher, Ms. Jones was very curious about how each of her students celebrated Christmas. She called on young Patrick Murphy. “Tell me Patrick, what do you do at Christmas time?” she asked.

Patrick addressed the class, “Well Ms. Jones, me & my twelve brothers & sisters go to the midnight Mass and we sing hymns, then we come home very late & we put mince pies by the back door & hang up our stockings. Then all excited we go to bed & wait for Father Christmas to come with all our toys”.

“Very nice Patrick”, she said. “Now, Jimmy Brown what do you do at Christmas?”

“Well, Ms. Jones, me & my sister also go to Church with Mum & Dad and we sing carols & we get home ever so late. We put cookies & milk by the chimney & we hang up our stockings. We hardly sleep, waiting for Santa Claus to bring our presents.”

Realizing there was a Jewish boy in the class and not wanting to leave him out of the discussion, she asked, “Now, Isaac Cohen, what do you do at Christmas?”

Isaac said, “Well, it’s the same thing every year. Dad comes home from the office. We all pile into the Rolls Royce, then we drive to his toy factory. When we get inside, we look at all the empty shelves and begin to sing ‘What a Friend We Have in Jesus’. Then we all go to the Bahamas.”

–from Nick Roberts

Valerie Banner

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December 21, 2006 Part 2


Continued From Page 1


HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM THE CYCLE WORLD INTERNATIONAL SHOWS PRESENTED BY TOYOTA–Well the show series concluded its 6th round this past weekend as the tour arrived at the San Mateo County Expo Center. So far the show is living up to the hype of being bigger and better than ever this year as more than 220,000 attendees have passed through the gates thus far to see the latest and greatest from the motorcycle industry.

So far the show has covered more than 1.5 million square feet of space with more than 750 exhibitors on hand displaying various products related to the powersports industry, with even more on tap for the second half of the show series.

So much has happened in the first six rounds its hard to recap in this newsletter but we’ll touch on a few items and take a look at what’s ahead as we prepare for the holidays and the new year.


THE STEALTH INVESTIGATION REPORT FROM NC–If you are not ready for Christmas, you had better get on the stick! You are running out of time! Merry Christmas to Mr. Bandit and everyone at Bikernet!

This week at STEALTH BIKE WORKS it has been laid back. We worked on service jobs and the shop project. Our Christmas party is Saturday and we are looking forward to it. I think it will be a good time. It is our way of saying “Thanks” to all of our customers.

stealth pic

We got some art work back today for our Rigid, Evo, Ape Hanger bike and Rusty did a great job ! It adds a little something to the bike. We are going to put that bike in the Easyrider show here in Charlotte in January.

Not much else to talk about. All of us here at STEALTH BIKE WORKS would like to wish each and everyone of you who read this every week a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year! Take time or make time for those closest to you, that is more valuable than any gift you may receive! Be thankful for what you have and don’t dwell on what you don’t have. There is always someone who would gladly trade places with you. Hey, if you get a chance, give yourself a gift Christmas day, go for a RIDE!! So with that I will close it out.

Until next week, RIDE!

ALL NEW FOR THE WEB BIKERNET COOKING CLASS– A cannibal was walking through the jungle and came upon a restaurant opened by a fellow cannibal.

Feeling hungry, he sat down and looked over the menu…

Broiled Missionary: $10.00
Fried Explorer: $15.00
Baked Politician: $100.00.

The cannibal called the waiter over and asked, “Why such a price difference for the politician?”

The cook replied: “Have you ever tried to clean one?”

–from Joe Lankau

GP seat

THE TOUGH WORK BEHIND ANY BIKERNET TECH ARTICLE– I’ve been working on your seat segment for hours. What’s happened is I have a millon shots all taken at different times, and I didn’t put them in any sequence when I filed them. They’re all over the place. So I’ve been trying to separate them and put them in order for you to do your tech segment, so you’ll have to leave it with me and I’ll get it to you as soon as I can. I was hoping to finish it for you tonight but it’s 10.30 p.m., and I’m about done. Tomorrow’s out as I have my family coming for a Christmas lunch.


Thinks he’s in a quandary. He made me a seat and now I’ve got to build a bike around it.–Bandit

santa rider

HELL FIGHTERS KEEP BIKERS IN CHRISTMAS SPIRIT–DEADWOOD – During the Christmas season motorcycling is usually the farthest thing from people’s minds.But for the Hell Fighters Motorcycle Club, it’s always at the forefront as the group strives to help people year-round while using their biker status to spread their message.

The Christian group focuses on evangelization projects, as well as other charitable projects that benefit the community as a whole. This Christmas season members have set up drop boxes throughout the Lead-Deadwood area for clothing and non-perishable food items that can be taken to less fortunate families in the area.

“We just want to help people,” said group member Bill Rich. “Part of our mission statement is to try to help widows, orphans and poor people.”

In addition to the food drive, Rich said the small group of about five members also wants to start raising money to put in a fund to help victims of house fires. Further, he said the group wants to start raising money to provide computers for families who don’t have them, so children can use the Internet for school.

But for now, Rich said, the food/clothing drive is a good starting point. When the drive is over at the end of this week, he said the group will deliver the items to various families in the Northern Hills who have been identified by local pastors as needing assistance. Drop off locations include the Wooden Nickel, Chris Cuts It, and First Baptist Church in Deadwood, and the First National Bank in Lead.

“There are a lot of people who don’t like getting food stamps,” Rich said of part of their reasons for the food drive. “I guess they have a lot of pride and so we are trying to seek out those people. We identified one widow, she has six children and she is trying to make it. We’re going to take some food to them.”

For more information about the Hell Fighters Motorcycle Club or the food/clothing drive contact Rich at 580-5885.

–from Rogue
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005


CYCLE SOURCE MAGAZINE NAMES KEITH R. BALL MOTORCYCLING’S MAN OF THE YEAR FOR 2006!–In the January 2007 issue (on stands now) of Cycle Source Magazine, titled the year in review, you can take one last look at 2006. From the passing of Johnny Chop to the new Sturgis County Line, this has been a hell of a year and it’s all laid out for you. In addition to the Y.I.R., The Cycle Source has also picked the “Best Of” in five separate categories: New Product, Man of the year, Woman of the year, Builder of the year and New rally of the year.

The following is an excerpt from that issue, and everyone at Cycle Source would like to congratulate Keith once more for the work he has done with See ya’ in 2007!

2006 Motorcycling’s Man Of The Year: Keith “Bandit Ball”:Bandit has always been kinda like a central hub of information through his years in themotorcycle publishing biz, but with, he has brought it all together. Now in itstenth year, has become the place to go for everything related to the bikerculture.

Keith launched this site when bikers were still not that hip on the internet andwithout a built in audience or a focus group, he began building what is today the singlesource for up to the minute biker news on the industry and the life-style around it .


The Cycle Source Magazine A Grass Roots Motorcycle Publication

–Chris Callen
Editor The Cycle Source Magazine
118 Dellenbaugh Rd.
Tarentum, PA 15084<


BIKERNET RADIO INTERVIEW OF THE WEEK–The 3rd annual International Motorcycle Speed trials by BUB saw motorcycle LSR legend Denis Manning and his Bub Racing team break the new mark set at the event by team Top One Oil’s “Ack Attack”, with an average speed for the return distance timed mile of 350.884 mph.

Both marks beat an Easyriders/Dave Campos record that had stood since 1990.

The Bonneville Salt Flats of Utah holds a unique place in the hearts and minds of all motorsports enthusiasts and has long been the home of legendary achievements.

Tune into Bikernet Radio today for the interview with Denis Manning. Keith Ball, a member of the original ER team, is at the microphone.

SEMINOLE HARD ROCK ROADHOUSE 2006 TOUR, SPONSORED BY BIKERNET.COM, MADE FINAL STOP AT THE 18TH ANNUAL “TOYS IN THE SUN RUN”–FT. LAUDERDALE, FL (December 18, 2006) – The Seminole Hard Rock Roadhouse 2006 Tour made its final stop as part of the 18th Annual Toys in the Sun Run, presented by Rick Case Honda, on Sunday, December 10th in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

This year the Roadhouse Tour featured motorcycle builders Paul Cox and Keino of Indian Larry Legacy in Brooklyn, NY; Eric Gorges from Voodoo Choppers in Detroit, MI; Gard Hollinger of L.A. County Choprods from Marina Del Rey, CA; and Aaron Green of Paramount Custom Cycles from Reno, NV. The Finale also concluded the year-long free national sweepstakes to enter to win a trip to the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino and the grand prize of one of the four 2006 Seminole Hard Rock custom motorcycles. The lucky winner of the grand prize chose the Indian Larry Legacy bike built by Paul Cox and Keino.

In addition to the bike giveaway, the Purrfect Angelz, a nationally acclaimed dance troop, provided entertainment and tossed T-shirts out to the crowd. The 2006 Hard Rock Roadhouse bike builders also lead over 35,000 motorcycles on one of the largest charity rides in the nation, the 19th Annual Toys in the Sun Run, which had over 75,000 attendees.

Gearing up for 2007, the Seminole Hard Rock Roadhouse tour will be kicking off the 2007 tour at Daytona Bike Week in March.

The Seminole Hard Rock Roadhouse, sponsored by, is a touring attraction visiting motorcycle rallies across the country that features custom bike builders, their Seminole Hard Rock bikes, the Roadhouse stage and great entertainment including live shows and giveaways through out the day. To top it off this will also conclude a year-long free national sweepstakes to enter.

Title sponsor of the Roadhouse, the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino is a destination for rock n’ rollers from across the nation to discover their rock n’ roll dreams. The 86-acre resort in Hollywood, Florida, located between Miami and Ft. Lauderdale is pure paradise, featuring a colossal 130,000 sq. ft. casino, a lush 4-acre lagoon tropical pool area, a legendary Hard Rock Cafe?, sensational European-style spa and fitness center, and the famous Hard Rock Live concert hall. Seminole Paradise, South Florida’s newest entertainment destination for savvy shopping, delicious dining and explosive entertainment offers a little something for everyone, both day and night. Other sponsors include Budweiser, Hawaiian Tropic, S&S Cycle, Performance Machine, Baker Transmission,, HOT BIKE and Keyboard Carriage. For more information, please visit

RH home page banner

HELMET LAWS, THE REAL SKINNY–People who don’t ride motorcycles always think they know more than people who do.Long-time riders know that the only way to avoid injury with a car is to avoid the accident. That shiny helmet might protect the head, but the energy of the impact will telegraph to the neck/spinal column, which breaks at only 7 pounds of pressure . . . save the “head trauma,” create a paraplegic.

Spines, spleens and necks are all one snap away from terrible injury when a car hits a bike, and that is how accidents happen. It has nothing to do with horsepower; it has everything to do with cars taking the right-of-way from a bike. Helmet do-gooders never mention this, although it is an indisputable fact.

If you want to save biker lives, take the cellphones away from housewives in SUVs full of screaming kids. If you want to save biker lives, give us some respect instead of running us off the road with your Beemer.

You want a helmet law? Make it across the board, in cars as well; see how much “sense” that one makes.

– Tim Galus, Scottsdale

–from Rogue

Custom Chrome Banner

CUSTOM CHROME NOW OFFERING TERMINAL VELOCITY FROM TERRY COMPONENTS–Morgan Hill, CA- On the tails of its successful first ever Vendor Council, Custom Chrome adds another industry leading product, Terminal Velocity by aftermarket fuel management leader, terry Components to its evolving line up.

“The number one goal behind developing the Custom Chrome Vendor Council was to create deeper relationships with the suppliers providing industry leading products to the v-twin marketplace. Following the first meeting, we are seeing productive results like the addition of Terminal Velocity” said Holger Mohr, President, Custom Chrome. “Our dealers are very excited about the new additions and the positive movement inside Custom Chrome” finished Mohr.

Terry Components, founded by Keith Terry has secured its place as the industry leader in aftermarket fuel management systems. With a successful career working on fuel management in the automotive industry under his belt, Terry pursued his other passion bikes. He began working on systems for bikes starting with complete starter systems for big inch bikes.

Keith created the Terminal Velocity product by combining his expertise along side the design experts at Delphi and General Motors. The result of the collaboration was a closed loop system that benefits dealers by allowing retention of the original ECU that has EPA approval and by benefiting riders by self adjusting during normal riding conditions after the rider has changed out pipes, installed performance parts or is riding in a different altitude as an example.

Terminal Velocity’s other great benefit is that it is a one time buy due to its self adjusting capabilities. Terminal Velocity units for fuel injected Harley-Davidson’s from 1995-2007 are available NOW from Custom Chrome Dealers.


THE WORLD’S FASTEST BAGGER RESULTS IN ALL NEW PARTS LINE FROM KLOCK WERKS– Mitchell, SD- The Klock Werks crew hasn’t been resting since setting speed records on the World’s Fastest bagger. Brian Klock has been busy designing and producing new parts line based off of the Discovery Channel’s Biker Build Off bike he built this summer.

Brian Klock, owner of Klock Werks built the bike to compete against Jason Hart on the popular television series Biker Build Off, following his win on the show in Sturgis he and fiancé put their bagger to the ultimate test at the Bonneville Salt Flats setting a record. “So many people were excited to see a bagger go beyond the touring mindset; they kept asking when they could get the same parts for their own baggers. I knew I needed to get busy turning the prototype parts into parts available at dealership across this US” said Klock.

Klock Werks has developed a full line of parts based off of the World’s Fastest Bagger (WFB). The new line will be distributed by Drag Specialties and available soon. You can check out the entire new line at: or

Here are just some of the parts available under the WFB Parts Line name:

Klock Werks WFB 200 Frame with SwingarmTwo inch stretch, stock rake ready to roll on a 200 series tire. Includes swingarm. $3695 Retail

Klock Werks WFB Drop Seat 200 Frame with SwingarmTwo inch stretch, 4° rake plus a full (1-1/4″) one and one quarter inch seat drop. Swingarm included. $3995 Retail

Klock Werks UndercoversThe last detail for your custom bagger, undercovers for your floor boards.$74.95 Retail

Klock Werks Curvaceous Upper FillersGreat way to fill in the gap between fender and bags. Also works well to keep your paint scheme in play on the whole bike.$169.95 Retail

Klock Werks Metal DashFor the cleanest, low profile look add this metal dash. Available in three lengths.$199 Retail

Klock Werks Speaker GrillesMesh cut aluminum really dress up your inner fairing and use stock hardware so easy to install.$24.95 Retail

Klock Werks will continue to design and manufacture revolutionary new parts and accessories for all motorcycles including adding to their new line of WFB (World’s Fastest Bagger) parts specifically designed for touring models. To see the full spectrum of what Brian Klock and the team at Klock Werks is capable of, please visit and or

Nicks Amsoil banner

NICK’S PERFORMANCE ACCESSORIES IS NOW CARRYING THE COMPLETE LINE OF MOTHERS’ OF POLISHES, WAXES AND CLEANERS–Nick’s Performance Accessories, , is expanding its product line and introducing the addition of Mothers? Car Care Appearance Products. The Mothers line of products is divided up into four primary categories with additional supplemental products offered as well.

The Mothers? Polishes-Waxes-Cleaners was founded in 1971 as a family owned and operated business. Over the years, Mothers? has improved its core technology in correlation with changes in paint technologies and has always offered premium car care products that span most all markets. The people at Mothers? firmly believe that the time people spend cleaning their vehicles is an investment in the health and beauty of those vehicles and, because of this philosophy, they have dedicated decades to perfecting their science and bringing consumers the highest quality products. There is no shine like Mothers?.

Glide to Live … Live to Glide

For All Your High Performance Lubrication Supplies.
Nick’s Performance Accessories
9608 Tiverton Way
Louisville, Kentucky,40242
Independent Amsoil Dealer ZO# 1124190
Phone: 502-548-3023
Fax: 509-691-4313

Nick is also sponsoring our Assalt Weapan bike for BUBS 2007, and sponsored our efforts this year with the record-setting Salt Shaker.


Continued On Page 3

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December 21, 2006 Part 1


lead cuties

Merry Christmas,

Sin Wu and I agreed that this is the un-Christmas Holiday. It snuck up on us like the Ghost of Christmas Past in the night. One day we’re building the Assalt Weapan, the next Santa’s knocking on the door. Here?s a shot of Nyla’s kitchen which ate all our money and lotsa time. kitchen


The headquarters are coming together, and so is the Salt Shaker. Let’s rock into Christmas. Gimme egg nogs and rum balls:

salt shaker


BARS AND WOBBLES– Hey Bandit. I’ll start by saying that Bikernet is a site head and shoulders above the rest. They say, everything costs time and money, but your hard work shows…(Sounds like you had a Ball on the salt!) Anyway, I was reading through the site and saw the piece on wobble with high bars.

Not sure if I commented on this before, but I had put Chubby 12.5″ apes on my springer Softail (w/4″ risers) and loved them except at higher speeds on the highway… had a nasty high speed wobble and felt like I caught to much wind. This may sound stupid, but I believe my high speed wobble was due more to me, more than the bike. The way the wind would hit me, esp. with a leather on would seem to put the bike in a wobble. (I’m not a big guy, 5’10”, 185 if that matters)…

Seems that I would start the bike moving into the wobble seemingly caused by my movement on the bike. I ride with my right arm only for the most part, but at higher speeds I’d have to grab both ends and would get a wobble… I didn’t feel in control without both grips and would have to back off. The bike is sound, so I switched out the apes for some chubby knuckle bars and lost the wobble. Apes on a springer are just f’n classic, great look, and I love the ride, but my therapy is the highway, so they had to go…

I don’t know about a touring bike, if apes would effect the rider the same way…my thoughts are that a windshield would reduce the problem. For what it’s worth, that’s what I found for me. A Merry Christmas to you and yours, and a safe and enjoyable New Years.


I appreciate you comment, and you’re right. But it’s not necessarily the bars. I had a bike years ago with short pullback bars welded to the bent risers. I noticed a slight wobble, but I suspected that it was me. If I let go of one side of the bars, it quit. It’s a fact that some wobbles are caused or enhanced by the rider’s movement. If you have a touring bike that walks or wobbles, check out True-Tracks. It dialed in my King.–Bandit

Avon Banner

AVON TIRE TECH TIP OF THE WEEK–Give ’em a brake!Incorrect brake adjustment can play havoc with tire life. Make sure your pads are replaced regularly as well.

Frame/wheel alignment:Pay close attention to alignment–shaft drive bikes have no adjustment, but if you have a chain or belt, check the position of your tires. Proper alignment ensures better handling and longer wear.

Final Check:Check to make sure the tolerances are within spec steering head swingarm bearings, Check for worn dampers.

–Sukoshi Fahey (Ms.)
Sales Manager, North America
Hoppe & Assoc. (Avon Tyres)
800 624-7470 toll free (check this site for promotions)

santa toke

DENIED: WHITEWOOD CONCERT VENUE DROPPED BY COUNCIL–After months of debate, the Whitewood City Council voted to decline an agreement plan that would transfer beer and liquor licenses to a Minnesota couple seeking to build a huge concert venue near the town.The motion carried with four council members voting yes to deny the agreement and two voting no. Jim and Deb Junker of Stillwater, Minn., had made the request earlier this year to build a large concert site east of Whitewood.Whitewood Mayor Mike Weyrich noted following the action that “it would have worked, but I think it was just too close to homes.”

The venue, according to the Junkers, would host concerts during the motorcycle rally in August and would remain open only a few weeks out of the year.

The Junkers had previously purchased the Hole in the Wall and had planned on moving it to the venue site once it was completed as well as adding an additional bar and lounge. The plan was to move the liquor licenses with the bars.

Many Whitewood citizen were not as enthused by the prospect of a large biker bar near their town.Throughout the months, the Junkers had tried their best to please the small town by offering to plant trees to keep the noise down as well as turning the concert venue so it faces northeast, away from homes. Their plans even went as far as putting nearly a mile of road in to divert traffic to the service road southeast of the venue site as well as offering to pay for extra emergency services that would possibly be needed. The revisions proved unconvincing to the council members though.

Jim Junker declined to comment as he left the meeting.



NEW IRONSIDE COLLECTION HAND GRIPS FROM HARLEY-DAVIDSON– MILWAUKEE (December 22, 2006) – New Ironside Collection Hand Grips (P/N 57202-07, $79.95) from Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories match Ironside Collection pegs, footboard inserts, and brake pedal pads, each resembling riveted metal plates for a tough, industrial look. Surrounded by brilliant chrome, the rich black rubber hand grip tread is offset with scalloped accents and faux rivets. The grips are a comfortable 1.5-inch diameter, and feature a glueless design for easy installation. They fit all 1996-later Harley-Davidson models.

For additional information on Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories, see your local Harley-Davidson dealer or visit the Harley-Davidson Web site at To find a dealer near you, call toll free 1-800-443-2153 in the U.S.A. or Canada.


AMA POLITICAL ACTION SEMINAR RIDE–The American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) is hosting a Washington, DC Ride Into Political Action seminar for motorcyclists who want to learn how to influence governmental decisions, whether in Congress or in their local communities.

The seminar, to be held February 24-27, 2007 at the Phoenix Park Hotel in Washington, DC, allows participants to meet and learn from the AMA’s Washington staff as well as other political experts. Besides learning about state and federal issues facing motorcyclists today, participants will get tips on building relationships with government agency officials and on lobbying elected officials. The instructors will also prepare participants to meet face-to-face with members of their own congressional delegations.

A registration form is available in the American Motorcyclist magazine or by contacting Sharon Smolinka at the address below. Mail the completed form to AMA, 13515 Yarmouth Drive, Pickerington, OH 43147. For more information, contact Sharon Smolinka at (614) 856-1900, ext. 1252 or by e-mail at


BIKERNET PHOTO ART EXHIBIT–Happy Birt-day Baby Jeezums! (that is what is sounded like growing up in New Orleans)… and from The Whiplash Biker Photog Disfunctional Famiglia to all the other freaks in Bikernet World, we hope you and yours have a safe and happy holiday season.

Ride Extra Hard,
–Whiplash(aka Bob Humbug) P.S. Just wonderin’ why in the hell does Christmas have to start the day after Holloween?

GET THIS NEWS– The Federation of Asia Motorcycle Industries (FAMI) views the high use of fake motorcycle spare parts and components in the region as a threat to the sector and riders.

FAMI president Datuk Syed Mohamad Aidid Syed Murtaza said according to a recent report, 94 percent of these fake items were manufactured in Asian countries also attributes these parts as cause for a majority of the accidents due to part failure across Asia. Between 5 and 7 % of the parts trade were fake items and the business was worth US$449.3 billion.


EMINENT DOMAIN SUCKS– Eight states approved measures that would curtail local governments’ use of eminent domain powers to confiscate land for economic development.

Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, North Dakota, New Hampshire, Nevada and Oregon voters approved measures in those states that redefine the use of eminent domain powers, in most cases prohibiting the use of those powers to take land from one private party to give it to another private party. Similar measures failed in California and Idaho.

The American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) remains concerned about this issue because riding areas and tracks may fall victim to such schemes. If your local area is being threatened by eminent domain, or any of the dozens of other means of being closed, contact the AMA government relations department at 614-856-1900 extension 1288..

Old shots from the Bob T. collection.

TRAFFIC SAFETY FACTS ARE IN FROM 2005– Traffic Safety Facts 2005 Annual Report: Early Edition is a newly released 224 page report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s National Center for Statistics and Analysis, which is a compilation of motor vehicle crash data from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System and the General Estimates System. The document can be downloaded at

s&s billet cover

ALL NEW S&S BILLET PRIMARY COVER–With all of the emphasis on big-inch engine performance that the industry has seen in the last 10 years, upgrading to a performance clutch has become a necessity. Most high-performance clutches-like the S&S High Performance Clutch-are bigger than the stock unit they replace, requiring some stock primary modification.

S&S Cycle is more than aware of the challenges these larger clutches can present, especially as you start getting into really radical engine sizes. In order to minimize the frustrations associated with clutch service, S&S designed a beautiful billet primary that has a removable derby cover that allows 100% access to the clutch.

Additionally the S&S Billet Primary has two derby cover size options, one for high-performance street clutches (the S&S High Performance Clutch fits it perfectly), and the second is a deeper cover that will accommodate even the biggest racing clutches. Naturally the deeper racing cover can limit ground clearance in left turns, but turning shouldn’t be much of an issue in drag racing.

With a show-quality polished finish, the S&S Billet Primary Cover is the hot ticket for adding a dose of good looks and serious performance upgrade to your driveline system. The S&S Billet Primary is available for most custom bike applications as well as for 1989-’06 Harley-Davidson? Softail® and 1991-’05 Dyna models.

S&S CYCLE INC. or see your local S&S dealer.(608) 627-1497

WILD FIRE HARLEY-DAVIDSON CHRISTMAS OFFERS–On the First Day of Christmas Wild Fire Gave to Me…$50 Off A Leather & A T-Shirt For Free

Purchase any genuine leather at $50 off & we’ll give you a t-shirt for free.

On the Second Day of Christmas Wild Fire Gave to Me…2 Sweatshirts or Sweatpants at 22% OffPurchase any 2 sweatshirts or sweatpants at 22% off regular retail price.

On the Third Day of Christmas Wild Fire Gave to Me…3 Screamin’ EaglesPurchase any Screamin’ Eagle MotorParts or MotorClothes for 23% off.

On the Fourth Day of Christmas Wild Fire Gave to Me…4 Your HeadPurchase Sunglasses, Goggles, Helmets, Hats…basically anything for your head at 24% off.

On the Fifth Day of Christmas Wild Fire Gave to Me…5 Chrome ThingsPurchase 4 Chrome Parts & get the fifth at 25% off

On the Sixth Day of Christmas Wild Fire Gave to Me…6 Different Devices26% off select GPS, Stereos, & MP3 Players when you purchase a leather

On the Seventh Day of Christmas Wild Fire Gave to Me…7 Clocks-A-Ticking$7 off Timepieces valued at 35$ or more

On the Eighth Day of Christmas Wild Fire Gave to Me…8 Drinks-A-PouringFree shotglass with the purchase of $35 or more in glassware

On the Ninth Day of Christmas Wild Fire Gave to Me…9 Boots-A-KickingBuy one pair & get 29% off the 2nd or more

LD paint

EVEN THE DEVIL WORKS ON CHRISTMAS–check out the latest brand of madness coming out of the paint shop thanks to Mike and James, now lets see if we can deliver the X-Mass present on time! Hope all is well with you and yours, Merry Christmas !

I am going to deliver the bike that sheetmetal goes on Christmas eve, I have my horns all polished up to play wicked Santa hahahah!

–Mr.&Mrs. Devil

Click to see morefrom Lucky Devil

avon venom banner

AVON TYRES ANNUAL REPORT–Sukoshi did a tremendous job of informing us on tire issues throughout 2006. She’s opening the forum for 2007. If you have any question regarding tire use, fitment or maintenance, drop me a note and I’ll pass it on.

She will investigate and report back in our weekly Avon Tire Research Center. Just send your question to

I have a few right off the top of my dented head: What about fix-O-Flat sprays. Is it cool? Will it throw a tire out of balance. What about that green mung tire fix? What about tubes in tubeless applications? I know riders who run tubes in all tires, tubeless or not, for safety reasons. If a rim is bent a tubeless tire will fail. And what about those car tire flat fixers? The ones that stab the tire with the rubber impregnated rope strand. Are they cool?

There, that should kick off the new year. Get to work. -Bandit

Continued On Page 2

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Shop Report: Aeromach Manufacturing, Inc.


Some mirrors produced by Aeromach, the Santee, California manufacturer could be considered objects of art. This effect is created by an incredible amount of design time that goes into every mirror and arm that Aeromach makes.

shop floor

Richard Fouhy, Aeromach's owner, and a machinist for almost 30 years, started out in a 400-square-foot rented space in someone else's shop. He used rented machines tomanufacture aerospace pieces for the then prospering industry. That was fourteen years ago. Two years later he was working out of his own 2500-square-foot facility fabricating parts for M-l tanks and space shuttle components from a variety of materials includingalumimum, stainless steel, and composite alloys. When the Space Age went bust, he crossed over to the commercial arena, creating specialty parts for medical, radar and laser optical devices.

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It was a 1981 Wide Glide, which Richard raked and painted with skeletons that was the turning point in his range of products. “I wasn't happy with the mirrors on my bike, so I went to the big Del Mar bike event to check out what the competition had to offer. I looked around, and thought to myself, 'Hey, I can do better than that. I've got the machines, materials and experience in aerospace quality'.” In November of 1993, Richardmade his first mirror. “It was just for myself, and it probably cost me $3,500 considering all the R&D time.”


That same degree of intense design consideration still goes into all Aeromach mirrors, and there are quite a few of them including the hot Flame Mirror with Flame Arm and the cool Extreme Oval Mirror. All of Aeromach mirrors can be individually customized in as much as a customer can mix and match the various stem designs, in long and shortlengths, with the various mirror body components. Such “swapping” can create a whole new look from bar hopper to classic chopper, to aggressive sport racer in minutes.

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The show quality mirrors are cut from 12-foot lengths of extruded billet, then highlypolished before being shipped to plating. Before the show quality finishing touches are applied, a great deal of thought goes into their prototyping.

“One of our first concerns is clarity of vision,” Richard added. “A mirror is just a clump of metal attached to your handlebars if you can't see a clear image in it. There's the obvious safety consideration, too.Our mirrors provide 40 percent less vibration which translates to a much clearer reflected image.”

diamond eyes 1

Asyou probably noticed with stock mirrors, they shake, vibrate and eventually come loose.”How do you get 40% less vibration? We get that question at every bike show. We accomplish this through the use of our Beta Testing Program, while manufacturing a prototypeand running it through our harmonics testing software,” Richard explained. They also use stainless steel components inside their mirrors so once you adjust and tighten the screws, they stay tight. “We had a test run from Los Angeles to Daytona with one of our mirrors,” Richard said. “It didn't even require a single minor adjustment.”


Fork Axle Covers

They check out the aesthetics and most importantly bolt it on a bike for extended test rides using his old Shovel and a new Twin Cam as well. They shoot for a clear window of vision between 40-70 mph, the most frequently used speeds. The key to maintaining clarity of image, and thus a safe scan of the world behind the rider, is to keep the mirror steady as the engine moves up through the powerband where gear changes and R.P.M. fluctuations can work mischief on a less balanced mirror.

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tribal spike 1

Today 100 percent of Aeromach's production is motorcycle related components. With a recent relationship with Orange County Choppers to design and produce mirrors for theirtheme bike projects, Aeromach has been forced to take mirror designing to the next level.

tshirt back

T-shirts available on their website.

tshirt front

“Our relationship with OCC began with a chance meeting with Paul Sr. at a dealer show a few years back. Our outrageous mirrors took big Paul back and we werestruck by the creativity of their bikes,” says Jeff, Aeromach product designer. “Since thatmeeting, we have been asked to machine some challenging theme mirrors while meetingPaul Jr.'s strict attention to detail and originality.”

chip conveyor

Metal shavings ready for recycling

The mirrors are all “user-friendly”. Meaning they come with all of the necessary hardware to install and only require a Phillips screwdriver, 1/4 and 1/2-inch wrench.

fusion 2

Replaces OEM Hand Control Clamps for H-D.

For more information contact:

Aeromach Manufacturing
11423-B Woodside Ave., Santee, Ca. 92071,
(619) 258-5443
(800) 990-9392


Click For More Information

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December 14, 2006 Part 5


Continued From Page 4

split rockers on mat

BIKERNET HOT PRODUCT OF THE WEEK-STEVENSON’S CYCLE INTRODUCES SPLIT ROCKER BOX KIT FOR SHOVELHEADS–Wayne, MI-December 12, 2006-Stevenson’s Cycle announced today the launch of a new kit that allows for the replacement of the OEM style, Shovelhead rocker boxes with new, manufactured split rocker boxes. Before this kit, the rockers would need to be removed, welded, and machined to exacting specifications, a process that is both time consuming, expensive, and requires a great deal of knowledge.

Steve Broyles of Stevenson’s Cycle brings us these cool, Shovelhead split rocker boxes that fit all Shovelhead motors manufactured from 1966 to 1984 and all after market motors using the same type of rocker box. The kit will include brand new rocker boxes in raw metal form, with all the machined areas finished, and the exterior copper oil line kit. Once the finishing touches are put on, the boxes can be sent out to chrome, polish, or powder coat, or just left in rough form. This new kit is available exclusively through CCI and Jammer Cycle Products, Part #632910 and will retail for $599.95.

split rockers on bike

“This kit is a totally revolutionary way to modify your Shovelhead. I used to spend hourswelding and machining the old ones, and then manufacturing all the parts each time I split a set of rocker boxes for a custom built bike, so I decided to simplify the process to make it easier for people to do the job on their own. The Shovelhead is one of the coolest looking motors ever produced, and splitting the rocker boxes makes it look that much cooler. Now all those Shovel owners who were thinking about splitting their rocker boxes can actually do it themselves,” said Steve Broyles Sr.

Stevenson’s Cycle located in Wayne Michigan and is owned and operated by Steve Broyles Sr. and his son, Steve Broyles II. Steve Sr. has been repairing, building, and customizing motorcycles since 1969.

Stevenson’s Cycle is known in the V-twin industry for their extensive performance and engine work. The most noted example is “Switched,” a bike in which they place the front head and cylinder of a shovelhead motor on the rear and the rear head and cylinder on the front. In doing so Stevenson’s Cycle has created what is truly called one of the first, reverse flow V-Twin engines. In addition to “Switched,” Stevenson’s Cycle has received wide spread industry recognition for several other bikes and was the Grand Prize winner of the Biker-Penthouse Biker Build Off, which took place at Sturgis this summer. He has won several Easyriders bike shows and has been featured in Easyriders, Biker, V-Twin, The Horse Backstreet Choppers, and Freeway. For more information go to or call Steve at (734) 641-2200.

one wire use 1

SECOND HOT BIKERNET PRODUCT OF THE WEEK–Say Adios To Your Generator. Generator engines won’t know what hit them when they meet the new SpykeOneWire Alternator. This all-in-one unit smooths out the unpredictability ofa generator with an all-in-one combination of alternator and voltageregulator.

What makes the unit stand out is it’s easy-to-install single post, so nopolarization is required. Add on top of that a billet T6061 case, and you’vegot one wicked alternator setup that can take a mountain of abuse withoutflinching.

Models are available for engines with generators in four different finishesincluding raw, black, show polished and chrome. The OneWire charges at lowRPMs and will be available in high or low output amp models.

one wire use 2

Contact Spyke, Inc. at 562-869-9333 or at
www.SpykeInc.comfor information on this product or any otherSpyke products.

Spyke, Inc.
11258 Regentview Ave.
Downey, CA 90241
Phone: 562.803.1700
Fax: 562.869.9323


CARB WANTS TO TEST MOTORCYCLES– The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has submitted a proposal to expand the state’s vehicle inspection and maintenance (I/M) program in part by subjecting high-mileage vehicles to annual inspections and including motorcycles for the first time. The CARB proposal was included in a draft state plan to achieve federal pollution standards.

CARB also intends to tighten new motorcycle exhaust and evaporative emissions standards by an additional 50 percent beginning with the 2013 model year. The Federal EPA used the current CARB standards as a basis for establishing stricter new emissions regulations that went into effect with the 2006 model year motorcycles with further reductions taking effect in 2010.

Cheap chopper

HOW TO BUILD A CHEAP CHOPPER–Custom bikes, choppers and bobbers in particular, don’t have to cost thirty thousand dollars. S chopper or bobber built at home can be had for less than five thousand dollars.

The key is the use of a donor bike for most of the components. How to Build A Cheap Chopper documents the construction of five inexpensive choppers and bobbers with complete start-to-finish photo sequences presented in full color.

Least expensive are the metric bikes – like the Honda and Kawasaki projects documented here. Next up, price wise, are bikes built using a Buell or Sportster as the donor. Check the sequence from Redneck Engineering or Motorcycle Works to see how quickly a Buell can be converted into a simple hardtail.

Most expensive, but still dammed cheap by comparison with most of today’s bikes, is the big twin chopper built in the shop of Dave Perewitz from carefully chosen aftermarket parts.

If you’re long on desire but short on cash, this is the book to buy. The first think you need to assemble that new chopper or bobber is this book – How To build A Cheap Chopper.

Cheap Chopper uses 144 pages and over 400 color images to completely explain each assembly. Available for $24.95 + $5.50 S&H from Wolfgang Publications
217 Second Street N.
Stillwater, MN 55082.

Order from the web at or by phone at 651.275.9411.



SALT SHAKER TIME–I just finished putting the Sturgis Shovel gas tank back together. There’s something about that bike that constantly baffles me. I can’t do anything right the first time. Could it be me? I put it together three times before finally getting the bugs worked out. We had to machine spacers to lift the CCE dogbone risers. With the new tank bungs, vibration isolators the tank is slightly higher, so natch, it hit the risers. It’s better than ever and I machined a chunk of wild brass rod to replace the rusting springer caliber bracket anchor shaft. It’s cool.

salt shaker motor

So now I can shift back to making the Salt Shaker ride again. I’ve finished the left side of the bike. The BDL primary belt and clutch is back in place. The V-Bike Coils are back. The heim joints are locked down. Now I need to install the Mikuni carb and pipes. Foremost Powder Coating in Gardenia still has a couple of headlight parts. Just those few passes on the salt vibrated the rivets in the headlight bucket loose. They almost fell out. I brazed up the inside of the bucket and sent it to be flat black powdered.

I learned something recently. Under the correct conditions Loctite works and red Loctite can kick your ass. I sense that heat is involved. Some of our fasteners are weld tight, including the Lee Wimmer velocity stack, Allen lock studs. I’m soaking them with Yield, which generally loosens any locked fastener.

Here’s what’s coming to Bikernet. The Love Ride (Frank Kaisler) and the bike featured on the homepage (Tbear) should be launched tonight. I’m going to rough out another Bonneville 2007 Chapter with many of the items you ran into in the news today. We have a feature headed our way from New Zealand, fiction from India, and info on KIWI vintage parts. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Finally, I found a copy editor willing to work with me on the first “Chance Hogan” Book. The chapters are all posted in the Cantina, but we’re attempting to make sense out of them. This weekend will be wild. I’ll report on it later.

Ride Forever,


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December 14, 2006 Part 4


Continued From Page 3

Love Ride Shots by Frank Kaisler.

LANE SHARING IS SAFER FOR BIKERS–In response to “Motorcyclists take pointless risk” (Letters, Nov. 7):Motorcycles legally sharing lanes when traffic is stopped or nearlystopped isactually safer for motorcycles than if they were to sit in stop-and-gotrafficwaiting to be rear-ended. This position was first offered by Harry Hurt, aUniversity of Southern California researcher in the “Hurt Report” –arguablythe most extensive report on the risks associated with motorcycling.

As a motorcycle safety instructor, I have been exposed to numerousaccounts ofrear-end collisions from motorcyclists, but have never had a firsthandaccountof an accident caused by a rider sharing lanes. As an activelane-sharing riderwith over 15 years of street-riding experience, I have never had a collisionwith another vehicle, and have never had a vehicle make a maneuver toward methat I could not predict or safely react to.

While there are a number of motorcyclists on the street who abuse thelimits ofwhat the CHP would describe as “safely” sharing lanes, to claim thatsafe lanesharing is a pointless risk is a gross overstatement.


image from Russell Roberts.

ALBERT EINSTEIN’S BIRTHDAY–Just in case you missed it, March 14 was the anniversary of Albert Einstein’s birthday. He would have been 107.

Few people remember that the Nobel Prize winner married his cousin, Elsa Lowenthal, after his first marriage dissolved in 1919. He stated that he was attracted to Elsa because she was well endowed, and postulated that if you are attracted to women with large breasts, the attraction is stronger if there is a DNA connection. This came to be known as Einstein’s Theory of Relative Titty.

–from Richard Hodgsten

s&s banner

S&S RELEASES 2007 DEALER CATALOG– LA CROSSE, WI (November 29, 2006) S&S announces the release of their Dealer Catalog 18 for 2007. Catalog packets, including the Dealer Catalog, Performance Guides, Dealer Focus?, Performance Times®, and price lists have recently been shipped to authorized S&S Dealers around the world.

New products for the 2007 Dealer Catalog include the Single-Bore Tuned Induction System for a huge variety of aftermarket applications, the V107T Touring engine, newly improved T-Series engines, S&S Oil Filters, TV approved engines and components for the European market, Replacement Heads, Mobil 1 Oil, Single-Bore Throttle Body Kit, and more. Also available are the new S&S Performance Gear Drive Cams designed to fit Harley-Davidson® 2006 Dyna motorcycles and all 2007 models equipped with a Twin Cam 96 engine.

“We have some great new offerings in our newest Catalog,” said Timm Fields, Director of Sales and Marketing for S&S Cycle. “In addition to new cutting edge performance parts that we’re known for, readers will find detailed information about our Remanufacturing and Rebuild Services – being able to provide these new services will strengthen our relationship with dealers and allow the consumer to receive the best factory-supported dealer network service available in the industry.”

In addition to the Dealer Catalog, individual retail catalogs called Performance Guides are also available. These Performance Guides represent the various engine families and Proven Performance® products offered by S&S Cycle. These can be viewed and downloaded free at the S&S Cycle website or copies can be purchased online for $3.95 each.

avon tech

AVON TYRE INFO OF THE WEEK–If you can’t take the pressure then get off the road!Manufacturers are like broken record players – tire pressure, tire pressure, tire pressure…And there’s a good reason we sound like this. Most customers resist doing this most simple of basic bike maintenance chores – checking their tire pressure. In fact they won’t even look at their tires to see if it’s flat on one side! I’ve had customers come up to me at rallies complaining that their bike isn’t handling well. When I walk towards the bike and I’m 100 feet away I can tell why. And just to confirm I take the tire pressure. Yep, 14 pounds trying to support the weight of that bike up front instead of a good 34.

The reasons why you should run sufficient air in your tires:
1) they can support a higher load with more air
2) the tire runs cooler with more air which equals more miles which means you don’t have to buy tires as often
3) the grooves stay open better with more air so you can channel water better when the roads are wet
4) more air helps support the tire shape so it is more resistant to deformation under loads such as braking and acceleration which means your tire will better resist irregular wear patterns
5) running too low of a pressure means you might damage your expensive wheel if you go over a pot hole and there isn’t a cushion of air to protect the rim (in fact in some of Avon’s big tire sizes we have a built in rim protector to help out with the low sidewalls which provide less protection for rims)
6) when you run under inflated you wear out the sides of your tire faster than the center. If you run overinflated you wear out the center

Other things you should look for each time you check your tires – check for cuts, cracks, stones in the tire.Avoid cleaning with anything other than mild soap and water. Check tires every week when riding and every day when on a trip. Check tires when they are cold. If pressure increases more than 10% when tires are hot then add 1-2 pounds more, or reduce load or speed.

And lastly make sure you have an accurate digital gauge if possible. Invest in your tires and see how your mileage increases and your pocketbook saves.

avon venom banner

–Sukoshi Fahey (Ms.)
Sales Manager, North America
Hoppe & Assoc. (Avon Tyres)
800 624-7470 toll free

tyler n ross

BRUCE ROSSMEYER & STEVEN TYLER ANNOUNCE”THE STEVEN TYLER SIGNATURE SERIES”10 LIMITED EDITION CUSTOM MOTORCYCLES–DAYTONA, FL (September 14, 2006) – Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler and Bruce Rossmeyer, CEO of 13 Harley-Davidson? locations, including the World’s Largest Harley-Davidson? dealership located at Bruce Rossmeyer’s Destination Daytona, along with guidance of Rossmeyer’s personal custom motorcycle designer, Tim Gabel, have teamed up to design and produce “The Steven Tyler Signature Series,” a one-of-a-kind collection of Steven Tyler-inspired, custom designed motorcycles.

Limited to ten unique, custom motorcycles, the exclusive Steven Tyler Signature Series is designed to capture and exemplify Tyler’s love for motorcycling and his unique, artistic flair.

The series, manufactured by Hellbound Steel Motorcycles with Tyler’s personal style in mind, will feature several firsts in the custom motorcycle industry, including a specially designed logo and Steven Tyler signature components. The collection will also showcase a powerful, baritone-producing, Harley-Davidson? 1690cc Twim Cam 103? engine which screams louder than Tyler himself and other top quality components. The bikes will be individually serial numbered 1-10 and be NADA listed.

Each motorcycle of the Steven Tyler Signature Series will retail at $80,000.00 and includes a private reception for the motorcycle buyers with both Rossmeyer and Tyler, including round trip air to Daytona Beach, FL during the 2007 Bike Week for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Available on a first come – first serve basis, The Steven Tyler Signature Series will only be available at Bruce Rossmeyer’s Daytona Harley-Davidson located at Destination Daytona. With only 10 produced for sale, six remain available for purchase. To inquire about purchasing one of these once-produced custom motorcycles, contact Shelly Rossmeyer Pepe at 1-866-642-3464 or log-on to / click on “The Steven Tyler Signature Series” link.

Bruce Rossmeyer currently owns thirteen Harley-Davidson locations, including the famed Ft. Lauderdale and Daytona Beach locations and the new World’s Largest Harley-Davidson dealership in Ormond Beach. At the Harley-Davidson dealerships, owned by Bruce Rossmeyer, the dealers are the lifelines to the customers. Employees at the stores provide clients with the knowledge, service and information necessary to get riders on the road. Bruce Rossmeyer’s World’s Largest Harley-Davidson dealership is located at 1637 North U.S. Highway 1, Ormond Beach, FL, 32174. For more information, please call (386) 671-7100 or visit

john gallagher high bars

HIGHBARS TO THE STARS–I read the king report and started ordering my parts. I followed your instructions which were very clear. I went with 13-inch Tolmars which after re reading the King report decided bars to the stars was more like it. 18-inch 1.5s looked good and were ordered. I must say was a lot easier the second time around. I some how left enough wires and brake cable behind the headlight that it was a perfect fit. I just wanted to thank you for the article .


ASSALT-use color
We changed the position in future illustrations.

MORE ASSALT WEAPAN UPDATES–Too prone of a position. In case of handling problem (wind, surface condition, speed wobble) she will not have enough leverage to “muscle” control of the bike. Bring the legs more forward and down or at least have it as an optional position. Is the rear brake control going to be handlebar mounted? Mine worked great that way. Air shifter and foot shifter?

–Berry Wardlaw

This is really getting interesting it looks like Chris Kallas sketched in V-rod headlight and it seems to work like we thought. I cant tell you enough about how much help and fun having an artist involved is. This lets me look further into the plan. So here is more questions that will help me deliver a product that should be as good as the rest of this project.

1. I would assume based on the riding position that Valerie will be shifting the bike electronically with her thumb (or not with her feet mechanically anyway)

2. I would assume that same thumb will control the nos button and kill button ( it seems like they should be on the same side so there is no chance of nos on and ignition off at the same time)

3. will there be any levers on the bars and what would they do ?(would the the clutch lever be mechanical or hydro since the levers look to be lower then the upper control arm we might be able to put the reservoir in the upper control arm if needed

It looks really good to me it will be interesting to hear what Valerie thinks.

–Leo DiOrio

Rick Krost is building our frame. Feel free to contact him at U.S. Choppers. I plan to run the rear brake lever on the bars and the clutch lever. You’re right about NOS and a kill button/ignition switch. We will also run some sort of electric or air shifter. Once she lets out the clutch the first time, everything will be handled from the bars.–Bandit

I increased the sketch in size a little and it looks (however I can’t be sure) that front wheel would be a little further back when achieving the correct trail for this project. However I’m going to make this front-end with more on site tune ability than previous models.

–Leo DiOrio

hdSportster Heat Fuel Tank4

NEW HEAT FUEL TANK FOR HARLEY-DAVIDSON SPORTSTER–MILWAUKEE (November 27, 2006) – The new 4.5-gallon Heat Fuel Tank (P/N 62213-07, $975) for Sportsters from Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories replaces the original-equipment tank with a custom-painted version that is a perfect match for the single-color front and rear fender. This Color Shop Personal Accents design features fanned flames that flow over the fuel tank and lick at the seat with dramatic effect. The tank is available in three color combinations: Vivid Black and Fire Red Pearl, Vivid Black and Silver, and Vivid Black and Deep Cobalt, and fits 2007 XL models. See dealer for fitment details.

For additional information on Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories, see your local Harley-Davidson dealer or visit the Harley-Davidson Web site at To find a dealer near you, call toll free 1-800-443-2153 in the U.S.A. or Canada.


BIKERNET HOLIDAY HUMOR–You are on a horse, galloping at a constant speed.On your right side is asharp drop off, and on your left side is an elephanttraveling at the samespeed as you..

Directly in front of you is agalloping kangaroo and yourhorse is unable to overtake it. Behind you is a lionrunning at the samespeed as you and the Kangaroo. What must you do tosafely get out of thishighly dangerous situation?

See answer below.Get your drunk ass off the merry-go-round!

–Leo Shaw


MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM THE PIMP-SHIT MO-FO–Hey Bandit and crew! hope all is well with you, good here, working on race bikes for first race 2/11. The 350 Honda took a beating this year that was not evident until I got it totally apart and sandblasted ..some work to do. I’m just glad the Kaw 500 is “Turn-Key”!

I got this pic from a friend of mine down in Orlando and thought you might like it, pimp-shit mo-fo Waggner! besides da Ho’s, Santa pimp rides a springer!

Happy holidays to all of Bikernet!!!

–Charles Young

rolling thunder 04-Salute1

ROGUE TO SUPPORT FREEDOM FIGHTER DAVE ZIEN– I am please to inform you that I will be attending the Dave Zien Appreciation Benefit in Madison Wisconsin on January 20, 2007.

Dave has done much for motorcycling and I feel that the motorcyclist of this country should know about it. Hopefully by showing that we appreciate what he has done other politicians will follow and or continue to support us.

2007 will have many new laws and regulations submitted and those of us that fight to preserve our freedoms will have our hands full. We can be successful with people like Dave on our side.

I will cover the event and send you an article in hopes that you will be able to use it.

Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

Click here to find out about the Banquet or how you can send a donation to support Dave Zien.

Continued On Page 5

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December 14, 2006 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

val profile kallas

ASSALT WEAPAN PILOT REQUESTS–Hey Valerie.As you may know I’ve been working with Keith Ball on the design of his next Bonneville bike.He forwarded your stats to me so that I can do a scale drawing of the bike so he can get aframe made to size . The drawing shown here is not to scale, just a preliminary design.

I hope this isn’t asking too much but, It would be very helpful if you could send me a couple of photos taken of you in profile.I could then measure from different points (shoulder, elbow, rist, knees etc.), and fit you to the bike.You don’t have to wear your leathers if its too much trouble but your helmet would be nice.

The drawings below show what I’m looking for. Try to match each pose as best you can.The camera might be held at about the same level as the bottom of your arm (the line in art),and not too closely to avoid a wide angle affect. A shot from behind would be helpful asKeith wants a sketch of the bike from the top also.

–Chris Kallas

neg. sporty

BIKE DEAL OF THE WEEK– Sportster runs good. It’s real clean. X-Mass sale!!!!!! $3500.00. It comes with a California title.


Motorgang movie

INERTIA ENTERTAINMENT PARTNERS REVS UP TELEVISION PRODUCTION DEAL WITH EAST SIDE CUSTOM CHOPPERS IN A TV PROGRAMMING FIRST–NEW YORK, NEW YORK, December 11th 2006, New York based film and television production company Inertia Entertainment Partners LLC has signed an agreement with East Side Custom Choppers of Walden, New York to create the first authentic Biker Lifestyle? show. The 30 minute docu-soap episodic is in production under the working title Born to Ride.

Inertia Entertainment’s Tony Anzivino and Jeff Kovatch are in partnership with Peter Rotondo’s Fantasia Works Partners to produce the series. Anzivino is quick to point out what the show is not. “We don’t want people falling into the trap of thinking this is a bike-build show. The producers of American Chopper have a dynamite program, but the only similarities between their show and ours is that we both have amazing bikes. This is first and foremost a behind the scenes, in-depth look at the biker lifestyle as captured by our cameras through their daily lives. Between the Torres Brother’s custom bike shop, their restaurant, The East Side Bar and Grill, the country-wide biker mega-events, the various MC Clubs and charity runs, we’ll eat and drink with them, ride with them, and document their lives. To our knowledge, this has never been done.” Inertia’s Kovatch continues, “Here we have the Torres brothers, three outlaw-style entrepreneurs Puerto Rican/American brothers, who against all odds, left Brooklyn and settled in the Up-State town of Walden, NY. They’ve built a thriving construction company, started a custom chopper shop that is taking orders from people all over the country, and then right in the middle of everything is the hub holding it all together, The Eastside Bar and Grill. A biker social scene that you have to see to believe. This is about the East Coast biker arena, which differs from California in many interesting ways.”

East Side Custom Choppers? Sam Torres is excited. “This is a great opportunity for all the people out there watching TV in their living rooms to really experience the biker lifestyle, up-close and personal. “When they see some of the tough crew that hang at the bar and hear their stories, I guarantee that they’ll relate on many levels that they never expected.” David Torres adds, “We’ve got everything from Vietnam Vets to Wall Street Traders. When everybody bellies-up to the bar, it’s a lot of fun, which can of course get volatile at times. We’ve wanted to see a show like this for years. Who knew we’d be front and center telling the story? It’s insane.”

Born to Ride swings into production in early January ’07.

For more information contact: Tony Anzivino at Inertia Entertainment Partners LLC.
(646) 391-8109.
Inertia Entertainment Partners LLC:
East Side Custom Choppers:
http://www.eastsidecustomchoppers.comeastside xmas flyer


EPA TO CONTROL LAWNMOWERS–The EPA granted California long-awaited permission Monday to implement emission controls on lawnmowers and other small-engine machines.

The EPA waiver will allow California, starting Jan. 1, to require lawnmower engines to be sold with catalytic converters that cut smog emissions by roughly 40 percent. EPA also said that early next year it will propose the same rule nationally.

“EPA approved the California waiver request because new, cleaner engines can safely reduce emissions,” said Bill Wehrum, EPA acting assistant administrator for air and radiation.

Engines under 50 horsepower account for 7 percent of smog emissions in California from mobile sources the equivalent of about three million cars. The engines also power pressure washers and small generators but most are on lawnmowers.

The EPA action Monday ended several years of political dispute driven by Republican Sen. Kit Bond, whose state of Missouri is home to two factories owned by Briggs & Stratton Corp., the nation’s largest small engine maker.

Briggs & Stratton had resisted installing catalytic converters on its engines, and Bond had sought to block California from instituting its regulation. The state has unique authority under the Clean Air Act to set tougher pollution standards than the federal government, once it gets an EPA waiver.

Bond backed off under pressure from Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., but he did succeed in blocking other states from being able to copy California’s rule, something the Clean Air Act normally allows. Instead he required EPA to write a national standard.

Bond had questioned whether mowers with catalytic converters could spark fires, but an EPA study earlier this year found there was no safety problem.

The California Air Resources Board has estimated that walk-behind mowers will cost between $37 and $52 more under the new regulation, while the price of commercial turf care mowers will go up between $71 and $179.

California, home to some of the nation’s most polluted air in the Los Angeles basin and San Joaquin Valley, is under constant pressure to meet federal air quality standards or risk sanctions including losing money for highway projects.

The California Air Resources Board, which passed the mower emissions rule three years ago but couldn’t enforce it pending the EPA waiver, welcomed the news as key in developing clean air plans.

“We’re really having to struggle to find enough reductions to achieve the air quality standards, so if you take away a piece that’s this big it would probably permanently handicap us,” said Tom Cackette, the agency’s deputy executive officer.

— By ERICA WERNER, associated press

–from Donald Kline

DAVE PEREWITZ TEAMS UP TO HELP FAMILY–Dave Perewitz has teamed up with American Iron Magazine to help a family who has had a horrific event happen to them. Dave, a world famous motorcycle builder from Bridgewater has built a custom Harley-Davidson for Steve Groene. He is the father of the only survivor of the tragic murders in Idaho in May 2005. Shasta Groene was kidnapped, raped and molested by the man that brutally murdered her mother, 2 brothers and her mothers boyfriend. Steve had to sell his motorcycle so that he could take care of his only daughter. Just a short time after they found Shasta Steve was diagnosed with throat cancer.

Dave, who was featured on Discovery Channel’s Biker Build-off, will be presenting the motorcycle to Steve and Shasta Friday December 15, 2006 on the Geraldo show. Steve does not know anything about the motorcycle. The motorcycle is going to be a surprise for him and his daughter. This is a great story about a local hero making Christmas worth while for a family stricken with tragedy. Please visit these sites for more information.

–Jody Perewitz


TAKE A MINUTE OUT FOR A SOLDIER–This is pretty neat and takes all of ten seconds. Please take the time to send a card to a soldier!

Something cool that Xerox is doing…If you go to this web site, you can pick out a thank you cardand Xerox will print it and it will be sent to a soldier that is currently serving in Iraq . Youcan’t pick out who gets it, but it will go to some member of the armed services. HowAMAZING it would be if we could get everyone we know to send one!!! Whether youare for or against the war, our guys and gals over there need to know we are behind them…

This is a great site. Please send a card. It is FREE and it only takes a second. Go ahead…spread some holiday cheer!

–Darcy Betlach
Chrome Marketing Inc
Polishing and Building Brands
Phone 952-470-4297


MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM WHITEHORSE–Everyone at Whitehorse wishes you the happiest of holidays and good riding in 2007. We very much appreciate your business and your support.It’s Never Too Late to Shop at Whitehorse Gear Where Everything’s In Stock, The Riding is Superb,and All the Employees are Good Looking!


FASTENERS TIP OF THE WEEK FROM DMP ENTERPRISES–I thought I would first start on discussing different head markings on bolts and what they mean.What do those slashes and numbers generally mean on a hex bolt? It very simple, generally speaking on a clear zinc plated bolt you will notice 3 hash markings on the head this represents grade 5, which carries a tensile strength of 120,000 psi. A gold color zinc plated bolt has 6 hash markings on the head this represents grade 8, which carry a tensile strength of 150,000 psi.

Is their a stronger bolt than grade eight? Yes there is a F-911 hex bolt and 12-point flange bolt that are rated between 180,000 & 190,000 psi tensile strength. Now to really screw things up for all of us who have Harley Davidson’s, the V-rod has many metric fasteners. If you have ever looked at a metric hex bolt you might notice the markings 8.8, 10.9 or 12.9 this does not mean grade 8,10 or 12. The grade 8.8 refers to the tensile strength which is generally 116,000 psi, grade 10.9 is generally 150,000 and grade 12.9 is generally 175,000 psi.

Now what about stainless steel bolts? Well 18-8 stainless is great for corrosion resistance and polishes up to a brilliant finish but is not extremely strong. Generally speaking most of the stainless fasteners are 18-8 and carry a 100,000 tensile strength. Do they make a stronger tensile strength stainless? Yes, and the answer is ARP or Automotive Racing Products has stainless fasteners rated at 170,000 psi tensile strength .

Part 2 of this article will be on plating of fasteners and what to look out for when trying to do it yourself. If you have a question about fasteners, don’t hesitate to drop me a line.

–Derek Stankovich@DMP
All questions and feedback can be sent to or 1 888 MR BOLTS.

DMP Enterprises

toy yoda

GIRLS GONE WILD PRODUCER SENTENCED– PANAMA CITY – The multimillionaire founder of the popular “Girls Gone Wild” video empire was sentenced to community service on Wednesday after the company pleaded guilty to federal charges of failing to monitor the ages of the women it films.

Mantra Films Inc. also agreed to pay $1.6 million in fines for using drunken 17-year-olds in videos it filmed on Panama City Beach during spring break and failing to properly label its DVDs and videos as required by federal law.

U.S. District Judge Richard Smoak told company founder Joe Francis he added the community service to the fine because it did not appear a fine would be a meaningful punishment to the 33-year-old Francis, who makes an estimated $40 million a year.

The fine represents less than 3 percent of Mantra films’ profits since 2002 and only 12 percent of Mantra’s 2005 profits, Smoak said.

Besides Francis, the judge also ordered the founder’s three top aides – likely the company president, general counsel and chief financial officer – to also complete eight hours of community service monthly for the next 30 months. But Smoak gave Francis the option of “stepping up” and serving 16 hours a month of community service himself and voiding his corporate officers’ obligations to do the service.

“It does not take a very brave man to go out and corner a girl in the middle of spring break who had four drinks,” Smoak told Francis.

Smoak ordered Francis to read aloud in court a victim impact statement from one of the 17-year-old girls filmed in Panama City. The girl said she was emotionally tormented by her appearance on a “Girls Gone Wild” video and that the video damaged her relationship with her family.

Francis told the judge his policy has always been not to film girls under 18 and that the girls filmed in Panama City lied about their ages. Aaron Dyer, an attorney for Francis and the company, said his client would serve the judge’s sentence.

Dyer said he did not know whether Francis would take on the entire sentence himself or have his corporate officers participate in the community service as well.

–associated press
–from Bill Bish


NEW U.S. TRANSPORTATION SECRETARY LOVES TO RIDE– Mary E. Peters, the new U.S. Transportation Secretary, recently visited the Harley-Davidson plant in Milwaukee and talked about the “alarming rise” in motorcyclist fatalities. Peters is an ardent motorcyclist who will “never, ever ride without a helmet,” but she does not, however, think that the federal government should order mandatory helmet use.

“We don’t believe that it’s up to the federal government to mandate helmets,” she said, adding that was something for the individual states to decide. She urged motorcyclists to wear helmets and protective gear, drive sober and take classes on safe motorcycling.

“Cyclists have a lot of responsibility to take care of themselves,” she said, but added that motorists also have to do a better job of sharing the road with motorcycles. Peters commended Harley-Davidson Inc. for its efforts in motorcycle safety programs and cycle maintenance.

On Sept. 30, the U.S. Senate confirmed Peters’ appointment, and the Harley-Davidson tour was her first public event since she was sworn in. Nicole Nason, head of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, also took the tour. They visited what is called Harley-Davidson University, where the 660 Harley dealerships nationwide learn how better to service the vehicles.

–from Bill Bish

FLORIDA BIKERS WANT HARSHER PENALTIES IN FATAL ACCIDENTS– The streets that lead to Daytona Beach are lined with spots where motorcycle enthusiasts have lost their lives. Some of the dead during past Bike Weeks and Biketoberfests were at fault, unwisely mixing alcohol and speed. Others, like Jody Driggers, were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

His death stands out, biker-rights activists say, because he was doing no more than sitting at a stoplight on International Speedway Boulevard when he was hit from behind by a sport utility vehicle. “I remember that case,” said James “Doc” Reichenbach II, president of ABATE of Florida and chairman of the board for the National Coalition of Motorcyclists. “I’m tired of going to funerals.”

Motorcycle advocates look at fatality and injury statistics and see a pattern. In too many cases, they say, at-fault drivers of cars or trucks involved in fatal crashes with motorcycles received nothing more than a slap on the wrist. They chafe at laws that require evidence of malicious intent or extreme recklessness before criminal charges can be filed. Advocates say that should change. They want criminal penalties to apply and they’ve collected thousands of signatures nationwide, pushing Congress and state legislatures to enact their goals into law.

Reichenbach’s group is trying to stiffen penalties for motorists who cause a biker’s death by violating their right of way. He acknowledges that one reason those who have fatal crashes with motorcycles are not treated more harshly is because of the social stigmas attached to the biker culture. “The lifestyle has carried such an image over the years,” he told the News Journal. “People say ‘whatever,’ because you’ve got hair down the middle of your back. These are just solid citizens who care about their state and their country. We’re mothers, fathers, patriots. All we want is to be treated like everybody else.”

Bonneville 2007 sponsor banner

Continued On Page 4

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