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January 29, 2003 Part 1


What a wacky week it’s been. Tomorrow the industry is heading to Cinncinati for a weekend party. Who knows what will be accomplished. I’ll be there for American Rider covering the show and passing out Bikernet stickers.

For the last week I’ve had the priviledge of riding the new Victory Vegas. Nice scoot. There’s more on that below. The Pan is running fine and we’ll start work on the King again next week. We better get to the news.

BIKER-FUGITIVE DISCOVERED–Investigators stand near the box that contained the body of Lawrence William Cook, 44. Cook, whose body was found in Bayou Cocodrie last week, was a wanted fugitive from Texas. A man whose dismembered body was found in a plastic storage box floating in Bayou Cocodrie was a fugitive from the law in Texas.

Lawrence William Cook, 44, had four outstanding warrants against him from Grayson County, Texas, including one for allegedly stealing a policeman’s motorcycle, according to Grayson County (Texas) Sheriff Keith Gary.

Cook, known in the Grayson County area as “Larry-Larry,” had a lengthy criminal record with at least 18 arrests.

Cook had a gunshot wound behind his ear when his body was found last Friday. His legs had been cut off, apparently to make his body fit into the box, Evangeline Parish sheriff’s detectives said. The legs have not been found.

Cook was a member of the North Texas chapter of the Banshee motorcycle club. It is unknown if his club involvement was a factor in his death, detectives said.

–Mandy M. Goodnight / The Town Talk

THE RIGHT AGE FOR CUSSING– A 6-year-old and a 4-year-old are upstairs in their bedroom.

“You know what?” says the 6-year-old. “I think it’s about time we start cussing.”

The 4-year-old nods his head in approval.

The 6-year-old continues. “When we go downstairs for breakfast I’m gonna say “hell,” and you say “ass.” “OK!”

The 4 year old agrees with enthusiasm. Their mother walks into the kitchen and asks the 6-year-old what he wants for breakfast.

“Aw hell, Mom, I guess I’ll have some Cheerios.”

WHACK! He flies out of his chair, tumbles across the kitchen floor, gets up, and runs upstairs crying his eyes out, with his mother in hot pursuit, slapping his rear every step. The mom locks him in his room & shouts, “You can just stay there till I let you out!”

She then comes back downstairs, looks at the 4-year-old, and asks with a stern voice, “And what do YOU want for breakfast young man?”

“I don’t know,” he blubbers, “But you can bet your fat ass it won’t be Cheerios.”

–from Rev. CarlR

VICTORY VEGAS ROAD TEST–Off and on for a week I’ve been riding a new 2003 Victory Vegas. If you’re looking for a new bike, give one a try. I was impressed. I equated it to a Sportster in some regards, although it’s 92 inches of overhead cams, 4-valve heads and plenty of torque was rubbermounted. It weighs 615 pound, whereas my King weighs 723 lbs. dry, and a Sportster weighs 489 to 503 lbs. dry, depending on model.

My report will be available in Cruising Rider magazine.


POLICE STIFLE TOY RUN–Each fall for the last four years, thousands of motorcycle riders have driven their bikes through eastern Delaware County in a festive event organized by the nonprofit Bikers Against Child Abuse Inc. to raise money and collect toys for abused and neglected children.

The group, which has its national office in Delaware County, has been honored for its efforts in the past and has attracted wide support. U.S. Rep. Curt Weldon (R., Pa.) was the grand marshal for yesterday’s ride.

Yesterday, however, bikers gathering in Darby Borough at 10 a.m. were greeted with heavy police presence. About 135 officers who had been called in from more than half a dozen municipalities inspected each motorcycle for motor-vehicle code violations before the ride could proceed – something they had not done before previous rides. Neither police nor the bikers would say how many citations had been issued.

–By Dan HardyInquirer Staff Writer

BIKERNET WEAPONS TEST–Question: You’re walking down a deserted street with your wife and two small children. Suddenly, a dangerous looking man with a huge knife comes around the corner and is running at you while screamingobscenities. In your hand is a Glock .40 and you are an expert shot.You have mere seconds before he reaches you and your family. What do you do?

Liberal Answer:Well, that’s not enough information to answer the question! Does the man look poor or oppressed? Have I ever done anything to him that isinspiring him to attack?Could we run away? What does my wife think?What about the kids?Could I possibly swing the gun like a club and knock the knife out ofhis hand?What does the law say about this situation?Is it possible he’d be happy with just killing me?Does he definitely want to kill me or would he just be content to wound me?If I were to grab his knees and hold on, could my family get away while he was stabbing me?This is all so confusing! I need to debate this with some friends for a few days to try to come to a conclusion.

Conservative Answer:BANG!

Texan’s Answer:BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BAN! G! BANG! click…(sounds of clip being ejected and fresh clip installed)

Wife: “Sweetheart, he looks like he’s still moving, what do you kidsthink?”

Son: “Mom’s right Dad, I saw it too…”


Daughter: “Nice grouping Daddy!”

–from Al Friedman

BANDIT IS NO PUBLIC BURDEN?–You spend the last TWO years paying off medical bills from an uninsuredmotorcycle accident? Man, you’re screwing up the works! Don’t youlisten to your government? All uninsured motorcycle accidents areautomatically a public burden. There must be a government agency thatpays for all medical bills of uninsured motorcycle accidents and youneed to contact them immediately to get a full refund.

As usual O’ great one your words have inspired new thought. I havealways stopped at the point of showing that NHTSA’s bloated accusationsof helmet-less motorcyclist costing the public millions of dollars asbeing a lie. They site their 1996 report showing unhelmeted ridershaving 5 percent higher medical costs then helmeted riders. Then theytake that 5 percent, multiply it by some estimated dollar figure formedical expenses and tell congress, judges, and the world thatunhelmeted riders are costing the public millions of dollars. Theyfail to mention that the data used for the 1996 report states it has a5 percent margin of error making the estimated numbers a meaninglesslie. There didn’t seem much reason to give it further consideration.

NHTSA making unsupported blanket statements that every motorcyclist injured without medical insurance is automatically a public burden isanother lie. You are a prime example. My brothers wife had to havesurgery without insurance and they spent 5 years paying off medicalbills. Doctors and Hospitals don’t just let people walk and not pay ifthey are uninsured. There is no government agency that pays for thesebills. People have to pay their debt, medical or other wise, or theymust file for bankruptcy, or go to jail. That’s how the system works. Exactly how do helmet-less motorcycle riders become a public burden?

Public burden is the only reason the government, both legislative andjudicial, have come up with to force us to wear a potentialy fatalpiece of “safety gear.” The public burden theory is unproven, it is alie.


BIKERNET REVEALS HOW TO BUILD A FLOW BENCH– This is the second Flowbench I have built. The first one was modeled after a commercial one but was under powered. I could barely get 8″ w.c. test pressure on intake testing.

I have been working on this thing for quite some time now. This second design is not of the Laminar Flow type benches like Jerry Branch or Don Tilley use. This design is more like the larger comercial Flowbenches most commonly used by alot of cylinder head porter’s nowdays.


Watch for the tech to be revealed in segments starting next week.

?SATAN’ BIKER BUSTED OVER DRUG LAB– By JOHN LEHMANN. January 15, 2003 — A 300-pound biker, who leads a gang known as “Satan’s Soldiers,” is facing a hellish future after being nabbed manufacturing drugs in a clandestine lab near a school in The Bronx, the feds charge.

Angelo “Red” Cruz surrounded himself with an arsenal of guns while directing his gang to produce crystal methamphetamine – also known as crank and ice – in a trailer near the gang’s clubhouse, according to court papers.

Cruz, wearing a tent-sized red and black jacket, was hauled into Manhattan federal court yesterday after a close pal ratted him out to cops.

–from Rogue and New York Post Online

NEW BUELL LIGHTNING LOW XB9S–STREETFIGHTER PERFORMANCE FOR SHORTER RIDERS–Milwaukee, Wis. – (Jan. 28, 2002) Buell Motorcycle Company recently revealed the 2003 Lightning Low XB9S, a new model with a 1.5-inch lower seat height than the standard Lightning XB9S. The Lightning Low delivers uncompromised street performance in a package that will be more comfortable for a shorter rider.

The Lightning Low XB9S has a seat height of just 28.6 inches, achieved by altering the front and rear suspension and reshaping the seat pad. According to Buell engineers, the Lightning Low retains the responsive handling and exhilarating performance of previous Buell models. The Lightning Low also offers the same lean styling and advanced design features found on the innovative Buell Lightning XB9S and Firebolt XB9R, including fuel-in-the-frame, oil-in-the-swingarm, and Zero Torsional Load front brake, with the muscular torque of a 92-horsepower, 984cc air-cooled, 45-degree V-Twin engine with Dynamic Digital Fuel Injection.

The new Lightning Low XB9S will be available in Buell dealerships in February with an MSRP of $9,995.

For photography and information on Harley-Davidson Motor Company and Buell American Motorcycles, visit

Continued On Page 2

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January 26, 2003


THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. For more information, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE or visit us on our website at

Compiled and Edited by BILL BISH,
National Coalition of Motorcyclists

EPA COMMENT DEADLINE PASSES?WHAT NEXT? With the passing of the January 7 deadline for public comment, the federal Environmental Protection Agency is expected to release their final emissions regulations for street motorcycles, but can bikers do more than just wait and see what the EPA has in store for our future?

Contacting your Congressman and U.S. Senator to let them know your feelings about the stringent standards should be your first priority, if you value your right to ride. While you’re at it, send a copy of your letter or memo of your phone call to Christie Todd Whitman, EPA Administrator, at 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. 20460, so that the agency is well aware of motorcyclists’ concerns over their pending rules.

The Barcia Bill, or “Motorcycle and Motorcycling Small Business Protection Act (HR 5433),” will not be carried over into the new legislative session, and Michigan Congressman James Barcia did not run for re-election. But that doesn’t mean Congress can’t exert political pressure to create protections for small volume manufacturers and the motorcycle aftermarket.

“It’s not so much what the EPA standards do that concern us most as consumers,” lectured Bill Bish at a recent NCOM (National Coalition of Motorcyclists) Regional Meeting in Ohio, “It’s what they potentially open the door to that could sound a death knell for motorcycle enthusiasts.”

In-use emissions testing, roadside inspections, stricter enforcement of anti-tampering regulations, bans on equipment modifications that alter emissions, end-of-life mandatory recycling, and decertification of aftermarket products could have a chilling effect on the motorcycle industry and effectively create a monopoly controlled by the marquee manufacturers.

“You don’t see automobile dealers doing performance work on cars anymore because they know that the EPA can slap them with heavy fines for tampering with emissions systems, so how long before the feds start clamping down on performance modifications to our motorcycles, holding both the dealer and consumer responsible for altering emissions output?,” Bish asked the crowd in Columbus during a seminar hosted by NCOM and A.I.M. Attorney Ralph Buss.

If we could no longer modify or customize our motorcycles, or have access to aftermarket performance parts, an entire market could come crashing down, and who in the motorcycle industry wouldn?t be affected by that?

HELMET LAWS AGAIN Ever since bikers came together across the country to successfully repeal the national helmet law in 1995, there have been no real helmet law threats in any of the freedom of choice states, while five states have succeeded in repealing mandatory helmet laws beginning with Arkansas in 1997. Texas, Kentucky, Louisiana and, most recently, Florida have followed suit, making 30 free choice states and only 20 requiring helmets for all riders.

However, for the first time in nearly 8 years, motorcycle rights organizations will be on the defensive and must gear up for helmet law battles in their state legislatures. Two of the five states that recently won their freedom of choice, Arkansas (HB1024) and Louisiana (HB41), will have helmet bills introduced this session and will have to fight to maintain their hard-earned rights. Louisiana legislators received a list of proposals from the state insurance commissioner aimed at stabilizing rising insurance costs, and “mandatory motorcycle helmet laws” was among the suggestions.

“Here we go again,” said Dan “spotman” Spotten, an Assistant State Coordinator for ABATE of Iowa, where a local television station is prompting the state legislature to pass a helmet mandate.

“We knew the good times wouldn’t last forever and it looks like the party’s over,” said Richard Paulkner, Legislative Director of the Connecticut Motorcycle Riders Association (CMRA), referring to an internal legislative proposal from the Connecticut Department of Health proposing a mandatory helmet law for all motorcycle riders. “It’s time to start composing those hand-written letters to your State Representative and State Senator,” instructs Paulkner. “Remember, be polite and do not try to be an expert unless you are one. Share your personal experiences and state your beliefs, but do not make claims you cannot prove if asked to do so.”

Keep your ear to the ground, and your pencils sharpened!

FROM THE “I TOLD YOU SO” DEPARTMENT Scott McCool of ABATE of California and an Easyriders magazine staffer writes that he was watching TV recently when “I heard an interesting item… ‘Are bicycle helmets unsafe?’ So, I thought I’d listen for a bit longer. It seems that two studies have been done by Universities that show that bicycle helmets do NOT prevent brain injury as they have been advertised! Well no sh!t. According to these academic studies, ‘More often, the wearing of a bicycle helmet causes risky riding behavior…in many cases, especially with children, the helmets reduce visibility and [I love this part] are UNCOMFORTABLE.’ I’m glad the taxpayers (us) are paying for a study to show what we’ve been claiming all along.”

LAWSUITS FILED OVER PENNSYLVANIA POLICE HARASSMENT Law enforcement agencies in Pennsylvania “have engaged in a practice of conduct designed to deprive Plaintiffs of their interests in life, liberty, and property without due process of law and to deny Plaintiffs’ equal protection of law” by actively discouraging patch holders from attending public functions and telling them that they are not allowed in Philadelphia and Darby, according to a recently filed lawsuit.Those same club members are now fighting back through the courts.

Following several incidents of harassment, a total of four separate lawsuits have been filed against Philadelphia and Darby, PA municipalities and their law enforcement divisions, seeking monetary compensation, punitive damages and injunctions to prevent further violations of bikers’ rights.

A pattern of harassment has developed, starting with Darby police officers writing tickets and gathering intelligence at an Eastern Pennsylvania Confederation of Clubs meeting in August, stopping and detaining attendees and literally telling some to “stay out of town.”

Then, on November 3, 2002, members of the Warlocks MC, Pagans MC and other 1% clubs were prevented from attending the Philadelphia Toy Run, organized by the Delaware Valley Chapter of ABATE of Pennsylvania, which they had done without incident for many years. Club members were stopped, detained and searched without provocation, and were told that they would not be allowed to fly their colors in the city of Philadelphia or they would go to jail if they refused to remove their vests.

The Warlocks immediately filed a lawsuit, which garnered national media attention, and the police agreed to a one day stipulation approved by the court to allow the club to attend a Bikers Against Child Abuse (BACA) Toy Run on November 10 in Darby. However, when patch holders arrived, they were once again met with a heavy police presence and were detained, ticketed for minor infractions, and ultimately members of the Warlocks and Pagans were prevented from participating in the BACA Toy Run.

“Lots of kids went without toys this Christmas due to the actions of the police,” said Jesse Moore of the Pagans.

Two lawsuits have been filed by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists attorney Boyd Spencer, AIM Attorney for Pennsylvania and New Jersey, one in association with the harassment of club members at the Darby Confederation of Clubs meeting in August, and the other in response to the heavy-handed actions of police during the Philadelphia Toy Run on November 3.

“The police have engaged in a practice of conduct designed to interfere with my clients’ rights protected under the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution, including their right to freedom of assembly and association, as well as their Fourth Amendment rights to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures,” said attorney Spencer, who serves as legal counsel to the Confederations of Clubs of Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

Stay tuned as further developments unfold.


The federal justice minister is considering declaring the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club a terrorist organization, based on a secretive seizure by the RCMP at Montreal’s Dorval airport. Although Canadian authorities are saying little about the criminal investigation involving a member of the club, and have refused to identify what was found, according to published reports a seizure of a club member’s colors and questions about an unexplained quantity of cash at the international airport has triggered a call for the club to be added to the federal government’s list of terrorist organizations.

The seizure occurred after several members of the Hells Angels returned to Canada on December 2, 2002, from a meeting in Europe, and although authorities remain tight-lipped, sources told the National Post newspaper that a jacket and other items of clothing bearing the Hells Angels logo were confiscated. $2,600 in cash was questioned, but not seized, and no charges have been filed. The colors were being carried in the member’s luggage while passing through Canada Customs.

Authorities told the newspaper that the club has no known ties to well-known terrorist groups, but the way the group is run falls within parameters of the current anti-terrorism law. Canada currently lists 16 groups as being involved in terrorism, including al Qaida, Hezbollah and Hamas.

The incident has prompted discussion about applying the wide-ranging powers approved after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the United States to fight criminal organizations. Such a move would make it far easier to prosecute and seize the assets of outlaw motorcycle club members.

“I’d love to see it get easier for us [to prosecute them]. We are always open for that,” said Commander Mario Plante, head of the organized crime division of Montreal police.

A member of the Hells Angels, who spoke on condition he not be named, said linking the club to terrorist activity is offensive. “It belittles how important the fight against terrorism is,” he said.

“Our parents fought in World War II,” he told the newspaper. “The Hells Angels’ original members were born out of having fought the Nazis and every Hells Angel would be the first to line up in defense of their country.”

WEIRD NEWS OF THE MONTH: A DODGE MOTORCYCLE? A new American cruiser may be on the horizon, and it may sport a Dodge emblem on its gas tank! The Dodge Tomahawk concept motorcycle turned heads at the recent NAIAS Auto Show in Detroit, a dual-tandem four-wheel motorcycle built around the Viper 8.5 liter V-10 engine capable of producing 500 horsepower and theoretically achieving a top speed of 400 mph.

“This is for people who are passionate about engines,” said Chrysler CEO Wolfgang Bernhard, who rode the Tomahawk on stage during a media preview. “A motorcycle is the most beautiful way to showcase an engine.”

At 590 pounds, the 505-cubic-inch motor could propel the Tomahawk from 0-60 mph in an inertia-defying 2.5 seconds. Chrysler executives volunteered that Dodge may build the bike in limited numbers, selling for approximately $250,000 each.

RINGING IN A DECADE OF RECORD BIKE SALES The motorcycle market is apparently healthy, even during an uncertain economic climate, as figures released by the Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC) reflect a tenth straight year of increased sales. New motorcycle sales are expected to top 850,000 units, up more than 10% from last year, and representing four straight years of double-digit increases. The industry is also expected to surpass last year’s retail sales dollars, which was $6.4 billion in 2001.

Street bikes comprised 62% of the motorcycle market in 2001, with off-road machines making up 31% of the sales, and scooters and dual sport bikes accounting for the rest. Cruiser sales dominate the on-highway segment of new bikes with well over 50% of the market, followed by sport bikes which comprise 20% of that category.

Southern states lead the pack in sales by region, followed by the West, then the Midwest, and East. According to sales records, April and May remain the strongest months for bike purchases.


RESERVE YOUR PLACE IN BIKER HISTORY! Mark your calendars now for the upcoming 18th Annual NCOM Convention, May 8-10, 2003 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Join with over a thousand bikers rights leaders from across the country and around the world as they develop agendas, plan strategies and plot the course for motorcycling freedoms for our future. For room reservations, call the Four Points Sheraton, Milwaukee Airport Hotel, at 4747 South Howell Ave, at 800-558-3862, and be sure to mention NCOM for our special group rate. Convention registration is $75.00 including the Silver Spoke Awards Banquet, or $40.00 without banquet. For more information, or to pre-register, call the National Coalition of Motorcyclists at 800-525-5355.


QUOTABLE QUOTES: “Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn’t mean politics won’t take an interest in you.”PERICLES, Greek Statesman (430 B.C.)

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January 23, 2003 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

HARLEY-DAVIDSON REPORTS RECORD FOURTH QUARTERAND 17th CONSECUTIVE RECORD YEAR– Milwaukee, Wis., January 21, 2003 — Harley-Davidson, Inc. (NYSE: HDI) today announced record revenue and earnings for its fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2002. Revenue for the quarter was $1.03 billion compared with $905.9 million in the year-ago quarter, a 13.3 percent increase. Net income for the quarter was $150.9 million, an increase of 27.5 percent over the year ago quarter. Fourth quarter diluted earnings per share (EPS) were 49 cents, a 25.6 percent increase compared with last year’s 39 cents. Revenue for the full year was $4.1 billion, compared with $3.4 billion in 2001, a 20.1 percent increase. Net income for the year was $580.2 million, a 32.5 percent increase versus last year’s $437.7 million, while diluted EPS for the full year were $1.90, a 32.9 percent increase compared with $1.43 in 2001.

“The year 2002 was our 17th consecutive year of record revenue and net income,” said Jeffrey L. Bleustein, chairman and chief executive officer of Harley-Davidson, Inc. “Worldwide retail sales of Harley-Davidson? motorcycles were strong in 2002 with 15.9 percent unit growth over the prior year. Strong demand for our products gives us confidence in maintaining our production goal of 289,000 Harley-Davidson motorcycles for 2003.”

“We believe that the excitement surrounding our 100th Anniversary celebration combined with the strength of the underlying fundamentals of our motorcycle business are helping us continue to grow – even in the face of a weak global economy. We are fulfilling the dreams of many new customers as we welcome them into the Harley-Davidson family,” said Bleustein.

Motorcycles and Related Products Segment – Fourth Quarter Results

Revenue from Harley-Davidson motorcycles was $820.3 million, an increase of $86.1 million or 11.7 percent over the same period last year. Fourth quarter shipments of Harley-Davidson motorcycles totaled 65,970 units. The Company had four fewer workdays in the fourth quarter of 2002 compared with 2001, yet shipped 2,435 more units, or 3.8 percent more than the same period last year.

Revenue from Parts and Accessories (P&A), which consists of Genuine Motor Parts and Genuine Motor Accessories, totaled $129.9 million, an increase of $18.5 million, or 16.6 percent over the year-ago quarter. Revenue from General Merchandise, which consists of MotorClothes? apparel and collectibles, totaled $54.8 million, an increase of $7.3 million or 15.4 percent. Revenue from 100th Anniversary P&A products was $12.7 million and revenue from General Merchandise associated with the 100th Anniversary was $12.5 million. “We are very pleased with sales of our 100th Anniversary products, but we realize that not all of these were incremental because some substitution from standard offerings to commemorative anniversary products did occur,” said Bleustein.

Fourth quarter gross margin was 36.1 percent of revenue, up from 34.5 percent last year. Gross margin improved primarily due to wholesale motorcycle price increases, favorable product mix and foreign exchange effects.

Fourth quarter operating margin for the Motorcycles and Related Products Segment was 20.7 percent of revenue, which was better than last year’s fourth quarter operating margin of 18.6 percent. The increase in operating margin was driven primarily by the increase in gross margin.

Retail Sales Data

Harley-Davidson retail motorcycle sales for the year grew in the U.S. (18.3 percent), Europe (7.6 percent) and Japan (5.9 percent) compared to the same period last year.

Financial Services Segment – Fourth Quarter Results

Harley-Davidson Financial Services, Inc. (HDFS), a subsidiary of Harley-Davidson, Inc., reported fourth quarter operating income of $25.4 million, up $8.4 million or 49 percent compared to the year-ago quarter.

The subsidiary benefited from the increase in Harley-Davidson’s U.S. motorcycle sales, growing acceptance of its consumer financing program and decreased cost of funds due to lower market interest rates.

Twelve Month Results

For the fiscal year ended 2002, total Harley-Davidson motorcycle shipments were 263,653 units compared with 234,461 units in 2001, a 12.5 percent increase. Harley-Davidson motorcycle revenue was $3.16 billion, an increase of $489.7 million or 18.3 percent.

P&A revenue totaled $629.2 million, a 23.5 percent increase, while General Merchandise revenue totaled $231.5 million, a 41.2 percent increase compared with 2001.

On a longer-term basis, the Company expects the growth rate for P&A revenues to be slightly higher than the Harley-Davidson motorcycle unit growth rate. The General Merchandise growth rate is expected to be lower than the motorcycle unit growth rate over the long term.

Full year operating income for HDFS was $104.2 million, an increase of $43.0 million or 70.1 percent compared to 2001. The Company expects 2003 HDFS operating income to grow approximately 20 percent over 2002 performance.


CYRIL HUZE SPIKELIGHTS–What says more chopper than a spike shape? The style will take you back, but the 2-function filament bulb or strong L.E.D. these lights are housing is hardly yesterday’s news. These lights will turn heads well before you make turns.

Three designs: Mini, Hardcore or Visor style. Spikelight Mini (3″ x 1 1/4″) is offered with a 2-function bulb. Spikelight Hardcore (3 1/2″ x 1 1/2″) and Spikelight Visor (4 1/4″ x 1 1/2″) are offered with a 2-function bulb or a strong 2-functon L.E.D. with standard red or amber lens. All lights are high gloss polishing billet aluminum. Optional lens colors in blue or clear. Wiring included.

Cyril Huze
Tel: 561-392-5557 Calendar AngelJoanna Krupa on Star Search Tonight–“Hi Everyone! I’ll will be on Star Search tonight Thursday 23rd!Please watch and let me know what you think! You can vote

The show airs at 7pm Central, and 8pm East and West Coast on CBS. “


Joanna Krupa is one of the beautiful new calendar Angels, together with Chandi Mason and Janelle Perzina (Miss Minnesota) who just finished shooting and will be featured in all the upcoming new 2004 Calendars premiering July 1st.

The complete story and pictures of Joanna, Chandi and Janelle now online at the world’s premier Pinup and Motorsports calendar website

STELLA AWARD–Mr. Truman apparently didn’t notice there was someone at the wheel of the car when he was trying to steal his neighbor’s hub caps.


BIKERNET BABE ESCAPES TO OREGON–She’s wanted at the headquarters for a number of infractions including taking a major source of sex away from the gang, starving the staff due to a lack of killer sandwiches and soups and forcing the staff to quit drinking by taking all the booze with her.

If she is spotted, snatch her, duck tape her securely, throw her in a motorcycle crate and ship her UPS over-night to the headquarters. Make sure she has a case of Jack in her possession or forget it.

BIKERNET DOCTOR’S VISIT–An 86 year old man walked into a crowded doctor’s office. As he approached thedesk, the receptionist said, “Yes sir, what are you seeing the doctor fortoday?”

“There’s something wrong with my penis,” he replied.

The receptionist became irritated and said, “You shouldn’t come into a crowdedoffice and say things like that.”

“Why not? You asked me what was wrong and I told you,” he said.

The receptionist replied, “You’ve obviously caused some embarrassment in thisroom full of people. You should have said there is something wrong with yourear or something and then discussed the problem further with the doctor inprivate.”

The man walked out, waited several minutes and then re-entered.The receptionist smiled smugly and asked, “Yes?”

“There’s something wrong with my ear,” he stated.The receptionist nodded approvingly and smiled, knowing he had taken heradvice. “And what is wrong with your ear, sir?”

“I can’t piss out of it,” the man replied.The doctor’s office erupted in laughter.

–from CARLR

STURGIS RIP-OFF–Well I just received the rally rental agreement for the hotel in Spearfish that I’ve stayed at for the last few years. Watch out for the biggest rip of the rally. Rates are going through the roof and frankly I for one am tired of being taken advantage of financially. The letter also mentioned that this is the 100th Anniversary of Harley Classic, (go figure, Harley Davidson doesn’t put on the Sturgis Rally, they do their event in Milwaukee 3 weeks later).

The rate at the Travelodge (old Best Western) seems to think that raising their price from $140.00 a night for a double room (during the rally) to $270.00 a night is acceptable! A single room will now be $250.00 a night. In the past they had no minimum night stay (we stayed 5), now it is mandatory 7 nights regardless. Keeping in mind these motels usually charge $30 to $40 at any other time. What’s next $50 a night to camp? In my opinion, there are a lot of other places to ride to with nice roads, that aren’t congested and accident free, and not price gouging.

I normally don’t get on a soap box about this stuff, but it’s high time we all reevaluate what these folks in Sturgis are charging bikers to come and visit their area.

I for one, for the first time in 17 years am going to boycott the rally this year.


I’M INNOCENT–I swear, Jose is the quilty one. The Blonde and I have got along splendidly. Next week is the Cincy dealer show and I’ve been invited to write an article for American Rider on what’s new. I’ll bring home reports. The new dual-carbed Panhead report should be up three days ago. Something about our webmaster who is waiting for an exhaust system. He’s holding out.

I’ve got a new Victory Vegas in the garage, Helluva nice ride and comfortable. It’s packs 92 inches of power that is still pulling above 90 mph. I’m impressed.

I’ve got a deadline looming for Horse, the 26th chapter of Chance and a story from the past. Seems everyone I speak to is overwhelmed with projects. I say we have a Jack and relax.

The Superbowl will rock on Sunday. In the meantime ride hard.


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January 23, 2003 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

SICK DOCTOR HUMOR– A well-known cardiologist died and was given an elaborate funeral, withmany of his fellow MDs in attendance. A huge heart covered in flowers stood behind the casket during theservice. Following the eulogy, the heart opened, and the casket rolled inside. Theheart then closed, sealing the doctor in the beautiful heart forever. At that point, one of the mourners burst into laughter. When confronted,he said “I’m sorry, I was just thinking of my own funeral ——I’m a gynecologist.” At that point, the proctologist fainted.

–from Chris T.

SAMSON EXHAUST– has done it again with the new Extreme Series. This new series includes 14 unique and exciting styles that are going to rock and shock the aftermarket exhaust industry to the ground! Included with this new awesome series of pipes are the tightest fitting 220? full coverage heat shields anywhere. All “Extreme Series” come complete with mounting brackets and hardware.

Check the models on the home page and here are the prices, since out esteemed web master, “failed” to include the information. We’ll take it up with him tonight over a bottle of jack and peanuts.


E-101 “Bone Shakers” $339.95
Fits 1986 – present softail models
E-102 “Zoomies” $339.95
Fits 1986 – present softail models
E-103 “Ghetto Blasters” $469.95
Fits 1986 – present softail models
E-120 “Grim Reaper” Dagger $499.95
Fits 1986 – present softail models
E-121 “Grim Reaper” Slash $469.95
Fits 1986 – present softail models
E-122 “Grim Reaper” Slasher $469.95
Fits 1986 – present softail models
E-123 “Grim Reaper” Back Slash $469.95
Fits 1986 – present softail models
E-501 “Sinner’s” Piranha $639.95
Fits 1986 – present softail models
E-502 “Sinner’s” Slash $639.95
Fits 1986 – present softail models
E-503 “Hell Bound” Piranha $639.95
Fits 1986 – present softail models
E-504 “Hell Bound” Slash $639.95
Fits 1986 – present softail models
E-505 “Hell Raisers” Piranha $639.95
Fits 1986 – present softail models
E-506 “Hell Raisers” Dagger $639.95
Fits 1986 – present softail models
E-507 “Hell Raisers” Shark Bite $639.95
Fits 1986 – present softail models


Saturday, January 25, 2003
Doors open at 7:00
At The Armory Center for the Arts, Armory Northwest
965 N. Fair Oaks in Pasadena
(take Fair Oaks offramp from 210 and go North. Parking in rear and on the street)

$12.00 general admission
$8.00 NewTown, Pasadena Art Alliance and Armory Members
plus anyone in a cool car-related costume

FeaturingDavie Allan and The Arrows: The High Priest of Fuzz Guitar with video by Brian Bailey
15 Lowrider Masterpieces fromThe LifeStyle Car Club Los Angeles& The Amigos Car Club San Diego
9 Great Car Films

For more info: contact Richard Amromin

Friday February 7th
With “Slacktone” and “The Deoras”

Lava Lounge
1533 No. La Brea Ave.
Hollywood, CA 90028-7072
(323) 876-6612

WISCONSIN WOMEN STUDY–A study in Wisconsin showed that the kind of male face a woman finds attractive can differ depending on where she is in her menstrual cycle.

For instance, if she is ovulating she is attracted to men with rugged and masculine features. And if she is menstruating, she is more prone to be attracted to a man with scissors shoved in his temple and a bat jammed up his ass while he is on fire.

Further studies are expected.

–from Forrest P.

BROS CLUB EXPANDS SERVICE– Under the new leadership of Dana Coates the Bros Club has become a world class leader in road service and insurance programs for all bikers. I was there when Easyriders started the program and watched it bounce from one office to another.Dana worked with us for years handling insurance. He bought the program from Easyriders and works it round the clock. Check it out and contact them if you’re having insurance problems. They can run any insurance problem down and give you fresh quotes.

Harley Davidson Banner

HARLEY-DAVIDSON V-ROD PROPELLED INTO MOTORCYCLE STARDOM–MILWAUKEE (January 21, 2003) — The Harley-Davidson VRSCA V-Rod, launched amid a frenzy of acclaim from the public and press in mid-summer 2001, has already received 13 awards internationally — making this motorcycle the most applauded motorcycle in the 100-year history of the Motor Company.

To date, the V-Rod has been named Best Cruiser by Cycle World; Motorcycle of the Year by Motorcyclist Magazine; Cruiser of the Year by Cruising Rider; one of the Top Six Bikes of 2002 by Hot Bike Magazine; Bike of the Year by German publication, MOTORRAD; and Cruiser of the Year by the England’s MCN magazine. Beyond these awards, the V-Rod was also honored by Popular Mechanics, listed as the Best of What’s New by Popular Science and was included on the Men’s Journal list of “95 Perfect Things.”

All of these awards and honors make it easy to understand why, in 2002, the V-Rod is Europe’s top-selling Harley-Davidson model, with bikes hustling off showroom floors as quickly as they move down the street. In the U.S., sales have been just as robust, with the new motorcycle quickly becoming one of the top-selling models in the company’s lineup.

The V-Rod represents the first member of a new family of Harley-Davidson motorcycles – the performance custom. From its all-new liquid-cooled V-Twin Revolution powerplant to its long, low dragster inspired looks, the V-Rod is pure American muscle in a raw, pavement-devouring package. First introduced as a 2002 model with an anodized aluminum finish, 2003 model V-Rods include special identification to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the legendary motorcycle manufacturer. Suggested retail price in the US is $17,995 (non-California models).

BIKERNET HELPFUL HINTS OF THE WEEK–Helpful Hint #1,If you are choking on an ice cube, don’t panic. Simply pour a jug of boiling water down your throat and presto! The blockage is almost instantly removed.

Helpful Hint #2,Clumsy? Avoid cutting yourself while slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them while you chop away

Helpful Hint #3,Don’t buy expensive ‘ribbed’ condoms, just buy an ordinary one and slip a handful of frozen peas inside it before you put it on.

Helpful Hint #4,Putting just the right amount of gin in your goldfish bowl makes the fishes’ eyes bulge and cause them to swim in an amusing manner.

Helpful Hint #5,An empty aluminum cigar tube filled with angry wasps makes a wonderful inexpensive vibrator.

Helpful Hint #6,Avoid arguments with the missus about lifting the toilet seat by sim! ply peeing in the sink.

Helpful Hint #7,High blood pressure sufferers: simply cut yourself and bleed for a while, thus reducing the pressure in your veins.

Helpful Hint #8,A mouse trap, placed on top of your alarm clock, will prevent you from rolling over and going back to sleep

Eat your heart out, Martha Stewart!

–from Al Friedman

Kris Kallas art

KALLAS DRAWS FLASH FOR TATTOOS–Here’s an example of tattoo art Chris Kallas drew for a local rider. If you want to see his color work go to the Bikernet Gultch and buy a print. E-mail him about his black and white stuff and original drawings for your home or tattoos:

Rogue vowel joke

SHE GREW UP SO FAST–Can you believe it? Monica Lewinsky turned 28 this week.It seems like only yesterday she was crawling around the White House onher hands and knees.

–from Chris T.

Continued On Page 3

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January 23, 2003 Part 1



It’s a strange and wonderful week. I paid off another doctor bill from Wyoming after my deer accident. As a self-employed nut, I had inquired about a new health insurance plan. All was lined up until the insurance company requested my files from my Doctor. Seems the good doctor’s copy machine was down so his staff failed to send the copies and I didn’t have health insurance as a plowed into that critter on a dark Wyoming night.

Harley-Davidson helped, but that only covered a quarter of the pricey doctor bills. Grappling from one project to the next, I handle the bills as best I can, like most of us do.

It looks as though I will attempt to see three books to completion this year. I’ve been contacted by Rodale publishing to write a book about the Monster Garage. Hang on for that one. We’ll finish the Badlands project with Motorbooks and my first book in the series about Chance Hogan will be released by hook or crook.

One of the staff of bikernet went on vacation to Oregon this week and called with drunken reports daily. That left me sequestered here with the Evil Blonde. I’ll get to that more later, a guy just strolled past the headquarter carrying a 10 foot pole adorned with a cotten candy swirls. It’s strange around here. Let’s hit the news.

Cyril's catalog

CYRIL HUZE 2003 CATALOG–Cyril Huze 2003 Catalog is 124-page and features 235 parts (55% are new) with, as a bonus, double spread color pictures of Cyril’s most recent custom motorcycles. A must for any individual and professional builder looking for fresh ideas and state-of-the-art custom parts & accessories.

Cyril Huze
Tel: 561-392-5557

DEAR ABBY COMES TO BIKERNET–My husband is a lying cheat. He tells me he loves me, but he has cheated our entire marriage. He is a good provider and has many friends and supporters. They know he is a lying cheat, but they just ignore the issue.

He is a hard worker but many of his coworkers are leery of him. Every time he gets caught, he denies it all. Then he admits that he was wrong and begs me to forgive him. This has been going on for so long, everyone in town knows he is a lying cheat. To top it off, he ignores me just because I am a lesbian. Abby, I just don’t know what to do.

Signed, Frustrated

Dear Frustrated:

You should dump him. Now that you are finally a New York Senator, you don’t need him anymore.

–from Bob T.

HELMET LAWS AGAIN– Ever since bikers came together across the country to successfully repeal the national helmet law in 1995, there have been no real helmet law threats in any of the freedom of choice states, while five states have succeeded in repealing mandatory helmet laws beginning with Arkansas in 1997. Texas, Kentucky, Louisiana and, most recently, Florida have followed suit, making 30 free choice states and only 20 requiring helmets for all riders.

However, for the first time in nearly 8 years, motorcycle rights organizations will be on the defensive and must gear up for helmet law battles in their state legislatures. Two of the five states that recently won their freedom of choice, Arkansas (HB1024) and Louisiana (HB41), will have helmet bills introduced this session and will have to fight to maintain their hard-earned rights. Louisiana legislators received a list of proposals from the state insurance commissioner aimed at stabilizing rising insurance costs, and “mandatory motorcycle helmet laws” was among the suggestions.FROM THE “I TOLD YOU SO” DEPARTMENT Scott McCool of ABATE of California writes that he was watching TV recently when “I heard an interesting item… ‘Are bicycle helmets unsafe?’ So, I thought I’d listen for a bit longer. It seems that two studies have been done by Universities that show that bicycle helmets do NOT prevent brain injury as they have been advertised!

According to these academic studies, ‘More often, the wearing of a bicycle helmet causes risky riding behavior…in many cases, especially with children, the helmets reduce visibility.

EPA COMMENT DEADLINE PASSES? WHAT NEXT?– With the passing of the January 7 deadline for public comment, the federal Environmental Protection Agency is expected to release their final emissions regulations for street motorcycles, but can bikers do more than just wait and see what the EPA has in store for our future?

Contacting your Congressman and U.S. Senator to let them know your feelings about the stringent standards should be your first priority, if you value your right to ride. While you’re at it, send a copy of your letter or memo of your phone call to Christie Todd Whitman, EPA Administrator, at 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. 20460, so that the agency is well aware of motorcyclists’ concerns over their pending rules.

“It’s not so much what the EPA standards do that concern us most as consumers,” lectured Bill Bish at a recent NCOM (National Coalition of Motorcyclists) Regional Meeting in Ohio, “It’s what they potentially open the door to that could sound a death knell for motorcycle enthusiasts.”

Above are excerpts from an AIM legislative news report. The full report can be seen in the Bikernet Bikers Rights column tomorrow.

Er of Dallas

EASYRIDERS OF DALLAS ROCKS–If you’re traveling through town and need a beer, parts or a girl, stop in. The shop has everthing you need for your bike and next door the Strokers IceHouse has the girls, chow and booze. You can’t go wrong.

Continued On Page 2

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January 16, 2003 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

OBSOLETE SPORTSTERCENTER STAND—New from “Sporty Specialties Inc.” an exact reproduction of the Harley-Davidson Sportster accessory center stand. (H.D. part no#49700-57) 100% Made in the U.S.A. from aircraft quality heat treated 356-T6 aluminum, this center stand comes with N.O.S. mounting hardware (clips and spring) andfits all 1952-1956 “K” models and 1957-1981 Sportsters.

Suggested retail price is $159.95 and dealer pricing is available. Sporty Specialties Inc. isentering its 10th year of supplying hard to find and obsolete parts for Harley-Davidson Sportsters and “K” models.

For more information please contact;

Sporty Specialties Inc.1875A W. CommonwealthFullerton, Ca. 92833(714)

LACONIA UPDATE–The 25th.Annual Weirs Beach Drive-In Theater International Motorcycle Swapmeet and Show will be held in conjunction with the 80th. Annual Laconia Bikeweek Rally, from June, 5th. through June, 15th. 2003., This is the Grandaddy of them all!Bikes, Bands and Babes. Vendors from around the world. On-Site Camping. Visit us at:

–from Bud Woods

WORDS OF WISDOM, I SUPPOSE–“In elementary school, in case of fire you have to line up quietly in a single file line from smallest to tallest. What is the logic? Do tall people burn slower?”

– Warren

MONSTER ART, BLACK AND WHITE PRINTS– Here’s a couple of samples of Chris Kallas 8.5 by 11 inch pen and ink drawings. They are not expensive. Drop him a note to

SOUTH CAROLINA HOG RALLY LEAVES MYRTLE BEACH–The Columbia, SC area will host the 2003 S.C. H.O.G. Rally on September 25ththrough the 27th. Several factors spurred the move from Myrtle Beach to thenew headquarters, the Sheraton Hotel in Lexington County. H.O.G. wanted tomake the rally a true state event by traveling to different cities eachyear. Amongst up to 45,000 bikers in Myrtle Beach each year, and due todeclining H.O.G. attendance, state coordinator David Pugh said, “It got to apoint where you didn’t hardly know who was a Harley Owners Group member ornot.”

Harley-Davidson has left its image of outlaw motorcycle riders farbehind. “The riffraff was piggybacking off the Harley owners and became anegative force,” Pugh said. “H.O.G. is very much a family oriented group.Basically, if you can’t bring your kids, your mother, and grandmother, itisn’t a Harley Owners Group event.” To back this up, activities at thisyear’s rally will include bike games, bingo and a miniature track withbattery powered mini-motorcycles for the children of H.O.G. members. Thepublic is welcome to view the events, but participation will be limited toH.O.G. members.

–from the January 2003 Full Throttle Magazine


–from agent Rogue


BIKERNET JOB OF THE WEEK– Wall street Journal 1/7/03. Indian Riders Group seeks a new leader of the pack-sorry, an executivedirector. The nonprofit membership organization links devoted owners of bikes madeby Indian Motorcycle Corp.,of Gilroy Calif. The company originally based inMassachusetts,built motorcycles from 1901 to 1953,when financial woes causeda halt. In 1998,an investor group festarted the company;production resumedin 1999.

The nonprofit organizes group rides,provides member benefits like roadsideassistance and distributes patches and other paraphernalia.The companyestimates roughly 40,000 people own pre-1953 Indian motorcycles,while about11,000 own new-era bikes. The nonprofit group wants all of them to join,andcurrently has 3,500 members

The executive director will attend motorcycle events throughout thecountry and frequently go along on group rides,says Fran O’Hagan senior vicepresident of sales,service and marketing at Indian motorcycle.The new hirewill earn a five-figure salary and be based in Gilroy.

— Kris Maher

DAMN, ANOTHER JOB–Custom Chrome is looking for a new marketing executive. Jump on it, if you want to rule the custom motorcycle industry through building the biggest distributor in the market. Send your resume to Kip Woodring

THE STELLA AWARDS–It’s time once again to consider the candidates for the annual Stella Awards.The Stellas are named after 81-year-old Stella Liebeck who spilled coffee on herself and successfully sued McDonalds. That case inspired the Stella Awards for the most frivolous successful lawsuits in the United States.

Here’s a great one:Kathleen Robertson of Austin, Texas, was awarded $780,000 by a jury of her peers after breaking her ankle tripping over a toddler who was running inside a furniture store. The owners of the store were understandably surprised at the verdict, considering the misbehaving little toddler was Ms. Robertson’s son.


THE MF EGAN REPORT–I’m getting down to the wire on that ’50 Panhd. I’ll make sure you get somedigital photos of it.Really close to finishing Chad McQueen’s ’29 45″ DL that Steve gave himright before he took the checkered flag.

The building retrofit has kept us off m/c focus and will probably continuetill it’s finished this Summer. I’m really thinking of writing a couple ofwell illustrated how-to manuals on repairing or restoring the 45″ solo andthe VL side-valve models. The printed stuff that’s out there was authoredby patron’s of Oakie’s Bar and Grill after closing time!



May you have the strength
Of eagles’ wings,
The faith and courage to
Fly to new heights,
And the wisdom Of the universe
To carry you there?. Indian Blessing

–from Miss Kris

Official terrorist hunting license from the department head Concrete Pete.

THAT’S IT–A crazed batch of news for a wild week that went from blistering cold and rain to a summer heat wave. It’s a wonder the earth doesn’t crack like a soft bat against a smoldering fast ball and split right down the seam. I shouldn’t mention anything catastrophic. The world still hasn’t grown up enough to work together. We still want to kick the other guys ass twice a day.

It’s strange out there and maybe a bunch of throat slitting aliens like the bunch from “Signs” would make us realize how fragile life really is. All right, enough. We’ve got to focus on paying the bills, publishing Chance, writing the next King tech and the ’48 Pan air cleaner build. May the world never crack and we chase women and ride free forever.


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January 16, 2003 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

THE TECH DILEMMA OF THE WEEK–Last weekend I struggled in the garage remaking my bracketry for my twin carbs on the 48 Pan. I fell into deep depression as I discovered that all my efforts were failing miserably. It was one of those frustrating days behind the grinding wheel. I reached out for help and was finally successful as you can see above.Here’s what Krash Gregory suggested. “I found you’re fax number. I think you need support for both the aircleaner and the carbs. By the way the “Mikunis” attach to head spigots. Otherwise vibration could cause them to fall/come off. I have had this problem running spigot-mount “Edelbrock” carbs without a support on Evo Sportsters. By your pictures, the carbs seem to be moving around and they are not staying level. These sketches are just a rough idea, since I don’t have any thing on hand to make measurements.”

Krash was right. The backing plate to the aircleaner actually holds the carb in place. I knew that, but my first bracket, the failed on only held them up but not in alignment. I’ll tell the whole story in a tech next week. Thanks Krash.

BIKERNET POLICE REPORT–[San Jose Mercury News]: An unidentified man, using a shotgun like aclub to break a former girlfriend’s windshield, accidentally shot himselfto death when the gun discharged, blowing a hole in his gut.

–from Miss Kris

BADLANDS FEATURED IN AMERICAN RIDER–This mag was one of the most conservative bike mags in the industry until recently. It’s found some soul and the editoral slant is backing its play with some techs with heart and they are even featuring a segment of the Badlands book on their pages.

Rumor has it that Motorbooks International will publish the book about veteran outlaws in 2004. The book will be written by K.Randall Ball and the photography will come predominately from Mike Lichter although a couple of outlaws were photographed by famous tattoo photographer Billy Tinney.

We may start to run segments in the Cantina before too long. Watch for American Rider on your Newsstands.

BIKE TO THE RESCUE–We covered this several months ago, but I recently saw this mentioned in a Florida Newspaper. It brought up an important aspect of overall motorcycle safety–image. The short blurb went something like this, “Rescue workers are hoping a motorcycle fleet will help them save lives on Florida’s highways.

“Under a proposed program, Miami-Dade County firefighters would respond to emergencies on specially designed motorcycles, navigation through gridlock to accidents before other emergency vehicles arrive.”

Imagine if someday soon motorcycles are viewed as flexible, athletic vehicles that can get to any emergency on time, from fires to domestic alerts. Would life on two wheels change?

LOVE RIDE MESSAGE FROM THE FOUNDER–Below are excerpts from a letter to the industry from Oliver Shokouh, the Love Ride Founder and Chairman. “Things couldn’t have gone smoother the day of the event. But for me personally Love Ride 19 will go down as the event that almost didn’t happen.

“Up until just a few days before the ride we had no insurance–a mandatory element in an event such as this. The major reason was the financial fall out from 9-11. Just about every insurance company got hammered in the wake of that tragedy, and their woes are being passed on to us. But I suspect there was another factor at play. 2002 saw the unfortunate re-emergence of biker gang violence at a motorcycle rally–violence that received loud, nationwide publicity. The nasty old image of bikers was revived in the public consciousness–and this is something that hurts all of us.

“I know for a fact that some people did not attend the Love Ride because of concerns about outlaw elements and the chance of a bad incident. This really bothers me, not only because they missed a terrific ride, but for the future of motorcycling. There is nothing much we as motorcyclists can do about international terrorists–but we can try to keep the terror element out of the biker community. No less than our freedom is as stake.

“For those of you who attend the Love Ride–I thank you. For those of you who helped organize and facilitate the Love Ride–Which includes almost the entire chapter membership–I thank you especially. And for those of you who chose not to attend because of concerns about the violence I can only say that this is an attitude that let’s the terrorist and the bad guys win. The motorcycling community is ours and the only way to preserve it is to sustain it.”

MONGOLS TAKE AD IN HOT BIKE–The Mongols Motorcycle Club address the above mentioned violence in Laughlin, Nevada in the most recent issue of Hot Bike that’s on the newsstands right now. Check it out.

LAS VEGAS GUGGENHEIM GONE– The Guggenheim Las Vegas museum, the scene of the motorcycle history display, closed its doors Jan. 5 after a 15-month run. Our economy is stated to be the reason. They just can’t afford to operate the way things are right now. It’s a shame. And none of the riders in our Oregon AIM office — me, Sam Hochberg or Jeanne — WE didn’t get to SEE it yet! Damn. Oh well. Y’snooze, y’lose.

The rest of the Gunny Sack legislative news sponsored by AIM will be featured in the Bikernet Rights department tomorrow. Don’t miss it.

BIKERNET ELECTRICITY SHUT OFF–Dear Electric Customer, Just a little note to let you know we understand youranger in the recent price hike. But it should be noted that youhave no choice. We are a big company and you will pay what we tell you.

You have no choice. We have the power, you need the power. So sad, too bad. Sucks to be you. We have enclosed a littlepicture to help outline our response. Have a nice day and keep those checks coming, loser! Your Local Power Company

–from Chris T.

TURN YOUR SHOVEL INTO A KNUCKLE REPORT– It looks like this project just might work with products from Flathead Power. With a little help from Perry Kime at Flometrics, and if I can get Jim Leinweber to set me up with a hotter version of his L3S cam to make up for the difference in rocker ratio this will be an awesome motor. Yes I have a terminal case of tinkeritis.

–from Mike Ball

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–This week I’m going to do some different stuff, and be forewarned, somemight not like what I’m going to be saying below…again and as always,it’s my opinion, as simple as that.

But first the news:

I received my first letter from an inmate, I use to read about those inmagazines some time ago. It’s still kind of strange (not on a bad way).I’m amazed that our work has reached the secluded walls of a prison that’sall.All Roy from Yuma is asking for are some photos of bikes with a tropicalbackdrop so he can draw them, again the complexity of simplicity.The letter was received in a very simple but crafty loose leaf envelope,funny how the mind works but what really caught my attention is that hewasted one stamp (used two) and I imagine a stamp has some value to abrother behind walls.One thing is for sure, I will send some photos and I will add a stamp justfor his troubles…I know this is not a news worthy item, but it is to me.

Discovery has changed the dates for the second Biker Build-off betweenBilly Lane and Dave Perewitz. The filming will take place sometime inMarch, I’ll keep you posted as the show unveils.

The Myrtle Beach boycott seems to be full steam ahead, I’ve seen the memoin several boards thru the internet. I’m glad that motorcycle people canget together and make things happen…Let’s show them and anyone else, it’sour time and money and we take it to any place the fuck we want,or not.

My new Chopper is in the almost complete mock up stage, all I’m missing isthe rear wheel to complete the welding, it’s looking pretty good (to me),but I will let everyone here be the judge of that. Well, maybe you’ll haveto be in Daytona to see the complete bike…Let’s see..

We finally got the Road Kill done, here’s some shots, the works seems verysimple and that’s what we intended for, anyway no one will ever guess itscraped several yards down the pavement, upside down ! Hey Bandit…checkit out !

Speaking of The Horse..Caribbean Custom Cycles, Chopper’s Inc and The Horsewill be at a booth in Daytona Bike Week this March, look for us at theGalaxy Buick lot in Beach street…Even if it’s just to come by and sayJose sucks…

The new Horse issue will be at newstands (and my shop) Jan 21, take a lookat Chica’s creations, plus the usual mayhem…Those bikes are somethingelse.

We have just finished a pretty big Chopper report for the new Puerto Ricomotorcycle magazine Biker Spot, it’s a Choppers issue, an interview ofBilly Lane, your’s trully and several Chopper features (including or bikesfor Daytona).I’ll try to post some of the articles at later dates… They will updatethe issue while in Daytona…Seems pretty interesting to me…

And I think that’s about it for this week news…..Yeap, I will rant and rave as always, but I thought of leaving the best forlast, so here we go…With all the things going on I don’t even have time left to think, but oncein a while some ideas cloud my brain, and I have to write them down so I canremember to post them here at every Thursday. It might be things thatslightly bother me and I look for a WHY or just some things that you canplainly see. This week’s turn is for the grandiose motor company, andyou know who I’m talking about, right ?

I was wondering when these people who were on the edge of losing it alldecided to become a money grubbing corporate machine. With the smokecurtain of pretending to be the company for the American people they haveamassed a scary quantity of moola Yep, nothing wrong with that, theAmerican way some might say, but yes it’s wrong in this case. It’s very wrong when younail, screw amd forget the people that brought you back to life, the simplefolk, the ” believers”So let’s put it this way, you are celebrating your birthday, let’s pretendit’s your 100th year. If you are throwing the mack daddy party of them all(which you fucking should if you get to live that long) would you chargeobsene amounts of money to your ” family” and ” friends” to be able to joinyour celebration. So let’s say your friends are in the hundred thousandrange (yeah you are very,very popular). Would you block off the nearbyhotels so you can get a kickback on every room your attendees will take? Ido assume it will be a BYOB thing or at least the chow will be on thehouse….So, if you get the damn clown, cotton candy machine and smelly ponyyou would charge your guests for every performance or ride? Nope, I didnot think so……

I guess this goes along the lines of extreme merchandising, dealer chromeshit enhancements, and take it, like it or not…

How come the new Twinkie crappy engine was bumped to a whopping 88 cubes,when it could have been easily done a 95? Oh, because you will surelly wantthose extra cubes. More is better, and even more, more is betteryet…Yep, it’s all about money. But when everything is about money weloose perspective, we loose a part of being human, and more so we loosethat mystique. that ” We becomeprofit megalomaniacs, we suck.

But what the hell I’m talking about… A company like “the company” willnever do that. It’s the American pride machine, built for the middle class,for the hardcore, the saving nickel and dime kind. For the mere Joe’s ofthis social structure. We are not in Kansas anymore Toto !It’s really a shame, and part of the fault that this “lifestyle” hasbecome a flash.

To top it off and finish this weeks “editorial”, I remember when the mottowas “The eagle soars alone”. Too bad, now the eagle pulls down his pantsand allows the EPA an any other threatening agency give them a good ol’poke in the ass.Just in case, can you say TC 88, EFI, V Rod ? And the big jump on the bigbuck computer crap. Economics suck, more so when the game is played withyour hard earned money, not some fake colored bills from the monopolygame. I was just wondering where the good old timeshad gone.

And that’s it for this week
–Jose, Caribbean Bikernet reporter

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January 16, 2003 Part 1


I’m still sorting through our goals for the year. I don’t know about you, but I’m still trying to slow my blazing life down. Seems you can’t do that and make a living. We believe, in our distraught minds, that we are doing a helluva job with Bikernet with a small staff. The site grows and changes constantly. Yet, the bottom line could improve.

Look at it this way. At the top of the goal list is sex, Book writing and time to ride. Making money is at the bottom of the stack with doing taxes, but unfortunately my code doesn’t pay the bills. Hell, I don’t know what to do. You tell me. Let’s hit the news:

BIKERNET LITIGATION INVESTIGATION FINDINGS–Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein, LLP represents Harley-Davidson motorcycle owners in two separate types of lawsuits. The first is a consumer fraud lawsuit based upon alleged defects in 1999 or early-2000 model Harley-Davidson motorcycles equipped with Twin Cam 88 or Twin Cam 88B (together ?TC-88?) engines. The second litigation consists of personal injury lawsuits against Harley-Davidson based upon high speed wobble accidents.

Twin Cam Engine Consumer Fraud Class Action

In Tietsworth, et al. v. Harley-Davidson, Inc., and Harley-Davidson Motor Company, a consumer fraud class action lawsuit, Lieff Cabraser serves as plaintiffs? co-counsel.

The lawsuit was brought by California resident Steven C. Tietsworth and four residents of Wisconsin. All are Harley-Davidson motorcycle owners with 1999 or early-2000 models equipped with Twin Cam 88 or Twin Cam 88B (together ?TC-88?) engines. Plaintiffs allege that the TC-88 engine was defectively designed and potentially dangerous due to the propensity for premature cam failure, which causes sudden and total engine failure. This failure could allegedly result in economic and physical injuries, including out-of-pocket repair costs, property damages, and serious injury or death.

On January 14, 2003, in a unanimous decision, the Wisconsin Court of Appeals today reversed the trial court’s dismissal of the lawsuit, finding that plaintiffs had properly alleged the necessary elements of claims under the Wisconsin Deceptive Trade Practices Act and for common law fraudulent concealment.

To read a copy of the appellate decision (in Abode Acrobat format), click here.

It is estimated that over 100,000 model year 1999 and early-2000 Harley-Davidson motorcycles were sold with the alleged defective TC-88 engine. Plaintiffs allege that Harley-Davidson knew and knows about the defect in the engines, and even sells a $500.00 ?fix kit? designed to remedy the problem with the engines.

High-Speed Wobble Defined

Lieff Cabraser represents motorcyclists against Harley-Davidson in personal injury lawsuits allegedly as a result of what are commonly referred to as “high-speed wobble” (or “tank-slapper”) accidents involving Harley-Davidson motorcycles. High speed wobble motorcycle accidents typically involve shaking or instability in the front end of the motorcycle. In certain cases, the front wheel can thrash from side to side, something bikers refer to as a “tank slapper” because the handlebars suddenly seem intent on battering the fuel tank into submission, causing the driver to lose control of the vehicle.

Harley Cycles and High Speed Wobble

On September 13, 2002, the Raleigh, North Carolina News and Observer reported that a local police officer had lost control of his Harley-Davidson motorcycle after its front wheel began to wobble as he was passing a tractor-trailer at 85 mph, and died. A spokesman for Harley’s corporate office said the company “is not aware of any issues with any of our motorcycles at this time.”

The News and Observer, however, stated that other sources noted stability problems with the FLH series of Harley-Davidson, also known as the Electra Glide, Road King and Ultra Classic, which are widely used by law enforcement officers nationwide.

“A Harley, when you get it to high speed, has what you call a high-speed wobble,” Sgt. R.N. Stallings of the North Carolina Highway Patrol was quoted as stating. In an otherwise glowing article in 1999, Motorcycle Consumer News described “an oscillation in the chassis that keeps the bike from feeling steady, both while cornering and at elevated speeds.” The writer attributed the problem to an offset between the front and rear tires.

Riders of Harley motorcycles who suffered injuries allegedly due to high speed wobble and would like to learn more about their legal rights, please click here to contact an attorney at Lieff Cabraser. All messages and your personal information will be held strictly confidential.

–from Jose, Bikernet lawful investigator

BIKERNET PET DEPARTMENT–On reaching his plane seat, a man is surprised to see a parrot strapped into the seat next to him.

The man asks the stewardess for a cup of coffee and the parrot squawks, “And why don’t you get me a whiskey, you bitch.”

The stewardess, flustered by the parrot’s outburst, brings back a whiskey for the parrot but inadvertently forgets the man’s cup of coffee.

As the man nicely points out the omission of his coffee to the stewardess, the parrot downs his drink and shouts, “And get me another whiskey, you slut.”

Visibly shaken, the stewardess comes back with the parrot’s whiskey but still no coffee for the man.

Unaccustomed to such slackness, the man decides that he is going to try the parrot’s approach: “I’ve asked you twice for a cup of coffee, you bitch. I expect you to get it for me right now or I’m going to slap that disgustingly ugly face of yours!”

Next thing they know, both the man and the parrot are wrenched up and thrown out of the emergency exit by two burly stewards.

Plunging downwards to the ground the parrot turns to the man and says, “For someone who can’t fly, you sure are a cocky bastard.”

–from Al Friedman

NEW AND EXTREMELY UNIQUE!– Another added (and very cool) item to our 2003 line-up of products,”The Crystal Joker”. This 2″ x 2″ x 3″ piece of art features finely exploded bubbles in the center of the block produced in 3-D by a controlled laser in a likeness of the Joker. The Joker image inside tends to “glow” when presented to any light source. This is truly an incredible piece that is sure to fascinate everyone in contact with it.

Observe the various views of the block in the Auxillary Photo section on the Joker site


RICK CAMPBELL ON THE STATE OF THE MC INDUSTRY FOR 2003–Rick is the god of the industry, the publisher of Motorcycle Industry News. Here’s some of his varied of thoughts: “We are facing some huge obstacles to continuing our rate of growth. The general state of the economy, the current condition of the stock market, the specter of a possible war in the Middle East, continuing layoffs in corporate America…these are all things that could have great impact on our future.

“However, I look back to similar situations in our past and am encouraged about our long and short-term futures. We grew during the last two or three recessions. We grew during the Gulf War. We continued to grow through the stock market tumble. And, we have been called as close to recession-proof as possible by people in the financial community, like the ‘Wall Street Journal’.”

We’re renegades who feed on passion and speed. Who needs a stock market, or any market for that matter.

LADIES DON’T FORGET, MARCH 20TH!– A New Holiday was born. Guys, you know the drill. Every 14th of February you get the chance to display your fondness for a significant other by showering her with gifts, flowers, dinner, shows and any other baubles that women find romantic.

Every Valentine’s Day you rack your brains for that one special, unique gift that will show your wife or girlfriend that you really do love them more than any other.

Now ladies, I’ll let you in on a little secret; guys really don’t enjoy this that much. Sure seeing that smile on your face when we get it right is priceless, but that smile is the result of weeks of blood, sweat and consideration. Another secret; guys feel left out. That’s right, there’s no special holiday for the ladies to show their appreciation for the men in their lives. Men as a whole are either too proud or too embarrassed to admit it.

Which is why a new holiday has been created. March 20th is now officially “Steak and Blowjob Day.” Simple, effective and self explanatory, this holiday has been created so you ladies finally have a day to show your man how much you love him. No cards, no flowers, no special nights on the town; the name of the holiday explains it all, just a steak and a BJ. That’s it.

Finally, this twin pair of Valentine’s Day and Steak and Blowjob Day will usher in a new age of love as men everywhere try THAT much harder in February to ensure a memorable March 20th. It’s like a perpetual love machine!

The word is already beginning to spread, but as with any new idea, it needs a little push to start the ball rolling. So spread the word, and help bring love and peace to this crazy world. And, of course, steak and bjs!


BUELL RECALL–Buell has recalled the 2003 Firebolt XB9R because the side stand legs have the potential to bend or break. A total of 371 units are affected.

–From the Motorcycle Industry Council News, January issue.

GEAR FOR THE WEATHER–More and more there is gear developed that can make riding in any weather possible. Hell the current electrical systems and enduring batteries make it all possible. Here’s a company worth checking out. We were impressed with their gear at the Long Beach Dealer Show. Gerbing’s heated clothing (800) 646-5926 or They have everything from heated gloves and vests to jackets and pants.

While building the Touring Chopper with Jesse James we discovered a new company, Windvest, that made small sleek windshield for custom applications. They are designed to bolt to any riser/handlebar combination and are designed for custom bikes. Check out or call (408) 209-6337.

ANTIQUE MOTORCYCLE CLUB OF AMERICA–If you’re into antique bikes or just like to see cool old bike ads, restorations and literature join this organization. Membership in the US is $20, $28 in Canada and $40 in all other countries. Check or call (800) 782-AMCA.

V-ROD WINNER–For months I heard about a raffle for a V-Rod from a local dealer. I wanted to share the opportunity with Bikernet reades, but couldn’t get to the bottom of the hunt. Finally Annie from the factory sent me a notice. I found out that the Harley-Davidson New Year National Open House was the source of the Raffle as part of the festivities. I needed to grind my dealer to find out about the open house activities.

The Grand Prize winner of the 2001 National Harley-Davidson Open House Sweepstakes was Brian Johlman of Santa Rosa, California. His dealer is Michael’s Harley-Davidson of Cotati, California. I’ll have to watch closer for next year’s Open House.

Continued On Page 2

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January 16, 2003


THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (AIM) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. For more information, call us at (800) ON-A-BIKE, or visit us on the web at

Avon Banner


Here we are in the second month of the new year and I’m still writing 2002 on my check dates. You too? Y’must be gettin’ long in the tooth, or maybe the years are adding up faster than you can keep track of.

Looking back, this past year has been one of many victories and a few upsets for us in the motorcycle rights world. Our main problem, still, is finding people that ride or are rider-friendly who even care about what happens to their freedom to ride a motorcycle, let alone deal with all the restrictions we are fighting, to be able to ride machines with air cooled engines. If Big Brother has his way, pretty soon, we’ll be on bikes that don’t even resemble the machines that so many of us learned to ride on. That is, if we’re lucky enough to keep the right to ride at all. Right now, the life of the air cooled engine is on the way to extinction if we don’t make ourselves heard and very clearly by our congress, our state legislatures, and in various ruling bodies in other parts of the world.

This last year has also been one of loss of dear friends for many of us, myself included. These people that meant so much to our lives will be remembered in the way we conduct ourselves in their absence. Many of these folks were fellow freedom fighters, others were fellow riders and they all need to be remembered as contributors to our well-being and footprints on our souls. None of them would want us to falter in our fight for the return of freedoms lost because we didn’t think it could happen. 2003 needs to be the year of gettin’ the job done!



SAN DIEGO: Don Vesco, who set the wheel-driven land-speed record of 458 mph, died of prostate cancer at 63. Vesco set 18 motorcycle and six car-type vehicle records, going back to when he was just 16. And listen to this: In 1970, he rode a bike to a record 250 mph. Five years later, he broke the 300 mph barrier on his Silver Bird Yamaha, powered by twin Yamaha TZ750 engines. In 1978, he boosted that to 318 mph on a Kawasaki turbo, a record that stood for 12 years. He was inducted into the motorcycle hall of fame in 1999. Yet, this man is relatively unknown to the average street rider. This cat could really ride a scooter.

Belt Drive Banner

LAS VEGAS: The Guggenheim Las Vegas museum, the scene of the motorcycle history display, closes its doors Jan. 5 after a 15-month run. Our economy is stated to be the reason. T hey just can’t afford to operate the way things are right now. It’s a shame. And none of the riders in our Oregon AIM office — me, Sam Hochberg or Jeanne — WE didn’t get to SEE it yet! Damn. Oh well. Y’snooze, y’lose.

Lepera Banner

DON’T LET YOUR LEATHERS GET TRASHED: Our AIM Attorneys hear it all the time; bikers complaining about their leathers being cut off by paramedics after an accident. So, from our field reporter, Oregon AIM Attorney Sam Hochberg, comes a solution for NOT gettin’ your leathers cut: Wear zippers. Wear the type that have a zipper down the entire length of each side of the outside of your chaps or pants, or at the very least, along the outsides of each leg. If you don’t wear that zipper-type, you run a higher risk that the paramedics at the scene will have to cut your leathers off you, right there!

The real reason? If you wanna live, you have to. You can BLEED TO DEATH in about 15 minutes from a pelvic fracture. That area holds up to 2 liters of blood, and THAT’S too much to lose to live very long. The ONLY way to evaluate your injury in a bike wreck is to inspecting the perineum (uh, it’s that area between yer male or female part and your butt-hole, or your “t’ain’t”, like some folks useta call it). Gotta look in that general nether-region for blood pooling.

Paramedics DON’T WANT to cut off your leathers because it’s WAY more complex than just unzipping. Pulling them off is out of the question because that could exacerbate any existing injury. Leathers are so thick, like they oughta be, that they can hide life-threatening injuries, so they HAVE to be cut off. Or unzipped. So get some zippers! Thanks and a tip o’ the stethoscope to the Sack’s source, a paramedic in training up at OHSU!

Bros Club Banner

HONG KONG, CHINA: There are some of us in the USA who think there are too many of the WRONG KINDS of lawsuits, and I know Sam Hochberg and I agree on that. Sure, there are weird, stupid cases. Some shouldn’t be allowed to be filed. But HERE’S a topper Sam ran into at According to the South China Morning Post, it seems this Hong Kong woman, Chu-leu, got a bad haircut, so she SUED her beauty parlor! Jeez, lady, the hair WILL grow back! She said she wanted to look like Julia Roberts, but instead “It looked like a broom. Every hair stuck out like an open umbrella which could not be shut. It was horrible. I looked like Osama bin Laden,” she told an unsympathetic judge. The Small Claims Tribunal tossed the case, then had to toss her out too when she refused to leave the courtroom. Hey, if you showed up looking like Osama in a LOT of places here in America, you might be given a good reason to sue somebody!

LITTLE EGG HARBOR TOWNSHIP: I have no idea where it is, but it seems the librarian in this town is quite a celebrity. Maggie Penk isn’t used to being Miss September yet, but it appears the fire marshal believes so, ‘cuz he needed her autograph…

She is one of the dozen Ocean County librarians in leather featured on a new calendar. It’s made up of various Ocean County librarians sitting on a white Harley-Davidson, clad head to toe in leather, some even … reading.

They wanna use the dough they raise towards an $11.6 million expansion to their library, and to bring public attention to it. This one lady, Ms. Penk, useta ride dirt bikes as a kid in Wyoming, so at least for her, scooters aren’t totally unfamiliar. The whole thing was done tongue in cheek, kinda glamorizing the so-called “stuffy” librarians.

The idea worked: $20,000 has been raised so far from these calendars. The county and the state will spend 11.3 million dollars on the project, so their celebrity gig is almost done. Good deal!! Sounds like that bunch of women in England who made TONS of dough doing something similar: Posing nude for a calendar. Most were just ordinary women with ordinary bodies, so it was different!

A QUOTE, for a change: “Own only what you can always carry with you: know languages, know countries, know people. Let your memory be your travel bag.” By Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the Russian novelist. He’s best known for his books describing forced labor camps, namely “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich,” in 1962.

RIDERS ED IS for YOU, Bub: Time really flies when yur hav’n fun and we often forget that we are a minority on our roads and highways. Sometime during the off-season for riding, do yourself a favor: Take a riding course. They’re available in most states through nearby colleges. Check with your state Motor Vehicles Department or the bikers rights group in your state for more. Most courses are less than $100.00. Just one thing you learn there can save your life. All of us lose people close to us during every year and it’s heartbreaking. Even if you’re an experienced rider, there’s always something else to learn. We spend much more than the cost of a course on chrome stuff for our ride.

The good news is that motorcycle accidents that have alcohol involvement are down nearly 10%. Maybe the word is getting out that scooters and booze DON’T MIX.


ONE FINAL THOUGHT: Our Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (AIM) attorneys across the country are working daily for our benefit and not just on accidents we have had. They provide pro bono or free legal services on numerous issues that affect motorcycling. AIM attorneys serve as legal counsel at all the Confederations of Clubs meetings throughout the U.S.A. and Canada. Not to mention all the time they spend talking to various groups, and dispensing free advice to folks at rallies nationwide. Do yourself a favor and call your nearest AIM attorney if you have an accident, or if you just need some advice on other legal matters; especially anything about motorcycle law. They can even represent you in criminal matters through Aid to Incarcerated Motorcyclists, the “other” AIM.


Nationally, call AIM at 1-800-ON-A-BIKE (or 1-800-531-2424). Remember, these people all ride the same as we do, so they know what our world is all about on the road and in the courts. Sam Hochberg, our Oregon AIM attorney can be reached at 503-224-1106 or toll free at 1-800-347-1106. Sam’s e-mail handle is, and I’m Give me a shout. I’d love to hear from you.

Keep the round side on the bottom.
Gunny, Oregon AIM Chief of Staff

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January 9, 2003 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

We’d like to introduce all our readers to our esteemed web master, the Digital Gangster. What a nice guy.–Bandit

BIKERNET TRAVEL SERVICE–At a small air terminal in the Texas Panhandle, three strangers areawaiting their shuttle flight. One is a Native American passing through fromOklahoma. Another, a local ranch hand on his way to Ft. Worth for astock show. The third passenger is an Arab student, newly arrived at the Texasoil patch from the Middle East.

The cowpoke leans back in his chair, crosses his boots on a magazinetable,tips his big sweat-stained hat forward over his face. The wind outsideblows tumbleweeds and the old windsock flaps, but no plane comes.

To pass the time the other two strike up a conversation on recent eventsand the discussion drifts to their diverse cultures. Soon the Westernerslearn that the Arab is a devout Muslim. The conversation falls into an uneasylull.

Finally, the Native American clears his throat and softly, he speaks:”Once my people were many, now we are few.”

The Muslim raises an eyebrow and leans forward, “Once my people werefew,” he sneers, “and now we are many. Why do you suppose that is?”

The Texan shifts the toothpick to one side of his mouth and from thedarkness beneath his Stetson says “Cause we ain’t played Cowboys andMuslims…yet”

–from Al Friedman

BIKERNET WEB SITE RESEARCH–Great web-site for bike events! Enjoy, RC

–Ron Copple

BIKERNET PEASHOOTER RESEARCH–Since selling the Bikernet 1931 VL restored by Mike Egan, we’ve been on a search for a motorcycle of that era to replace the VL. Bandit was intrigued by Peashooters, or singles that were built from 1926-33, a 30.5 model. Actually the Peashooter title was given to the racing units. Well, we’re looking for part, pieces, a basket to get started.

Our first contact was with a European gentleman who is selling his ’29 on the website George’s Antique Bike Trader. Here’s what he had to say, but never gave us a price:

“I find it in the north part of Finland for some years ago. I went up some 700 kms and bought it prompt. The Peashooter is an original bike with original register papers and original register sign as well, and as far as I know I am the third ownner.

” The Engine is in good order and I took part of or tradional parade with the bike 1st of may this year, so it is runnable. My personal interest as always been among British and some Italians which make the reason why I might sell the bike.

“Anyway I do not think it is easy to find a “Peashooter” as used original bike like this with complete known history. And it has not been on the local market or any attempt from me here to sell it.

“As far as I know, H-D started production of “Peashooters” one year afterIndian did.The reason why, was actually two, I think.
-The Eurpean market
Besides racers there were 3 diffrent types: A,AB and B
-One ohv with magneto
-One sv with magneto
-One sv with generator and same ignition system and frame like the 750
-Mine is one of the last named type.

Any way my knowledge in the area of H-Ds is not particulary good, but thisbike I could not resist so when I find it, I bought it prompt about a yearago.”

Regards and all the best for 2003

–Harry W. Nordlund

WORKING–I don’t know about your area of the country but a growing trend here isforpeople to get lazy. It is not uncommon for as many as 14 to 18peopleto stand around and watch only one person work. The situation isalmostout of hand, hope it is not happening in your area asmuch…………………

–from Bob T.

DYNA FAT TIRE KIT–Big Boar products now offers a complete fat tire kit for all Harley-Davidson Dyna Glide model motorcycles. If your Dyna Glide is making big ponies you need a fat rear tire to ghet that power to the ground. The Big Boar kit includes: Wide Swing arm, Wide rear composite fender, motor sporocket shaft extension., extra length transmission main shaft & fifth gear, primary cover spacers, transmission pulley spacer, all required gaskets & seals, extra length clutch push rod, fender rail bolts and shock top bolts & spacers. Absolutely everything you need to go fat with your Dyna is included. Big Boar quality is present in every component.


1961 The first compulsory helmet law in the world took effect in Victoria, Australia, on January 1st.

1966 Georgia adopts the first helmet law in the U.S. Later that year, U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) threatens to withhold millions of dollars in highway funds from states failing to enact helmet laws. By 1969, 41 states comply.

1969 Illinois repeals their helmet law as unconstitutional.

1975 Helmet use is required in 47 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. The Secretary of Transportation initiates legal proceedings against California, Utah and Illinois to withhold highway funds due to non-compliance.

1976 Congress amends the Highway Safety Act, revoking DOT authority to require states to adopt helmet laws and preventing the Secretary from imposing fiscal sanctions. By 1977, 23 states repeal or modify their helmet laws.

1983 Wyoming passes an under 18 amendment to their mandatory helmet law, leaving only 19 states with a helmet requirement for all riders.

1988 – 91 Helmet laws reinstated in Oregon (passed by public referendum, effective 6/16/88), Nebraska (eff. 1/1/89), Texas (eff. 9/1/89), Washington (eff. 6/7/90) and California (eff. 1/1/92).

1991 – 95 Congress passes the Intermodel Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA), a massive highway bill which includes a requirement that states pass both helmet and seat belt laws by Sept 31, 1993 or transfer certain federal highway funds into safety programs. Only Maryland complies (10/1/92), making 25 states with full helmet laws, 22 states with modified laws excluding most adults, and 3 states with no helmet law.

1995 On November 28, President Clinton signs the National Highway System Designation Act (NHS), a highway bill which includes a repeal of the federal ISTEA helmet mandates.

1997-present Effective August 1, 1997, Arkansas repeals their mandatory helmet law to apply only to those under 21. Texas soon follows, repealing their helmet law effective September 1, 1997 for riders 21 and older who have either completed a motorcycle safety course or carry a minimum $10,000 medical insurance. Effective July 15, 1998, the state of Kentucky repeals mandatory helmet law for riders 21 and older who can show proof of medical insurance. Effective August 15, 1999, Louisiana amends its helmet law to exempt riders 18 and older with a minimum $10,000 in medical insurance. Effective July 1, 2000, Florida amends their helmet law to exempt riders 21 and older with $10,000 minimum medical insurance.

–Bill Bish,

THE GRAND FINALE (I LOVE THIS ONE!!!)– Last summer, down on Lake Isabella, located in the high desert, anhour east of Bakersfield, California, some folks, new to boating,were having a problem. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn’t gettheirbrand new 22 ft. boat going. It was very sluggish in almost everymaneuver, no matter how much power was applied. After about an hour oftrying to makeit go, they putted to a nearby marina, thinking someone there could tellthemwhat was wrong.

A thorough topside check revealed everything inperfect working condition. The engine ran fine, the out drive went up anddown,and the prop was the correct size and pitch. So, one of the marinaguys jumped in the water to check underneath. He came up choking on water,he waslaughing so hard.

NOW REMEMBER… THIS IS TRUE … Under the boat,still strapped securely in place, was the trailer.

–from Rogue

DAVE BARR SETS NEW RECORD– “I’ve established my second world record. I road a Sportster to the 4 extreme compass points of the continent of Australia, much of it through the outback. I’m working with a company that is making a documentary of the journey and is aiming to get it on to mainstream TV,” Dave told recently. He’ll be in the Guiness world book for records for this trip. We carry a book on some of Dave’s other exploits. You can pick one up in the Gulch.

–Dave Barr

“Sometimes I think war is God’s way of teaching us geography.”

– – Paul Rodriguez

–from Kris B.

RUN FOR YOUR LIVES–I don’t get as much time in the garage as I would like, so when I’m working with tools, I want to knock out each project with aplomb and success. In other words I want to get the job done and get back on the road, quick. So I started tinkering with some tubing a local muffler shop gave me to work with. This is aluminum coated steel tubing. I cut the chunks I needed and attempted to dovetail the rings together with the center strap.

According to the mechanic at the shop this was a doable procedure. Sorta, if you want to fight through the aluminum coating with a torch. From that point on my perfectly thought-out design fell apart until I was forced to give up and return to the headquarters. If the news is scrambled in one aspect or another, it’s because my mind has been locked into solving the shaky underpinnings of the carburetor system on my Panhead. It’s either that or sex.

The bike is running so well I’m tempted to ride it to Sturgis. If only I can muster the ingenuity to solve the mounting/air cleaner complexities of dual carbs, I may make it out of town.

Have a helluva weekend.


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