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December 27, 2001

First, a word from the women.

We women here at the Bikernet headquarters are still recuperating from Christmas, birthdays and all that other shit. You get a short News this week cause we don?t feel like working. We ran out of the mixings for White Russians so we’ve been drinking all the Jack and bad wine Bandit had lying around. We all have headaches and feel like shit. Now, if some of our readers like Old Hound Dog or that Forrest Pervert-something would be good enough to send us some Absolut vodka and Kaluha, maybe next week we?ll feel like putting together a better news for you.


And Now Some Dribble From Bandit!

Ah Christmas, a time of families and tenderness. Ah bullshit, it’s a time of lean budgets, kids with non-stop dreams of presents to the moon, Christmas lists that are too long and bank accounts too short. I escaped the treachery of Christmas, almost. I hope the rest of you survived.

You have stumbled into the Bikernet Twilight Zone. Just when you think you’ve come across one of the hottest bike sites on the Web, you discover that one of the bastards behind this mess is on a tramp freighter out of Houston ultimately bound for Houston some months later, and you’re forced to hear about it a couple of times a week. Merry Christmas.

So let me tell you about my Christmas Eve and Christmas on the MS Leon, a 20-some year old rusting hulk being stormed with cranes, stevedores, fork lifts and agents while it’s snowing or raining on the rusting decks in below-freezing weather. The design was that we would be in port for two and a half days, load this bastard with 8,000 tons of crap (22,000 ton capacity) and be on our way out the Elbe River by Christmas Eve. Not so, Kimosabe. We discovered rapidly that management and the union contracts are from different planets. What management plans rarely happens. On the other hand, while management and supercargo agents sit on the ship, sip espresso and eat cookies while expressing their dismay at the efficiency of the teams on the dock, there are 50 men standing in the freezing cold as the wind is blowing snow at 30 knots across the main deck of the ship. If they had ice skates, they could be practicing loops on the frozen concrete dock.


On Christmas Eve it was explained to us that since many of the longshoremen extend their days off with vacation time, the teams were dwindling. Instead of being able to work around the clock, the units could only work until 10 p.m. and started at 6 a.m. The tapering crew would knock off at 2 p.m. on Christmas Eve and wouldn’t be back until the day after Christmas. We were shut down. What was designed to be a 2.5-day in a costly port became six days. The supercargo agent also informed me that every time cargo is shifted it costs $250. It costs $150 to load a piece of cargo, but once it’s loaded, if it needs to be unloaded, moved and loaded again, that’s another quarter of a C-note. He said that much of the cargo would be removed again in Antwerp, Belgium, then replaced, and the process would be repeated in Genoa, Italy, and perhaps once more in Jakarta. I asked him how the damn company makes a profit and he threw his hands up in the air in mockery. He had no idea.

As he explained the business side of shipping, Clement, our hardworking steward, set the table for a Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve. The captain, officers and crew were requested to come into the officers’ mess and have dinner, which was an assortment of many things, including whole fish and turkey. The captain explained that the real feast would start at noon on Christmas and would continue until midnight with drink and food available all day. I noticed that many of the Filipino crew were uncomfortable eating with the officers and escaped as quickly as possible to the crews’ lounge and a wild karaoke festival.


We better get to the news:


Happy Freakin’ Birthday Digital!—
The paint for the rigid showed up today, just in time for the old man to check one more year off on the hitchin’ post on the 29th. Here’s a sneak peek at Jon’s artwork on tank. Suppose now I’m going to have to get off my ass and actually finish this beast.


Bikernet Caribbean Report—
Christmas is over, the New Year is lurking around the corner and we arestill here, week after week. Santa behaved and got me a Playstation 2 formy truck. Now those long trips to Sturgis will be more entertaining, with gamesand DVDs on a small screen. Technology, go figure. Maybenow our road trip partners will manage to stay awake during the trek.The WCC No. 2 started yesterday (yep, we worked Christmas day) and willbe on the road before 2002. A full shoot will be coming up in followingweeks as well as an article in The Horse. By the way, it stopped raining,at last! Although seems there?s some more weather on the way. As you allmight know, Bandit is on terra firma at last, somewhere in Europe. Good forthe USS Rustbucket, which made it all the way. I’m guessing he is heading forthe Southern Seas. That’s like being on the moon, and the Atlantic tripwill seem like a cruise in the bay compared to the 40s and 50s. Maybe hewill not suffer the Southern after all. If he?s cruising the Med, he willhave a ball (no pun intended) when he crosses the equator, if the Rust boatfollows tradition, that is.

There’s no news this week, just this short note, and a well-meantwish for the new year.This year has been a tough one for many people all over the planet, andstuff has happened that we only see in movies.Retail has been at its worst in 10 years and young people arekilling and dying in various parts of the world.We will miss the two huge buildings in Manhattan and mourn the people whodied in them. Our world (and I mean our everyday living) has changedforever, although we will learn to accommodate those changes. All we can dois look and await this new year with hope, and know things will alwaysget better. We at Caribbean Custom Cycles and me personally wish everyoneat Bikernet and our readers the best NEW YEAR 2002, and that yourresolutions last longer than a week this time.

Will see you guys next week.
Take care and again happy New Year!

Jose. Caribbean Bikernet Report

A Mississippi woodpecker and a Texas woodpecker were in Mississippi arguing about which state had the toughest trees to peck.

The Mississippi woodpecker said that they had a tree that no woodpecker could peck. The Texas woodpecker challenged him and was able to peck a hole in the tree with no problem. The Mississippi woodpecker was in awe.

The Texas woodpecker then challenged the Mississippi woodpecker to peck a tree in Texas that no woodpecker had been able to peck successfully. The Mississippi woodpecker expressed confidence that he could do it and accepted the challenge.

After flying to Texas, the Mississippi woodpecker successfully pecked the tree with no problem. The two woodpeckers were now confused. How is it that the Texas woodpecker was able to peck the Mississippi tree and the Mississippi woodpecker was able to peck the Texas tree when neither one was able to peck the tree in their own state?

After thinking for some time they both came to the same conclusion:

Your pecker is always harder when you’re away from home.



May you, Layla and staff, and all the bikers around the world have a blessed Mele Kalikimaka and a prosperous and healthy Haouli Makahiki Hou. May 2002 be your best riding year yet.

Happy Harley Days, Dick Bondano

A beautiful innocent young lady wants to meet Santa Claus so she puts on arobe and stays up late on Christmas Eve. Santa arrives, climbs down thechimney and begins filling the socks.

He is about to leave when the girl, who happens to be a gorgeous redhead, says in a sexy voice, “Oh Santa, please stay. Keep the chill away.” Santa replies, “HO HO HO, Gotta go, gotta go, gotta get the presents to the children, you know.”

The girl drops the robe to reveal a sexy bra and panties and says in an even sexier voice, “Oh Santa, don’t run a mile; just stay for a while…” Santa begins to sweat butreplies, “HO HO HO, gotta go, gotta go. Gotta get the presents to the children, you know.”

The girl takes off her bra and says, “Oh Santa… Please… Stay.” Santa wipes his brow but replies, “HO HO HO, gotta go, gotta go. Gotta get the presents to the children, you know.”

She loses the panties and says, “Oh Santa… Please… Stay….” Santa, with sweat pouring off his brow, says, “HEY HEY HEY, gotta stay, gotta stay, can’t get up the chimney with my pecker this way!”

If you didn?t get what you wanted for Christmas, it?s because of a woman.



That’s it; now back to the German front. Christmas morning we awoke and had a small breakfast as the chef and his crew were working on preparations for the noon Christmas feast. At noon the captain was successful in getting the entire crew around one long table. All the food was displayed buffet style with two turkeys a full pig, vegetables, lots of buttery rice, pasta salad, two types of gravy and two brands of whiskey. The pig was a biker’s run-feast cooked to perfection and the drinking got under way with whiskey, gin, wine and beer and some of the crew had all four.


At dinner I returned for some chow and to take score of the survivors and party animals. Since we were requested to mix the seating in a brotherly fashion, I was the only Anglo to sit with the Filipino crew at one end of the table. I spent a great deal of my Vietnam military service in the Philippines and learned to love and respect the people on those paradise islands for their kindness and pleasantness, but as I sat at the end of the table the mood changed. It reminded me of so many experiences in the past from losing a crew member on the heavy cruiser I was stationed on to the meeting of men after a gang battle or to the meeting of a family after a member has been in a motorcycle accident. Suddenly the end of the table became quiet. Two members of the crew got up in unison and disappeared up the inside stairwell. None of the crew would look at me, not out of disrespect, but out of concern for what had occurred. I was not a part of the serious nature of what took place. The concern was deep and fearful and only shared amongst the family of men who were involved.

It seems that one of the men partied too hard and drank too much. He was the one who smiled the most and sang with the best until the torment of the whiskey bottle took over and he became mad and tried to take his fury out on another member of the crew. The man inside his cabin was dismantling his bicycle for the next leg of the journey and was holding a leg of pipe as the madman stormed his quarters. He lashed out and split the angry man’s hand. I had no idea of what happened as I sat amongst the serious crew, but I had been in the midst of life and death battles and recognized the concern in men’s features, the fear in bowed faces and edgy gestures like nail biting andr nervous twitches. They spoke to one another in only Filipino except to use a term that wasn’t in their dictionary from time to time, such as: Self defense and star witness. A crewmember called to the captain finally and the captain did his duty and had the man hospitalized. His hand required surgery. He was paid and his bags were packed and delivered to the hospital. He would return to the Philippines once operated on.

On the day after Christmas it was too miserable to go outside yet the ship was in full loading swing with two cranes working furiously to load crane motors, containers and crates the size of motor homes. Hatches were clanging, containers slapped against one another as the snow blew over the bow. The rumor was that the ship would depart by 8 p.m., but at 5:30 we were told that loading would take one more hour, then an hour of lashing and one more hour to get a harbor pilot on board and have the crew ready the ship to depart. That schedule was pushed an additional hour until it was nearly midnight before we pulled away from the docks and began the 100-kilometer trip out the Elbe river to the coast of Germany, where we would turn port and head west along the coast to Antwerp, Belgium, which might be a degree or two warmer but swamped in the same drizzling rain and snow as Hamburg.


In studying a Hamburg weather chart, I found that the city faces 10 to 13 days of rain during every month of the year. Of course our visit took place during the 13-day season with an estimated one hour of sun daily during December. The temps average between zip and 4 degrees celsius. Not exactly a tropical paradise but a helluva beautiful city. Euro Dollars are going into effect the first of the year an it’s difficult to exchange money because they’re into the transition. The people of each country will have up to a year to use up their existing cash. A few countries like England, which is in financial hard times, isn’t changing just yet, but I would think it would benefit them to change as soon as possible. I’m sure opinions on that matter vary substantially.

There you have it, Christmas on the battle-worn, rusting Leon heading for a New Year’s celebration in Belgium. My next report will be in the Sunday Post in the Cantina the day before New Year’s Eve. We plan to be in Antwerp until the 4th of January. Let’s see what kind of trouble I can get in there.

Finally, I’ll report that tonight while in the NorthSea I will finish my 16th chapter of my second Chance Hogan book. It’s called “Tides” and is based on this worldwide adventure. If I can get the staff to go for it, we will post all of the chapters in the Cantina for new members and members who rejoin for the new year.

May your holidays be safe, secure and packed full of warm sex.

Ride Forever, Bandit.

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December 20, 2001 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

Like I said bikers dig an adventure, like Dave Barr, the ex-mercenary/double amputee who has ridden all over the goddamn world on various Harleys and written a couple of books. Since he’s already done that with a lot of class, I had to do something different. It’s a week from Christmas and I’ve been on board for three weeks.


We are now a few hours from the English Channel and will be most happy to see it. It’s been a rough crossing on several accounts. For a few days no one could take showers because it would have been tantamount to jumping in a blender and turning it on high. We were riding the edge of a storm.

It’s calm now, but there’s one aspect of this adventure that’s really interesting. It’s a learning experience daily. I’ve now been through a jammed course on the Gulf Stream and how it affects the weather in Europe. If it weren’t for this super highway of warm water slicing from the tropics into the Atlantic, most of Europe would be as frozen as Canada. It also causes tremendous storms in this region because the warm water brings the lows and the cold above it sends down the high-pressure, clockwise storms stirring up nasty winds.

After we survived the storms we were running almost due east. Generally the wind runs at a high force east and northeast, crashing into the highs. But for two days we’ve been running smack dab into a westerly wind driving directly at us. OK, you say, what’s the big deal? On the positive side, we haven’t rolled for two days, but we’re like a bike going up a hill over speed bumps. We’re pitching like crazy, which is livable, but it causes the single screw to jump out of the water, or since the ship is not carrying cargo, the screw is bouncing to the surface and spins free. When it happens, this motherfucker shakes like a rigid on a washboard dirt road. When the screw hits the water ahead, the sonuvabitch jumps and jerks like a tire finally grabbing the pavement. The result of the jump and grind in the middle of the ocean is that the captain must make a decision. He can pour the coals to this baby and tear it from stem to stern or back off until the bulkheads don’t shake. No problem, right? When you’re talking about a ship that does 20 knots max (about 23 mph), if you knock that back to 13 knots, you’re adding hours, maybe days to the crossing. When you’re a horny sonuvabitch like me, that’s fuckin’ devastating news.

One final note and one additional aspect to the adventure is that we don’t know where the fuck the ship’s gonna go until we load the sucker in Hamburg, the home port, and even then the schedule changes constantly. We were originally told that we would be docked at home base for seven days and many of the officers alerted their families in Poland to meet them on the coast for Christmas. Then the itinerary was changed to four to five days, but yesterday we were told that we would only have a couple of days in port. Then it’s on to Antwerp for a few more. Then we’re wailing to who knows where.

Ah, but rest assured that all is well. We had a fire drill the other day and from the bridge deck the Filipino crew pulled out the hose and ran it across the deck with the nozzle in hand. It took a good 10 minutes for the forward pump to spring forth with the much- needed salt aqua, and as soon as the hose filled to capacity it split down the middle. Finally the hose was changed. We waited another 10 minutes for the water to reach the nozzle and it sprung forth with so little pressure it would have had a problem extinguishing a match at 15 feet.

Hey, no problem. My challenge is to find Harleys and women in Hamburg. We’re now nine hours time difference from L.A. so calls are a treat. That’s my excuse and report for this week. I’m also running another one in the Cantina Sunday Post. I’ll be reporting from Hamburg on Sunday. This is making for an interesting Christmas. Reports from the front are that the Bikernet crew put up a Christmas tree in the headquarters last night and the Bikernet mad feline, Lucky, attacked it this morning.


OK, goddamnit, go for a ride and have a cold one on me.

Merry, merry Bandit.

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December 20, 2001 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

Big Bore Report –

Part 1 –

big bore

Put about 550 miles on the new Dyna and it was slow. So… This week wetook it all apart, attached is a picture. We are in the process ofinstalling: 6200 RPM ignition box and new coil, 44 millimeter SE CV carb,211 cams, 1550 big bore cylinders, 10.5:1 compression ratio dome top bigborepistons, High Torque Compression Chamber (HTCC) high performance heads, SEroller rockers and a few other little do dads to make her just a tiny bitfaster. The little 88 inch is now a mere 95 inch motor so it should have a couplemore horses. 🙂 She should be back together by this weekend and aftertheshort break in I will let you know what the Dyno specs end up being. I ampushing for 100HP and 110 foot pounds of torque.

Cheers, – Kyle

big bore 2

Part 2 –

The project is nearly done. Motor is all built and I ran it on the Dynotoday and came up with some pretty impressive figures. Attached is a copyofthe Dyno run. There is a serious dip in the torque and horse power in the2,500 to 3,500 range but I hope to fix that by changing my exhaust to aThunderHeader. 🙂

Cheers, – Kyle

I recently came across an article writtenby Dale McFeatters of Scripps-HowardNews Service. In a column he wrote, he blasts bikers in general and doesn’tsee why we or anyone else would want anti-discrimination laws to protecteveryone regardless of religion, lifestyle or mode of transport, or anyotherthing such as race, creed or national origin. The Sack has spacelimitations or I would reprint his entire article so I could give him FULLcredit for being a biased fool who thinks his own rights are the only ones.

He’s upset, for some reason, because bikers in many states have fought inthelegislature for biker anti-discrimination laws. Some in fact did so viatheir state Confederation of Clubs. So this guy says all we want is to beestablished as a separate class of people. He dislikes the wealthy ridersbecause he thinks they want people to think they’re in “BIKER GANGS” whenthey ride their Harleys, but that they don’t want to be treated like “gang”members. HOGWASH! I’d bet my last dollar this fool has never been on abike, let alone been anywhere near a “BIKER GANG.” And guess what? NOBODYwants to be treated badly, biker or not. It’s all ridiculous to me, havingonly something over 50 years riding, and still to come across someonesupposedly intelligent even using the term “BIKER GANG.” Maybe I’ve missedsomething or he knows a hell of a lot more about scooter people than I do.

He also complains about one particular 300-pound biker called “Vermin.” Wellfolks, I weigh something near 240, they call me “Gunny,” and I’m not toopretty either. I still don’t like it when I ride up to a restaurant on mybike, especially when my wife is with me, and we don’t get service because”The Hells Angels” just arrived. Hollywood and some magazines have done anumber on us (AND on the Hells Angels), and we aren’t supposed to be upset?Sarcastically, he says next we’ll need laws to protect SUV owners. I’ll bethe doesn’t drive one or I guarantee he’d be bellyaching about that.

There have been several attempts in different states to modify existingdiscrimination laws. Minnesota so far is the only one that has beensuccessful. The law there protects all people, not just bikers, and itmakesit illegal to discriminate in public accommodations based on motorcycle modeof travel or attire.

What we all want is equal treatment according to the laws of the land.Don’tprofile us because we ride motorcycles and wear leather for protection fromstupid drivers such as Mr. McFeatters may be. There fool, I profiled YOUbecause of your audacity in writing such drivel.

Here’s another small example of this man’s intelligence when it comes toclubhouses. This TURKEY really did his homework: “They have their ownplaces, windowless, concrete-block establishments on the outskirts of townwhere the bar stools are bolted to the floor and the beer is served inplastic cups because of repeated unfortunate incidents with glass bottles.”If he didn’t have such an attitude, I’d bring him to one of those clubhousesfor an education. He also is angry because a Vespa rider is suing becausehewasn’t served somewhere.

By the way, Vespa riders are welcome in my house anytime. Their knees areinthe wind too. I don’t care what you ride as long as you ride. If you arediscriminated against I want to know about it. I don’t care if you ride aDOODLE-BUG. Uh-oh. I guess that remark dates me. Any doodlebug riders outthere, e-mail me, would ya? E-mail me at – tell me yourdoodlebug story. I’ll print some of them!

But back to this clown McFeatters: Most all bikers I know are educated, owntheir homes, have raised LAW-abiding children, have kids in college, andlikely earn as much or more than Mr. McFeatters. That includes those folkshe calls “GANGS.” Some of us even have more than one place to live. DON’Tprofile us unless you know what you’re talking about.

And by the way, Mr. McFeatters, the cost of our rides has nothing to dowithnot being served or not being able to get lodging after riding all day andhalf the night because of DISCRIMINATION. We want ALL people protected fromred-neck idiots who think this world is made for them alone. If YOU thinkYOU were discriminated against because YOU ride, you should contact yourlocal AIM (Aid to Injured Motorcyclists) Attorney by calling our nationalnumber, (800) ON-A-BIKE, or look it up at AIM Attorneyshandle more than just accidents. ??Nuff said.

Bikernet Caribbean Report
I just got in from the shop. It’s 3 a.m. and we are still on amad rush to finish WCC No. 2 before Christmas and some other bikes we have atthe shop with minor mods. The two EXP’s are done and in the showroom, aswell as an FXR. The Sportster is in the paint booth and time is runningout. Man, I can’t even find time to go buy presents for my family, but whatthe hell, I can’t complain.

I can’t remember what I promised last week but here’s a photo of WCC No. 2 with the sheet metal (almost) in place.


We were trying to make a card for our readers at Bikernet, but again, timewasn’t in our favor. Maybe we will manage a belated one. I’m guessing Bandit should be in Europe by now, if USS Rust Bucket is stillfloating. It’s an incredible feeling when you see land after a couple weeksat sea. I know, been there done that. At least he was doing 15 knots. We cruised at 8 tops. The only down side is that you get used to being at seaand civilization seems weird after a while, more so in a sail boat whereeverything is quiet.

Last but not least, we at Caribbean Custom Cycles want towish all our readers, the crew at Bikernet headquarters and everyone else avery Merry Christmas, peace, health and a new chopper under the tree.Now we go to the news.

Yep, it’s still raining. Most bike activities have been dampened by it, atleast it’s cooler (75-80 degrees) and everything is very green.

Today we received a call from our connection in the Dominican Republic. It seemslike the 240-250 tire fever has hit the shores of this island. More so, thefirst V-Rod was sold there at the ridiculous amount of $32,000.I’m guessing some people will buy anything at any price as long as the”factory” name is on it. Go figure!

The Toy Run took place Sunday. It had been raining since Saturdaymorning, and it seemed like people decided to stay home (smart thing todo). But still, there were about 200 people in attendance (big drop though,crowds have been in the thousands in past events).I can’t remember aToy Run where we did not get soaking wet.

We heard that our only competitor, Mansos Motorcycle, has opened a new shop.People tell me it’s around 7,000 square feet and very well stocked. I’mglad for them. What’s good for motorcycling is good for all.

We just received some cool shirts from The Horse, designed by Kozik. They havean iron cross with the U.S. flag and above says Infidel. The front has theHorse’s logo (I’m guessing that’s Kozik’s message to Osama yo’mama). CallThe Horse if interested.

Speaking of The Horse, the January issue is out and has some cool bikes, hot babesand Billy Lane’s hubless tire. Get it at your local chopper shop.

Time to go get that needed rest. The shopping rush will start prettysoon and longer days and nights will follow. I guess we won’t bereporting next week, or maybe yes, since it’s the day after Christmas. Weare also working on the Web site and we have a new e-mail address. It, please feel free to use it. Once more, MerryChristmas to all and have a good night, I know I will. And like every week,to the Weasels…… We wish you twice what you might wish for us.

Jose Caribbean Bikernet chopped out agent.


It seems that when the Lord was making the world, he called man over and bestowed upon him 20 years of normal sex life. Man was horrified. “Only 20 years of normal sex life?” But the Lord was very adamant, that was all man could have.

Then the Lord called the monkey and gave him 20 years. “But I don’t need 20 years,” he protested, “10 is plenty for me.” Man spoke up eagerly, “Can I have the other 10?” The monkey graciously agreed.

Then the Lord called the lion and gave him 20 years, and the lion, like the monkey wanted only 10. Again, the man spoke up, “Can I have the other 10?” The lion said that of course he could.

Then came the donkey and he was given 20 years. But like the others, 10 was sufficient, and again man pleaded, “Can I have the other 10?” The donkey said that yes, he could.

This explains why man has 20 years of normal sex life, plus 10 years of monkeying around, 10 years of lion about it, and 10 years of making an ass of himself.


Bikernet Joke
An elderly married couple scheduled their annualmedical examination on the same day so they could traveltogether. After the examination, the doctor then said to theelderly man: “You appear to be in good health. Do you haveany medical concerns you would like to ask me?” “In fact, I do,” saidtheold man. “After I have sex with my wife,the first time I am usually hot and sweaty, and then, after Ihave sex with her the second time, I am usually cold and chilly.” Afterexamining the elderly lady, the doctor said, “Everythingappears to be fine. Do you have any medical concerns that youwould like to discuss with me?” The lady replied that she had noquestions or concerns. The doctor then asked: “Your husband had anunusualconcern.

He claims that he is usually hot and sweaty after having sex thefirst time with you and then cold and chilly after the second time.Do you know why?” “Oh that crazy old son-of-a-bitch!” she replied.”That’s becausethe first time is usually around July and the second time is usuallyin December!”


On To Page 3

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December 20, 2001 Part 1

Merry Christmas Around The World

Merry X-Mas!
Some people think these Bikernet reports are the result of too much whiskey and bad LSD. Others know for a fact that they are real square business. For a new reader who rolls into this Web site expecting only motorcycle info, you have a surprise ahead. Why, you may wonder, would we run a sea going adventure on Bikernet? Two reasons at least: One is that we are bikers and bikers dig adventures, and two, because I’m having a tough time ordering parts for my next scooter from the middle of the Atlantic. UPS service out here is the shits. So for the dismayed and disillusioned, I promise to write like a mad dog as soon as I return from this round-the-world adventure in four months. For those who don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about, I left L.A. and flew to Houston a couple days after Thanksgiving to board a tramp freighter, 600 feet long and 84 feet wide, weighing 9,666 metric tons and capable of carrying up to 23,000 metric tons of cargo. The ship is a rusty, grease-soaked, rat bike of a 20-year-old Japanese general cargo ship that was built in Hiroshima by the Hitachi Shipbuilding Co.

This vessel is capable of carrying four to six passengers and has a crew of about 25. We’re not sure. We lost one yesterday. There’s a half dozen Polish officers and the rest are Filipino crew who are cool, sing karaoke every evening in their lounge and party like crazy.The name of the ship is Leon. In the past it was a Mexican cargo ship, which accounts for its condition, perhaps. It was once the Nacional Vitoria, Sonora and the Gina Luisa. Rickmers Shipping in Hamburg bought four ships from the Hispanic shipping company and changed the names of three. Our sister ship is still the BiBi from south of the border times. We better get to the news before I get chewed out, then I’ll report from the coast of France:


Performance, passion and outlook cited in story?? ????

?? MILWAUKEE — (December 20, 2001) Harley-Davidson Motor Company has been named Company of the Year by FORBES Magazine, one the world?s leading business publications. The honor and accompanying article entitled ?Love Into Money? appears in the January 7, 2002 edition of FORBES and on the magazine?s Web site at ??????

Key factors cited for the FORBES Company of the Year award include Harley-Davidson?s record sales growth and earnings, along with strong overall financial performance. In addition, the article notes the Company?s long and storied history as well as the devotion of its enthusiasts as deciding factors. ?Harley-Davidson stirs passion in its riders, its dealers and its employees and translates that passion into profit,? the article states. ??????

The article also focuses on Harley-Davidson?s new V-Rod motorcycle and its development, the Buell line of motorcycles, the Rider?s Edge New Rider Course, and the Company?s history and technological advancement. ?????

? Harley-Davidson, Inc. is the parent company for Harley-Davidson Motor Company, Buell Motorcycle Company and Harley-Davidson Financial Services, Inc. Harley-Davidson Motor Company, the only major U.S.-based motorcycle manufacturer, produces heavyweight motorcycles and offers a complete line of motorcycle parts, accessories, apparel, and general merchandise. Buell Motorcycle Company produces sport and sport-touring motorcycles. Harley-Davidson Financial Services, Inc. provides wholesale and retail financing, insurance and credit card programs to Harley-Davidson dealers and customers.

Big Dog Gets New LookAnd Enhanced Interactivity
Big Dog Motorcycles? award-winning interactive Web site has a new look. The updated site features the complete 2002 line of motorcycles, enhanced multimedia features, an exhaustive list of specifications and a new store front for online apparel and accessory ordering.

Offering more interactivity than ever, Big Dog Motorcycles developed the Flash 5.0-enabled ?Build a Bike? section. This unique feature allows customers to paint and accessorize the bike of their choice by clicking and dragging multiple options provided by the Web site. This feature allows surfers to fully customize a Big Dog with the touch of a mouse. Big Dog has also expanded the ever-popular Big Dog of the month with more pictures and a monthly calendar featuring upcoming events and rallies.

?The Web site continues to be a great resource for our company and people wanting to learn more about our company and our products. It is an excellent way to market Big Dog in a way that is informative and allows people to see what we have to offer,? said the president of Big Dog Motorcycles, Nick Messer.

The Web site offers customers available inventory through the site and allows users to locate their local dealer through a constantly updated dealer listing. As before, Big Dog has made available the 2002 owner?s manual available online. The Web site averages over 85,000 hits per day with an average visit of 8.3 minutes per visit. Big Dog Motorcycles L.L.C. manufactures a line of heavyweight cruisers centered around a 107-cubic-inch V-Twin engine. The company sells motorcycles across the United States through a growing number of authorized dealers. Big Dog’s entire line of motorcycles can be seen at

harley angel

A Bikernet Christmas Wish

I want to wish all at Bikernet a Merry Christmas.
My plans for Christmas are as follows:
1.When those reindeer land, let’s just say there should be enough venison to hold me for several weeks.
2. Hold Santa hostage for ransom.
3.If that don’t work and if I end up in jail I still get a warm bed and food.

Just kidding about Santa.
( however I am having venison for Christmas.)

Happy Holidays

Salt Lake City

Potentially and Realistically
A young boy went up to his father and asked, “What is the difference between potentially and realistically?” The father answered, “Go ask your mother if she would sleep with Denzel Washington for a million dollars. Then go ask yoursister if she would sleep with Sean Puffy Combs for a million dollars. Come back and tell me what you have learned.”

So the boy went to his mother and said, “Would you sleep with Denzel Washington for a million dollars?” The mother replied, “Of course I would! I wouldn’t pass up an opportunity like that.” Then the boy went to his sister and said, “Would you sleep with Puffy for a million dollars?” His sister replied, “Oh my God! I’d be nuts to pass that up!” The boy then thought about it for two or three daysand went back to his dad. The father asked him, “Did you find out the difference between potential and realistic?” The boy replied, “Yes, potentially we’re sitting on two million dollars, but realistically we’re living with two hoes.”

Louie DelReal

THE HORSE Backstreeet Choppers is pleased to announce The 2002 Smoke Outwill be at the Lowe’s Motor Speedway in Charlotte, N.C. The dates are July26-28.

The Smoke Out has been extended to three days and will include all kinds ofnew events. We, of course, will have bike shows, bands and beer but we alsoare also planning to build a chopper on-site during the event (more tofollow). We hope to have track rentals of Legends cars, a biker art show,many venders and some secret events we are not ready to disclose. Themagazine has rented a large portion of the infield of a NASCAR track for theevent this year. This includes a huge, 34-bay garage so a number of theevents can be indoors.

The AMA Grand National – AMA Progressive Flat Track Motorcycle Race (DirtTrack) will also be within walking distance on the property and will be heldSaturday afternoon.

Many suggested we should try to have the event where people could camp on the premises, similar to a European Super Rally type event. So we have also rented a large camping area.

We will have a lot more details in the months to follow but for now we justwant to get the location and dates out there. Hope you can make it.

if you can read

New Government Emblem
The government announced today that it is changing its emblem to a>condom>because it more clearly reflects the government’s political stance:>A condom stands up to inflation, halts production, destroys the next>generation, protects a bunch of pricks and gives you a sense of>security while it’s actually screwing you.

Who Said That?
It was the first day of school and a new student named Suzuki, the son of aJapanese businessman, entered the fourth grade.

The teacher said, “Let’s begin by reviewing some American history. Who said”Give me liberty or give me death?”

She saw a sea of blank faces, except for Suzuki, who had his hand up.”Patrick Henry, 1775,” he said.

“Very good! Who said “Government of the people, by the people, for thepeople, shall not perish from the earth.”?

Again, no response except from Suzuki: “Abraham Lincoln, 1863,” saidSuzuki.

The teacher snapped at the class, “Class, you should be ashamed. Suzuki,whois new to our country, knows more about its history than you do.”

She heard a loud whisper: “Screw the Japs.”

“Who said that?” she demanded.

Suzuki put his hand up. “Lee Iacocca, 1982.”

At that point, a student in the back said, “I’m gonna puke.”

The teacher glares and asks “All right! Now, who said that?”

Again, Suzuki says, “George Bush to the Japanese Prime Minister, 1991.”

Now furious, another student yells, “Oh yeah? Suck this!”

Suzuki jumps out of his chair waving his hand and shouts to the teacher,”Bill Clinton, to Monica Lewinsky, 1997.”

Now with almost a mob hysteria someone said, “You little shit. If you sayanything else, I’ll kill you.”

Suzuki frantically yells at the top of his voice, “Gary Condit to ChandraLevy 2001.”The teacher fainted.

When I was 14, I hoped that one day I wouldhave a girlfriend.When I was 16, I got a girlfriend, but therewas no passion. So, I decided I needed apassionate girl with a zest for life.

In college, I dated a passionate girl, but shewas too emotional. Everything was anemergency; she was a drama queen, criedall the time and threatened suicide. So, Idecided I needed a girl with stability.

When I was 28, I found a very stable girl butshe was boring. She was totally predictableand never got excited about anything. Lifebecame so dull that I decided that I neededa girl with some excitement.

When I was 35, I found an exciting girl, but Icouldn’t keep up with her. She rushed fromone thing to another, never settling onanything. She did mad impetuous thingsand made me miserable as often as happy.She was great fun initially and very energetic,but directionless. So, I decided to find a girlwith some real ambition.

When I turned 42, I found a smart ambitiousgirl with her feet planted firmly on the groundand married her. She was so ambitious thatshe divorced me and took everything I owned.

I am now 55 and am looking for a girl withreally big tits.

On To Page 2

Read More

December 15, 2001

THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. For more information, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE. Visit us on our website at


Bikers across the nation are revving up for a fight against discrimination after complaints that they’re being shut out of restaurants and hotels because of their image as hell-raising thugs. Motorcyclists say the image of leather-clad bikers who rumble into town on their Harley-Davidsons and raise a ruckus is sadly outdated. The Associated Press (AP)

Proponents say the law is aimed at thwarting a tired stereotype, that of the marauding outlaw biker. The truth, they say, is a plainer picture of regular folks who enjoy riding, belonging to motorcycle clubs and wearing the colors of their groups, generally stitched on some form of black leather garment. The New York Times

America’s next official victim group may be roaring your way on their Harley-Davidsons. Bikers are sick and tired of rampant anti biker bigotry, so they are seeking status as a legally protected class in Ohio, Georgia, South Carolina, and several other states. The idea is to end all the ridicule, the tattoo phobia, the tendency among apprehensive roadhouse owners to seat them at remote tables. To me, it’s kind of like the back of the bus,’ said a Harley-riding Georgia state senator.- U.S. News & World Report

What’s all the buzz about? Equal Access legislation has been introduced in at least 19 states over the past few years, with Minnesota passing such a law three years ago, but recent bills in Ohio, South Carolina and Georgia have captured the media’s interest as bikers seek to outlaw discrimination against motorcycle riders.

We are talking about people being excluded from apartment houses, motels, restaurants and nightclubs just because they are wearing biker attire, said Ralph Buss, Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (AIM) attorney for Ohio, who initiated the first biker anti-discrimination bill in the country in 1994 when a client was denied service at a restaurant.

Ohio State Representative Sylvester Patton introduced HB 238 to prohibit the denial of access to public accommodations to persons because they ride motorcycles or wear motorcycle attire.

For too long, citizens who enjoy riding motorcycles and who are participating in motorcycle clubs have been treated unfairly while trying to gain access or entry into establishments open to the general public, Patton testified at the bill’s hearing.

Last year, Texas bikers succeeded in getting an Equal Access bill through the state legislature nearly unanimously, only to have it vetoed at the last minute by their governor. Illinois passed a Bikers-Rights bill through their legislature earlier this year, but the governor amended the bill through special amendatory veto powers to include controversial gay rights provisions, effectively killing the bill.

As originally feared by many bikers rights advocates, so-called Gang Laws aimed at youth street gangs have been targeting members of motorcycle clubs and using the new state laws to tack on years to prison sentences simply because an individual was a member of a club. For that reason, Confederations of Clubs in states with gang laws on the books have fought hard to get motorcyclists specifically exempted from the definition of a criminal gang.

Kentucky succeeded in doing just that two years ago, and while the legislative work continues in other states, a lower court in Ohio has found that state’s gang law unconstitutionally broad and has struck down the law, though concerned bikers still await a final determination by the state’s higher courts.

According to the Cincinnati Post, a Hamilton County judge declared Ohio’s new gang law unconstitutional, saying it is so poorly written it could result in gang members being penalized more severely for crimes even if they aren’t gang related.

A participant in a gang, as the statute is written, is conclusively held to be promoting gang interests even when he obviously is not doing so. The enhanced crime becomes one of status of the defendant, not of the wrongdoing, judge Thomas Crush wrote in declaring the gang law unconstitutional.

The decision came after five men were indicted for participating in a criminal gang a second-degree felony that carries a maximum sentence of eight years in prison in the first Hamilton County case under the new law.

The men were accused of being members of the Folk street gang and participating in criminal gang activity. Crush’s ruling dismissed the gang-related charges against one of the men.

The Ohio statute, as written, creates a crime and allows a penalty for activities that have not even occurred; i.e. creates a gang crime and an enhanced gang penalty for crimes which are unrelated to gang activity, Crush wrote. He noted that someone arrested under the statute as it now exists could also be charged with participating in a criminal gang even if the crime was committed out of town and didn’t involve the gang.

Ohio’s gang law applies when three or more persons operating in a pattern of criminal activity are linked to two or more felony offenses.

The state has appealed the lower court’s decision.

CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE ADOPTS NOISE ORDINANCE Evidently, the current administration for the city of Albuquerque, New Mexico, has enacted new regulations targeting motorcycle exhaust systems, as well as making it literally illegal to travel in groups.

Due to this legislation, Albuquerque can no longer be considered a biker friendly city, according to Barbara Alvar, Chairperson of the New Mexico Motorcyclists Legislative Impact Committee.

Council Bill #FS 0-34 states that; No person shall operate a motorcycle without (a) a permanent engravature or label entitled Motorcycle Noise Emission Control Information’, and (b) a permanent engravature or label on the muffler or exhaust pipe indicating the following information…, and it goes on to state that the label will indicate the year and model that the exhaust was designed for as well as the decibel rating.

Making matters even worse, it also states that this allowable dB (decibel level) applies to the total sound from a vehicle or a combination of vehicles and shall be construed as limited or precluding the enforcement of any other provision in this article relating to motor vehicle mufflers for noise control. In other words, no combination of motorcycles riding together can exceed the maximum allowable EPA decibel rating of one motorcycle!

With the enactment of this ordinance, Albuquerque has legalized harassment of the motorcycling community, said Alvar. This ordinance will treat law-abiding citizens like criminals. This ordinance gives the law enforcement officer probably cause to stop you, even if you are not exceeding legal noise limits, just to inspect required labeling’ of the exhaust system.

Mayor Jim Baca stated publicly that this noise ordinance targets motorcycles and barking dogs, which indicates the mayor’s negative attitude toward motorcyclists. You can e-mail Mayor Baca at and kindly inform him of your opinion, or phone him at (505) 768-3000, or fax (505) 768-3019. Other responsible parties are the Council President Brad Winter,; and City Counselors Alan Armijo,; Adele Baca-Hundley,; Vincent Griego,; Tim Kline,; Hess Yntema,; and Greg Payne,

Another major stride for motorcycle awareness and inclusion was achieved at the Democratic Party of Oregon’s state central meeting on December 9, 2001. Due primarily to the efforts and planning of “Diesel” Dave Ganslein, the Oregon Democratic Motorcyclists Caucus was born.

At today’s State Central Committee meeting, the Democratic Party of Oregon officially recognized the Oregon Democratic Motorcyclists Caucus, reported Ganslein. This gives members of A.B.A.T.E. of Oregon Inc., Bike-PAC of Oregon, and The Concerned Motorcyclists Coalition a seat on the state central committee, thus ensuring motorcyclists a far greater voice in the future of motorcycling in Oregon.

He adds, We strongly urge all motorcyclists to become active in the political system, as our relative degree of success has been attributable to activism at a grass-roots level.

days after Universal Studios announced their intentions to make Terminator 3, Arnold Schwarzenegger was injured in a motorcycle accident in Santa Monica, California, on December 12, 3001. The former Mr. Universe and star of the first two Terminator movies was taken to the hospital with several broken ribs after the weekend crash. Further details about the accident were not immediately available.

Schwarzenegger, 54, who is negotiating to appear in the third Terminator film,was “in good spirits, feeling sore, but otherwise fine,” said publicist JillEisenstadt.

“Don’t worry,” said the actor. “This won’t affect my skiing with my family at Sun Valley this Christmas.”

WEIRD NEWS OF THE MONTH: FARMER SOUGHT AFTER COW PAT INJURES MOTORCYCLISTS German police are warning farmers that they could be charged with negligence after a cow pie on a road seriously injured two motorcyclists. Officers are looking for the farmer of the cows that left the pie on the carriageway in Kempten. They say he should have cleaned it up. The two motorcyclists skidded on the cow crap and fell off their bike. They are recovering from their injuries in the hospital. Police say the farmer responsible for the offending patty could be charged with physical injury resulting from negligence, reports the German newspaper Bild. The decision to pursue the farmer has been described as ridiculous by farming groups who said it was impossible for a farmer to always walk behind his cows with a shovel. Johannes Schmidt, chairman of the local farmer’s union, said: “It’s a real shame. What are we supposed to do? Do they expect us to run after our herds with a shovel?”

“It is the absolute right of the State to supervise the formation of public opinion.”
Minister of Propaganda for the Third Reich under Adolf Hitler

NOTE: If you would like to subscribe to the AIM/NCOM Motorcycle E-News Service, simply send a SUBSCRIBE message to

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December 14, 2001 Part 3


Continued From Page 2

Bikernet Joke
The head nun tells the two new nuns that they have to paint their room without getting any paint on their clothes. So the one nun says to the other, “Hey, let’s take all our clothes off, fold them up, and lock the door.”

So they do this, and begin painting their room. Soon they hear a knock at the door. They ask, “Who is it?”

“Blind man!”

The nuns look at each other, then one nun says, “He’s blind, he can’t see. What could it hurt.” They let him in.

The blind man walks in and says, “Hey, nice tits. Where do you want me to hang the blinds?”

show us

Subject: New Drug
Police warn all male clubbers, partygoers and unsuspecting pub regularsto be more alert and cautious when getting a drink offer from a girl.There is a date rape drug going around called “beer” and it is generallyin liquid form. The drug is now being used by female sexual predators atparties to convince their male victims to have sex with them. Theshocking statistic is that “beer”is available virtuallyanywhere!

All girls have to do is persuade a guy to consume a few units of “beer”and simply ask the guy home for no-strings-attached sex. Men areliterally rendered helpless against such attacks. After several”beers” men will often succumb to desires to perform sex acts onhorrific looking women who they would never normally be attracted to.

Men often awaken after being given “beer” with only hazy memories ofexactly what has happened to them the night before, just a vague feelingthat something bad occurred.

At other times these unfortunate men might be stung for their life’sworth in a familiar scam know as “a relationship” – apparently men areeasier victims for this scam after the “beer” has been administered andhave already been sexually attacked.




OK, goddamnit, we’re about 40.14 North and 51.32 West heading into the center of the Atlantic. The Newfoundland Island is northwest of us by 150 miles if my cross-eyed guessing is close. It’s strange that the coast is dropping into the 40-degree range and we roll out to sea and face 75-degree temperatures in the Gulf Stream. It’s incredible the change in temperature. When we dipped out of the Gulf Stream last night, the thermometer dropped 10 degrees and another storm struck, driving us into swells the size of homes I wish I was huddled in with Layla. We are taking 6- and 8-degree rolls that scattered cups of coffee around the deck in the officers’ dining room. Everything not tied down was tossed like fruit in a blender. I could swear that at 4 in the morning I could hear dishes crashing four decks below. I was rolling around in my bunk like a hotdog on a barby, but couldn’t decide whether to risk getting out of the sack to lash down gear or pull the covers up to keep me from the bitter cold that was biting my ankles.

The captain tried to explain the Gulf Stream to me and I found it fascinating. If it weren’t for this body of water rushing north out of the tropics and the easterly wind that runs over it constantly, all of England, France and Germany would be a frozen blob like most of Canada. Europe better pray it never changes course.About the site. Last month, Bikernet?s hit counter struck an all-time high of 1.7 million hits. The girls have taken over and will for sure start some feminist/lesbian rally to yank the reigns from my salt water frozen hands. If you’ve been following Vince and Chance or the Chance Hogan series, I’m working on Chapter 15 of that saga, and I’ll finish Chapter 8 of the Chance book based on this trip, better known as “Tides.” I’m still working, I swear, as the Atlantic brine splashes around my ankles. I’m on E deck, five floors above the main deck. The chair I’m sitting in slides up to the desk then back across the room from time to time to gimme a break.

I’m having a helluva time. Hope you’re having a helluva holiday season. I can’t wait to swim into the officers’ lounge this morning to see what happened to the Christmas tree.

Ride forever, and stay warm, goddamnit


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December 14, 2001 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

The WCC No. 2 is ready to be put together. We are waiting for the paint todry and some parts are still on back order. If things go as planned, we will have the whole build next week here onBikernet. But wait, there’s more. WCC No. 3 is already in the paint booth,so… stay tuned for next week’s saga.


Not too much news since it’s been raining (again) all over theisland and most of the stuff going on is mere gossip.We are waiting for some sun to do our electronic Christmas cards, and sometime to finish the WCC No. 2 bike, which is going to live in Boston. Oh well guys,till next week…….. Hey Weasels, you punks suck!

Jose—- Caribbean Bikernet Agent.


Bikernet Recipe
Just a little something to lift your ‘spirits’ for the holidays!

1 cup water
1 cup sugar
4 large eggs
2 cups dried fruit
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup brown sugar
Lemon juice
1 gallon whiskey

Simple Directions

1. Sample the whiskey to check for quality. Take a large bowl.

2. Check the whiskey again to be sure it is of the highestquality. Pour one level cup and drink. Repeat.

3. Turn on the electric mixer; beat 1 cup butter in a large,fluffy bowl. Add 1 teaspoon sugar and beat again.

4. Make sure the whiskey is still OK. Cry another tup. Turn offmixer.Break 2 legs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of driedfruit.Mix on the turner. If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaterers,pryitloose with a drewscriver.

5. Sample the whiskey to check for tonsisticaty. Next, sift 2cupsof salt. Or something. Who cares?

6. Whisk the checkey. Now sift the lemon juice and strain yournuts. Add one table. Spoon. Of sugar or something. Whatever you canfind.

7. Grease the oven. Turn the cake tin to 350 degrees. Don’tforgetto beat off the turner.

8. Throw the bowl out of the window. Check the whiskey again.

9. Go to bed. Who in the hell likes fruitcake anyway?

Bikernet On Religion
There was a preacher whose wife was expecting a baby. The preacherwentto the congregation and asked for a raise.After much consideration and discussion, they passed a rule thatwhenever the preacher’s family expanded, so would his paycheck.After fiveor six children, this started to get expensive and the congregationdecided to hold another meeting to discuss the preacher’s pay.

There was much yelling and bickering about how much theclergyman’sadditional children were costing the church. Finally, the preachergotup and spoke to the crowd, “Having children is an act of God!”A little old manand in his frail voice in the back of church shouted

“Snow and rain are also acts of God, but when we get toomuch, we wear rubbers!”


A man was taking it easy, lying on the grass and looking up at theclouds.He was identifying shapes when he decided to talk to God.
“God,” he said, “how long is a million years?”
God answered, “In my frame of reference, it’s about a minute.”

The man asked, “God, how much is a million dollars?”

God answered, “To me, it’s a penny.”

The man then asked, “God, can I have a penny?”

God answered, “In a minute.”

A guy calls his buddy the horse rancher and says he’s sending a friendoverto buy a horse.”How will I recognize him?” “That’s easy, he’s a midget with a speechimpediment.”

So, the midget shows up, and the guy asks him if he’s looking for a maleorfemale horse. “A female horth.” So he shows him a prized filly. “Nithlookinhorth. Can I thee her eyeth?” So the guy picks up the midget and hegivesthe horse’s eyes the once over and says “Nith eyeth. Can I thee herearzth?”So he picks the little fella up again, and shows him the horse’s ears.”Nithearzth. Can I thee her mouf?” The rancher is gettin pretty disgusted atthispoint, but he picks him up again and shows him the horse’s mouth. “Nicemouf, now can I see her twat?” Totally upset at this point, the ranchergrabs the midget under his arm and rams the midget’s head as far as hecanup the horse’s twat,pulls him out, and drops him on the ground.

Themidgetgets up, sputtering and coughing. “Perhapth I should rephrathe that. CanIthee her wun awound a widdle bit?”

Bikernet Virus Warning
If you receive an e-mail titled “Death to the Infidels!” or”Badtimes”, delete it IMMEDIATELY.

Do not open it. Apparently this one is pretty nasty. It will notonlyerase everything on your hard drive, but it will also deleteanythingon disks within 20 feet of your computer.

It demagnetizes the strips on ALL of your credit cards.

It reprograms your ATM access code, screws up the tracking on yourVCRand uses subspace field harmonics to scratch any CDs youattempttoplay. It will program your phone auto-dial to call only “900” numbers.

This virus will mix antifreeze into your fish tank.


It will drink ALL your beer. FOR GOD’S SAKE, ARE YOULISTENING??

It will leave dirty underwear on the coffee table when you areexpecting company.

It will replace your shampoo with Nair and your Nair with Rogaine,allthe while dating your current boy/girlfriend behind your backandbilling their hotel rendezvous to your Visa card.

It will cause you to run with scissors and throw things in a waythatis only fun until someone loses an eye.

It will rewrite your backup files, changing all your activeverbstopassive voice and incorporate undetectable misspellings whichgrosslychange the interpretations of key sentences.

If the “Badtimes” message is opened in a Windows 95/98 environment,itwill leave the toilet seat up and leave your hair dryer plugged indangerously close to a full bathtub.

It will not only remove the forbidden tags from your mattressesandpillows, It will also refill your skim milk with whole milk.


And if you don’t send this to 5,000 people in 20 seconds you’ll fart so hardthat your right legwill spasm and shoot straight out in front of you, sending sparks thatwillignite the person nearest you.

Send to everyone in your address book….

In case you are a blonde, this is a joke.

Continued On Page 3

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December 14, 2001 Part 1


A Note From Sin—
As I sit here at my computer trying to put together some sort of news for you, my mind drifts between fantasy and reality as I know many people do daily. Just from talking to different Bikernet readers, many wonder what?s real and what?s bullshit on this site. Well, I believe we would all love to have a little fantasy occasionally and add some spice to our otherwise normal routine. That?s our goal here at Bikernet, to add that spice.

A lot of us go through life with somber reality. Our days are orchestrated and we function as if walking in our sleep. Get up, get ready for work, drive to work, etc. Then at the end of the day we go home and deal with the house, kids, trying to find time for ourselves and so on.

From time to time we see something that makes us smile. If we?re lucky we get a good belly laugh or we read something that makes our chests swell with pride, passion or even anger. Sometimes we feel the need to write to the source of the emotion and express ourselves as many of you do in ?Your Shot.? We appreciate this feedback and thank you for it.

Bikernet has many contributors who take a few minutes out of their daily routine to shoot us an image, a joke, a fictional story or even a real life event, and because of them, we?re able to give a fantasy, a smile and a laugh– the spice of life. We have the coolest readers any Web site could ask for, always adding their two cents and keeping us in check, and we have our much-appreciated sponsors that make it possible.

The purpose of all this drivel is to THANK YOU ? for taking the time to help us with our goal.

Sin Wu

And Now For Some Bullshit, Heeerrreeesss Bandit!
Not much to report from sea this week. Last weekend I partied with Larry McCullough, a Hamster prospect from Baltimore, and his partners, Eric, Don, Rob and the girls, Debbie, Tina, Christina and Giovanna, a girl with a lot of heart who was building another bike after her last one took her leg. Larry’s a young builder who owns ProPaint in Baltimore. If this kid was in L.A. and had the promotional opportunities of Jesse James, he’d be the guy with Penthouse articles. He’s a talented fabricator.

The ship had a welding fire in hold No. 2 in Japan, which destroyed two freshly built Taiwanese yachts. The captain made arrangements for the remaining 200 tons of lead to be hoisted out and the hold powerwashed. At 6 p.m. Sunday, departure time, he inspected the hold and didn’t care for the progress. That delayed departure six hours — to well past midnight — until a tug tugged us away from the dock and the pilot came aboard for the 12-hour trek out of the Chesapeake Bay, which was a traffic jam of war ships, including the carrier Enterprise. Maybe the President went for a cruise.

I gotta tell you that this is sorta like riding an out-of-balance rigid. Vibration is a key element as we motor from port. Originally it was explained to me that fighting currents for speed in shallow waters was causing excessive vibration, but we’re now in the Gulf Stream, a third of the way and two more time zones into the Atlantic, and it vibrates so bad that we broke a fuel line yesterday. With one storm on our ass and one dead ahead, we were forced to shut down and sit dead in the water. We fixed the leaking fuel line and we’re now cruising at 17.4 knots. Another thing that could be contributing to the vibration is that the ship is virtually empty heading back to Hamburg, Germany, and that single screw with fins 15 feet high may be splashing in the water behind the ship like a drunken dolphin.

We better get to the news before the swells toss Richard’s laptop against the bulkhead along with the rest of my gear. Day before yesterday a weather report told the captain that we were running dead into a force 8 and 9 violent storm. We hit nothing. Last night the same weather service recommended that we veer off course bearing north, which by all indications was directly into the storm we’re trying desperately to dodge. He went south and we’re still slapping the tail end of it.
Let?s get to the news:

change of guard
Bandit took this shot the day before, while pulling out of Baltimore. Changing of the guards.

Excelsior-Henderson In The News Again
For Sale/Not for Sale, this is a question only the bankruptcy court in Florida will be able to determine. Just hours before the complete factory and holdings of Excelsior- Henderson were to go on the auction block, George Heaton, head of the Florida-based investment group that saved E-H from its first run-in with the bankruptcy courts, filed for protection under the Chapter 11 bankruptcy laws. This terminated the auction and will allow the investment group to hopefully restructure. Only time will tell what the courts will do.

The continued turmoil saddens even the most ardent backers of the company and its Super-X cruiser motorcycles. Dan Hanlon, who co-founded the company in 1993 and intended for it to be a competitor to Harley-Davidson, hasn’t been actively involved in its management since the firm emerged from bankruptcy in August 2000. The company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in December 1999 after burning through about $100 million in capital, much of it raised from Minnesota investors. Hanlon came to the auction Thursday seeking what he called “finality,” which never materialized. “Let [Excelsior-Henderson] have its peace,” Hanlon said. “There is nothing left to restart. Let’s be real about it.”

Bikernet Caribbean Report—
Like we said last week, we were in Phoenix at the new Bourget’s shop, and have included some photos of the new area.


It’s great to see companies in thiseconomy growing and being successful, and more so since all the othermotorcycle factories are flopping left and right. I guess if you have agood product and plan your growth during these turbulent times, it willbe easier.

Speaking of turbulence, I bet Bandit is having a little while crossing theAtlantic. Seems like the weather is not cooperating. We have received heavysurf and winds during this past week, and that means cold and heavyrollers up by the shipping lanes. I hope the USS Rust Bucket is doingfine. The two BBW exps are ready; I will post the photos next week (as soonas we can roll ’em outside) and will be shooting them for the Horse in anupcoming issue. Now we go to the news……

We just read an article on Jesse James from this month’s Penthouse magazine(yep, the one with the nakkid gurlies). Also, his second TV program will air on theDiscovery Channel in January, check your local listings.

BBW has three new styles of exhaust that are available for Bourget’s owners(and soon to the general public). If you’re interested, call the factory or yourlocal dealer.


S&S carburetors now come with a bracket that will make those long 90 upthrottle cables fit. They still send the short bracket just in case youwant to keep doing it the old way, also for TC 88s.

Our local Toy Run will take place Dec. 16. The ride will go to thetown of A?asco (about 80 miles) to give all the toys to needychildren. This will be open for any brand of motorcycle, and all they needfrom those participating is a toy.

We heard that the new Sonny Barger book will be in bookstorespretty soon. They expect this book to do as well as the first one. Don’tworry, as soon as we find out when, so will you.

Continued On Page 2

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December 6, 2001 Part 3

News Flash – Doobies Rock And Bandit Reports In!

Continued From Page 2



Party At Bikernet!—
Hey Bandit,
Where the fuk are you exactly?
Was a huge party at the Bikernet headquarters last night … kinda weird Layla said it was a make bandit fly home and fuk me party? We all donated $15 bucks, there was a silent auction too. I bought the desk and panhead, only cost 2 grand!

Figure I can sell Jesse the pan and keep the desk, or is it the other way around?

Come home goddamit

Chris Chrome



Her side of the story:
He was in an odd mood Sunday night. We planned to meet at a bar for adrink.I spent the afternoon shopping with the girls and I thought it might have been my fault because I was a bit later than I promised, but he didn’t say anything much about it.The conversation was very slow going so I thought we should go offsomewhere> more intimate so we could talk more privately. We went to this restaurant and he was STILL acting a bit funny. I tried to cheer him up and startedto wonder whether it was me or something else. I asked him, and he said no. But I wasn’t really sure. So anyway, in the car on the way back home, Isaid that I loved him deeply and he just put his arm around me. I didn’t know what the hell that meant because you know he didn’t say it back or anything.

We finally got back home and I was wondering if he was going to leave me! So I tried to get him to talk but he just switched on the TV. Reluctantly,I said I was going to go to bed. Then after about 10 minutes, he joined meand to my surprise, we made love. But, he still seemed really distracted, so afterwards I just wanted to confront him but I just cried myself tosleep.

I just don’t know what to do anymore. I mean, I really think he’s seeing someone else.

His Side of the Story
Can’t believe the fuckin’ Yankees lost. Got laid though.



12/29The Doobie Brothers Live in Concert

Konocti Harbor and Resort
Clearlake, California

A tribute to drummer Michael Hossack’s recovery from a serious motorcycleaccident

Featuring a special auction:
Exclusive rock n roll memorabilia from different legends and artists
Exclusive items from Harley-D corporate
Exclusive hot rod custom bike designed by Mike and signed by all The DoobieBros.

For more info:

God bless you all and thanks so much for any help you can give!



Corny Spuds—

Well, Mr. and Mrs. Potato had eyes for each other, and finally they got married, and had a little sweet potato, who they called ‘Yam’. Of course, they wanted the best for Yam. When it was time, they told her about the facts of life. They warned her about going out and getting half-baked, so she wouldn’t get accidentally mashed, and get a bad name for herself like ‘Hot Potato’, and end up with a bunch of Tater Tots.

Yam said not to worry, no Spud would get her into the sack and make a rotten potato out of her! But on the other hand she wouldn’t stay home and become a Couch Potato, either. She would get plenty of exercise so as not to be skinny like her Shoestring cousins. When she went off to Europe, Mr. and Mrs. Potato told Yam to watch out for the Hard Boiled guys from Ireland. And the greasy guys from France called the French Fries. And when she went out west, to watch out for the Indians so she wouldn’t get scalloped.

Yam said she would stay on the straight and narrow and wouldn’t associate with those high-class Yukon Golds. Mr. and Mrs. Potato sent Yam to Idaho P.U. (that’s Potato University) so that when she graduated she’d really be in the Chips. But in spite of all they did for her, one-day Yam came home and announced she was going to marry Tom Brokaw. Tom Brokaw!

Mr. and Mrs. Potato were very upset. They told Yam she couldn’t possibly marry Tom Brokaw because he was just a…

Common Tater


Finger Lickin? Good—

Hey Bandit,

Q: What does eating at KFC and a woman have in common?
A: When you are done with the breast and thighs you>have a greasy box to put your bone in.

Ride Free….




Good Ol’ Generous Motors (& Ford, too) etc..

Check out Harley Davidson …


Which Motor Company Cares About the USA?

After seeing a short news listing on “CNN Headline News” regarding Ford andGM’s contributions to the relief and recovery efforts in New York City andWashington, DC, I was prompted to see what the other automotive companieswere contributing. It is important to know which companies are there for usin a crisis. I went to (the news, press release and philanthropic areasof) each of the companies’ web sites. If the company had several sites, Itried to visit them all.Additionally, I visited the leading news and automotive sites. This is whatI have found:
Aston Martin – Nothing.
Audi – Nothing. Audi’s web site states “Audi News: Always up to theminute.”
BMW – Nothing despite other press releases/postings since 09/11/01. Lastupdated 09/13/01.
Daewoo International – Nothing.
Daimler Chrysler (includes Dodge, Jeep, Mercedes-Benz and Plymouth) – $10million to support the children and victims in addition to otherdonations from their employees, dealers, and suppliers.
Fiat – Nothing.
Ford Motor Company (includes Jaguar, Lincoln, Mazda, Mercury and Volvo) – $1million to the American Red Cross, matching employee contributions to theAmerican Red Cross and 10 Excursions to the New York Fire Department. Thecompany has also offered emergency response team services and office spaceto displaced government employees.
General Motors (includes Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Oldsmobile,Pontiac, Saab and Saturn) – $1 million to the American Red Cross, matchingemployee contributions and a fleet of vans, trucks and SUVs.

Harley-Davidson Motor Cycles – Donated one million dollars and 30 newmotorcycles to the NYPD to assist in relief efforts and replace motor cycleslost in the attack. Harley-Davidson’s own employees drove the cycles to NYin a day and a half and turned over the keys personally to the NYC MotorDivision. Check out their website at for info andpictures of their generosity.
Honda (includes Acura) – Nothing. “The latest news on Honda can always befound right here?” No press releases/postings since 9/04/01 when the releaseboasted “American Honda Motor Company,Inc., recorded its second best salesmonth ever in August.” My search included: [other pressreleases posted on this site since 9/11/01
Hyundai Motors Group (includes Kia) — $300,000 to the American Red Cross.
Isuzu – Nothing.
Mitsubishi Motors – Nothing. site states,”The latest news about Mitsubishi Motors.” I also
Nissan – Nothing despite other press releases/postings since 9/11/01.
Porsche – Nothing. Press release with condolences posted on the Porsche website on 09/12/01, but no contribution.
Subaru – Nothing. Despite other press releases/postings since 09/11/01.
Suzuki – Nothing.
Toyota (includes Lexus) -Nothing. Press release with condolences posted onthe Toyota web site on 09/14/01, but no contribution, despite earlier pressreleases boasting that Toyota had high sales in July and August.
Volkswagen – The employees and management created a Foundation, fundedinitially with $2 million, to assist the children and victims withhumanitarian help including medical and psychological assistance,rehabilitation and scholarships.

We have the freedom to choose which companies we make purchases from and I,for one, will make my purchases from and give my money to the companies thatare giving their money to America at this time of need. I hope that youwill, too. We can only hope that it is an oversight by the companies thathave not made a contribution and that they will join the relief efforts.



Bikernet Funnies

Ever wonder about those people who spend $2.00 apiece on those little bottles of Evian water? Try spelling Evian backwards: NAIVE.

Isn’t making a smoking section in a restaurant like making a peeing section in a swimming pool?

OK…so if the Jacksonville Jaguars are known as the “Jags” andtheTampa Bay Buccaneers are known as the “Bucs,” what does that make theTennessee Titans?

If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarrhea…does that mean that 1enjoys it?

There are three religious truths:
1. Jews do not recognize Jesus as the Messiah.
2. Protestants do not recognize the Pope as the leader of theChristian faith.
3. Baptists do not recognize each other in the liquor store or atHooters.

Why are Jewish men circumcised? Because Jewish women won’t touch anything unless it is 20% off.

What’s the definition of a teenager? God’s punishment for enjoyingsex.

Define Transvestite: A guy who likes to eat, drink and be Mary.

What’s the difference between the Pope and your boss? The Pope only expects you to kiss his ring.

Why is a government worker like a shotgun with a broken firing pin? It won’t work and you can’t fire it.

My mind works like lightning: One brilliant flash and it is gone.

Never trust a stockbroker who’s married to a travel agent.

The only time the world beats a path to your door is if you’re in thebathroom.

A husband is someone who takes out the trash and gives the impression he just cleaned the whole house.

My next house will have no kitchen; just vending machines.

My blond girlfriend told me, “I was worried that my mechanic mighttry to rip me off, but I was so relieved when he told me all I needed was blinker fluid.”

I’m so depressed… I went to the Dr. today and he refused to write me a prescription for Viagra. Said it would be like putting a newflagpole on a condemned building.


Well, did you get your fill of bullshit?


Bandit’s out cruzin’ on the SS Leon and I ain’t got no more time to waste on this digital rag, there’s women out there lonely for my manly charms. And if they ain’t, screw ’em. Which I intend to do.

I guess I’m supposed to sign off with one of Bandit’s witty sayings.

Well, all I can say is, stay between the ditches and away from any babe I’m scoping out.


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December 6, 2001 Part 2

News Flash – Doobies Rock And Bandit Reports In!

Continued From Page 1

Cool Chopper!


Bikernet Caribbean Report—After endless delays, lines and numerous securtity checks, we finally madeit back from Phoenix. No wonder the airlines are close to flopping, theyare a disaster! A flight that normally takes six hours took us more than12. Anyway, we just got back from visiting the new Bourget’s Bike Worksshop. They put a lot of effort and dinero into building this new shop, one of the bestorganized I have ever seen. It’s on a 2-acre lot, about 80,000 to 90,000 square feet. The new shop is set up for 25 bikes a week andthe new BBW aftermarket parts manufacturing(you heard it here first). They’ve already started with some really cool exhaust.Oh well, I did not mean to mix the news with the intro, so here we go.

Phoenix is like the Mecca of motorcycles. Several shops and builders claimthis city their home, and we are guessing why:Manuel’s Mexican restaurant. Man, if there’s a place that you can reallypig out and eat as many chips and salsa as you dare, this is it!

We visited our friends at Accutronnix. They always have something very coolto show us. Their triple trees are the best, and now available in yourchoice of anodized colors. They’re not huge, but their factory putsout some of the best billet aluminum parts money can buy. We also want towish Randy a quick recoup and strentgh in his battle. I still don’tunderstand why bad stuff happens to good people.

We passed by PYO. It was already closed but Paul’s new shop is lookinggood. Maybe for the next trip we will get there earlier.We visited Sonny Barger’s shop. Geno was there and treated us like family.They just expanded and have a section just for support wear and shopshirts. Go visit if you happen to be in Phoenix.

The Billet Bar and Easyriders of Scottsdale was pretty happening on Sunday.Seems like rubbies enjoy this kind of place. It was a nice day to ride andeveryone was outside having some cold drinks. No choppers though, and only alone shovel at the lot.

Dec. 16 is the date for our annual Toy Run, which goes about 100 miles across the island and brings toys to needy kids. About 1,000 motorcycles are expected.

We have the first EXP chopper from Bourget’s at the shop. This bike is aBBW bike but with a H-D 80-cubic-inch motor and 5-speed tranny. It comes in threecolors and retails in the mid-$20,000. If the budget is tight but you musthave a custom, call a dealer near you and ask for this bike.

Oh well guys, I’m outta here. We are so busy (and jet lagged) that I won’teven bother with the Weasels tonight. See ya next week with the full reportand ussual photos.

Take care Happy Holidays……..Jose Caribbean Bikernet agent.


Excelsior-Henderson Goes On The Auction Block—-

Belle Plaine, Minn. – Excelsior-Henderson went under a secured parties sale (public auction) on Dec. 6. Capital Recovery Group, an auction and appraisal firm, conducted the sale on site (805 Hanlon Drive, Belle Plain, Minn.), and, it was broadcast live online ( Potential customers could bid concurrently from their computer with the live auction. The sale was advertised as “ultra-modern motorcycle manufacturing facility, state-of-the-art assembly line, new parts inventory, apparel and accessories.” And the terms of the sale included, “as is, where is with all faults. All sales are final.” A 25 percent deposit was required at the time of sale by cash, certified or bank check or bank wire transfer.

Excelsior-Henderson Motorcycle Manufacturing Company was founded by Dave, Dan and Jennie Hanlon in 1993. Production began in 1998. E-H started shipping motorcycles to dealers in early 1999. In December 1999, the company filed Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, temporarily ceased manufacturing operations and, as a result, laid off approximately 101 employees of its 116-person workforce. In April 2000, it was announced that a Florida investor group, EH Partners, comprised the reorganization and acquisition of Excelsior-Henderson. Excelsior-Henderson emerged from bankruptcy in August 2000. In October 2000, the new owners, EH Partners, announced that they would resume production for model year 2002. By February 2001, there were no signs of intent to resume production, employment numbers continued in decline and the company had no guarantee of availability of spare parts.



To die for!—-
An older man was married to a younger woman. After several years of a very happy marriage, he had a heart attack. The doctor advised him that to prolong his life they should cut out sex.

He and his wife discussed the matter and decided that he should sleep in the family room downstairs to save them both from temptation.

One night, after several weeks, he decided that life without sex wasn’t worth living. So he headed upstairs. He met his wife on the staircase and said, “I was coming up to die.”

She laughed and replied, “I was coming down to kill you!”


All-New Bike Arrives in Showrooms

MILWAUKEE, Wis. (November 27, 2001) – The initial shipment of Harley-Davidson’s VRSCA V-Rod have arrived in showrooms in the U.S. Equipped with the all-new Harley-Davidson Revolution liquid-cooled 60? V-Twin powerplant and custom, dragster-inspired looks, the V-Rod is pure American muscle.

The Harley-Davidson VRSCA V-Rod was introduced during this summer’sHarley-Davidson Dealer Expo in Los Angeles, and has been praised by the press and public for its groundbreaking styling, strong and smooth powertrain, and innovation. The V-Rod has already won the Motorcycle Design Association Open Class Trophy, a Popular Science “Best of What’s New Award”, Popular Mechanics Magazine design and engineering award, and the Motor Cycle News (MCN) Bike of the Year Award. Manufactured at Harley-Davidson’s Kansas City assembly plant, the V-Rod is the first model in an entirely new line of performance custom motorcycles.

Harley-Davidson Motor Company, the only major U.S.-based motorcycle manufacturer, produces heavyweight motorcycles and a complete line of motorcycle parts, accessories and general merchandise. For more information or to find the dealer nearest you, visit Harley-Davidson’s web site at




Aliens Trying To Contact Bikernet!
We get some weird shit here at Bikernet but this is an actual e-mail sent to Bandit?

If you are a time traveler or alien disguised as human and or have the technology to travel physically through time I need your help!

My life has been severely tampered with and cursed!!I have suffered tremendously and am now dying!

I need to be able to:
Travel back in time.
Rewind my life including my age.
Be able to remember what I know now so that I can prevent my life from being tampered with again after I go back.

I am in very great danger and need this immediately!

I am aware that there are many types of time travel and that humans do not do well through certain types.

I need as close to temporal reversion as possible, as safely as possible. To be able to rewind the hands of time in such a way that the universe of now will cease to exist.

I know that there are some very powerful people out there with alien or government equipment capable of doing just that.

If you can help me I will pay for your teleport or trip down here, Along with hotel stay, food and all expenses. I will pay top dollar for the equipment. Proof must be provided.

If anyone thinks they can help this guy, let Bandit know, not me.




I walked into a hair salonwith my husband and three kids in tow and askedloudly, “How much do you charge for a shampoo and ablow job?” – Melinda Lowe, 39, Seguin, Texas

An insurance man visited me athome to talk about our mortgage insurance. He wasthrowing a lot of facts and figures at me, and Iwanted to follow as best I could, so I told my6-year-old son to run and get me a pad. He came backand handed me a Kotex right in front of our guest. -Kate Newman, 46, Winston-Salem, N.C.

3. HO, HO, HO………….
I was taking a shower whenmy 2-year-old son came into the bathroom and wrappedhimself in toilet paper. Although he made a mess, helooked adorable, so I ran for my camera and took afew shots. They came out so well that I had copiesmade and included one with each of our Christmascards. Days later, a relative called about thepicture, laughing hysterically and suggesting I takea closer look. Puzzled, I stared at the photo and wasshocked to discover that in addition to my son, I hadcaptured my reflection in the mirror wearing nothingbut a camera! – Name Withheld

4. LADY GOLFER…………….
I was at the golf storecomparing different kinds of golf balls. I wasunhappy with the women’s type I had been using. Afterbrowsing for several minutes, I was approached by oneof the good-looking gentlemen who work at the store.He asked if he could help me. Without thinking, Ilooked at him and said, “I think I like playing withmen’s balls.”- Colleen Collins, 31, Ferndale, Mich.

My sister and I were atthe mall and passed by a store that sold a variety ofnuts. As we were looking at the display case, the boybehind the counter asked if we needed any help. Ireplied, “No, I’m just looking at your nuts.” Mysister started to laugh hysterically, the boy grinned,and I turned beet red and walked away. To this day, mysister has never let me forget. – Faye Emerick, 34,Ellerslie, Md.

A lady picked up severalitems at a discount store. When she finally got up tothe checker, she learned that one of her items had noprice tag. Imagine her embarrassment when the checkergot on the intercom and boomed out for all the storeto hear,”PRICE CHECK ON LANE THIRTEEN, TAMPAX, SUPERSIZE.” That was bad enough, but somebody at the rearof the store apparently misunderstood the word”Tampax” for “THUMBTACKS.” In a business-like tone, avoice boomed back over the intercom. “DO YOU WANT THEKIND YOU PUSH IN WITH YOUR THUMB OR THE KIND YOU POUNDIN WITH A HAMMER?”

A teacher noticed that alittle boy at the back of the class was squirmingaround, scratching his crotch and not payingattention. She went back to find out what was goingon. He was quite embarrassed and whispered that hehad just recently been circumcised and he was quiteitchy. The teacher told him to go down to theprincipal’s office. He was to phone his mother and askher what he should do about it. He did it andreturned to his class. Suddenly, there was a commotionat the back of the room. She went back to investigateonly to find him sitting at his desk with his penishanging out. “I thought I told you to call your Mom,”she screamed. “I did,” he said, “and she told me thatif I could stick it out till noon, she’d come and pickme up from school.

Continued On Page 3

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