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We are living in strange times.
I got into the middle of a conversation the other day. Someone from the Blue side complained that motorcycle rights can’t be partisanship or political. How is that possible?

If you are involved in legislative matters, you are involved in the political community whether you like it or not. I grew up a Democrat but discovered a problem. My dad believed Democrats were for the working man and Republicans were for the rich. Way too simplistic a definition.

As soon as I found myself involved in Helmet Laws it became apparent. The Democrats wanted control and way less freedom. The Republicans wanted Freedom or personal choice. Don’t get me wrong, the red side is not always perfect and sometime stumble over their own mantra.

That’s why I try to apply Truth and Integrity to everything we do at Bikernet.

Here’s what I wrote to this member of the Bikers Rights Movement:


It’s interesting. One party is trying to destroy America and everything we stand for, but we can’t talk about it.

Being pro motorcycling is being pro freedom, pro truth, pro internal combustion and pro humanity.

We can hope our Blue brothers and sisters will learn and someday come back to the Freedom and Truth table to celebrate America, not attack it. But what the hell do I know, I’m just a grubby biker.

Check this:

All the best,

The Bastard hiding in the Black Hills

Let’s hit the news:

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum.


“Nothing is more noble, nothing more venerable than fidelity. Faithfulness and truth are the most sacred excellences and endowments of the human mind.”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero
from Epoch Times


“Climate: The Movie” due to a Science Feedback “Fact Check”
By Andy May

Facebook’s censorship is totally out of hand, and their “independent and nonpartisan fact checks” are anything but. Now they are censoring “Climate: The Movie.” The supposed “fact checks” provided by Science Feedback and Climate Feedback (they are two branches of the same organization) have been shown many times to be both partisan and ideologically driven. The “fact check” of Steve Koonin’s bestselling book Unsettled done by Climate Feedback was blisteringly criticized by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) in a lead editorial by the WSJ editorial staff.

The editorial includes the following:

“Mr. Koonin, whose careful book draws extensively on existing scholarship, may respond on the merits in a different forum. Suffice it to say here that many of the ‘fact check’ claims relied on by Facebook don’t contradict the underlying material, but instead argue with its perceived implications.

The fact-check attacks Mr. Koonin’s book for saying the “net economic impact of human-induced climate change will be minimal through at least the end of this century.” Minimal is in the eyes of the beholder, but the U.S. National Climate Assessment predicted America’s climate costs in 2090 at about $500 billion per year—a fraction of the recent Covid stimulus in an economy that could be four times as large.

The fact-check on the statement that ‘global crop yields are rising, not falling’ retorts that ‘while global crop yields are rising, this does not constitute evidence that climate change is not adversely affecting agriculture.’ OK, but that’s an argument, not a fact-check. …

Climate Feedback’s comment on a line from the review about ‘the number and severity of droughts’ does not identify any falsehood, but instead claims, “it doesn’t really make sense to make blanket statements regarding overall global drought trends.’ Maybe it doesn’t make sense for Facebook to restrict the reach of legitimate scientific argument and competing interpretations of data.”

—WSJ, May 7, 2021.

In other words, fact checks should check facts, not a difference of opinion between two scientists. “Fact checks” today are too often thinly disguised and very biased editorials, often confusing very left-wing interpretations of ambiguous data with facts. Then these supposedly “independent and nonpartisan fact checks” are used by Facebook, and sometimes by Linkedin, as excuses to censor legitimate and well-documented posts and movies. Documentation and references of the facts and interpretations presented in Climate: The Movie can be found here.

Further reading on the blatant bias and misinformation found the Science Feedback and Climate Feedback websites:

Climate Feedback’s fraudulent and misleading fact check of a famous and well-respected peer-reviewed article by Ronan Connolly, Willie Soon, and 21 well qualified co-authors is refuted.

Climate feedback also gets a fact check of the CO2 Coalition completely wrong, as described here.

Finally in their fact check of Gregory Wrightstone of the CO2 Coalition they make 13 wildly incorrect (lies?) about Wrightstone.

In summary, the Science Feedback and Climate Feedback website are both unreliable and misleading. Why Facebook and Linkedin put their trust in such a biased organization is unknown, unless they are also pushing an ideologically biased narrative.


QUICK, New Bikernet Reader Comment!–Halting The Oil Flow

Merci ! Pour toutes ces information.
Je suis Alsacien France (Pr?s Allemagne et Suisse)

Translated to: Thank you! For roads this information. I am Alsatian France German and Swiss

–Waldmann Thierry
Haut-rhin, France

“Frank Kaisler, the author of this tech, would have got a kick out of this comment.”


 – 250 lucky winners will receive a limited edition black camplate with custom “Black ops” and “We support our troops” engravings.

Black Ops camplates are available for both Milwaukee Eight and Twin Cam engines.
– Choice of a free hat or T-shirt
– Donation to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation in their name


Tesla Driver Using Autopilot Killed a Motorcyclist.
Autopilot still needs you to have your eyes on the road.

According to Herald Net, “A Tesla driver who had set his car on Autopilot was ‘distracted’ by his phone before reportedly hitting and killing a motorcyclist Friday on Highway 522,” adding, “The man, 56, had activated Tesla’s Autopilot feature. He was using his phone when he heard a bang as his car lurched forward and crashed into the motorcycle in front of him.”

Police report states that the rider was ejected from his motorcycle, but the Tesla car became “lodged on top of him.” The Tesla driver called police and EMTs, but the motorcyclist died at the scene.

To the cop’s credit, after performing a field sobriety test, they arrested the driver as by “putting the trust in the machine to drive for him” he failed to be attentive enough to halt the car before killing the motorcyclist.

One of the biggest issues with Elon Musk and his company Tesla is how they’ve pushed for marketing the brand’s adaptive cruise control system under the label “Autopilot.” Brandished as autonomous numerous times, the feature is slightly more advanced than what you get in a Toyota Camry, but it absolutely isn’t autonomous.

Musk and Tesla are facing further probes, both federal and personal lawsuits, due to Autopilot’s marketing and promotion and let us hope more is done to curb its use. The system isn’t safe, nor does its wealthy users care about the lives around them.

More than that, it’s something being tested on public roads with the adopters forcing other tax paying citizens to be unwilling test subjects. The many road users are just test rats for the ego-driven billionaire?

Tesla’s marketing, caused the murder of yet another motorcyclist.


Lead Reporter
Bikernet International News Bureau


Hall of Fame Breakfast sold out! All the tables and seats are currently sold, but don’t give up if you want to attend this iconic event. Reach out to the Museum and put your name on the list.

Expansion meeting to take place in May. Our dream to expand the museum from 10,000 square feet to 70,000 square feet is about to take the next step with a new expansion committee and Heavy Constructors out of Rapid City.

Tomorrow I will arrive at the Museum at 8:30 to help the curation committee relocate materials, photographs and art, while cataloging every item.

Our new executive director is investigating new museum inventory software.

The Sturgis 2024 magazine is sold out advertising wise at a larger format and enhanced distribution. Every business in our Key City region will receive a copy and have the opportunity to buy single copies or boxes of issues.

More to come!



Indian Motorcycle Factory Rider Troy Herfoss Overtakes Championship Leaderboard Following Perfect Performance at Road Atlanta

Three-Time Australian Superbike Champion & King of the Baggers Rookie Troy Herfoss Secures Back-to-Back Wins in Atlanta

Indian Challenger Sweeps Race 2 Podium, as Indian Motorcycle Factory Rider Tyler O’Hara Takes Second & Mad Monkey Privateer Max Flinders Rounds Out Podium

In its third race stop at Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta, it was again three-time Australian Superbike Champion and King of the Baggers (KOTB) rookie Troy Herfoss turning heads. The Indian Motorcycle factory rider saw continued success, gaining momentum and even more familiarity with his S&S Indian Challenger, as he piloted his championship-winning race bike to a perfect performance – winning back-to-back races and overtaking the championship leaderboard.

Starting the weekend off strong, Herfoss captured the Mission Foods Challenge and its $5,000 prize for the second consecutive week. While only time would tell, the Challenge would just be the beginning of a truly dominate performance. Starting on the pole for Race 1, Herfoss battled with Harley-Davidson’s Kyle Wyman, as the two exchanged passes throughout a tight race. Despite never racing Road Atlanta, Herfoss proved victorious and secured his second career KOTB win.

With a wet track, Race 2 relied on a calculated risk. Rather than run rain tires like most of the field, the S&S-Indian Motorcycle factory team chose to run Dunlop Sportmax slicks instead. While this proved to be the winning choice, as Herfoss and O’Hara finished 1-2, Herfoss’ enormous 13-second win likely means he would have been in contention regardless of tire selection.

Completing the Indian Challenger podium sweep was Mad Monkey Privateer Max Flinders. Despite sustaining an injury in the Superbike race, Flinders was able to hold off reigning KOTB Champion Hayden Gillim and earn his first podium of the 2024 KOTB season.

Securing three wins and three second-place finishes through six races, Herfoss has taken command of the KOTB Championship Leaderboard, as he owns track records for bagger racing at Daytona International Speedway and now Road Atlanta. His 135 points leads Wyman by nine. For O’Hara, a fourth-place finish in Race 1 and a second-place finish in Race 2 moves him up to third overall with 79 points.

MotoAmerica’s Mission King of the Baggers season continues at Road America May 31-June 2.


Montana’s Public Service Commission can stop the climate fraud cold.

The Montana Public Service Commission has a once-in-a -lifetime opportunity to defeat the Democrat climate alarmists and overturn Held v Montana.

The Held v Montana plaintiffs filed a petition requesting the Public Service Commission to “consider” the “adverse climate impacts of greenhouse gas emissions” in its decisions.

The Public Service Commission must accept this Petition.

If the Public Service Commission accepts this petition, then the Public Service Commission can hold its own hearings on climate outside of a courtroom. They can invite scientists on both sides of the climate issue to present their arguments and debate their opponents.

I confidently predict these hosted presentations and debates will overwhelmingly prove the climate fraud is false.

This Public Service Commission action would settle the climate issue in Montana and serve as a precedent to America and the world.

If the Public Service Commission rejects this Petition, the petitioners will sue the commission and force a long, expensive, unnecessary court trial.

The fraud of climate alarmism

Climate alarmism says human CO2 stays in the air longer than natural CO2, which is impossible because human and natural CO2 molecules are identical, so they flow out of the air at the same rate.

This fact and simple physics show human CO2 is only 2 percent of today’s atmospheric CO2. Therefore, human CO2 cannot change the climate, carbon capture projects are irrational, and all laws based on the climate fraud should be abolished.

–Dr. Ed Berry


Harley-Davidson Motor Company is #hiring a Director, North America Marketing. This dynamic leader will be part of the Commercial team and collaborate with Marketing COEs and Sales to improve our reach, relevance, and demand across markets. This role is hashtag#remote anywhere in North America.

Check out the job listing in the link below and like, share, or comment to help me spread the word!

Senior Editor


David Uhl will be inducted into the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum Hall of Fame this year during the rally!

This is a fitting induction, given that David has graced the rally with his beautiful works for the past 25-plus years. His Sturgis commemorative pieces (since 2005) are highly anticipated at the rally each year.

The induction breakfast will take place on Wednesday, August 7th. We will most likely have a table or two there, so I’m throwing it out to see who wants to join us!

I’m waiting to hear back from the museum on seat prices and will let everyone know. For now, if you’d like to attend simply respond to this email. I can provide additional details later – – we’re just trying to get a head count at this point.

Sturgis Motorcycle Museum Hall of Fame Breakfast
Wed Aug 7, 8am to 11am
The Lodge in Deadwood

Thanks for your time!

–Greg Rhodes
International Sales Director
David Uhl Fine Art
Uhl Studios


On April 18th, the U.S. Senate attempted to prohibit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from using funds to implement the Biden Administration’s new rule on tailpipe emissions. The EPA regulation would require automakers to sell more electric vehicles and hybrids by gradually tightening limits on tailpipe pollution levels starting in 2026.

The bill, S. 4072, is essentially the same as S. 3094, the Choice in Automobile Retail Sales (CARS) Act of 2023, and Sen. Mike Crapo (R-ID) introduced both bills. The difference is that S.4072 strips funding, while the CARS Act completely prevents the EPA from enacting the rules.

S. 4072 was a unique and fast-tracked bill in the U.S. Senate. This bill resulted from an agreement during the March effort to avert a government shutdown. Senate leaders promised a vote on the EPA rules, so this bill is that vote. The frustrating part of the vote taken on S. 4072 is that this bill received more votes for it than against it! The final vote was fifty-two (52) in favor, forty-six (46) against, with two (2) not voting. However, because of the rules in the Senate, this bill required sixty (60) votes for passage.

While frustrating, there is some good news for those who want to protect the internal combustion engine. Three (3) Democrats and one Independent, Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Jon Tester (D-MT), and Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) joined forty-eight (48) Republicans in voting for the legislation.

This vote hopefully shows that more and more lawmakers and Americans are taking notice of the attack on the internal combustion engine. Next month, during the MRF’s Bikers Inside the Beltway, motorcyclists will take to Capitol Hill to push the preservation of vehicle choice and all our agenda!

As Always, Ride Safe and Ride Free



The moment has arrived! Your favorite motorcycle talk show, ShopTalk is starting right now, and we wanted to make sure you don’t miss it. We have a front-row seat waiting for you!

[page break]


Nothing exciting, had an eye doctor appointment this morning, I see what my mother meant about them taking longer to go back to normal after dilation, as you get older. Since 8:30 and everything is still mega bright at noon! Got shoulder injections on last year’s birthday, difference with age I guess.

On a normal day I wear my sunglasses inside the grocery store.- My Future So Bright I Got to Wear Shades!

Decided to leave the fairing blue for now. Trying to figure a way to get out of Houston! I did clean the black marks off, it’s a distance paint job. Looks good from a distance! On the plus side, traffic seems confused as to what I am, as HPD cars use to be that color, but never the bikes that I recall?

I notice they line up in the lanes behind me or hit the brakes as I come up on them. And I don’t even have the pods with the red & blue lights yet! Gives me a laugh.



BC21 Triple Clamp 1913-1915 Harley all models

Brand New front fork triple clamps

These fit all Harley 1913-1915 front forks
These will also work on Rigid & Race style Forks
Made By Competition Distributing

Regular price $200.00
[photo 1232431]


“Little progress can be made by merely attempting to repress what is evil. Our great hope lies in developing what is good.”
– Calvin Coolidge


SHORAI’S CHARGING CODE–Maximizing Your Battery’s Performance:

Essential Charging Tips from Shorai Power!
Are you making the most out of your Shorai battery? Proper charging is key to unlocking its full potential and extending its lifespan. Here are some essential tips to ensure your battery performs at its best:

Fully Charge Before Use:
Before installing your new LFX battery, make sure to fully charge it. This conditions and breaks in the cells, maximizing performance and longevity.
Choose the Right Charger:

While standard lead-acid chargers can be used, the Shorai BMS01 charger is specifically designed for LFX batteries. Avoid chargers with automatic “desulfation” modes, as they may damage your battery.

Monitor Charging Voltage:
A fully charged Shorai battery will measure around 14.4V. Consider floating the voltage at 14.6-14.8V for 24 hours to improve capacity and reduce self-discharge.

Be Mindful of Discharge:
If your battery sits unused for several weeks, it may discharge due to the vehicle’s electrical draw. Charge the battery if the voltage drops below 13.3V, especially before storing it for an extended period.

Check Charging Times:
Refer to our charging time reference sheet for estimated charge times based on your battery model and charger’s current rate.

Remember, proper charging is essential for maximizing your battery’s performance and lifespan. For more detailed information, refer to our FAQ and specifications guides on our website.

Power up your ride with Shorai Power today!

NEW/OLD A&E PROGRAM–Secrets of the Hells Angels

ATF agent Jay Dobyns goes undercover to infiltrate the Hells Angels. He’s backed up by a female agent, Jenna Maguire, who plays the role of his ‘old lady’, but the dream of becoming a fully patched Hells Angel pushes Jay to the point of destruction. This is the first time Jenna Maguire has told her side of the story.

George Christie, the long-time Ventura HA chapter president, will be featured.

You might read J.J. Solari’s review of this new show.



Since oil is comprised of 85% carbon, 13% hydrogen and 0.5% oxygen with traces of sulphur and nitrogen, most chemists believed it originated from the decomposition of organic matter. Layers which were formed from the remains of dead animals and plants. Thus the term “fossil fuel”.

By definition its source was limited. That theory was plausible when oil wells were drilled only deep enough to reach into the “fossil” layers of the Earth’s crust, but if oil came from the rock that is over a mile underground, that puts it way below the fossil layer.

Despite common belief around fossil fuels, the argument for non-biologically produced oil is not a new one. Back in 1951, a Russian scientist by the name of N.A Kudryavtsev, announced his theory that oil found down deep was produced abiotically. Abiotically meaning occurring in the absence of life. His theories were consolidated with the exploration of oil fields in the Dneiper-Donets region in the early 1990s. They were finding that the older “dry” wells were filling up again. Some times to the previous levels.

World-renowned geologist, C Warren Hunt’s brought forth his “Anhydride” theory in 1996, asserting the idea that biogenesis from living microbial forms was what creates oil as opposed to the idea that it comes from fossilized forms.

All the way back in 2003 cracks began to appear in the fossil fuel belief. People wondered if the Earth’s quantities of oil and gas were much larger than they had previously estimated – and whether supplies where being constantly replenished.

There were scientists beginning to speculate that petroleum could originate “abiotically” from minerals at extreme temperature and pressure. This understanding is based on the fact that high temperature and pressure closer to the Earth’s mantle allows oil deposits to form inorganically, rather than through biological decay. Water then forces it to the surface, as it has a greater density; (which is why it is used in fracking) and then the oil rises and gets trapped in layers of denser, sedimentary rocks.

Fossil Fuel? Or not?

–By Mark Reynolds, NMA Member & Syndicated Columnist


Come ride the Jungles, Mountains, and Beaches of Costa Rica on new KTM/Huskys/GASGAS. Stay in 5-star accommodations, above the beach and ride/test up to six (6) different bike if you choose (2-stroke & 4-stroke 300/350s).

We don’t ‘combine’ tours so each group gets their own private house(s) and Lead/Chase Guides to ride whatever type of terrain/trails you prefer- We have it all!

CRU Tour Pricing/Options is based off your ideal Number of Nights, # of Riding Days, and # of Riders. You choose.

Example of Typical 1st-time Tour:
6 Days / 5 Nights / 3 Riding Days / 4+ Riders

Stock Tour: $2,700 USD p/p
Accommodations, Guides, ’24 KTM300/350, ’23 Husqvarna 350F TE, ’23 GASGAS 300/EC350.

Modified Tour: $2,900 p/p
Includes Everything in Stock Tour plus: All Fuel, Lunch on Ride Days, Nightly Bike Prep & Gear Cleaning, One (1) Activity (Zipline, 1-Hour Massage, Croc Tour, etc), and CRU T-Shirt

Factory Tour: $3,100 p/p
Includes Everything in Stock and Modified Tour plus: One additional Activity (2 Total) and Airport Transfers.

CRU: Our Bikes, Our Homes, Our Guides, Your Adventure.


Wow, what a ride it has been!

Well… that’s a wrap!

A year-and-a-half in the making, from start to finish, to film and edit the build of the 1969 Harley-Davidson XLCH chopper in Season 2 of The Saturday Sportster.

It was a similar amount of work and time for Season 1 featuring Todd Muller, as he built a 2003 Sportster into a hopped-up scrambler.

Our own Mikey Revolt did a full photo shoot with this season’s XLCH, and you can check out overall as well as detail shots of this fresh build here!


“I turn to simplicity, I turn again to purity.”
— Genghis Khan

For our 16th year we will return to the simple and pure one night format of eat-drink-sleep-ride. The “gypsy ride” tradition has been a mainstay of our culture, so don’t plan on having a “kickstands up time” or having to ride as a massive group. Just make sure you check in with Mike Allen or Brian “Uncle Ben” Sauer, especially you first timers.

As always, the first time riders will earn the highly coveted Long Road Medallion for making every stop and ending at Smokeout.

Each rider will need to make their own reservations for the nightly stays, the registration fee this year is $35. to cover t-shirts, decals, some artwork and printing of maps/local bike shops along the route.

You can send a check or money order with your shirt size as well as your e-mail address to:

Mike Allen
PO Box 11
Canon City, CO 81215
Or use and include your shirt size in the notes.

Once you register, I (Uncle Ben) will send you a copy of the optional route I put together. Remember, you can always choose your own route. This is just a nice, scenic route with few road number changes that some of us will be taking.

Sunday September 1st, we meet at
Cherry Hill Campground
1516 Summer Rd.
Darien Center, NY 14040

Tent sites are $44., they were kind enough to waive the two nigh minimum holiday weekend stay for tents. They also have lean-tos for $60./night two night minimum and a cabin for $70./ night two night minimum. Call them for more details. This campground is about an hour ride from Niagara Falls and is close to a Six Flags Park, so if you can make it there early and want to stay two nights, there’s plenty of fun to be had.

Monday September 2nd, we ride to:
Godspeed Camping and Events
7897 S Eagle Valley Rd, Port Matilda, PA

Camping: $20 a person
Cabana single occupancy: $80
Cabana double occupancy: $120
Shared bunkhouse is $50 a person. There are 3 rooms, one holds 4, and two sleep 6. If a group of 4 or 6 friends want to be together that is no problem, contact Bart at for Cabana/bunkhouse reservations or questions. Mention you are with The Long Road on our Tues Sept 2nd stop local motels/B&B many local B&B’s available, check:

Rodeway Inn State College
1040 N Atherton Street, State College, PA,
approx $87 per night but visit website for more details

Tuesday September 3rd

Grand Vue Park
250 Trail Drive, Moundsville WV
(304) 845-9810
Restaurant onsite

Camping: $10 per person (group camping area)
(2) 1BR and (2) 2BR treetop villas with pullout couches available for 1 night ($208 and $256)
Other cabins available but 2 night minimum
See their website to book or for info:

Local motel’B&B:
Bonnie Dwaine B&B (nice looking place)
$99-139 dbl occupancy with continental breakfast
505 Wheeling Avenue, Glen Dale WV, 304-845-7250

Sleep Inn and Suites
8 Walmart Dr
Moundsville, WV
(304) 810-4000
approx $111 per night but call for deals and better rates

Wednesday September 4th

Riftrafters Campground
448 Laurel Creek Rd
Fayetteville, West Virginia

Camping: $15 per person
cabins : $48-$68 per night for two people. $24-$34 extra per person
call to book in advance

Local motels/B&B
Many B&B’s in the area to research:
check out

Quality Inn New River Gorge
103 Elliotts Way, Fayetteville, WV,
approx $73 per night but visit
for booking info and prices

Thursday September 5th

The Roadhouse
1203 Woodlawn Rd.
Woodlawn, Virginia 24381

The beds inside are going for $20. and tent spaces are $10. each.
This will be our fourth year staying at The Roadhouse and enjoying the hospitality of our fellow Long Road riders, the Devonshire family. While at The Roadhouse, we’ll get to enjoy a drink at that ultimate Long Road historical artifact, the red table we used at the Long Road Lounge for many years, and don’t forget to add your signature to the tabletop before we leave for Smokeout Friday morning.

Friday September 6th
  • We ride to Smokeout where we’ll have notorious but tasteful, Long Road Lounge as our base of operation during Smokeout.
  • Long Road Medallions will be awarded to our new family members on Saturday afternoon as we meet at the lounge for a group picture.
  • Get your event and camping tickets at:
  • Get ‘em early while they’re on sale.–Uncle Ben

IN HISTORY —The Chance for Peace speech, also known as the Cross of Iron speech, was an address given by U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower on April 16, 1953, shortly after the death of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin.

* * * 

“A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.”
~ Dwight D. Eisenhower

“If you want total security, go to prison. There you’re fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking… is freedom. “
~ Dwight D. Eisenhower

“Don’t join the book burners. Don’t think you’re going to conceal faults by concealing evidence that they ever existed. Don’t be afraid to go in your library and read every book…” ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower

“The search for a scapegoat is the easiest of all hunting expeditions.”
~ Dwight D. Eisenhower

“You do not lead by hitting people over the head — that’s assault, not leadership.”
~ Dwight D. Eisenhower

“Get it all on record now – get the films – get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened.”
~ Dwight D. Eisenhower

* * *

“I like Ike” ~ Indiana Jones in “The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull”

International Editor™

MORE BENEFITS OF CO2–Nutritive Value of Plants Growing in Enhanced CO2 Concentrations (eCO2)

We are pleased to announce the publication of our latest research report Nutritive Value of Plants Growing in Enhanced CO2 Concentrations (eCO2).

Despite many years of claims that increasing concentrations of CO2 are an “existential threat” to life on Earth, one cannot identify any harm that has been done. In fact, the only clear result of increasing CO2 has been an overall greening of the Earth and increasing productivity of agricultural and forest crops.

The evidence for greening of the Earth from eCO2 is now too obvious to deny. In recent years, some researchers have claimed that that nutritional values are negatively affected by elevated CO2 concentrations. Media promoters of climate alarmism have seized on these results to further demonize CO2.

In this paper we explain why the nutritional value of our more abundant crops can and will remain high as atmospheric CO2 concentrations increase toward values more representative of those existing throughout most of Earth’s history.

While this is a somewhat technical report, it is a valuable tool for you to put in your quiver to use the next time you see increased CO2 being linked to declining nutrition.


“We have ordered some copies and will make them available to motorcycle rights groups and any rider who is interested.”


I just finished Terry the Tramp. All I can say is what a story. Sad ending, all that bullshit from the Man. I remember your magazine doing articles on all that crap, like when the cops busted into the Milwaukee Outlaws and all that RICO act.

And I remember ER warning MCs about undercover cops posing as bikers, snitching on the clubs. I was living in Frisco at that time, and next thing we knew the cops busted Frisco Choppers and shut them down for speed.

You are a remarkable story teller. One question if I may ask, did Vagos and Hangmen get along OK back then or did they have issues?

–David Pittman


“What is a soul? It’s like electricity – we don’t really know what it is, but it’s a force that can light a room.”
–Ray Charles

from Epoch Times

[page break]

100-WORD FICTION ENTRY–The Tavern Stop

I walked into the dark tavern after midnight. The last call was in a couple of hours. There she sat waiting for her biker knight in the corner. I sauntered over and sat down next to her. “What is your name Doll.”

“My name is Mariah,” she muttered, her red lips glistened. “What is yours big man?”

“They call me Texas Red.”

“Your mother not like you or something?” She asked.

“I was named after a famous outlaw by my Dad.” I then bought us both whiskeys. We toasted to our friendship. I put my hand on her thigh and the rest is history.



On wear and tear of tires in Electric Cars– tires are heavy pollutants themselves and not to mention poor for recycling as well. Refer below:

Road Hazard: Evidence Mounts on Toxic Pollution from Tires

Researchers are only beginning to uncover the toxic cocktail of chemicals, microplastics, and heavy metals hidden in car and truck tires. But experts say these tire emissions are a significant source of air and water pollution and may be affecting humans as well as wildlife.

2 billion tires globally are sold each year — enough to reach the moon if stacked on their sides — with the market expected to reach 3.4 billion a year by 2030.

Tires are made from about 20 percent natural rubber and 24 percent synthetic rubber, which requires five gallons of petroleum per tire. Hundreds of other ingredients, including steel, fillers, and heavy metals — including copper, cadmium, lead, and zinc — make up the rest, many of them added to enhance performance, improve durability, and reduce the possibility of fires.

Both natural and synthetic rubber break down in the environment, but synthetic fragments last a lot longer. Seventy-eight percent of ocean microplastics are synthetic tire rubber, according to a report by the Pew Charitable Trust. These fragments are ingested by marine animals — particles have been found in gills and stomachs — and can cause a range of effects, from neurotoxicity to growth retardation and behavioral abnormalities.

So if your Electric Vehicle is burning tires instead of gasoline, then that is poisoning the planet in a wide variety of ways.


“As the world tries to turn against anything remotely connected to oil, now they attack dust.

Hang on,”



A couple of months ago, I mentioned the possibility of a second ride I’d like to organize this year, due to the timing of the SmokeOut being in September, after the school year has started.

There are a few of us who have jobs connected to the education system (bus drivers, maintenance staff etc.) or have other commitments that they have no choice but to miss The Long Road and The Smoke Out.

We’ve formed such a cool little family and community through everyone’s participation in the ride the last 15 years, that it would be a shame to not be able to get together for a summer ride. I’ve set aside the last week in June in my holidays (June 24-28th) and would like to run a second ride, at the beginning of the summer, so it is far enough away from the actual Long Road and Smoke Out that it doesn’t interfere with that event.

I’m proposing we start out in middle Missouri and travel diagonally from there up to the Sandusky area of Ohio so that those in the west can start close to home, and the riders from the east will end up close to home after travelling far to the starting point. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, I will be doing both rides.

I’d like to know, within the next few days, who might be interested in this ride to make the effort worthwhile. I’ve already got around 8 past riders who have expressed interest. It’ll be kind of a stripped down version of the Long Road, without medallions, no big event to start or end at and possibly just maps.

There’s a chance I might do shirts to commemorate the ride, but it is more just making a chance available for those that can’t make the ride in September, to join their comrades for a week of fun and revelry on the open roads and around the firepit! And it doesn’t have to just be past riders! If a friend or group of friends of yours is interested, include their names and e-mail addresses with your reply to this e-mail.

As in the past, I will scope out an optional route, staying away from major towns and cities with as few road number changes as possible. I will try to find campgrounds with cabins and the closest motels. We will travel about 200 miles(300kms) per day and stick to secondary roads for as long as it is possible.

So shoot me an email to let me know if you are interested or not. And if you have any ideas that might make the ride better or more efficient, let me know in the email.

–Brian “Uncle Ben” Sauer

If I don’t hear from you, or you can’t make either of the rides, have a safe and wonderful summer and safe riding!

NEW FROM THE BDL CREW–Softail Chain Drive Primary Features ‘Competitor Clutch’

Designed specifically for use on 1990-2006 Softail models, BDL’s CDCS-1-90 chain drive primary kit features its renowned ‘Competitor Clutch’ for instantaneous and absolute transfer of power to the rear wheel.

A patented 7-plate Kevlar clutch “provides at least 60% more clutch surface than stock” and the 9-spring pressure plate provides the varying spring pressure needed for use with both stock and highly modified strokers.

“This unique plate allows you to simply add or subtract springs to achieve the tension that is appropriate for the bike and riding style. This chain drive clutch kit for Big Twin electric start includes front sprocket, rear basket with ‘Competitor Clutch’ and Diamond primary chain and adjuster assembly.”

The component list delivers the Diamond primary chain, compensator sprocket and nut, clutch springs, shoulder bolts (for chain drive only), chain drive hardware kit, pressure plate, adjusting screw, main shaft hub nut and 9-tooth starter pinion gear.



For Big Twins ’36 to ’69 – The simple “SHOVEL-KNUCKLE-PAN” magneto is not so simple… built-in auto advance and manual retard to prevent kick-backs. Adjustable height. Use with or without a battery. Can mount in standard position or optional ‘out to side’ position for use on Knuckleheads. Easier installation (no chopping off fins or smashing in pushrod covers).

Relay boss back edge will need modifying if present.. also see model G5. No-leak drive housing. Only from Morris Magneto!

Note: Some S&S motors use a reverse gear. Please check before ordering or give us a call first.


Yes, that headline is probably not the best grammar, but the question is one of the best. We participate in the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) because we want to ride what we want, where we want, when we want and with whom we want.

The MRF has always been as much about personal freedom and the lifestyle as it is about motorcycles and biker’s rights. If you know someone who would be a good fit with the MRF but you’ve never found a good way to tell them, share this message with them. Maybe they’ll ask on their own.


If you are an EV owner, why not document your experience since you believe in it? If you are not an EV owner, why not document your experiences around EVs since you don’t believe in it? Doesn’t matter what you believe but be honest about your experience.

We will share your experiences with our readers.

Eclectic Electric Editor™


Described by American Prime Manufacturing’s President Ben Kudon as being “so close to the original it’s scary,” these high-quality black reproduction springer front ends feature chrome springs and fit OE 1936 – early 1946 EL and FL Harley-Davidsons and custom applications.

They do not include the top tree, bearing cups or bearings, but as precision dimensioned reproductions, they do work with the original drum break and star hub and are now back in stock at APM’s Santa Fe Springs, California factory.

Also seen here, and also back in stock with APM, this Mikuni HSR45 total carburetor kit fits Harley Big Twin Evo models from 1984-1999. Kudon points out that, of course, any parts or components that defeat the emissions control systems or cause emissions to exceed the standards on California pollution-controlled motor vehicles cannot be sold to customers in California or other states where similar laws may apply.

However, that does not change that fact that the HSR45 was a legendary bolt-on performance upgrade ‘back in its day’. A slide-type, smoothbore carburetor equipped with a roller bearing two-piece slide for smooth and easy throttle pull, it was a 45 mm venturi redesign of the equally legendary HSR42 performance carb.

With the same reliable features as the ’42,’ the greater airflow allowed customizers to keep step with the increasing capacity of the highly modified engines that the EVO era spawned.



Alaska Introduces Bill to Protect Vehicle Choice

Alaska has introduced a SAN-supported bill (H.B. 375) to ensure consumers’ choice of vehicle power plants and fuel by preventing a state agency, county, or city from limiting access to internal combustion engines.

The SAN believes that Alaska residents, not the government, should decide what vehicles are best for them and their families. The bill is scheduled for a hearing by the House Committee on Labor & Commerce on Monday, April 22, 2024.


CHINESE HONDA GOLD WING RIVAL– to Use Eight-Cylinder Engine

A motorcycle intended to rival the Honda Gold Wing is being built by a Chinese car maker and will use an eight-cylinder engine

The Honda Gold Wing is unique among production motorcycles in that it uses a massive six-cylinder engine with 1,833cc of displacement. In China, the car manufacturer Great Wall Motor has sensed an opportunity in Honda’s obvious mistake.

The mistake in question? Using only six cylinders, of course. GWM’s rival-in-development to the famous Gold Wing will use a proper number of cylinders: eight, according to patent documents published by Cycle World.

–Alex Whitworth
Visor Down

KENTUCKY GOVERNOR STEPS UP TO THE EPA–Allows Bill Blocking California Emissions Standards to Become Law

Congratulations, Kentucky! The Kentucky legislature’s Senate Bill (SB) 215, which restricts the state from adopting California’s stricter emissions standards for new vehicles, has become law without Governor Andy Beshear’s signature.

The SEMA-supported law prohibits the state from setting or enforcing regulations on emissions that align with California’s plan to phase out the sale of new gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles by 2035.

Congratulations and thank you for your continued support—please share this exciting triumph with others! Special thanks to those who voiced support for this effort.



“A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is brave five minutes longer”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
from Epoch times


Pulled out of my garage and took off down the street. No particular destination just needed the wind in my face.

After an hour or so came across a little joint on a country road with outside seating at picnic tables. I dismounted my steel steed and sat down . A cute little thing came out and I asked for an ice cold draft.

Sipping the brew and listening to the exhaust tick I thought it was a good day to be alive.

Daytona Florida


“Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light.”
— Helen Keller

Do you ever find it challenging to maintain faith amidst the chaos that surrounds us? In a world where negativity seems to dominate the headlines, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. From the constant barrage of distressing news to personal struggles, it can be difficult to believe in anything.

Consider the vast resources poured into conflict and war. What if we redirected these resources toward fostering peace? Imagine the transformative power of channeling our collective energy into positive conversations and actions. Despite the bleak narratives portrayed by the media, there is still hope for change. We must ask ourselves: are we contributing to the problem or actively seeking solutions?

Could we initiate a movement centered around reframing our discussions about life and advocating for a better world? Can we inspire others to believe in the potential for goodness and embrace the power of love and peace? Why not embrace the words of John Lennon’s song Imagine, “Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us, and the world will be as one.”

Today’s Affirmation. Today, I choose to shift my perspective and focus on goodness wherever I go. I refuse to engage in negative conversations, no matter the temptation. I believe in the possibility of a Peace Revolution through the collective consciousness of humanity. As Lyndon B. Johnson wisely stated, “Peace is a journey of a thousand miles and it must be taken one step at a time, may the first step begin with me. Today, I take that first step with faith and conviction.”

The Dalai Lama reminds me that peace begins with friendship. Today, I commit to being a friend and spreading kindness wherever I go.

As I turn inward to find peace, I raise my level of Faith and dedicate myself to making this world a better place. I am grateful to be on this journey.

And so it is.


Senior Monk
Bikernet Thought Temple

“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”
–Mother Teresa

WHERE SHOULD I START—I was told beets lower your cholesterol.

The Redhead includes them on a regular basis. But what’s the difference between pickled beets and beet juice?

Getting close to final assembly. So, I had to drill out the cable lever body for the Barnett Clutch housing.

This Cycle Tech application was the biggest challenge of this bike build, because of the configuration with a 4-speed trans and an alternator motor. I dug around for the throw-out bearing for this trans, then the pushrod pieces to make the length correct. I tightened it too much but caught myself and gave it the proper quarter to half-turn play for the throw-out bearing before adjusting the cable.

After I installed the new Paughco front Springer axle for a Timken Bearing Star hub I ran into a spacing, brake drum issue. The brake drum wouldn’t set in place properly. I tore it apart and started to study all the pieces.

I checked how the brake backing plate fit with the Black Bike Wheel hub. It was golden. I checked the lug spacing, you name it. I called Charlie, the master with these old bikes. I sorta figured it out, but he suggested we compare the new Paughco axle with an old stock one.
Yep, I needed to machine a section of the new axle down and adjust my spacers on the right side of the springer.

I machined an old rear axle spacer to size. Ultimately, I was able to tighten the axle nut and install a cotter key, just right.

My Nash Blackball starter button arrived and was a breeze to install. I’m working on the 8th episode of the VLXAFL-5 project build. The tech should be launched on Bikernet next week

I met an old biker who is going blind. He was the Deadwood Jailer for lots of years and started to tell a friend a wild story about a murder in a streambed. I started to take notes. You might see it next week… I’m still digging.

I welded this guide before the bike went to paint. Luke at Taylord Cycles in Spearfish gave me a hand ordering a Drag Specialties black braided hose, but it was stiff and would not flex to slip through the guide. WTF?

I went to Randy Cramer’s, Dakota V-Twin shop and asked about extended fittings. No hope there. I pondered a bunch of mechanical maneuvers and then it came to me. I machined and drilled out a spacer. I made a rod to hold all the elements in line and brazed the piece in place. It worked and I bled the brakes. Bada Bing, I hope.

Keep the faith in freedom. Too many laws and restrictions are bullshit. We need to fight for the truth. Stay involved and free…


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Quick Fix Air Cleaner Cover

Editor’s Note: I’ve done this a couple of times with various air cleaner systems. Fortunately some of the covers are aluminum or stainless and can be cut, modified, or beat on, and then polished or rattle-canned for a terrific finish. But there are a myriad of aftermarket systems available from K&N, S&S, Performance Machine, you name it, if you don’t have the time or the tools. And perhaps J&P carries them all. So, you might look around, before you burn through a day trying to make your own.—Bandit

Ever wonder if you are getting ripped off or not? I can’t help thinking that $80 to $150 for an air cleaner cap is a little much, so I decided to correct the problem myself.
All I really needed was 5.5″ round cap for the top of my Arlen Ness Big Sucker, try to find that! Pretty much Ness is the main manufacturer of that item, and the price, well let’s just say it almost as expensive as the whole kit. If you purchase the big Sucker, they expect you use the OEM Ham Can, but man, it’s just ugly!

And I’m pretty sure your sucking the same old hot engine air that you were before. I did some quick measurements and found that the diameter of the outer ring on the Ham Can is exactly 5.5″,

now All I need is to cut it out. First I taped the top of the Ham Can with duct tape to avoid scratching it, then marked around the outer ring depression with a felt pen. I drilled a 3/8″ hole as a starter for my hand held jig saw. Using a metal blade I followed the line and cut out the center.

With a hand grinder and 80 grit flap wheel I smoothed out the edges. Presto! Not bad if I say so myself! If you’re wondering, I had a couple of extra Ham Cans lying around, so destroying one was no big deal.

Ride hard, have fun, and look out for each other.

— Tail Gunner out!

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Reflections on Earth Day

An Alternate Perspective by Alex Epstein

While there are no perfect metrics of the world’s livability from a human flourishing perspective, three excellent ones are average life expectancy, average income, and total population…

If today’s narrative about fossil fuels destroying our delicate, nurturing planet were true, then a chart of fossil fuel use, life expectancy, income, and population would be a sad story. As fossil fuel use went up, life expectancy would go down as fossil fuels depleted the Earth of nourishment and created myriad new dangers. Income would also go down as resources became scarce—and the scarcity would become worse and worse if population went up.

But when we look at an actual chart of these metrics of a livable world, we see that these metrics are going up in an unbelievable “hockey stick” that exactly correlates with fossil fuel use, including the CO2 emissions that are supposedly destroying our world…

Read this in detail at website by clicking here

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Reflections on Earth Day


Today is Earth Day, a day on which we are taught to feel guilty about our allegedly destructive impact on Earth—above all from our mass-use of fossil fuels.

But note that Earth, before we started impacting it on a large scale through the use of fossil fuels, was long a terrible place for the typical human being to live—and once we started using fossil fuels, rapidly became a far, far better place for the typical human being to live.

As I explain in Chapter 4 of Fossil Future,

While there are no perfect metrics of the world’s livability from a human flourishing perspective, three excellent ones are average life expectancy, average income, and total population…
If today’s narrative about fossil fuels destroying our delicate, nurturing planet were true, then a chart of fossil fuel use, life expectancy, income, and population would be a sad story. As fossil fuel use went up, life expectancy would go down as fossil fuels depleted the Earth of nourishment and created myriad new dangers. Income would also go down as resources became scarce—and the scarcity would become worse and worse if population went up.
But when we look at an actual chart of these metrics of a livable world, we see that these metrics are going up in an unbelievable “hockey stick” that exactly correlates with fossil fuel use, including the CO2 emissions that are supposedly destroying our world…


One of the key phenomena this chart shows is that each of the metrics of livability—life expectancy, income, population—stagnated at a very low level for thousands of years, meaning Earth was a barely livable place from a human flourishing perspective. While these charts go back only two thousand years, we know from historical records that they were preceded by tens of thousands of years of even less flourishing and progress.
Then, some two hundred years ago, everything started improving dramatically. Earth went from what we would consider an unlivable place for the average human being to an increasingly livable place, continuing through to today—with the world being what our ancestors would consider to be an unimaginably livable place.

The incredible improvement in Earth’s livability should be the number one story we talk about when we talk about our relationship to our environment. It should be the subject of fascination, enthusiasm, and aspiration—the aspiration to continue our overall positive direction.


Instead, the incredible improvement in Earth’s livability is the subject of disinterest and evasion by our knowledge system, to the point that most people think that Earth today is a less livable place than it used to be…
we must eagerly seek to understand the causes of today’s unprecedented livability, especially its most fundamental causes.
While an incredibly strong direct correlation between CO2 emissions and the world’s livability doesn’t prove causation, such correlations are often reflections of causation. And in this case, the relationship is causal to a degree that almost no one appreciates: the ultra-cost-effective fossil fuel energy emitting the CO2 is literally driving the world’s unprecedented, increasing livability.


I want to distinguish my view from the position that fossil fuel energy is incidental to or even merely important to the unprecedented and growing livability of our world. When the improvement of our world is, all too rarely and incompletely, acknowledged, it is invariably ascribed to crucial factors that are treated as unrelated or barely-related to fossil fuel use, such as scientific discoveries, technological innovation, improved medical care, and improved sanitation. While scientific discoveries, technological innovations, improved medical care, and improved sanitation are indeed crucial contributors to the world’s livability, they are not unrelated or barely-related to fossil fuel use. In fact they have overwhelmingly depended on and will continue to depend on ultra-cost-effective energy production from fossil fuels or their equal.
I love today’s fossil-fuel-dominated Earth, because with the aid of billions of fossil-fueled machines today’s humans are able to create a world of unnatural abundance, safety, and opportunity.
While I am not participating in any Earth Day events this year, I want to share with you for the first time an Earth Day conversation I had last year with former Texas Governor and US Secretary of Energy Rick Perry at last year’s EarthX (the largest Earth Day event in the world). I hope you enjoy it.
–Alex Epstein, Energy Talking Points
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Refurbished Road King

Editor’s Note: Here’s another story written about a 1999 Road King Larry Luckey inherited from his father. His father bought the bike new, and Larry wrote this tight tale about his modification. He did a helluva job.

Riding the same bike day after day for many years can be both a blessing and a curse. You get to know the bike well, but sometimes your vision gets a tad blurred. Nicks and scratches start showing up that you just don’t see. You still see the bike the way you did the day you took possession. Somewhere along the line the bike got old and ugly, but you’re too in love to see it. Then one day you look up, vision clear, and you realize something needs to be done. That’s the case with this bike. I love it, but it has gotten a touch ugly over the years.

I like clean, nostalgic bikes with simple paint jobs. While some of the graphics out there are incredible and take a great amount of skill, single and two-tone paint jobs are still my favorite. I considered a few different directions but ultimately decided on a metallic burnt orange for the color. The first order of business was to strip the sheet metal off the bike and take it to the painter.

The original Road King Classic saddlebags were sagging and had some scuffs. I prefer the look of the hard bags, but like the way the Classic bags open. The solution came when I traded the classic bags for two sets of police style bags. They were scuffed up but perfect for what I had in mind. The bags are easy to open with one hand while sitting on the bike. You can’t do that with the standard hard bags.

The problem with the police style bags is the hardware. The hinges look like something you find at Home Depot. The hockey puck on top absolutely had to go. A quick search of the internet and a plan was made. The stock hardware was removed. The indentation on the side of the bags was filled in. Deluxe touring pack hinges from Harley were used to replace the stock Home Depot utility hinge. The face of the saddlebag has a slightly different shape than the touring pack and the hinges are not a perfect fit. Since I was repainting the bike the fit did not pose a problem, but be aware patience is required if you are fitting the hinges to an already painted bag. Holes are relocated and a polished aluminum spacer was made to locate the hinge correctly. Flush mounted pop up hinges were ordered. The stock latch inside the bag was reshaped slightly to establish the proper fit. The strap and lock mounts were recessed into the fiberglass and hidden.

The result is a clean saddlebag that is one of a kind.

The Mustang seat had over 50,000 miles and was still comfortable and in great shape, however, I wanted a solo seat for riding around town with the ability to quickly attach the passenger seat and quick release backrest. I discovered a stock Harley solo seat with matching rear seat on Craigslist for $50. The foam was cut down and reshaped to give a low seating position with memory foam inserted in the centers. A local upholstery shop recovered the seats. The result is a very comfortable one off seat.

I used the reproduction of the 1961-1962 FL tank badges straight from the Harley catalog. They use an adhesive on a bracket that the badge then bolts to. The chrome and white badges offset the color perfectly.

A few minor details and the bike looks better than ever. The Thunderheader exhaust was ceramic coated black with the stock chrome heat shields cut down. The result is a strong, good- looking coating with a significant reduction in the amount of radiating heat. The rear of the bike was cleaned up with the installation of a grab bar eliminator kit incorporating turn signals.

The result is a sharp looking custom ride that can hold it’s own in any company

The Honda is a 1964 S90. A friend had one since he was a kid, and I like it. I found this one on Craig’s list and traded a pistol for it. I am painting it either charcoal grey and silver or olive green and tan, making a café seat, powder coating the rims black, and putting a 140 to 160 cc pit bike or motocross engine in it for a fun little toy to ride around town and to the lake. My youngest daughter will be getting her license next year so she may ride it as well. I ride it around the neighborhood for fun right now and plan to rebuild it over the winter. I had evil thoughts of finding a 250 Harley sprint motor to put in but doesn’t look like it would fit.

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The Confused Bikernet Weekly News for April 18, 2024

It’s trying to snow this morning but can’t decide which way to go. The dusty flecks of snow are dancing around in the breezy sky and can’t decide whether to land or just enjoy the ride, in the wind.

Let’s hit the news and see what happens next. You just can’t ever give up or give in.

Keep the faith and keep riding free!


Click here to read the Weekly News only on

If you like articles, tech, news, commentary, road-tests, reviews and more–then consider supporting this motorcycle-haven that is online since 1996 by becoming a member of Bandit’s Cantina. Click here to know more. Best deal online and free swag with it.

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I’m confused constantly, but that’s nothing new. I started to think about a girl I knew. It started to drive me nuts. Like something happened to her. You know the vibe. I even tried to find her, nothing. WTF? I just hope she’s okay, healthy and happy goddammit.

It’s trying to snow this morning but can’t decide which way to go. The dusty flecks of snow are dancing around in the breezy sky and can’t decide whether to land or just enjoy the ride, in the wind.

Let’s hit the news and see what happens next.

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum.

Gas Coverage from AMRA’s No Problem Opener

AMRA PennGrade1 motorcycle drag racing series race coverage report

event: PennGrade1 AMRA Cajun Nitro Nationals
when: April 5-7, 2024
where: No Problem Raceway, Belle Rose, Louisiana, USA

The PennGrade1 AMRA American Motorcycle Racing Association kicked off their 2024 season of Harley-Davidson drag racing at No Problem Raceway in Belle Rose, Louisiana, with the Cajun Nitro Nationals on April 5-7. You can find nitro coverage in a previous article, but here you’ll find the backbone of the sport. Gasoline classes—both sportsman and pro—are what fill the pits and staging lanes and make events like this great season opener possible.

Zipper’s Performance Pro Bagger

Riding a Jeremy Williamson whip, Rick Hunnicutt qualified number one with an 8.52 at 162 mph and won Zipper’s Performance Pro Bagger, beating New Orleans tattoo artist Jeremy Justice on a holeshot in the final. Hunnicutt’s .008 light was a superb cut of honey indeed. Justice’s .145 set himself a hurdle he couldn’t clear, putting his 8.80 at 166 behind at the stripe to Hunnicutt’s much slower 8.92 at 151.

“I want to thank Jeremy Williamson for giving me the opportunity to ride ‘Ole Heavy,’” said Hunnicutt. “We had a very challenging weekend. We did not have time to test before leaving Indiana for the opening race at No Problem. We fought a couple new engine issues, resulting in barely making Q2—which we ended up qualifying number one.

“Going into raceday, we knew the bike was hurt and was very conservative with the tune-up. Going into the finals with Jeremy Justice, we knew it was going to be a close race and that it was.

“Much thanks to Jason Crisp and his dad for help with parts at the track, probably wouldn’t have made the call without their generosity. Jeremy Justice and Crosby Blair also shared spare parts, both of which race in the same class. Great group of racers, we all have a huge respect for one another and frequently share knowledge, parts, and often dinner.

“Also thanks to Williamson Racing, GRC, Brian Murray and Murray Performance, Rodney ‘Bubba’ Shrum, Melissa Cressler Shrum, Revolution Performance, onefortyonespeed, Jason Clasquin, and C S Speedshop.”

Thundermax Street Bagger

Lafayette’s Scott Tomsu is the Louisiana face (and hair) of Bagger drag racing, and looked prepared to defend his home turf with lane choice in the Thundermax Street Bagger final. But fellow finalist Keith Evans was right there with him, ready to pounce if Tomsu should falter.

And that’s what happened. Tomsu had a slight .013 reaction time advantage but gave up .023 to the 60 foot. Totally recoverable, but things went really south for Tomsu when his kill switch lanyard got sucked into his velocity stack. While he struggled with that, Evans cruised to the win.

“It’s Darren Sheffer’s bike from Sheffer Performance Shop,” Evans said about the brilliant blue Bagger. “He asked me to ride for him this year, and the first time I ever rode the bike was Friday night. We wasn’t able to get any testing up here in Indiana.

“He built a monster though. I knew after the first pass we really had something. With a few tweaks I knew we could go rounds, but to end the weekend with a win was absolutely awesome! Hopefully it will be the first of many for us as a team.”

Axtell Cylinders Hot Street

Virginia racer Jason Crisp qualified number one and out-dueled a spirited Axtell Cylinders Hot Street field to take the win. Runner-up Casey Smith took the tree by .038 but gave up .069 to the 60 foot. His 9.48 at 131 came up short against Crisp’s crisp indeed 9.20 at 140.

“With the help of Dan Daffner at Axtell Cylinders and Phil Darcy of Darcy Racing Services and myself, we were able to get a cylinder head program together late last year that really worked for us,” said Crisp.

“We started making some 9.0 passes, so we basically left the bike alone all winter and showed up in Louisiana ready to race. We did make three test passes the Saturday before the race at No Problem and set a new personal best time. We didn’t make any 9.0 passes this weekend but we were very consistent in the 9.1s.

“I’m very happy with the bike and looking forward to the rest of the year and what we can do.”

“Jason was on a rocket with great numbers all weekend, but we made it to the finals against him,” said Smith. “On the way there, I hit a hole in the track, which broke the front header off the bike in the semis. Got it off, and my buddy Ryan Peery was able to take time and weld it up for me. Got it back on just in time to get back up for the finals against Jason. Without being able to look at the last pass, I just went with what we had in it. Turned on an .03 reaction light but just didn’t have it turned up enough to match that big 124 cubic inch motor in the other lane.”

Zippers Performance Modified

Hot Street runner-up Casey Smith also entered his no-bar bike in Zippers Performance Modified, where he qualified number one with a 9.54 at 127 and took the win over Kimberly “K-Charm” Deshields.

“It was one for the books for GEN2 Smith Racing,” said Casey. “Come off the trailer fighting some traction issues in Q1 of both classes. Calmed her down a little and put an A to B pass in it for a 9.26 ET in Hot Street. I never could better that lap.

“In Mod, I put down a 9.50s pass just to get some eighth mile data. Saw myself and Kimmie in the finals, which she is no easy win. Laid down a 9.40 ET to win my first ever Modified race with AMRA. I’m really looking forward to running it this year at a few events.

“Most of all, I couldn’t do it without the help of Chad Hart from XLXBHORSEPOWER and the #TwinZter set up we are running. He dreams up the HP and I just hold on.

“Andy Simon at Simon Motorsports helps me with our bottom ends to get that power to the rear tire. Harley-Davidson of Macon, Georgia, is a big supporter of my program as well with parts from the OEM side. If it wasn’t for those guys, I wouldn’t be as fortunate to get the few wins that we have.”

Pro Modified

As the only entrant, Billy Doherty had an easy path to the Pro Modified win and number one qualifier. “This year the owner of AMRA made a decision to allow people to drop a race during the season,” said Doherty, a Lake Charles H-D dealer. “The majority of my class lives up north and chose to not drive to the race this past weekend because of the distance. Where normally if you were going to contend for a championship you had to go to all the races.”

Doherty showed great consistency all weekend, running 8.88, 8.810 and 8.819 on a V-Rod instead of his familiar yellow Buell. “I built the motor for my PMFR V-Rod the week of the race. I will be racing some races on my V-Rod and others on the Banana.”

Doherty was racing his home event with mixed emotions. With his cat sick in the hospital, he panicked every time his phone rang. “She made it through the weekend and I picked her up, but yesterday morning she passed.

“This race is the closest for my mother to come to and get to see me race, and my customers and friends.”

Outlaw Street

Outlaw Street winner and number one qualifier Al Dula had few words to say about his Outlaw Street win over Scott Ianaro. “Everything fell into place and good reaction time,” said Dula, who’s .048 was miles ahead of Ianaro’s .392. Dula also ran a 12.16 at 107 to Ianaro’s 14.15 at 90.

Top Eliminator 9.30

Crank Lanktree qualified number one and won Top Eliminator 9.30, despite a .318 light against runner-up Monty Garrelts’ .055 in the final. Garrelts’ 9.97 was far off the number, allowing Lanktree to coast to the win with a 9.66.

Super Gas 9.90 and Thundermax Street Eliminator 11.50

Donnie Huffman has a stranglehold on Super Gas 9.90 index at No Problem Raceway, winning the class for the fourth straight year. This year’s final was a classic Huffman vs. John Shotts match-up, and Shotts buckled with a -.007 redlight. Chris Martin qualified number one.

Huffman also collected the Thundermax Street Eliminator 11.50 win, qualifying number one in that class as well. Donnie got a .035 to .072 jump on fellow finalist Josh Maikranz and powered to an early advantage. Maikranz came on strong at the end, crossing the stripe 14 mph faster than Huffman. But Donnie’s 11.56 was closer to the number than Maikranz’s 11.61.

Donnie thanked Vanson Leathers, R&R Cycles, Huffman Motorcycle Museum, and Huffman Performance and Restoration.

AMRA thanks PennGrade1 oil, Zipper’s Performance, Hawaya Racing, Axtell Cylinders, BK Electric, Johnny Mancuso’s Circle M Ranch, Dove Fuels and Thunder Max.

Visit AMRA website

This report was prepared by Tim Hailey. Enjoy everything there is to read, see and watch about motorcycle drag racing and more at 


It was a remarkable weekend for both racing enthusiasts and advocates of a noble cause at the recent MotoGP event. Motorcycle Missions, a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Corporation dedicated to helping Veterans and First Responders suffering from PTS(D), emerged victorious alongside its benefactor MotoUP, raising an impressive $120,000. This substantial contribution will fund nine ride-and-wrench programs, providing vital support to Americas patriots in need.

For the third consecutive year, Motorcycle Missions had the honor of being chosen as the beneficiary of MotoUP, a dynamic organization committed to providing financial support to community-based nonprofits serving soldiers, veterans, first responders, and Gold Star families. Together with their partners and supporters, MotoUp has raised an impressive total of $330,000 for Motorcycle Missions, underscoring their unwavering dedication to making a difference in the lives of our Nation’s heroes.

The VIP MotoGP weekend, held at the Circuit of the Americas, was a testament to the power of unity, bringing together tech enthusiasts, motorcycle aficionados, and philanthropists for three days of excitement and compassion. Attendees were treated to diverse experiences, including motorcycle trainers, encounters with a robot dog and other innovative technology, and a thought-provoking panel discussion featuring racer Kyle Wyman – the winningest rider in the history of the Mission King Of The Baggers event. Other panel members included Trackhouse MotoGP Team members Miguel Oliveira and Raul Fernandez.

Motorcycle Missions extends heartfelt appreciation to the dedicated team at MotoUP—Mei Zhou, Juan Toves, Szu-Moy Toves, and Andrew Seelye—for their instrumental role in organizing the event. Their commitment to supporting veterans and first responders has been invaluable, and Motorcycle Missions is grateful for their ongoing partnership. Additionally, the organization expresses gratitude to all the generous contributors, companies, and volunteers who contributed to the success of the fundraising efforts. MotoUp’s partners include Dell, Weka, Intel, Elite, FedData, Future Tech, Microsoft, AMD, C2 Defense, Bluescape, GAI, EOS, and Crux to name a few.

MotoUP, established in 2019 by a group of passionate motorsports enthusiasts, stands out in the nonprofit landscape by actively supporting community-based organizations serving soldiers, veterans, and military families. Through initiatives like the annual MotoGP VIP Experience & Charity Event at Circuit of the Americas, MotoUP brings together diverse talents to champion veteran outreach through motorsports.

SURPRISE DEALER SHUT-DOWN-– Harley-Davidson Of Frederick Shuts Down

In a surprise social media post on April 15, landmark Maryland dealership Harley-Davidson of Frederick announced it would “no longer represent the Harley-Davidson brand, effective April 24. The last day of operations as a Harley-Davidson Dealer will be April 22, 2024.” After 46 years of seeing the Northern Maryland and Northern Virginia market, owners Mike and Nan Vantucci are retiring from the motorcycle business.

See the whole tamale on the DealerNews website


If you need someone to wire up that Knuckle let me know? I even saved money on the RP by using the twist ties that came off the wire as I opened them. Flashers are currently hanging in the top opening.

Both the FXRP & FLHC have turn signals on one end of them at least. Have a dead short on the Shovelhead, as soon as you touch the headlight ground wire the oil light dims. Yet every wire ohms out okay, that’s what started that entire mess! I lost the run/headlight position, Harley Davidson and their 6 terminal, 2 jumper wire FLH ignition switch.

Going to start sanding on the RP fairing as well, the blue is not working with the black & white police bike.

Today remembering that young guy once. It was actually a one strobe light portrait for photography class. I believe I was 22? It’s been 42 years since & still riding! TYL!

Guess I’ll go to the garage & chase the wiring gremlin some more? I know it’s staring me right in the face!

Oh, it’s warm and muggy today, high humidity.

Official Weatherman™


1906, The Great San Francisco Earthquake topples buildings, killing thousands.

On April 18, 1906, at 5:13 a.m., an earthquake estimated at close to 8.0 on the Richter scale strikes San Francisco, California, killing an estimated 3,000 people as it topples numerous buildings. The quake was caused by a slip of the San Andreas Fault over a segment about 275 miles long, and shock.

“Read the whole tamale on History Channel Website. It must have been caused by Climate doom. Wait, all the earthquakes since then have been smaller.” –Bandit

INDIAN Motorcycle Factory Rider Troy Herfoss Secures First-Career King of the Baggers Victory–

Three-Time Australian Superbike Champion Troy Herfoss Takes First & Second at Circuit of The Americas Alongside MotoGP

In what proved to be an exciting weekend at Circuit of The Americas (COTA) during MotoGP, Indian Motorcycle factory rider, and three-time Australian Superbike Champion, Troy Herfoss secured his first-career King of the Baggers (KOTB) class win aboard the S&S Indian Challenger. In his first season racing baggers, Herfoss has proved to be a fierce competitor for the series championship, sitting second overall through four races.

Starting the weekend off hot, Herfoss won the Mission Foods Challenge and its $5,000 prize. After two qualifying sessions, Herfoss earned a front row starting position for Race 1. Despite starting third on the grid, Herfoss found himself mid pack early in the race. Having never raced at COTA and learning the track by playing a video game, Herfoss put on a master class, as he maneuvered his way to the front of the pack and into a three-way battle heading into the final lap. Ultimately, it was Herfoss taking the win by .295 of a second. Herfoss was joined on the podium by fellow Indian Motorcycle factory rider and 2022 KOTB Champion Tyler O’Hara, who captured his first podium of the 2024 season.

“It’s an honor to be standing here today and get my first win at COTA during MotoGP,” said Herfoss. “It’s early in the season, and I’m getting more and more seat time aboard the S&S Indian Challenger. It’s an incredible motorcycle – fast and smooth, but at 620-pounds, it’s like nothing I have ever raced before. With each lap and every race, I learn something new and gain even more confidence.”

While it’s Herfoss’ first move into bagger racing, his S&S Indian Challenger and S&S factory team are no strangers to the competition – having won the 2020 inaugural race and 2022 championship title with O’Hara piloting. Herfoss’ skills, paired with O’Hara’s experience, S&S’ engineering, and the Indian Challenger’s performance, make him a legitimate competitor for the 2024 title.

To start his KOTB career, Herfoss has never missed a podium, adding three second place finishes and to his one win. Herfoss is firmly planted second overall, 10 points behind the lead and 24 points ahead of third.

MotoAmerica’s Mission King of the Baggers season continues at Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta April 19-21.

The S&S Indian Challenger race team is sponsored by S&S, Progressive, Mission Foods, Drag Specialties, Parts Unlimited, and Performance Finance.

For more information on Indian Motorcycle Racing, visit and follow along on Facebook, X and Instagram.

AFFIRMATIONS FROM THE TEMPLE–say it, believe it, so be it

1. Instead of saying “I’m not ready”
say “I’ll prepare myself.”

2. Instead of saying “I’m not sure,”
say “I’m uncertain, but I’ll figure it out.”

3. Instead of saying “I’m tired,”
say “I need some rest.”

4. Instead of saying “I hate this,”
say “I don’t like it, but I’ll handle it.”

5. Instead of saying “I’m sorry,”
say “I apologize.”

6. Don’t say “I’m afraid,”
say “I’ll face my fears.”

7. Don’t say “I’m bored,”
Say, ”I’m looking for something interesting.”

8. Don’t say “I’m not interested,”
say “That doesn’t catch my attention.”

9. Don’t say “I don’t want to talk about it,”
say “I prefer not to discuss that right now.”

10. Don’t say “I don’t need help,”
say “I can handle it on my own.”

If you use these words regularly, they will melt into your vocabulary and then you don’t have to make a special effort to use it.

SOURCE: Intsagram

–from Wayfarer
Jr. Monk
Bikernet Thought Temple

NEW SCORE FROM THROTTLE ADDICTION— Max Schaaf’s 1969 XLCH Bay Area Sportster

For years I dreamt of a cross-country road trip on my chopper when I retired from the Navy back to my hometown.

Fellow photographer and ChopCult Contributor Liam Kennedy and I talked about us making this trip at length. He made his journey happen, and so did I, albeit slightly modified. I came into town with my two kids in the car and my chopper on a trailer.

Of course this would be right in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic so the riding was great but socially there wasn’t much to do. I packed all of my camera gear and was hoping by the time I got there we would have flattened the curve but as we all know we’re still rounding that corner a year later.

While I was there, I reached out to a few people about meeting up (practicing safe social distancing, of course) and as usual Lisa came in clutch. I had also reached out to Max about meeting up but I think the call from Lisa really sealed the deal and I got the invite to check out 4Q, which I can assure you, is located in Oakland. Funny enough, Max’s shop is just a couple of blocks from where my old house was and I knew the building well from living in the neighborhood.

See the whole tamale at


I follow Dave Arthur on Facebook. He tells a good story.

North Lawrence , OH

SAWICKI Speed Introduces New Carbon Fiber Accessories for M8 Softail Lineup

The new carbon fiber parts are made in-house and offer riders lightweight statement pieces for their motorcycles.

Sawicki Speed, the performance motorcycle exhaust manufacturer based in Denver, NC, has added new carbon fiber accessories to its product offerings for Harley-Davidson’s M8 Softail lineup.

“At its core, Sawicki is a performance company,” Sawicki Speed President Chris Clark explains. “But just as our performance-oriented exhausts have a unique and sought-after style, we are excited to broaden our product lineup past the pipe to include aesthetic enhancing accessories as well.”

Harley-Davidson M8 Low Rider S/ST owners can enhance the look of their bikes with Sawicki’s Center Fuel Tank Dash, made of real carbon fiber and contrasted by stainless steel accents featuring the Sawicki “S” and lightning bolt / toothpick emblems. This lightweight piece comes with a factory-installed rubber gasket for safe mounting to the bike’s tank and reuses OE mounting hardware.

Both the Center Fuel Tank Dash and Side Covers are initially offered in a stunning gloss finish, with matte finish versions currently in production and coming soon. More carbon fiber pieces for other popular Harley-Davidson and Indian Motorcycle models are in development and expected to be available in coming months in addition to the M8 Softail lineup.

Sawicki Speed’s M8 Softail carbon fiber accessories are now available directly on Sawicki’s website, and through Sawicki Speed dealers. Learn more at, and follow Sawicki on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube.

FLAT OUT FRIDAY– is happening in 3…2…1!

We are just 3 days away from witnessing the spills and thrills firsthand on Friday, April 19th, at the Portland Expo Center, as part of The One Motorcycle Show’s 15th Anniversary.

Show Hours:
Doors open at 6 PM PST, races begin at 7 PM – 10:30 PM PST


Tickets On Sale for Veterans Park Headliners Red Hot Chili Peppers, Jelly Roll and HARDY

The countdown has started. In just 100 days, Milwaukee will host the music and mototainment event of the season when the annual Harley-Davidson Homecoming Festival kicks off its four-day run. A complete schedule of free and ticketed family-friendly events and musical performances planned for July 25-28 at venues across the Milwaukee area is posted and advance Veterans Park tickets are on sale at The big weekend revs up at 4:30 p.m. on July 25 with opening ceremonies at Davidson Park, the new outdoor community hub created by the Harley-Davidson Foundation at Harley-Davidson Headquarters on Juneau Avenue in Milwaukee.


Harley-Davidson Homecoming™ Festival headliner musical acts Red Hot Chili Peppers (July 27), and Jelly Roll and HARDY (July 26) are each scheduled to perform with other top acts at Veterans Park on the Milwaukee lakefront. Both days will feature a mind-blowing fusion of music on two stages and action, featuring the biggest name in action sports – Nitro Circus – plus additional entertainment, local food, beverages, and more for enthusiasts of all ages.

Admission to Veterans Park for performances and other activities on July 26 and 27 requires a ticket. Veterans Park ticket options include 2-Day and 1-Day General Admission (GA), new for 2024 General Admission Plus (GA+), or VIP tickets offering new and enhanced experiences. Additional artists scheduled to appear include: Warren Zeiders, Priscilla Block, Hueston, Shaylen, and DJ CHILL on Friday, July 26; and The Offspring, Cypress Hill, Destroy Boys, Otoboke Beaver, Irontom, and DJay Mando on Saturday, July 27.

The full performance schedule is available at All events are designed to be family friendly and open to all fans. Children age 10 and under are admitted free with an adult General Admission ticket.


A celebration of the contributions of Willie G. Davidson to Harley-Davidson and motorcycling will be a highlight of the 2024 Harley-Davidson Homecoming Festival. Grandson of H-D founder William A. Davidson, a respected artist, designer, leader and legend who has travelled the world as an ambassador of motorcycling and the Harley-Davidson brand, Willie G. worked for Harley-Davidson for 49 years before retiring as Chief Styling Officer in 2012.

All Harley-Davidson Homecoming Festival venues will honor Willie G. Davidson through both imagery and activations. In addition to highlights of Willie G. throughout its campus, the Harley-Davidson Museum will host a WGD Ride In Custom Bike Show presented by V-Twin Visionary on Saturday, July 27. An engraved Willie G. Award will be presented to the Best-In-Show winner.

Guided tours will take place at Juneau Avenue Harley-Davidson Headquarters, highlighting various spots in the building connected to Willie G. Davidson. To celebrate Willie’s passion for vintage motorcycles, a vintage motorcycle show will also be held at the venue.


Harley-Davidson Homecoming Festival events will be held at a mixture of free and ticketed venues across the Milwaukee area, including Veterans Park, the Harley-Davidson Museum, the all-new Davidson Park on Juneau Avenue, Harley-Davidson Powertrain Operations in Menomonee Falls, and at local Harley-Davidson dealerships.

Veterans Park

In 2024, the Veterans Park venue on the Lake Michigan shore offers more food options, additional VIP shaded areas to relax in, improved VIP stage viewing, and a new GA+ ticket option in addition to GA and VIP ticket options. Visit the Harley-Davidson Hangout to see a display of 2024 Harley-Davidson and LiveWire motorcycles and learn more about Harley-Davidson Membership benefits, programs offered by EagleRider, and to enter the Harley-Davidson Riding Academy sweepstakes.

The electrifying energy of Nitro Circus returns to Veterans Park. Leveraging advanced ramp technology, Nitro Circus presents their “Everything Flies” show three times daily on Friday and Saturday, featuring top action sports athletes showcasing incredible skills in BMX, skateboarding, and a variety of mind-blowing contraptions. Exclusive to the Harley-Davidson Homecoming Festival will be motorcycle stunts and jumps executed by Nitro Circus riders on Harley-Davidson motorcycles, closing with an attempt at a record bagger stunt on Saturday. Expect gravity-defying stunts, heart pounding adrenaline and an unforgettable experience for all.

Enjoy great Wisconsin-brewed beverages like Miller Lite, Miller High Life, Leinenkugel’s and more inside or outside the Beer Hall as you enjoy the festival. Mission Foods will be showcasing their Harley-Davidson King of the Baggers racing partnership along with sampling motorcycle-shaped tortilla chips. And festival-goers will have the chance to win VIP ticket upgrades and savor the flavor of Smirnoff ICE Red White & Berry at the Smirnoff ICE Chill Zone.

On Friday and Saturday of Homecoming Festival weekend, skip the hassle of driving and finding a parking spot by using the Milwaukee bar and restaurant shuttles to get to Veterans Park. Stay updated on the Festival FAQs to discover which bars and restaurants are participating this year. For bars and restaurants interested in providing a shuttle service, email to reserve your spot and obtain a shuttle permit.

Harley-Davidson Museum

A free concert performance by Kenny Wayne Shepherd on Thursday night at the H-D Museum will kick off the Harley-Davidson Homecoming™ Festival. The Museum campus is a marquee venue, mixing Harley-Davidson heritage with the excitement of today’s two-wheeled moto lifestyle. Stop by for Museum tours (ticket required), shopping, food and beverage, interactive exhibits by Rockford Fosgate Motorcycle Audio experience, Dunlop Motorcycle Tires display, Twisted Tea hard iced tea activation area, Wisconsin Lottery Follow Us To The Fun, Official Harley-Davidson Trucks display, a 2024 H-D motorcycle showroom, V-Twin Visionary custom bike shows, a H-D Member Check-In, Harley-Davidson Factory Race Team Experience, Real Deal Revolution Workshoppes, free live music daily on the Rockford Fosgate Stage, and more.


The best thing about electric cars is the quality of life in the cities. Our urban areas, defined as densely developed residential, commercial, and other nonresidential areas, now account for 80.0% of our population.

If a large number of people in the US buy electrics, it pushes the pollution outside of the urban centers. So it increases the quality of the air, reduces the pollution that settles in the ground and slightly improves health.

So as long as you aren’t incarcerated, you may find it beneficial.

–Prince Najar
Greener Frontiers
Indianapolis, IN

“Thanks for this. It’s an interesting equation and some think the only answer is a smaller population? That’s a tough one.

So, here are some of the factors. Lithium batteries are dangerous. The extra weight of the car causes more destruction to road, wears out tires faster and causes additional asbestos from brake shoes to fall into the streets.

Fossil fuel cars are nearly pollution free, except for CO2 which feeds life on earth and makes it greener. The ICE cars are lighter, so less wear and tear on tires and brake components. They are more adaptive to society’s needs and easier to refuel.

And what about the pollution when disposing lithium batteries and the cost to replace them?

Your call,

We asked how many fossil fuel products are used in an Electric Vehicle and received this answer today:

Doesn’t matter “how many parts” as all EV’s and ICE vehicles are 100% made with parts that are based on those oil derivatives manufactured from crude oil–From tires. Insulations, computer, upholstery, plastics, etc., etc.

Even the EV battery as all those exotic minerals and metals are “mined” in poor developing countries and shipped to the auto manufacturer via fossil fuels container ships.

–Ronald Stein, P.E.?
Author | Columnist | Energy Literacy Consultant

NEW MODEL FROM VESPASpecial Edition Vespa Celebrates Piaggio’s 140th Anniversary

An exclusive limited-edition scooter in celebration of the 140th anniversary of the Piaggio Group

A maximum of 140 numbered units, with a very special celebratory plaque and a design that combines Piaggio’s colours with the iconic Vespa outline. Orders will only be taken during Vespa World Days, from 18 till 21 April 2024.

A version that is destined to be extraordinarily rare, sought-after and special.

Limited and celebratory

The Vespa 140th of Piaggio represents a bridge between the past and the future. Piaggio’s heritage embraces the forms of the Vespa GTV, one of the most modern and non-nonsense models every produced. The blue graphics against a white body evoke the Piaggio Group’s traditional colors, creating a stylish background for the new Vespa monogram and 140-year anniversary logo.

The Vespa 140th of Piaggio can be enhanced with a host of accessories, but perhaps the most distinctive of all is the capacious rear pannier. Crafted in high-quality leather with an embossed Vespa logo and smooth leather reinforced strips on the bottom and handles, it can be easily and securely fastened on the rear luggage rack.

Front and rear luggage racks, an oversize windshield and body bars are all designed to increase functionality and riding comfort.

Extremely limited availability. The Vespa 140th of Piaggio can only be ordered from Thursday 18 April 2024.

The Vespa 140th can only be ordered between 18 and 21 April 2024 and only in the following markets:
Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Frenc.Polynesia, Georgia, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lebanon, Macedonia, Malta, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Rep. Ceca, Republika Srpska, Reunion, Romania, Seychelles, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey.



Revolutionize your riding experience with our game-changing Lite Clutch, now tailored for 2004-2022 Sportster applications. This clutch control powerhouse effortlessly slashes clutch lever effort by an incredible 40%, ensuring you dominate the road with unparalleled ease.

Crafted with precision to seamlessly integrate into the primary cover on Sportster models, the Lite Clutch extends the clutch operating mechanism, delivering enhanced leverage for an optimal and powerful performance. Say goodbye to rider fatigue and hello to a smoother, more dynamic ride.

[page break]


The legislative priorities for the Motorcycle Riders Foundation, were determined at the 2023 Meeting of the Minds in Pennsylvania. SMRO leaders and their legislative directors met and collectively decided the direction the MRF would take during the 2024 session of Congress.

Bikers Inside the Beltway is more than holding common ground. Since 2009, Bikers Inside the Beltway has grown to demonstrate the collective grassroots voice of the nation’s street-riding motorcyclists. From less than 25 attendees in 2009 to well over 100 in 2023, Bikers Inside the Beltway is more than holding common ground.

In 2023, motorcyclists attending Bikers Inside the Beltway visited all 535 congressional offices. That same orchestrated visit will be part of Bikers Inside the Beltway 2024. Now is the time to plan to attend Bikers inside the Beltway – May 20 & 21, 2024. Event registration is free. However, we request you register early to help us plan the event.

The legislative priorities for the Motorcycle Riders Foundation, were determined at the 2023 Meeting of the Minds in Pennsylvania. SMRO leaders and their legislative directors met and collectively decided the direction the MRF would take during the 2024 session of Congress.

Bikers Inside the Beltway is more than holding common ground. Since 2009, Bikers Inside the Beltway has grown to demonstrate the collective grassroots voice of the nation’s street-riding motorcyclists. From less than 25 attendees in 2009 to well over one hundred in 2023, Bikers Inside the Beltway is more than holding common ground.

In 2023, motorcyclists attending Bikers Inside the Beltway visited all 535 congressional offices. That same orchestrated visit will be part of Bikers Inside the Beltway 2024. Now is the time to plan to attend Bikers inside the Beltway – May 20 & 21, 2024. Event registration is free. However, we request you register early to help us plan the event.

Holding common ground takes work and planning. In addition to the MRF “Roadshow” and MRF legislative priorities, interwoven with action from members. Individual members, Sustaining Member partners from SMROs, motorcycle clubs and motorcycling businesses are the driving forces behind the MRF’s victories. Bikers Inside the Beltway will bring the MRF’s legislative priorities to Capitol Hill. MRF legislative priorities include but are not limited to the following:

  • All legislation involving Autonomous Vehicles (AV)
  • Preservation of Internal Combustion Engines (ICE)
  • Protecting the Fuel Supply (Keep E10 or lower available)
  • Right to Repair (essential to maintaining a vibrant aftermarket)
  • Protecting High-Performance Products

To ensure that the mission of getting our message to Congress continues to be successful, you must make your hotel reservations now. Also, please consider the following as you make plans to attend Bikers Inside the Beltway:

  • Make your appointments locally or in Washington.
  • Familiarize yourself with the briefing points.
  • (Available at the pre-event briefing).
  • Confirm your appointment locally or in Washington.
  • Make notes on your meetings.
  • Share your meeting notes with the MRF.

The MRF Board of Directors will meet On May 20th before our visit to Capitol Hill. Later that day, there will be a Q&A briefing scheduled for 7:00 p.m. at the Embassy Suites, 1900 Diagonal Road, Alexandria, Virginia. Rooms are available through the hotel direct line 703-684-5900 and use reference code MRF.

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation’s Bikers Inside the Beltway is more than holding common ground — it is about protecting the future of motorcycling. Thank you for your commitment.

Yours in Freedom,
–Fredric Harrell
MRF Director of Conferences & Events


We are so happy to announce 2-Time Sons of Speed Champion Tom Banks as our Grand Marshal for the 3rd Annual Tenn Jam! Tom will be leading the racer parade on Saturday May 25th in Nashville’s Big Back Yard at Tennessee National Raceway.

Can’t think of a better ambassador for these races!

Northern Tool + Equipment Billy Lane of Choppers Inc. Competition Distributing ZMAX Race Products Journey Biker Church Boswell’s Harley-Davidson Custom Destruction Helmet Restoration Badass Cigars Whiteknuckler Brand Concept Cafes Tennessee Hot Sauce Co Open Road Radio Cycle Source Magazine Trey Clark



I Attended my third board meeting on Tuesday and we had a ton to cover.

The Hall of Fame breakfast for Wednesday during the rally is almost sold out. Legends will be there including Pete and Jackie Hill, Roger Goldhammer and James Gregory the founder of Run for the Wall. All the breakfast tables are gone, but we do have a few seats left. This turned out to be the major industry event of the rally.

We discussed curation and the upcoming Michael Lichter exhibit. Also, we kicked around the Black Hills Motorcycle Show and will award a trophy for Museum’s Choice.

We picked two of three Daniel James concept drawings to follow up with our Gustafason Contractors arrangement. They will help us put the figures together, the permits and the resources. Board members are flying in to attend the next meeting.

We are looking to complete this sign for in front of the Museum to draw customers across the street during the rally and all year long. The magnificent Tim, from Flat Earth has designed and will create the street anchored 4-foot tall display.

His bid calls for about five grand to make it happen and we are looking for sponsors.



Jack Underwood was a lifetime member of the Gear Grinders and was well known by Bob Webb, The Sights and the Blacks and many other old timers. His salt flat racing car was purchased by Ryan Rierson (a Grear Grinder who lives in Texas) and Ryan completed the build and has driven the car on the flats.

I too, donated 3 Gear Grinder Quilts which were raffled off. Even though Jack’s lifetime is over, I was hoping you would help me by posting the below information about a ’29 Ford Roadster I am trying to sell. It would be much appreciated.


–from El Waggs


Canada’s motorcycle and off-highway vehicle industry contributes billions to the economy

PAR Posted on April 10, 2024

Economic impact study offers biggest look at industry’s contributions, with $17.3 billion in output and $9 billion in GDP

Canada’s motorcycle and off-highway vehicles (OHV) industry has an annual total economic impact of $17.3 billion, with an additional $9 billion in total GDP, according to the most in-depth economic impact study done in the sector’s history.

The study, commissioned by Moto Canada, The Motorcyclists Confederation of Canada and the Canadian Quad Council, and completed by MNP LLP, provides the most comprehensive look at the industry’s contributions to the economy — analyzing jobs, vehicle and equipment sales, tourism and more.

The study found the industry employs more than 88,300 people and contributes over $3.2 billion in total government and fee revenue.

Moto Canada President and CEO Landon French says what’s more important than the numbers is what they represent.

“This research shows both the scale and the stakes when it comes to the powersport industry in Canada,” French said. “When we consult with government, lead a safety campaign or promote our activity to new riders, that it’s much more than just transportation or recreation – we are a significant contributor to the economy and identity of Canada.”

To put some of these numbers in perspective, the direct and indirect employment generated by on-road and OHV recreation is equivalent to the number of jobs created through the construction of approximately 36,600 homes.

Provincially, Quebec is the leader of the industry, contributing $4.2 billion in output, $2.2 billion in GDP and providing a third of Canada’s jobs.

“Those involved in the powersports industry aren’t just building and selling vehicles, running businesses, clubs and schools and contributing to tourism, they are ultimately helping people explore all of the beauty of this country on and off-road,” added Peter Melish, president of the Canadian Quad Council and Geoff Jilg, president of the Motorcyclists Confederation of Canada.

In addition to recreation, these vehicles are used in industries such as agriculture, forestry, mining, search and rescue and energy.

“Knowing the full scale of this industry is something everyone involved in it should know, whether it’s people selling vehicles in stores, or government working on rules and regulations for it,” said Guillaume Ferland, Chair of Moto Canada. “We are so proud to work in this space and serve those who ride.”

To learn more about the full study, click here.

Sources: Moto Canada, Canadian Quad Council and Motorcyclists Confederation of Canada

–from Cycle Canada

“Unfortunately the government boss of Canada wants the industry banned.” –Bandit


“This is great news,” says San Diego-based C&D Cycle Center. “Beta announced they are releasing a new limited production model — The Beta 390 and 500 Special Edition!

CALIFORNIA STREET LEGAL!” And you don’t have to be bound by CARB restrictions like C&D is to appreciate what Beta is offering: “These will be Race Editions with a plate!”

Billed by Beta as a limited production model for the 2024 season, the 390 and 500 RS Special Edition differs from the standard bikes in a couple key respects. “These models have KYB suspension and Race Edition inspired add-ons in a dual sport package,” notes importer Tim Pilg. “Along with Beta’s signature Rideability, the RS Special Editions are 50-state street legal allowing you to connect to more trails and extend the adventure even further.”

Beta’s bells & whistles include KYB front and rear suspension, billet aluminum extra wide foot pegs, cooling fan, anodized aluminum oil filler caps and rear chain adjuster blocks, digital meter, dual material rear sprocket, quick change front axle pull, dual map ignition system with traction control, RS mirrors and mirror mounts, Race Edition seat – plastic – colors, and 50-State street legal status.

Although the bottom line is important, this is purely a passion play, according to Pilg. “Beta is a different company in that they still build motorcycles based on passion, not profits. In true Italian form, Beta is very passionate about design, integrity, and the art of building products. We are a family-owned company and have been in business since 1905.”

Does a street-legal works bike sound like something that would sell to passionate people in your market? Click here for a Beta Dealer Application:

NEW TECH Bikernet Reader Comment!

WIRE PLUS Wiring System for the Bikernet/Cycle Source 15th Sweeps Bike–click here to read it.

Thanks a million for posting the schematic images that we can save as jpeg files and get much use out of. These old choppers are hard to figure out without your help.

Delmar Reid

“Unfortunately, Wire Plus is no longer with us, but NAMZ has picked up the reigns. Check them out.” –Bandit


AMA reports that lane splitting is now legal in another jurisdiction. Colorado became the fifth state to legalize lane filtering after Gov. Jared Polis (D) signed SB24-079 on April 4, allowing motorcycles to filter between stopped cars in traffic and at stoplights. The bill passed through both the Colorado House and Senate behind strong bipartisan support. Colorado now joins California, Utah, Montana and Arizona as states with lane-filtering legislation signed into law.

–from Dealernews website

NITRO COVERAGE from AMRA’s No Problem Opener–AMRA PennGrade1 motorcycle drag racing series race coverage report

Event: PennGrade1 AMRA Cajun Nitro Nationals
When: April 5-7, 2024
Where: No Problem Raceway, Belle Rose, Louisiana, USA

The PennGrade1 AMRA American Motorcycle Racing Association kicked off their 2024 season of Harley-Davidson drag racing at No Problem Raceway in Belle Rose, Louisiana, with the Cajun Nitro Nationals on April 5-7. Big fields, big nitro noise, and big fun were to be had amongst the marshes and petrochemical plants of southern Louisiana. Track manager Nelson Hoyos has the cane-field-turned-speedplant looking better and running more efficiently than ever—the perfect spot for AMRA to bring their thundering nitro show.

Circle M Ranch/Dove Fuels Top Fuel

The Cajun Nitro Nationals initiated a new era for AMRA Top Fuel featuring 16 bike raceday ladders, thanks to the generous support of Dove Fuels and Nitro Harley legend Johnny Mancuso’s Circle M Ranch.

First round of qualifying went as Q1 of season openers often do, with many teams getting their bearings rather than posting impressive performance. Not so for California’s Tim Kerrigan. Tim and tuner Steve Vickers posted a strong 6.43 at 212 mph to lead the round. Kerrigan’s bike had a problem during Q2 warm-up, sat out the round, and still held on to provisional number one.

Two-time and defending champ Ryan Peery started off qualifying spinning in his own puked oil. “I didn’t realize the oil was still in it from last year and filled it up again,” said Peery crewman Buddy Johnson. Second round looked pretty similar, as Peery missed the clutch tune-up. But round three was just right as Peery’s bike thundered to number one qualifier with a 6.39 at 212. “Lightest amount of weight on primary fingers I’ve ever ran,” said Peery. “The air quality was great and our motors were making plenty of power, too much for the track.”

Peery had the first round bye on raceday, which was a good thing since he didn’t make it down the track that round. It was a tough round for many, including local hero Randal Andras, North Carolina Hall of Famer Jay Turner, AMRA’s own John “JT” Toth, Pennsylvania’s Michael Balch, and Finland’s Juha “Sushi” Hintukainen.

Peery pulled it together to beat Spevco’s Tii Tharpe in round two. Jimmy “Mac” McMillan was gifted a Kerrigan red light and Ricky “Sharkey” House advanced past Rockingham Finals winner Jordan Peterson.

“I did not know that Jordan Peterson redlighted,” said House. “I think he was out on me a little bit and I was, man, I was pedaling. I mean, I was like, face down, I wasn’t looking where I was going, I tried to get aerodynamic. I was coming on and I passed him before the finishline. I asked him ‘Who won?’ and he said ‘You did, I got a redlight. So you beat me twice—at the light and on the track.’

This was McMillan’s first race since running off the end of the North Florida track last spring, into the creek and trees that reside there. His own bike not quite back together yet, McMillan rode his Bad Apple Racing teammate Frank Capone’s bike and was strong on his very first hit with a 6.66. “After the .66 we laid down on Friday, we saw signs of some ring leakage, so TK (Tracy Kile) and the crew swapped the top end that evening,” reported McMillan.

“Saturday’s first run saw a slower lap with a dropped hole about 1000 foot and puffed some smoke. During warm-up for Q2 we noticed a lot of smoke but needed to go. Q2 results confirmed we hurt it and needed to sit out Q3 to fix this for Sunday. The problem was, we only had the piston/cylinder assembly we just pulled for spare parts. Again, TK and the crewswapped top ends.

“To add to the fun, BAM’s (Pro Fuel racer “Bad Apple Mary” Dangrow) bike hurt the top end as well, so they tore into it. Both Bad Apple bikes were down to the crankshafts that evening and back up again. Not much fire and storytelling time for Saturday.

“Sunday warm-up looked good, but when eliminations started, we knew the bike was down on power and the clock was ticking. E1, JT went red and I thought I was sleeping at the tree but caught him at the big end. We were thinking it had one more pass in it before it expired. On to E2 Tim drops the hammer and runs his personal best of 6.36 but hands me the win with a red light. E3 I broke the beam to move onto the final where we faced Sharkey, who was on point all weekend.”

Ricky “Sharkey” House didn’t think of himself as “on point,” but acknowledged his consistency. “It was really embarrassing in a way,” said House. “I mean, I normally run .20s and .30s, but I come here and I’m running consistent .60s—a .67, a .65, a .63, a .59 with a 9 and a .55. So I slowly, slowly got quicker.”

Whether House noticed McMillan’s issues or not, his reaction time slowed considerably from the .011 he nailed in the semis. “I accidentally double bulbed him as we approached the stage beams, which I hated doing, but it didn’t bother him,” said McMillan. “I got the advantage on the tree (.041 to .069) but Sharkey was gaining with every second and we made it about 800 feet before we ran out of steam and he powered by. Not a Cinderella story by any means but it sure feels like it. A very special weekend for us, our team and our fans.”

“I’m right now where I should have been when I started,” said House, who slowed from a .55 in the semis to a .65 while driving around McMillan in the final. “Should have been a .50 out of the trailer and we can work from there, but it don’t matter—a win’s a win. Like everybody, I come here for one reason—to win. If I didn’t think I could win, I wouldn’t be doing this.” And his last Top Fuel win was two years ago right here at No Problem.

“I didn’t break anything, but on oil line came off and lost all pressure one second after the hit (early in the event). I pulled the bottom end off because I thought maybe the bearings were wiped out.” They weren’t. “Other than that, everything was pretty good. I had to work hard. My brain thinks it’s 25 years-old but my body is 65.

“I’d like to thank Dugan, Pam, and everybody that worked on the bike this weekend. Javelina H-D, if you want to buy a new Harley, go see them. OTR—they do all the service on my truck.”

The next stop for that truck was taking House to a blown alcohol hydroplane drag boat he’s learning to drive. “I’m getting more comfortable in it. I haven’t really, really made a hard clean pass yet,” finished Sharkey, who’s been drag racing boats since he was a teenager. Hence the nickname?

Nitro Funnybike

House only had to drive from Texas to get his Top Fuel win, but Nitro Funnybike rider Tadashi “Reggie” Saitou came all the way from Japan. He made the most of the trip, qualifying number one with a 7.07 at 197 and taking the win against Jason Leeper in the final despite granting Leeper a big chunk of time at the tree.

Don “D.J.” Johnson disciple Saitou got his start wrenching with Top Fuel star Tak Shigematu, also from Japan. “Then I got my Nitro Funnybike and became a race pilot,” said Reggie. “I learned how to race a nitro bike from D.J., and about six months before he passed away, I was able to become a race winner for the first time. This is my first joy.

The PennGrade1 AMRA American Motorcycle Racing Association kicked off their 2024 season of Harley-Davidson drag racing at No Problem Raceway in Belle Rose, Louisiana, with the Cajun Nitro Nationals on April 5-7. Big fields, big nitro noise, and big fun were to be had amongst the marshes and petrochemical plants of southern Louisiana. Track manager Nelson Hoyos has the cane-field-turned-speedplant looking better and running more efficiently than ever—the perfect spot for AMRA to bring their thundering nitro show.

Hawaya Racing Pro Fuel

Champion Sam White started his Hawaya Racing Pro Fuel title defense in the best possible way—with number one qualifier and the win. In fact, White posted a sharp 7.18 at nearly 177 in Q1 and promptly put his Hawaya Racing T-Too on the trailer until eliminations.

“We got very lucky with 7.18 out of trailer on Saturday,” said White. “Gave us an opportunity to work on our routine. We have a new team member, Lynn Rogers, an old friend of mine. We have known each other since we were young boys and were drag racing on the street as teenagers. We overcame some of the new challenges in ‘breaking in’ a new guy.

“We had Hailey Caulk in the first round on Sunday—wonderful to see some new talent coming on the scene. We had bye run in the second round then moved to our pal, Bad Apple Mary.

“The bike seemed to slow down as the day moved on. As luck would have it we met Curt Sexton in the finals. Thankfully we had just enough power to pedal it through the finishline.” Like Saitou, White gave up a chunk at the tree and—despite being down on power—still mustered a winning 7.47.

“Hardy shout out & thanks to Hawaya Racing, Products, Matt Coleman, Lynn Rogers, April White, and Cathy Rogers. We look forward to seeing everyone in Cecil County!”

Shutdown Area

That’s it for AMRA Nitro coverage from No Problem, but Gas classes are at the ready line so keep your eyes on your favorite motorsport media outlets for all of the AMRA Harley drag racing news.

AMRA thanks PennGrade1 oil, Zipper’s Performance, Hawaya Racing, Axtell Cylinders, BK Electric, Johnny Mancuso’s Circle M Ranch, Dove Fuels and Thunder Max.

Visit AMRA website

HOT New Bikernet Reader Comment!–
Review: Chopper Hobo by Shovelhead Dave

Wow, all I can say is I am honored and deeply humbled by J.J.’s kind words here on Bandit’s fantastic You two wonderful guys and David Mann formed my very existence with your magazine in the early 1970s. You guys are the trailblazing originals, I am merely your chopper cult follower.

I’d also like to thank Mister Richard Sheehy for taking the interest and time to turn the inane gibberish into a book. Rich, without you, all the old memories would be lost to time and the faded pictures in the old photo albums would get tossed out in the garbage after I take the Big Dirt Nap.

I never intended to write any book, for sure. Back then, I was taking pictures of the interesting places where I rode, that’s all. And I was sending the pictures back to my old riding partners in Texas, telling them goofy shit like “You guys should be here.” And then they ended up being the smart ones cuz I lost my job and car and apartment. So it kinda became the chopper and me vs the universe.

I’d also like to thank the guys across the western USA that would shoot pool in the bars and pool halls for 1 or 2 bucks a game. I tried to be a gracious winner and bought you guys beers and played the juke box. I’d usually leave the joint with maybe 8 or 12 bucks more than I walked in with, and while that doesn’t sound like much these days, it was enough loot to get gas for the bike and hot dogs and beans for the campfire, bwahaha.

Thanks to everybody who took the time to read Chopper Hobo. After seven frame-up builds on the thing, that Shovel Chop and me are still together, 50 years this July 2024. Till Death Do Us Part.

Ride on forever,
–Shovelhead Dave
Milwaukee, WI

[page break]


Earlier this year, a bill was introduced in California requiring “every passenger vehicle, motortruck, and bus manufactured or sold in the state” to be equipped with speed limiter technology, starting with the 2027 model year. According to the bill (SB 961), the technology would “electronically limit the speed of the vehicle to prevent the driver from exceeding the speed limit by more than 10 miles per hour.”

Representatives from the MRF attended a roundtable discussion held by the Road to Zero Coalition on this initiative and were troubled by many aspects of this proposal. It is important to note that this is not about speed governors. This proposal is about a dynamic system using vehicle cameras, road signs, GPS, and virtual maps to determine speed limits on roads and actively restrict vehicles from operating above a certain threshold.

ABATE of California, the California Motorcycle Dealers Association, the California Trucking Association, the California Manufacturers and Technology Association and the Specialty Equipment Market Association are among the organizations that have gone on record opposing the bill. The MRF remains committed to protecting our freedoms from government overreach. Allowing technology to override driver control of vehicle speed is a slippery slope. We thank the advocates in California for pushing back against this proposal. The MRF will remain vigilant in Washington, D.C., ready to oppose any similarly proposed federal plans.

To read a copy of the letter submitted by ABATE of California opposing this bill, you may visit MRF website.

As always, Ride Safe and Ride Free



f it is going to be it is up to me!

“It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.”
 –Tony Robbins

In this moment, we turn our awareness inward to the boundless Power that resides within each of us, the Universal Source of All Life.

Do we truly embrace the belief, down to the very core of our being, that our potential is limitless, and that the Universe bestows upon us its abundant Gifts, waiting for us to claim them? Do we approach each day with the unwavering expectation that new beginnings and opportunities await us?

Do we hold the same steadfast Trust in the Universal Laws as we do in the simple act of flicking a light switch, knowing without doubt that light will illuminate the darkness?

Today, let us embark on a small experiment in manifestation. Perhaps it’s a sought-after parking spot, a timely call from a friend, or the solution to a pressing challenge. Trust that the Universe will provide, just as effortlessly as we trust the light to brighten our surroundings.

With each passing day, let us hone our ability to manifest greater abundance in our lives. As we release our desires into the hands of the Universe, we witness miracles unfold. Through these experiences, our Faith and Trust deepen, and our manifestations multiply.

As the ancient wisdom reminds us, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” When we radiate positivity and align our thoughts with abundance, the Universe mirrors back to us its limitless bounty.

Let us reflect on the profound truth echoed throughout the teachings of the ages: the power to shape our lives resides within us.

Today, let us scrutinize the choices we make and where we invest our power. Are these choices yielding the outcomes we desire? Let us break free from the cycle of repetition, for true transformation begins with conscious choice.

Affirmation: Today, I embrace the decision to Be—to live life to the fullest, to claim my inherent Power, and to shape my destinies with unwavering Faith and Trust in the boundless potential that resides within myself.

And So It IS


Senior Monk
Bikernet Thought Temple

“Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.”
–Leo Buscaglia


The 17-Year-Old Phenomenon Expressing Emotion Through Fluid Fretwork and Raw Riff-Craft

Grace Bowers, the 17-year-old powerhouse, has quietly emerged as not only a phenomenon on her instrument but the hottest new artist on the roots music scene. She’s been sought after by music royalty, including Dolly Parton, Tyler Childers, Lainey Wilson, Devon Allman, Susan Tedeschi, and more.

After seeing her perform at the Newport Folk Festival in 2023, Rolling Stone professed, “Her twenty-minute performance gave the distinct sense that everyone lucky enough to have attended was witnessing a star in the making.”

The debut album from Grace Bowers & The Hodge Podge is set to release this summer, so don’t miss this rising star’s performance among the pines in Mammoth Lakes this August!


FOR UFC 300–VP Racing Fuels, Inc., recognized worldwide as the leader in performance fuel products, today announced its partnership with the UFC, the world’s premier mixed martial arts organization, to commemorate UFC 300 tonight in Las Vegas, Nevada. In addition to UFC 300, the sponsorship package includes two additional events, UFC 301 in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, and UFC 302 in Newark, New Jersey.

UFC 300 will bring the sport’s best-ever fight card to fans across the world. The main event, UFC 300: Pereira vs. Hill, will be held tonight at 10:00 p.m. Eastern Time from the T-Mobile® Arena in Las Vegas. VP’s name, logo, and messaging will reflect the support VP Racing brings to the evening.

Fans should also get ready for this Saturday when they can enter the VP Racing | UFC 302 Sweepstakes at VP-UFC.COM for a chance to win an exciting package of prizes. One lucky fan will win two UFC 302 P2 tickets for the exciting fight in Newark, New Jersey, on June 1st, a $1000 SouthwestAirlines® Gift Card, a $1,000 Visa® Gift Card, two $250 UFC Store Gift Cards, and a VP Prize Package valued at $750, for a Total Prize Value Over $4,000!

For more information about VP Racing and its products for racers, enthusiasts, and general consumers, visit


“Another lesson may be that it’s okay, from time to time, to get a little shouty, even rude. Extremism in defense of liberty, as one great man said, is no vice.”

–Michael Shellenberger
Public News


–Sam Burns
Talent Scout™

QUICK, New Bikernet Reader Comment!–Jay Dobyns vs the Hells Angles on A&E

I thought Jay Dobryns 15 minutes of fame was over years ago. I guess A&E is really desperate for ratings to bring him back.

–Jim Weed
San Diego, CA

POLITICO– German transport minister threatens ‘indefinite driving bans’ on weekends ‘to meet climate goals’

Germany’s transport minister Volker Wissing in a letter to the parliamentary group leaders: “A reduction in traffic to help meet the climate goals would only be possible through measures that are difficult to communicate to the public, such as “comprehensive and indefinite driving bans on Saturdays and Sundays,” Wissing added.

If the planned reforms are not passed through parliament by July 15, Wissing warned, the Ministry for Digital and Transport would be obliged to submit an “immediate action program that ensures compliance with the annual emission levels of the transport sector” until 2030 — which would include a driving ban on weekends. …

BIKERNET BOOK CLUB—Terry the Tramp, Life and Times.

I’m onto your part of the Terry the Tramp story where Sundowner Tang is kinda getting guys into trouble, hahaha. You write a perfect story. Your descriptions of the characters and choppers and places make me feel like I’m right there and know what everybody looks like.

Take care and save the raised left fist.

–Chopper Dave

ANOTHER TECH New Bikernet Reader Comment!–Big Dog Background

Was the 100th bike featured in Easyriders or another magazine? If so, can u tell me which one and the issue?

Wichita, KS

I’m not sure where it was published. If you read the article, it talks about the 1000th model and the 10,000th model to name a few. They had terrific success behind Nick’s leadership.”


I KNEW IT—Chinese dragons do exist or did…

New Sea Dragon Unlocked

Researchers have identified remnants of what may be the largest marine reptile ever discovered. The species, ichthyotitan severnensis, was believed to reach over 80 feet long, twice the length of a city bus.

The newly discovered species is a descendant of ichthyosaurs (sea dragons), which coexisted with dinosaurs in the late Triassic Period, 250 million to 200 million years ago. Like dolphins, the sea-bound creatures were capable of breathing air and subsisted off fish and squid. This particular fossil was discovered by a father-daughter duo in 2020 on the beaches of Somerset, England, and later corroborated by paleontologists. The duo (the daughter is now 15 years old) uncovered part of the creature’s lower jawbone, known as a surangular, estimated to reach over 6 feet.

Researchers say further investigation is needed to confirm the new species’ length. It follows a 2018 study in which the study’s author discovered another species of icthyosaur, also on the beaches of Somerset.


Performance Brokerage Services, North America’s highest volume dealership brokerage firm, is pleased to announce the sale of Signature Harley-Davidson in Perrysburg, Ohio, from Michael Lenhart to Evan Schipper in a deal done by George C. Chaconas, Senior Partner, and Courtney A. Bernhard, Partner of the Harley-Davidson & Powersports Division for Performance Brokerage Services.

Read it all on the Dealernews website.

YAMAHA OUTDOOR ACCESS– Initiative Sponsors Recreation Exhibit at New National Conservation Legacy Center in Missoula, Montana

National Conservation Legacy Center to Feature Recreation Exhibit Promoting Safe, Responsible Motorized Recreation in Support of Access to Public Land

Yamaha Motor Corp., USA, today announces it will be the exclusive motorized recreation sponsor of the Recreation exhibit at the National Conservation Legacy Center (“Center”) of the National Museum of Forest Service History (Museum) through a grant from the Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative (Yamaha OAI). The Recreation exhibit will focus on the many aspects of outdoor recreation along with its value to and reliance on land stewardship and conservation efforts to protect access to public lands.

“User education is fundamental to securing access to public land for outdoor and motorized recreation and this opportunity at the National Conservation Legacy Center is a compelling example of the Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative mission,” said Steve Nessl, Yamaha’s Motorsports marketing manager. “The National Conservation Legacy Center’s recreation exhibit is a creative, educational experience, and Yamaha’s support further demonstrates the OHV community’s commitment to a sustainable future of outdoor recreation for all types of users.”

Located in Missoula, MT, surrounded by some of the country’s most notable public lands, the Center is expected to open in Fall 2025. With the Yamaha OAI grant, Yamaha becomes a major sponsor of the Recreation exhibit for 10 years.

ALWAYS MAKING PROGRESS—You just can’t ever give up or give in.

A brother offered me a 5-speed transmission for $1,200, completely rebuilt. I said I probably have enough parts to build one, but it was tempting.

Agent Zebra sent me this shot from when we raced to Sturgis in 2000, 24 years ago. I built his bike and mine. We had a blast. He’s on the left. Myron on the right rode with me from the West Coast and the Agent came from the East Coast.

Scratched some time to build my spark plug wires for the VLXAFL-5. I soldered the ends, used dielectric grease and bada-bing they were done.

I captured four weapons from the Sturgis police. They belonged to the notorious Sunshine Vickie. She wasn’t allowed near the cop shop. I checked out two of them and this sawed-off single-barrel, 12 gauge was toast. I mounted it on the shop wall with a set of solid brass knuckles from the equally notorious Buck Lovell. I mounted it and bolted it down so no one would get the notion to use it.

Here’s an update of my grandson’s Panhead project bike. I’m hoping to wire and fire the VLXAFL-5 this weekend, depending on time. So is he with this Panhead. We’re both close.

I’m getting sorta anxious to get started on my auction item. I met with the Munro Fab shop dad. They’re getting close to finishing with cutting my pieces. Hang on.

The Chevy might be dialed in. Picking it up tomorrow.

Keep the faith and keep riding free!


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100WFC: Third Date by JJ Spain

Third Date by JJ Spain
illustration by Wayfarer

He introduced Mary to her first motorcycle ride. He pulled alongside a Ford Focus using the right turning lane. At the last second, the Ford also decided to turn right. The car’s front fender gave the cycle an extra boost off the two-lane, crashing through a picket fence.

Able to slide to a stop still upright, he sighed. His left knee put a dent in the black tank. His date was scared and crying. The bastard driver of the car didn’t stop. They rode to her house to ice his knee.

Two years later, he took a knee and she said, “Yes.”

(publication dated 16-Apr-2024)

GET THE RIGHT RIDING GEAR FOR YOUR GAL — GET TO 5-Ball Racing Garage — click to launch.

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Jay Dobyns vs. the Hells Angels on A&E

Episode 1, April14, 2024, of the new A&E series about the Hells Angels should have been called the Jay Dobyns Show. Jay Dobyns was or is an ATF employee.

The ATF’s job is to commit more crimes against Americans than the Hells Angels could possibly commit against Americans if they had help from the Transformers, the Avengers and the Herculoids put together. However it has never occurred to the Hells Angels to try and infiltrate the ATF: to try and put a stop to their organized-crime-based fundamental structure and purpose for existence.

The ATF, however, apparently thinks about the Hells Angels day and night and are devoted, with money from taxes taken against the wills of the rightful owners, to putting the Hells Angels out of existence as a self-advertising men’s Harley fraternity.

If you piled up all the stuff the ATF confiscates from their rightful owners and then piled up all the stuff the Hells Angels allegedly confiscate from their rightful owners……the ATF would have a much bigger pile and worth a lot more money than the Hells Angels pile.

While the Hells Angels do not run to the press with the latest stats on their most recent haul of private property, assuming they confiscate other peoples’ private property, the ATF routinely puts displays of their lootings on large tables and in large warehouses and then invites the press in to admire the stuff and write glowing stories about the ATF’s “good work.”

Journalists never see the ATF’s pile of stolen property as stolen property. They see the ATF’s stolen property as proof that, “the government is a valiant enemy of evildoers.” Here’s the problem there: news reporters, like the ATF, have a warped understanding of right and wrong. That’s why the Press and Government actually get along so well. You would THINK that news reporters, being every bit as corrupt as the ATF would insist that the ATF share the loot with the reporters, since reporters flock to these confiscated displays of robbed hauls with enthusiasm and freely report on ATF diligence and morality via thievery with enthusiasm. No one ever said reporters were smart.

The Hells Angels have never tried to infiltrate the ATF or any other government agency. the Hells Angels have never organized coordinated raids on scattered offices of the ATF and put all the agents in handcuffs, paraded them outside, piled all their property on the lawn and called-in the Press to admire their skills at putting multi agency-locations out of business. Why? Because the ATF never violates Hells Angels rules and regulations. Because ATF members are not Hells Angles. Neither are the Hells Angels ATF members.

However the ATF rules apparently apply to everyone in America. You break one of THEIR rules – which fill the Library of Congress – it doesn’t matter you’re not one of their members. The ATF and apparently 99.9999% of the citizenry, however, see nothing wrong with this. In fact they see it as patriotic. I see it as Indoctrinated Shittyness proclaimed as National Pride. They didn’t even have to use lockdowns, masks, 6-foot-separations and mandatory inoculations to get that job done. Apparently, they accomplished it when everyone was 6 years old and on their first day of mandatory government schooling.

If you’re not a Hells Angel?…..and you break one of their rules?….there’s no Hells Angel hiding somewhere in your midst monitoring your behavior and reporting on your flagrant disregard for the Hells Angels’ rules to whoever “the authorities” are in the Hells
Angels. Why would they even give a shit?

It’s not this way with the ATF. You violate one of their ten trillion rules directed at YOUR behavior, not theirs, and they find out about it….they get PISSED.

They consider this righteous wrath. You are out of control. You broke one of their rules. They don’t even know you, but they are on their way to not just take your stuff; they’re taking you too. And they have the nerve to say the Hells Angels are a menace to society. The Hells Angels try to fucking avoid society. The ATF goes out of its way to fuck society up. And they’re the good guys. If you think like the ATF does, you have something fundamental very seriously wrong with you and I am very tempted to say it’s low intelligence coupled with a sociopathic set of values. Which are……Fuckingly Reversed values.

The first episode focused on Jay Dobyns’ slow transformation from a striding blond Nordic godlike creature into a nervous, haunted apparition who looks to me like he’s desperately trying to hold it together.

Hey, I could be wrong. Maybe he’s just acting; he acted-out what he thought a Hells Angel should act like. My personal opinion is that it’s Actual Intelligence at work that is slowly and fitfully trying to work its way into his thick head that “Maybe it’s the ATF that’s majorly fucked up and not the Hells Angels. Maybe I should get a life that doesn’t involve fucking with strangers but rather helping them. Like opening a restaurant for instance or even just working in one.”

If that happens, one ATF agent at least can perhaps be saved and turned into an actual American. Not one who’s at war with them.

–J.J. Solari with images from Sam Burns and Bandit

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H-D Factory Racer Sets New Track Record


Rispoli Takes Third Podium in Four Races Aboard Factory Harley-Davidson Road Glide

MILWAUKEE (April 13, 2024) – Harley-Davidson® Factory Racing rider Kyle Wyman made his mark at Circuit of the Americas with a dramatic win, a new class track record, and the MotoAmerica® Mission King of the Baggers points lead. Wyman, aboard his race-prepared 2024 Road Glide® motorcycle, finished the doubleheader race day with second and first place finishes. His Harley-Davidson® Factory Racing teammate, James Rispoli, is third in points after hard-fought fourth and third place finishes.

The MotoAmerica Mission King of the Baggers series appeared as part of the MotoGP™ Grand Prix of the Americas weekend on the challenging 3.4-mile, 20-turn Circuit of the Americas road course, adding a uniquely American flavor to the event and making many new fans.

The first six-lap race saw Factory Indian rider and pole sitter, Tyler O’Hara, lead a breakaway pack of six bikes, including Wyman and Rispoli, for the first five laps. On the last lap of the race, Wyman made his move, passing O’Hara for the lead. Factory Indian rider Troy Herfoss came with him after fighting his way to the front from as far back as sixth place. Moments later Herfoss dove below Wyman heading into turn 15, forcing Wyman wide. Herfoss held on to cross the finish line 0.295 seconds ahead of Wyman with O’Hara third, Rispoli fourth, and RevZilla/Motul/Vance & Hines Harley-Davidson rider Hayden Gillim fifth, all separated by less than one second.

Later Saturday afternoon, the second six-lap Mission King of the Baggers race saw Herfoss and Wyman pass O’Hara on lap two and gradually open a gap over the second group of riders, led by Rispoli. Wyman stalked Herfoss until the last lap before making his move on the brakes going into turn 1. Wyman then laid down a near perfect lap, setting a new lap record for the class at 2:14.8 and a win by 0.677 seconds.

“I knew I had some pace on the Factory Harley-Davidson Road Glide and methodically moved my way forward,” said Wyman. “I’m so pumped to get this win for Harley-Davidson. It was a really great race, I’m looking forward to Road Atlanta.”

Rispoli enjoyed another successful weekend on the Factory Harley-Davidson team with his third podium finish in four races.

“I am so stoked to be on the podium again,” said Rispoli after race two. “There were so many people battling for position, and it was so much work. I tried everything to hang on to third place for my guys who worked so hard this weekend. It’s such a confidence boost for me.”

After four of 18 rounds in the 2024 MotoAmerica Mission King of the Baggers series, Wyman leads the championship with 95 points. Herfoss is second with 85 points, followed by Rispoli with 61 points, O’Hara with 46 points, and Gillim with 45 points.

Harley-Davidson® Factory Racing returns to action April 19-21 at Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta in Braselton, Ga. during the MotoAmerica Superbikes at Road Atlanta event.

The Mission King of the Baggers series features race-prepared American V-Twin touring motorcycles. Harley-Davidson® Factory Racing Road Glide® motorcycles are powered by modified Screamin’ Eagle® Milwaukee-Eight® 131 Performance Crate Engines. The team bikes also feature upgraded suspension components, including Screamin’ Eagle/Öhlins Remote Reservoir Rear Shocks, plus competition exhaust, race tires and lightweight bodywork.

Harley-Davidson® Factory Racing is sponsored by Mission® Foods, Rockford Fosgate®, Brembo®, Öhlins®, Protolabs®, SYN3® lubricants, and Screamin’ Eagle® Performance Parts and Accessories.

MotoAmerica King of the Baggers Race Results – Circuit of the Americas Race 1

  1. Troy Herfoss (Ind) S&S/Indian Motorcycle
  2. Kyle Wyman (H-D) Harley-Davidson Factory Racing
  3. Tyler O’Hara (Ind) S&S/Indian Motorcycle
  4. James Rispoli (H-D) Harley-Davidson Factory Racing
  5. Hayden Gillim (H-D) RevZilla/Vance & Hines Harley-Davidson
  6. Rocco Landers (H-D) RevZilla/Vance & Hines Harley-Davidson
  7. Bobby Fong (Ind) SDI/Roland Sands Racing
  8. Cory West (H-D) Saddleman/Harley-Davidson
  9. Kyle Ohnsorg (Ind) RydFast Racing
  10. Max Flinders (Ind) Mad Monkey Motorsports
  11. Travis Wyman (H-D) Saddleman/Harley-Davidson

MotoAmerica King of the Baggers Race Results – Circuit of the Americas Race 2

  1. Kyle Wyman (H-D) Harley-Davidson Factory Racing
  2. Troy Herfoss (Ind) S&S/Indian Motorcycle
  3. James Rispoli (H-D) Harley-Davidson Factory Racing
  4. Bobby Fong (Ind) SDI/Roland Sands Racing
  5. Tyler O’Hara (Ind) S&S/Indian Motorcycle
  6. Hayden Gillim (H-D) RevZilla/Vance & Hines Harley-Davidson
  7. Rocco Landers (H-D) RevZilla/Vance & Hines Harley-Davidson
  8. Kyle Ohnsorg (Ind) RydFast Racing
  9. Max Flinders (Ind) Mad Monkey Motorsports
  10. Cory West (H-D) Saddleman/Harley-Davidson

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