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Proposed drag racing series faces safety, noise concerns

by Joe Werkmeister from The organizer of a proposed drag racing series at the Enterprise Park at Calverton addressed a number of concerns related to safety, noise and the environment during Thursday’s Town Board work session. Pete Scalzo, who has a pending special event application for an multi-series event called Race Track Not Street at EPCAL, said all vehicles racing on the temporary 1/8-mile track on the 7,000-foot EPCAL runway will be required to have a muffler. Vehicles will be inspected prior to racing, he said. Motorcycles would not be permitted to race as well. Several residents spoke out against two pending racing proposals, including a separate event called the Scrambul Runway Challenge, during the May 19 Town Board meeting. “Everything will comply with strict safety protocols,” Mr. Scalzo said of his event, citing his experience with promoting more than 170 drag racing events that have been successfully completed without incident as well as running four race tracks. “I’m proud to say I have never ever had a claim paid out to a racer or spectator.” Racing will be limited to the 1/8-mile track with a speed limit set at 115 mph or no faster than six seconds, he said. He said those limits are not common at drag racing events and he’s received some negative feedback from racers, but has agreed to those limitations to ease safety concerns. Racers will also be required to wear a helmet, a change from his original presentation before the Town Board in April. He said the helmets will be required even thought the insurance company does not mandate it. The event would be sanctioned by the National Hot Rod Association, Mr. Scalzo said. Councilman Ken Rothwell, who has worked with Mr. Scalzo on the special event application, said Mr. Scazlo has “proven himself in this industry” and said he has “great confidence in him.” Mr. Scalzo agreed to push back the date for the event, which will be held over four weekends starting in late August if approved, due to concerns about nesting birds. “I did speak to the [Department of Environmental Conservation] and the nesting dates conclude around Aug. 16 so we’re not going to start until the following weekend,” Mr. Rothwell said. “We’re working together between man and nature.” The Town Board is expected to vote on resolutions for the special event applications for both Mr. Scalzo’s event and the Scrambul Runway Challenge at its next meeting Wednesday. The Scrambul event, which would feature three tracks using both runways, was originally proposed for June but will now be Sept. 25-26. Mr. Rothwell said he’s been talking to Andre Baxter of Scrambul and he has agreed to change the dates to not interfere with the bird nesting. Mr. Baxter also has decreased the size of his half-mile track so there won’t be the high speeds that officials were concerned about. The application shows a maximum of 1,000 people, including drivers. The resolution on the Scrambul event would amend a prior resolution the Town Board approved for the special event application. “They are committed to providing a safe venture here,” Mr. Rothwell said. The Race Track Not Street events would run on Saturday and Sunday and would be held during daytime for the first weekend. Three subsequent Saturdays would be night events, with gates opening at 1 p.m. and competition from 4-10:45 p.m., the latest time allowed under the town code. Mr. Scalzo said the series of multiple events is necessary to make it cost effective to host. Mr. Scalzo estimated needing about 30 staff members to run the event. There would be a $35 entry fee for racers and spectators would pay $15 in advance or $20 at the gate. Supervisor Yvette Aguiar said Mr. Scalzo agreed to give Riverhead Town residents priority in attending the event. “There’s a big interest here in Riverhead,” she said. In terms of safety, Mr. Scalzo said there will be over 2,000 feet of highway concrete barriers and additional 1,600 feet of crowd control metal barrier fencing. Mr. Scalzo said the racing surface where he envisions the 660 feet of racing taking place is “better than probably most of the other race tracks that I’ve been at.” Spectator viewing, parking and pit areas will be on concrete or asphalt and not on grass areas, he said. Speaking to concerns about noise, Mr. Scalzo said he can’t blame nearby residents for bringing up the issue. He said in years past, other proposals centered around true drag racing where the vehicles would have been quite loud. But this proposal, he said, is street racing. “We are so concerned about issues that the public has with noise that we will be on top of that,” he said. “Again, what we’re asking for is this permit to be able to operate to show you the merits of what drag racing is all about. I’m not saying I’m personally looking for a change in zoning or something that should continue forever at EPCAL. No, that’s not what this is all about.” The Town Board is still waiting for reports from the fire marshal and Planning Department. Jefferson Murphree, the planning administrator, said there are no outstanding concerns. He said a traffic safety plan has to be approved by the police department as is always required with the special event application. Mr. Scalzo, 76, who lives in Sarasota, Fla., said he plans to attend Wednesday’s Town Board meeting.
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BMW to Expand R 18 Cruisers With Two New Models

by Daniel Patrascu from

A little more than a year ago, BMW returned to the cruiser segment with the mighty R 18 motorcycle. Designed to take on the big boys of the segment, specifically Harley-Davidson and Indian, the range will get a few more versions very soon.

The line already comprises the standard cruiser and the more touring-oriented Classic. They will be joined by a sportier incarnation, R 18 B, and the Transcontinental classic tour-oriented two-wheeler, which according to our sources, will likely be revealed as soon as this June.

Like all other bikes in the family, the new ones are said to use of the same 2-cylinder engine that is 1,802 cc in displacement, albeit fitted inside a slightly larger frame required to accommodate the needs of longer cruises. Named by the Germans Big Boxer, the powerplant is rated at 91 hp and 158 Nm (116 lb-ft) of torque in the existing bikes, and that will probably be the case with the new ones as well.

The B will come with a large fairing and a short windshield, while the Transcontinental will sport a larger windshield, additional headlights, and a top case at the rear. Both new models will get a larger tank, 10.5-inch TFT screen, and even an area with inductive charging for smartphones.

The wheels are likely to remain the same in size, namely 19-inch front and 16-inch rear wheels, only in a new design. Visually, the B will take a darkened approach to things, while the Transcontinental will go for chrome.

According to the spies that captured the photos you see in the gallery, the R 18 B should tip the scale at 365 kg (805 pounds), while the Transcontinental is said to come in at over 400 kg (882 pounds).

Full details on the new bikes, and uncamouflaged photos, will be thrown into the wild by Motorrad soon.

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Oregon governor blocks motorcycle ‘lane splitting’ bill

by Sara Cline from

Earlier this month, Oregon lawmakers passed a bill that would allow motorcyclists to drive between slow or stopped traffic.

However, despite bipartisan approval and hundreds of letters of written testimony — overwhelmingly in favor of the “lane splitting” legislation — Gov. Kate Brown this week vetoed the measure, citing public safety concerns.

“I have several concerns with the bill as currently drafted, particularly related to public safety and noncompliance,” Brown said in a Wednesday letter to the state Senate president and House speaker, which was obtained by Oregon Public Broadcasting.

Senate Bill 574 would have permitted motorcyclists to drive between lanes, on multilane highways, when traffic slowed to 10 mph (16 kph) or less — also known as “lane splitting” or “lane filtering.” In this situation, motorcyclists riding between cars could travel no more than 10 mph faster than the flow of traffic.

States like California and Utah have enacted similar laws.

While this idea concerned some drivers, motorcyclists argued lane splitting actually improves safety.

“Perhaps one of the more dangerous situations for any on-highway motorcyclist is being caught in congested traffic, where stop-and-go vehicles, distracted and inattentive vehicle operators and environmental conditions pose an increased risk of physical contact with another vehicle or hazard,” Nicholas Haris, a representative for the American Motorcyclist Association, said in written testimony. “Even minor contact under such conditions can be disastrous for motorcyclists.”

According to the Oregon Department of Transportation, in 2018, the most recent data available, there were 78 deadly motorcycle crashes in the state.

“I have witnessed — during rolling traffic slowdowns on the Southern California freeway — motorcyclists cautiously, slowly and effectively moving through traffic and eliminating themselves from the traffic backup,” Kate Stoller, an Oregon motorcyclist, said in written testimony.

In Utah, legislation passed in 2019 allows for lane filtering. Prior to the law, in 2018 the state had 28 fatalities involving motorcyclists. The following year it reported 18.

Proposals to allow lane splitting have been introduced repeatedly in Oregon but stalled in the Legislature. This year the bill had a bipartisan group of sponsors from both chambers. In the House the bill passed 42-14, and in the Senate it passed 18-6.

But some disagreed that the bill would make roads safer — the latest being Oregon’s governor.

“Many stakeholders, including law enforcement agencies and members of the public remain concerned that lane filtering is unsafe for both the motorcyclists and the drivers sharing the road, due to the serious injuries and death that commonly result from motorcycle-involved accidents,” Brown wrote.

“Based on these concerns, I am returning SB 574 unsigned and disapproved,” the governor wrote.

A legislative override of her veto would require a two-thirds vote in each chamber.

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Public Safety meeting discusses illegal dirt bikes and excessive noise

by Carolyn Noel from

CHICOPEE – A Public Safety meeting took place to discuss illegal dirt bikes, motorcycles, speeding and excessive noise in the City of Chicopee on May 19.

City Councilor William Courchesne, Ward 7, has been an active participant in the fight against this issue. At the City Council meeting on May 4, Courchesne spoke on the many phone calls he has received from upset residents in his ward. He also helped with updating the Code of the City of Chicopee to strengthen and modernize many noise ordinances.

During the Public Safety meeting, residents were given the chance to voice their concerns on illegal dirt bikes, motorcycles, speeding and noise. Members of the Chicopee Police Department were also in attendance to respond and answer questions.

One resident spoke on the danger of dirt bikes speeding along public streets.

“They’re turning our public streets into their playgrounds,” she said.

Attendee Gerald Lavoie agreed on the danger of dirt bikes speeding on streets, but also proposed that the city give them a safe space to ride.

“The kids need a place to ride,” he said.

Lavoie suggested opening up land for people to ride their dirt bikes safely by Westover Air Reserve Base, near Szot Park or anywhere else that could be accommodated.

Resident David Perault spoke on his motorcycle-related concerns at the meeting. He said that from April through November the noise is “crazy.” He even compared the area he lives in to a speed race.

“My apartment unfortunately faces the Chicopee River and what I like to call the Indianapolis 500,” said Perault. “These guys are flying.”

He spoke on the excessive motorcycle noise that he had to deal with during the COVID-19 lockdown when he was home. He said that a lot of the motorcycles backfire, which can sound like fireworks or even gunshots.

Despite the complaints, Perault did show understanding to the Chicopee Police force. He spoke on the lack of police staff in recent months, especially in the Traffic Enforcement Department.

“I understand that there’s not a lot you can do about it because you don’t have the manpower to do it,” he said. “Whatever you can do to address it, I would be eternally grateful.”

Two residents spoke on the issue of dirt bikes and motorcycles on Moreau Drive. They both emphasized the amount of kids who live there and how dangerous this could be to them, those at nearby Litwin School and those at the nearby Chicopee Country Club.

“We need to do something about this. We need to do better. Any assistance would be great,” said resident Jen Santere.

According to both, Moreau Drive has had three hit and runs within the last year. They brought forth a petition of over 100 neighbors demanding the excessive speeding to stop and asking the Police Department to restore safety to small neighborhood streets.

Many city councilors also attended the meeting to listen to concerns and voice their support. Courchesne said that he wants to see a task force of police officers who cover strictly traffic issues. This would ensure an instant response to these types of situations.

Councilor Gary Labrie agreed, as did Councilor Derek Dobosz. Councilor James Tillotson said that this needs to become a priority among the Police Department, especially now with nice weather approaching.

“I really think we have to make it a priority this summer and try to put an end to it. It’s only going to get worse once the weather gets warmer and the kids are out there more,” said Tillotson.

To finish the discussion, members of the Chicopee Police Department were given time to speak. According to the Captain of the Traffic Bureau, the department is having trouble making these issues their main focus due to a lack of overtime positions being filled.

“Our guys are burnt out with working hours,” he said.

The Chicopee Police Department is also having issues hiring new officers, he said.

Chicopee Police Capt. Jeff Gawron also spoke on the issue.

Gawron said that the Chicopee Police Department is working with other communities to help combat this issue.

“There’s issues all over the place. We are doing everything possible,” said Gawron.

He spoke on the fact that there might be a delay in response to traffic issues, but officers will always show up. There is a need to prioritize calls and, for example, a shots fired call will always take precedence over a traffic call.

“We’re doing the best that we can. The officers on the street are doing the best that they can. They’re working long hours, but, like I said, they can’t be everywhere,” said Gawron.

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Triumph Motorcycles Getting Dedicated Beeline Navigation Solution

by Daniel Patrascu from

Carmakers have long learned that if they plan to be successful in our age and time, they must now also cater to their customers’ connectivity and navigation needs. That is why present-day cars are more gadgets on wheels than anything else.

Not the same can be said about motorcycles, though. Sure, bike makers are trying to satisfy those needs too, but the limits of two-wheeled vehicles will never allow for the same level of technology as on cars to be deployed. But, again, bike makers are trying.

The latest development to result from these efforts comes from Triumph, which just announced it partnered with specialist Beeline to create a dedicated navigation solution in a “Triumph-branded package.”

The solution was envisioned as a minimalist proposition. The system’s case is IP67 waterproof and shockproof, can be quickly mounted on any motorcycle, not only Triumphs, and features laser-etched Triumph branding.

The bike maker says the system is a perfect fit for the bikes it makes, more specifically for the Bonneville. Once installed on the two-wheeler, it needs to be paired with the Beeline app to work.

The Triumph Beeline, as it’s called, comes with a back-lit display and provides two navigation modes, the turn-by-turn Route and the more adventurous Compass, which uses a compass to give directions.

The display shows a speedometer, clock and trip computer, route tracking, metric and imperial information options, and GPX route import option. It can do so for up to 30 hours, after which it needs to be plugged in to charge its battery via a USB cable.

According to the Brits, the system can be used on bikes riding in the UK, Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. In the home market, the thing is priced at £199 ($282) and will go on sale at the end of this week.

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Memorial Day Bikernet Weekly News for May 27th, 2021


Are things calming down or heating up. I had lots of dreams about Bonneville last night. Hopefully haul bikes will deliver the Salt Torpedo to the Badlands soon.

I tell young guys that building bikes is an investment. Buying and restoring antique bikes can work out well. The adage, “All eggs in one basket,” is a good one. Ya need to diversify. But do what’s comfortable for you, but just do something goddammit.

Have a hell of a Memorial Day and remember those who died for freedom.


Click Here to Read the Weekly News on Bikernet.

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Are things calming down or heating up. I had lots of dreams about Bonneville last night. Hopefully haul bikes will deliver the Salt Torpedo to the Badlands soon. I need to reach out to Delvene Manning about the Bonneville Speed Trials in August. I just did. Maybe Bikernet can become a media sponsor once more.

More crates should also arrive shortly. I met with a metal building manufacturer this week and with a contractor. I need to have a sit-down with this builder to work out a plan. He wants to start on it after the rally. We still have June and July. I spoke to two other contractors. They are both booked up for months if not years. Construction is wild right now and the price of lumber is through the roof.

But what is the price of time?

Here’s a classic chopper being finished by our Salt Torpedo pilot, Micah McCloskey. I reached out to Cary at Choppers Mag to see if he would like to feature it. He said, Yep!

Then we will feature it on Bikernet.
Let’s hit the news:

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum.

THE ESSENCE OF EVIL —At its April 22, 2021, public hearing, the California Air Resources Board (CARB or Board) approved for adoption the proposed chapter 16, articles 1 through 7, sections 2900 through 2914, title 13, California Code of Regulations, which establish mobile source certification and compliance fees, and the proposed repeal of chapter 1, article 2.5, sections 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, and 1994, title 13, California Code of Regulations.

At the hearing, staff presented modified regulatory language developed in response to comments received since the Initial Statement of Reasons was released to the public on March 2, 2021. These modifications include (1) allowing an applicant to receive a refund rather than a credit if an application is withdrawn or if overpayment of fees occurs (2) clarifying modifications to definitions, and (3) establishment of additional reduced-fee application categories.

Staff also communicated its intention to provide the Board with a report on the impact of the regulations on the process and timeliness associated with aftermarket part reviews once fully implemented, and to include expected timelines for the entirety of the executive order exemption process in the application guidance provided to aftermarket parts manufacturers.

The Board directed the Executive Officer to make the modified regulatory language, and any additional conforming modifications, available for public comment, with any additional supporting documents and information, for a period of at least 15 days as required by Government Code section 11346.8. The Board further directed the Executive Officer to consider written comments submitted during the public review period and make any further modifications that are appropriate available for public comment for at least 15 days, and present the regulation to the Board for further consideration if warranted, or take final action to adopt the regulation after addressing all appropriate modifications.

A summary of the newly proposed modifications can be found in the 15-Day Notice.

15-Day Notice

Inquiries concerning the substance of the proposed regulatory action may be directed to the agency representative Kathleen Mead, Air Pollution Specialist, Heavy Duty In-Use Compliance Section, at (916) 324-9550 or Jackie Lourenco, Chief, New Vehicle and Engine Programs Branch, at (626) 450-6152.

The Notice, ISOR, and all subsequent regulatory documents are available on CARB’s Rulemaking webpage.

TARIFF WARS REPORT–The tariff wars are not really over. UK had put increased tariffs on American Tech Companies – so Biden administration had threatened retaliatory tariffs against UK which is not a member of European Union.

So of course, a company like Harley-Davidson can’t plan its production and budget based on these temporary reliefs in tariff wars. Until a deal is signed and there is assurance that deals won’t suddenly get scraped due to change in governments after elections, there is no stability nor clear direction on exports market.

Chief Economist
Bikernet International Trade Division

BIKERNET GUN NUT REPORT–and he’s a fuckin’ Texan. THAT’S the part that’s hard ta believe.

–J.J. Solari

HOT NEWS FROM THE CLIMATE DEPOT–CO2 Data Reveals Current CO2 Starvation

Two great sequestration periods occurred since the mid-Paleozoic and both appear to coincide with evolution of plants. The first woody plants and trees arose in the Middle Devonian and fueled the large coal swamps of the Carboniferous Period.

Later explosion of the flowering plants (angiosperms) occurred in the Cretaceous. All the while additional C was being locked up in limestones. Also, in high TOC (Total Organic Carbon) muds that were converted to the shale/mudrocks that we are now liberating with fracking.

Gregory R. Wrightstone
Executive Director
CO2 Coalition
Author of “Inconvenient Facts.”

–by Viv
The Carbon Sense Coalition

And this from Patrick Moore’s Report—

Executive Summary

•This study looks at the positive environmental effects of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, a topic which has been well established in the scientific literature but which is far too often ignored in the current discussions about climate change policy.

•All life is carbon-based and the primary source of this carbon is the CO2in the global atmosphere.

•As recently as 18,000 years ago, at the height of the most recent major glaciation, CO2dipped to its lowest level in recorded history at 180 ppm, low enough to stunt plant growth.

This is only 30 ppm above a level that would result in the death of plants due to CO2starvation.

•It is calculated that if the decline in CO2levels were to continue at the same rate as it has over the past 140 million years, life on Earth would begin to die as soon as two million years from now and would slowly perish almost entirely as carbon continued to be lost to the deep ocean sediments.

•The combustion of fossil fuels for energy to power human civilization has reversed the downward trend in CO2 and promises to bring it back to levels that are likely to foster a considerable increase in the growth rate and biomass of plants, including food crops and trees.

•Human emissions of CO2 have restored a balance to the global carbon cycle, thereby ensuring the long-term continuation of life on Earth.

–Patrick Moore
Author of “Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom.”

DON’T MISS OUT!–Kodlin Motorcycles, established in 1984, has printed and launched the first Kodlin USA catalog.

24 pages with over 50-part numbers for Harley- Davidson motorcycles. Create incremental sales at 30% margin for your dealership by becoming our partner.

Our top sellers include:
– M8 Softail Lowering Kits and Body Parts.
– LED Turn Signals and 3-1 Neowise Rear Indicators.
– Road Glide Elypse and Street Glide Legit Turn Signals and many more….

In stock, shipping from our California warehouse or thru our distribution partner WPS / Harddrive.

Click here for your free hard-copy of our 2021 catalog!

Kodlin USA Incorporated
16315 Monterey Rd
Ste. 100
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
Phone: 408.228.4508

WOMEN’S MOTORCYCLE TOURS NEWS–Alisa Clickenger and Women’s Motorcycle Tours Partner with Indian Motorcycle and Polaris Slingshot for Women’s Motorcycle Festival and Conference

Indian Motorcycle and Polaris Slingshot  help create opportunity for women motorcycle riders and passengers to come together, learn and connect at summer event

Women’s Motorcycle Tours is proud to partner with Indian Motorcycle and Polaris Slingshot for the Women’s Motorcycle Festival & Conference, August 19-22, 2021. Indian Motorcycle and Polaris Slingshot will be promoting the event and supporting conference attendees for the 4-day landmark event in Arlington, VA. 

“When Polaris asks for rider input, they do indeed listen. And that’s the reason so many women are turning to the Indian Motorcycle and Slingshot brands of motorcycles,” said Alisa Clickenger, Women’s Motorcycle Tours’ Founder and Event Producer. “Indian Motorcycle and Polaris Slingshot are doing an outstanding job of supporting female riders, the events we create for ourselves, and truly listening to the female riding community when it comes to their product development. It’s really an honor to work with them in support of women motorcycle riders and bring forth these events.”

Indian Motorcycle and Polaris Slingshot are excited about supporting the first LIVE Women’s Motorcycle Festival & Conference. During the event, they will be hosting a Hospitality Walk which will welcome lady riders as they arrive at the conference, as well as presenting during the General Session portion of the event.

Jessica Kubalek, Senior Platform Manager for Indian Motorcycle, and Collett Mazula, Senior Marketing Manager for Polaris Slingshot, will both be speaking at the conference. These women will be sharing their inspirational and informative presentation with conference attendees. During the presentation, attendees will have the opportunity to hear directly from these two women who are working at the forefront of vehicle and brand development at Polaris. 

Indian Motorcycle and Polaris Slingshot will be the title sponsor for the Outdoor Festival portion of the event on Saturday and Sunday, which will feature a wide range of activities for powersports enthusiasts including demo rides on their latest models. The Outdoor Festival is open to the public and riders from all around the country – male and female – are encouraged to participate in the festival atmosphere and take these vehicles for a test ride.

Hospitality Walk – Riders will arrive in Arlington, Virginia, on August 19, 2021. After the exhilarating cross-country motorcycle ride honoring women and celebrating the 19th Amendment, Women’s Right to Vote, Indian Motorcycle and Polaris Slingshot will welcome the riders and other conference guests with a cold towel, a bottle of water, and a gear check station.  A welcome bag filled with beautifully crafted gifts courtesy of Indian Motorcycle and Polaris Slingshot will be given to attendees as they enter for the weekend celebration and kick off the Women’s Motorcycle Festival & Conference.

General Session: Education – The Women’s Motorcycle Festival & Conference General Session of the four-day event is made possible by Indian Motorcycle and Polaris Slingshot. Between sessions the audience will enjoy snacks, movement, and fun activities to keep attendees energized, engaged, and entertained. All presentations will be in front of a live audience as well as streamed online for virtual attendees. 

Outdoor Festival – A celebration of this size wouldn’t be complete without a festival featuring what motorcyclists love to enjoy – the great outdoors. Riders, conference guests, VIPs and the public will be able to join in the fun, festival atmosphere, vendors, food trucks, product demonstrations, entertainment, and more will be included in the outdoor festival portion of the four-day event. Both Indian Motorcycle and Polaris Slingshot will be on site all weekend offering demo rides.

KIDS RIDE ACTION–2020 Strider Customs Garner Stellar Results at Mecum Las Vegas
Also, 2021 Builder Class Revealed Now

When 7 Tiny Custom Strider bikes crossed the block at the prestigious Mecum Las Vegas Auction in early May, first they stole the show then they raised funds to support new rider initiatives.

The little bikes, customized by builders, racers, and journalists, were unveiled at the 6th annual Flying Piston Benefit Builders Breakfast last August, held at the Sturgis Buffalo Chip. They comprised the third class of tiny customs, produced to benefit All Kids Bike, a program of the Strider Education Foundation that makes bike-riding part of kindergarten P.E. classes nationwide

The 2020 class of bikes sold for a total of over $15,000 at the Mecum event in May, which had been postponed from January due to Covid. The amount will fund at least three schools.

“These little bikes were graced with a very big venue,” said Marilyn Stemp, partner in the Flying Piston Benefit. “The Mecum audience is top-notch, both in appreciating the craftsmanship of the bikes and the mission they benefit. We are very grateful to Dana Mecum and Ron Christianson for making us welcome.”

Meanwhile, the 2021 class of Strider Builders have been working diligently toward the unveiling of their customs, planned for Sunday, August 8th 2021 at the 7th Annual Flying Piston Builders Breakfast, presented by Russ Brown Motorcycle Attorneys. This exclusive meet & greet held at the Buffalo Chip Crossroads is a must-attend event that kicks off the Sturgis Rally in style.

Here’s the 2021 class of builders:

Alexis Dejoria
Diva Amy
Kiwi Mike
Zach Ness
Carl Pusser
John Shope
Nick Trask
Steve Massicotte with Team Paughco.

See their bikes, meet them and support All Kids Bike by attending the Breakfast – and bid on one-off skateboard artwork thanks to artists participating in the Gnarly Magazine art contest. (Tickets:

Keep track as the new class is revealed at

Media, Sponsors and Participants: The Flying Piston Builders Breakfast is produced by Marilyn Stemp of Iron Trader News and Jeff Najar of Biker Pros. For sponsor information or to donate auction items contact: Marilyn Stemp, 828-205-8482,

QUICK, OPEN THE BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY–when your gal is feeling testy and blocked you off from twat and chestier. If you need to sew some oats, there’s a reason god made goats.

–J.J. Solari
Bikernet Advisories in Rhyme dept.


NEWS FROM THE PRISM–Dreamboat’s First Start in 40+ Years

We recently fired up Dreamboat, our 1952 Harley-Davidson Panhead, that hasn’t seen the light of day in 40+ years until we bought it a couple of months ago!

What started as an initial inspection to see what would be needed to get it started ended in actually riding it! We can’t believe the shape this bike is in and how little was needed to get going again.


Glendale, KY: The Bikers Info USA app launched on Thursday April 29th, at the Thunder Beach Rally in Panama City Beach Florida. The launch brought the first “Bikers app” to fruition and is now available to download FREE in both the Google Play and Apple stores.

Bikers Info USA is the only app that brings the biker culture together in one place. It is designed for ease of use and navigation. The content of the app is immense ranging from National Rallies to Rallies and events in your individual state. The app also has every dealer of every brand in every state, making it easy for the user to find the closest dealer to them regardless of what brand they’re riding. You’ll find bagger builders, custom builders, all the vendors selling everything from sunglasses to air ride systems. Want to know where your favorite “Biker Band” is playing? It’s on Bikers Info USA.

Everything Biker related can be found on Bikers Info USA App including motorcycle attorneys by state, restaurants, financing and insurance, promoter resources and more. It truly is “Thee Bikers App”, designed by bikers for bikers.

“We are so happy to have the Bikers Info USA app available to the motorcycle community, and to be positioned to make it free for our users”, says Larry Jobe, President & CEO of Bikers Info USA. “The app is supported by our sponsors and we are very fortunate to have them on board with us, their participation is what allows the app to be FREE to end users”, says Jobe. “Any motorcycle related business can be listed on Bikers Info USA for FREE all they have to do is submit their information and we’ll get it up”, says Jobe. Bikers Info USA has one objective and that is to be the go-to resource for the motorcycle community in the USA.

As part of the launch Bikers Info USA has announced a year-long giveaway contest for a 2021 Indian Scout (provided by Indian of Panama City Beach) to be given away at the Thunder Beach Spring Rally in 2022. It’s free to signup for the giveaway, just download the app fill out the entry form and you’re in. “The Indian Scout will be appropriately given away at Indian of Panama City next spring and we are fortunate to have their support”, says Johnny Lange VP of Operations Bikers Info USA

Get the app today:

Android users link –

Apple users link:

“All we ask is that if you download the app and you like it….tell a friend about it”, says Jobe

To learn more about Bikers Info USA you can contact us at (270) 723-1626 or download the app and tap on the “About” section.


June 12th-20th, 2021 – New Hampshire – home to America’s Original Riding Rally

Take a stroll anywhere near Weirs Beach these days and you can sense the excitement building for this year’s Progressive Laconia Motorcycle Week®. The “Bikers Welcome” signs are already up in the windows of many local shops and hotels, with restaurants putting the final touches on sprucing up their establishments for the anticipated crowds. Any other year you would be more likely to hear the word “brace” when asking a local what they do to get ready, but this year, the vibe is a little bit different.

“In my 22 years working with Laconia Motorcycle Week, I’ve never seen anything like it,” explains Jennifer Anderson, Deputy Director. “We’re getting a huge number of people who skipped last year’s rally, either because they couldn’t get here during the rescheduled August dates, or just didn’t feel comfortable being around large numbers of people during the pandemic, and now, they are geared up and excited to finally be coming back. Couple that with the growing sense of excitement we’re all feeling about getting outside and feeling safe again, and you’ve got the perfect recipe for a Motorcycle Week like we’ve never seen before.”

Much of the buzz around this year’s rally can be attributed to the fact that, until recently, no one really knew what the event would look like or if it would really happen at all given the ever-changing guidelines and restrictions hovering around COVID-19. Thanks to the vaccines, and the tireless work by local and state officials, the 98th Progressive Laconia Motorcycle Week® was officially declared a “go” in early May, with few if any restrictions for vendors, bars, and other businesses.

Many inns, hotels and campgrounds are filling up if not full already and visitors are encouraged to make their reservations NOW! If visitors are having a hard time getting a reservation, the Laconia Motorcycle Week Association recommends people consider altering travel days or expanding the lodging search elsewhere in New Hampshire and commuting into Weirs Beach. In addition to and, The Lakes Region Tourism Association and Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce are great resources for all travel needs.

Adds Jenn, “The City of Laconia is excited to host another historic event as we continue the countdown to our 100th rally. We welcome all, no matter where you’re coming from, and urge everyone to be safe, respectful and, most importantly, have fun!”

Be sure to keep checking the events page on the official site of Laconia Motorcycle Week for more information about this year’s rally.

For more information about visiting the state of NH, check out

KELLY LANG BRINGS BACK CLASSIC SOUL–Kelly Lang Now Available For Speaking Engagements After Overwhelming Demand Of Current Single “I’m Not Going Anywhere”

Lang’s Story Recently Featured In American Songwriter

“This is the most beautiful song I have ever heard in my 71 years. So, so beautiful and emotional. It brings on tears every time I listen to it.”
– Donald W.

“I’m fighting cancer right now, and I know how you were feeling about not showing your weakness with your mate. It’s hard to admit you need help. Until I came to grips with it, my wife struggled to get through to me that she was going to be here no matter how rough the road gets. Beautiful song, Kelly. It brings me to tears, but happy tears.”
– Barry C.

“I love this song, and when I heard it for the first time on the Ascension commercial, I knew it was you. Thank you for such a wonderful song. I’m sure it has comforted many people.”
– Carolyn T.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Nationally acclaimed singer/songwriter Kelly Lang’s current standout single “I’m Not Going Anywhere,” continues to grow momentum across the United States, offering comfort and hope to every listener.

As part of Ascension Hospital’s national campaign, this landmark commercial has touched people from every walk of life. Due to the overwhelming success and interest from multiple outlets, Lang is now adding public speaking to her list of credentials. She is now available for speaking engagements, both in-person and virtually.

As part of her inspirational journey, Lang has opened up to the world about her struggle with breast cancer and how she overcame the illness with the help of her family, friends, fans, and even comedy. Each appearance will also feature a performance of songs written during this difficult time. For more information or booking opportunities, visit

BIKERNET BOOK OF THE WEEK CLUB–Allan Karl’s best-selling book FORKS: A Quest for Culture, Cuisine, and Connection has also been a #1 best-seller in three Amazon categories.

The second edition of FORKS is widely available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Indie Bookstores everywhere. Autographed and personalized signed copies are available on the FORKS Website.

FROM THE HAL ROBINSON ARCHIVES–Here is another ‘70s bike.

–Ann Robinson

It’s actually an illustration of the first chopper Paul Wheeler had featured in Easyriders Magazine in 1971. He is still one of the masters. –Bandit

It took us a long time to discover where Buffalo Bill Cody’s best friend, Jonathan “Buffalo Chips” White, was buried.

I expected him to have been buried at the Fort Meade Cemetery with many of the horse cavalry troops who gave it all while helping to piece this Republic together. It was quite a surprise to find his grave and the Official US Scout Memorial right at the battlefield where he lost his life to a bullet believed to have been sent his way by Chief American Horse.

American Horse was leading his people in a flight for freedom. Buffalo Chips was riding ahead of the 5th Cavalry and headed to Deadwood. The paths of these mortal enemies met just a few weeks after Greasy Grass (Custer’s Last Stand) about 88 miles north of the Buffalo Chip. As fate would have it, it was the end of the trail for both men, killed by what turned out to be the last battle of the American Indian Wars.

It’s a beautiful ride up to the Slim Buttes battlefield. Pass a couple of ghost towns, a bunch of pronghorn antelope, a few dinosaurs, a stage stop or two and we’ll arrive at a historical marker that tells the tale. The graves and Memorials, almost hidden on the hillside, are set just above the draw, the site of the deadly violence. It was not a cowboy & Indian movie.

Some might call it a colorful bit of our history, a clash of two cultures. It was not that long ago. Memorial Day seems a call for reflection, a day of peace and freedom. It’s a great day for a ride. I’ll be saddling up at 0900 on Memorial Day, May 31st at the Big Engine here at the Chip. I invite you to join me. We’ll stop at a couple of pretty cool places along the way. Bring your own beverage, hardtack and jerky.

You can just show up for the ride. I’d be excited, though, to get a text that you’ll be joining us, rain or shine. 605.641.8490. Please plan to be there at 8:45 a.m. as 0900 is kickstands up.


[page break]


A King had many elephants, but one elephant was very powerful, very obedient, sensible and skillful in everything, especially in his fighting skills. In many wars, he was sent on the battlefield and he used to return only after getting victory for the King. Therefore, he was the most loved elephant of the King.

Years went by and there came a time when the elephant started getting old. Now he was not able to perform as before. Therefore, now the King did not send him to the battlefield but the elephant still remained as a part of the King’s army.

One day the elephant went to a lake to drink water, but unfortunately his feet got stuck in the wet mud there and he began sinking. He made a lot of effort but he could not remove himself from the mud. People came to know from the sound of his screams that the prized elephant was in trouble. The news of the elephant being trapped and in danger also reached the King.

All the people, including the King, gathered around the elephant and made various efforts to get him out. Yet, even after trying for many hours, there was no way to get the elephant out.

At that time, a Priest was passing by. The Priest stopped and inspected the site of the incident and then suggested to the King that the battle drums should be played around the lake. The crowd of people felt shocked at the bizarre suggestion, wondering how the trapped elephant would be saved by playing the battle drums. But the King having used his resources for hours without any benefit was willing to try anything to rescue his elephant. So, when the King ordered the playing of battle drums, the people could not say anything against the Priest. The King’s men started playing the drums.

As soon as the drums of war started ringing around the lake, there was a change in the gestures, behavior and determination of the troubled elephant.

At first, the elephant slowly stood up and then gradually used his force and intelligence and soon enough came out of the mud on his own, shocking everyone.

The Priest smiled and said: “There was no lack of physical ability in the elephant, but only the need to infuse enthusiasm, motivation and will within it, which was missing.”

To maintain enthusiasm in life, it is necessary that humans maintain purposeful thinking and do not let despair dominate their thoughts!

We all go through difficult phases, troubles in life and eventual old age. We need to enthuse ourselves & people around us with hope & enthusiasm by playing, if need be, the Battle Drums. As the human spirit in us recognizes its will to survive, we will again celebrate an abundance of joy, health & success.

Remember, the obstacle you are facing now, this too shall pass. Just as you overcame problems in childhood, youth, in your past, your heart will remember to beat to the sounds of that courage within you, knowing you have the capacity to overcome now as well.

Gray Mountain Monk
Bikernet Cultural Center

LIFESTYLE CYCLES DEAL OF THE WEEK–2019 Harley-Davidson FLDE – Softail Deluxe for $18,995.00



This bike is a modern version of a Harley classic

ONLY 2617.00 Miles !!!!!

2019 Black Harley-Davidson SOFTAIL DELUXE FLDE

Some of the features/Add-ons on this bike

* M8 107c.i. Motor
* 6-Speed trans
* Whitewalls on wire wheels
* Solo seat
* Chrome staggered exhaust
* Engine guard

This bike has passed Lifestyle Cycles rigorous 101 point safety and mechanical inspection. Whether you’re looking to commute to work, ride the coast or take that dream vacation, this bike is ready to go!!!


Fill out an online application and ride today!!!

**Open 7 days a week**

Just $18,995.00 at Lifestyle Cycles (714) 490-0155

After 35 years of marriage, a husband and wife came for counseling. When asked what the problem was, the wife went into a tirade listing every problem they had ever had in the years they had been married. On and on and on: neglect, lack of intimacy, emptiness, loneliness, feeling unloved and unlovable, an entire laundry list of unmet needs she had endured.

Finally, after allowing this for a sufficient length of time, the therapist got up, walked around the desk and after asking the wife to stand, he embraced and kissed her long and passionately as her husband watched – with a raised eyebrow. The woman shut up and quietly sat down in a daze.

The therapist turned to the husband and said, “This is what your wife needs at least 3 times a week. Can you do this?”

The husband replied, “Well, I can drop her off here on Mondays and Wednesdays, But I fish on Fridays.”

–Sam Burns
Certified Librarian
Bandit’s Cantina Bad Joke Library

Here is #310, the last Crocker built (above).
Don stated that no one has ever offered a Small Tank along with a rare Big Tank Crocker together.

–Steve Klein
Sierra Madre Motorcycle Company
Sierra Madre goddammit

Drop me a line if you’re interested. They are worth big-candy.


PIRELLI NEWS–All Riders Equipped with SCORPION MX Tires will Have Access to a Dedicated Team for Technical Assistance

Pirelli Tire North America will continue its trackside support and racing service in the Lucas Oil Pro Motocross Championship for 2021. With an expanded presence of the #PirelliNation rider support program heading into the season opener at Pala Raceway on May 29, Pirelli looks to build on a successful Monster Energy Supercross Championship that saw the brand capture podium results in both the 250 and 450 classes.

Pirelli will have its 18-wheeler race transporter on-site to provide technical support and trackside assistance to all racers competing on SCORPION™ MX tires.

Pirelli continues to pride itself on its “we sell what we race, we race what we sell” motto, meaning anyone can purchase the exact tires used by its professional riders and racing teams. This has allowed Pirelli to focus on development for motocross specific tracks and ensure that the consumer is receiving its latest technology and products.

“It’s been a good start to 2021 for our brand and our goal is to keep that momentum rolling into the upcoming motocross season,” said Nick Walton, off-road race manager, Pirelli. “We’ve been able to expand our presence this year in both classes, continuing with many of our longtime partners as well as adding several new faces. Our SCORPION™ MX range had great success last summer, and for 2021, we’d like to continue by adding more podiums and race wins.”

For 2021, Pirelli’s efforts will support several teams that include FXR/Chaparral Honda Racing, BarX/Chaparral/Ecstar Suzuki Racing, Club MX, TPJ Racing, JMC Motorsports Racing, and PR-MX Kawasaki. In addition to the race teams, Pirelli’s support and dedication to privateers at the grassroots level of the sport remains unchanged with riders like Freddie Noren, Henry Miller, and more.

Pirelli’s motocross global dominance remains unmatched with 74 Motocross World Championships that includes riders such as defending MXGP Champion Tim Gajser, nine-time World Champion Antonio Cairoli, multi-time World Champion Jeffrey Herlings, and the current MX2 World Champion Tom Vialle.

The SCORPION™ MX range will rely on the performance of three different soil applications for the upcoming 12-round season with the SCORPION™ MX Soft, SCORPION™ MX32™ Mid Soft, and SCORPION™ MX32™ Mid Hard. Pirelli riders will use the SCORPION MX32 Mid Soft front and rear tires set at a recommended 14-psi for a starting point at the season opening Pala National.

2021 Pirelli Race Teams

FXR/Chaparral Honda Racing

Carson Mumford
Coty Schock
BarX/Chaparral/Ecstar Suzuki Racing

Dilan Schwartz
Derek Drake
Club MX

Garrett Marchbanks
Jace Owen
Phil Nicoletti
TPJ Racing

Derek Kelley
Matt Hubert
JMC Motorsports Racing

Ramy Allves
PR-MX Kawasaki

Cade Clason
Luke Neese
Devin Simonson

Freddie Noren
Henry Miller
Lane Shaw
Colby Copp
Jeremy Hand
Bryton Carroll
Connor Olson
Hunter Schlosser

For more information about the complete line of Pirelli motorcycle tires, please visit

187 Custom Cycles Making Noise in Pro Bagger–
It takes a lot of confidence for a California team to travel to the East Coast to drag race a motorcycle, but that’s exactly what 187 Custom Cycles did this spring.

And it paid off. With experienced no-bar jockey Victor Gotay in the seat, the team won Law Tigers Pro Bagger at AHDRA’s Atlanta and Darlington events.

A return trip to Sacramento and the Motorcycle Mania event netted two runner-ups for Gotay—Hot Street and Street ET—and a Street ET semifinal loss to Gotay by his teammate Crystal Lynch. Crystal is the wife of 187 Custom Cycles owner Patrick Lynch.

187 Custom Cycles is based out of the small, northern California town of Gridley. “We focus strictly on racing and performance bikes,” said Patrick, whose been racing since he was eight years old. “Karts, dirt late models, and now bikes.”

The Bagger that Victor rides is a stock Harley-Davidson FLH frame with a 143 cubic inch Milwaukee 8. The package weighs in at around 540 pounds.

“We build everything in house,” said Patrick. “Engines, custom trees, swingarms—you name it, we build it if it’s for a race bike we are prepping.”

Hired rider Gotay is more known on the high-revving, inline four cylinder, import motorcycle drag racing scene than on brute-torque, American Harley-Davidsons. How did Californian Lynch hook up with the Floridian Gotay?

“I met Victor through a mutual friend at Orlando Speed World. I needed someone to do some testing and he came highly recommended.

“Victor provides feedback that is second to none. He is also helping my wife Crystal become a much better racer. He has been a huge help in a short period of time.”

“I would like to thank Victor for putting up with me and for all his help,” said Crystal. “He is hard on me, but I really appreciate all he’s done to make me a better rider and racer.”

“I would like to emphasize how hard Crystal is working to get to the winners circle, and I don’t think we could have anyone better than Victor to help make that happen,” added Patrick.

The team embarked on an ambitious calendar of testing and racing in Orlando, Atlanta and Darlington. “We tested thirteen days, raced five days, and made an appearance at Black Jack Harley on the Thursday before the race in Darlington.”

The two big AHDRA wins put the team in good spirits for the grueling trip back to California. “Since I left California on March 24th till I got home, we have traveled 8,600 miles.

“Racing may appear easy from a outsider’s view, but it is 100% never-stop, hard work, and I thank Victor and Crystal for all their efforts.”

And that work will have to continue, as the team heads back across the country to race with AHDRA at North Carolina’s Rockingham Dragway on June 4-6 (that one is tentative due to ongoing repairs), Lumbee Racing’s “Thunder at the Rock” on June 11-12, AHDRA at National Trail in Columbus, Ohio on June 19-20 and Sturgis, South Dakota on August 8-10, Hogs Gone Wild in Reynolds, Georgia on August 20-22, AHDRA in Orangeburg, South Carolina on September 17-18 and Norwalk, Ohio on October 1-3, Hogs Gone Wild in Reynolds on Oct 23-24, AHDRA at Florida’s Gainesville Raceway on November 6-7, Hogs Gone Wild in Gulfport, Mississippi on November 12-13, “And anywhere we can race in between those dates!” added Lynch.

“I would like to think Ozzy Moya and the entire Orlando Speedworld crew for their hospitality when we are in Florida. They enable us to call their track our Florida Headquarters.

“Our associate sponsor is Jeff Peters from Peters Performance, and he is a huge part of us being able to chase the AHDRA Pro Bagger title. I also want to say a special thanks to Frank Delzingaro III.”

The 187 Custom Cycles team is making things happen and making big noise with their own American-built horsepower from one end of the country to the other.

Find out more about 187 Custom Cycles at

BORN TO RIDE–Born To Ride, Inc. is thrilled to announce the first-ever “Great American MotoFest!” Master of Ceremonies, Dave “Flash” Morgan and Fester Jenkins of Boss Hogg Radio will keep the action rolling, Rodeo Boss, Rob Schwellinger of R&R Cycles will head up all the motorcycle rodeo action and activities of the festival with his team.

Rob has many years of experience operating Easyriders Motorcycle Rodeos and knowledge of the machines that make it successful. This event is all about horsepower, music, entertainment and excitement for everyone.

“Motofest is the most fun you can have with your clothes on!”
–Dave Nichols, editor of Born To Ride

The day will begin on Saturday, July 24th at 7am with a traditional swap meet for swap meet vendors. You can sell your parts, trade and find deals on motorcycle parts and accessories of all kinds for only $10 a spot.

All the wild motorcycle rodeo fun will continue all day long with Sled Pull Competitions, Roscoe’s Famous Outhouse Drag Races, Barrel Races, Bike Games, and Mini-Bike Misfits will put on Races that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Special thanks to All Steel Buildings for Sponsoring these Races. This will be fun for the whole family!

The event will fundraise for its “Send a Kid to Camp” program.

“We couldn’t find a more fitting charity to work with,” says Ron Galletti, owner of Born To Ride. “Send a Kid to Camp says it all, we are proud to be working with The Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches”.

Along with the exciting action of the rodeo competition the Amazing Roosterz Rod Shop, Pinellas Park will deliver the Thunderstruck Rod & Truck Show, a Classic in the making. Hot Rod, Classic Cars & Cool Trucks will be showcased in this massive Car Show.

There will be the Great American Chopper Show Experience with Erick Runyon and Drew from Freak Show Fab along with a ride-in motorcycle show. Legendary Chopper Builder Mondo from Denvers Choppers has promised a special surprise giveaway for a special winner.

TC Brothers, Mid-USA, Metal Sport Wheels, For Two Wheels, Low Brow Customs, Paughco, Boss Hogg Radio, and the High Seas Rally are just a few industry partners already on board.

“We are looking for the next generation of builders who will carry on this great tradition and we know they are out there. We want to feature their vision and their motorcycles with our media because we can and we will” says Erick Runyon of Born to Ride.

Live music by Tommy Roxx and his Southern Rock All Star Classic band will be rocking the stage and Randy Stevens will mix it up with his stunning Stevie Ray Vaughn ripping tribute show. Mama Dukes will be setting up and planning Vendor Displays and a killer collection of Food Trucks will offer the best chow around. Almost like a Food Truck Expo, Ice Cold Budweiser, cold drinks, the vendors selling cool stuff and so much more will be going on Saturday July 24th!

Boss Hogg Radio will be “Live” all day and Motofest will be broadcast to Choppertown live as well to over 2.8 million followers into a direct market.

Born to Ride will be filming for the TV Show and all other levels of our media.

A very special thank you to Rubenstein Law for bringing this to a reality!

There is still time to get your business involved with MotoFest, For additional information on sponsorship opportunities, call Ron Galletti 813-785-3895.

Coming in July! MotoFest 2021

THIS JUST IN FROM THE BIKERNET UNIVERSITY–I came across this quote which seems to perfectly describe how society feels about bikers and the negative opinions on lifestyle of bikers by the ‘regular’ folk.

Of course, it also describes how we are conditioned to fit into society and force conformity on others who have a right to live their life as they choose to live (within the law, not criminal activities).

“The human race is a monotonous affair. Most people spend the greatest part of their time working in order to live, and what little freedom remains so fills them with fear that they seek out any and every means to be rid of it.”

— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, The Sorrows of Young Werther

Professor of Literature
English Department
Bikernet University


With the creation of our Swoop Stretched Saddlebags for 2014-later touring bikes, Paul felt it was time to incorporate some new details that perfectly complement the world’s finest stretched saddlebag. Introducing the New Swoop Rear Fender, refined for the new H-D Rushmore lineup.

New additions to the Swoop Fender include: Tightened exhaust outlets, added overall length, Bagger Dagger French Cutouts, Wedgy Light French Cutouts, CVO light holes* for 2014-later models that were not previously available. The fender to strut cover transition has also been redesigned. All in all, our New Swoop Fenders are the best in the industry, bar none. When you couple them with our new Swoop Saddlebags and Swoop Side covers you’ll have the Baddest Bagger on the block!

The New Swoop Fenders are available with 3 different Yaffe frenched taillight options or with smooth fillers for custom light applications. Each Swoop Fender is drilled at the factory and requires NO modifications before installation. Our hidden LED Stealth 2 License Frame is included with each fender as well as an incorporated steel internal plate at passenger seat mount point, if needed. These are the finest fenders available and they are warrantied for life against defects in manufacturing. Simply choose your fender, mock it up and paint it. We’ve done everything else for you!

*CVO light holes will only accept 2013-earlier CVO Lights. Bagger Nation does not supply the CVO lights. They can be purchased from H-D.

We recommend our “Light Install Kit” which makes wiring the lights easier. This kit also allows a quick disconnect function if you are wiring LED’s in the bags for easy saddlebag removal.

Thank you for choosing Bagger Nation!

As our customer you’re with us for a long time now, bikerlid inspire bikers to upgrade their gear to new comfortable helmets.

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Found this on Facebook. I guess there are plenty of private restaurants and clubs which demand specific dress code from customers.

Such as shoes for men with no footwear that shows toes. Or a club where leisure and casual wear such as shorts or those colorful Hawaiian shirts are not allowed even if you are a paid member.

Now, of course, private stores too can do the same if some man wants to shop in the nude as his right to freedom of expression. And with Covid, a store may not allow someone without a face mask.

Why not get creative and boost your business popularity online? See below:

FYI – My store is a privately owned business; I can require you to wear bunny ears and Groucho glasses if I want to.


May 23–On May 23, 1934, notorious criminals Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow are shot to death by Texas and Louisiana state police while driving a stolen car near Sailes, Louisiana.

Bonnie Parker met the charismatic Clyde Barrow in Texas when she was 19 years old and her husband (she married when she was 16) was serving time in jail for murder. Shortly after they met, Barrow was imprisoned for robbery. Parker visited him every day and smuggled a gun into prison to help him escape, but he was soon caught in Ohio and sent back to jail. When Barrow was paroled in 1932, he immediately hooked up with Parker, and the couple began a life of crime together.

After they stole a car and committed several robberies, Parker was caught by police and sent to jail for two months. Released in mid-1932, she rejoined Barrow. Over the next two years, the couple teamed with various accomplices to rob a string of banks and stores across five states—Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, New Mexico and Louisiana.

To law enforcement agents, the Barrow Gang—including Barrow’s childhood friend, Raymond Hamilton, W.D. Jones, Henry Methvin, Barrow’s brother Buck and his wife Blanche, among others—were cold-blooded criminals who didn’t hesitate to kill anyone who got in their way, especially police or sheriff’s deputies. Among the public, however, Parker and Barrow’s reputation as dangerous outlaws was mixed with a romantic view of the couple as “Robin Hood”-like folk heroes.

Their fame was increased by the fact that Bonnie was a woman—an unlikely criminal—and by the fact that the couple posed for playful photographs together, which were later found by police and released to the media. Police almost captured the famous duo twice in the spring of 1933, with surprise raids on their hideouts in Joplin and Platte City, Missouri. Buck Barrow was killed in the second raid, and Blanche was arrested, but Bonnie and Clyde escaped once again. In January 1934, they attacked the Eastham Prison Farm in Texas to help Hamilton break out of jail, shooting several guards with machine guns and killing one.

Texan prison officials hired a retired Texas Ranger, Captain Frank Hamer, as a special investigator to track down Parker and Barrow. After a three-month search, Hamer traced the couple to Louisiana, where Henry Methvin’s family lived.

Before dawn on May 23, Hamer and a group of Louisiana and Texas lawmen hid in the bushes along a country road outside Sailes. When Parker and Barrow appeared, the officers opened fire, killing the couple in a hail of bullets.

All told, the Barrow Gang was believed responsible for the deaths of 13 people, including nine police officers. Parker and Barrow are still seen by many as romantic figures, however, especially after the success of the 1967 film Bonnie and Clyde, starring Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty.

Author Editors

LATEST FROM THE LOWBROW CREW—Check out their tech on installing an internal throttle system. I’ve used them on several bikes. Internal throttles were common on early bikes. With a jockey shift, they seriously clean up a set of bars.

If your gal is sad, neglected / cause your cock won’t get erected / tell her that she need not cry / just have her bring her sister by / some new stuff and a keg of Bud / can sometimes fill a cock with blood.

–J.J. Solari
Bikernet Sentimental Sediments dept.

QUICK, MAKE A MOVE—I’m reading a book by Suze Orman on retirement planning. It’s actually designed for folks who are reaching their 50s, so they can plan. I’ve been very fortunate to sort of stumble my way through life.

In a sense, I retired from a regular job when I turned 50. But Bikernet, books, motorcycle racing, sailing and building bikes kept me engaged.

We are working with George Fleming, an artist from Long Beach, on the new Bikernet Logo celebrating 25 years having a blast putting Bikernet together. It’s been an amazing journey.

Back to Suze’s book, she covers the whole gambit of notions regarding retirement at 70 and how to prepare. I’m going to flip through a couple of chapters and get to the investment chapters. I’ve also tinkered with the stock market. I’m trying to get my grandkids interested in investing and building equity.

You are losing money in a bank account. Suze’s book is called Ultimate Retirement Guide. I’ll let you know if I find some golden pearls of financial wisdom.

Like so many things in life there’s just way too much to choose from. Remember when our bike building choices were limited. There were just a few gas tank options. Now there are thousands, thousands of petcocks, thousands of gas caps, thousands of speedometers, you name it. It’s all good, but daunting and challenging.

Hang on when you get to investing. Like many things in life, if you handle it yourself you have half a chance. If you turn it over to an investment counselor you’re guaranteed to get charged, maybe fucked, and lied to.

I tell young guys that building bikes is an investment. Buying and restoring antique bikes can work out well. The adage, “All eggs in one basket,” is a good one. Ya need to diversify. But do what’s comfortable for you, but just do something goddammit.

Have a hell of a Memorial Day and remember those who died for freedom.


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Largo, Florida police unveil all-electric motorcycles

by 10 Tampa Bay from

The city says it plans on having a totally-electric fleet by 2030.

Largo police officers are easing up on the gas as the department revealed a pair of all-electric motorcycles.

The two stylish bikes were unveiled Tuesday and will join the city’s growing alternative-fuel fleet, according to City of Largo officials. They say the motorcycles will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality.

Largo officials says the bikes are part of the city’s commitment to have 100 percent renewable energy by 2035.

The city also plans on having an all-electric fleet by 2030.

Read More

Hogs for Heroes gifts motorcycle to Wisconsin Dells veteran

by Erica Dynes from

A Wisconsin Dells man became the 18th veteran to receive a motorcycle from a Wisconsin organization that gifts motorcycles to veterans to help them cope with mental and physical wounds from their time in active duty.

Marine Sgt. Rick Erickson was gifted a Harley-Davidson motorcycle from Hogs for Heroes at The Keg and Patio in Wisconsin Dells May 23. The presentation included a color guard ceremony by Wisconsin Dells American Legion Post 187. Eleven of the veterans who had receive motorcycles from the non-profit organization were there to hand keys to Erickson to start his new motorcycle.

Erickson hand-picked his motorcycle after going to three different dealerships with the co-founders of Hogs for Heroes before finding his perfect one at an Oconomowoc dealership.

To Erickson, the presentation was much more than receiving a motorcycle. It was sharing the emotional moment with the family he had become a part of, forming bonds with others who understand the pain and struggle of coming home from war. He struggled to fight back tears as he told the crowd what it meant to him.

“As awesome as the bike is, it’s about getting back in touch with people who understand you, living life again, people who know me and who have shared experiences that I had and welcoming me into the family,” Erickson said.

Erickson planned to follow in the footsteps of his father, who served in Vietnam as a Marine. He decided to enlist in the Marines after high school but was diagnosed with cancer, according to his biography on the Hogs for Heroes website. After being cancer free for five years, he enlisted in the Marines in 2003.

One year later he did a six-month tour of Iraq and served as an artillery scout and gunfire controller. Erickson was also in the center of Operation Phantom Fury, the highest point of conflict during the Iraq War against the Iraqi insurgents as the Marines invaded Fallujah. He was awarded a Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal with Valor and a Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal with Valor. He served in the Marines until 2007.

Upon returning home, Erickson fought a different battle as he struggled to cope with the transition to civilian life and post-traumatic stress disorder. He underwent surgery to treat several injuries from his time in the Marines and also struggled in his personal life. He later sought help for his PTSD and obtained two associate degrees. He currently works what he calls his “dream job” as assistant county veterans service officer for Sauk County. According to his biography on Sauk County’s website, he’s held the position since 2018.

Erickson tried to cope with his struggles riding his motorcycle, which he purchased when he returned from service 14 years ago. However, he sold it two years ago to save money for a necessary remodel to his house.

During Sunday’s ceremony, Kevin Thompson, one of the co-founders of Hogs for Heroes, told Erickson not to hold back his feelings. Thompson said he deserves to have some time to release energy as “wind therapy,” along with the support of the Hogs for Heroes family. Thompson also hopes the moment changes Erickson and makes him realize he isn’t struggling alone.

“My hope (is) to take Rick’s words; he said his experience in the military and Iraq changed him,” Thompson said. “My goal is Rick looks back at today as the moment this experience changed him.”

Hogs for Heroes started in 2015 by Kevin and Audra Thompson and Craig and Michelle Thompson. Audra Thompson said the non-profit will give away six bikes by the end of this year, a record for the organization that started with a goal of giving away one bike annually to an injured veteran. All proceeds raised goes directly to fund a motorcycle for veterans who apply to receive a motorcycle. For more information on Hogs for Heroes, go to

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Round six of the 2021 Moto2 World Championship

Magnificent Mugello awaits Lowes and Fernandez.

Round six of the 2021 Moto2 World Championship takes Elf Marc VDS Racing Team riders Sam Lowes and Augusto Fernandez to the technically challenging Mugello track in Italy’s picturesque Tuscany region.

Lowes and Fernandez may not have come away with the results their pace deserved in Le Mans, but both arrive in Mugello eager to showcase their full potential in Sunday’s 21-lap Italian Grand Prix.

The pair completed a very constructive one-day test at the Circuit Barcelona-de Catalunya last week and are confident of a successful start to a busy run of four races taking part over the next five weeks leading into the long summer break.

37 – Augusto Fernandez
Fernandez is determined to convert his recent strong practice and qualifying form into a top result when he makes just his third Mugello appearance this weekend.

Mugello was the venue for the Spaniard’s World Championship debut in 2017 and on his most recent appearance in 2019 he enjoyed a fantastic race and finished less than two seconds off the podium in fifth.

“It’s an amazing but tricky track”

“I’m really looking forward to going to Mugello. I had a very good race there in 2019 but I am still lacking experience of this track. It’s an amazing but tricky track and I’ll need to play video games again because I haven’t done many laps there! It was a big shame to finish the race in Le Mans so early when it was clear we had a chance of a strong result. But we performed very well and understood many things about the bike during the test in Barcelona last week. I’m feeling confident with the bike, but it is important to finish this weekend after crashes in the last two races. I’m sure we can be competitive but to finish is key to regain some confidence and recover some points in the World Championship.”

22 – Sam Lowes
Mugello’s fast and flowing 5.4km track is the ideal place for Lowes to fire momentum back into his World Championship challenge after a fall out of podium contention in France.

The 30-year-old took his first front row in Mugello in 2014 and since then he’s scored two pole positions and five years ago, he was only one second away from a famous win in third position behind Johann Zarco and Lorenzo Baldassarri.

“We usually get close and exciting races in Mugello”

“Mugello is a track I really love, and it was very unfortunate we couldn’t race there in 2020. It’s like a second home race for me with so many of my family living in Italy. It is fast and flowing and one that I enjoy and usually we get some very close and exciting races. I’m really looking forward to it and after the disappointment of Le Mans it’s vital that we come away from Mugello with some decent points on the board. I’ve been fast at every track so far this year and there’s no reason for me not to be confident going into Mugello. I bring some good feelings into this weekend after the test in Barcelona went very well and I can’t wait to get started.”

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