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This is a momentous day in the Badlands.
Yesterday our building of 17 years in Los Angeles next to the Port of LA closed. Because of Capitol Gains tax laws, we had to buy another property in near Deadwood. With the luck of the chrome gods it will close today, thus ending my relationship with the evil California.

 Bandit and the Redhead have escaped to the Badlands. This effort was a mixture of organization, money, stress, and perseverance. Someone said I should write a story about the move. At the time, the thought of it terrified me, but I suppose I’m getting to the point… I needed to finish the job first. I will mention one item that was paramount: Coordination.

I may find a better term, but that one will work for now. Real estate transactions have changed and become way more complicated. There are tons more elements you are forced to handle. There are also many more players in the mix, and they all make money from you. But there is no point person watching your back. You need to coordinate, organize, lead, inspect and question every move within your deal.

So, suddenly you need to become a real estate, loan, finance, escrow, tax, negotiator, home inspection, city regs and exchange expert. Tony, my Hamster brother and real estate sales rep is an expert, but he was dealing with 30 other properties. He wasn’t the point person, I had to take that on.

I will write the story at some point and share it with you, but right now I’m replacing the battery in my 2014 Indian and getting ready for Jason Mook’s, Deadwood Custom Cycles TV project bike unveiling this Saturday at his shop and his Memorial Day party on Sunday with live bands. It’s going to be happening on the streets of Deadwood. Let’s hit the news, and then I will make a list of writing projects for the next week.

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum.

COLORADO WOMEN’S 2021 USA World Record Ride–Hello Lady Riders

Colorado and all other USA states lady riders are attempting to break the world record as having the most women riders on the same place and on parade on August 21st, 2021. Benefit for Firefly Autism organization.

If you would like to a part of Colorado history, please join us!

Trophies will be awarded for Farthest Distance Traveled, Eldest Woman Biker, & Youngest Woman Biker, Best Two Wheel, Best Three Wheel.

Various vendors, giveaways, concerts, and much fun!!!!!!!

© 2021 Colorado Women’s 2021 USA World Record Ride

EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT ATTACKS— No More Exceptions For Motorcycle Testing–The European Parliament calls upon the European Commission to have all powered two- and three-wheelers periodically tested.

On 26 April 2021, the European Parliament – in its plenary meeting – voted on the report about the review of the Roadworthiness Package. The vote confirmed the outcome of the earlier vote in the transport committee. This means that the European Parliament calls upon the European Commission to have all powered two- and three-wheelers periodically tested, although for mopeds and light (125cc) motorcycles they ask for a cost-benefit analysis first.

Literally the report says:

“…calls on the Commission therefore to consider extending the obligation to conduct roadside inspections to two-and three-wheel vehicles, including the 5 % minimum yearly inspection target, as these vehicles are currently completely excluded from the scope of Directive 2014/47/EU”

Written by Dolf Willigers

5-BALL LEATHERS GROWING—Frank Ball Jr. took over the leather line as I escaped Califa. We will still sell through the 5-Ball shop. And I want to start to promote my books more heavily, especially Sam “Chopper” Orwell. This book needs to be made into a movie right now.

Frank is working on a new 5-Ball logo at his tattoo studio in Venice, Califa while surrounded by homeless.

I will bring you progress reports on a regular basis.


YAMAHA GETS HAMMERED–In the early morning hours of Friday, March 26th, a devastating tornado struck the town of Newnan, Georgia, home to Yamaha Motor Manufacturing Company and where many of the factory employees and their families live.

Shortly after, Yamaha Motor executives offered a 200% matching fund for all employee donations to put towards relief efforts. Last week, Yamaha Motor Manufacturing Corporation of America staff turned over a check in the amount of $50,760 directly to the Coweta Community Foundation Tornado Relief program.

To date, the fund has helped 80 families with a portion of their homeowners/renters/auto insurance deductibles, as well as provided a grant to a local nonprofit to continue their efforts to provide assistance. Total tornado relief efforts have helped 255 families and funded eight nonprofit grants focused on Tornado Recovery assistance.

–from Dealernews


–Adam Croft

CHOPPERS MAG ISSUE 5 ON THE STREETS–Got home after work yesterday and there was issue #5 of Choppers Magazine! For all of you have been missing EASYRIDERS magazine this is a good fix for those blues.

Choppers is top quality, quality photography, some throwback articles and ass kicking choppers! Give these guys a look at Choppers magazine est. 1967!

Associate Editor

BIKERNET TECH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT–Just in case you forgot how a motor works….

–Sam Burn
Chief Tech Teacher
Bikernet University

An 80 year old man went to the doctor for a check-up and the doctor was amazed at what good shape the guy was in….

The doctor asked, “To what do you attribute your good health?”….

The old timer said, “I’m a biker and that’s why I’m in such good shape”….

“I’m up well before daylight on Sundays and out sliding around corners, “shootin” sand washes and riding up and down the steepest, wildest mountains I can find at the crack of dawn”….

The doctor said, “Well, I’m sure that helps, but there’s got to be more to it. How old was your dad when he died?”….

The old biker said, “Who said my dad’s dead?”….

The doctor said, “You mean you’re 80 years old and your dad’s still alive? How old is he?”….

The old biker said, “He’s 99 years old and, in fact, he went riding with me this Sunday, and that’s why he’s still alive… he’s a biker too”….

The doctor said, “Well, that’s great, but I’m sure there’s more to it”…

How about your dad’s dad?….

How old was he when he died?….

The old biker said, “Who said my grandpa’s dead?”….

The doctor said, “You mean you’re 80 years old and your grandfather’s still living!”….

“How old is he?”….

The old biker replied, “He’s 117 years old”….

The doctor was getting frustrated at this point and said, “I guess he went riding with you this Sunday too?”….

The old timer said, “No… Grandpa couldn’t go this week because he got married”….

The Doctor said in amazement, “Got married!! Good Lord!!!”….

“Why would a 117-year-old guy want to get married?”….

To this the old biker smiled and answered,
“Who said he wanted to?”….

–Dickie Towers
–El Waggs

THERE’S PROGRESS ON THE BONNE BELLE—Our 45 flathead is currently in the hands of Departure Bike Works in Richmond, VA. The engine is close. We shipped the chassis out, so they could dyno-tune.


INVESTORS CHIDE Toyota’s President Toyoda for questioning combustion car ban–

Some Toyota Motor (7203.T) shareholders have criticized its President Akio Toyoda for questioning Japan’s plans to ban conventional cars only days after the firm said it was reviewing its climate lobbying and aimed for carbon neutrality by 2050.

The five investors, who collectively have around $500 billion in assets under management and spoke exclusively to Reuters, said the carmaker risks falling behind competitors that are rolling out electric vehicles, while giving cover for other companies seeking to avoid big changes to meet climate goals.

Japan’s Toyota signaled a shift in its climate change stance last month when it said it would review its lobbying and be more transparent on what steps it was taking as it responded to increased activist and investor pressure.

Three days later though, in his capacity as head of the Japanese automobile Manufacturers Association, Toyoda questioned the country’s decision to ban new internal combustion engined vehicles by 2035 in its quest for carbon neutrality.

“What Japan needs to do now is to expand its options for technology. I think regulations and legislations should follow after,” Toyoda said.

“Policy that bans gasoline-powered or diesel cars from the very beginning would limit such options, and could also cause Japan to lose its strengths,” he added.

Investors who had welcomed the earlier Toyota statement on lobbying said they were worried that Toyoda may not be on board with the plans.

“We’re genuinely concerned that Mr. Toyoda does not seem to realize what is at stake here,” said Jens Munch Holst, CEO of AkademikerPension.

The Danish fund told Reuters last month that it would consider a shareholder resolution or sell its holding in Toyota if there was no change after “intense” engagement with the company.

A Toyota spokeswoman told Reuters the company could not immediately comment on the investors’ criticism but would be addressing climate issues later in the week when it announces earnings.

The company in recent years has said that electric vehicles will play a greater role in reducing emissions but other solutions should be used, like its successful hybrid or slow-selling hydrogen vehicles.

by Aaron Sheldrick from


BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!–

Got to agree with Stealth, I want to hear the roar of the bike, that is why we were hooked on Harleys as kids. Bring back the Dyna’s that are in my opinion , a smoother ride and more agile.


— Ruben Serrano Sr.
Sinton, TX

Equity and the MUTCD–
As we have noted prominently in recent newsletters and email action alerts, the Federal Highway Administration has recommended sweeping changes to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). In Equity and Sustainability (NMA E-Newsletter #637), we criticized the appropriation of those terms, particularly ‘equity,’ to demand broad restrictions on drivers and driving.

NMA Director John Carr posted his perspective as a public comment to the MUTCD federal docket. We need not say more.


This is a general discussion of the implications of the MUTCD on equity which I will refer to later in comments on specific sections.

Many comments on the docket treat “equity” as a meaningless word that one mentions before “sustainability,” which is in turn a word one uses after “equity.” It has an air of “I know it when I see it.” Generally, it is used as a synonym for “not cars.”

The President has announced two general policies which shed some light on what the administration considers “equity” to mean:

Agency actions should not “inappropriately burden disadvantaged, vulnerable, or marginalized communities.”

“The Federal Government should pursue a comprehensive approach to advancing equity for all, including people of color and others who have been historically underserved, marginalized, and adversely affected by persistent poverty and inequality.”

America has a long history of using traffic regulations for revenue raising or with discriminatory effect, whether against motorized or non-motorized road users. The phrases “pretest stop,” “driving while black,” and “speed trap town” are all in the American lexicon thanks to overregulation.

Every time the MUTCD permits or requires a regulatory device instead of a warning sign, or permits or requires stricter regulation, thought should be given to how the devices will be abused. Changes to stop signs, speed limits, and crosswalk placement all give police opportunities or take them away.

Increasing police-public interactions have a disparate impact on disadvantaged, vulnerable, and marginalized communities. The Federal Highway Administration should think carefully before encouraging states to create more traffic violations.


John included several examples of how over-regulation of traffic can lead to inequities in the real-world sense of the word. Here are two:



At the intersection of revenue-based enforcement and racial disparity, the Department of Justice (2015 Investigation of the Ferguson Police Department) concluded:

Ferguson’s law enforcement practices are shaped by the City’s focus on revenue rather than by public safety needs . . . Over time, Ferguson’s police and municipal court practices have sown deep mistrust between parts of the community and the police department, undermining law enforcement legitimacy among African Americans in particular . . .

Ferguson’s law enforcement practices overwhelmingly impact African Americans. Data collected by the Ferguson Police Department from 2012 to 2014 shows that African Americans account for 85% of vehicle stops, 90% of citations, and 93% of arrests made by FPD officers, despite comprising only 67% of Ferguson’s population.

African Americans are more than twice as likely as white drivers to be searched during vehicle stops even after controlling for non-race based variables such as the reason the vehicle stop was initiated, but are found in possession of contraband 26% less often than white drivers, suggesting officers are impermissibly considering race as a factor when determining whether to search.

African Americans are more likely to be cited and arrested following a stop regardless of why the stop was initiated and are more likely to receive multiple citations during a single incident.

Ferguson is not that unusual except that race riots drew national attention and a Department of Justice investigation. Otherwise, people would say, “if you don’t want a ticket, don’t speed” and forget about it.


Washington, D.C.

Ferrell found that with 96% of tickets in Washington, D.C. issued by cameras, “a driver in a black-segregated area is over 17 times more likely to receive a moving violation (at a cost of 16 times more per resident) than in a white-segregated area.” This despite a similar per-capita rate of crashes. In other words, robots may be color-blind, but the people who deploy them are not.

Think of this before imagining automated enforcement is a solution to discriminatory enforcement. Cameras are placed to raise revenue (which disproportionately affects the poor) and targets groups without political influence.

[ nood-nik ]

a persistently dull, boring pest.

Everyone, unfortunately, has had experience with a nudnik, “a persistently dull, boring pest.” Nudnik is plainly a Yiddishism, a derivative of the Yiddish verb nudyen “to bore, pester.” Nudyen may come from Polish nudzic “to weary, bore,” or Russian nudit’ “to wear out (with complaints, pestering).”

The Yiddish suffix –nik, adopted into English as a noun suffix that refers to persons, usually derogatorily, involved in a political cause or group (such as beatnik, peacenik), is also of Slavic origin. The personal suffix –nik appears in English as early as 1905, but the launch of the Soviet satellite Sputnik, literally “traveling companion,” popularized –nik ad nauseam. Nudnik entered English in the first half of the 20th century.

Mr. Daniels is one of those quintessential New York characters: a confessed nudnik. Dozens of times a year, he telephones city officials about local irritants, from the lack of sidewalk curb cuts to accommodate wheelchairs to a mound of asphalt left on a sidewalk after a repaving job.


We lie to protect our privacy (“No, I don’t live around here”); to avoid hurt feelings (“Friday is my study night”) … to escape a nudnik (“My mother’s on the other line”) …



LAS VEGAS IS NOW OPEN—Fuck Covid! Las Vegas will fully reopen and return to pre-pandemic guidelines on June 1

County lawmakers voted Tuesday to return to pre-pandemic guidelines on June 1. They agreed to follow U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines and dropped plans to tie business occupancy to COVID-19 vaccination rates.

LAS VEGAS (KABC) — The next time you go to Vegas, expect it to look a lot like 2019.

County lawmakers voted Tuesday to return to pre-pandemic guidelines on June 1. They agreed to follow U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines and dropped plans to tie business occupancy to COVID-19 vaccination rates.

That means COVID-related restrictions on things like large gatherings, capacity limits, dancing and more will be lifted.

Masks and social distancing will also not be required for fully vaccinated people — with a few exceptions.

Individual businesses can still require customers to wear masks, and masks are still needed for certain travel.

Most Vegas casinos are already back to 100% capacity and no social distancing under the oversight of the Nevada Gaming Control Board.


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Supporting our Veterans with Resilience God Style!

Please join Camp Victory for an evening to recognize and honor local Veterans and the businesses and organizations that support them! Featuring guest speaker, Major General (Retired) Robert Dees!

Friday, June 11, 2021
5:00 – 8:00 pm

29 Pines
Sleep Inn & Suites Conference Center
5872 33rd Avenue
Eau Claire, WI 54703

Please RSVP by May 28, 2021, to let us know if you will be joining us and your fish choice.

5:00 – 6:00 pm: Social Hour. A cash bar will be available.

6:00 – 7:00 pm: Color Guard Ceremony, Invocation, & Dinner. Enjoy a Wisconsin-style Fish Fry. Two pieces of either battered-fried or broiled cod, vegetable, baked potato, dinner roll, and a dessert.

7:00 – 7:45 pm: Guest Speaker, Major General (Retired) Robert Dees, presents “Are You a Tennis Ball or an Egg?”

As a country, we are facing the storms of life. As a consequence of an increasingly Godless society, we are in trouble domestically, economically, and culturally. We need to get God back into our families, our schools, and our communities. We also need RESILIENCE like never before! None of us is protected from the storms of life. Now is the time to bounce back and build resilience, “God Style.”

During the evening’s presentation, General Dees will discuss Resilience God Style and the storms of life, specifically:

How do we prepare for the storms of life?
How do we weather the storms of life?
How do we bounce back after the storm?
How do we prepare for the next storm?

This presentation is based on 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 GNB — “We are often troubled, but not crushed; sometimes in doubt, but never in despair; there are many enemies, but we are never without a friend; and though badly hurt at times, we are not destroyed.”

General Dees is a phenomenal speaker who will leave you motivated and wanting more for your life!

7:45 – 8:00 pm: Recognize and honor local Veterans and businesses and organizations that support them!


$30.00 per person. Pay at the door. Cash or a check written to Camp Victory will be accepted. Please RSVP with your fish choice.

Please RSVP by May 28, 2021, to let us know if you will be joining us and your fish choice.

Guest Speaker, Major General (Retired) Robert F. “Bob” Dees BIO

Major General, U.S. Army, Retired
President, National Center for Healthy Veterans
Major General (Retired) Robert F. “Bob” Dees served for 31 years in the U.S. Army in a wide variety of command and staff positions culminating in his last three assignments as Assistant Division Commander for Operations, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault); Commander, Second Infantry Division, United States Forces Korea; and as Deputy Commanding General, V (US/GE) Corps in Europe, concurrently serving as Commander, US-Israeli Combined Task Force for Missile Defense. Read More

Camp Victory
N9839 Sterling Road
Willard, WI 54493

DAY IN HISTORY—1873 Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis receive patent for blue jeans

On May 20, 1873, San Francisco businessman Levi Strauss and Reno, Nevada, tailor Jacob Davis are given a patent to create work pants reinforced with metal rivets, marking the birth of one of the world’s most famous garments: blue jeans.

In San Francisco, Strauss established a wholesale dry goods business under his own name and worked as the West Coast representative of his family’s firm. His new business imported clothing, fabric and other dry goods to sell in the small stores opening all over California and other Western states to supply the rapidly expanding communities of gold miners and other settlers.

By 1866, Strauss had moved his company to expanded headquarters and was a well-known businessman and supporter of the Jewish community in San Francisco.

Jacob Davis, a tailor in Reno, Nevada, was one of Levi Strauss’ regular customers. In 1872, he wrote a letter to Strauss about his method of making work pants with metal rivets on the stress points—at the corners of the pockets and the base of the button fly—to make them stronger.

As Davis didn’t have the money for the necessary paperwork, he suggested that Strauss provide the funds and that the two men get the patent together. Strauss agreed enthusiastically, and the patent for “Improvement in Fastening Pocket-Openings”–the innovation that would produce blue jeans as we know them–was granted to both men on May 20, 1873.

NEWS FROM LETRIC LIGHTING CO.–“We make it EASY for you to do it right!”

Are you a Letric Lighting Co. dealer or considering becoming one? Our fully interactive, lighted table-top display with either Red or Smoke taillights are available for dealers with a Letric Lighting Co. purchase of $250 or more!

The turn and brake light function buttons perfectly promote customer engagement and allow for an awesome demonstration of product functionality, a video of which can be found on our website through the link below.

The features include:
LE0142-Deluxe Switchback Turn Signal
LE0133-Premium Switchback Turn Signal
LE0005-Standard Red/Red 1157 Rear Turn Signal
Either a LE0147 (red) or LE0148 (smoke) Premium Taillight.

The display uses a 12-volt, 5-AMP power supply that we recommend unplugging at the end of each day. There is a mechanical flasher relay for the turn signal function, along with momentary and latching stainless-steel illuminated buttons for easy activation.

Letric Lighting Co. Turn Signals are the brightest in the industry* and come with a no-hassle lifetime warranty. They are Plug-n-Play for easy installation for both 1156 and 1157 sockets, with Switchback options available for our Standard, Premium, and Deluxe models.

Deluxe and Premium Taillights are also covered by a lifetime warranty, with all other taillights featuring a 2-year warranty. Letric Lighting Co. Taillights are Plug-n-Play* and come in Standard, Premium, Deluxe, and Deluxe Strobing models, all in either Red or Smoke, with Slantback, Sqaureback, Low-Profile options available.

There is a lifetime warranty on the bulbs in all headlights and passing lamps. Headlights are Plug-n-Play and available in 5.75” and 7” (for both Harley and Indian) as well as for Road Glide models. Passing lamps are 4.5” and come alone, with brackets, or as kits including matching headlights.

If you’re interested in becoming a Letric Lighting Co. Dealer, contact us at or 610-265-7100 to ask how to receive one of our POP displays!

–Namz team

2019 Harley-Davidson FLSB – Softail® Sport Glide for $19,995.00


This bike is a super low Mileage SPORT GLIDE

ONLY 5484.00 Miles !!!!!

2019 Vivid Black Harley-Davidson SPORT GLIDE FLSB

Some of the features/Add-on’s on this bike

* 107c.i. Motor
* 6-Speed trans
* 2 into ! stainless exhaust
* Fairing
* Saddle bags
* Mag wheels

This bike has passed Lifestyle Cycles rigorous 101 point safety and mechanical inspection. Whether your looking to commute to work, ride the coast or take that dream vacation, this bike is ready to go!!!


Fill out an online application and ride today!!!

**Open 7 days a week**

Just $19,995.00 at Lifestyle Cycles (714) 490-0155

HEADLINE OF THE WEEK–Here’s what this headline actually means: it means the cult of journalists is preparing to make the grand announcement and discovery very soon that global warming is what actually created C-19.

When a headline ends in a question mark…..the answer they are going to present at the end of the article will always be “no.” This is a journalism axiom. That means they are kneading the idiot brains of their followers into a new shape.

They will declare, probably in two weeks, that C-19 came from global warming that YOU CAUSED by using gas and electricity. As Limbaugh used to say, do not doubt me on this. Thank you. Stay safe: wear your mittens.

–J.J. Solari

AMA MOTORCYCLE HALL OF FAME RAFFLE–Watch your mailbox! We’re sending tickets directly to you, Keith.

Simply fill out the tickets and return with payment in the enclosed self-addressed stamped envelope by June 19. If you don’t want to wait, buy your tickets online right now! Tickets are $5 each or $20 for five tickets.

The AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame is giving away this 2003 100-year anniversary edition Harley-Davidson Sportster to one lucky winner on July 24 at AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days. Don’t miss your chance to win!

Donate Now!
American Motorcyclist Association
13515 Yarmouth Drive
Pickerington, Ohio 43147
8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET

(800) AMA-JOIN
(800) 262-5646
(614) 856-1900

(614) 856-1931

NEWS FROM CANDACE OWENS–On her recent weekly podcast, Candace Owens opened with a 6 1/2-minute monologue destroying climate hysteria and calling it “child abuse.”

She then held up a copy of Inconvenient Facts, saying, “Here is what I am going to recommend to you. It’s a book called Inconvenient Facts written by Gregory Wrightstone and it is something that completely changed my perspective on climate change, and it is something that all children should read.”

Corn Yield and CO2

I just completed this new chart that captures the stunning relationship between CO2 and crop growth.

Contrary to the claim of endangerment to crops due to rising temperature and increasing CO2, there are hundreds of studies that document just the opposite. Many of these are captured by Dr. Craig Idso here: Interactive Effects of CO2 and Temperature on Plant Growth. These peer-reviewed papers show the following important considerations:

1)crops tend do better at higher temperatures thanks to CO2, which raises the optimum temperature for photosynthesis (often by a much larger value than that predicted by the models for warming),

2) CO2 helps ameliorate temperature-related stress.

The CO2 Coalition
1621 North Kent Street, Suite 603
Arlington, Virginia 22209

Your support will be gratefully received and put to good use.

2021 BUILD TRAIN RACE FLAT TRACK TO KICK OFF IN TEXAS–Motorcycles and racers to debut at Women’s Motorcycle Show

The 2021 Royal Enfield BUILD TRAIN RACE (BTR) flat track participants will debut their new INT 650 flat track builds at the Women’s Motorcycle Show in Texas during the Get On! Moto Fest, May 21- 23 at Texas Motor Speedway. The builds will be on display throughout the weekend along with the female builders who will race the motorcycles later this year.

For 2021, Royal Enfield has added seven new riders from across the U.S. along with the inclusion of two BTR alumni, Jillian Deschenes and Lana MacNaughton. During the Get On! Moto Fest, several participants will be on hand in the Women’s Motorcycle Show portion of the event displaying their freshly built INT 650 flat track racers.

“Royal Enfield is excited to once again showcase the BTR program in 2021,” said Breeann Poland, Marketing and Communications Lead – Americas. “In 2020, the program was met with enormously positive feedback throughout the industry and this year, we’ve added more racers to make the competition even more exciting for both the fans and the racers. The ladies have been working hard on their builds all spring and we’re excited to share them with the public at the Get On! Moto Fest.”

The BTR participants will again compete in a handful of Progressive American Flat Track exhibition events and amateur races beginning with the AMA District 17 Chicago Half-Mile presented by Royal Enfield and promoted by Track Enterprises in the Women’s Class. For a complete schedule please visit

In 2020, four women participated in the BTR program at various American Flat Track races throughout the year. The goal of the program is to elevate the visibility of women in motorcycle racing and provide opportunities to female motorcycle enthusiasts in racing. The Get On! Moto Fest is a celebration of the two-wheeled lifestyle featuring manufacturer demo rides including Royal Enfield motorcycles, Women’s Motorcycle Show, AMD custom bike show, American Flat Track racing, vendors, music and more.

To learn more about the participants of the BTR program, visit or follow Royal Enfield on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Get On! Moto Fest pre-sale tickets are just $15 and fans can also obtain AFT SuperTicket’s which grant access to both the Get On! Moto Fest and AFT on Saturday, May 22. To purchase your tickets, click here.


MAY 2021


A host of celebrity Grand Marshals, other celebrities, Law Enforcement and the general public, will take to the road for a beautiful motorcycle ride from Bartels’ Harley-Davidson, Marina Del Rey to Sycamore Cove State Beach, Malibu with a BBQ lunch, live concert and Beach Party on Sunday, October 3, 2021.

BARTELS’ HARLEY-DAVIDSON & GLENDALE HARLEY are excited to announced a host of celebrity Grand Marshals will join in for the 3rd Annual Ride for the Children Charity on Sunday, October 3, 2021.

The Ride for the Children will begin at Bartels’ Harley-Davidson, 4141 Lincoln Blvd., Marina Del Rey, CA with a beautiful escorted ride from along the Pacific Coast Highway to the serene Sycamore Cove State Beach, 9000 Pacific Coast Highway, Malibu, CA.

Join Lorenzo Lamas, Perry King, AMA Hall of Famer, Dave Ekin, Actor/Musician Sean McNabb, JamIe Elvidge, professional motorcycle journalist and Scott Patterson for what will be a wonderful day ending with a concert by Aces & Eights, a BBQ lunch by J Wolf Catering and a Beach Party at Sycamore Cove State Beach, Malibu, CA.

Olive Crest has been transforming the lives of abused and neglected children through the healing power of family since 1973. Olive Crest is the leader in prevention and treatment of child abuse, neglect, and homelessness, serving over 4,000 children and families each day throughout Los Angeles County. The 3rd Annual Ride for the Children will fund programs that help us break the cycle of child abuse and enable at-risk youth and families to become healthy and productive citizens.

Registration begins at 8:00 AM – Ride begins at: 10:00 AM at Bartels’ Harley-Davidson, 4141 Lincoln Blvd., Marina Del Rey, and concludes with a concert by Aces & Eights, a BBQ lunch by J Wolf Catering and a Beach Party at Sycamore Cove State Beach, Malibu, CA. The Event concludes at 3:00 PM.

For more information on Olive Crest, go to
Like us on facebook:
To register online:

WHO: Grand Marshals, Lorenzo Lamas, Perry King, Dave Ekins, Sean McNabb & Jaime Elvidge and a host of celebrities

WHAT: 3rd Annual Ride for the Children Charity Motorcycle Event 2021

WHEN: 8:00 A.M. Registration, Kickstands up at 10:00 AM, Sunday, October 3, 2021.

WHERE: Ride begins at Bartels’ Harley-Davidson, 4141 Lincoln Blvd., Marina Del Rey, concludes at Sycamore Cove State Beach, Malibu, CA

WHY: To raise funds and public awareness for Olive Crest and their families.

OZARKS RIDE–It’s that time again … to Ride the Ozarks!!

Harrison Convention & Visitors Bureau
200 W. Stephenson Harrison, AR 72601

SEMA BREAKING NEWS— RPM Act Reintroduced for 2021—Act Now!

Our voices have been heard! After receiving more than one million letters from enthusiasts like you, the Recognizing the Protection of Motorsports Act (RPM Act) has been reintroduced in the U.S. House of Representatives in the 2021-2022 session of Congress!

The RPM Act must be enacted into law to guarantee your right to modify street cars, trucks, and motorcycles into dedicated race vehicles, and ensure that industry can offer parts that enable racers to compete.

Now is not the time to take our feet off the gas. Even if you’ve previously contacted your lawmakers about the RPM Act, we need your voice once again now that the bill has officially returned for consideration in 2021! Tell your U.S. Representative to do their part to finally save racing from government threat by supporting and passing the RPM Act into law this year.


It only takes a minute. Every letter counts!

TEXAS WEATHER REPORT— Just an observation I don’t need a girlfriend as much as a mustache wrangler. This is taken in the “magic light” I don’t look as old.

We are getting some serious weather again tonight apparently two fronts are gonna collide. This is south of I-10, there are places north with the same white patches of ground strikes.

Starting to feel like God’s trying to cleanse Houston, we need a little ZZ Top’s Heaven, Hell or Houston! “I’ve just returned from the island of Chandelier.”

Official Climatologist
The Grand Texas Region
Bikernet University

The new 2022 Iron & lace Calendar with your sidecar rig in it, is on its way to me from the printer in China. I will have a copy of it for you next month.

Maybe you would like to order a Calendar 10 pack to sell at your Harley dealership?

You will also be able to order it as a print on demand Coffee Tablebook on Amazon, but not cheap around $250

You can access the FAST 2022 Calendar Yearbook digital flip book and download the PDF in Members Corners next month –

–Jim Gianatsis
ph 818 223 8550

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LACONIA MOTORCYCLE WEEK ANNOUNCEMENT— Great news! At a recent meeting the Laconia City Council decided to allow full capacity operations for vendors and beer tents at this year’s rally.

The governor’s mask mandate lifting last month as well as the latest CDC guidelines were taken into consideration when the council met to discuss how best to safely proceed with this year’s rally. The council was quick to point out that the health of all rally attendees is the city’s number one priority and that businesses will be encouraged to do their part to prevent the spread of COVID 19, including providing sanitizing stations, lifting tent walls to improve air flow and requiring at least 25 feet of separation between entertainers and crowds.

Also, expect extra separation of chairs and tables in most businesses to allow for social distancing.

This is just another step to returning to “normal” as we count the days to our 98th Rally. Signature events such as the NH Motor Speedway races, the Hill Climb Expo up Tower Street and the Gunstock Hill Climb are ON, as well as the Peter Makris Memorial Ride (June 12) and the Mae-West Memorial Pet Run Ride (June 14), so expect to experience the sounds & sights you’ve grown accustomed to at the World’s Oldest Motorcycle Rally®.

“The quality of life that we enjoy also depends on the quality of our thoughts. Enhance it to be your best.”

“When you start to develop your powers of empathy and imagination, the whole world opens up to you.” – Susan Sarandon

“True success is reaching our potential without compromising our values.” – Muhammad Ali

“In life, listen to everyone and learn from everyone, because nobody knows everything but everyone knows something.”

Grand Monk of Monks
Temple Within the Bikernet Cultural Center
At the base of the gray mountain

NEWS FROM THE NOISE MINISTER–German Federal Transport minister On Noise: ‘Road Closures Are No Option’

Noise annoyance is a big problem in Germany that has caused many protests from civilians and action groups. Road authorities often react by closing roads completely or during specific times.

In 2020 the German federal meeting of governments of state (the Bundesrat) adopted far reaching proposals to limit the sound emission of motorcycles. Although the Bundesrat has no direct legislative power and the federal government opposed the proposals, the tone was set. The German motorcycle community of riders and industry developed a strategy paper in a try to contribute to the solution from their side.

FEMA members Biker Union (BU) and Bundesverband der Motorradfaher (BVDM) had a second meeting with the Bundesverkehrsminister (Federal Transportminister) Andreas Scheuer on 6 May 2021. During this round table conference, the new strategy paper of the Federal Motorcycle Working Group (BAGMO) was officially handed over to the minister. During the meeting with the delegation of motorcyclists and motorcycle industry, the minister repeated that road closures are not an option for him, and that “Freiheit, Vernunft und Regeln” (freedom, reason, and rules) must be kept intact. In view of the ongoing discussions about powered two-wheelers, the strategy paper came just in time.

BU-president Rolf Frieling said: “With the handover of our strategy paper, which is led by the BU and the Institute for Motorcycle Safety (IfZ) as the coordination office of the BAGMO and on which intensive work was done in several voting rounds of the ‘Berliner Runde’ and the BAGMO, we have taken a big step forward. The two aspects of sustainable and socially acceptable mobility with motorized two-wheelers are comprehensively dealt with and placed in the right context, on just 19 pages.”

Rolf continued: “In addition, many claims, which have been circulating for months, but are sometimes rather nonsensical, are corrected. For us as association however, the document also contains a commitment to take the escalating conflicts seriously. Lack of consideration for the residents on busy motorcycle routes is not, in our view, a cavalier offence either. The conflict resolution approaches we have described must now be implemented to achieve a fair and mutually acceptable balance of interests.”


NO DOOMSDAY ALERT–There is no climate emergency

We love CO2 and so should you

The science and data strongly support that our planet’s ecosystems are thriving and that humanity is benefiting from modestly increasing temperature and an increase in carbon dioxide. These facts refute the claim that Earth is spiraling into one man-made climate catastrophe after another.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is portrayed as a demon molecule fueling run-away greenhouse warming. If you get your news only from mainstream media, you would likely believe that CO2 levels are dangerously high and unprecedented. You would be wrong. Concentrations of this gas are slightly less than 420 parts-per-million (ppm), or one-sixth the average historic levels of 2,600 ppm for the last 600 million years.

Increases in carbon dioxide in the last 150 years, largely from the burning of fossil fuels, have reversed a dangerous downward trend in the gas’ concentration. During the last glacial period, concentrations nearly reached the “line of death” at 150 parts per million, below which plants die. Viewed in the long-term geologic context, we are actually CO2 impoverished.

The most recent claim from the purveyors of climate catastrophe is that recent temperature increases are “unusual and unprecedented.” However, records indicate that modern warming began more than 300 years ago in the depths of the horrific Little Ice Age. The first 250 years of that warming preceded 20th century CO2 increases and were necessarily 100% naturally driven.

Context is important when reviewing climate and temperature data. Assertions that the last month or year or decade were the “hottest on record” can be true only if your “record” is limited to 150 years or so.

Longer-term data reveal multiple warming periods since the end of the last major ice age 10,000 years ago, each warmer than today. There is a strong correlation between the rise and fall of temperature and the ebb and flow of civilizations. During the last three warm periods dating back 6,000 years to the advent of the first great civilizations, humanity prospered and great empires arose. Intervening cold periods brought crop failure, famine, and mass depopulation. History advises us to welcome warmth and fear cold.

Modestly warming temperature and increasing carbon dioxide lead to longer growing seasons and more productive harvests. The world’s remarkable ability to increase food production year after year is attributable to mechanization, agricultural innovation, CO2 fertilization, and warmer weather. Crop and food production has seen only positive effects from relatively small changes in the global climate.

Contrary to sensational media reports, extreme weather-related deaths in the U.S. have decreased more than 98% over the last 100 years. Twenty times as many people die from cold as from heat, according to a worldwide review of 74 million temperature-related deaths by Dr. Antonio Gasparrini and a team of physicians. Global warming saves lives.

On nearly every key topic, evidence presented in voluminous peer-reviewed studies shows that the “consensus” opinion promoted by climate-apocalypse alarmists is consistently at odds with reality. Rather than a world declining into an inescapable man-made climate hell, Earth’s ecosystems and inhabitants are thriving because of increasing CO2 and rising temperatures not in spite of them.

During this period of increasing CO2 and slight warming, we have seen increasing food production, soil moisture, crop growth, and a “greening” of the Earth. All the while droughts, forest fires, heat waves, and temperature-related deaths have declined substantially. Only the radical worldview of environmental extremists could ignore the benefits of atmospheric changes while embracing harmful economic policies based on failed climate models.

Yes, there is such a thing as the greenhouse effect. Yes, there has been some warming, but it has been minuscule compared to the temperature change all of us experience in the course of a day. Some part of this warming may well have been human-caused. These are matters of widespread agreement. What changes the future holds are hardly certain, but judging from the past, they too will be small.

But no, past and possible future warming does not mean that catastrophe will follow, or that measures to prevent global warming are scientifically and economically justified, or that the American values of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness should be blamed for the supposed “crisis”—still less that they should be destroyed because of highly questionable science.

–By Gregory Wrightstone – Wednesday, April 21, 2021

• Gregory Wrightstone is the Executive Director of the CO2 Coalition which seeks to engage in an informed, dispassionate discussion of climate change and humans’ role in the climate system. The CO2 Coalition educates thought leaders, policy makers, and the public about the important contributions of carbon dioxide to our lives and the economy.

The Washington Times, LLC.


24 April, 2021

People do really need to look at the consequences of global cooling as the author suggests. We only need to look back to the 17th Century and an entry in the Diary of John Evelyn from the winter of 1683/84 for confirmation:-

“The fowls, fish, and birds, and all our plants and greens universally perishing. Many parks of deer are destroyed, and all sorts of fuel so dear that there were great contributions to keep the poor alive…London, by reason for the excessive coldness of the air hindering the ascent of the smoke, was so filled with the fuliginous steam of sea-coal…that one could hardly breath.”

Welcome to Net-Zero.

Patrick Moore
22 April, 2021

I think it is the most powerful piece recognizing that CO2 is entirely beneficial for both the environment and human civilization. Enough of the fear-mongering. Steve Koonin, who was in the Obama administration, has written an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, walking back the “climate crisis” and recognizing there is no emergency.

“How a Physicist Became a Climate Truth Teller”

“After a stint at the Obama Energy Department, Steven Koonin reclaims the science of a warming planet from the propaganda peddlers.”
link entity

QUICK, New Bikernet Reader Comment!–

How about let’s party and ride Fuckin’ Free Forever for a change? Maybe Bandit woildn’t approve of such lamguage?

–Ann Robinson
Long Beach, CA


Certain things in life are impossible to ignore. Whenever a custom-built BSA bobber is brought up, there’s a one-hundred percent chance we’re going to check it out. These intriguing motorcycles were manufactured by the Birmingham Small Arms Company in England throughout the 1900s and have always been considered classics in my lifetime.

When it comes to garage-built choppers or bobbers, it’s always refreshing to see a British bike built around a platform typically reserved for American or Japanese models. What you see here is the combination of different BSA and Triumph parts and pieces, all working together as one clean, stripped-down build from Kyle Feather and his father, Randy Feather.

See the whole tamale feature on the Chop Cult.


MOVING ACTION–A Facebook friend recently posted screenshot comparing prices to rent truck trailer for moving –

1. It costs about $ 3241 to rent a Uhaul truck to move from San Francisco California to San Antonio Texas.

2. Same vehicle, same day prices for a truck for moving from San Antonio Texas to San Fransisco California is just $ 648.

He says it’s due to demand of people wanting to move out of California Vs fewer people wanting to move to live in California.

Did you check and compare prices to see if Deadwood to your California home was considerably lower shipping charges than what you had to pay to get out of California?

Seems interesting. You can check truck rental prices at
Of course, here the person who rents the truck has to load it and drive it – whereas I believe you hired a mover shipping company to load their truck, so of course that will cost more due to employees hired for the job.


Mr. Way,

Thanks for this. In my lifetime I’ve done it all, from Uhaul trucks to moving vans and pickups. In most cases brothers and I handled the packing, loading, hauling and unloading. No sweat.

This time the redhead and I packed everything, but the movers took it from there. We broke the drivers record of what he could load into his 53-foot moving van, over 46,000 pounds. The cost for this delivery was way over what it cost for my first home. Fuck!


S&S Cycle Tapered Cone Slip-On Mufflers made exclusively for Royal Enfield. Take your Twin to the next level & experience a tag-team of sound and performance that will redefine any riding experience. Talk to a dealer or browse our Genuine Motorcycle Accessories catalog for more!

The STYLIN’ IN STURGIS Contest Giveaway runs from May 15 to July 15–$120,000 WORTH OF PRIZES UP FOR GRABS-3 CHANCES TO WIN

We’re giving you multiple chances to win! Prizes include a BRAND NEW PAUL YAFFE CUSTOM MOTORCYCLE, gear from the hottest vendors at the rally, and trips to the 81st Annual Sturgis Rally!
Click Here to Enter for Free!

Grand Prize
Customized by the legendary Paul Yaffe
With Exclusive Products from Hofmann Designs and Trask Performance
Custom Paint Job by Rolling Art Custom Paint
Full ODC suspension system
A trip to the 2021 Sturgis rally to show it off!
Travel Credit
Campsite at Glencoe Camp Resort

Second Prize

Travel Credit
Campsite at Glencoe Camp Resort
Magnum Research Desert Eagle
Rockford Fosgate Full Bagger Sound System
Embellished Print & Meet and Greet with Scott Jacobs
Nightrider Jewelry Shopping Spree
Pen and Ink Art Piece & Meet and Greet with Alexa Jacobs
Hot Leathers Gift Card

Third Prize

Magnum Research 1911 (Old Glory)
Rockford Fosgate Full Bagger Sound System
Phat Scooter Phatty Electric Scooter


BIKERNET ACTION NEVER STOPS—You could do us a major big favor and share the news with anyone and everyone. We work hard on the news every week and I believe it covers motorcycle related news and freedom news worldwide. You could help a lot, by grabbing the link and sharing it with the world.

With the help of Gearhead, I now have a Trike story to couple with Sam’s terrific Trike flicks. It’s coming right up. Jim has offered us the opportunity to feature Dan Stern’s sidecar custom, which apparently I had something to do with through VQ magazine in the ‘90s.

I’m working on another Cantina episode. It’s going to be a twist, but could be interesting. I’m going to try to form all the words into one chapter and noy drag it out into a book.

I’m also working on a Life and Times story. And I’m working on some metal art for the Deadwood Chinese Whorehouse. It’s tough with my shop scattered all over the place.

And finally, my load of bikes and the Salt Torpedo may arrive any day now. Until the shop is built they will be stuffed into the basement where I will also build a gym.

Hang on for more reports, and keep freedom alive, forever.


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Pahrump Valley Speedway back on the market for sale

by Tom Rysinski from

Pahrump Valley Speedway is for sale. Again. But don’t expect any imminent news on that front.

“The 12 years that I’ve had it, the racetrack has been for sale for eight of those years,” owner Chad Broadhead said. “It’s just that real estate is getting up there, and I’m trying to figure out what to do for my retirement. I’m getting up there in age, my health isn’t that good, so I put it up and hopefully in the next couple of years someone will come up and buy it.”

Broadhead’s pride in the racetrack is not diminished, but he does not have the resources to make the most of the place.

“It’s been good for me,” he said. “I’ve done the best I could with what money we’ve had to put into it. I’m hoping some investor will buy it and bring concerts in here, bring in motorcycles, bring in monster trucks. I also hope someone can finish the idea of putting a drive-in movie theater for weeks off of racing.”

Broadhead noted that the track is dark most of the year, and making the improvements needed to bring in more events could make the place far more lucrative.

“There are 365 days a year, we’re open 21, and people think we’re making millions, and we’re not,” he said. “I love this racetrack to death. This racetrack means a lot to me. I’m hoping we can find someone to come in and finish developing it and make it what it can be.”

Broadhead said he has no desire to lease the track, and selling it would allow him, eventually, to retire. He also wants to sell it now so his wife would not have to deal with that after he’s gone.

But he would stick around for at least a little while after any sale.

“I would have to for the first year until they get the hang of it,” he said. “It’s not something you can just walk in, take over and think you can run it.”

Broadhead has been in Pahrump for more than 20 years and is proud of the fact the speedway is among the oldest operating businesses in town.

“I don’t want to see the place close down,” he said. “The way property’s selling right now, some investor might come in, buy it and just sit on it for 10 years.”

As long as that buyer keeps the cars during those 10 years, Broadhead would be fine with that.

As he put it: “I want to get rid of it, I want to sell it, but to the right person.”

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Ducati Hypermotard 950 SP new features announced

by Daniel Patrascu from

Ducati Hypermotard 950 SP Goes for MotoGP Look, Cuts Back on Emissions.

It seems to have been a busy week for motorcycle makers, as a number of them have released versions of some of their most sought-after products revised for the 2022 model year. The latest name to join the party is Ducati, which has just announced some changes for the Hypermotard line.

These changes are not all that extensive. First of all, the family continues to have three members, namely the 950, 950 RVE, and 950 SP. All continue to be powered by the same 937cc Ducati Testastretta 11° twin-cylinder engine as before, rated at 114 hp. All three models in the range now comply with the Euro 5 emissions standard, without that change taking its toll on output levels.

The difference is how the engine is worked through a revised gearbox that allows for easier shifts to neutral when the bikes are standing still. Ducati says the solution chosen for the gearbox is the same one already deployed on the Monster and SuperSport 950.

Just one member of the small family received a more comprehensive upgrade. Already at the head of the Hypermotard table, the SP is now gifted with a special livery meant to be reminiscent of the Italian bike maker’s involvement in MotoGP.

The elements that set it apart from the other two, Öhlins suspension with increased travel, Marchesini forged wheels and standard Ducati Quick Shift (DQS) Up and Down EVO, continue to be offered for the SP.

As for the other two, the 950 RVE continues to be offered in Graffiti livery, while the 950 comes in the usual Ducati Red.

Ducati says it has already begun producing the new Hypermotard motorcycles, and they should hit dealerships’ shelves next month. Pricing for the new models has not been announced yet.

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Royal Enfield recalls 236,966 motorcycles on ignition coil defect


Royal Enfield recalls Meteor 350, Classic & Bullet bikes sold.

The company states that the defect was discovered during routine internal testing and the issue has been clearly identified and isolated to specific batches of material.

Royal Enfield has announced a recall of three models in seven countries over a defect discovered in one of the parts. The defect is in the ignition coil that can cause misfiring, reduced vehicle performance, or rarely an electric short circuit. The three motorcycle models include the Meteor 350, Classic and Bullet. While the company is recalling Meteor 350 units built between December 2020 and April 2021, the Classic and Bullet units produced between January and April 2021 have been recalled.

In a press statement, Royal Enfield states that the defect was discovered during routine internal testing and the issue has been clearly identified and isolated to specific batches of material sourced from an external supplier.

The recall has been initiated as a precautionary measure, the statement continues adding that the issue is rare and does not impact all motorcycles manufactured during the mentioned period.

Is your motorcycle affected?
Close to 2,36,966 motorcycles of the Classic, Bullet and Meteor models will be recalled. As mentioned above, only those manufactured and sold between December 2020 and April 2021 for the Meteor, and between January and April 2021 for the Classic and Bullet.

The recall will be applicable to Meteor, Classic and Bullet motorcycles sold in India, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Australia, New Zealand and Malaysia.

What to do?
The company states that only an estimated 10 percent of motorcycles will require replacement of the part. All recalled units will undergo inspection and if required, the defective part will be replaced.

Royal Enfield service teams, and/or local dealerships will reach out to consumers whose motorcycle Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) number falls within the manufacturing period mentioned. Consumers can also proactively reach out to their local Royal Enfield Workshops or call Royal Enfield to verify.

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NAWARacer Hybrid Battery Electric Motorcycle Prototype

by Daniel Patrascu from

At the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) back in 2020, battery maker NAWA Technologies presented what it called back then the Racer. It was a motorcycle concept designed to showcase the company’s newest idea for a battery. More than a year has passed since then, and now we’re finally getting word of a fully rideable dynamic prototype being in the works.

That means that yes, we will not be getting a production run of the two-wheeler, at least not for now. Yet NAWA is determined to show its technological innovation has its merits, and if it succeeds, we might get to see it integrated into other electric motorcycles.

But what does the company do differently? Well, it doesn’t use a standalone lithium-ion battery but somehow integrates it with ultracapacitors. By doing so, the company promises increases in energy efficiency and battery lifetime while reducing charging times.

We’re not told in numbers what exactly that means, but the French do say the NAWACap, as it calls the tech, should provide ten times more power and five times more energy than existing ultracapacitors. The size of the battery is reduced by half, while range doubles, we’re told, although we have no idea compared to what.

The bike NAWA will be making together with AKKA Technologies, Pronergy, FAAR, and YSY Group will have an aluminum body that will integrate the battery into the chassis, thus removing the frame out of the equation. It will move along thanks to an in-wheel motor.

NAWA says the demonstrator should be ready to roll in a few months. If successful, the tech (the world’s first hybrid battery system, as the company describes it) might be adopted by others, especially considering how it has been designed to be scalable. What’s more interesting is that it could probably be adapted for cars as well, not only electric motorcycles.

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NCOM Biker Newsbytes for May 2021

World legislative news from Bill Bish of National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM).

The National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) is a nationwide motorcyclists rights organization serving over 2,000 NCOM Member Groups throughout the United States, with all services fully-funded through Aid to Injured Motorcyclist (AIM) Attorneys available in each state who donate a portion of their legal fees from motorcycle accidents back into the NCOM Network of Biker Services ( / 800-ON-A-BIKE).

Click Here to read the NCOM Motorcycle News on Bikernet.

Join the Cantina for more – Subscribe Today.

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Harley-Davidson (HOG) Breathes Sigh of Relief on EU’s Trade Truce

Harley-Davidson, Inc.’s HOG shares scaled a three-year high on Monday after the company managed to avoid a massive import tariff of 56% imposed by the European Union (EU), to be paid for entry of the company’s motorcycles in the European market.

Post the news release, Harley-Davidson’s shares rallied more than 8% on Monday and ended the trading session at $51.96. The shares edged down to close at $50.19 in yesterday’s trading session.

Backdrop of the Situation
In 2018, the EU had hiked import tariffs on Harley-Davidson motorcycles from 6% to 31% in retaliation to erstwhile U.S. President Donald Trump’s tariffs on imported European aluminum and steel.

Post this announcement, Harley-Davidson decided to move its production overseas form the Unites States in order to escape the punitive taxes. In 2019, Harley received approval from EU regulators to import bikes from a newly-constructed facility in Thailand. This allowed it to import its motorbikes made outside of the United States into Europe via Belgium at a much lower 6% tariff.

However, this April, the EU revoked the approval and said that bikes produced in Thailand would be treated as U.S.-made.

Moreover, the EU threatened to slam a 56% import tariff on Harley-Davidson motorcycles effective Jun 1, 2021. The new tariffs, if implemented, would apply to Harley-Davidson’s entire line-up — regardless of origin. These increased tariffs would create a competitive disadvantage for the company’s products in Europe and pose to be a significant headwind for its future in Europe.

Thus, the iconic American motorcycle maker had decided to mount a legal challenge to this ruling.

Nevertheless, to Harley-Davidson’s relief, the EU stated on Monday that it would suspend the planned hike of retaliatory tariffs to 56% for up to six months as part of a trade truce reached with the United States.

Resultantly, the Milwaukee-based motorcycle maker’s bikes are now subject to a 25% retaliatory duty, hiking the overall duty on its bikes imported to the EU to 31%.

The company whole-heartedly embraced the truce as it would prevent tariffs from escalating to 56% from 31%. Nonetheless, Harley-Davidson is committed to legally challenge the EU ruling that revoked the concession, allowing it to ship bikes from facilities outside the United States at a tariff rate of 6%.

For Harley-Davidson, Europe is its second largest market after the United States, which will help drive the company’s turnaround strategy. However, higher tariffs would make its products expensive for customers, thus giving rivals a competitive edge. Hence, it is imperative for the company to be able to sell its products in Europe at an import duty of 6% to be able to maintain the market share.

–Zacks Equity Research

Yahoo Finance

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One-Off Triumph Thruxton 1200 RS to be given away

by Daniel Patrascu from

One-Off Triumph Thruxton 1200 RS Steps Into the Spotlight, to Be Given Away

At the beginning of April, as it once again announced its support for the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride (DGR), British bike maker Triumph said it would be unveiling a one-off Thruxton 1200 RS during the event. The full reveal date is still set for May 23, but the bike maker gave us a preview of the motorcycle this week.

No exact details on the motorcycle were provided, and we do not know to the letter what makes this particular bike special, but a few of the released images with the two-wheeler show the paint scheme that makes this one stand out in its family.

Fully designed by Triumph’s paint shop, the scheme is clean and elegant, with white and black on the fuel tank, the DGR logo featured on the bodywork and the promise of unique customizations.

The bike maker will spill the full beans on the bike on May 23 because it is then when DGR is celebrating its 10th anniversary. The event came to be in Sydney, Australia, and it is meant to “raise funds and awareness of prostate cancer and men’s mental health.” To date, over 300,000 riders took part, and $27.45 million were raised for the cause.

The special Thruxton is meant as an additional perk for those willing to take part, as one of the participants in this year’s event will get to win it. The rides are open to all whose willing to attend and will take place all over the world. All one has to do to get a chance at winning the one-off motorcycle is to register, make a random donation, and raise an additional $250 from other rides.

Full details on rules and regulations for this year’s Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride and the ways of getting a shot at winning the unique bike can be found at this link.

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Motogo teaching confidence, building grit through motorcycles

by Taylor Bruck from

CLEVELAND — Not everyone learns in the same way. Some people are visual learners, some are auditory, some learn better through reading and writing and others are kinesthetic learners, which is another way of saying “hands-on.”

What You Need To Know

  • The nonprofit Motogo teaches young people life skills through motorcycles
  • They teach students how to take apart a motorcycle and put it back together
  • They do that by bringing back shop class through partnerships with schools and community organizations
  • Motogo helps students learn from their failures and build self-confidence, resilience and grit

“I’ve always been a hands-on learner, and I can relate to students who have a hard time sitting still in class. I think I played sports my whole life because that’s how I learned. I learned by doing and using my hands,” said Molly Vaughn, the executive director of Motogo, a nonprofit in Cleveland.

With a majority of funding tied to high test scores in schools, many districts in the U.S. eliminated their shop classes in the 70s or 80s. She and her husband Brian Schaffran are bringing it back.

“He’s the head coach at Motogo. I love being his boss,” said Vaughn.

Schaffran owns Skidmark Garage, and in 2017 alongside Vaughn, the two founded its nonprofit educational wing, Motogo. Motogo is a mobile shop class with a mission to teach kids to solve problems and build grit and confidence through building motorcycles.

Schaffran is a former high school math and history teacher. It wasn’t until he could use his hands that he really fell in love with learning.

“Once I just learned by doing, then that woke my motivation up to take as many college classes as I could and learn as much as I could about everything in the world,” said Schaffran. “Getting a kid to memorize is one thing, but getting a kid to love to learn is the ultimate goal, and shop class helps some students wake up that love of learning.”

He’s not alone. Many people prefer to learn by doing.

“I find it easier, like when you’re actually like in the field doing something, not just like reading off a book,” said Liam Michael, a junior at Saint Martin de Porres High School, a school currently hosting an after-school Motogo program.

“It’s different. I’s something I never thought about doing so it’s fun doing it and learning,” said Maladdia Williams, a freshman at Saint Martin de Porres High School.

Motogo has already been in more than 20 different schools and community organizations. They offer quarter-long and full semester in-school and out-of-school STEM curriculums, as well as week-long summer camps for middle and high school students.

“It helps me figure out what I want to do. I mean, the more knowledge, the better,” said Elijah Williams, a sophomore at Saint Martin de Porres High School.

“I learned a lot about the tools. Like I really didn’t know any tool names or like all the different sizes and stuff,” said Summer Onwundinjo, a freshman at Saint Martin de Porres High School.

Motogo aims to be that outlet to teach young people that there’s a place for everyone to succeed in life, regardless of what motivates them.

“This isn’t a boy’s world, and this isn’t a boy’s job. This is everybody’s job,” said Schaffran. “Girls are better at this and should be trying this and should be getting their hands dirty. And I hope that it’s going to take a generation or two, but I think this is the beginning of a permanent change in who gets to do what, and who’s better at what, and who gets to experience this kind of confidence and victories.”

Motogo also aims to give them the physical and metaphorical tools to succeed in life, helping young people realize that failing is just another word for learning. If at first effort doesn’t work, try and try again.

“We just want to be one opportunity, maybe find the kids that haven’t found that thing that sparks them yet,” said Vaughn. “We’re really a unique opportunity to make someone feel valued, who feels left out, whether a student wants to go into a manufacturing career or they want to go into something more like becoming a doctor or a lawyer, or they’re going to be a stay-at-home parent one day. It doesn’t really matter what the end product is. We know that by taking shop classes again, that it’s going to rewire their brain to kind of think about the way you approach the world differently.”

“A lot of people don’t know that they can fix the world around them and they don’t have the confidence to even try most of the time. Hopefully, after going through a Motogo course, they just gain a little bit more nerve, a little bit more confidence than they’re willing to try and grab a tool and figure it out and problem solve,” said Schaffran. “Whatever problem that someone comes across, I hope that they say to themselves, well, I rebuilt a motorcycle. If I did that, I can do this.”

For more information on Motogo visit their website.

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Motorcycle Mentorship Safety Day was hosted by the U.S. Army


Kick off the riding season with Motorcycle Mentorship Safety Day

VILSECK, Germany – Motorcycle Mentorship Safety Day was hosted by the U.S. Army Garrison Bavaria Safety Office on Friday, May 14. This event consisted of morning riding drills at the Vilseck Airfield and an afternoon group mentorship ride off-post.

“We are really happy that we can hold the event this year, because it was unfortunately canceled last year due to increased COVID-19 density rates in the surrounding area,” said USAG Bavaria Safety Director Deborah Gonzales. “This event brings the installation together. It promotes mentorship, and it allows people the opportunity to have safe fun.”

To kick-off the event, USAG Bavaria Commander Col. Christopher Danbeck shared a few opening remarks.

“Have a lot of fun, and be safe out there,” Danbeck told the attendees. “Mentorship for motorcycle riders is very important. When you go back to your organizations, please continue to watch over the younger guys. You know the real deal – how to stay safe.”

He also drew the winning raffle tickets for five Harley Davidson T-Shirt prizes.

Then the group received a blessing from USAG Bavaria Chaplain Col. Shawn McCammon.

Before starting the hands-on drills, vehicle inspections were performed by a professional mechanic from the 405th Army Field Support Brigade, safety briefings were conducted by garrison safety officers, and course exercises were demonstrated by volunteer mentor coaches.

Participants then rotated between four different stations to practice components of total stopping distance, obstacle avoidance and evasive maneuvers. After each drill, riders received additional performance feedback from the mentor coaches.

A break was scheduled between the morning and afternoon sessions to allow riders an opportunity to eat lunch and refuel their motorcycles. And before departing for the 120 kilometer group ride off-post, Eschenbach Police Station Polizeihauptmeister Paul Zawal provided the group with one last refresher on German road laws and motorcycle safety. He also took questions at the end of his presentation.

USAG Bavaria Motorcycle Safety Day was open to all Department of Defense cardholding motorcyclists, which includes installations at Grafenwoehr, Vilseck, Hohenfels and Garmisch. Even motorcyclists from U.S. Army Garrison Ansbach partook in the event.

“We [motorcyclists] have a very tight knit group since there are only so many riders in the military community,” said Master Sgt. Robert Lewis, motorcycle safety program coordinator of 18th Military Police Brigade, 21st Theater Sustainment Command. “At the start of the season, it is all about refreshing basic skills, remembering safety protocols and building comradery.”

The Safety Office is looking for rider coaches, mentors and volunteers to assist the program. For more details on motorcycle safety, or if you want to foster a mentorship program within your unit, visit the USAG Bavaria safety website or contact the office at DSN 526-2303, CIV 09641-70-526-2303.

View more photos from 2021 Motorcycle Safety Day, here:

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