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Bikernet Journalists Vs the rest by J J Solari

Hey, Did you miss J J Solari? Wondering what he’s gonna write next? Want more of his insight into life, universe and everything? Well, have a look – in this one he discusses journalism.

Click Here to read the new article from J J Solari on Bikernet.

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E3 Spark Plugs Introduces E3 Lithium Powersports Batteries

Longer lasting, lightweight and more environmentally sound than conventional batteries

Ponta Vedre, FL (May 4, 2021) — E3 Spark Plugs, the makers of the patented DiamondFIRE Technology spark plug, announces the introduction of a new line of lithium phosphate powersports batteries. Born from cutting edge nano-scale materials, E3 Lithium promises to redefine power delivery in the powersports world.

“We are extremely excited to bring the most powerful, most economical lithium powersports battery on the market today to enthusiasts everywhere,” said E3 Vice President of Motorsports & Business Development, Rob Fisher. “These batteries are durable, ultra-lightweight and incredibly powerful. Plus, they are designed to deliver years of exceptional performance which we back up with an industry first 5 year warranty.”

Initially the product line features eight offerings, ranging in power output from 140 to 760 Cold Cranking Amps and covering a wide range of applications including motorcycles, ATVs, UTVs, side-by-sides, snowmobiles, personal watercraft and more.

Some of the performance benefits of the E3 Lithium line of powersports batteries include:

  • 80% lighter than traditional batteries
  • 3x longer life than traditional batteries
  • Charges much faster than traditional batteries
  • Delivers much quicker starts than traditional batteries
  • IP 66 Environmental Rating (pressure washer friendly)
  • Mounts in any position
  • Environmentally friendly

E3 Lithium Batteries feature an integrated Battery Management System (BMS) that maintains constant cell balancing to ensure that the output of the individual lithium packs inside the battery maintain equal output and charge levels at all times. In addition, the BMS offers the following model specific attributes to ensure years of trouble-free power delivery from your E3 Lithium Battery.

  • Overcharge Protection
  • Over-Discharge Protection
  • Short Circuit Protection
  • Excessive Cranking Protection
  • Built In Cell Balancing Technology
  • LED Battery Fault Light Indicator (select models only)

The MSRP starts at $160.00; which makes this line the lightest, most powerful and best value lithium battery line in its class.

For more information about E3 Lithium Batteries visit For more information about E3 Spark Plugs, visit For the latest company and product news follow E3 on Facebook, TwitterInstagram, or subscribe to E3’s YouTube Channel.

About E3
E3 Spark Plugs with patented DiamondFIRE technology, developed and validated by researchers from leading engineering universities, improves combustion efficiency for maximum performance. As one of the leading spark plug companies in the United States, E3 manufactures a complete line of spark plugs for automotive, small engine, powersports and racing applications. In 2016, E3 expanded the company’s product line to include distributors, spark plug wires, coils and 02 sensors under the company’s DiamondFIRE brand. The DiamondFIRE line of ignition products firmly entrenches E3’s commitment to the automotive high performance and racing industry. For more information about E3 ignition products, visit, or follow E3 on Facebook.

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Why Bikernet Journalists Are the Only Real Journalists in America

All over the English-speaking-world journalist hacks are asking each other “Why is it that Bikernet journalists are so much better than us? While we, on the other hand, are just useless meaningless carbuncles on the ship of literary history? And parchment fragments in the Museum of Bad Writing Skills??”

This is what they’re asking themselves. I know: it’s pathetic. No one ever said journalists……well, weren’t pathetic. And there’s a reason.

As you know, the long tradition in journalism is that no one should actually be possessed of any actual writing ability. In other words, no one should be better than anyone else at bad sentence construction and at achieving successfully-communicated absence of content. All should be equally mediocre word-slingers if not actually out-and-out incompetent prehistoric troglodytes. This is the Guiding Principle of journalism.

You’ll noticed I’ve used the word “actual” in one form or another three times in one of those sentences. This is to emphasize the importance the Journalist Aggregate places upon their members not having any actual writing talent. Or any other talents for that matter. Whereas Bikernet writers have so much talent they can actually write while sober. Which of course is taboo in the Journalism Cult, writing sober. Journalists pride themselves on being so drunk so often that bad, wandering, vague, pointless, incorrect, shoddy sentences and paragraphs appear to them to be lines composed in Heaven by Greek Gods via quills dipped in Sacred Semen extracted with great stealth from the steaming, swaying balls of the Minotaur.

The only difficult part of writing drunk for a Non-Bikernet journalist is hiding the bottles from Mom, or in the case of married Non-Bikernet journalists, from their same-sex partner. NOT that the same sex partner would have a problem with the liquor ingestion, unlike Mom. Still, unless the same-sex partner is another Non-Bikernet journalist…there’s going to be some discussion from time to time regarding the – you would think lethal – quantities the Non-Bikernet journalist partner is guzzling.

Bikernet journalists drink, but not so that they can stand to read their own writing. They drink for its own sake. Bikernet journalists do as many things as possible that are inherently fun and interesting just for the sake of doing them: among which would be riding motorcycles and having heterosexual sex.

For you see Bikernet journalists do not start out “wanting to write.” Unlike Non-Bikernet journalists. They don’t start out with the dream of being famous for doing absolutely nothing, like, say the Kardashians or people holding public office. For another thing Bikernet journalists are familiar with “the real world.” Unlike Non-Bikernet journalists.

There are reasons for this. And it has to do with what is called “college.” Which is where “real” journalists, or Non-Bikernet journalists in other words, go to have their brains extracted and to have Greta Thunberg installed in there instead. Bikernet journalists don’t go to college. They go to work. Whole different universe from where college journalists reside. As I will now explain.

“College,” which is where Non-Bikernet journalists come from, is a place where people go to learn that reality is not actually in existence. In college you are “told,” though it’s more of a permeating vibe, to use hippy terminology, that the loftiest minds in human history are the minds of something called “philosophers.”

“Philosophers” are people who make, or once made before they died, daydreamed pronouncements about the proclaimed fact, (or fake news!) that things in existence are not really there. They then “backed this up” with “reasoned preposterousness” that proves the validity of their original proposition: that nothing actually exists.

Chief among these “thinkers” and with varying degrees of contact with reality were people like No-First-Name Plato, Rene Descartes, Immanuel Kant, David Hume, Arthur Schopenhauer, Georg Hegel, Soren Kierkegaard, John Locke, Friedrich Nietzsche, Baruch Spinoza, Professor Irwin Corey and approximately one million other gentlemen who ‘thought’ about things.

Philosophers are the first Non-Bikernet journalists. The operating programming of journalists as a result of their forced feeding of “philosophers” in college is: reality doesn’t exist; therefore do what I say.

Bikernet journalists, by way of contrast, have the premise that….. “Reality is actually there: so I’m going in to check it out and report back. Take what I have to say or leave it. Thank you and fuck you. No, really: fuck you. Thank you.”

This is an open-eyed and an all-in attitude that is horrific and terrifying to a Non-Bikernet journalist.

Which is why all Non-Bikernet journalists focus and have as their prime motivator….. getting people who actually do things and don’t want to be fucked with; getting them into one form or another of what is currently called “lockdown,” be it mental, physical or spiritual. Once everything is locked down and nothing is happening… Non-Bikernet journalists will go to sleep and be calm at last.

Until then, Non-Bikernet journalists love anything that is 1: a lie and 2: fraught with folly. That is why “political science” is their favorite mental playground because it’s both. Political science is their deity and religion and their reason to live and their reason, nothing remotely close to being rational or scientific. Politics is “survival based on deception and misdirection needs a name change. And “Political Science” rather than “criminal behavior” gets that job done.

Non-Bikernet journalists in college also learn something called “economics.” Which is also not only not a science, it’s not even a mode of behavior, unlike politics.

Economics – in reality – has one operating principle: the “law” of supply and demand. Period. And it’s not even a law, it’s just a “here’s what’s gonna happen” observation based on past observations. But in college economics is a delirious never-ending maze of fractals filling millions of badly-written textbooks that can never be fully explored or understood except by Marxists.

Non-Bikernet journalists in college also learn something called “sociology.” Sociology is the denial of individual identity and the proclaiming of “the group” as the most basic, indivisible entity humans are capable of existing in via an “identity.” There is only group identity in other words.

Meanwhile keep in mind Bikernet journalists are not “learning” ANY of this crap. And there’s a reason which I will go into soon.

So, you’re in college, you learn that reality doesn’t exist. You, in particular may or may not exist, politics is a science, economics is an actual course of study, and only groups, not individuals, matter. And when it comes to groups there are only four that hold actual potential power to demand obedience: the government: the church: the “people:” and journalists. These are called “the four Estates.”

It used to be the three Estates. Journalists declared themselves an “Estate” and the other three Estates actually what bureaucrats are doing to you because of their fear of a bad press. Like ’em or hate ’em, the fourth Estate is actually in charge of things in the “free” world. This is quite an achievement for the Non-Bikernet journalists to have accomplished. Shows you how STUPID the other three Estates are.

Meanwhile let’s return to Bikernet journalists.

Bikernet journalists, before they become Bikernet journalists, are people found usually under rockpiles, inside rotted logs, behind dumpsters, wandering on foot across the desert, on parole, on rocky shoreline cliffs, fucked up, and literally barking at the moon, falling down drunk on the sidewalk, stumbling panicked through the forest shouting “They live!!” or slumped at a bar counter facedown in the bean dip, or ejaculating in whore houses, or maybe in houses they have turned INTO whore houses for as long as it takes to bone Senyore Fuckhead’s wife or daughter.

It’s often the case that these people can’t read, forget about writing. However most of them have actually heard all the names of all the letters of the alphabet, so teaching them how to pronounce them in “long” and “short” versions for the vowels et cetera, the sounds the consonants make and so on….they learn how to read and write at the Bikernet Remedial ABC-WTF Academy tons faster than kids in school learn, one reason being actual desire and the other being you can smoke, drink and grab teacher’s titties and no one has a problem with it.

Plus, the course and curriculum were created by someone that sheer absolute modesty forbids me to identify. Plus, it’s free. Teachin’ someone to read and write is a duty in charity. It’s like teachin’ someone to swim. It just needs doin’, is all. Plus, it ain’t that hard. Math? Different animal. Different critter. Let’s not even fuckin’ go there, ok? And when does a fuckin’ journalist ever add up a column of figures. Fucking never.

Bikernet journalists are different from the asshole or “normal” kind of journalist, (once they learn to spell and form letters freehand, etc) in that they don’t pretend to be “exposing and declaring catastrophes” to keep YOU from harm. They figure fuck you. If they write about something it’s about how it affects them personally.

If you’re anything LIKE them, you’ll take the hint and either get on board or stay the fuck away from whatever it is. Whereas journalists from “real news outlets” all wear a grandly-displayed holy garment of “concerningness” for YOUR welfare. Like as though some parasite living in his mom’s laundry room actually gives a shit about you. “Normal” journalists want everything to rot and disappear so that the whole earth population will be living like they have to live: as parasites off someone else.

They dress this all up in saintly nail-biting about your health and safety. But they’re fucking lying. Bikernet journalists don’t lie. They say “This is pretty cool, check it out” or they say “This is majorly fucked up, have a clue, steer clear of this shit.” Based on their own experience and personal investigation. “Normal” journalists just make shit up and tell you if you don’t obey them, you are a guilty and uncaring threat to “society.” Society is them, by the way. Not you.

“Real” journalists use a different dictionary than Bikernet journalists. For instance, in “real” journalism Islam is a race. Not a religion. And Muslims are also a race. So, let’s say you have a problem with Islam and/or Muslims, and I know, we are really using our imaginations to the limit here, but let’s say that you have this problem. Normal journalists will say you are a racist.

In the real, non-philosopher world, “Islamophobia” is a condition that doesn’t actually exist, even though “real” journalists insist it does. No one actually fears Muslims or Islam. Other than Muslim women and children. To a Non-Bikernet journalist a “phobia” is newly-defined as “having a conviction that differs from the edicts of a journalist.”

In Non-Bikernet journalism “science” is defined as “whatever all the journalists and bureaucrats working in tandem claim is the case.” Keep in mind that journalists and bureaucrats never propose hypotheses, run experiments, check results, form conclusions, leading to further hypotheses. Which is what actual science is. “Real” journalists and bureaucrats have no idea what any of that “hypothesis-test-conclusion” stuff even is forget about doing any of it.

For instance, “real” journalists’ new and latest now-hear-this science proclamation is about the “earth wobbling as a result of the industrial revolution and you in particular causing glaciers to melt.” And no, I am not making this up.

Just this week, even as this is being typed by me between shots of tequila and puffs of cigars, the journalist “science” cult has declared that the earth is going all freaky in its rotation due to glaciers melting due to human progress.

APPARENTLY the asshole idiot journalist unemployable parasites living off Mom are convinced that when a glacier loses water in the form of ice and has that water run off its sides and out across the land in tiny trickles and eventually into the sea….that it disappears from existence and thus causes the earth to weigh less and thus wobble erratically and thus killing us all unless we stop using “fossil fuels.”

To prove it you need to measure it with Star Trek technology proving wobbling the earth due to weight-shifts….meanwhile, it doesn’t matter to the journalist college graduates that all the oceans of the world slap and slosh billions of megatons of water back and forth onto the beaches and shorelines day after day via something called “the tides”….that has no effect on the earth’s “wobbling parameters.” But slowly trickling water draining from a fucking glacier causes the entire fucking 4-billion-year-old planet to spiral out of control and thus killing us all.

Does it matter that the CONTINENTS actually changed locations by thousands of miles over the course of all the time in billions of years that the earth has been spinning on its axis? No: you using refrigeration, heat and fuel, and hydroelectric electricity, and thus and thereby causing the glaciers to melt in your reckless pursuit of comfort and some kind of a LIFE is what is threatening us all.

Does it matter that volcanos are puking a lot more weight off the terrain and into the atmosphere day after fucking day all over the planet than the glaciers, restricted to the polar regions, are tricking into the sea?

Does it matter that the polar ocean Up North is not even landlocked but is a moving wandering fucking morass of thick fucking ice-vistas that never stops AND it changes it’s mass by trillions of tons annually, growing and shrinking and wandering the fuck all over the place?

Does it matter that ten billion fucktillion tons of water are lifted off the oceans via evaporation every second without the earth going apeshit wondering “Why do I weigh less???” No, because, oh dear, it’s always the fucking glaciers that are what need to be nurtured and kept intact and coddled and caressed like Biden meeting a new child or else we will perish as the Fourth and Third Estates have decreed. And why glaciers? Because hack journalists proclaim their conclusions regarding your behavior based upon something that has no fucking bearing on ANYTHING….. and declare it your fault, so you need to obey the journalists and the bureaucrats. Because they’re so motherfucking smart.

This is the journalist mentality, ladies and gentlemen. Thank God for Bikernet, uh? You tell a Bikernet journalist we are all going to die because the glaciers are spinning the earth out of control unless he stops riding his motorcycle….he’s going to probably beat the fucking shit out of you.

When was the last time you heard of a “real” journalist beating the fucking shit out of anyone. They have a fucking heart attack when they see road kill.

They watch Craig LeBeau in his Science Fiction Spawned Tree Eradicator saw a pine tree off its stump and remove all the branches and place it onto a pile of 200-foot-long logs all in one second on Mud Mountain Haulers…….they actually require smelling salts to bring them back to consciousness.

In other words, what I’m saying is, “real” journalists are hypersensitive, hyperfrightened, mommas boys. The Non-Bikernet journalist WOMEN, if you can call them women, have SOME manliness, I’ll give them that.


Bikernet journalists of the female variety, on the other hand, are all very girly and delightful. If you say to them “That’s some nice assflesh you’re displayin’ in them camel-toe’d daisy dukes with no underwear there, cutie, I would sure like to give them shorts a pull-aside and see if maybe that’s a pussy I wouldn’t mind stickin’ my dick in.”

She’ll respond, “Why, aren’t you the impudent rascal, you flatter-flinging imp. Now, you just behave yourself while I get you a cold beer to calm that roaring libido of yours and then MAYBE, once we get that raging cock of yours under control, we can maybe start this relationship again.

College-bred female journalist ain’t gonna react like that. She’s gonna have you up on verbal-assault charges. Unless you have a vagina. Then things’ll turn out different and more amiable. Pro’bly.

So now that you know that Bikernet journalists are superior journalists and why… will be a delight to be around at all further gatherings with friends and loved ones! You’re welcome!!

–J.J. Solari

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Pentagon rejects permit request by veterans group for Memorial Day motorcycle ride

by Nikki Wentling from

WASHINGTON – The Defense Department rejected a request from organizers of a traditional Memorial Day weekend motorcycle ride in the nation’s capital, throwing logistics of the event into uncertainty just weeks before it is scheduled to take place.

Motorcyclists typically use the Pentagon’s parking lot as a staging area for the ride, but defense officials denied the permit application Friday for this year’s event. Officials cited the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and the size of the expected crowd as the reason.

Despite the denial, thousands of motorcyclists are planning to gather in Washington during Memorial Day weekend. As of Monday, organizers didn’t know where to gather the riders before and after they drive along the National Mall.

AMVETS, a national veterans organization, is coordinating the motorcycle ride. The group said it was committed to still running the event on May 30 and organizers were searching Monday for a backup plan.

“There are no options with as much space and convenient routes to the memorials, meaning it will be more difficult, disruptive, and expensive than if the Pentagon parking lots were available,” said Joe Chenelly, national executive director of AMVETS.

The group criticized the Pentagon’s slow decision-making process. Chenelly said he applied in July to use the Pentagon parking lot on May 30. He was expecting to hear back by January.

Chenelly told the Pentagon last month that he needed an answer by April 16. Officials called with their decision on Friday.

“The biggest disappointment in the Pentagon’s denial was that AMVETS was ignored for months as its professional staff in Washington requested numerous times an opportunity to hear the Defense Department’s concerns and present a [coronavirus] safety plan,” Jan Brown, the national commander of AMVETS, said in a statement.

AMVETS leaders said they were confident they could hold a “safe, reasonable demonstration outdoors that incorporates social distancing, masking where appropriate, and sanitation stations.”

The group said it is a member of President Joe Biden’s new COVID-19 Community Corps, which is a contingent of local leaders and prominent organizations who were recruited to help inform and encourage Americans who might be hesitant to receive a vaccine.

“The administration included AMVETS in this new group as ‘a trusted voice in communities across the United States,’ but the Pentagon wouldn’t have a conversation with us to share their concerns and give us the chance to address them before deciding to refuse our application,” Chenelly said.

Rolling Thunder operated a motorcycle ride through Washington for 32 years before hosting its last event in 2019. AMVETS took over in 2020 and planned an event to replace the popular ride. It was designed to raise awareness for prisoners of war and troops still missing in action, as well as the issue of veteran suicide.

The event, now titled Rolling to Remember, was canceled last year because of the coronavirus pandemic.

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Epic Indian vs Harley-Davidson Bagger First Race of 2021

by Daniel Patrascu from

SEE VIDEO BELOW – It’s been an exciting weekend for motorcycle enthusiasts as the Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta hosted a number of MotoAmerica events. For us, by far the most spectacular was the first race of what is now the King of the Baggers series.

Born last year as a single run at the WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca, King of the Baggers morphed for 2021 into a small series of three races, and attracted significantly more involvement from both Indian and Harley-Davidson. The former went on the starting grid with no fewer than three factory-backed teams, while the latter enlisted its own factory team and backed four other Harley-Davidson riders.

Back in 2020, we had 11 Harleys going up against just two Indians. The outnumbered bike maker managed to end the race in first and third podium positions, with riders Tyler O’Hara and Frankie Garcia, respectively. Sandwiched between them was Harley rider Hayden Gillim.

This year, O’Hara and Garcia repeated their performance from 2020, and ended the race in the exact same positions. This time, however, Gillim completed the race fourth, and his spot between the two Indian riders was taken by Harley’s own Kyle Wyman. The rest of the Harley pack, save for one that didn’t finish the race, came in after them.

Unlike last year however, Harley riders did seem to put on more of a fight. For most of the race, the lead switched from O’Hara to Wyman repeatedly in epic fights, but in the end the Indian rider managed to cross the finish line first, just under a second ahead of the runner-up. You can watch the video attached below for highlights from the race.

There are two more events left in this inaugural season of King of the Baggers, with the races scheduled in June at Road America, and, as a return to where it all started, one month after that at Laguna Seca.


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Harley-Davidson 1907 Strap Tank Nets Close to $300K in Las Vegas auction

by Daniel Patrascu from

It’s been a very hot weekend for motorcycle enthusiasts. On one hand, we had the MotoAmerica series of events over in Atlanta, and on the other the mammoth motorcycle auction conducted by Mecum over in Las Vegas.

As far as the Road Atlanta event goes, we’ve already seen how Indian once again crowned itself King of the Baggers by barely outrunning Harley-Davidson. But the Nevada auction had a champion of its own, and its name is 1907 Harley-Davidson Strap Tank.

Described by fans as the most desirable of all Harley-Davidsons, the Strap Tank family managed to score a number of records when it comes to the sums they went for over the past few years. Back in 2015, for instance, one of them sold for $650k, making it the most expensive Harley ever sold at auction until that time.

The one we have here sold for less, but for an impressive amount nonetheless. $297k is how much someone paid for it, making the model the most expensive one to sell at this year’s event.

Coming from a private collection, the motorcycle is somewhat related to the record-setting one from 2015. It was put together by its owner, Ronald Moreschini, and with the backing of the guy who purchased the $650k Strap Tank, Lonnie Isam.

Seeing how desirable these bikes were, Moreschini set out a few years back to come up with 13 Harley-Davidson Strap Tank replica motors. While doing this, he stumbled upon an original 1907 engine that still had the original carburetor, but also on the native gas and oil tank, forks, and belt tensioning gate.

The motorcycle we have here came to be around these original parts, and was further gifted with original seat and wheel hubs. The result is so exciting, that the two-wheeler was even shown at the Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum for a while.

Now it is probably heading over to another private collection, where it will most likely spend some time before it will most definitely show up for sale once more.


  • Color Grey
  • Not for highway or public road use
  • Engine # 1877
  • Original factory engine
  • Original carburetor
  • Original gas tank and oil tank
  • Original belt tensioner
  • Original front forks
  • Original wheel hubs
  • Original seat
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British bike show is a triumph for organisers

by Nigel Baudains from

The heyday of the British motorcycle industry was on display at St James yesterday.

People were queuing by the 10am opening to see about 90 machines spanning the period from 1911 to the present day.

Alan Richmond, who organised the show on behalf of the St James Trust, is also chairman of The British Motor Cycle Club Guernsey.

‘I think British motorcycles appeal to the older man who probably had one in his youth,’ he said.

‘Naturally he will say that it was the best and there is a huge brand loyalty.

‘For the practical, you can strip them down to the last nut and bolt, whereas motorcycles today are computer-controlled and you dare not change a spark plug.’

Some of the bikes – nicknamed trailer queens – belonged to people who did not want to get them wet. Half an hour of riding and four hours of cleaning was no fun, he said.

Vaccine centre volunteer Alan Boyd, 66, said visiting the show had reactivated his interest in motorcycles.

‘I had bikes from the age of 15 and I even managed to persuade my wife, Jo, to tour Europe with me on a [Honda] Goldwing,’ he said.

‘I sold it because I thought I was getting too old. I’m a Triumph fan. The early ones leaked oil and the electrics were always packing up. Every time you went out it was an adventure as you never knew whether you’d get back or not.’

Within a few minutes of the show opening, the hall was packed with motorcycle enthusiasts.

Jackson Garage technician Wojtek Krzemien, 39, who came to Guernsey from Poland 13 years ago, was among them.

‘I just love motorbikes and I wanted to bring the boys to show them the story of motorcycling,’ he said.

‘They love motorbikes too and everything here is in such great condition.’

Other makes on show included Norton, BSA, James, Velocette, Sunbeam and Royal Enfield.

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Authorities remind people about safety and motorcycle awareness

State Authorities in California, Maryland and Wisconsin announce recommendations for safety and awareness on Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

DMV reiterates safe riding practices in respect to Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month
by The Bakersfield Californian from

The California Highway Patrol is emphasizing safe riding and driving practices in May as part of Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month.

In a news release, the CHP said that more than 500 people were killed in motorcycle-involved crashes in California in 2020 and more than 11,500 people were injured. There are more than 1.4 million licensed riders in the state, the CHP said.

With those numbers in mind, the agency strongly encourages all riders to enroll in the California Motorcyclist Safety Program. The CMSP has 98 training sites throughout the state and trains approximately 55,000 motorcyclists each year. For more information or to find a training site near you, visit or

The CHP added that motorcyclists can help protect themselves by wearing proper safety gear including a U.S. Department of Transportation-compliant helmet, following the speed limit, riding defensively, and always riding sober. Drivers should always look at their mirrors and blind spots before changing lanes and always keep a safe distance.

The CHP promotes motorcycle safety with the Get Educated and Ride Safe program, funded by a $750,000 grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. All eight CHP field divisions will hold outreach events to promote motorcycle safety throughout 2021 under the GEARS grant.

“Motorcyclists who are responsible, informed, and properly equipped can help reduce rider deaths and injuries,” CHP Commissioner Amanda Ray said. “Motorists are also key to reducing crashes by being aware of the dangers and challenges of motorcycle riding. Taking the time to look twice for motorcyclists can save a life.”

May Is Motorcycle Safety Month Maryland State Police Urge Extra Caution
from Maryland Government

(PIKESVILLE, MD) – The Maryland State Police are urging drivers to keep safety in mind during “Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month” being observed in May.

As the weather gets warmer, more motorcycles are on the roads, and more traffic crashes are reported between vehicles and motorcycles. About 15% of all fatal crashes in Maryland involve motorcycles according to the Maryland Department of Transportation. On average, more than 60 motorcyclists die in traffic crashes on Maryland roads every year, and an additional 1,700 people, both riders and passengers, are injured in Maryland traffic crashes, according to statistics provided by the Maryland Department of Transportation.

If you are driving a car;

  • Share the road. Allow motorcycles the full width of the lane at all times.
  • Use care when driving near a group of motorcyclists.
  • Check mirrors and blind spots for motorcycles, especially before changing lanes, merging, and at intersections. The motorcycle’s size makes it difficult to judge their speed and distance.
  • Always signal if changing lanes so others know your intentions.

If you are operating a motorcycle;

  • Always wear a helmet and protective gear.
  • Carry your license with you and obey all traffic laws.
  • Stay in the middle of the traffic lane for better visibility.
  • Obey speed limits. Speeding is a factor in about 30% of motorcycle crashes according to the Maryland Department of Transportation.

Everyone on the roads should use extra caution during inclement weather, and never drive while impaired or distracted. Try to anticipate the moves of other vehicles on the road. Recognizing Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month will keep everyone safer on Maryland roads.

State Patrol reminds motorists to look twice, share the road with motorcycles
by Racine County Eye from

Motorcycle fatalities increased 40% in 2020 over the previous five years’ average. May is national “Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month” and the Wisconsin State Patrol is asking motorcyclists and all other motorists to share the road, be alert and safe. 2020 preliminary data for Wisconsin shows there were 2,095 motorcycle crashes, 1,788 motorcyclists injured, and 112 motorcycle fatalities.

As warm weather returns, more motorcyclists will be on Wisconsin roads. “Drivers must be in the habit of looking for motorcyclists,” Wisconsin State Patrol Captain Jason Zeeh said, “and motorcyclists should watch for other vehicles and get properly trained and licensed. Together we can save lives.”

Motorcycle crashes often occur when a car or truck driver changes lanes, turns left or pulls out in front of a motorcycle. Motorcycles are smaller and more difficult to see, especially in your blind spot. Failure to yield the right of way to another vehicle (state law 346.18) can result in a $175 citation, but penalties are much more severe if the violation results in someone getting injured or killed.

Motorcyclists can do their part by getting properly licensed, wearing visible and protective equipment, and carefully scanning ahead for potential hazards such as gravel, debris or wildlife in the roadway.

Motorcyclists have two options to get the required Class M license: pass a motorcycle driving skills test after making an appointment at a Division of Motor Vehicles service center or successfully complete a WisDOT-approved rider education course. Motorcyclists who successfully complete an approved safety course earn a skills test waiver used to obtain their Class M license.

“Whether a person is brand new to motorcycling or a returning rider, a safety course is a wise investment,” Captain Zeeh said. “Safety along our roadways requires all drivers to share the road, watch their speed, eliminate distractions and be alert.”

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ABATE 31st annual safety ride


Buffalo-area motorcyclists take part in 31st annual safety ride. The American Bikers Aimed Toward Education event aims to remind all drivers that motorcyclists are back on the road.

BUFFALO, N.Y. — May is Motorcycle Awareness Month, and on Saturday, 75 motorcyclists took part in the 31st annual American Bikers Aimed Toward Education safety ride.

The event is aimed at reminding all drivers that motorcyclists are back on the road. There are plenty of safety tips for motorcyclists, including the obvious.

“On a motorcycle, you want to make yourself visible,” Lee Argen of ABATE Buffalo said. “You always want as visible as possible. Daytime ride with your high beam lights on. A lot of times, I think people are not visible because their lights are either off or on low beam in the daytime.”

Drivers should never try to share a lane with a motorcycle. Always give a motorcycle the full lane width.

The one-hour event began Saturday afternoon at the Rath Building in downtown Buffalo.

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Free Safety Course Included with Motorcycle Purchases

by Annie Lindgren from

Fort Collins Motorsports (FCMS), in partnership with Indian® Motorcycle of Fort Collins (IMOFC), has announced it will offer a free safety course to riders (valued at $250) with the purchase of any new make or model motorcycle from its dealership.

“Safe riding should always be a priority, and we’re excited to have an opportunity to tap into our IMRG network so that we can offer this course for free to customers,” said Jeff Sroufe, general manager of Fort Collins Motorsports. “With May being Motorcycle Safety Month, we want to ensure all of our fellow riders are equipped with knowledge of important skills to help them ‘live to ride and ride to live’ while on the open roads.”

With two dates to choose from, on May 8 and August 14, 2021, the safety course event will take place on-site at the IMOFC dealership (1800 SE Frontage Rd., Fort Collins, Colorado 80525). During the four-hour safety course, expert training will be provided by a local police officer and certified motorcycle instructor, who also acts as VP and safety director of the Northern Colorado Indian® Motorcycle Riders Group (NOCO IMRG).

Designed for every level of motorcycle rider experience, the course will cover key safety topics in a real-world style setting. Safety topics include threshold braking, obstacle avoidance, slow speed precision, and more. Each course has been organized into a three-part format, starting with an educational ‘Listen & Learn’ segment, followed by a live demonstration to ‘Watch & Learn,’ and ending with a supervised ‘Ride & Learn’ practice session.

Upon making a qualifying motorcycle purchase, riders will receive access to register for the course through an exclusive direct link. FCMS is also offering the educational (Listen & Learn) segment as a complimentary video download for those pending or without a purchase to ‘Ride Fear Free’ at

DISCLAIMER: A completed liability waiver and valid Motorcycle Endorsement will be required for course admittance. The ‘Road Survival Training’ course is supplementary to other training courses and is not MSF Approved (completion of the ‘Road Survival Training’ course does not earn a Motorcycle Endorsement). Participants will need to come prepared with individual helmets and safety gear to use during the ‘Ride & Learn’ portion of the course.

Learn more about Indian® Motorcycle of Fort Collins at To learn more about Fort Collins Motorsports, visit

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