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100 WFC: The Widow’s Son by Wayfarer

The Widow’s Son by Wayfarer with illustration by Wayfarer Tobey pawned off whatever was left of his inheritance—clothes, shoes, cheap jewelry and twenty years of Reader’s Digest. He sold suitcases for trips never ventured. These were of no benefit while his Mom was alive. Life insurance paid a pittance of her funeral bill. All the cash he mustered amounted to the sum of $ 21,699.25. The sum total cops wanted for a rotting, rusting Panhead, once Tobey’s father’s ride. Mom sold it to make ends meet when Dad died in a work accident. A means to beginning Tobey’s new life of freedom from familial obligations. He sought the rehaul, the ride and the open road. His Harley represented a magnificent metamorphosis. (publication dated 07-June-2024)

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Read the rest and the previous year’s entries and winners at
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Wisconsin Girl In London

Cat Hammes rides London and brings us there

What a cool way to spend time away, in no other place like London at a motorcycle show.

The London MotoShow is an annual event held at this incredibly beautiful location called the Tobacco Docks. I thought I would check it out, I’m here.

I was in for a shock, this Wisconsin girl in London!

— Cat Hammes

Click here to read this photo feature travelogue only on

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Go Places. Get Free Entry to EVENT COVERAGE Department at Click here.

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Bikernet 100 Word Fiction Contest 2024

 100 word fiction contest continues…. #100WFC

Yup, its a monthly contest open to all. Word limit is 100. Lots of Bikernet swag to be won. Just sign up for the free weekly newsletter by clicking here.

Then email your fiction story in 100 words or less to

Curious about fiction stories under 100 words? Have a look at the contest entries in 2023 and list of winners by clicking below link.

Meanwhile, below are the entries in 2024 and winners selected each month.

1. for the month of January 2024: Jeffrey aka JJ Spain
2. for the month of February and March 2024: “Stray Paths” by Rhys
3. for the month of April 2024: TBA

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Divide and Run
by Gearhead

with illustration by Wayfarer

TJ on his ‘80 Super Glide, Budreu on his ‘80 Wide Glide and me on my ‘70 Electra Glide jammed. The local sheriff waited for us to make a slip up for days.

We knew all the back roads.

We left the Rusty Nail bar one night and spotted the Sheriff in our vibrating sideview mirrors. Three abreast, we pulled up to the only dingy stop light in town. He turned on his flashing cop lights, and we left on the hazy green signal in three different ways.

He pulled into the intersection and just sat there.

(publication dated 11-May-2024)

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The boo-boo
by Wayfarer

with illustration by Wayfarer

She could not take her eyes off him. He was enjoying rum & chips with his longtime love, a childhood lover, seemingly inseparable. Then they left and the lonely, lovely stranger who served them, yearned for the man to return.

A few days later, they bumped into each other at a charity hiking trip, aimed at picking trash on trails. He was alone. Apparently, he loved the outdoors and his gal loved cozy evenings in cafes and pubs. “Opposites attract” the waitress sighed.

Then she had an epiphany, “one who waits, is a waiter,” and she introduced herself. He loved the coffee from her flask. She loved that he was interested in her. Soon, she offered to drop him home on her dual-sport Honda Transalp. He asked for her number and they planned a new trail.

(publication dated 03-May-2024)

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Hot Day, Sweet Beer
by Rhys

with illustration by Wayfarer

Pulled out of my garage and took off down the street. No particular destination just needed the wind in my face.

After an hour or so came across a little joint on a country road with outside seating at picnic tables. I dismounted my steel steed and sat down . A cute little thing came out and I asked for an ice cold draft.

Sipping the brew and listening to the exhaust tick I thought it was a good day to be alive.

(publication dated 28-Apr-2024)

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The Tavern Stop
by Gearhead

with illustration by Wayfarer

I walked into the dark tavern after midnight. The last call was in a couple of hours. There she sat waiting for her biker knight in the corner. I sauntered over and sat down next to her. “What is your name Doll.”

“My name is Mariah,” she muttered, her red lips glistened. “What is yours big man?”

“They call me Texas Red.”

“Your mother not like you or something?” She asked.

“I was named after a famous outlaw by my Dad.” I then bought us both whiskeys. We toasted to our friendship. I put my hand on her thigh and the rest is history.

(publication dated 26-Apr-2024)

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Third Date
by JJ Spain
with illustration by Wayfarer

He introduced Mary to her first motorcycle ride. He pulled alongside a Ford Focus using the right turning lane. At the last second, the Ford also decided to turn right. The car’s front fender gave the cycle an extra boost off the two-lane, crashing through a picket fence.

Able to slide to a stop still upright, he sighed. His left knee put a dent in the black tank. His date was scared and crying. The bastard driver of the car didn’t stop. They rode to her house to ice his knee.

Two years later, he took a knee and she said, “Yes.”

(publication dated 16-Apr-2024)

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Me Too Engine Ride
by Steven Sanner

with illustration by Wayfarer

As I stood in line with the other condemned souls at this Hell on Earth they Call the Motor Vehicle Administration, a hand lightly tapped me on the shoulder.

“I noticed your ABATE patch on your jacket” said the dainty soccer mom. “ Are they still around? My husband and I used to be members in the ‘90s.”

The question was one that I’ve heard numerous times in the any years I have been active in our state MRO, and my response was automatic. “Yes, we have been around since 1973 and the fight for our rights never stopped. Come on by the chapter meeting and rejoin us.”

We had just gotten the last kid out the door to college and we’re thinking about riding again. We always had a good time with you people. I’ll let my husband know you ‘all are still here.”

Maybe another lost soul will rejoin the ranks on the freedom fighter.

(publication dated 11-Apr-2024) 
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by Wayfarer

with illustration by Wayfarer

I swayed left and right, twisting the throttle, pushing and pulling at the handlebars. I was tense, sweating throughout on an early morning in June. If only I could ride another 200 miles, I know I would be at peace.

This time yesterday, I had kickstarted my journey to the heartland. There were no goodbyes at work, maybe there will be none at my destination, my home. As I evaded the bustling traffic on the interstate, the many commuters dissolved, my mind picturing her smile, her yellow gown, her rare recipes and most of all, her patience with me.

The oil rig fellas had pitched in to do my share of work as I took off to a final resting place. Mom was fading fast. Will she remember me in her condition? I gotta stay awake to fulfill her dreams and a promise to be by her side.

(publication dated 30-Mar-2024)

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by J J Spain (Jeffrey)

with illustration by Wayfarer

I took the first Piedmont exit off I90, rolling the Chieftain on to the parking lot of Matt’s Place, the front tire of the Indian facing the interstate. The t-shirts stapled to the wall said Matt wasn’t there, he was fishing.

Silently I tipped my champagne of beers to the Blackhills and whispered to my friend that I missed him. It’s been four years now since he left, yet I still hear his voice, his laugh and wish I could cast a fly like he could.

Time goes by, the days go fast, the best leave us first. Enjoy Miller time.

(publication dated 30-March-2024)

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Stray Paths
by Rhys

with illustration by Wayfarer

Eased the old Shovel to a stop. Pulled into the bar parking lot for a quick beer. A little kid approached, not much more than 5, holding a puppy.

He held out the dog to me, and I took it to give it a couple of pats. I turned and the kid vanished. Not wanting to let the little guy go on a busy city street I tucked him in my vest and headed home. On the way his little head poke out into the breeze.

At home I noticed an injury to the hind quarter. The vet unable to fix, I had to let him go.

At least he got to feel the wind in his face.

(publication dated 25-March-2024)

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Burn Out
by Wayfarer

with illustration by Wayfarer

The winds slapped his body as he kept his head steady, guiding the Fat Boy through backroads, out past county lines. The roads uneven, but the path was known to him. The brothers had brought the fight to the establishment.

The State however considered them a malignant minority. Even as cops and Congressmen thrashed the group with harsh laws and fines, the rider’s outlook was – all for one and one invaluable Constitution.

As they stood their ground, an underground parking lot exploded.



Age-old slimy propaganda to delude the masses. In a city that banned ICE engines, it was anybody’s guess what had exploded.

(publication dated 23-March-2024)

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by Bandit

with illustration by Wayfarer

A miniature human with a radiant smile and satin skin. Her old man worked the oil fields and his Sportster tank was delicately painted by George Wild. Her one mission was to collect it in her rusting VW bug.

The magnificent flames glistened on the modified tank. George attempted to fondle the satin button, the tank nearly becoming a weapon. A weakness for abandoned pets steered her off course. The tank became the object of potential scratches and drooling dogs. Groceries dislodged and a fender bender nearly hurled the candy flames.

Still that night a brother rode to club church with a brilliant smile on his face. She made it.

(publication dated 18-March-2024)

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Blow Up a Sportster
by Gearhead

with illustration by Wayfarer

Nicko worked at the garage down the block when his Mom called in a panic. Nicko hauled ass in his hopped up ‘67 Cougar. The alley gate lock to the storage yard swung open. Where is Dad’s Tahiti blown race boat?

“Which way did they go,” Nicko yelled. “Did they steal anything else?”

“I don’t think so,” Mom said.

Nicko ran into the garage and still under the tarp was his turbo-charged Sportster street racer. Nicko flew from the garage in a wheel stand heading West down the alley. When his front 21 touched down, he rolled into the gas station where the thieves stopped to refuel.

(publication dated 15-March-2024)

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She’s Gone
by Jeffrey aka JJ Spain

with illustration by Wayfarer

I left Hill City on highway 385 north to Deadwood, I had to see it for myself. The temperature was in the low 30s, a little cold for a ride but it wasn’t respectful to go in a car.

Dark smoke belched from the black mass of rubble, as a small breeze drifted the smokey haze into the pines. A police officer directed traffic while firetrucks and volunteer firemen hosed the area.

Thirty straight rally years did I enjoyed many a beer, burgers and conversations at this place. Now she’s gone.

I hope the Sugar Shack can make it back.

(publication dated 15-March-2024)

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by Jeffrey aka JJ Spain

with illustration by Wayfarer

He leaned hard right into the curve, pushing his hands down while keeping his head erect, doing 55 mph in a 35. He tried his best to force sparks to ignite from his exhaust pipes against the concrete on Highway 14 A, Boulder Canyon to Deadwood, SD. The Michelin tires held tight as the next curve approached. He rolled the throttle on, pushing to 70 mph on the last notorious bend before the straightaway. Sparks flew!

Yelling in exhilaration, he threw a fist in the air.

Glancing in his rearview mirror, red and blue flashing lights came into view.

Totally worth it.

(publication dated 10-January-2024)

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Little Lady on the Road
by Jeffrey aka JJ Spain

with illustration by Wayfarer

Riding west on 44 out of Rapid, I pulled to the shoulder, parked the Harley to talk to a little girl. She was alone, maybe three years old.

She wasn’t dressed for walking the highway in December weather. She said her name was Abby as I picked her up, opened my jacket and held her close to my body.

I dialed 911. An officer was there in three minutes. A woman in a red Lexus was there in five.

She yelled, “Get your hands off her!”

“Ma’am, have you been drinking?” the officer asked.

Abby began to cry when CPS took her from me.

I did too.

(publication dated 08-January-2024)

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‘The Bikeriders’ Official Trailer

The film is scheduled for a full UK release 21 June.

Watch the trailer right here on

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BMW’s CEO Says Electric Motorcycles Aren’t Ready

BMW’s CEO Says Electric Motorcycles Aren’t Ready to Compete With Gas Ones

“Not now, maybe later.”

BMW Motorrad’s new CEO Markus Flasch, who recently took over from Markus Schramm has shelved the company’s full-size EV superbike, the Vision DC Roadster, as well as made some interesting comments about the future of electric motorcycles at BMW at the premiere of the R 20 Concept at Ville d’Este.

“There’s a logical and an emotional side of the answer,” Flasch says, adding, “The logic side is when we looked at the facts and figures of the [Vision DC Roadster], it was pretty mature in its development. But it was just not competitive with something like the M 1000 RR by far.”

“And then we looked at the way the business is going, as well as competitors, we have 77-percent of the total electric bike market [covered] with our CE 04 and CE 02 electric scooters. So why would I invest BMW’s money to build a motorbike to sneak into the remaining 23 percent?,” the CEO said, furthering, “There’s just no point in it. Not now, maybe later.”

Flasch went even further, adding, “And then the emotional part is if you talk to riders, I did not find anyone who said ‘I would spend 30,000 Euros on an electric motorbike to go around the lake or up the mountain pass.’ No one. And for sure, nobody would say ‘I’m traveling to the North Cape through Africa.'”

“Motorcycling is so much about freedom and independence that there is no point right now [for an EV].”

That’s a bold and blunt statement from the CEO of one of the world’s foremost automotive company. While Toyota big boss got “CANCELLED” by Media and Wall Street investors for speaking the truth about Electric Vehicles and their futility, the European boss has gotten away with this.

In the end, you can’t force people to pay up for something they refuse to consider worthy or useful. One might as well borrow or rent or utilise the gig economy vehicles than purchase such EVs from Silicon Valley multi-billionaires.

With reference to

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Gel Seat Giving Some More Miles

MISLED leads us to a solution for comfortable riding


Report by MISLED

Back in September of 2018 I was in a bad collision on my motorcycle resulting in multiple injuries from head to toe including the loss of left leg below the knee and a crushed left hip. Due to the seriousness of these injuries, getting back on my motorcycle a year later took modifications to help with comfort and or ease of use due to my new disabilities. I had to design a push-pull cable kickstand, add an electric shifter and recently added a reverse kit to the motorcycle to navigate my obstacles.

All these mods did not help the one factor I have since getting back on a motorcycle. My tailbone was severely injured resulting in me not being able to sit very long without having discomfort and pain. Due to this my 500-mile days are long gone.

This leads me to C.C. Rider Seats a newly founded brand in 2020.

Click here to read this excellent report on excelling against exceptions only on

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Do you have similar experiences to share or a query on such situations. Write to us via

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Big George’s Big Snake by Gearhead

Big George’s Big Snake
by Gearhead

Big George, with a bad kicker knee wasn’t big, but bought a yardstick sized Boa Constrictor. Glistening and striped Samantha rode in his 1965 Panhead chopper leather saddle bags. Grew too big for his bags, so she ran loose in his pad.

Big George married, petite and perfunctory Judy, who knew Samantha, but the snake didn’t take to the wife and slithered on her vanity knocking all of her perfume bottles and cosmetics on the wooden deck, more than once. Impulsive Judy snapped, “The snake leaves or I do!”

Judy’s gone, and slithering Samantha still rules the roost.

(publication dated 03-June-2024)

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Engine Guard Kit Installation

An eye-opener by By Christy

After installing the forward controls on my motorcycle, my boyfriend suggested an engine guard just in case I accidentally drop my bike.

This highly polished, chrome-plated guard matches stock plating and works great with the FXST Forward Controls.

Engine Guard Kit 49000138 | Harley-Davidson USA

I had a first-hand visual experience of how well this works when my boyfriend’s foot slid on something, and he dropped his bike while stopped in the driveway.

The only damage was a slight scratch on the engine guard.

Click here to read this photographed tech report on

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MRF : Congressional Motorcycle Caucus

Congressional Motorcycle Caucus

With the end of May upon us, it’s great to report that the House Congressional Motorcycle Caucus has added six (6) new members since Bikers Inside the Beltway! These additions bring the House caucus up to 36 lawmakers from both political parties.

The House and Senate Motorcycle Caucuses host educational seminars and press events that shine a light on the issues facing the motorcycling community. The bipartisan membership of these caucuses allows us to know who our champions on Capitol Hill are and which legislators are committed to standing with us on critical issues.

Congress is out of session this week, but once they return, we hope to see more members added to both the House and Senate organizations. This is firsthand proof that coming to D.C. and advocating for your interests can help move the needle in D.C.

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation welcomes the new members and thanks the longstanding members of this important group!

New Members:

Rep. Mark Amodei (NV)
Rep. Tim Burchett (TN)
Rep. Eric Burlison (MO)

Rep. Barry Loudermilk (GA)
Rep. Ralph Norman (SC)
Rep. Jeff Van Drew (NJ)

Current Members:

Rep. Don Bacon (NE)
Rep. Troy Balderson (OH) Co Chair
Rep. Jim Banks (IN)
Rep. Mike Bost (IL)
Rep. Angie Craig (MN)
Rep. Rick Crawford (AR)
Rep. John Curtis (UT)
Rep. Warren Davidson (OH)
Rep. Tom Emmer (MN)
Rep. Paul Gosar (AZ)
Rep. Glenn Grothman (WI)
Rep. Andy Harris (MD)
Rep. Dusty Johnson (SD)
Rep. Anne Kuster (NH)
Rep. Doug Lamborn (CO)

Rep. Tracy Mann (KS)
Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks (IA)
Rep. Donald Norcross (NJ) Co Chair
Rep. Scott Perry (PA)
Rep. Bill Posey (FL)
Rep. Adam Smith (WA)
Rep. Pete Stauber (MN)
Rep. Bryan Steil (WI)
Rep. Chris Stewart (UT)
Rep. Glenn “GT” Thompson (PA)
Rep. Dina Titus (NV)
Rep. Derrick Van Orden (WI) Vice Chair
Rep. Tim Walberg (MI) Co Chair
Rep. Michael Waltz (FL)
Rep. Joe Wilson (SC)

Join The MRF
Visit or call (202) 546-0983

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The Outreach Bikernet Weekly News for May 30, 2024


In the news this week, it seems of all the plagues upon publishing business, Veloce publishers were endowed with having to stop shipping outside UK. Wow.

Black Hills Motorcycle Show Winner speaks out on…..,yup, winning! Sam Burns got hold of more women and sidecar pics to showcase. RFR announces the Texas Weather and a coffee shop owner who moonlights as a mayor or vice-versa. Definitely, vice drinking coffee on the job.

Greasy Kulture are getting rid of more greasy rags and collectibles–grab ’em, you might notice the famed book “Terry the Tramp” by infamous Keith ‘Bandit’ Ball in their “signed books” list as “sold out”. Next time, remember to visit and while buying mention you want it signed by the boss of things over there. Meanwhile Amazon sells everything including that book:

It seems tyres are dying faster due to electric vehicles. We investigate this gruesome roadkill.

Mission King of the Baggers is racing in California but it is banned there so just buy your tickets to see the racers run a mile wearing leather in the spring sun. Wild! Okay, maybe I exaggerated the foretelling of fortunes. Mission yet to be accomplished regarding right to be King of your own vehicle choices. California even passed a bill to install factory fitted speed alarms inside new cars. Your car will yell at you for speeding. Such progress; one small scream for man, one giant madness from machines.

Jay Leno hasn’t made enough money but keeps buying more vehicles. Maybe he needs financing for fuel and maintenance. So now he is selling tickets for you to see his collection and maybe click a photo with him if you have the deep pocket and stoic stomach for his mug. I always loved Conan O’Brien (Team Coco).

The Sturgis Motorcycle Museum is gonna become a monument to envy as Keith overhauls the whole operations and infrastructure and brings in his nitro never-ending energy he is known for. Take a peek at the Museum magazine cover and the Hall of Fame ring.

If all that was not news…Mama Tried is gonna come to Sturgis for the Rally this year. Don’t think twice, its a rallying time alright. Louisiana Governor makes news in Wisconsin. Hahahaha. Tricky one there. Read the news to know more. Buell Motorcycles decided they need to sell their motorcycles outside USA to grow and get more business. Eureka moment! You never know….there are more Ural fans outside Russia, so maybe Buell fans exist in some other side of the planet. After all, who doesn’t have $25,000 lying around for a Buell instead of a tried-and-tested, aesthetically pleasing Harley-Davidson or a Indian or a BMW or a Ducati?

Talking of Museums, there is news from Harley-Davidson Museum about their upcoming programs and events. What better way to spend Father’s Day than by ogling big V-Twin engines? Born Free event also coming up in June. USA tops list of nations that enable tourism and travel as per World Economic Forum. With 50 glorious States, there is a wide choice for you to go get a look at it. How about on a motorcycle? Well, Lifestyle Cycles will sell you one from their best deal this week, an Iron 883 under $9,000.

Somebody at Heavy Duty magazine digs Street Bob. No not your uncle, but the motorcycle model popular with quite a few apparently. On the other hand, Choppers magazine is out with a lot more choppers and more chopper parties. Take your pick and come back to Bikernet to know more about them all.



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