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Fundraiser for Tobey

Please help Tobey get his health and finances back Hi, my name is Nicole and my dear friend Tobey is in a bad way. He is someone who spent his life racing and riding from Canada to Bonneville living life to the greatest glory of freedom and service to others unfortunately not planning for himself. Tobey is a welder by trade and an artist who is now suffering the effects of life long toxicity and heavy metal poisoning. He lives on a boat in Long Beach and is behind two months on rent and is to ill to work. As a Canadian there are no services available to him and he needs immediate medical and financial assistance. If you ever wanted to meet Burt Munro Tobey is the closest thing you will find. When we met I wondered at the two starting dampeners he had on his modified Harley Sportster and watched him blow by younger faster bikes on the track at Buttonwillow. Fearless and freedom come to mind when thinking of Tobey, someone who will come straight away if you need a friend or a ride or a hand building a project or co-creator. Always fashionable Tobey makes the open road and the open sea his home but needs some help to get back there.

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The Historic Bikernet Weekly News for November 2, 2023

My generation partied and raised hell, but I was fortunate enough to be confronted with the fight for freedom and the processes. It made me more aware and attuned to the shit going on behind the party. It’s like sometimes you party, but sometimes you fight. Right now, we’re fighting.

Yesterday alone, I help a friend load 4 cords of firewood into his garage yesterday morning, found parts for his ’60 Panhead project, took his fork tubes to the machine shop to be shortened. Met with my Dragon painter and gave him a deposit on his work. I’ve discussed my knucklehead paint project with numerous sources. Looks like I might paint it myself. But then I need to prepare a portion of the shop for painting.

Well, for this minute, that’s all, but hang on. The projects never end. It was Halloween so we rolled into Sturgis to the Ugly MC headquarters for a party.

Have a fantastic Holiday Season.

Ride free,


Click here to read this week’s news only on

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As you know, I’ve pondered the issues, the war on smoke or fossil fuels for a while. I’ve studied the movement in our colleges to basically over-throw the government. Then last week I started to consider history. Hell, Greg Wrightstone from the CO2 Coalition just wrote a story about witches of the 1600s and the connection to this current mess. Maybe I’ll run a portion of it in the news.

Remember, after WWII the communism threat. Then the War in Vietnam. How about the Civil War. We’ve been through a bunch, and once more we are testing our freedom resolve. Then depending on your location in the country and heritage, you might take a different slant on any issue.

I’m originally from California and my father came from England as a small child after WWI. My mother was born in Kansas City, MO and migrated to California as a young adult, a serious child of the depression.

So, what’s it all mean? It means hope and resolve to me. My folks took a gamble on a better life, struggled and fought for it, moved half-way across the country and started over, fought in WWII and survived.

My generation partied and raised hell, but I was fortunate enough to be confronted with the fight for freedom and the processes. It made me more aware and attuned to the shit going on behind the party. It’s like sometimes you party, but sometimes you fight. Right now, we’re fighting.

Let’s hit the news:

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum.

NEWS FROM THE TOWN OF LOWBROW–Forget burns, they’re no fun.

Do you have a hot ankle, calf, or knee?

Well, with Lowbrow’s cast aluminum heat shields, they are a thing of the past.

Our innovative, cast aluminum mounts are coped perfectly for 1-3/4″ exhausts. They also work great with 2″ (minor filing of mounts necessary) and 1-1/2″ exhausts as well.

The included stainless steel hose clamps hold the mounts in place on your exhaust.

The supplied stainless steel screws mount your 6″ or 12″ heat shield securely in place with no welding or fabrication required.


PS – another option to keep your stuff from sizzlin’ is good, ol’ fashioned exhaust wrap (a.k.a. header tape). Stainless zip ties included for a quick and easy install!


HOT BIKE MAGAZINE REPORT–Rev up Your Style Game with the Hottest Custom Bikes of 2023

Get Your Hands on the Latest Hot Bike Vol. 3 2023 Magazine
Attention custom bike junkies! The wait is over. The latest edition of Hot Bike Vol. 3 2023 is finally here and ready to be delivered to your doorstep.

Featuring garage builder Kyle Ray Rice’s new FXR Chop on the cover, we’ve also got the latest from the industry’s finest, including Ken’s Factory, Nightfall Customs, Biltwell and more.

You’ll also get an exclusive look at the metal shaping basics from one of the best in the game, Cristian Sosa, and some not-to-be-missed tech tips from the one and only Danny “Motorwitch” Wilson.

Don’t wait, check ‘em out today and stay ahead of the game!


“Since the dawn of civilization, no one ever needed any academic or any skills, talent, decency, personality, aptitude or any such factor to be in elected political office. It was always a popularity contest and in modern times, a social-media influencer can be President! Maybe an AI chatbot may win next time around.”

Under a rock at Pillar Peak

SHOP BIKE OF THE WEEK— Phil’s Speed Shop, Orange Califa.

I just finished this custom. I would like to get it featured, but I know magazines are struggling.


–Fast Phil

LATEST TOOL FROM JIMS MACHINE— Milwaukee-Eight Shifter Shaft Bushing Remover and Installer

In 2017, Harley-Davidson launched the Milwaukee-Eight powertrain. Included in this powertrain upgrade, the inner primary shifter shaft bushing was redesigned to a thin wall bushing.

Although this is a design improvement, over time, this bushing will wear causing free play in the shifter shaft. Ultimately, the shaft, lever and pedal vibrate when in use causing a rattle noise and loose shifter.

The shifter shaft bushing cannot be pressed through to remove it requiring this JIMS specialty tool. This new JIMS tool, JIMS Part No.5512, is designed to remove the old bushing with a unique knurled driver and receiver cup.

A new installation driver is included in the kit to correctly install a new shifter shaft bushing to the proper depth.

Once complete, the shift lever will function like new again.

Removing this bushing without a proper tool is challenging due to the bushings thin wall design which could result in costly damage to the inner primary. Removing the bushing with this new tool makes the replacement process easy and quick.

This tool is a must for any mechanic servicing aging Harley-Davidson® touring models. MSRP for the shifter shaft bushing remover and installer is $121.00. For more information, please contact us at (805) 482-6913, email us at, or visit

AMAZING, THERE’S FREEDOM IN CALIFORNIA–California governor signs bill to lift cruising ban, allow lowriders

Cruising is coming back to California after city ordinances had banned the practice for decades.

Governor Gavin Newsom signed AB 436 into law on Ocrober 13, and it will go into effect starting January 1, 2024. The bipartisan bill, one of about 100 that were recently signed into law by the governor, amends Section 21100 of the Vehicle Code to remove the section that allows the banning of cruising, and it also repeals Section 24008 of the Vehicle Code that targets lowered vehicles in particular. The relevant portion of the bill, which also addressed other aspects of vehicle code, reads as follows:

This bill would remove the authorization for a local authority to adopt rules and regulations by ordinance or regulation regarding cruising.

Existing law makes it unlawful to operate a passenger vehicle, or commercial vehicle under 6,000 pounds, that has been modified from its original design so that any portion of the vehicle, other than the wheels, has less clearance from the surface of a level roadway than the clearance between the roadway and the lowermost portion of any rim of any wheel in contact with the roadway.

Many of the anti-cruising ordinances passed in California were seen as discriminatory, specifically targeting lowriders. Cruising is typically a community event, and plenty of clubs will be taking advantage of the new changes to the vehicle code to get out and show off the custom cars and trucks they’re rightfully so proud of.

Plenty of those car clubs won’t have to wait until January 1, 2024, when the law goes into effect, as some cities have been working on removing cruising bans for years. Cruising had been banned in Salinas, Monterey County’s largest city, since 1992. That ban was lifted earlier this year, 31 years to the day after the ban was implemented, as the legislation was still making its way through California’s congress. Visit Alvarado Street in Monterey during Car Week and you can get a pretty good idea of what cruising looks like on the Central Coast. You can find lowriders, muscle cars, and custom pickups making a few passes in a loop of downtown, stealing some of the limelight from the exotics that invade town each year.

Cruising has been a big part of car culture for decades in cities and regions all across California, including Salinas, Los Angeles, and the Central Valley, which was immortalized in George Lucas’ American Graffiti, set in Modesto. We’re looking forward to 2024, when we can see more of these rolling sculptures hitting the road, and we’re sure that dozens of car clubs across the state are eager to put their best work on display.

This bill would repeal that prohibition.
Brandan Gillogly

“AH, but the Governor is also trying to ban old cars.” –Bandit

THE HALLOWEEN CONSENSUS–European witch hunts of the 15th to 17th centuries targeted witches that were thought to be responsible for epidemics and crop failures related to declining temperatures of the Little Ice Age.

A belief that evil humans were negatively affecting the climate and weather patterns was the “consensus” opinion of that time. How eerily similar is that notion to the current oft-repeated mantra that Man’s actions are controlling the climate and leading to catastrophic consequences?

The first extensive European witch hunts coincided with plunging temperatures as the continent transitioned away from the beneficial warmth of the Medieval Warm Period (850 to 1250 AD). Increasing cold that began in the 13th century ushered in nearly five centuries of advancing mountain glaciers and prolonged periods of rainy or cool weather. This time of naturally-driven climate change was accompanied by crop failure, hunger, rising prices, epidemics and mass depopulation.

Large systematic witch hunts began in the 1430s and were advanced later in the century by an Alsatian Dominican friar and papal Inquisitor named Heinrich Kramer. At Kramer’s urging, Pope Innocence VIII issued an encyclical enshrining the persecution and eradication of weather-changing witches through this papal edict. The worst of the Inquisition’s abuses and later systemic witch hunts were, in part, empowered by this decree.

This initial period of cooler temperatures and failing crops continued through the first couple of decades of the 16th century, when a slight warming was accompanied by improvements in harvests. Clearly, the pogrom against the weather-changing witches had been successful!

Unfortunately for the people of the Late Middle Ages, the forty years or so of slight warming gave ground to a more severe bout of cooling.

The summer of 1560 brought a return of coldness and wetness that led to severe decline in harvest, crop failure and increases in infant mortality and epidemics.

Bear in mind that this was an agrarian subsistence culture, nearly totally dependent on the yearly harvest to survive. One bad harvest could be tolerated, but back-to-back failures would cause horrific consequences and, indeed, they did.

Of course, the people’s misfortunes were attributed to weather-changing witches who had triggered the death-dealing weather, most often in the form of cold, rain, frost and devastating hailstorms. Horrific atrocities were alleged of the witches, including Franconian witches who “confessed” to flying through the air to spread an ointment made of children’s fat in order to cause a killing frost.

Across the continent of Europe, from the 15th to the 17th centuries there were likely many tens of thousands of supposed witches burnt at the stake, many of these old women living without husbands on the margins of society.

The worst of the witch hunts occurred during the bitter cold from 1560 to about 1680. The frenzy of killing culminated in the killing of 63 witches in the German territory of Wiesensteig in the year 1563 alone. Across Europe, though, the numbers of witches continued to increase and peaked at more than 500 per year in the mid-1600s. Most were burned at the stake; others were hung.

The end of the witch hunts and killings tie closely to the beginning of our current warming trend at the close of the 17th century. That warming trend started more than 300 years ago and continues in fits and starts to this day.

Gregory Wrightstone is a geologist and the Executive Director of the CO2 Coalition in Arlington Virginia. He is bestselling author of Inconvenient Facts: The Science that Al Gore doesn’t want you to know.


February 24-25, 2024!

Celebrate 10 Years of the Mama Tried Motorcycle Show!

The Rave/Eagles Ballroom – Milwaukee, WI

Here for the racing?!

FLAT OUT FRIDAY February 23, 2024

Indoor flat track racing returns to the Fiserv Forum. Heart pounding action awaits when hundreds of racers descend upon Milwaukee this winter. Come in from the cold and cheer on our favorite sport, flat track! Tickets on sale NOW.

“Only brave mouse makes nest in cat’s ear.” –Charlie Chan, 1968

With almost 800 amendments, the proposed new European driving license directive is turning into a bit of a nightmare. Future motorcyclists will probably face a tough time when they want to get their license.

On the 1st of March 2023, the European Commission published the long-awaited proposal for a Fourth Driving License Directive (4DLD). It did not differ too much from the previous one. Some main changes were the introduction of a digital driving license, a probation period of at least two years for novice drivers, and a zero-tolerance rule on drink-driving. Allowing young people to take their test and commence accompanied driving of cars and lorries from the age of 17, adapting driver training and testing to better prepare drivers for the presence of vulnerable users on the road, and a more targeted assessment of medical fitness.

Perhaps more important for us is what was not in the proposal: nothing about trailers behind motorcycles which from the point of view from the European Commission is still illegal, nothing about riding a small motorcycle with a B license and additional training, nothing about abolition of a useless stepped accession to the A license.

We communicated our support for the proposed 4DLD and our disappointment about the missing elements to the European Commission and to the European Parliament Committee for Tourism and Transport (TRAN)…

The rapporteur and shadow-rapporteurs must now streamline all 793 amendments in just a few and bring them together in ‘compromise amendments’ on which first TRAN and later the plenary parliament can vote. The voting in TRAN is scheduled on 7 December 2023. Separate from the European Parliament, the EU member states are discussing the Commission proposal too in the Council. They will later vote upon the proposal from the Parliament and come with their own amendments.

Written by Dolf Willigers

“Read the full report on the FEMA website.” –Bandit

Reiji Nishimura lived in Nagoya, Japan. His collection includes a 1950 Harley-Davidson Hydra Glide, a 1960 Honda Dream C72, a 1966 Ford (early) Bronco, and a 1970 Kawasaki W15 HE.

–Sam Burns
Collector of Collectors™

Car companies would be ‘smart’ to invest in hybrid vehicles– Economist Steve Moore analyzes the state of the automotive market with a potential UAW agreement and the transition to electric vehicles.

Just like Ford’s “Edsel” model in the 1950s, Trump administration economist Steve Moore cautioned that electric vehicles (EVs) may be the auto market’s “next big flop.”

“Henry Ford’s son was named Edsel, and this was going to be the great car, all of the executives said, ‘This is the car everybody’s going to want to buy.’ Ford made 500,000 of these new sedan cars, but guess what?” Moore said on “Varney & Co.” Monday. “Nobody bothered to ask consumers whether they wanted the car.”

“And of course, the Edsel was one of the great flops of all time,” the economist continued. “I’m here to tell you, if these trends continue, we’re going to see the EV market become the next big flop because car buyers don’t want them.”

Moore’s comments come as the EV push at Ford and General Motors hit a speed bump that’s cutting into the automakers’ profits and causing them to reevaluate their electric plans amid a price war and supply chain challenges.

–Steve Moore


Ford noted in its earnings report released last week that its EV unit posted a quarterly loss before interest and taxes (EBIT) of $1.33 billion – an acceleration after a loss of $1.08 billion in the prior quarter. It added that it’s cutting production of its Mustang Mach-E while scaling back about $12 billion in planned investments in the EV segment, including delaying its second battery plant in Kentucky.

–Fox News

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HONDA CR Electric Makes Racing Debut–

Honda CR Electric has made an impressive beginning in All Japan Motocross Championship last weekend. It debuted at Round 8, competing against 450cc gas-powered motorcycles in the IA1 class. All Japan Motocross Championship was held at Saitama.

Team Honda HRC advisor and test rider Trey Canard rode the Honda CR Electric prototype as a wildcard entry, setting the second fastest time in the opening practice session. He qualified in fifth overall on Saturday.

Canard finished second in the first of three motos behind reigning champion Jay Wilson of Yamaha on race day. Together, the electric bike and Canard made their fastest single lap time at 1:37.195, which was the second overall behind Wilson’s 1:36.503.

Canard crashed out early in second and third motos. He got a holeshot on two out of the three races.

International Editor™

NEW FROM COMPETITION DISTRIBUTING—Check this out. A swingarm JD frame.

A brother said this might make it easier on Cannonball racers. What’s it say about the vintage market. Let’s see what happens.


VICTORY!– Orsted Abandons Whale-Killing Wind Energy Project

They said it couldn’t be stopped but we stopped it — thanks to supporters like you

For years, the Biden administration, environmentalists, and the wind industry have argued that the building of giant wind turbines along the East Coast was inevitable. Wind energy was already cheaper than fossil fuels, supporters claimed. And President Joe Biden made wind energy a significant priority and was photographed in a meeting with wind executives holding talking points touting its benefits.

But now, Danish wind energy company Orsted has cancelled its South New Jersey projects, Ocean Wind 1 and 2, in the face of rising public opposition, evidence that wind industry activities were killing whales, and worsening economics. Ocean Wind 1 and 2 would have sited more than 200 massive wind turbines just 15 miles away from the New Jersey shore.

Orsted’s stock has fallen 60% this year and the New York Times estimates it will have to write off $5.6 billion in investments in the two projects. “There’s really not a Plan B right now,” confessed Jeff Tittel, the former director of the Sierra Club’s New Jersey chapter. “It’s a political disaster.”

In reaction to Orsted’s decision, an investment analyst told the Telegraph of London, “The wind power sector has stalled, with virtually no companies in the industry now turning a profit.”

“These Green New Deal-style wind farms were bad for our economy, our environment, and would have been a complete disaster for hardworking middle-class families in South Jersey,” said Congressman Jefferson Van Drew. “From the beginning, these projects were all about lining the pockets of foreign-owned offshore wind companies. Orsted repeatedly asked for additional taxpayer funds and tax breaks while expecting ratepayers to absorb a massive increase in utility costs.”

See the whole story on Public News

SUZUKI– 25th Anniversary Hayabusa

In 2024, Suzuki is celebrating 25th anniversary of Hayabusa with a limited edition model and a big party next week at the In-N-Out Burger Finals of the NHRA Camping World Drag Racing Series.

While the industry and market focusses on more practical and economical middleweight twin-engines,and daily commute two-wheelers– Hayabusa still continues to exist.

The first Hayabusa debuted in 1999, with nearly 300,000 units produced. Till date, people still remember and admire it as the fastest production motorcycle in the world.

The 25th Anniversary Edition Suzuki Hayabusa retails for $19,599. It is offered in a glass blaze orange and sparkle black paint scheme.



Cowboys Honor Veterans Nationwide on November 12th During “Salute To Service” Football Game

For the past two years, Lee Greenwood, known as America’s Patriot, has appeared and performed during the Dallas Cowboys Veterans Day weekend halftime show! Greenwood would perform his chart-topping, award-winning anthem “God Bless The USA,” and this coming Veteran’s Day will be no different.

In addition, as Greenwood continued to honor Veterans, he, along with The Dallas Cowboys will challenge America to “Adopt A Vet” and send them to enjoy a one-night-only concert experience entitled ‘An All-Star Salute To Lee Greenwood,’ and will feature performances by Gavin DeGraw, Scott Stapp (of Creed), Lee Brice, Michael Ray, Dustin Lynch, Tracy Lawrence, Jamey Johnson, Big & Rich, Sam Moore, The Oak Ridge Boys, Crystal Gayle, Janie Fricke, Debby Boone, and so many more!

“I am honored to be invited back by the Dallas Cowboys to perform for their enthusiastic legion of fans,” says Greenwood. “This Veterans Day is special to me as we have also launched this theatrical concert event to honor those who served that might otherwise not get a chance to get out of their homes due to PTSD or just plainly lack of funds. To have the Cowboys step up and buy out a couple of theaters and now to challenge other NFL teams to do the same is remarkable. I hope other teams join the effort to support these Veterans!”

Anyone wanting to accept America’s Veteran Challenge can go to and donate $50. That will send a Veteran and their guest to the concert experience, and the sponsor will receive the concert experience on DVD in the mail. Everyone wins! Will you accept the challenge? The goal is 50,000 veterans!

–Jeremy Westby


I woke up flat on my back in tall golden prairie grass, the sun warmed my face. My right arm felt like it was on fire, my neck hurt like hell and breathing was difficult. Able to move my fingers and toes, I sat up gingerly, The tires on my Suzuki DR 650 still spinning, the motor hummed quietly. A white tail doe stood near and shook her furry head. Who survived? First, the big animal stumbled off, feeling the effects of the collision.

I moved, stretched, straightened the handlebars and rode home.

— Jeffrey


HOT ROD OF THE WEEK—Hang on for this one.

–Sam Burn
Hot Rod Editor™

RIGHT TO REPAIR ACTION–Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez Discusses the Right to Repair

Marie Gluesenkamp Perez runs a successful auto repair shop along with her husband, Dean, in Portland, Oregon. She’s also a freshman Democratic Congresswoman representing Washington’s 3rd District, across the Columbia River from Portland, which covers the southwestern corner of the state.

A fifth-generation Washingtonian, she campaigned on kitchen-table issues that include “right to repair,” the legislative initiative that empowers individuals and their preferred mechanics and technicians to perform their own repairs on everything from PCs to Priuses without having to rely solely on the OE manufacturer.

The state of Massachusetts enacted an automotive right-to-repair law in 2012, and grassroots support for a federal version has been steadily growing ever since.

As a freshman legislator, Gluesenkamp Perez may still be learning the ropes in DC, but she is already making her mark on the legislative process. She’s currently a co-sponsor of SEMA-supported House Resolution (H.R.) 906, the Right to Equitable and Professional Auto Industry Repair (REPAIR) Act.



All up in the guts of issue 101 is a fantastic article with Jessop Cycles and his Born Free 14 Shovelhead.

Peep it on the DicE Blog.


SCIENTIFIC METHOD RESTORED– to Science Education in North Carolina

As a physicist, John Droz holds in high regard the Scientific Method, a 400-year-old approach to investigating reality. Rooted in Isaac Newton’s work, which included creation of the calculus, the Scientific Method has long underpinned examination of the physical world and technological advancement.

Quite understandable it is, then, that Droz, who holds degrees in mathematics and physics, was prompted to do some investigating of his own after learning that his state of North Carolina had abandoned the teaching of the Scientific Method for the promotion of a faddish theory of entirely unscientific inquiry.

“Upon reading a review of the North Carolina K-12 Science Standards, I was concerned that nowhere was the Scientific Method even mentioned,” says Droz, who retired at 34 as a successful investor and launched a 40-year career as a “citizen advocate” of wide-ranging pursuits.

Having a particular concern about the current state of critical thinking, Droz ultimately filed a written complaint with the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.

“They subsequently said that they had received some 14,000 inputs on the Science Standards, and apparently, I was the only one bringing up the issue,” said Droz, whose varied interests include climate science and election integrity.

The controversy had its beginnings in 2012 when a newly formulated Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) began nudging out the Scientific Method from much of public education. Politically inspired by progressive ideology and backed by the National Research Council, National Science Teachers Association and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the NGSS gained favor with the education bureaucracy of 45 states. The Scientific Method was replaced by something called “Science and Engineering Practices.”

Much of the public might not appreciate the implications of the Scientific Method’s fading from public education’s officialdom, but the loss is no less than a disaster to scientists and adherents of the traditional tenets of critical thinking.

The Scientific Method requires that questions be asked, observations made, and hypotheses formulated, tested, and proven or rejected. Conclusions are always subject to challenges with new evidence and insights.

The NGSS scraps this centuries-old process for computer models whose products are proof of nothing unless they are verified against real-world data and survive the challenges of new information. However, those criticizing the findings of this corruption of objective inquiry are often dismissed as “science deniers.”

Nowhere have the dangers of this travesty been more manifest than in climate science where a paganistic fervor has supplanted rigorous investigation and open debate. Challengers of the status quo are more likely to be met with ad hominem than data. Ideologically driven activists use flawed computer models to justify political actions like banning gas-powered cars, shutting down pipelines and spending trillions on “green” energy subsidies that provide no benefit to society.

In classrooms, students are encouraged by the NGSS to conform to politically correct views: Solar and wind energy are good. Fossil fuels are bad. Catastrophic global warming is the future. Carbon dioxide, a gas necessary for life itself, is pollution. Computer models that fail to predict weather days or months in the future can divine the behavior of the climate, Earth’s most complex system, in the next century. Questioning the most absurd of hypotheses is heresy.

Fortunately for North Carolina students, two members of the 18-person State Board of Education embraced Droz’s view that the Scientific Method should be restored to the state’s Science Standards, which it was in July. Droz said the support of the board members was instrumental in correcting the deficiency in state standards.

“I’m optimistic that the Department of Public Instruction will soon address my second major concern that the state Science Standards need more specificity regarding critical thinking,” says Droz. “It should be clear that there is an intimate connection between critical thinking analysis and the universal problem-solving procedure of the Scientific Method.”

John Droz’s example of standing for scientific integrity is an inspiration to the CO2 Coalition, of which he is a member. Determined to reverse the education establishment’s degradation of science teaching, the CO2 Coalition has created educational materials for students and educators.

The CO2 Learning Center’s books, videos and lesson plans are free for the asking. The cost of failing to repel the modern attack on rational thought is incalculable.

by Gregory Wrightstone
CO2 Coalition



–Sam Burns
Feature Bike Editor™


Get the very best the rally has to offer! Don’t wait, get in on the action now. Why do we sell out every year? Because our guests all agree it’s one of the best values at the rally! Literally elevate yourself with our amazing balcony and VIP experiences.

Don’t be left at street level!

Which package is right for you?

Heads up, moto-nerds! In case you missed it, The Handbuilt Motorcycle Show is on! Tickets are on sale and there is no time like the present to get yours.

Take advantage now before ticket prices go up! Hit the get tickets button at our website and we’ll see you in April!

Norwegian Motorcyclists Left In The Cold–

The Norwegian government has allocated money to a number of road safety projects, but motorcyclists are completely ignored. Motorcyclists’ organization NMCU is not amused…

In the state budget for 2024, the government ignores road safety work for motorcyclists again. NMCU – a member of FEMA – applied for funds to continue to carry out road safety work for motorcyclists, in line with the decisions of the National Transport Plan for which NMCU has been given responsibility. However, NMCU did not receive any funds, which it is very disappointed and surprised by.

“How are we to achieve results without effort? If the government should be in doubt, it is limited how much can be achieved without funds. Over several years, NMCU has had a close dialogue with the authorities?” says Ole Jørgen Dønnestad of NMCU’s central board. “The National Transport Plan 2022-2030 deals with road safety, where motorcyclists are also highlighted as a highly accident-prone group that must be worked on specifically.

It is very regrettable that the government deliberately fails to include NMCU in the state budget so that we would have had the opportunity to strengthen our intensive work for safer traffic conditions for motorcyclists in the country. In the National action plan for traffic safety on the road 2022–2025, NMCU alone or together with other actors is responsible for 7 of the measures mentioned. This is more than any of the other road safety organisations.”

“If you spend your entire budget on measures that do not target motorcyclists, and without allocating funds to the group that has the best expertise in motorcycling, and then complain that motorcyclists are not getting better, then it is something that is jarring, says Ole Jørgen Dønnestad of NMCU’s central board, “Road safety for motorcyclists should be included in the state budget.”

–Written by Wim Taal

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SUPERIOR DARKNESS– Yamaha Announces All-New MT-09 SP

Following up the announcement of the exciting all-new 2024 MT-09, Yamaha Motor Corporation, USA is proud to unveil the ultimate high-performance Hyper Naked middleweight, the all-new 2024 Yamaha MT-09 SP.

Along with the same extensive list of upgrades seen on the class-leading MT-09, the new MT-09 SP takes the exceptional platform even further with a higher level of specification including upgraded suspension and brakes, track-focused technology and electronics, plus exclusive SP color scheme and finish for an unmatched Dark Side experience.

2024 Yamaha MT-09 SP
A Decade of the Dark Side of Japan

The introduction of the MT-09 marked a step away from conventional Japanese motorcycle design and introduced a bold, abstract new direction for Yamaha inspired by the unique urban motorcycle sub-culture found on the streets of Japan’s largest cities. Signifying an exciting new era, the MT-09 featured aggressive styling, a chassis designed for light, agile handling and a torque-laden CP3 engine to stimulate the senses.

Stripped of unnecessary bodywork, packed neatly into a compact aluminum frame and equipped with Yamaha Chip Controlled Throttle (YCC-T), the MT was the perfect blend of high performance, cutting-edge technology and purposeful functionality. The Dark Side of Japan was unleashed upon the world.

The heart of the new 2024 MT-09 SP remains Yamaha’s world-renowned 890cc DOHC CP3 engine, providing high-revving power, instant torque and a unique crossplane Triple soundtrack unlike anything else on the street, further enhanced through the addition of Acoustic Amplifier Grilles located on top of the newly designed fuel tank.

The potent CP3 is housed in a lightweight, compact controlled fill (CF) aluminum frame, contributing to the bike’s predictable handling and razor-sharp agility. Adding confidence and control is Yamaha’s advanced electronics suite, which includes a four-mode Traction Control System (TCS), Slide Control System (SCS), front wheel Lift Control System (LIF), two-mode Brake Control System (BC), a new Back Slip Regulator (BSR) and SP-exclusive Engine Brake Management (EBM).

Finally, expanding on this winning MT-09 formula, a number of additional SP-exclusive features provide committed enthusiasts with the highest level of specification, resulting in the most advanced, most capable motorcycle in its class.

Exclusive R1M-Inspired SP Colors & Finish

Along with its aggressive next-generation MT styling, SP specification raises the bar with a striking and distinctive R1M-inspired colorway. Also featured is the SP’s hallmark polished and clear coated aluminum swingarm, making the new MT-09 SP’s exclusivity and special status immediately recognizable at a glance.

New Brembo Stylema Front Brake Calipers

New for 2024, the MT-09 SP now boasts premium-spec Brembo Stylema monoblock calipers paired with a Brembo radial master cylinder for the ultimate stopping power. The Stylema calipers feature a slimmer piston and brake pad area compared to conventional calipers, as well as being lighter, more rigid and offering enhanced control. In addition, larger-diameter pistons create more braking force, allowing MT-09 SP riders to experience a new level in braking performance.

Premium Fully Adjustable Suspension

Premium SP-exclusive suspension brings Supersport-level handling and precision to the Hyper Naked class. Top-spec KYB forks and Öhlins rear shock feature a higher spring rate offering outstanding stability during spirited riding. The DLC-coated, 41mm KYB forks offer full adjustability for preload, rebound, and high- and low-speed compression damping, allowing SP riders to fine-tune set-up to suit a variety of situations. Completing the MT-09 SP’s high-end suspension package, the Öhlins® shock is also fully adjustable, and comes equipped with a remote preload adjuster enabling quick and easy changes.

SP-Exclusive Track-Focused YRC Settings

MT-09 owners can customize their riding experience via new Yamaha Ride Control (YRC) settings, which allow the selection of engine power characteristics and electronic intervention levels. In addition to factory and custom settings available on the standard MT-09, SP specification adds four exclusive TRACK modes allowing for more specialized track settings including the option of choosing between two Engine Brake Management settings and the ability to turn rear ABS off. The on-track riding experience is further enhanced by a dedicated SP-exclusive TRACK theme for the MT-09 SP’s new five-inch full-color TFT display featuring a prominent lap timer.

New Smart Key System

Taking the next step in technological advancement, the 2024 MT-09 SP becomes the first Hyper Naked to incorporate Yamaha’s Smart Key System. When the smart key is within a specified range of the motorcycle, such as in your pocket, the engine can be started by turning a newly designed switch. The new system also features a lock and unlock function for the fuel tank cap for added convenience.

2024 MT-09 SP-Specific Features

  • R1M-inspired colors and premium finish
  • Polished and clear coated aluminum swingarm
  • Premium Brembo® Stylema calipers
  • Four customizable TRACK Yamaha Ride Control modes including option to turn rear-wheel ABS off
  • New two-mode Engine Brake Management (EBM) System
  • Exclusive TRACK display theme for the new, larger five-inch full-color TFT dash
  • Fully adjustable, DLC-coated, 41mm KYB® front forks
  • Fully adjustable Öhlins® rear shock
  • Smart Key System with unique starter switch and fuel cap design
2024 MT-09 / MT-09 SP Shared Features
  • Sharper, more compact looks including re-designed bi-functional LED headlight, fuel tank and tail section
  • More engaged ergonomics including separated seat unit and two-position adjustable handlebar and footpegs
  • Larger five-inch full color TFT display with smartphone connectivity and navigation
  • Customizable riding experience via Yamaha Ride Control (YRC) settings
  • Redesigned intake with Acoustic Amplifier Grilles
  • Latest 890cc, three-cylinder, four-valve DOHC liquid-cooled, CP3 engine
  • Six-axis IMU with full suite of lean sensitive rider aids
  • New Back Slip Regulator
  • Lightweight controlled fill aluminum die-cast frame
  • Lightweight SpinForged wheels
  • New third-generation quickshifter
  • New Brembo radial master cylinder
  • Cruise control
  • New self-canceling turn signals
  • Adjustable brake and clutch levers
  • New under-seat USB Type C socket
  • New Bridgestone Battlax Hypersport S23 tires
Colors, Availability & Price

The new 2024 Yamaha MT-09 SP will be available in the SP-exclusive Liquid Metal/Raven color scheme, arriving to dealers in late spring 2024 for $12,299 MSRP.

Learn more about Yamaha’s complete Hyper Naked lineup, as well as other Yamaha products at:

The fact that dual sport bike sales are up is good for us, pretty hard to charge an electric bike in more remote locations so this group should join the push for ICE preservation and fuel availability.

From the category of you can’t make this up, feels like an Easyriders bit, a leading European Transport Representative said in their push to make dirt bikes and adventure bikes all electric he proposed the solution to charging them out in the woods is that they could cut trees down, build charging stations using surplus diesel generators and haul fuel out in big trucks to deliver fuel to diesel run charging stations.

Not much different than Hardley-Davidson using huge diesel power stations in Deadwood to charge Livewires for demo rides.

–Kirk Willard

[photo 1228122]

THAT’S ALL FOLKS—Well, for this minute but hang on. The projects never end.

The master Wayfarer created the art and produced these high-quality desk calendars, which we hope to use for Xmas presents.

We got started on Xmas stuff early this year, which is amazing. We kicked it off last year with plenty of time. Chopper Dave’s wife got sick and my spirit bell connection in China went to his Chinese New Year and didn’t come back. We blew right through Xmas.

The Redhead is rapidly becoming the soup master. Crispy date muffins in the morning and warm toasted sourdough bread and pea soup for dinner.

I’m working with Tim Petersen on new dragons for Deadwood. His magnificent signs are painted on ¼-inch PVC with sheets of aluminum sheet applied to both sides and sorta powder-coated white. He paints with automotive paints that last almost forever.

Here’s a piece of Tim’s original fine art. My neighbor, Luke owns it. The subject might be Pat our local mechanic.

Tim asked for some dragon samples… My grandson supplied them. Hang on.

It was Halloween so we rolled into Sturgis to the Ugly MC headquarters for a party.

Vinnie is going to sell a few motorcycles from his headquarters, but when I asked about the kidney belts he looked a little cross-eyed. “I might have something for Bandit,” he said and moved away.

I helped John move four cords of firewood into his garage. We are working on his 1960 Panhead roller project, and I stopped by to tell him about the fork slider felts I snatched from Charlie the master of Rust.

Fortunately, the Redhead hooked me up with a hearty Avocado omelet for breakfast.

The Panhead project is fraught with parts from various models. We discovered his fork tubes came from ’84-’99 models and were 4-inches over stock. I found a stock tube in my stash. So, we took the long tubes to Clauser Machine in Spearfish to be shortened.

Here’s a stash of parts from my lockers for John’s ’60 project. There’s a story there, but I’m not sure I should tell anyone. I’m working on rebuilding his trans.

I heard from Phil from Phil’s Speed Shop, rebuilding engines and building bikes for 38 years. He also builds compact ignitions systems and wiring billet boxes. I used one on my factory racer way back.

Tim, from Flat Earth Paint, mentioned above, convinced me to paint my VL Knucklehead frame. Everything is available right here in Sturgis, so I’m going to look into it starting with this DeVillis touch up gun. But I’m running into a space issue for a spray booth.

Tracy Lovell, who is the manager at Scott Jacob’s Gallery sold her Dyna, and Luke and I helped with the Kendon Trailer operation and loading. All went smooth and Serena made it back to Montana.

Dan started this build with a bare frame in the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum last week. He got this far in a day. Nice piece. We will bring you more reports. We are going to work on a story lacing early bike wheels.

Hang on and have a fantastic Holiday Season.

Ride free,


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Suzuki Hayabusa 25th Anniversary Edition

In 2024, Suzuki is celebrating 25th anniversary of Hayabusa with a limited edition model and a big party next week at the In-N-Out Burger Finals of the NHRA Camping World Drag Racing Series.

While the industry and market focusses on more practical and economical middleweight twin-engines,and daily commute two-wheelers– Hayabusa still continues to exist.

The first Hayabusa debuted in 1999, with nearly 300,000 units produced. Till date, people still remember and admire it as the fastest production motorcycle in the world.

The 25th Anniversary Edition Suzuki Hayabusa retails for $19,599. It is offered in a glass blaze orange and sparkle black paint scheme.

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Honda CR Electric Makes Racing Debut

Honda CR Electric has made an impressive beginning in All Japan Motocross Championship last weekend. It debuted at Round 8, competing against 450cc gas-powered motorcycles in the IA1 class. All Japan Motocross Championship was held at Saitama.

Team Honda HRC advisor and test rider Trey Canard rode the Honda CR Electric prototype as a wildcard entry, setting the second fastest time in the opening practice session. He qualified in fifth overall on Saturday.

Canard finished second in the first of three motos behind reigning champion Jay Wilson of Yamaha on race day. Together, the electric bike and Canard made their fastest single lap time at 1:37.195, which was the second overall behind Wilson’s 1:36.503.

Canard crashed out early in second and third motos. He got a holeshot on two out of the three races.

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100 WFC: The Dealership

100 word fiction contest continues…. #100WFC

The Dealership
by Bandit, inspired by Freddie Cuba
with illustration by Wayfarer

Not far from Hasting, Nebraska stood a crumbling brick Harley-Davidson dealership in a town of 18. The owner, a stub of a man, with a shiny bald head ran it without spare parts. Not a motorcyclist but a franchise collector, he scored a Saab dealership and a Fender guitar franchise. Happy to roll in the new models without spares, he made his living.

One day three riders approached, one with a broken clutch lever. “Sorry fellas, no spare parts.”

“How about the lever on that new ‘78 FL?” A tough demanded.

They surrounded him, but the .38 snub-nose behind his belt, in the small of his back made a lasting point. They headed back to the Highway…

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Read all the entries at:

Yup, its a weekly contest open to all. Just sign up for the free weekly newsletter by clicking here. Then email us your 100 word limit fiction to

1. for the month of May 2023: “Been There Done That” by Steven Sanner
2. for the month of June 2023: “A Hundred” by Chris Dutcher
3. for the month of July 2023: “First Time” by Rhys
4. for the month of August 2023: “Hilary” by Gearhead
5. for the month of September 2023: “Mountain” by Koz Mraz

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Smokey Mountain High

by Rogue

Riding The Twisties

Christy and I just came back from a ride on my 2022 Harley Ultra Limited to the Smokey Mountains. It is a really nice time of the year to do that with the weather and trees changing. As it turned out a lot of other people must have had the same motorcycling notion. Everywhere we went the majority of travelers were on motorcycles.

Click here to read this travelogue only on

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 Christy and I just came back from a ride on my 2022 Harley Ultra Limited to the Smokey Mountains. It is a really nice time of the year to do that with the weather and trees changing. As it turned out a lot of other people must have had the same motorcycling notion. Everywhere we went the majority of travelers were on motorcycles.


Stopped in Helen Georgia for lunch on the way north at The Two Tire Tavern for an adult beverage.


 We did take the opportunity to visit nine different Harley dealerships to pick up poker chips which we both collect from. We also snatched t-shirts from here and there. We decided to keep some of the other dealerships for future visits. There were more…

 Being from Florida where it is hard to find a hill, never mind a mountain, we took advantage of riding the fantastic lush Smokeys. Besides the Dragon there were plenty of other twisties and even the Great Smokey Mountains National Park. I saw deer and elk but no bears and that was okay. Rode through the twisty mountain roads during the daytime mostly, but some after nightfall and even slithered in light rain. Oh yeah, and the 18-wheeler that we met coming towards us in our lane. Just enough to make things interesting.

GPS wasn’t dependable in the mountains, so the HOG Harley Map, available everywhere, were a big help in getting from one place to another.


 There are numerous train rides through the mountains, and we took one of them. Even grabbed the opportunity to down some Moonshine while jiggling on the train.

Got some suggestions on distilleries we might visit, and you know we didn’t pass an opportunity for an adult beverages.


 Of course, we went to Mel’s Diner while in Pidgeon Forge.

It started to get a little chilly, so we dressed warmly. The bonus was the Ultra comes from the factory with heated grips and I got one of the new Harley Heated Seats to try out. Oh Yeah, Say What Ya Want but they made for a more comfortable and enjoyable ride.

If you get the chance, I suggest you put this on your bucket list.

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Rhode Island Re-Opens Comment Period for ICE Ban

Rhode Island Re-Opens Comment Period for Internal Combustion Engine Ban

DON’T DELAY! Please contact the Department of Enivronmental Management of Air Resources immediately to voice your opposition:


Overview: The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management’s Office of Air Resources announced the “Rhode Island’s Low-Emission and Zero-Emission Vehicle Programs” regulation. If enacted, the sale of new gas- and diesel-powered cars and trucks will be banned starting in 2035. Because of a technical issue, the comment period has been extended to October 30, 2023. If you previously submitted comments, we ask that you please do so again.

Refer and Share this, click here

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Meet Governor Michelle Grisham of New Mexico

The Governor of New Mexico, a character named Michelle Grisham, made what I consider to be one of the great advances in tyranny since the C-19 Circus of Shit. Now, I have to say right out the gate that she didn’t actually succeed. But she did show the way to upcoming tyrants, and of course also showed the way to present ones anxious to try out new things.

What she did was to declare a fucking inanimate object……“a public health crisis.”

I know what your saying, “What was the inanimate object, a fucking football stadium full of Strontium 90?”

Hahahahaha No! Good one! And I think it’s safe to say a football stadium full of Strontium 90 will fucking NEVER be declared a fucking health crisis. One reason being, unless you’re an imbecilic fucking bureaucrat, everyone already knows to stay the fuck away from the shit! So, yeah, Strontium 90 exists. And it’s really dangerous. But it doesn’t spread. And you don’t have to isolate and lockdown a population when Strontium 90 turns up somewhere. Because it doesn’t fucking spread. The Strontium 90 is isolated instead. Not the populace. Because it stays put. And no one ever demonstrates or calls national emergencies or declares a public health crisis against this practice. Which is one way you know that NOT declaring the existence of Strontium 90 somewhere as being a “public health crisis”….is actually sensible.

Which brings us to Governor Grisham.

To Governor Grisham, she considers herself a gal on the move. So why wait for something as bizarre and arcane and unlikely as Strontium 90 to show up to call it a health crisis – which she probably would do: no, I want to be President someday, let’s do something Presidential, or in other words, off-the-chart, Trudeau/Biden/Harris/Ocasio-level stupid: let’s call inert base metal that just sits there – which would be a PISTOL – a health hazard. No wait, let’s call it a health crisis. No wait: let’s call certain-shaped wads of inert metal AN ASS-KICKING PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY!! I think is the way she put it.

She declared a non-radioactive construction of inert metal – pistols – to be capable of something that SO FAR in human history or even in METAL history has never been associated with the spread of disease: she declared inert-welding-material – pistols…….. a public health emergency.

Now, she didn’t just dream all this shit up out of the blue after a dose of LSD. No. She had precedent to go on. She was not the first piece of shit bureaucrat to test the waters of tyrannical sociopathy. She had the World Health “Organization:” the Center for Disease Control; every piece of shit “news’ apparatus on earth; the need to get rid of Trump; the cowardly traditions of the medical profession; and the relentless stupidity of Authority-Dependent Humanity to help her onward to new heights of Fuckutopia.

She was VERY LIKELY inspired to attempt this due to the worldwide success of “doctors” suddenly being declared by “world leaders” as having the political run of entire countries and cities. Of course, they DIDN’T have any political power but the people who DO said “Our hands are tied: doctors know what they are doing. We have to trust them.” So, then the people with the actual power – which isn’t the doctors – used the doctors as excuses….to go into tyranny mode. And fucking get away with it. Because, you know, “doctors’ orders.” You can’t go against those. For some reason. Meanwhile 99.99999 percent of the doctors were going, looking around at each other……”Is there a health emergency?” Well, every news agency on earth said there was. Cause journalists don’t care. Turmoil is their daily bread on the table at Mom’s or their boyfriend’s house. The last thing a journalist wants is everyone being calm all the time. Where’s the news there.

So, this pile of human refuse called a “governor” declared firearms a health emergency. Do you think the New York Times staff of Ace Crack Pulitzer-Winning Safeguardians of a free and vibrant whatever-the-fuck-a-democracy-is raised the fucking journalistic roof over this Stalinesque perversion of reality? Do you think David Manure or George Squatenopolis or Rachel Madcow or George Willynilly blasted onto the scene declaring the brain of Rachel Grisham to be officially null and void due to her declaration of inert metals to be viral bacterial biological hazmat contagions of disease and animate spores of organic decay and slow debilitating death by infection?

I’ll escort you quietly through this: No. They did not. They stayed their course of emphasizing threats to our sacred democracy caused by Elon Musk: and praising the beauties of inclusivity, diversity, intersectionality, sustainability and empowerment; and condemning the evils of oil production, the use of water, the use of air conditioners, the use of social media, and the existence of Donald Trump; they remained outraged at the injustice of there being only two declared sexes and the unfairness of hiring only competent people and the unfairness of not giving drug-addicted and sanity-free, plague-ridden psychopathic shitters on the sidewalks free hotel suites, free meals, free drugs and free public-shitting privileges; and continued announcing the need for cross-dressing flashers to visit classrooms of 6-year-olds and show them their penises and escort them to the bathrooms of their choice and help them pull down their pants.

And as for the Governor of New Mexico declaring inert metal a public health emergency?……Not a fucking word from our watchdogs of liberty, the American Journalist Society of Soldiers of The Free Press Guardians of Our Sacred Democracy.

You think governor Grisham has been FIRED for being an incompetent if not simple-minded pain in the fucking ass? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

–J.J. Solari

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