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Deadly Attachment

The cards tumbled faster than the houseflies on her wound. He would wave a week-old newspaper with his left hand while trying to arrange his castle of cards on the night table next to her bed. She was always frail and tender. Now, she had become rigid and cold. The love of his life, a random stroke of lucky soulmate affection, and then the lottery of blood cancer. Her bed sores had become scabs. Her beauty had become an embarrassing reflection. Her memories were ghosts haunting her present misery. She was reduced to tears. He only feared she will continue to fight and survive to be in horrible pain for yet another day, another hour. Clock ticked by. It was time to get back to work.

As a handyman, Richard had little to offer than stained clothes and bleached hands. He had worked odd jobs so often and so many, the obvious thing to do was to list himself on classifieds for any small home-repairs. From furniture to electric switchboards, from plumbing to roofing and gardening. He did it all. He was on retainer with two buildings and found time to do projects and minor repairs from references received through word-of-mouth publicity. During holiday season, he had so many enquires, he had considered enlisting a helper—but then the timer would go off on his 1980s design Casio and he would need to rush back to the basement room he rented in the cheapest neighbourhood in the worst corner of Bronx, NY.

He stood out like a sore thumb among the coloured crowd. Red hair, freckled, ghost-white face, a barrel chest which merged his head on his shoulders sans any distinguishing neck. While his youthful looks stayed hidden in his disregard of his appearance, his active lifestyle ensured he got more than enough exercise to burn calories from fast-food with a side-dish of long working hours.

“What did you do today?” asked Rachel.

“This and that. The usual!” answered Richard, not taking pride in his labour.

“90% of this city can’t do what you do. Don’t sell yourself short. You are 5’10’ with a heart of gold and arms of steel.” Rachel tried to reach the drooping hair on her lover’s forehead and then realized she can’t lift her arms that far and high.

“You will reach great heights. Your name will spread far and wide.” She giggled, with cognition of Richard’s likely response.

“You and your cards! They spook me at times. Yesterday, it showed me ‘Temperance’. It’s been three days in a row and it shows me the same card. While for you, it’s been ‘Strength’ and ‘Empress’ and such. Why do you bother?”

“Because they helped me find you. When you believe it, its true, otherwise love, family, friends, strangers, Gods, angels and ghosts—they are all just labelled boxes in a vast, dysfunctional toolbox called Earth.” She chewed a spoonful of mashed up peeled apple and added, “which reminds me, did you find that missing screwdriver? Otherwise, you would have to buy a whole set.”

“What do you think your Tarot castle in the air suggests?” retorted Richard.

“Stop calling it that! And get yourself a pack of cheap playing cards at some 7-Eleven on the way to work. You will ruin the artwork and detail, playing with my collector’s edition. Did I mention, it was blessed by that 109 year-old veteran from Louisiana?”

“Your old wives’ tale. She looked like any 50 year-old chain-smoker. And it’s a collectible only if it remains unused in original packaging. You read it every other random hour of day and night. Sometimes, you spend more time admiring them than your man-Sunday.”

Rachel laughed and then coughed with that effort on her tiny frame. Richard would only take one Sunday off per month—working round-the-clock every day. Your faucet is dripping, irritating singular drops that keep you awake at 2 AM? Sure, call Richard! Your cat got stuck in the cookie jar at dawn? An emergency you say? Call Richard. Your husband sawed off the wrong end of the furniture and needs fixing during holiday season, its only a holiday if you have a permanent job, so call Richard. Super Bowl and your kid fiddled with the LED TV settings? Google that shit, but you will call Richard at primetime after giving up on your own tech-busting skills.

It was the last Sunday of the month. Richard switched off his phone at dawn, the silent alarm vibrating in his breast pocket to ensure Rachel slept as much as possible through her pain and medication. Whatever savings they had, they had spent, pawned off whatever they considered unnecessary including her prom dress and his father’s handmade Swiss watch, a heirloom given from father to son since before WW-I.

“Want me to give you a bath?” he asked as he sensed her head move when he got off the bed.

“Just fix me!”

“Huh? Too early for breakfast, but I got eggs, sausages, waffles and cake. Coffee or tea?”

“No! Fix me.” Her eyes rolled upwards, just the whites peeking out of half-open eyelids.

“Rachel? Hold on, I will get the ambulance service on-line”

“No! Never! Please, I don’t want to die in a hospital. Promise, me. No more hospitals?!”

“What would you do if I were you, Rachel? Please, just breathe, that breathing exercise you had taught me to deal with the landlord upstairs. And hey, lets play your cards. It will ease you till the medics come.”

“Stop it, Richard. I was a born gypsy. You were an aspiring garage owner. Now look at us? Stuck in here like rats in a cage—with the medics, the society, the social media assholes commenting on our lives, our love. Those relatives don’t even visit, fearing that we may ask for money for medical treatments. Just tie me to the sissy bar like the scarecrow I am. Lets ride to that field again. Fields of golden corn and empty skies. Where all hope awaits and the horizon greets us with a new light of that familiar sun. Let me die among the wild than live among the dead at heart.”

Richard was too busy to pay attention to her fresh castle in the air as he dialled multiple helpline numbers who may pick up on a Sunday, when doctors had the day off and matrons were understaffed due to unavailable resources.

Living on favours and charities, he finally took the last option of payable, billable assistance from the nearest hospital emergency room. He turned to give Rachel assurance of help on the way. She had passed out due to the pain, stiffening her joints and soiling her pyjamas.

Working in public places, Richard never had a deaf ear to chitter-chatter. He overheard things, his mechanical brain, filtering messages and sounds to sort the important from the mundane, the wise from the raving loon. He picked up all of the 60 pounds that was Rachel, cradling her in his arms, he climbed out into the cold night to the back alley where he had chained his Triumph Bonneville.

Few had chopped a Triumph since it was such a collectible. But after years of maintaining the beautiful machine, he ran out recreational cash to pay for authentic parts and spares. The chopper was sleek and rigid. Ape hangers accompanying a stepped seat.

“The Sun – that’s the card for tonight” she whispered. Richard didn’t tie her to the sissy bar. He already had a premonition of such a situation. He had modified a baby wrap style carrier and it fitted the thin barebone frame of Rachel like a tailormade dress. Her latest and last motorcycle gear—it had been three years since she had been on the bike. When the Triumph engine roared, she almost skipped a heartbeat.

Bounding off major checkpoints, they made their way out of New York city—toward open highways. Catskill Mountains was 3 hours away in this thinning midnight traffic. It wasn’t corn country, but she would love revisiting it more than ever before.

As the motorcycle cleared through the city, Rachel picked 6 numbers at the gas station stop. She winked at the attendant who was about to jump for joy—she had won the jackpot on her first try at scratch cards.

“It’s a gift, he will spend it all if I give it to him right now” she hissed through the strain of explanation.

The attendant wanted to yell and scream and take a selfie—but she was gone as soon as Richard returned to strap her on to his back and ride out into the wind.

Over a hundred and thirty miles away from home, they lay on their backs, staring into the bright constellation, waiting for sunrise.

“What did the cards say?”

“The Sun, I told you. It’s a bright and sunny new day for you and me,” predicted Rachel.

“What does it mean Rachel?”

“Promise me you won’t open the gift I mailed you in an envelope….at one of the USPS boxes tonight….not until after the funeral….”

“What?” Richard almost jumped up, “You sent what?”

“Relax. You can use it. Consider it payday for the love others called labour.”


“Its not much, just a few dead Presidents to watch over you when I am gone.”

“You hid cash from me instead of getting you to an intensive care unit?” Richard speculated.

“No, I found some gold among fields of corn and crows.”

“I would rather have you than the last penny in my pants,” moaned Richard.

“Hey, sure, not a penny more, not a penny less.” She turned her cheeks to face him, “I want you to cremate me and spread the ashes among the wildflowers.”

“Write that down and mail it,” he said.

“Kiss me you fool, I am dying.”

The clouds cleared and the rays of sunlight bounced among mountain tops, dazzling on a chrome tank and silver mirrors. A morning was wake in the woods. A new day began, dewdrops evaporating into mist, birds took flight, as a life and love settled into the dirt.


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(Classic) Easyriders magazine again hits a speed bump

The above screenshot shows a message that appears as a pop-up on the re-invented “Classic” Easyriders magazine website. This is after two years into the re-launch of this iconic motorcycling lifestyle publication.

Two specific things noted after reviewing the website:

  1. The September 2023 issue is not listed for sale
  2. There is no link nor button nor any webpage for purchase of annual subscription

It is unknown if there is any refunds or cancellations or any other subscriber related issues– and we don’t intend to speculate. Look out for investigation into this discovery in the upcoming weekly news posted every Thursday. Refer our Weekly News section by clicking here.

Below is the text reproduction from the screenshot for your information and reference only — all rights are exclusive to Classic Easyriders and Paisano Publishing only.

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Dear Easyriders Subscribers,

Due to a legal conflict between GIT Corp. (licensee) and Paisano Publishing (licensor and Brand Owner), GIT Corp. will no longer be publishing Easyriders Magazine. It will continue to be published monthly by Paisano Publishing and the current subscribers list has been forward to Paisano from GIT, in order for you monthly subscription to continue being delivered to all Easyriders subscribers.

Please direct any new subscription inquiries or current subscription questions to:

We at GIT Corp. would like to thank all the customers that have supported us in the past 2 years in bringing back Easyriders Magazine.

GIT Corp.

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Re-imagining the Western Genre

Keith ‘Bandit’ Ball rides in with fiction that blends worlds, reinvents ideas & digitises old school charm

by Wayfarer with images from Jon Towle and Dick Allen

We are introducing a parallel genre, which may or may not exist— yet has plenty of fiction from its most prolific author K. Randall Ball (Bandit to us minions of the Empire).

We are celebrating this veteran author who has re-imagined the Wild West with a unique sound and flavor. It kicks like a mule and bites like a rattler.

He writes complete and comprehensive Wild West adventures with all elements remaining mostly the same—except motorcycles as the preferred choice of the protagonists and gunslingers.

Click here to read this illustrated feature article, only on

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Join the Bandit’s Cantina for exclusive access to 27 years of archived content, click here. Ride with freedom and Happy Thinking Goddammit!

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Friggin’ Economies of Scale

by Ujjwal Dey with images & illustrations by Wayfarer

In Harley-Davidson’s desperate search for volume sales, Will there be a smaller Harley-Davidson X210 in India?

X440 is already the smallest engine – perhaps too small of an engine – to be considered a ‘real’ Harley for those who can actually afford to buy it. A rumoured Harley X210 may share the same design elements as the current X440.

The smaller H-D is rumoured to be powered by the same 210cc single-cylinder engine found in the Hero Karizma XMR.

Have a look at this editorial story giving you the background and the ground zero of Harley-Davidson’s new speculated adventure.

Click Here to read this article, only on

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Bikernet Blog

To Stay updated on all Motorcycle News and Events…simply Click & Subscribe to Bikernet’s FREE Weekly Newsletter

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Crusade Against Carbon Dioxide – September 2023

by Charles Rotter from

Professor William Happer IPA lecture

In September 2023, Princeton University’s Emeritus Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics, William Happer, spoke to an audience in Brisbane, Australia about the crusade against carbon dioxide and integrity in climate science.

Professor Happer is one of the world’s leading scientists and climate realists, having made extensive contributions to the debate about climate science. He has played a vital role in ensuring there is integrity in climate science and the community is exposed to information and arguments that many major institutions in our society seek to silence or censor.

The Institute of Public Affairs was proud to host Professor Happer on a tour around Australian where he spoke to audiences in Perth, Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane.

To learn more about the IPA’s research visit

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Click it to get your Kickstart today

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Reimagining the Western Genre

It was hard to rope in this wild one for any number of bucks. Finally, through a preferred distributor of books, I was able to get hold of the novel ‘Shane’ by Jack Shaefer. The blurb on the cover states honestly, “If you read only one Western in your life, this is the one” (quote by Roland Smith). This brief article is not a book review. We are sidewinding towards a parallel genre, which may or may not exist—yet has plenty of fiction from its most prolific author K. Randall Ball (Bandit to us minions of the Empire).

Now, we celebrate another veteran author who has re-imagined the Wild West with a unique sound and flavor. It kicks like a mule and bites like a rattler.

I don’t know if readers have found any other biker fiction or any author who has written for decades, multiple stories and novels about motorcyclists as if they were living in the Old West, with the key difference being iron steeds replacing the cavalry. Probably the meek victims and/or mute spectators can be called the cattle, with evil ranchers being replaced by modern cartels and politicians.

Heck, there are plenty of wine, women, dollars, Mexicans and guns to give you a poker run for your money. A complete and comprehensive Wild West adventure with all elements remaining mostly the same—except motorcycles as the preferred choice of the protagonists and gunslingers.

How and where Keith got this concept is something for his autobiography which he seems to push away as he is too busy living and looking for new projects to conquer. It would be more interesting to know why he stuck with this theme and reference point—the Frontier land, as re-imagined into motorcycle clubs, outlaws, bankers, governors and drug-dealers.

Everyone wanted a piece of land back then. Now they want to own you—you are the product as well as the consumer. A cash cow that is mute and domesticated into neutered bliss! Among such lifeless lives roars the reluctant hero of Keith Randall Ball’s fiction. A true visionary of the craft, circumstance, contemporary culture and trending news. His fiction is never a run-of-the-mill action adventure. There are hidden references to the life of Americans then and there, unveiled through its publishing date.

His short stories are too many to be listed and a challenge probably to Bandit himself to compile it into themes or time-periods. His novels though are more accessible and now even available as e-books anywhere in the world.

True to his alias, Bandit steals our hearts and minds and takes away our focus from the obvious, dreary, everyday worries toward bigger things. Things larger than us individuals. Events and laws that will affect us significantly, that may even destroy our life and livelihoods and bring an end to America as defined by its Constitution and culture.

History does seem to repeat itself. There may not be many steam engine trains, hidden natives, wanted posters, high noon duel, or gold rush. Yet, now we have dysfunctional transport system (department?), illegal voters, domestic terrorism, Silicon Valley’s expanding digital encroachment, Wall Street honchos robbing banks, disarmed & censored citizens, defunding police while financing wars overseas, media that seems to sell pulp & paper instead of news, scientists selling snake oil and animals going extinct.

The spirit and heart are not to be tamed. A broncho awaits the touch of the master. A man who allows the personality and character of his ride to become a friend rather than resemble a slavish mule. Soon, we see, Science Fiction as envisioned by critically acclaimed author Robert A. Heinlein, as perennial Frontier Country expanding into distant galaxies, across lightyears, return to planet Earth. In Keith Randall Ball’s Sci-Fi adventure Sam’Chopper’ Orwell, we got a glimpse into the future which has now fully manifested itself into our present day life and work. Smart gadgets and stupid college graduates with no employable skills. The predictions have come true, but the predilections have borne no fruitful food for thought.

In fact, thought as crime may be the situation. People only seem to consume handheld device content and the Big Tech companies are driving away traffic on key freedom-fighting websites which present ideas and opposition such as on – denying us the natural flow of rivers of affection and supply of revenue.

Whether or not Shane represents the essence of human nature in survival mode, Bandit’s fiction certainly intensifies our desire to try freedom, try resistance or try having a spine. You don’t need a name nor position to make an impact or lead a positive change. You only need an idea. Bandit has a splendid one—the motorcycling Western. So let’s ride free and Happy Thinking Goddammit!

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Some Images from Jon Towle and Dick Allen

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Fortunately for civilization there is a go-to way to stop a charismatic crowd-pleaser who says things the press doesn’t like: and that’s….. rape charges!!!

If the World Health Organization and the Center For Disease Control had come up with an overnight vaccine for Russel Brand like they did for the most dangerous virus in human history the rape-charge protocol would not have had to have been implemented. Even a Burma Shave roadside sign-a-thon ditty might have stopped him, if there were enough of them placed on roads worldwide.

Russel Brand went…
from impish sprite…
to global threat…
fucking overnight.
Burma Shave.

Yes, I know: I realize that making the planet’s newest threat to our sacred democracy into a frivolous Burma Shave road-sign ditty is not keeping us safe. Sadly, the deed is done. I did such a thing and we are now in danger. Alas for you. For I am drunk with power.

But enough about you and me and my indifference to your safety, let’s talk about Russel Brand.

Remember when he was a devil-may-care mocker of 9-11 and an outlandishly inappropriate libertine bragging of his indifference to the norms of propriety and cavalierly strutting his rakish persona before us all in jesterish hijinxity and rapscallion fearlessness while boasting of his love for the forbidden fruits of drugs, kicks, and hot pussy?

Well, that was long ago when he was what I will call a happily oblivious non-threat to anyone since he was basically a kind of lazy-brained Marxist. As are all Marxists. If that’s what he was. Who knows what he was? He was all over the place. Hey, he married Katy Perry. How focused could he have been.

Well, that has apparently changed. Literally overnight. To where he is now Public Enemy Number One. Eclipsing even Sam Bankman in news headlines. But Sam Bankman is not being accused of rape from 20 years ago by women who refuse to identify themselves. So, Sam is just being MONITORED and looked-in-on from time to time by bureaucrats and journalists. Rather than being declared Public Enemy Number One by them. Unlike with Russel Brand.

What caused this? Unlike Sam Bankman’s – by comparison – unlike Bankman’s presumed innocent but still jailed mere assaults on peoples’ pocketbooks, which could very well be remedied by taxpayers, Russel Brand has – apparently with some persuasional skills – he has railed against the Sacred C-19, the Sacred Ukraine “war,” and the Sacred Great Reset, and for all I know, and God forbid, the Sacred Global Warming, and has thus therefore threatened our Sacred Democracy.

Now I know what you’re saying: lots of people do that. Lots of people rail against these four sacred sacrednesses. But “lots of people” are not capable of going up against a wall of accusatory media types and coherently making fools of them, ten at a time, without getting rattled and without losing ground and in fact pissing them off. Whereas Russel Brand is not only capable of doing that he is capable of doing that in his sleep.

There’s a small example of this interesting ability of Senyore Brand here: where he deals with not just three professional news dullards on something called The Morning Joe but he manages to turn around in his chair and mock the entire NBC news apparatus “working” in the background. While at the same time making Joe Scarborough’s wife hot from experiencing little flashes of sexual excitement. Without even trying.

To journalists and bureaucrats insisting on having the upper hand in any ideological confrontation this is a potentially dangerous ability. In fact, they consider it almost treacherously magical. Because they, on the other hand, have NO abilities. Of any kind! And are holding onto their imagined power by a thread what with the instantaneous mass communication now available to us all. Thanks to a few geniuses of free enterprise and innovation, one of whom is unfortunately dead and one of whom is very likely deranged.

Therefore, when you can’t defend your idiotic “liberal” and “progressive” perversions of reality to someone famous and charismatic enough to actually attract allies seemingly overnight and seemingly from out of the woodwork that the Left assumed just harbored wood….or when you’re actually capable of ANYTHING, like Trump and Musk are, in other words…….if you can’t out-argue these people who are better at what you do than you are, namely, BEING POPULAR AND LIKEABLE…… declare them immoral and unsanctified and unworthy of admiration or fandom. You declare them a rapist in other words.

So far Musk has actually escaped this. Because the press and bureaucrats are actually afraid of Musk. Which they should be. They should also be afraid of Brand. They just don’t realize it yet. They think he’s an idiot. But he isn’t. Like myself, he’s one of the very few members of the Screen Actors Guild with a functioning IQ.

Four women, Rachel, Nadia and Alice Nottheirrealnames and someone named Tobeannounced, have all come forward at the same instant 20 years after the alleged fact to announce to apparently every “news” medium on earth that the man uttering “conspiracy theories” against the “pandemic” and the Ukraine-Russia “war” and declaring The Great Reset to be a threat to humanity rather than a wondrous pathway for humanity to reach their innate godlike status as self-created beings – which man would be Russel Brand – is a rapist. Because when you are Russel Brand and you say all these things you get “reported” by the world press as being a rapist. At least by every “news” organization in the English-speaking world. Which would be two thirds of North America, all of Europe, and some of Australia. Or in other words the only three places on earth that actually matter. In other words. And yes, that’s what I said. Got a problem with that? Round-up some anonymous women because I fear I have just endangered our sacred democracy. That’ll show me.

The “reasoning” here, then, is as follows…. If this is TRUE…… that someone is a rapist….then his political opinions cannot be factual and in fact could be dangerous to the public. In other words, assuming journalists could actually articulate their thoughts, “He rapes women….therefore he is dangerous to us all. For even as he forces his penis upon women, he has other mighty pizzles at his disposal; other cocks, dicks, peckers, lizards, boners, shafts, rods, lances, dirks, swords, one-eyed-monsters, fuckwands, pikes, ram-a-cunts, twatpluggers, seam-stretchers, hair-pie harpoons, vee-jir violators, ‘down there’ destroyers, pussy penetrators, labia lances, crack cannons, hole harriers, tunnel tigers, slit slayers, slut slammers, trollop tamers, slattern seducers, vixen violators, fox fillers, bimbo bulldozers, snatch blasters, beaver busters, bitch bruisers of oppression and invasion, that are not just his penis but also his words! His words too are instruments of rape!

Words forced upon the ears of virgins of social justice and fairness in order to corrupt and shame them into callous indifference to the plight of humanity and animals and plants and air and water and terrain and bunnies. And whether he uses his actual pizzle of heinous flesh filled with unholy blood or if he uses words of persuasion and deceit….there is no difference! It is it the same with his words and opinions as it is with his woman-wounding cock! These words and opinions overpower us with their crafted tones and syllables and ideas that hypnotize us like verbal Rohypnol: opinions and ideas and ‘narratives’ that are at first charming and seductive and then transmogrify and metastasize into ramrods of violent filthy male sound-semen and syllable-semen and acoustical cum and vocabulary violence that invades our ears and slides into our consciousness and squirts and ejaculates lies and untruths and theories-conspiratorial in the manner of verbal splooge that takes us unawares and defiles us in seductive evil filth, making us pregnant with The Unwanted Child of Mind-Rape….…..and thus leading us into harm. So, it must be aborted.”

Let’s go through that again: the journalist-bureaucrat First Course of “progressivist logic” food onto the plate of your dreary brain is – if you are a rapist…..your political opinions are not valid and are not accurate. And you are a threat to society. And to our sacred democracy. And, for Desert – you are a “conspiracy theorist.”

I will reduce the “Conspiracy Theory” theory to the meaningless powder that it is in just a bit. And I’m just the guy for the job.

Remember when Russel Brand was – basically – just a wild and zany commie? Now I’m not saying he referred to himself as a commie. Meaning an advocate of the Karl Marx “theory” of economics and human political society. It’s just me using a name that has ENOUGH of a meaning to where some people will go “Yeah, we remember when he was just a wild and zany commie.”

Well apparently, he’s not a wild and zany commie anymore. Apparently, he is a threat to humanity now. Which can only mean, I assume, that he is no longer a commie. Which to 95% of the world’s bureaucrats and to 100% of the world’s journalists means….he actually now IS a threat to humanity.

Or in other words, he’s apparently just started looking around on his own, lately, rather than having Karl Marx look around for him or whoever was looking around for him before he started doing it for himself.

Keep in mind I am SPECULATING. I don’t have Russel Brand here. I can’t ask him whether or not, “So, do I have this right?” Then I would have him correct me on any of my incorrect conclusions regarding his observations and opinions.

Now there WAS a time, when his opinions did not merit 300 rape allegations overnight from 50,000 different women, none of whom apparently have “actual” names, but rather have “other” names or “to be announced” names or “according to sources” names or “who spoke on condition of anonymity” names. Assuming they are all even women. I mean, since none of them have been actually identified by their real names yet, as far as I know they COULD be goddamn goats that got allegedly raped. And not even people. Which would be hot. But that’s just me.

Now, I DON’T know if raping goats is illegal. Not to change the topic. And the species. But I DO know that if you are accumulating a following “among the public” via statements that contradict “the accepted-as-agreed-upon” statements……. then your personal conduct rather than your personal opinion is what is going to be attacked. Not your opinion. No. Your behavior. And then your morality and sanctity levels. USUALLY regarding something that has nothing to do with your political opinions. Like for instance “rape.”

For instance, if I say in a public forum, or maybe even in a private forum, the following….. “C-19 is the annual cold and flu seasonal virus that appeared in 2019 and was elevated to a global ‘pandemic’ necessitating mandatory shots for an allegedly unknown virus, which shots called vaccines although having no similarity to anything defined as an actual ‘vaccine’ were produced and distributed around the globe within a year, that could ‘save lives’ and which C-19 was claimed to be this unprecedented planetary scourge TWO DAYS after the Senate threw the House’s impeachment papers regarding Trump into the trash – which C-19 claim was immediately orchestrated via a media blitzkrieg of coordinated lie-attacks in conjunction with a UN pronouncement of plague-like monsters now being spread via an incubation of horrors in a Chinese sidewalk meat market and also a Chinese bio-chemical-biological warfare lab – we have not decided – all of which was designed to throw Trump into a confused surreal environment in which he was at the time not able to discern truth from lies so that his turn-around of the global economy could be shut down and halted by shutting down EVERYONE via ugly, usually misshapen, ‘health advisors’ who came into existence overnight with power and majesty and virtue and honesty to have government handed over to them in order to dupe, lie and tyrannize the public into 2 years of desolation and madness on the – correct, it turns out – assumption and gamble that ‘the people’ are basically stupid little morons who will believe anything.”

If I was to actually SAY that?….. I would have rape charges brought against me. Because….if I’m an Accused-By-Ms.-Anonymous rapist…..then my opinions on everything, including what I just said, are incorrect and in fact are probably lies designed to rape minds, as does a cock rape a vaginal insemination intake tunnel.

Keep in mind that raping happens a LOT on this planet. The global instances of it, which annually probably number in the millions, are ignored by the press and the “governing personnel.” Unless, of course, someone they consider to be a personal threat to their comfortable pastimes of blissful deception shows up with enough charisma to actually attract converts who leave their cults of stupidity and enter into the universe of reasoned intelligence. Then rape becomes the topic of the day, but not the millions of them, just ones this particular individual targeted-for-destruction is being accused of having committed. According to sources. Meanwhile these other millions of unwanted penis intrusions are not making millions of headlines. APPARENTLY those rapes are ok to ignore. At least to bureaucrats and to news “outlets.” Because those rapes are not a threat to the Global- Grooming Cabal of untalented human deities determined to keeping us all safe via lockdowns and inoculations and “temporary” emergency health measures that last forever.

So, it’s not, therefore, rape that bureaucrats and journalists have a problem with. It’s suggesting that the World Economic Forum is attempting to orchestrate “The Great Reset” that bureaucrats and journalists have a problem with. Which – in fact – the World Economic Forum is proud to admit! “Yeah! That actually is what we’re doing!” is their enthusiastic response. What the WEF and the press and the world’s bureaucrats, with the possible exception of the ones in Poland and Hungary, have a PROBLEM with is anyone suggesting that the World Economic Forum is actually not a godsend but in fact a crazed lunatic NIGHTMARE led by a guy in a Star Wars costume that is going to forcibly eradicate and/or “elevate” humanity “Heaven’s Gate” style and which he says C-19 presents a golden opportunity to get things rolling.

It’s at this point, aside from the boilerplate rape charges, that the odd expression “conspiracy theory” routinely comes into play.

To review: Russel Brand is overnight a rapist….and a conspiracy theorist. Who for both these reasons must be banished from human consideration as being deserving of human consideration.

Now, what is a conspiracy theory and why is it something to be, if it is declared as such, and if someone is declared to be uttering such….why is that person to be considered null and void as an observer, or for being ‘opinioned,’ or for having a notion, or for making an utterance: as happens in the very same manner if someone is declared a racist or a sexist or a homophobe or an Islamophobe or an anti-Semite or a bigot – such that therefore that person is pronounced depraved, not actually human, lacking in value, and being immoral. At least until such time as he renounces that opinion. Or at least claims to be doing so. Why is it that “conspiracy theorist” is just as damning as “racist.” or “bigot” etc. And will it become a hate crime? As the “n-word” now is? I’m guessing yeah. Sooner or later. Probably sooner.

In fact, a conspiracy theory is neither a conspiracy nor a theory. A conspiracy is something you have no knowledge of it being in existence, forget about itemizing its particulars. It’s a conspiracy. You’re out of the loop. Only the conspirators know about it. Second, conspiracy theories are not actually theories. Theories are complex. What are called conspiracy theories by what I like to call “commies” are OPINIONS. Not theories.

APPARENTLY, some opinions are regarded as threats to “the common good.” Because we’re all in this together. As you may remember from the city signs put up by the city governments during whatever Covid-19 was. So apparently some opinions threaten the common good. Some opinions are SO threatening to god only know who or what that they have to be declared not opinions or suggestions or possibilities at all. They’re a new category: they’re conspiracy theories. Meaning – I guess – that they’re either inherently too dangerous to even consider, or else they have some seductive charm that will lead the Protected out from the Protection. Well, yeah, the seductive charm is that they make fucking sense. Because whatever opinions, now called conspiracy theories, apparently are, they’re so goddamn fucking persuasive EVEN AS NONSENSE REQUIRING SAFE SPACES….. that they have to be either shouted out of existence or shamed out of existence or as a last resort assassinated out of existence.

You’ll notice the press has no problem with the flat earthers. Or the moon-landing-was-faked people. Or the chemtrail people. Or the aliens from space people. Rape charges are never brought against them. Why? Because so far these people have not attracted a huge fucking crowd of devoted followers led by one charismatic gifted public speaker who doesn’t need teleprompters. Otherwise, these Paul Reveres would also be getting the Russel Brand treatment. They would be declared rapists. Assuming they were good looking, of course. Rape is an easy accusation, hard to prove in court but doesn’t get a lot of converts if you’re trying to railroad someone who looks like Fetterman on the charge, for example. Which is what the flat-earthers and the chemtrail people and the fake moon landing people and space alien people UFO crowd look like. They look like Fetterman.

There’s a reason government and the media have a parasitical symbiotic relationship with each other even though “Washington Press Corps” sessions are window-dressed to look like some sort of adversarial encounter. Any hack who was REMOTELY adversarial with your normal kind of President, meaning someone not Trumplike, or in other words not carrying a set of balls and an actual job history in the real world with a favorable win-loss record…… that hack would be OUT of the Washington Press Corps. Which, you may have noticed, is the same people every time by the way until one of the fuckers dies. It’s like the Supreme Court: you don’t GET there unless you’re 1: stupid and 2: you promise to remain stupid.

The reason they have a parasitical symbiotic relationship, government and the media, is because they both live on the lies of the other. It’s like they eat each other for mutual nourishment and for a reinforcement of the allied bond and then shit each other out their asses creating new cross-bred hybridized versions of their former vile selves which then feed off each other. And this goes on day after day century after century, both sides reveling in breathing-in the anguish of the tortured souls and pains of everyone not a bureaucrat or a journalist….that they are creating with their relentless, enthusiastic lying. They’re like some two-headed Cerberus guarding the gates of Hell, namely, “democracy” – against reality.

A “conspiracy theory,” whether it’s proclaimed as such by a journalist moronic failed-novelist slave to an editor he detests and who rewrites all of his already-shitty prose to make it even worse….. or whether it’s used by a candidate or an office holder – is defined as “a right-wing observation regarding global Marxism suggesting global Marxism is going to destroy the Industrial Revolution and reduce all of humanity to an ‘equitable and sustainable’ level of universal poverty and stone-age cloud-worship.” Which is correct. But it’s not a theory. It’s a fact. And it’s not a conspiracy: anyone with their eyes and brains open can see it plain as day.

Now, you might say “ Excuse me, sir, but c-19 and global warming and the World Economic Forum and mandatory vaccines that don’t actually fall under the definition of vaccines have nothing to do with Marxism.” Well, yeah they do. Marx is just more honest about it and calls it Marxism rather than “keeping everyone safe.” So, you can’t get Karl Marx for lying, He actually called it Marxism. Or, I SHOULD say, if someone ELSE called the C-19 tyranny “Marxism”….. Marx would say, “Yeah, I guess you could call it that.” He’d admit it. No problem. Try getting Al Gore to admit he’s a Marxist. In fact, try getting any Marxist in American government, which is basically everyone in American government now, to even consider that “an appropriate question” to even ask them.

But enough about commies, let’s get back to Russel Brand.

You will look real hard and for a real long time to get an answer to the Googled question “What are Brand’s specific ‘conspiracy theories’ that are regarded as ‘conspiratorial’ that he is espousing?” Apparently, whatever he’s saying is SO heinous it cannot be reprinted. Because good fucking luck trying to get from the “news” a detailed synopsis of whatever his opinion on anything “forbidden” actually is.

Good fucking luck with this. You will get sent to endless “news” sites which have run stories about this “problem with Brand” without ever 1: being specific about his opinions and proclamations, just referring to them as “regarding the Ukraine war” and “The Great Reset.” By the way, this isn’t ME capitalizing the great reset. This is the fucking great reset people capitalizing it. They admit it! They’re excited about it! Why the “press” isn’t calling the World Economic Forum a bunch of conspiracists, I don’t know. They’re the only “secret society” in history 1: blabbing their secrets to the world and 2: saying they don’t care if you agree with them or not: that this is the deal and you’re on board whether you like it or not. They’re SO conspiratorial they’re BRAGGING about it and telling their conspiracies in news conferences! Why journalists aren’t accusing them of rape from 20 years ago is beyond me. Journalists COULD be just stupid. Which of course they are. We give journalists and news people way too much credit for being clandestine. They’re not. They’re just giggling little mommas’-boys assholes looking for things to fuck with since girls are off the table.

Which Russel Brand, regarding their stupidity, will demonstrate!! Russel Brand is MORE than a match for any journalist fuckhead on earth. I THINK the press and the “media” are having too much fun at the moment to keep in mind that he is not only more than a match for them….he’s excited about all this. He might be a commie one decade and a normal person the next decade and go back and forth all over the place…..but he’s still SMARTER and more intellectually and verbally ADROIT than any of them.

But the idea here, regarding the giggling press and the more sinister global SWAMP – which is basically the people now “running” Western Civilization – in calling Brand a rapist……is to train his fans into “realizing” their new hero is a reprobate.

You’ll notice they are not even addressing his views and conclusions about things. They are addressing his “lack of morality.” His OPINIONS are not going to be discussed or investigated or proved erroneous. Because they fucking can’t be. I know it. They know it. Russel Brand knows it.

And THEN there is the little matter of claiming that the Russel Brand of 20 years ago, with his swashbuckling energy and otter-like enthusiasm and his rakish good looks and his charming, disarming qualities of sincere communication and his adequate bank account and his individual notions of couture and stylistic raiment and his wide-set almost nocturnal-ready eyes that in two seconds have discerned more truths about you than you know about yourself and possessed of Tyrone Power good looks…….is this a guy that needs to rape women in order to get laid? To a journalist still living with mom and convinced that people exist, so that he can destroy them to the entertainment of the gullible and envious?….the answer is yes.

–J.J. Solari

Images from Sam Burns

Read More

THE WAKE-UP BIKERNET WEEKLY NEWS from September 28, 2023


I will make this quick. Just recently the MRF had a very successful Meeting of the Minds legislative conference in Harrisburg, PA. A couple of brothers were there to discuss ICE bans and End of Life regulations for old cars and motorcycles, Chris Callen from Cycle Source and Bob Kay helped out.

There’s a new documentary about fossil fuel use in England and although the UK only produces 1 percent of the global emissions, they propose using violence to force additional regulations.

What’s the bottom line? I believe it’s ignorance and education. Folks all over the world need to start reading and learn about these issues. There are tons of books available.

The other thing that needs to happen is the forced censorship, fear, and bullying must stop. We need to read the facts and understand the issues without censorship.

Let’s hit the news.

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum.

I have some great news to share with you! We just scored a big win against the Mileage Tax that California politicians have been trying to impose for the past three years – but the fight is far from over!

CA politicians proposed a 6 cent-per-mile tax that would cost the average driver $900 per year. That’s on top of the existing sky-high car and gas taxes we pay. To implement the tax, they needed to pilot it within a large county and they selected San Diego County as the first up.

This morning the politicians who sit on the board of San Diego County’s SANDAG were forced to vote today to remove the Mileage Tax from the San Diego county’s regional transportation plan! This big win comes after we waged an aggressive public pressure campaign over the past 3 years that included 21 community Town Halls, countless mailers and texts, and the defeat in the 2022 election of several high-profile politicians who backed this crazy mileage tax.

Public pressure worked – for now. The next phase of fighting this tax is to stop the California Air Resources Board (CARB) from requiring San Diego to impose the Mileage Tax by mandate. This is a very real threat.

That’s why passing the California Taxpayer Protection Initiative in 2024 is key because language in that initiative explicitly states that mileage taxes will not be allowed without a public vote.

Can you help us celebrate this key win against the CA Mileage Tax and continue to fight by contributing anything today?


Wins like this are rare – but the battle must continue. Thank you for your continued support in this fight!

Carl DeMaio

Bagger Racing League is Back at the Daytona International Speedway!

The Bagger Racing League (BRL) and the American Sport Bike Racing Association (ASRA) are teaming up to bring back two, thrilling bagger racing classes to ASRA’s Race of Champions at the iconic Daytona International Speedway on October 21st.

After successful races in Pittsburgh and Blackhawk Farms, Bagger Racing League and ASRA are joining forces to deliver a full lineup of action-packed races. You won’t want to miss BRL’s renowned Bagger GP class and an exciting new AMA-sanctioned Production Stock Bagger class, featuring the hottest up-and-coming racers.

“We are excited to team up with Bagger Racing League and AMA to bring back these two bagger racing classes to our championship series in Daytona said ASRA President, Alex Spellman. As the originators of bagger racing, BRL brings an unrivaled level of cool factor and competitive spirit to our races.” “We plan to expand BRL’s participation into our national race series for 2024 and in the years to come.”

In addition to the Daytona Race of Champions, Bagger Racing League is also hosting its own championship race at the Willow Springs International Raceway in Rosamond, CA on November 18th, and 19th. This grand finale will determine the best Harley-Davidson and Indian Motorcycle bagger racers for the2023 series.

Rob Buydos, the founder, and president of Bagger Racing League, sees ASRA’s national race series as a tremendous opportunity for the V-Twin industry. He believes that this partnership will expose the next generation of consumers to the thrill of riding and racing American, V-Twin motorcycles. Don’t miss out on the thrilling action at ASRA’s Daytona Race of Champions and Bagger Racing League’s grand finale in Rosamond, CA.

For race info and registration information click the link here: DAYTONA ROC 10-19/22 – Evolve GT Track Days | Motorcycle Track Day ( or contact ASRA at (725) 755-7550 or


I believe this is the hottest topic on the planet for everyone including every kid and every motorcyclist.

Internal Combustion Engine Bans, where did they come from? I watched Al Gore’s compelling documentary in 2007 and was impressed, but he asked questions and discovered Al basically lied to kids all over the world for power and personal gain. His wealth skyrocketed from a few million to over 400 million.

His CO2 doomsday has caused an attack on every form of our well-being from heaters to gas stoves and in particular Internal Combustion Engines. I started to let Bikernet readers know the scientific truth and searched for solutions.

It wasn’t until this year and through the leadership of the MRF that I started to see a small light at the end of a daily darkening tunnel. We all witnessed leaders of the MIC waking up. We watched SEMA, the largest automotive organization stand up and last week with the help of the MRF HR 1435 passed 220-190 to stop the ICE vehicle mandates. It’s unlikely it will pass the Senate. Everyone needs to write to their Senators.

But the premise remains. We are doomed unless we change the climate by eliminating CO2. Inspired by the growing number of organizations fighting back, I created a resolution to force congress to challenge and study the bottom line on a national stage. With the help of Kirk and the board of the MRF including Rocky their lobbyist, we made minor successes in South Dakota. All we want is the truth, to expose the untruths, level the playing field and make Freedom a priority again. A CO2 molecule from your exhaust pipe is the same as a natural CO2 molecule and we need more of them. It’s not a pollutant.

Just to wrap it up, I wanted to mention that we’re not alone in the fight for ICE vehicles and scientific proof. There are scientific groups all over the world stepping up, including 1600 scientists, including Nobel prize winners who have signed a declaration, “There is no Climate Emergency.” But we must be vigilant. Three weeks ago in Montana, a judge sided with a group of kids who were paid to sue the state to take control of the entire energy sector.

I immediately reached out to the MRF and ultimately to Rocky their lobbyist. I also reached out to a physicist in Montana, Ed Berry, who recently beat an alarmist lawsuit in Montana. I also reached out to Greg Wrightstone, the executive director of the CO2 Coalition, a group of scientists who are trying to spread the good word about CO2 and prevent misinformation.

Rocky immediately spoke to a legislator’s staff in Montana, and between this legislator, the CO2 Coalition and Ed Berry a team is in place to defeat this ruling during the appeal process. The MRF was on the case.

Finally, a presidential candidate is stepping up against the doomsday movement. Vivek has publicly stated Climate Alarmist are wrong. With the MRF at our backs freedom will ride high once more.

–K. Ball


This month is your last opportunity to win an expense-paid trip to be our VIP guest on raffle weekend on top of your chance at winning the beautiful 1937 Knucklehead raffle bike.

Your VIP experience includes three days of admission to the museum, a 2-night stay in Maggie Valley, and $300 in travel expenses along with lunch and special recognition during raffle day. Remember, this is the last month to get your chance at an expense-paid trip to beautiful Maggie Valley, NC, and to spend our biggest day of the year with us as a VIP guest.

Raffle Day is always a fun-filled day with historic machines, live music, food trucks, and of course, finding out who will be riding home on the ’37 Knucklehead. Make your plans now to join us on November 18th!


“The universal brotherhood of man is our most precious possession, what there is of it.”
–Mark Twain

–from Epoch Times



I have been tempted to buy that as a toy sometimes. It is made entirely of steel unlike Jap and other scooters.




Piaggio looks to enhance premium play; forays into bike segment with Aprilia RS 457

Italy’s Piaggio Group aims to enhance its presence in the premium two-wheeler segment in India, as more and more customers seek feature-rich options for mobility requirements, according to a top company executive.

The company, which is present in India through a wholly-owned subsidiary — Piaggio Vehicles, has forayed into the growing mid-size bike segment by unveiling Aprilia RS 457.

“There is an increase in expectations of Indian consumers as they seek more than just a vehicle to commute from one place to another,” Piaggio Vehicles Chairman and MD Diego Graffi added.

Read full story at:

Bikernet Blog





This magnificent car, which reminds me of some Delahay cars from the ‘30s was hand built by Rick Dore.

It ended up briefly behind Jim Waggaman’s Air Stream Studios shop in Escondido, Calif. Jim or El Waggs is a longtime contributor to Bikernet.

Then we found out that this car was purchased by Joe Teresi of Easyriders and placed in a windowed room in his home. Incredible.



Exile on Front Street Review:

I was planning on reading it before I read this review. NOW I’m compelled too.

This review was very interesting and one of the more uniquely written and enjoyable to read ones I have ever read.

Well done J.J.

–El Waggs


  • Celebrity Athletes Deliver Bike Program to 74th Street Elementary School
  • Ahead of SuperMotocross Championship Weekend at Los Angeles Coliseum

All Kids Bike, the nonprofit dedicated to equipping schools with the resources needed to teach children how to ride bikes in kindergarten PE class, kicked off the 2023-24 school year with two new program activations at Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) schools thanks to a $100,000 grant from Yamaha Motor Corp., USA, via its Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative (OAI).

The first two recipients of the All Kids Bike Kindergarten Learn-to-Ride PE Program, courtesy of the Yamaha grant, were 74th Street Elementary and Virginia Roads Elementary, both of which are Title 1 schools in LAUSD.

To help get the kids excited about the new program and raise awareness for the All Kids Bike mission, some of Yamaha’s celebrity athletes and ambassadors helped deliver an entire fleet of new bikes to 74th Street Elementary School Friday morning. SuperMotocross cameras were on hand to capture the moment for broadcasts during its Race Day Live and Gate Drop coverage, scheduled to air on Peacock and USA Network, respectively.

On hand to unveil the bikes and help the kids with their first ride around the playground were Yamaha Star Racing’s Eli Tomac, a 2-time Monster Energy Supercross 450 Champion, 4-time Pro Motocross 450 Champion, and 2022 Motocross of Nations Winner; Yamaha Ambassador Ryan Villopoto, the 4-time Supercross Champion, 2-time 450 Motocross Champion, and 3-time 250 Motocross Champion; Yamaha Ambassador Damon Bradshaw, known as one of the all-time top 10 Supercross riders; and Yamaha Bicycles and All Kids Bike ambassador Brian Lopes, a Mountain Bike and BMX Hall of Fame inductee.

“You never forget when you learned to ride a bike, and I’ll never forget seeing how excited these kids were when we showed them the fleet of shiny new bikes and gave them a first ride,” said Eli Tomac, two-time Monster Energy AMA Supercross 450MX Champion, four-time Pro Motocross 450MX Champion, 2022 Motocross of Nations Winner. “We’re here to help raise awareness for the All Kids Bike program and to get people excited about bringing this program to more schools in Los Angeles and across the country. Riding bikes is one of the most fun things you can do when you’re a kid, and it’s also a really important skill that gives you confidence and a sense of freedom you just can’t get any other way.”

The fun and interactive event included LAUSD Region South Administrator Juanita Rainey-Woods, Will Celestine and Maggie Yu-DiPasquale with LAUSD Wellness Programs, and Adriana Valenzuela with LAUSD Physical Education who were on hand to celebrate with the kids. All Kids Bike’s goal is to eventually get the program into every school in LAUSD.

“Student outcomes depend largely on their access to a safe, loving environment and rich learning experiences,” said Dr. Cairen Ireland, principal of 74th Street Elementary and Gifted Magnet. “It’s partners like All Kids Bike and Yamaha that help bridge our scholars to these great opportunities. Fostering wellness and having fun while doing it, is a win-win!”

The All Kids Bike Kindergarten Learn-to-Ride PE Program includes a fleet of 24 balance bikes, pedal conversion kits, helmets, a teacher instruction bike, SHAPE-standard curriculum, teacher training, and equipment storage racks. It’s everything needed to teach kids how to progress from balance to riding a bike in 8 lessons. Among the 434 elementary schools in LAUSD, over 68 have already adopted the All Kids Bike program into their PE curriculum, recognizing the significant value of this skill in enhancing children’s lives both in and out of the classroom.

Lisa Weyer, executive director of Strider Education Foundation, the nonprofit that operates All Kids Bike, expressed her gratitude for Yamaha’s generous support and the commitment of school districts like LAUSD, “The unwavering support of generous donors like Yamaha and the steadfast commitment of school districts in recognizing the profound importance of the All Kids Bike program, empower us to bring the joy of riding to countless children, fostering not only physical skills but also a sense of freedom, confidence, and happiness that will positively impact their lives for years to come.”

In 2023, All Kids Bike received a $100,000 grant from the Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative, bringing Yamaha’s total commitment to All Kids Bike programs over the past three years to $200,000.

“Yamaha is about creating experiences, creating memories, and today we’re about getting these kids on bikes,” said Steve Nessl, Yamaha Motorsports marketing manager. “Too many kids don’t get the opportunity to learn how to ride a bike these days. We hope these grants help inspire some of these kids to enjoy having fun outdoors, get some exercise, and be excited about school.”


If it’s a Hogs Party you know it is going to be HHHUUGGGEEEE and we want to invite you ALL to join us in celebrating our 31st Hogs-I-Versary,

Friday, September 29th through Sunday, October 1.

Starting things off on Friday, September 29th at 6pm with LIVE MUSIC from Detective Frog, Algorerhythm and The Far Worst. Of course, for any good party there has to be a Celebratory Toast and we’ll have a very special one at 8:30pm, sponsored by Fireball Whisky.

Saturday, September 30 we’re having a FREE CAR SHOW presented by Chops Barbershop and Shave Parlor and La Tienda Vintage Clothing and Goods starting at 4pm and LIVE MUSIC from Eddie Clendening and the Blue Ribbon Boys. Then starting at 7:30pm we have MORE LIVE MUSIC from Noize Complaint, Ash Easton and American Voodoo.

Sunday, October 1 we’re bringing out the grill for a gold ole’ Hogs & Heifers FREE Barbeque from 2pm – 6pm and Live Music from The Moanin’ Blacksnakes, Stanley Ave and Manda Lyn from 5pm – 9pm.

Who’s Invited? You’re Invited as long as you are 21+ w/ID and even better we have NO COVER CHARGE! Spread the word, grab your friends and get ready for a weekend party at Hogs like no other.


The Eastside invitational at the leadroom tilbury docks.

It’s a big pleasure to have White’s Boots grace the pages of Issue 101.

170 years of American made history!

Peep the DicE Blog for more.

–DicE Blog

PANHEAD OF THE WEEK—1948 first year of the Panhead.

1948 Harley-Davidson found in a Building in Michigan City Indiana

–Sam Burns
Chief Curator™

[page break]


Vance & Hines/Harley-Davidson racer Hayden Gillim Wins Saturday Race and Crowned King of the Baggers Series Champion.

Harley-Davidson Screamin’ Eagle factory rider Kyle Wyman scored his seventh win of the season and Vance & Hines/Mission Foods Harley-Davidson rider Hayden Gillim secured the season championship on Sunday in the final race of the 2023 MotoAmerica Mission King of the Baggers series at New Jersey Motorsports Park in Millville, N.J. Vance & Hines/Mission Foods rider James Rispoli finished second in the championship standings and Wyman was third as Harley-Davidson riders claimed the top three spots in final series points.

“It’s been one of, if not the best, year of my life,” said Gillim, who won three races with eight additional podium finishes on the season. “I’m really happy to bring this home for Vance & Hines, for Mission Foods, and for Harley-Davidson. Next season will be a real scrap in this series. Honestly the field is stacked, and if everybody stays next year it’s going to be a tough championship to hold onto.”

In the Friday qualifying session, Wyman broke his own New Jersey Motorsports Park class lap record of 1:24.447 aboard his race-prepared Harley-Davidson® Road Glide® motorcycle. That time would never be approached for the rest of the weekend, as rain resulted in very wet to damp conditions on the 2.25-mile, 12-turn road course on Saturday and Sunday.

Gillim (215 points), Rispoli (213 points) and Wyman (204 points) were each in contention for the championship before the start of the first eight-lap King of the Baggers race on Saturday. As the riders completed a warm-up lap in the rain, Wyman lost control and slid off track. He was able to remount and start the race, but his motorcycle was damaged, and he retired on lap 3. Gillim took the race lead on lap 3 and was never challenged as early leader Rispoli could not match his pace on the wet track and settled for second place, 9.10 seconds behind Gillim. Harley-Davidson® Screamin’ Eagle® factory rider Travis Wyman battled to finish in third place and score his first podium finish of the season, just 0.40 seconds behind Rispoli. After the Saturday race, Gillim led Rispoli by 7 championship points, and Wyman was out of contention for the title.

Kyle Wyman bounced back to win the Sunday race, taking the lead on lap 2, after Rispoli ran off the wet track. Wyman opened a gap and stretched his lead to 3.724 seconds over second place Gillim at the finish. Max Flinders finished third on the M3/Revolution Performance Indian. Rispoli finished in seventh place.

“After Rispoli went off, I just tried to be patient, not make a mistake and open a gap,” said Wyman. “I suppose a win in the last race sends a message. It really stings to come up short in the championship after winning the most races, but I’m also proud of my race wins, proud of the team and what it has accomplished from a development standpoint, which trickles down to the other Harley teams. This has been a crazy year and obviously this weekend did not end as we hoped it might, but Harley-Davidson is one-two-three in the championship and that’s the next-best result for us. I want to send a big thanks to everyone at Harley who worked so hard for us this season, and we’ll be back to get them next year.”

At the conclusion of the 14-race 2023 MotoAmerica Mission King of the Baggers series, Gillim wins the championship with 260 points. Rispoli is second with 242 points, followed by Kyle Wyman with 229 points. Wyman won seven of 14 races on the season, with one additional podium finish. Jake Lewis rode a Team Saddlemen Harley-Davidson Road Glide motorcycle to seventh place with 126 points. Travis Wyman placed eighth with 112 points.

The Mission King of the Baggers series features race-prepared American V-Twin touring motorcycles. Harley-Davidson Factory Team Road Glide motorcycles are powered by modified Screamin’ Eagle Milwaukee-Eight 131 Performance Crate Engines. The team bikes also feature upgraded suspension components, including Screamin’ Eagle/Öhlins Remote Reservoir Rear Shocks, plus competition exhaust, race tires and lightweight bodywork.

MotoAmerica King of the Baggers Race Results – New Jersey Motorsports Park Race 1

  1. Hayden Gillim (H-D) Vance & Hines/Mission Foods/Harley-Davidson
  2. James Rispoli (H-D) Vance & Hines/Mission Foods/Harley-Davidson
  3. Travis Wyman (H-D) Screamin’ Eagle Harley-Davidson
  4. Kyle Ohnsorg (Ind) Roland Sands Design
  5. Bobby Fong (Ind) Sacramento Mile/SDI Racing/Roland Sands Design
  6. Jake Lewis (H-D) Team Saddlemen
  7. Max Flinders (Ind) M3/Revolution Performance
  8. Tyler O’Hara (Ind) Progressive/Mission Foods
  9. Frankie Garcia (H-D) Team Saddlemen
  10. Patricia Fernandez-West (H-D) Team Saddlemen
  11. DNF. Kyle Wyman (H-D) Screamin’ Eagle Harley-Davidson
  12. DNF. Cody Wyman (H-D) Team Saddlemen
  13. DNF. Jeremy McWilliams (Ind) Progressive/Mission Foods

MotoAmerica King of the Baggers Race Results – New Jersey Motorsports Park Race 2

  1. Kyle Wyman (H-D) Screamin’ Eagle Harley-Davidson
  2. Hayden Gillim (H-D) Vance & Hines/Mission Foods/Harley-Davidson
  3. Max Flinders (Ind) M3/Revolution Performance
  4. Bobby Fong (Ind) Sacramento Mile/SDI Racing/Roland Sands
  5. Jeremy McWilliams (Ind) Progressive/Mission Foods
  6. Travis Wyman (H-D) Screamin’ Eagle Harley-Davidson
  7. James Rispoli (H-D) Vance & Hines/Mission Foods/Harley-Davidson
  8. Kyle Ohnsorg (Ind) Roland Sands Design
  9. Jake Lewis (H-D) Team Saddlemen
  10. Frankie Garcia (H-D) Team Saddlemen
  11. Patricia Fernandez-West (H-D) Team Saddlemen
  12. DNF. Tyler O’Hara (Ind) Progressive/Mission Foods
  13. DNF. Cody Wyman (H-D) Team Saddlemen

Harley-Davidson invites you to enhance the 2023 MotoAmerica King of the Baggers season with some adrenaline pumping action. Check out, ‘Push the Limit,’ a film that shares the story of defending 2021 champion Kyle Wyman, teammate Travis Wyman and the Harley-Davidson Screamin’ Eagle race team’s 2022 championship pursuit. Watch it now on Harley-Davidson’s YouTube channel.

Harley-Davidson stands for the timeless pursuit of adventure and freedom for the soul. Go to to learn more about the complete line of 2023 Harley-Davidson Grand American Touring, Sport, Adventure Touring, Cruiser and Trike motorcycles, Harley-Davidson Certified™ pre-owned motorcycles, Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Parts & Accessories, Harley-Davidson MotorClothes and gear, and Harley-Davidson Financial Services.

MAMA TRIED UPDATE–Enter for your chance to win Scott’s bike!

This is the first column…
2024 Giveaway Bike
Are you feeling lucky?

It’s our 10th Anniversary so we are going big and inviting our sponsors to help us customize every inch of this bike.

– Sawicki Speed
– Saddlemen
– Bare Knuckle Performance
– Speed Kings Cycle Supply
– Klock Werks
– Hofmann Designs
– TC Bros
– Lowbrow Customs
Lots of custom goodies coming to this one.
– Keep an eye out for update videos, pics & podcasts!

 P.S. did we mention this is Scott’s bike…?
– Who wouldn’t want a bike that belongs to one of the masterminds behind the Mama Tried Motorcycle Show?!

Purchase the 2024 Giveaway Bike Sticker Sheet for entry into the giveaway. One (1) sticker sheet = one (1) entry.


New Products You’ve Been Waiting For!

127-23 Harley JD Intake Pushrods. 1 Pair. 1923-1929 74″ MOTORS
Harley JD 74″ INTAKE PUSHRODS (1 Pair) Fits 1923-1929 74″ Motors. 9.590″ Long Precision machined in one piece from high strength 420 Stainless Steel.

MOTOR MOUNT BOLTS, NUTS & COTTER PINS. Fits 1919 – 1929 All Twins Parkerized. 1.90″ LONG


Monday morning, after nearly two years of delay, the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) announced the initial steps to establish the Motorcyclist Advisory Council (MAC). In November of 2021, Congress passed, and President Biden signed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Included in the law was reformation of the MAC.

The MAC will coordinate with and advise the Secretary of Transportation, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Administrator, and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Administrator on transportation issues of concern to motorcyclists, including motorcycle and motorcyclist safety; barrier and road design, construction, and maintenance practices; and the architecture and implementation of intelligent transportation system technologies.

As stated in the announcement, “The MAC seeks to have a fairly balanced membership with expertise in motorcycle and motorcyclist safety, highway engineering, and safety analysis.” Of the 13 seats open on the MAC, “One shall be a representative of a national motorcyclist foundation.” The Motorcycle Riders Foundation looks forward to putting qualified candidates forward to fill not only this designated seat but other seats on the board as well.

Nominations are due by December 15, 2023. If you would like to read more about the MAC, its mission, and its membership click here to read the full announcement from the Federal Register.

The MRF would like to thank all lawmakers in Washington D.C. who fought for the creation and establishment of the MAC. Special thanks to the 13 Members of the House of Representatives who sent this letter to USDOT in May.

The MRF will share more news on the MAC, its membership, future hearings, and findings in the coming months.

As always Ride Safe and Ride Free!


Here’s some pics I shot yesterday, Sunday Sept. 24, in Oceanside, (CA) of the 2023 Cannonball Cross Country Vintage Motorcycle Race Grand Finale.

I even found a Hamster (Bob Zoella) in the mix. He was riding the 1925 Harley # plate 61. And Micah’s is the red Indian.

UGLY Dinner in Las Vegas.
Great UGLY time!!

–El Waggs


Very Early S&S Carburetor. Clean, all threads look good. $250

From George Wood on Facebook
Located in new Orleans LA

–Sam Burns

NEW 250 MOTOCROSSER from Triumph unleashed — at the SuperMotocross World Championship Final

Complete revelation of eagerly awaited Triumph 250 is scheduled for November 28, 2023, and was announced on the giant screens of the stadium.

On September 23rd, Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum in California was the venue for SuperMotocross World Championship Final, and the spectators had the additional thrill of witnessing the first Triumph 250cc motocross bike in action.

Two Triumph motocross motorcycles made a grand entrance into the arena accompanied with pyrotechnics and fanfare.

The highly anticipated production model motorcycle was ridden by Jeff ‘Six Time’ Stanton, a former champion who had previously won a championship at this very Coliseum. The other motorcycle saw Ricky Carmichael, also known as the GOAT (Greatest of All Time), riding with his own graphics and non-standard specification components on the Triumph 250.

Marking this moment, Triumph also launched its new Triumph Racing website and social media channels. Follow the action @OfficialTriumphRacing on Instagram and Facebook.

Read at the Bikernet Blog:

Thanks & regards,
Editor: Bikernet Blog & Facebook Page

EL CAMINO SHOW THIS WEEKEND— This Saturday, Sept. 30, 2023

8am to 2pm – Rain or Shine
El Camino College – Torrance, CA



In Harley-Davidson’s desperate search for volume sales, will there be a smaller Harley-Davidson X210 in India?

Psst….it is rumored to be powered by the same 210cc single-cylinder engine found in the Hero Karizma XMR.

–by Ujjwal Dey

Coming soon, an article about it, this weekend….only on

ASK YOUR U.S. Representative to Support the CARS Act
Encourage support from lawmakers for this bill:

U.S. Representative Tim Walberg (R-MI) introduced a SEMA-supported bill, the “Choice in Automobile Retail Sales (CARS) Act” (H.R. 4468), to prevent the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from finalizing its proposed emissions standards that seeks to have electric vehicles make up 67% of new vehicles sold by 2032. The House Energy and Commerce Committee passed H.R. 4468 in July. SEMA is now working to ensure the legislation receives a vote in the House of Representatives.

If passed into law, the CARS Act would stop regulatory overreach by the EPA, allowing consumers to have the freedom to choose the technology that powers their vehicles. As proposed, the EPA’s rules would force auto manufacturers to meet unrealistic mandates driven by the most aggressive light-duty emissions regulations in U.S. history.



All you people cussing and cursing journalists and reporters online– maybe now there is an online competitor to ‘face’ and respond to brickbats. And sticks and stones won’t break their spirit or backup.

Many jobs do end with progress of technology, from steam engines to emergence of factory machinery and affordable air-transport . Now AI may kill those offensive journalists and their jobs, feeding you whatever pleases your eye and mind.

Personalized news to appease you.

Bots are taking over the world wide web and soon bookstores too would have fiction novels not from Dan Brown or J K Rowling. You would be able to buy and read and review novels from Apple, Microsoft, Google, Disney, Sony, et al.

Why Silicon Valley’s biggest AI developers are hiring poets.

Training data companies are grabbing writers of fiction, drama, poetry, and also general humanities experts to improve AI creative writing.

Hires are asked to write original short stories to feed AI models, as part of a drive to boost the literary quality of generative writing tools. Silicon Valley training data giants Scale AI and Appen are hiring poets and writers with humanities backgrounds, including in Hindi and Japanese.

From SubStack of Ujjwal Dey at:


“So long as we live among men, let us cherish humanity.”
~ Andre Gide

–Epoch Times


Check out the location.

–Sam Burns
Feature Bike Editor

Every FTW Swap Event for the past decade has sold out of booth space.. Reserve early!!!!!

18th Annual Fort Worth Motorcycle Expo & Swap Meet


10% off the rare stuff

We’ve just added some fresh rarities to our collectibles section in the webstore. These are hard to find (sometimes impossible to find!) or one-off motorcycle-related items – not always cheap, but nearly always super-scarce. So if there’s something you like, be quick – and don’t hesitate to click ‘buy’, cos they’re not coming around again!

Just type in the discount code RARE10 when prompted during the checkout process to get your 10% off. It’s valid for 48 hours.

Oh – and if you still don’t have new issue 94 (with Todd Asin and his stunning Panhead on the cover), we have a few copies left…

BIG Bundle, BIG value

The Big Bundle: you give us £10 (plus postage) and we send you THREE randomly picked, brand new, premium-sized, perfect bound, more recent big ‘n’ beefy back issues. While stock lasts!



Save money and hassle: if you want four issues delivered to your door automatically, starting with current issue 94, then subscribe. You’ll save a little on the cover price, never miss a sold-out issue, and save time ordering…


Our mailing address is:
Greasy Kulture
85 Great Portland Street
First Floor
London, W1W 7LT
United Kingdom



Sling Shot Footpeg Adapter

Use this footpeg adapter to mount a footpeg wherever you have a 5/16 mounting point or mount it to the pivot point on any of our Sling Shot Brake or Clutch Controls.


“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”
~ Will Rogers


This might dent the sales of other motorcycle brands in North America and Europe.

Royal Enfield Shotgun 650 Engine Specifications, Dimensions Leaked: Details Here

Shotgun 650 was approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency for 2024, according to a report last month. The bobber has gained the green light from the Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI), and a document showing the engine specifications and dimensions of the motorcycle has been released recently. The Royal Enfield Shotgun 650 will be a sibling model to the new Super Meteor 650 and will have more street bike ergonomics.

Read the full story at:

Editor: Bikernet Blog & Facebook Page

I WANT TO SAY SOMETHING—But I don’t know how to describe it. We are having the time of our lives in the Black Hills. Guys ask me all the time about moving to snow country. It’s not so much about the move. It’s the ability to pack your shit and find a new adventure. It doesn’t matter where you go, just get it done, if you have the balls.

The second part of the equation is the fact that we can still do pretty much whatever we want to do, for now.

Irish Rich came over yesterday and we took a look at my clutch issue for the VL, XA, FL project and rolled down to a machine shop in Spearfish where we discussed some machine work with Reno.

Then we drove to Rich’s shop and loaded Vicki’s ’84 Shovelhead, the last year of the Shovelhead platform into the 5-Ball van. I supplied a part or two and Rich did all the work to convert it back from a Jockey-shift to a foot-shift bike.

We returned the bike to Vicki, made her day.

I’m switching out the Paughco flat track bars for a pair of Nash custom made high-bars. I dinged them slightly and sprayed them with Rust-oleum satin-black paint. Now I’m grappling with the cables. We will see.

I’m helping John with his new ’60 Panhead project. We are rebuilding the carb and I dug out this old manual and all my Linkert carb parts. I was able for find many of the needed parts, but not all of them. He ordered some and a new float for the float bowl. I will clean and clear the body and reassemble it.


I spotted this Knucklehead in downtown Sturgis and a sharp Royal Enfield in Deadwood where I saw Charlie Rust riding one of his Knuckleheads.

So, what’s next? I’m going to give it a shot to get an agent with William Morris for my fiction and books. I’m going to Deadwood to hit the city up to rebuild my home retaining wall. Everything is shifting. I’ll roll back over to Vicki’s with a truck battery charger.

Also, tomorrow my plan is to revisit book projects for next year. So, hang on.

And don’t forget to get involved and informed. There are a couple of websites you can check on once in a while: Watts Up with That, the CO2 coalition site and Climate Realism. Find one you like and follow it.

We need the truth forever.


Read More

The Wake-up Bikernet Weekly News from September 28, 2023

Seek the truth….get involved and informed

I WANT TO SAY SOMETHING—But I don’t know how to describe it. We are having the time of our lives in the Black Hills. Guys ask me all the time about moving to snow country. It’s not so much about the move. It’s the ability to pack your shit and find a new adventure. It doesn’t matter where you go, just get it done, if you have the balls.

The second part of the equation is the fact that we can still do pretty much whatever we want to do, for now.

— Bandit

Click here to read this week’s news only on

* * * * * * * * * * * *

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THE WAKE-UP BIKERNET WEEKLY NEWS from September 28, 2023


I will make this quick. Just recently the MRF had a very successful Meeting of the Minds legislative conference in Harrisburg, PA. A couple of brothers were there to discuss ICE bans and End of Life regulations for old cars and motorcycles, Chris Callen from Cycle Source and Bob Kay helped out.

There’s a new documentary about fossil fuel use in England and although the UK only produces 1 percent of the global emissions, they propose using violence to force additional regulations.

What’s the bottom line? I believe it’s ignorance and education. Folks all over the world need to start reading and learn about these issues. There are tons of books available.

The other thing that needs to happen is the forced censorship, fear, and bullying must stop. We need to read the facts and understand the issues without censorship.

Let’s hit the news.

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum.

I have some great news to share with you! We just scored a big win against the Mileage Tax that California politicians have been trying to impose for the past three years – but the fight is far from over!

CA politicians proposed a 6 cent-per-mile tax that would cost the average driver $900 per year. That’s on top of the existing sky-high car and gas taxes we pay. To implement the tax, they needed to pilot it within a large county and they selected San Diego County as the first up.

This morning the politicians who sit on the board of San Diego County’s SANDAG were forced to vote today to remove the Mileage Tax from the San Diego county’s regional transportation plan! This big win comes after we waged an aggressive public pressure campaign over the past 3 years that included 21 community Town Halls, countless mailers and texts, and the defeat in the 2022 election of several high-profile politicians who backed this crazy mileage tax.

Public pressure worked – for now. The next phase of fighting this tax is to stop the California Air Resources Board (CARB) from requiring San Diego to impose the Mileage Tax by mandate. This is a very real threat.

That’s why passing the California Taxpayer Protection Initiative in 2024 is key because language in that initiative explicitly states that mileage taxes will not be allowed without a public vote.

Can you help us celebrate this key win against the CA Mileage Tax and continue to fight by contributing anything today?


Wins like this are rare – but the battle must continue. Thank you for your continued support in this fight!

Carl DeMaio

Bagger Racing League is Back at the Daytona International Speedway!

The Bagger Racing League (BRL) and the American Sport Bike Racing Association (ASRA) are teaming up to bring back two, thrilling bagger racing classes to ASRA’s Race of Champions at the iconic Daytona International Speedway on October 21st.

After successful races in Pittsburgh and Blackhawk Farms, Bagger Racing League and ASRA are joining forces to deliver a full lineup of action-packed races. You won’t want to miss BRL’s renowned Bagger GP class and an exciting new AMA-sanctioned Production Stock Bagger class, featuring the hottest up-and-coming racers.

“We are excited to team up with Bagger Racing League and AMA to bring back these two bagger racing classes to our championship series in Daytona said ASRA President, Alex Spellman. As the originators of bagger racing, BRL brings an unrivaled level of cool factor and competitive spirit to our races.” “We plan to expand BRL’s participation into our national race series for 2024 and in the years to come.”

In addition to the Daytona Race of Champions, Bagger Racing League is also hosting its own championship race at the Willow Springs International Raceway in Rosamond, CA on November 18th, and 19th. This grand finale will determine the best Harley-Davidson and Indian Motorcycle bagger racers for the2023 series.

Rob Buydos, the founder, and president of Bagger Racing League, sees ASRA’s national race series as a tremendous opportunity for the V-Twin industry. He believes that this partnership will expose the next generation of consumers to the thrill of riding and racing American, V-Twin motorcycles. Don’t miss out on the thrilling action at ASRA’s Daytona Race of Champions and Bagger Racing League’s grand finale in Rosamond, CA.

For race info and registration information click the link here: DAYTONA ROC 10-19/22 – Evolve GT Track Days | Motorcycle Track Day ( or contact ASRA at (725) 755-7550 or


I believe this is the hottest topic on the planet for everyone including every kid and every motorcyclist.

Internal Combustion Engine Bans, where did they come from? I watched Al Gore’s compelling documentary in 2007 and was impressed, but he asked questions and discovered Al basically lied to kids all over the world for power and personal gain. His wealth skyrocketed from a few million to over 400 million.

His CO2 doomsday has caused an attack on every form of our well-being from heaters to gas stoves and in particular Internal Combustion Engines. I started to let Bikernet readers know the scientific truth and searched for solutions.

It wasn’t until this year and through the leadership of the MRF that I started to see a small light at the end of a daily darkening tunnel. We all witnessed leaders of the MIC waking up. We watched SEMA, the largest automotive organization stand up and last week with the help of the MRF HR 1435 passed 220-190 to stop the ICE vehicle mandates. It’s unlikely it will pass the Senate. Everyone needs to write to their Senators.

But the premise remains. We are doomed unless we change the climate by eliminating CO2. Inspired by the growing number of organizations fighting back, I created a resolution to force congress to challenge and study the bottom line on a national stage. With the help of Kirk and the board of the MRF including Rocky their lobbyist, we made minor successes in South Dakota. All we want is the truth, to expose the untruths, level the playing field and make Freedom a priority again. A CO2 molecule from your exhaust pipe is the same as a natural CO2 molecule and we need more of them. It’s not a pollutant.

Just to wrap it up, I wanted to mention that we’re not alone in the fight for ICE vehicles and scientific proof. There are scientific groups all over the world stepping up, including 1600 scientists, including Nobel prize winners who have signed a declaration, “There is no Climate Emergency.” But we must be vigilant. Three weeks ago in Montana, a judge sided with a group of kids who were paid to sue the state to take control of the entire energy sector.

I immediately reached out to the MRF and ultimately to Rocky their lobbyist. I also reached out to a physicist in Montana, Ed Berry, who recently beat an alarmist lawsuit in Montana. I also reached out to Greg Wrightstone, the executive director of the CO2 Coalition, a group of scientists who are trying to spread the good word about CO2 and prevent misinformation.

Rocky immediately spoke to a legislator’s staff in Montana, and between this legislator, the CO2 Coalition and Ed Berry a team is in place to defeat this ruling during the appeal process. The MRF was on the case.

Finally, a presidential candidate is stepping up against the doomsday movement. Vivek has publicly stated Climate Alarmist are wrong. With the MRF at our backs freedom will ride high once more.

–K. Ball


This month is your last opportunity to win an expense-paid trip to be our VIP guest on raffle weekend on top of your chance at winning the beautiful 1937 Knucklehead raffle bike.

Your VIP experience includes three days of admission to the museum, a 2-night stay in Maggie Valley, and $300 in travel expenses along with lunch and special recognition during raffle day. Remember, this is the last month to get your chance at an expense-paid trip to beautiful Maggie Valley, NC, and to spend our biggest day of the year with us as a VIP guest.

Raffle Day is always a fun-filled day with historic machines, live music, food trucks, and of course, finding out who will be riding home on the ’37 Knucklehead. Make your plans now to join us on November 18th!


“The universal brotherhood of man is our most precious possession, what there is of it.”
–Mark Twain

–from Epoch Times



I have been tempted to buy that as a toy sometimes. It is made entirely of steel unlike Jap and other scooters.




Piaggio looks to enhance premium play; forays into bike segment with Aprilia RS 457

Italy’s Piaggio Group aims to enhance its presence in the premium two-wheeler segment in India, as more and more customers seek feature-rich options for mobility requirements, according to a top company executive.

The company, which is present in India through a wholly-owned subsidiary — Piaggio Vehicles, has forayed into the growing mid-size bike segment by unveiling Aprilia RS 457.

“There is an increase in expectations of Indian consumers as they seek more than just a vehicle to commute from one place to another,” Piaggio Vehicles Chairman and MD Diego Graffi added.

Read full story at:

Bikernet Blog





This magnificent car, which reminds me of some Delahay cars from the ‘30s was hand built by Rick Dore.

It ended up briefly behind Jim Waggaman’s Air Stream Studios shop in Escondido, Calif. Jim or El Waggs is a longtime contributor to Bikernet.

Then we found out that this car was purchased by Joe Teresi of Easyriders and placed in a windowed room in his home. Incredible.



Exile on Front Street Review:

I was planning on reading it before I read this review. NOW I’m compelled too.

This review was very interesting and one of the more uniquely written and enjoyable to read ones I have ever read.

Well done J.J.

–El Waggs


  • Celebrity Athletes Deliver Bike Program to 74th Street Elementary School
  • Ahead of SuperMotocross Championship Weekend at Los Angeles Coliseum

All Kids Bike, the nonprofit dedicated to equipping schools with the resources needed to teach children how to ride bikes in kindergarten PE class, kicked off the 2023-24 school year with two new program activations at Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) schools thanks to a $100,000 grant from Yamaha Motor Corp., USA, via its Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative (OAI).

The first two recipients of the All Kids Bike Kindergarten Learn-to-Ride PE Program, courtesy of the Yamaha grant, were 74th Street Elementary and Virginia Roads Elementary, both of which are Title 1 schools in LAUSD.

To help get the kids excited about the new program and raise awareness for the All Kids Bike mission, some of Yamaha’s celebrity athletes and ambassadors helped deliver an entire fleet of new bikes to 74th Street Elementary School Friday morning. SuperMotocross cameras were on hand to capture the moment for broadcasts during its Race Day Live and Gate Drop coverage, scheduled to air on Peacock and USA Network, respectively.

On hand to unveil the bikes and help the kids with their first ride around the playground were Yamaha Star Racing’s Eli Tomac, a 2-time Monster Energy Supercross 450 Champion, 4-time Pro Motocross 450 Champion, and 2022 Motocross of Nations Winner; Yamaha Ambassador Ryan Villopoto, the 4-time Supercross Champion, 2-time 450 Motocross Champion, and 3-time 250 Motocross Champion; Yamaha Ambassador Damon Bradshaw, known as one of the all-time top 10 Supercross riders; and Yamaha Bicycles and All Kids Bike ambassador Brian Lopes, a Mountain Bike and BMX Hall of Fame inductee.

“You never forget when you learned to ride a bike, and I’ll never forget seeing how excited these kids were when we showed them the fleet of shiny new bikes and gave them a first ride,” said Eli Tomac, two-time Monster Energy AMA Supercross 450MX Champion, four-time Pro Motocross 450MX Champion, 2022 Motocross of Nations Winner. “We’re here to help raise awareness for the All Kids Bike program and to get people excited about bringing this program to more schools in Los Angeles and across the country. Riding bikes is one of the most fun things you can do when you’re a kid, and it’s also a really important skill that gives you confidence and a sense of freedom you just can’t get any other way.”

The fun and interactive event included LAUSD Region South Administrator Juanita Rainey-Woods, Will Celestine and Maggie Yu-DiPasquale with LAUSD Wellness Programs, and Adriana Valenzuela with LAUSD Physical Education who were on hand to celebrate with the kids. All Kids Bike’s goal is to eventually get the program into every school in LAUSD.

“Student outcomes depend largely on their access to a safe, loving environment and rich learning experiences,” said Dr. Cairen Ireland, principal of 74th Street Elementary and Gifted Magnet. “It’s partners like All Kids Bike and Yamaha that help bridge our scholars to these great opportunities. Fostering wellness and having fun while doing it, is a win-win!”

The All Kids Bike Kindergarten Learn-to-Ride PE Program includes a fleet of 24 balance bikes, pedal conversion kits, helmets, a teacher instruction bike, SHAPE-standard curriculum, teacher training, and equipment storage racks. It’s everything needed to teach kids how to progress from balance to riding a bike in 8 lessons. Among the 434 elementary schools in LAUSD, over 68 have already adopted the All Kids Bike program into their PE curriculum, recognizing the significant value of this skill in enhancing children’s lives both in and out of the classroom.

Lisa Weyer, executive director of Strider Education Foundation, the nonprofit that operates All Kids Bike, expressed her gratitude for Yamaha’s generous support and the commitment of school districts like LAUSD, “The unwavering support of generous donors like Yamaha and the steadfast commitment of school districts in recognizing the profound importance of the All Kids Bike program, empower us to bring the joy of riding to countless children, fostering not only physical skills but also a sense of freedom, confidence, and happiness that will positively impact their lives for years to come.”

In 2023, All Kids Bike received a $100,000 grant from the Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative, bringing Yamaha’s total commitment to All Kids Bike programs over the past three years to $200,000.

“Yamaha is about creating experiences, creating memories, and today we’re about getting these kids on bikes,” said Steve Nessl, Yamaha Motorsports marketing manager. “Too many kids don’t get the opportunity to learn how to ride a bike these days. We hope these grants help inspire some of these kids to enjoy having fun outdoors, get some exercise, and be excited about school.”


If it’s a Hogs Party you know it is going to be HHHUUGGGEEEE and we want to invite you ALL to join us in celebrating our 31st Hogs-I-Versary,

Friday, September 29th through Sunday, October 1.

Starting things off on Friday, September 29th at 6pm with LIVE MUSIC from Detective Frog, Algorerhythm and The Far Worst. Of course, for any good party there has to be a Celebratory Toast and we’ll have a very special one at 8:30pm, sponsored by Fireball Whisky.

Saturday, September 30 we’re having a FREE CAR SHOW presented by Chops Barbershop and Shave Parlor and La Tienda Vintage Clothing and Goods starting at 4pm and LIVE MUSIC from Eddie Clendening and the Blue Ribbon Boys. Then starting at 7:30pm we have MORE LIVE MUSIC from Noize Complaint, Ash Easton and American Voodoo.

Sunday, October 1 we’re bringing out the grill for a gold ole’ Hogs & Heifers FREE Barbeque from 2pm – 6pm and Live Music from The Moanin’ Blacksnakes, Stanley Ave and Manda Lyn from 5pm – 9pm.

Who’s Invited? You’re Invited as long as you are 21+ w/ID and even better we have NO COVER CHARGE! Spread the word, grab your friends and get ready for a weekend party at Hogs like no other.


The Eastside invitational at the leadroom tilbury docks.

It’s a big pleasure to have White’s Boots grace the pages of Issue 101.

170 years of American made history!

Peep the DicE Blog for more.

–DicE Blog

PANHEAD OF THE WEEK—1948 first year of the Panhead.

1948 Harley-Davidson found in a Building in Michigan City Indiana

–Sam Burns
Chief Curator™

[page break]


Vance & Hines/Harley-Davidson racer Hayden Gillim Wins Saturday Race and Crowned King of the Baggers Series Champion.

Harley-Davidson Screamin’ Eagle factory rider Kyle Wyman scored his seventh win of the season and Vance & Hines/Mission Foods Harley-Davidson rider Hayden Gillim secured the season championship on Sunday in the final race of the 2023 MotoAmerica Mission King of the Baggers series at New Jersey Motorsports Park in Millville, N.J. Vance & Hines/Mission Foods rider James Rispoli finished second in the championship standings and Wyman was third as Harley-Davidson riders claimed the top three spots in final series points.

“It’s been one of, if not the best, year of my life,” said Gillim, who won three races with eight additional podium finishes on the season. “I’m really happy to bring this home for Vance & Hines, for Mission Foods, and for Harley-Davidson. Next season will be a real scrap in this series. Honestly the field is stacked, and if everybody stays next year it’s going to be a tough championship to hold onto.”

In the Friday qualifying session, Wyman broke his own New Jersey Motorsports Park class lap record of 1:24.447 aboard his race-prepared Harley-Davidson® Road Glide® motorcycle. That time would never be approached for the rest of the weekend, as rain resulted in very wet to damp conditions on the 2.25-mile, 12-turn road course on Saturday and Sunday.

Gillim (215 points), Rispoli (213 points) and Wyman (204 points) were each in contention for the championship before the start of the first eight-lap King of the Baggers race on Saturday. As the riders completed a warm-up lap in the rain, Wyman lost control and slid off track. He was able to remount and start the race, but his motorcycle was damaged, and he retired on lap 3. Gillim took the race lead on lap 3 and was never challenged as early leader Rispoli could not match his pace on the wet track and settled for second place, 9.10 seconds behind Gillim. Harley-Davidson® Screamin’ Eagle® factory rider Travis Wyman battled to finish in third place and score his first podium finish of the season, just 0.40 seconds behind Rispoli. After the Saturday race, Gillim led Rispoli by 7 championship points, and Wyman was out of contention for the title.

Kyle Wyman bounced back to win the Sunday race, taking the lead on lap 2, after Rispoli ran off the wet track. Wyman opened a gap and stretched his lead to 3.724 seconds over second place Gillim at the finish. Max Flinders finished third on the M3/Revolution Performance Indian. Rispoli finished in seventh place.

“After Rispoli went off, I just tried to be patient, not make a mistake and open a gap,” said Wyman. “I suppose a win in the last race sends a message. It really stings to come up short in the championship after winning the most races, but I’m also proud of my race wins, proud of the team and what it has accomplished from a development standpoint, which trickles down to the other Harley teams. This has been a crazy year and obviously this weekend did not end as we hoped it might, but Harley-Davidson is one-two-three in the championship and that’s the next-best result for us. I want to send a big thanks to everyone at Harley who worked so hard for us this season, and we’ll be back to get them next year.”

At the conclusion of the 14-race 2023 MotoAmerica Mission King of the Baggers series, Gillim wins the championship with 260 points. Rispoli is second with 242 points, followed by Kyle Wyman with 229 points. Wyman won seven of 14 races on the season, with one additional podium finish. Jake Lewis rode a Team Saddlemen Harley-Davidson Road Glide motorcycle to seventh place with 126 points. Travis Wyman placed eighth with 112 points.

The Mission King of the Baggers series features race-prepared American V-Twin touring motorcycles. Harley-Davidson Factory Team Road Glide motorcycles are powered by modified Screamin’ Eagle Milwaukee-Eight 131 Performance Crate Engines. The team bikes also feature upgraded suspension components, including Screamin’ Eagle/Öhlins Remote Reservoir Rear Shocks, plus competition exhaust, race tires and lightweight bodywork.

MotoAmerica King of the Baggers Race Results – New Jersey Motorsports Park Race 1

  1. Hayden Gillim (H-D) Vance & Hines/Mission Foods/Harley-Davidson
  2. James Rispoli (H-D) Vance & Hines/Mission Foods/Harley-Davidson
  3. Travis Wyman (H-D) Screamin’ Eagle Harley-Davidson
  4. Kyle Ohnsorg (Ind) Roland Sands Design
  5. Bobby Fong (Ind) Sacramento Mile/SDI Racing/Roland Sands Design
  6. Jake Lewis (H-D) Team Saddlemen
  7. Max Flinders (Ind) M3/Revolution Performance
  8. Tyler O’Hara (Ind) Progressive/Mission Foods
  9. Frankie Garcia (H-D) Team Saddlemen
  10. Patricia Fernandez-West (H-D) Team Saddlemen
  11. DNF. Kyle Wyman (H-D) Screamin’ Eagle Harley-Davidson
  12. DNF. Cody Wyman (H-D) Team Saddlemen
  13. DNF. Jeremy McWilliams (Ind) Progressive/Mission Foods

MotoAmerica King of the Baggers Race Results – New Jersey Motorsports Park Race 2

  1. Kyle Wyman (H-D) Screamin’ Eagle Harley-Davidson
  2. Hayden Gillim (H-D) Vance & Hines/Mission Foods/Harley-Davidson
  3. Max Flinders (Ind) M3/Revolution Performance
  4. Bobby Fong (Ind) Sacramento Mile/SDI Racing/Roland Sands
  5. Jeremy McWilliams (Ind) Progressive/Mission Foods
  6. Travis Wyman (H-D) Screamin’ Eagle Harley-Davidson
  7. James Rispoli (H-D) Vance & Hines/Mission Foods/Harley-Davidson
  8. Kyle Ohnsorg (Ind) Roland Sands Design
  9. Jake Lewis (H-D) Team Saddlemen
  10. Frankie Garcia (H-D) Team Saddlemen
  11. Patricia Fernandez-West (H-D) Team Saddlemen
  12. DNF. Tyler O’Hara (Ind) Progressive/Mission Foods
  13. DNF. Cody Wyman (H-D) Team Saddlemen

Harley-Davidson invites you to enhance the 2023 MotoAmerica King of the Baggers season with some adrenaline pumping action. Check out, ‘Push the Limit,’ a film that shares the story of defending 2021 champion Kyle Wyman, teammate Travis Wyman and the Harley-Davidson Screamin’ Eagle race team’s 2022 championship pursuit. Watch it now on Harley-Davidson’s YouTube channel.

Harley-Davidson stands for the timeless pursuit of adventure and freedom for the soul. Go to to learn more about the complete line of 2023 Harley-Davidson Grand American Touring, Sport, Adventure Touring, Cruiser and Trike motorcycles, Harley-Davidson Certified™ pre-owned motorcycles, Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Parts & Accessories, Harley-Davidson MotorClothes and gear, and Harley-Davidson Financial Services.

MAMA TRIED UPDATE–Enter for your chance to win Scott’s bike!

This is the first column…
2024 Giveaway Bike
Are you feeling lucky?

It’s our 10th Anniversary so we are going big and inviting our sponsors to help us customize every inch of this bike.

– Sawicki Speed
– Saddlemen
– Bare Knuckle Performance
– Speed Kings Cycle Supply
– Klock Werks
– Hofmann Designs
– TC Bros
– Lowbrow Customs
Lots of custom goodies coming to this one.
– Keep an eye out for update videos, pics & podcasts!

 P.S. did we mention this is Scott’s bike…?
– Who wouldn’t want a bike that belongs to one of the masterminds behind the Mama Tried Motorcycle Show?!

Purchase the 2024 Giveaway Bike Sticker Sheet for entry into the giveaway. One (1) sticker sheet = one (1) entry.


New Products You’ve Been Waiting For!

127-23 Harley JD Intake Pushrods. 1 Pair. 1923-1929 74″ MOTORS
Harley JD 74″ INTAKE PUSHRODS (1 Pair) Fits 1923-1929 74″ Motors. 9.590″ Long Precision machined in one piece from high strength 420 Stainless Steel.

MOTOR MOUNT BOLTS, NUTS & COTTER PINS. Fits 1919 – 1929 All Twins Parkerized. 1.90″ LONG


Monday morning, after nearly two years of delay, the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) announced the initial steps to establish the Motorcyclist Advisory Council (MAC). In November of 2021, Congress passed, and President Biden signed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Included in the law was reformation of the MAC.

The MAC will coordinate with and advise the Secretary of Transportation, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Administrator, and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Administrator on transportation issues of concern to motorcyclists, including motorcycle and motorcyclist safety; barrier and road design, construction, and maintenance practices; and the architecture and implementation of intelligent transportation system technologies.

As stated in the announcement, “The MAC seeks to have a fairly balanced membership with expertise in motorcycle and motorcyclist safety, highway engineering, and safety analysis.” Of the 13 seats open on the MAC, “One shall be a representative of a national motorcyclist foundation.” The Motorcycle Riders Foundation looks forward to putting qualified candidates forward to fill not only this designated seat but other seats on the board as well.

Nominations are due by December 15, 2023. If you would like to read more about the MAC, its mission, and its membership click here to read the full announcement from the Federal Register.

The MRF would like to thank all lawmakers in Washington D.C. who fought for the creation and establishment of the MAC. Special thanks to the 13 Members of the House of Representatives who sent this letter to USDOT in May.

The MRF will share more news on the MAC, its membership, future hearings, and findings in the coming months.

As always Ride Safe and Ride Free!


Here’s some pics I shot yesterday, Sunday Sept. 24, in Oceanside, (CA) of the 2023 Cannonball Cross Country Vintage Motorcycle Race Grand Finale.

I even found a Hamster (Bob Zoella) in the mix. He was riding the 1925 Harley # plate 61. And Micah’s is the red Indian.

UGLY Dinner in Las Vegas.
Great UGLY time!!

–El Waggs


Very Early S&S Carburetor. Clean, all threads look good. $250

From George Wood on Facebook
Located in new Orleans LA

–Sam Burns

NEW 250 MOTOCROSSER from Triumph unleashed — at the SuperMotocross World Championship Final

Complete revelation of eagerly awaited Triumph 250 is scheduled for November 28, 2023, and was announced on the giant screens of the stadium.

On September 23rd, Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum in California was the venue for SuperMotocross World Championship Final, and the spectators had the additional thrill of witnessing the first Triumph 250cc motocross bike in action.

Two Triumph motocross motorcycles made a grand entrance into the arena accompanied with pyrotechnics and fanfare.

The highly anticipated production model motorcycle was ridden by Jeff ‘Six Time’ Stanton, a former champion who had previously won a championship at this very Coliseum. The other motorcycle saw Ricky Carmichael, also known as the GOAT (Greatest of All Time), riding with his own graphics and non-standard specification components on the Triumph 250.

Marking this moment, Triumph also launched its new Triumph Racing website and social media channels. Follow the action @OfficialTriumphRacing on Instagram and Facebook.

Read at the Bikernet Blog:

Thanks & regards,
Editor: Bikernet Blog & Facebook Page

EL CAMINO SHOW THIS WEEKEND— This Saturday, Sept. 30, 2023

8am to 2pm – Rain or Shine
El Camino College – Torrance, CA



In Harley-Davidson’s desperate search for volume sales, will there be a smaller Harley-Davidson X210 in India?

Psst….it is rumored to be powered by the same 210cc single-cylinder engine found in the Hero Karizma XMR.

–by Ujjwal Dey

Coming soon, an article about it, this weekend….only on

ASK YOUR U.S. Representative to Support the CARS Act
Encourage support from lawmakers for this bill:

U.S. Representative Tim Walberg (R-MI) introduced a SEMA-supported bill, the “Choice in Automobile Retail Sales (CARS) Act” (H.R. 4468), to prevent the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from finalizing its proposed emissions standards that seeks to have electric vehicles make up 67% of new vehicles sold by 2032. The House Energy and Commerce Committee passed H.R. 4468 in July. SEMA is now working to ensure the legislation receives a vote in the House of Representatives.

If passed into law, the CARS Act would stop regulatory overreach by the EPA, allowing consumers to have the freedom to choose the technology that powers their vehicles. As proposed, the EPA’s rules would force auto manufacturers to meet unrealistic mandates driven by the most aggressive light-duty emissions regulations in U.S. history.



All you people cussing and cursing journalists and reporters online– maybe now there is an online competitor to ‘face’ and respond to brickbats. And sticks and stones won’t break their spirit or backup.

Many jobs do end with progress of technology, from steam engines to emergence of factory machinery and affordable air-transport . Now AI may kill those offensive journalists and their jobs, feeding you whatever pleases your eye and mind.

Personalized news to appease you.

Bots are taking over the world wide web and soon bookstores too would have fiction novels not from Dan Brown or J K Rowling. You would be able to buy and read and review novels from Apple, Microsoft, Google, Disney, Sony, et al.

Why Silicon Valley’s biggest AI developers are hiring poets.

Training data companies are grabbing writers of fiction, drama, poetry, and also general humanities experts to improve AI creative writing.

Hires are asked to write original short stories to feed AI models, as part of a drive to boost the literary quality of generative writing tools. Silicon Valley training data giants Scale AI and Appen are hiring poets and writers with humanities backgrounds, including in Hindi and Japanese.

From SubStack of Ujjwal Dey at:


“So long as we live among men, let us cherish humanity.”
~ Andre Gide

–Epoch Times


Check out the location.

–Sam Burns
Feature Bike Editor

Every FTW Swap Event for the past decade has sold out of booth space.. Reserve early!!!!!

18th Annual Fort Worth Motorcycle Expo & Swap Meet


10% off the rare stuff

We’ve just added some fresh rarities to our collectibles section in the webstore. These are hard to find (sometimes impossible to find!) or one-off motorcycle-related items – not always cheap, but nearly always super-scarce. So if there’s something you like, be quick – and don’t hesitate to click ‘buy’, cos they’re not coming around again!

Just type in the discount code RARE10 when prompted during the checkout process to get your 10% off. It’s valid for 48 hours.

Oh – and if you still don’t have new issue 94 (with Todd Asin and his stunning Panhead on the cover), we have a few copies left…

BIG Bundle, BIG value

The Big Bundle: you give us £10 (plus postage) and we send you THREE randomly picked, brand new, premium-sized, perfect bound, more recent big ‘n’ beefy back issues. While stock lasts!



Save money and hassle: if you want four issues delivered to your door automatically, starting with current issue 94, then subscribe. You’ll save a little on the cover price, never miss a sold-out issue, and save time ordering…


Our mailing address is:
Greasy Kulture
85 Great Portland Street
First Floor
London, W1W 7LT
United Kingdom



Sling Shot Footpeg Adapter

Use this footpeg adapter to mount a footpeg wherever you have a 5/16 mounting point or mount it to the pivot point on any of our Sling Shot Brake or Clutch Controls.


“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”
~ Will Rogers


This might dent the sales of other motorcycle brands in North America and Europe.

Royal Enfield Shotgun 650 Engine Specifications, Dimensions Leaked: Details Here

Shotgun 650 was approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency for 2024, according to a report last month. The bobber has gained the green light from the Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI), and a document showing the engine specifications and dimensions of the motorcycle has been released recently. The Royal Enfield Shotgun 650 will be a sibling model to the new Super Meteor 650 and will have more street bike ergonomics.

Read the full story at:

Editor: Bikernet Blog & Facebook Page

I WANT TO SAY SOMETHING—But I don’t know how to describe it. We are having the time of our lives in the Black Hills. Guys ask me all the time about moving to snow country. It’s not so much about the move. It’s the ability to pack your shit and find a new adventure. It doesn’t matter where you go, just get it done, if you have the balls.

The second part of the equation is the fact that we can still do pretty much whatever we want to do, for now.

Irish Rich came over yesterday and we took a look at my clutch issue for the VL, XA, FL project and rolled down to a machine shop in Spearfish where we discussed some machine work with Reno.

Then we drove to Rich’s shop and loaded Vicki’s ’84 Shovelhead, the last year of the Shovelhead platform into the 5-Ball van. I supplied a part or two and Rich did all the work to convert it back from a Jockey-shift to a foot-shift bike.

We returned the bike to Vicki, made her day.

I’m switching out the Paughco flat track bars for a pair of Nash custom made high-bars. I dinged them slightly and sprayed them with Rust-oleum satin-black paint. Now I’m grappling with the cables. We will see.

I’m helping John with his new ’60 Panhead project. We are rebuilding the carb and I dug out this old manual and all my Linkert carb parts. I was able for find many of the needed parts, but not all of them. He ordered some and a new float for the float bowl. I will clean and clear the body and reassemble it.


I spotted this Knucklehead in downtown Sturgis and a sharp Royal Enfield in Deadwood where I saw Charlie Rust riding one of his Knuckleheads.

So, what’s next? I’m going to give it a shot to get an agent with William Morris for my fiction and books. I’m going to Deadwood to hit the city up to rebuild my home retaining wall. Everything is shifting. I’ll roll back over to Vicki’s with a truck battery charger.

Also, tomorrow my plan is to revisit book projects for next year. So, hang on.

And don’t forget to get involved and informed. There are a couple of websites you can check on once in a while: Watts Up with That, the CO2 coalition site and Climate Realism. Find one you like and follow it.

We need the truth forever.


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