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Reviving Your Spirits

Embarking onthrilling motorcycle adventures can be an exhilarating experience that brings arush of adrenaline and a sense of freedom. However, after the dust settles andthe journey ends, it’s essential to tend to your physical and mentalwell-being. Reviving your spirits after such escapades requires a thoughtfulapproach that combines relaxation, recovery, and self-care.

Recovery Through Rest: Prioritizing Sleep

One of the mostoverlooked aspects of post-adventure recovery is sleep. Riding long distancescan be physically taxing, leaving your body in need of ample rest. Ensuring youget sufficient sleep allows your muscles to repair and yourmind to rejuvenate. Fashion a cozy sleep setting and set a regular sleeptimetable to enhance your body’s innate rejuvenation mechanisms.

Nutrition for Rejuvenation: Fueling Your Body Right

After enduringthe elements on your motorcycle journey, your body requires proper nourishmentto bounce back. Choose a well-rounded diet abundant in lean proteins, wholegrains, as well as an assortment of fresh fruits and vegetables. Consider incorporatinga mushroom supplement into your diet. Some varieties, likecordyceps, are believed to boost energy and reduce fatigue, aiding in your post-adventurerevitalization.


Mindfulness and Mental Recharge

The thrill ofmotorcycle adventures isn’t just physically demanding; it also engages yourmind intensely. Afterward, it’s crucial to recharge mentally. Engage in mindfulness practices likemeditation and deep breathing to alleviate stress and promote mental clarity.Contemplate upon your voyage and embrace the recollections, granting yourselfthe opportunity to discover a state of calm amid the bustle of your everydayexistence.

Physical Recovery: Stretching and Relaxation

Long hours onthe road can lead to muscle tension and stiffness. Participate in mild stretchingroutines to alleviate stress and enhance your overall flexibility. Practiceslike yoga or simple post-ride stretches can help increase blood flow tofatigued muscles, aiding in their recovery. Additionally, consider treatingyourself to a massage or a warm bath to soothe both your body and your mind.


Connecting with Fellow Riders: Sharing Experiences

The camaraderieamong motorcycle enthusiasts is unparalleled. Connecting with fellow ridersthrough social groups or online communities provides an avenue to share youradventure experiences. These connections can offer emotional support, advice, and a sense of belonging. Formingconnections with individuals who share your passion can be a potent approach touplifting your spirits and rekindling the excitement of your escapades.Connecting with fellow riders through social groups or online communities notonly provides an avenue to share adventure experiences but also offersemotional support, advice, and a sense of belonging. Engaging with others whounderstand your passion can powerfully lift your spirits, allowing you torelive the excitement of your journeys and forge lasting connections thatextend beyond the thrill of motorcycle adventures.

Motorcycleadventures are more than just physical feats; they are opportunities forpersonal growth and exploration. To truly savor the rewards of theseexperiences, take the time to recover properly. Prioritize sleep, nourish yourbody, engage in mindfulness, and care for your muscles. Connect with thebroader riding community to share your stories and build connections. Byembracing a holistic approach to recovery, you’ll be ready to embark on yournext adventure with renewed spirits and vitality.

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New 250 Motocrosser from Triumph unleashed

On September 23rd, Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum in California was the venue for SuperMotocross World Championship Final, and the spectators had the additional thrill of witnessing the first Triumph 250cc motocross bike in action.

Two Triumph motocross motorcycles made a grand entrance into the arena accompanied with pyrotechnics and fanfare.

The highly anticipated production model motorcycle was ridden by Jeff ‘Six Time’ Stanton, a former champion who had previously won a championship at this very Coliseum. The other motorcycle saw Ricky Carmichael, also known as the GOAT (Greatest of All Time), riding with his own graphics and non-standard specification components on the Triumph 250.

Complete revelation of eagerly awaited Triumph 250 is scheduled for November 28, 2023, and was announced on the giant screens of the stadium.

Marking this moment, Triumph also launched its new Triumph Racing website and social media channels. Follow the action @OfficialTriumphRacing on Instagram and Facebook.

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Notice from the Federal Government

from Jay Jackson, MRF, with images from Sam Burns

Establishment of the Motorcyclist Advisory Council (MAC)

NHTSA announces the establishment of MAC for a 2-year period. The MAC will coordinate with and advise the Secretary of Transportation, the NHTSA Administrator and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Administrator on transportation issues of concern to motorcyclists, including: motorcycle and motorcyclist safety; barrier and road design, construction, and maintenance practices; and the architecture and implementation of intelligent transportation system technologies.

NHTSA is also soliciting nominations for appointment to the MAC.

Applications for membership must be received by NHTSA on or before 5 p.m. EST, December 15, 2023.

Click and refer details in this article at

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Winds of Global Symbols

Dan Brown brought forth the power of symbols in an entertaining way when people were starting to forget writings of Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell. Many were surprised with how symbols relevant to civilized humans changed over the years — sometimes in just a few years.

Change in symbols is not to be confused with the theme of transformation as imagined in ‘The Metamorphosis’ by Franz Kafka or ‘The Silence of the Lambs’ by Thomas Harris. For example, the novel ‘The Silence of the Lambs’ by Thomas Harris refers to a moth as symbolic for the serial-killer’s obsession with transforming ‘himself’.

Symbols can represent personal as well as social change. It can even be revolutionary or represent a sanctuary, a place of safety or refuge.

Recently, Twitter changed its famous logo to represent a new vision from the new owner Elon Musk. A logo is not just a brand icon, but also a symbol representing the purpose and ambitions of the company, product or service, the management (and sometimes its users/customers). The word ‘Twitter’ and ‘tweet’ itself may go away as Twitter is currently rebranding to X which is also its new logo.

Symbolic expressions? What’s the easiest symbol to make yourself approachable and friendly? Yup, just smile!

Meanwhile, no one seems to have made as much of an impact on Earthlings with climate related fiction as the late author Michael Crichton’s novel ‘State of Fear’. My consideration for this year 2004 novel is primarily because domestic terrorism is now a reality not just in third world nations but in developed nations as well. People today are ‘offended’ with just about everything. They are retreating into their digital devices and the only social exchange is a public display of dislike and differences between groups.

While referring to Crichton’s novel, ‘Doomsday’ and end-of-the-world is an old concept used since hundreds if not thousands of years to control and coerce society and gain power. Symbols play an important role in events and ideas affecting the whole world.

Want a bad analogy? Here is one…Not all bears are ‘teddy bears’ but they are all important with regards to ecological diversity, ecosystem and environment. Putting them all in a sanctuary or a zoo is not the solution. However, recognizing and celebrating differences while finding ways to co-exist without encroachment or hostility is a learning curve for all lifeforms at present.

Be human (though that may or may not be a good thing as per perspectives).

Meanwhile, below is something more serious than the above:

Why the climate movement doesn’t talk about polar bears anymore

Global warming moved from the North Pole to your backyard — and so did its symbols.

“The hunters in particular have a really deep respect for those big-ass, crazy scarred ones,” National Geographic photographer Yuyan said. “When that bear came down, everyone was like, ‘That one, he’s a survivor. Let him eat. Let him eat!’ Everyone was shouting it.”

Starting about two decades ago, National Geographic and the like began churning out images of lonely, hungry bears adrift on melting ice floes, painting them as the hapless victims of climate change. Whereas charts and statistics had failed to evince much of a reaction from the public, the polar bear sparked sympathy.

Today, that symbol has largely fallen out of fashion. The advocacy group ClimateXChange even says the focus on the polar bear has done a “disservice” to the goals of the movement; a handbook for public engagement for members of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the world’s leading group of climate experts convened by the United Nations, says the image prompts “cynicism and fatigue.”

full story at:

This SubStack from Ujjwal Dey at:
Images by Ujjwal Dey

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Notice of establishment of the Motorcyclist Advisory Council (MAC) and solicitation for appointment to the MAC.


NHTSA announces the establishment of MAC for a 2-year period. The MAC will coordinate with and advise the Secretary of Transportation, the NHTSA Administrator and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Administrator on transportation issues of concern to motorcyclists, including: motorcycle and motorcyclist safety; barrier and road design, construction, and maintenance practices; and the architecture and implementation of intelligent transportation system technologies. NHTSA is also soliciting nominations for appointment to the MAC.



Applications for membership must be received by NHTSA on or before 5 p.m. EST, December 15, 2023.


If you wish to apply for membership, your application should be submitted to:
• Email:

• Mail: Use only overnight mail and send to: U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Safety Programs, Room W44–308, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC, 20590.


John W. Marshall, Director, Office of Safety Programs, Office of Research and Program Development, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, or 202–366–3803. Any Council related questions should be sent to the persons listed in this section.

Background: Section 24111 of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), also known as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (Pub. L. 117–58) (codified at 49 U.S.C. 355) requires the establishment of a Motorcyclist Advisory Council (MAC). The Secretary of Transportation is required to establish a MAC to advise on transportation safety issues of concern to motorcyclists, including:


(1) Motorcycle and motorcyclist safety
(2) Barrier and road design, construction, and maintenance practices; and
(3) The architecture and implementation of intelligent transportation system technologies.
Description of Duties: The Council shall:
a. Provide advice on transportation safety issues of concern to motorcyclists consistent with the statutorily specified advising duties.
b. Provide a forum for the development, consideration, and communication of information from a knowledgeable and independent perspective.
c. Not later than October 31 of the calendar year following the calendar year in which the Council is established, and not less than once every 2 years thereafter, submit to the Secretary a report containing recommendations of the Council regarding (1) Motorcycle and motorcyclist safety; (2) Barrier and road design, construction, and maintenance practices; and (3) The architecture and implementation of intelligent transportation system technologies.


Membership: Consistent with the statute, the MAC shall be comprised of 13 members appointed by the Secretary of Transportation for a single term of up to 2 years. The MAC seeks to have a fairly balanced membership with expertise in motorcycle and motorcyclist safety, highway engineering, and safety analysis. Specifically, as set by statute, the MAC shall be comprised of the following groups: “(A) 5 shall be representatives of units of State or local government with expertise relating to highway engineering and safety issues, including—(i) motorcycle and motorcyclist safety; (ii) barrier and road design, construction, and maintenance; or (iii) intelligent transportation systems; (B) 1 shall be a motorcyclist who serves as a State or local—(i) traffic and safety engineer; (ii) design engineer; or (iii) other transportation department official; (C) 1 shall be a representative of a national association of State transportation officials; (D) 1 shall be a representative of a national motorcyclist association; (E) 1 shall be a representative of a national motorcyclist foundation; (F) 1 shall be a representative of a national motorcycle manufacturing association; (G) 1 shall be a representative of a motorcycle manufacturing company headquartered in the United States; (H) 1 shall be a roadway safety data expert with expertise relating to crash testing and analysis; and (I) 1 shall be a member of a national safety organization that represents the traffic safety systems industry.” 49 U.S.C. 355(b)(1).


Members serve on the basis of selection by the Secretary for 2 years. If a successor is not appointed for a member of the Council before the expiration of the term of service of the member, the member may serve on the Council for a second term of no longer than 2 years. The Secretary may extend appointments and may appoint replacements for members who have resigned outside of a stated term, as necessary. Members may continue to serve until their replacements have been appointed. If a member of the Council resigns before the expiration of the 2-year term of service of the member—“(i) the Secretary may appoint a replacement for the member, who shall serve the remaining portion of the term; and (ii) the resigning member may continue to serve after resignation until the date on which a successor is appointed.” Id. section 355(b)(2). A vacancy on the Council shall be filled in the manner in which the original appointment was made.

MAC members will not receive pay or other compensation from NHTSA for their MAC service, but are entitled to reimbursement for their travel expenses, including per diem. The MAC shall meet approximately twice a Federal fiscal year. Members appointed solely for their expertise will serve as special Government employees and relevant ethics laws will apply.


Qualifications: Members will be selected based on their expertise, training, and experience and their ability to represent one of the identified groups.

Materials To Submit: Individuals interested in serving on the MAC are invited to apply for appointment by submitting a resume or curriculum vitae. Individuals also may submit letters of recommendation that highlight their qualifications as to expertise, training, or experience or their ability to represent one of the identified groups. Application materials must be submitted to one of the locations listed in the ADDRESSES section by the deadline listed in the DATES section. Please include your full legal name and date of birth in your application. Each applicant must identify the category that he or she seeks to represent. Members will be selected on the basis of materials submitted and in a manner that ensures equal opportunity for all people consistent with all Federal anti-discrimination laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, disability or age. Moreover, selection will be undertaken in a manner that encourages participation by members of underrepresented and underserved communities.


Authority:49 CFR 1.95 and 501.8.
Issued in Washington, DC.
Nanda Narayanan Srinivasan,

Associate Administrator, Research and Program Development.

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Kyle Wyman Won Sunday’s KOTB Race


Vance & Hines/Harley-Davidson racer Hayden Gillim Wins Saturday Race and Crowned King of the Baggers Series Champion

MILWAUKEE (September 24, 2023) – Harley-Davidson® Screamin’ Eagle® factory rider Kyle Wyman scored his seventh win of the season and Vance & Hines/Mission Foods Harley-Davidson rider Hayden Gillim secured the season championship on Sunday in the final race of the 2023 MotoAmerica Mission King of the Baggers series at New Jersey Motorsports Park in Millville, N.J. Vance & Hines/Mission Foods rider James Rispoli finished second in the championship standings and Wyman was third as Harley-Davidson riders claimed the top three spots in final series points.

“It’s been one of, if not the best, year of my life,” said Gillim, who won three races with eight additional podium finishes on the season. “I’m really happy to bring this home for Vance & Hines, for Mission Foods, and for Harley-Davidson. Next season will be a real scrap in this series. Honestly the field is stacked, and if everybody stays next year it’s going to be a tough championship to hold onto.”

In the Friday qualifying session, Wyman broke his own New Jersey Motorsports Park class lap record of 1:24.447 aboard his race-prepared Harley-Davidson® Road Glide® motorcycle. That time would never be approached for the rest of the weekend, as rain resulted in very wet to damp conditions on the 2.25-mile, 12-turn road course on Saturday and Sunday.

Gillim (215 points), Rispoli (213 points) and Wyman (204 points) were each in contention for the championship before the start of the first eight-lap King of the Baggers race on Saturday. As the riders completed a warm-up lap in the rain, Wyman lost control and slid off track. He was able to remount and start the race, but his motorcycle was damaged, and he retired on lap 3. Gillim took the race lead on lap 3 and was never challenged as early leader Rispoli could not match his pace on the wet track and settled for second place, 9.10 seconds behind Gillim.  Harley-Davidson® Screamin’ Eagle® factory rider Travis Wyman battled to finish in third place and score his first podium finish of the season, just 0.40 seconds behind Rispoli. After the Saturday race, Gillim led Rispoli by 7 championship points, and Wyman was out of contention for the title.

Kyle Wyman bounced back to win the Sunday race, taking the lead on lap 2, after Rispoli ran off the wet track. Wyman opened a gap and stretched his lead to 3.724 seconds over second place Gillim at the finish. Max Flinders finished third on the M3/Revolution Performance Indian. Rispoli finished in seventh place.

“After Rispoli went off, I just tried to be patient, not make a mistake and open a gap,” said Wyman. “I suppose a win in the last race sends a message. It really stings to come up short in the championship after winning the most races, but I’m also proud of my race wins, proud of the team and what it has accomplished from a development standpoint, which trickles down to the other Harley teams. This has been a crazy year and obviously this weekend did not end as we hoped it might, but Harley-Davidson is one-two-three in the championship and that’s the next-best result for us. I want to send a big thanks to everyone at Harley who worked so hard for us this season, and we’ll be back to get them next year.”

At the conclusion of the 14-race 2023 MotoAmerica Mission King of the Baggers series, Gillim wins the championship with 260 points. Rispoli is second with 242 points, followed by Kyle Wyman with 229 points. Wyman won seven of 14 races on the season, with one additional podium finish. Jake Lewis rode a Team Saddlemen Harley-Davidson Road Glide motorcycle to seventh place with 126 points. Travis Wyman placed eighth with 112 points.

The Mission King of the Baggers series features race-prepared American V-Twin touring motorcycles. Harley-Davidson® Factory Team Road Glide® motorcycles are powered by modified Screamin’ Eagle® Milwaukee-Eight® 131 Performance Crate Engines. The team bikes also feature upgraded suspension components, including Screamin’ Eagle/Öhlins Remote Reservoir Rear Shocks, plus competition exhaust, race tires and lightweight bodywork.

MotoAmerica King of the Baggers Race Results – New Jersey Motorsports Park Race 1

  1. Hayden Gillim (H-D) Vance & Hines/Mission Foods/Harley-Davidson
  2. James Rispoli (H-D) Vance & Hines/Mission Foods/Harley-Davidson
  3. Travis Wyman (H-D) Screamin’ Eagle Harley-Davidson
  4. Kyle Ohnsorg (Ind) Roland Sands Design
  5. Bobby Fong (Ind) Sacramento Mile/SDI Racing/Roland Sands Design
  6. Jake Lewis (H-D) Team Saddlemen
  7. Max Flinders (Ind) M3/Revolution Performance
  8. Tyler O’Hara (Ind) Progressive/Mission Foods
  9. Frankie Garcia (H-D) Team Saddlemen
  10. Patricia Fernandez-West (H-D) Team Saddlemen

DNF. Kyle Wyman (H-D) Screamin’ Eagle Harley-Davidson
DNF. Cody Wyman (H-D) Team Saddlemen
DNF. Jeremy McWilliams (Ind) Progressive/Mission Foods

MotoAmerica King of the Baggers Race Results – New Jersey Motorsports Park Race 2

  1. Kyle Wyman (H-D) Screamin’ Eagle Harley-Davidson
  2. Hayden Gillim (H-D) Vance & Hines/Mission Foods/Harley-Davidson
  3. Max Flinders (Ind) M3/Revolution Performance
  4. Bobby Fong (Ind) Sacramento Mile/SDI Racing/Roland Sands
  5. Jeremy McWilliams (Ind) Progressive/Mission Foods
  6. Travis Wyman (H-D) Screamin’ Eagle Harley-Davidson
  7. James Rispoli (H-D) Vance & Hines/Mission Foods/Harley-Davidson
  8. Kyle Ohnsorg (Ind) Roland Sands Design
  9. Jake Lewis (H-D) Team Saddlemen
  10. Frankie Garcia (H-D) Team Saddlemen
  11. Patricia Fernandez-West (H-D) Team Saddlemen

DNF. Tyler O’Hara (Ind) Progressive/Mission Foods
DNF. Cody Wyman (H-D) Team Saddlemen

Harley-Davidson invites you to enhance the 2023 MotoAmerica King of the Baggers season with some adrenaline pumping action. Check out, ‘Push the Limit,’ a film that shares the story of defending 2021 champion Kyle Wyman, teammate Travis Wyman and the Harley-Davidson Screamin’ Eagle race team’s 2022 championship pursuit. Watch it now on Harley-Davidson’s YouTube channel.

Harley-Davidson stands for the timeless pursuit of adventure and freedom for the soul. Go to to learn more about the complete line of 2023 Harley-Davidson Grand American Touring, Sport, Adventure Touring, Cruiser and Trike motorcycles, Harley-Davidson Certified™ pre-owned motorcycles, Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Parts & Accessories, Harley-Davidson MotorClothes and gear, and Harley-Davidson Financial Services.

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100 WFC: Mountain by Koz Mraz

100 word fiction contest continues…. #100WFC

by Koz Mraz
(illustration by Wayfarer)

The mountain where we dance, endless pirouettes, left, right then left again. Freely falling into gravity’s demanding arms then with a twist of the throttle are thrust into the next delicious curve. She lifts the spirit as we ascend, transcend, riding high above the mundane until among the stars we fly.

And the mountain is where we fight. Wrestling against hairpin turns, battling hard against opposing forces, often for our life. Because if the mountain wins…we die.

Mountain is where we face our fears, test inner resolve or chase foolish whims and from atop, the breadth of life’s journey reveals.

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Yup, its a weekly contest open to all. Just sign up for the free weekly newsletter by clicking here. Then email us your 100 word limit fiction to

1. for the month of May 2023: “Been There Done That” by Steven Sanner
2. for the month of June 2023: “A Hundred” by Chris Dutcher
3. for the month of July 2023: “First Time” by Rhys
4. for the month of August 2023: “Hilary” by Gearhead

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Book Review: Exile On Front Street

A Review by J.J. Solari

Hells Angel… And Beyond, by George Christie

The first sentence of Chapter 13 of this 16-chapter book is…..

“Solitary confinement is the worst thing one man can do to another.”

Now, since this is a “book review” and since I don’t know this guy, but I do know who he is, mostly from the “news,” once I got to the above-mentioned sentence in the course of my already having read the first 12 chapters of the book – which I was reading not to give a “report” on it but to get some familiarity with the fellow, from, ya know, his own self, rather than from the news…….where was I. Oh yeah: so I’m reading this here book, and most of it has been read and stuff, I’m almost done, and I’m goin’ along fine, and then I get to this sentence, the opening sentence of chapter 13.

Click here to read this detailed review by J.J.only on

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100 WFC: Shallow Grave

100 word fiction contest continues…. #100WFC

Shallow Grave
by Rhys
(illustration by Wayfarer)

Gary finished his Triumph chopper metal flake gold with helmet to match. Out for a shakedown run. Cruising back roads all seemed good, until a truck rounded the bend on the wrong side. Both rider and bike slid off the road.

Gary awoke in the ditch his bike several feet away. In incredible deep pain, a bone protruded through his jeans. He yanked off his helmet and flung it up onto the road hoping a passerby would see it. A car stopped. The driver snatched the lid and left. Did he hear Gary’s screams?

The DWP crew found Gary’s lifeless body a week later.

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Yup, its a weekly contest open to all. Just sign up for the free weekly newsletter by clicking here.

Then email us your 100 word limit fiction to the editor

1. for the month of May 2023: “Been There Done That” by Steven Sanner
2. for the month of June 2023: “A Hundred” by Chris Dutcher
3. for the month of July 2023: “First Time” by Rhys
4. for the month of August 2023: “Hilary” by Gearhead

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Kawasaki KX 50th Anniversary Edition Motorcycles



Over the last 50 years, the Kawasaki KX™ brand of motorcycles has helped pave the path to championships for the some of the most popular motocross racers of all time. Today, the KX family remains one of the most dominant motocross and supercross brand of motorcycles available, with the all-new KX™450 once again raising the bar. With development cues taken from the Monster Energy® Kawasaki factory racing team, the all-new 2024 KX450 is one of the strongest and race-ready machines on the dirt. To commemorate the celebration and success of 50 years of the KX brand, Kawasaki is pleased to announce the release of 50th Anniversary Edition motorcycles. Equipped with a limited retro-inspired KX shroud graphic, a Uni-Trak swingarm graphic, blue seat, silver wheels and white fork guards, the 2024 KX250 50th Anniversary Edition and the KX450 50th Anniversary Edition motorcycles will spark nostalgia and tug at the heartstrings of motocross enthusiasts across the globe.


• NEW Engine tuning
• NEW Cylinder head
• NEW Straight exhaust port and center exhaust
• NEW Smartphone connectivity via RIDEOLOGY THE APP KX*
• NEW Handlebar-mounted traction control switch
• NEW Brembo brake system
• NEW Lightweight aluminum perimeter frame
• NEW ODI Lock-On grips
• NEW Easy-to-remove side cover
• NEW Slim ergonomic bodywork
• NEW Kawasaki TRaction Control and riding modes

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