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A New VIP Experience powered by Dennis Kirk September 9th to 10th North Branch, MN


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September 4, 2003 Part 4


Continued From Page 3

NOS SPECIAL–Do you want more horsepower cheap? If you do, then this months Internet special is right up your alley. We are offering the NOS four cylinder wet nitrous kits P/N 3-03008NOS for just $649.00. That’s more than 10% off our already low racer price. These kits come complete with everything you need to add big horsepower to your bike. As a matter of fact I?ll give you 10% off our racer pricing on all NOS products! To check it out go to our specials page at:

Get the new MPS CO2 System 7 P/N 1-0333 for a mere $149.00 this month! The MPS CO2 System 7 converts your old low-pressure air shifter system into a regulated high-pressure system capable of hundreds of shifts from a smaller bottle. The 7-ounce bottle is only 10.75-inch long and 2.0 inches in diameter. The CO2 System 7 kit comes with a 7-ounce bottle with pin valve P/N 1-0325 and a Regulator assembly for paintball bottles P/N 1-0329. The bottles can be filled at any paintball refill center. Check them out at:

Remember, you must mention the Internet special and Bikernet to get this deal. You will get the regular price if you don?t! This sale is good for the month of September, 2003.

We have had a great response to our new “Make It Fast” T-shirts and hats.If you haven’t already seen them they are at:

–Dan Rudd


HELL RAISER’S MINI CHOPPERS– “In December of 2002, John, Rene, and Bob from RGS got together to make mini choppers that ran good and looked good. These creations were named HellRaisers.

hellraiser rear

Designed by master fabricators RGS Enterprises, these choppers look great and are built with the same care and quality that RGS Enterprises has produced for over 30 years! With function and mid range pricing in mind, we exceeded our own standards during the build and prototype phase. HellRaiser Mini Choppers took over half a year to design to perfection. With an in-house manufacturing plant that includes benders, welders, and engineers, HellRaiser Mini Choppers are built to last!

They reach a top speed of 50 mph and can be hazardous to your health.

HellRaisers are built to order in South El Monte, CA. Please check our website for colors and options!”


hellraiser minichop banner

weapons - frogman

BIKERNET CANTINA WEAPONS CONNTECTION–If you’re a member of Bandit’s Cantina you may enjoy the Cantina Soap opera. It’s a kick from sexual antics to shoot-outs. In the most recent segment, Bandit is called into action and sports his favorite automatic weapon. Here’s a link to a site about this H&K:

Join the Cantina for all the inside action.

bad gas

DAVIE ALLEN, KING OF BIKER ROCK, REVIEWED–There’s a great review of the our new album if you think you might want to use some of it by Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck on my website.


kennedy illo

THAT’S IT–We’re way behind schedule (it’s almost 2:00 p.m.), and we’ve ran as fast as our Jack Daniels legs will carry us. I’m gonna take a break then post Falco’s event and the Sportster History item. Watch for ’em.

If you live in SoCal don’t miss the Beach Ride. Let me know if you’re going to the Calif. MotorSpeedWay for the Monster Garage bit. No matter what you do this weekend, have a helluva good time.

Oh, don’t forget to fight the EPA. They could kick our asses, if we don’t watch out.

Ride Forever,

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Royal Enfield Shotgun 650 is EPA Certified for US

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency certified a new Royal Enfield model branded as Shotgun 650 for year 2024. This confirms the production version of the SG650 bobber concept will be coming to America.

Royal Enfield presented the SG650 Twin concept at EICMA way back in 2021. Based on the platform that brought us the Continental GT and Interceptor 650, this concept motorcycle combined retro styling with a future-forward silver and blue livery.

Since that unveiling, Royal Enfield introduced the more classically-styled Super Meteor 650 which used a similar chassis. Development of the bobber version will continue and give us a new model to be called ‘Shotgun 650’.

SG650 concept is a single seat, with mid footpeg placement, handlebars positioned lower and further forward compared to the Super Meteor.The production model may look similar to the concept bike. Its headlight cowl incorporates Royal Enfield’s familiar combination of a round instrument cluster and smaller Tripper navigation display.

It is expected that Royal Enfield will officially debut the production version of Shotgun 650 at EICMA, where it first showed off the concept version.

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Follow Bikernet Free Weekly Newsletter to get latest Motorcycling news, updates, reviews, tech, tips, events & lot of fun. Click here & take a test ride.

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Airtech Labor Day Sale

Here is a chance to save some money!!!

30% off can be pretty substantial, be sure to take advantage of this sale!

Order soon! This sale ends on Tuesday, 9/5 at 5PM!

So take a look at our website, find the parts you want, call us to see how much we can save you…

Tell ’em Sent Ya !

Hello again, again AirTech fans!

Use this discount code!! Email us with code: 91-30 to start saving today! Email:

Our production team is killing it with both their manufacturing and shipping efficiency, so now seems like the perfect time for another sale!

We’ve decided to offer a 20% discount to everyone! Spread the word! Of course, you guys as our newsletter subscribers get that extra 10% on top of that! Making your total savings a whopping 30% off!

What a great opportunity to jump on for this weekend! Find the parts you’ve been needing and give us a call on Monday or Tuesday! Bossman wanted to make sure the sale lasts through the end of the day on Tuesday.


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Dear Reader; What follows is something from the “FAITH-BASED BIKERNET PERSONAL BETTERMENT FILES” long since thought destroyed but apparently those orders were not followed. We are not enemies of spiritual betterment and personal improvement here, our chapel-like environs are welcoming of all pilgrims and travelers along the road of brotherhood and good will. Hence……..this thing.

1: I am one of those Christian motherfuckers. If I’m anything at all, that would be the word to use. The “Christian” word. Not the “motherfucker” word. Oh, ok, what the fuck: use both of ‘em.

2: I don’t just BELIEVE the Bible, I can see very very clearly that it’s an accurate record of actual events by actual people and also non-people from I GUESS other dimensions. Ya know, angels and shit. Which is why I mock “broadcast-atheists.” As often as possible. Ya know, the people who are not quietly atheists and just living their fucking lives, I mean, why would they care if someone else has a fucking deity? No, it’s the atheists who have to broadcast their “gift of reason.” They couldn’t reason their way down of a supermarket aisle. And they’re ALL little snotty shits, by the way. It’s not as though they actually brawl with anyone to defend their shitty little strutting arrogance. Not that anyone actually takes a swing at the little fuckers. Which is a mistake.

3: I easily grant the deity who claims to be the ONLY deity in existence – named I AM – I totally am willing to grant him or her or it sovereign rule over his or her or its own creation. Which is apparently everything.

4: HOWEVER….I have a REAL FUCKING PROBLEM with this “Vengeance is mine” thing that he keeps saying: this fucking Declaration Of Property Ownership that God says belongs to him and him alone. But, hey – He created truth. He didn’t create lies. Other entities came up with those. So in other words, God says vengeance is his private property?….it must be true. But – just so you know, in case you were wondering – I am NOT happy about it. I routinely ask God “Well, ok, vengeance is yours, but I was wondering if I could borrow it for a day or two? I have some real mother fucking assholes that need straightening out: permanently. PLUS….I don’t want any hassles from the authorities. And if you don’t know what the authorities are, just ask Jesus. He’ll give you an earful on THAT topic.”

So far I have not gotten an answer one way or the other. And that’s a bit aggravating. They say we all have a cross to bear? This is mine: God declaring to having a monopoly on vengeance. It just freezes me AND my nuts in a kind of paralysis from time to time, like, I’m itching to move toward the target that needs removing but I’m nailed to the floor.

Now if I just BELIEVED God exists rather than KNOW God exists, what the fuck, I would be doing vengeance routinely and chalking it up to, “Well, ya know, I’m just a poor sinner and I succumbed to weakness, Please forgive me, Lord.” That kinda thing. But I don’t BELIEVE God’s existence, I’m CONVINCED of it.

As for you? I don’t give a fuck what you believe or are convinced of. It’s your business. Not mine. Anyway, it’s not a belief-system with me. It’s a “Yeah, ok, I get it,” system. I seen the fucking historical record that he exists. Now the same people who say the Biblical record is fiction….will believe Columbus sailed a boat two feet long across a 3-4 thousand mile uncharted oceanic voyage no one had ever done before. They’ll believe that.

Based on the historical record. But not the Bible. Which is a historical record. Atheists are pretty fucking flighty about what histories they are going to believe and what ones they’re going to shitcan. They apparently have some innate fucking History Validator that tells them what histories are accurate and what histories are not. They’re like the people who say “global greenhouse science is science” and “covid science is science,” but that the biological science of “two sexes” is NOT science. They’re screaming little disgusting insects that need to be crushed underfoot by a thousand ton mastodon on meth in other words. You can SEE I have fucking anger issues.

Getting back to this vengeance thing: while I have yet to get the go-ahead on borrowing some of God’s vengeance, I ROUTINELY go over to the perennially empty vast, and I do mean vast, Santa Anita Race Track parking lot grounds and environs and make out-loud, sky-facing inquiries about if-and-when God is going to take some of that fucking vengeance he claims to be in charge of and getting off his water-into-wine-drinking ass and start taking care of business…..and then I list the targets of day.

Now you might say “Well, that’s pretty brazen. Seems a bit risky, tempting the Lord. He himself claims that’s a bad idea.” Well before you go into Admonition Mode let me calm you down just a bit. For one thing I’m not “tempting the Lord.” I’m in a fucking meeting with the Lord. It’s basically a sit-down. In a sit-down you state your fucking case. It ain’t a slugfest. It’s a decision-making prelude. You make decisions REGARDING violence. You don’t DO the violence at the sit-down. So that’s what this is. Me and God are having a talk about fucking some people up.

God says he’s the only one authorized to do the fucking. But nothing in the rules says a petitioner can’t come in and say he has a problem that needs some vengeful attention. He says vengeance is His and I’m not contradicting the Sumbitch. I’m not doing that. I’m saying that I’m good with that. I’m not REALLY good with it, but, ya know, I’m trying to be fucking civil with the proclaimed Deity who spent 6,000 fucking years of human history proving he is the Deity with no OTHER deities showing up and saying “This deity has his head up his ass. He ain’t the deity: I’m the fucking deity.” So far that ain’t happened.

What I AM saying to the Deity is “There’s this really heinous clusterfuck going on over here or over there or behind this dumpster that You REALLY need to take a good look at because I know there’s probly a LOTTA shit going on you PROBABLY don’t like but I DON’T THINK You’ve noticed this little shitpile over here that I know if EYE was You, that little shitpile over here would be melted slag right now.” That’s what I say out loud, up to the sky, in the center of the vast sea of asphalt of the Santa Anita Race Track parking lot that has only me in it and the occasional crow flying over.

What this DOES is it calms me down. I’ve said my little piece to the Vengeance-Keeper-Proprietor Anomaly, and since I am convinced he actually does fucking exist, I know I’ve been ‘heard.’ This ain’t fucking “faith.” This is fucking “Oh: whoa; you really exist. Ok. Well fuck me running, here’s the deal….” Then comes the complaint. I know it’s being noticed. That’s different from whatever in the fuck BELIEF is. I BELIEVE I’m gonna fuck Paris Hilton at some point before she gets into the hag zone. I actually believe this. The ODDS are it won’t happen. But I figure fuck the odds. And we know how THAT attitude always plays out.

I should tell you, God has yet to take action on even ONE of my suggestions-for-removal-by-preferably-nuclear-means applications. Does this piss me off? A little. But I don’t go into Rebellion Mode. The last time I heard about that happening it resulted in me being born into a world filled with fucking shitheads. IN FACT God didn’t stop with the Vengeance Mode in Eden: God’s vengeance-circuits ROUTINELY kicked-in even after the Eden shitshow.

Just ONE example, some guy named Onan was ORDERED BY GOD, the creator of cocks and pussies, to use his cock to fuck someone’s pussy. That’s right, he told a guy to fuck a broad. None o’ this gay shit, this “dick-into-Bob’s-Anus” shit, he told Onan to fuck Brenda or Marge or someone and Onan thought he would be clever and yeah he fucked her but then he jizzed his “seed” onto her tits or her face or some damn place because he didn’t want her getting pregnant.

But God DID want her pregnant. Jizz is “seed” in Bible talk. Why anyone thinks the fucking bible is boring I don’t know. Anyway, when God tells you to fuck someone you should PROBABLY not assume it’s for a porno flick where the viewer wants to see the actual jizz. You should send that jizz up the designated repopulation siphon and not try to get cute. When God tells you to fuck someone either clarify the details with him beforehand so there’s no miscommunications or else just assume he means “fuck,” that is, squirt your jizz up her pussy and don’t revise and edit the original assignment.

Now there’s likely some “believers” who are saying, “Well, I don’t think when you are suggesting God should kill someone… I don’t think you can say that’s not “tempting the Lord.” Well actually I can say that. Jesus – who according to the historical record says he’s the human duplicate of the Bible Deity – Jesus says “Don’t be afraid to ask God anything.” And then, in typical Jesus ingenious detail he said “If you go to the Place of Petitioning and you ask the Petitions Magistrate for what you think is justice, does he throw a pile of writhing poisonous snakes at you?….even though personally he is very likely a piece of shit – that I love for some reason – but he’s a personal piece of shit same as you? Who I also love? For some reason? So why do you think He Who Has No Sin And Is Totally Fair – unlike yourself – … going to fuck you up for making a request? Tell God what you want. Worst that can happen is NOTHING or you get a “No.” Who knows, you might get a ‘Ok, whatdafuck.’ You WON’T get snakes.”

So that’s where I’m coming from when I’m in the Santa Anita Race Track parking lot yelling up at the clouds, “Are you paying attention to what (and then the name goes here: USUALLY a fucking bureaucrat) is doing NOW? How long you gonna let this fuckhead motherfucker remain intact and in operation? Where’s that vengeance hammer you claim to have a lock on? Did you lose the fucking key? SMASH this cocksucker! Ok, Mister ‘Slow To Anger’ I get it: you’re ‘slow to anger.’ Ok. Whatever. But really: this is drifting into Rip Van Winkle level of Slow. You’ve heard of Bennies, right? Do you drink coffee at all? Are you just TIRED???? Is this still part of the ‘on the 7th day you rested’ thing going on here?”

So far this hasn’t worked. But I’m AS YET not covered in snakes. And I always leave the parking lot a lot calmer. Well, noticeably calmer. To some extent. Maybe you’ll have better luck. For one thing maybe don’t hack your nuts when you’re going through this tirade. That’s usually what I’m doing. Maybe that’s, I dunno, a decorum violation. I don’t fucking know! Ok? Whatever, I don’t have no snakes on me. So far. Good luck!

Lemmee know if it works out. Maybe you can gimmee a heads-up on your approach.

_J.J. Solari

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100 WFC: Kick…kick…kick

100 word fiction contest continues…. #100WFC

by Rhys
with artwork by Wayfarer

I walked out of the local watering hole and straddled my ol ’53 EL chop. Bare bones ride, motor, rigid frame. And gas tank.

Usually 2-3 prime kicks then ignition on and 1 or two and she fires. Went through the ritual. Nothing. Tried again….nothing. Kept kicking until dripping in sweat and onlookers chuckling.

Went back inside grabbed another cold one and stepped back outside.

What’s that wire hanging free. Damn it. A few kicks later in the wind.

* * * * * * * *

Yup, its a weekly contest open to all. Just sign up for the free weekly newsletter by clicking here.

Then email us your 100 word limit fiction to the editor

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Recall of Harley Softails 2018 to 2023

Some 2018-2023 Harley Softails Could Have Breaking of Rear Shock Hardware. A fastener could break, causing the rear shock adjuster to loosen and increase the risk of a crash.

Harley-Daivdson announced the safety recall on 29 August 2023. They filed the same with US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

On motorcycles that have the faulty fitting, the fastener used on a particular style of rear shock adjuster may potentially fracture. If it breaks, the shock absorber may then make contact with the rear tire. This could increase the risk of tire damage, and potentially lead to a motorcycle crash.

Approximately 65,224 bikes may potentially be involved in this recall but not all of them may have this fault. Some of the models from 2018 to 2023 use the affected rear shock adjuster whereas some do not.

The motorcycles that were produced between June 28, 2017 and August 7, 2023 are potentially at risk. No VIN number ranges are specified in the official safety recall notice.

A warning sign that riders and passengers should look out for is any noise that seems to come from under the seat. When you remove the seat and find a loose shock adjuster, that may be another sign of faulty fastener. When shock adjuster makes contact with the rear tire, riders may notice unusual handling and/or atypical tire wear on the rear tire.

Since June 2023, a total of 33 Warranty Claims regarding this issue has been recorded. Softails made after 7 August 2023 do not have this problem. Related accessories from Harley-Davidson have also been separately recalled.

Owners may contact Harley-Davidson customer service at 1-800-258-2464. Additionally, owners may contact the NHTSA Vehicle Safety Hotline at 1-888-327-4236 (TTY 1-800-424-9153) or go to NHTSA’s number for this recall is 23V-591.

The motorcycle model years, models, and the number of bikes affected are:

Model Year Softail Model Number of Bikes Affected
2018 FLDE 2018
2018 FLHC 2917
2018 FLHCS 3504
2018 FLHCS ANV 898
2019 FLDE 1858
2019 FLHC 2078
2019 FLHCS 3384
2020 FLHC 1896
2020 FLHCS 3713
2020 FXLRS 7073
2021 FLHC 1865
2021 FLHCS 3134
2021 FXLRS 5811
2022 FLHCS 3957
2022 FXLRS 5186

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Stay ahead of the curve, ride with by subscribing to our free weekly newsletter.

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Labor Day Sale: Progressive Suspension

This Labor day weekend, take 15% off your order when using code “LABOR23” at checkout on our website September 1-5, 2023.

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Tell ’em sent ya!

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Royal Enfield MD on electric motorcycles

Royal Enfield MD Siddhartha Lal has said the iconic company will come out with a pathbreaking EV product. “We’re working super hard on the EV product, and we’ve appointed 11-12 new suppliers and are adding more competencies in the software area,” the company stated.

Royal Enfield recently appointed Mario Alvisi, (previously at Ducati), as chief growth officer for the Electric Vehicle (EV) business for the business and commercial side.

Another unique aspect about the long-running centenarian company is that unlike other ICE OEMs in India such as Tata Motors and Mahindra & Mahindra, the motorcycle brand Royal Enfield is not looking to raise money for their EV business.

“We already have money, and we don’t need to raise anything more for the EV project,” mentioned Siddhartha Lal, MD, Eicher Motors. “Moreover, the company is not in a ‘desperate rush’ to join the great EV game and will come out with a product which is pathbreaking,” he added. “In Chennai, our three plants crank out a motorcycle every 38 seconds and last year we exported 100,000 units.”

Another significant success story is their overseas recognition and brand value. “We’re No 1 in the middle weight category in the UK with 20% market-share, No 1 in Korea and No 2 in Thailand while we’re No 3 in Austria, France and Italy,” as per Lal.

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Click & know more about Bikernet’s Free Weekly Newsletter.

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A brother wrote to me this week. He wasn’t happy about our government’s policies. 

My friend we are in trouble. Trump is likely the only one who can fix this, but I am not sure he is electable. None of the others can get us there–on either side

My crystal ball says Biden will drop out at the last minute, and they’ll throw someone else in that can’t be vetted or attacked that will get elected but will likely be worse than Biden, the liberals are emboldened that no one is really doing anything to stop them

Thankfully you live in South Dakota, one of only a few decent states to live in, for now anyway.

And my response:
Don’t lose faith. I believe all their policies are cracking. By election time, you will need to be an idiot to vote for anything democratic. They will be revealed as the anti-American, failed policy party.

All we need is one sensible, freedom loving individual to step up & win everything.

How’s that?

Freedom and the truth always win. Let’s hit the news.

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum.

SERIOUS HOPE—We published this on the blog earlier this week, because of the timely nature of it, but I will share it again here:

Rogue, me, Kirk Willard thousands of other guys have been fighting for motorcyclists’ rights for decades. We continue to fight, but lots of brothers and sisters don’t pay attention.

By now most folks are aware of the green movement and what it’s doing to the Fossil Fuel industry, hell even the meat industry. Their problem and their worst fear is that they are wrong. So, what did they do? They called anyone who didn’t agree a denier.

We’re grubby bikers, we deny everything and fuck you, if you don’t like it. So, let’s cut to the chase. They are wrong and the movement pointing out how wrong is growing. I’ve been pushing and looking for solutions for over a decade.

Recently, with the Motorcycle Riders Foundation at my back I came up with a congressional resolution. It was and is a fight for every kid on the planet, who needs to know the truth and who should know we are living in the Best of Times, not the worst.

Last week became incredibly significant. I can’t say it loud enough. Throughout this year we have tried to find someone who would shove our resolution in front of Congress and force a hearing. We finally found support with Senator Rounds office in South Dakota.

Week before last we faced a major setback. Montana lost a court case. It could impact the entire energy industry in Montana and send a very negative message across the country.

The problem with this entire effort is not the facts, the science or the truth, it’s guts. The world and politicians on both sides of the isle are being bullied and paid off. No one wants to step up and say, “Sorry, but we’re not doomed.”

So, what happened in the last couple of days? We had the debates and one guy shook the stage. Vivek had the balls to say on national albeit fading, television that Climate Doom is a hoax and must be addressed.

Then Rocky, the lobbyist from the MRF met with… I will let him tell the story.


Had drinks with staffers for Sen. Daines of Montana yesterday and mentioned the climate. Below is what they told me on the topic.

1. Yes, the state didn’t base their argument on the facts, but an approach to get the case dismissed. Could have been for a couple reasons.

2. Very unfavorable judge for the case. Based upon merits.

3. They are appealing the case. If they receive a more favorable judge then the case can be built on merit it deserves.

Think most importantly they knew exactly the case I was talking about. They think there is a bigger battlefield on this case and didn’t seem worried. I guess that is TBD.


I immediately let Dr. Ed Berry, a freedom fighting physicist in Montana know about this development. Here’s what Ed said, “I am working on an Amicus Brief to the Montana Supreme Court. I think I can persuade the court like I did in 2011.”

The scientists at the CO2 Coalition are also on the case.

Are you beginning to see why last week turned into a major event?

Stay involved and Free,


NASH LABOR DAY SALE–America was built on hard work!

“There is joy in work. There is no happiness except in the realization that we have accomplished something.” ~ Henry Ford





NHTSA Investigates Tesla Again…

In a letter made public this week, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is seeking answers from Tesla on the company’s “Autopilot” system. The letter sent on July 26th states, “Recently, NHTSA became aware that Tesla has introduced an Autopilot configuration that, when enabled, allows drivers using Autopilot to operate their vehicles for extended periods without Autopilot prompting the driver to apply torque to the steering wheel.”

As the letter notes, the ramifications of this feature are worrisome. “Relaxation of controls designed to ensure that the driver remains engaged in the dynamic driving task could lead to greater driver inattention and failure of the driver to properly supervise Autopilot.”

It is unclear whether Tesla responded by the August 25th deadline noted in the correspondence. However, this action by NHTSA comes on the heels of several other investigations of Tesla. Most important for motorcyclists is the investigation, started nearly a year ago, concerning the deaths of three bikers in crashes involving Teslas believed to be in autopilot mode.

Stories like this one are why the Motorcycle Riders Foundation continues to press federal officials for safety standards on self-driving cars and how they interact with motorcyclists. As the summer riding season comes to a close, don’t forget the words of former NHTSA senior safety adviser, Missy Cummings, “It’s very dangerous for motorcycles to be around Teslas.”

To read the letter from NHTSA click here.

Ride Safe and Ride Free.


FROM BIKERNET BLOG– Royal Enfield eager to enter used motorcycle business

* Royal Enfield is likely to enter the used-bike segment
* The company has got Trademark for “Reown” brand
* They could sell used ones from current dealerships

The surprising news is there’s a high chance all these used bikes will be sold through their existing dealer network. While this provides a great many outlets immediately, it’s a strange move by a company that has the biggest market share for middle-weight motorcycle segment. After all, if a customer walks in and can buy used company-quality-assured motorcycle, then they may not splurge on a top-end new model offerings of Royal Enfield.

The motorcycles are a premium segment bike in India’s economy and the middle-class majority may not want the burden of loans if they can outright buy used older model Enfield.


Editor: Bikernet Blog & Facebook Page


I have a hard cover book for you if you want it. It’s 548 pages and 330 photos and it’s got a photo of you in it with Michael Lichter at the Seattle ER Bike Show. And there’s footage of your ER Bike Show in Vallejo, with Silvermoon and his yellow chopper. And there’s also footage of the 1991 Seattle Autorama where you guys had the ER Streamliner and I got to meet Dave Campos and got his pic next to the Streamliner.

And then there’s the bike run stuff, the build of the 74 Shovel where its motor and tranny got burned up in the Seattle bike shop and then 6 months later went through the Frisco Earthquake. It was a horrible, cursed build, hah. There’s also bike run stuff in there with my ‘67 Shovel Chop and a coupla Redwood Runs action, shit like that.

And if ya don’t like the book very much, it weighs 2 pounds so you can throw it at folks and it’ll hurt.


“I’m looking forward to Dave’s book. He should get together with SugarBear and work on the Chopper History Encyclopedia.” –Bandit


This is a blast. Think about it and give it a shot. Think about something that happened to you with your motorcycle and see if you can describe it in 100 words. Send it to We give a bling package to the winner once a month, publish your story and make you famous. Here’s an example.


“Hilary” reminded me of the1979 Storm

We rode from Northern Cal. The rain came down in buckets. We pulled off under the redwoods in Big Sur. My wife crawled into the back seat of a car. I threw a sleeping bag on the ground under a leaking makeshift lean-to. It didn’t stop.

The fog threatened like a dense cloud of gray paint, and my wife said, “It won’t stop until late afternoon.” We had to ride. We pull out in the morning rain moments before the fog engulfed the highway. We fought the downpours, the following cloud of doom, wrecked cars, 18-wheelers, dead animals and limited vision until we caught a glimmer of the lights of Santa Barbara just before nightfall. We slipped the veil of death once more.



An example from Popular Science magazine dated January 1963. For those who suggest “Remember to always trust science, it’s never wrong.”….. well,

“Science is never settled.” ~ Keith Bandit Ball

Don’t regret these epic words later, act now!

Editor: Bikernet Blog


Atom Bomb-Clay Rathburn Salem, VA, United States builder blogger

Atom Bomb Custom Motorcycles

–Sam Burns
Feature Bike Editor™


“Never regard study as a duty, but as the enviable opportunity to learn” ~ Albert Einstein

Wisdom Quote

“However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.”  ~ Stephen Hawking

EVs ARE RUNNING OUT OF CUSTOMERS — and some dealers don’t want them anymore

More dealers are saying they have to turn away electric vehicles as demand cools. Without early adopters, EVs are a tougher sell.

As EV growth cools, dealers are the ones left in the lurch.

Electric-car inventory has been piling up on dealership lots this year as companies up their EV production, leading some dealers to say enough is enough. Some are telling automakers they don’t want any more until they can sell what’s sitting, several dealers told Insider.

“We have turned away EV inventory,” said Scott Kunes, the chief operating officer of Kunes Auto and RV Group, which sells Detroit brands as well as Nissan and Mitsubishi in the Midwest. “We need to ensure that we have a good turn on it.”

Automakers are “asking us to make a large investment,” Kunes added, “and we’re just wanting to see some return on that investment.”

Plug-in-vehicle availability is increasing rapidly, a sign the EV-adoption growth curve is about to hit a serious slowdown. A switch from enthusiastic and wealthy early adopters to more apprehensive and budget-minded car shoppers is throwing the electric-car transition for a loop, forcing car companies to change their outlooks and pull back on ambitious EV production goals.

“It’s not just that these vehicles are expensive — which they are. We’re talking about a much more nuanced lifestyle change,” said Sam Fiorani, the vice president of global vehicle forecasting at AutoForecast Solutions. He pointed to differences in the EV ownership experience, including charging and range anxiety, as stoppers for many buyers.

“It’s hard for the average customer to make that leap while spending an extra $10,000,” Fiorani said.

–Alexa St. John and Nora Naughton
The Insider


“What historians will definitely wonder about in future centuries is how deeply flawed logic, obscured by shrewd and unrelenting propaganda, actually enabled a coalition of powerful special interests to convince nearly everyone in the world that CO2 from human industry was a dangerous, planet-destroying toxin. It will be remembered as the greatest mass delusion in the history of the world- that CO2, the life of plants, was considered for a time to be a deadly poison.”

Wallace Manheimer has had a 50+ year career as a scientist at the US Naval Research Laboratory. He has published ~150 reviewed scientific publications and has recently published a book Mass Delusions, how they harm sustainable energy, fusion and fusion breeding, available on Amazon.



Tonight, I’ve got my mama’s church potluck meatloaf in my oven… my house smells like my Arkansas childhood. Earlier, I was smirking to myself as I mixed the ingredients with my bare hands, thinking about my visit with my mama last night.

Mama is deaf, and barely can read. Poor deaf Southern folks born in the fifties kind of slipped through the cracks as far as literacy went… it has always amazed me that she gave birth to not one, but two, daughters who are voracious readers and writers. When I was a kid, she taught me to read before I was four years old. I would sit beside the bathtub when she was in the bath and wash her back and write her notes in the soap running down her back.

I sometimes hold my phone for her and let her slowly read my stories I’ve turned in. She is well aware of who I am and what I do… she knows I have traveled a zillion miles, half of them on motorcycles.

So, last night, I was letting her read my copy turned in this week and answering her daily questions about politics… then, I told my mama something I have told her many times before. I told her I want to buy a new Harley and maybe ride to Sturgis next year…. And she gives me the whole, I wish you would stay off them things, gonna break your neck… spill.

I said ‘Mom, you been saying that speech for almost 25 years.. literally half my life. Have you not figured out its not ever gonna work?’ She said ‘yea, but now I can say ‘You are too old.’


[page break]


Comments received on Bikernet Facebook Page:

“Keep on fighting. We need people like all of you to take the Commonsense fight to them!” ~ Rich Smith

“Thank you Bandit & MRF for doing the heavy lifting” ~ Patrick Boylan

Editor: Bikernet Blog & Facebook Page


Jason Mook asked if I could help him share this info with our Black Hills Hamsters. He would be very grateful if our Black Hills Hamsters could help support this event. And it’s a great excuse to get out and ride while the weather is still good.

Deadwood Custom Cycles is once again sponsoring a Poker Run to benefit the Sacred Mountain Retreat Center’s “Puppies Healing Heroes” Service Dog program. This is a great program that Donates trained service dogs to Veteran and or First Responders to aid in their healing. These service dogs are trained to provide a wide variety of services and have been proven to significantly reduce suicide rates among their owners.

Registration begins at 10am at Deadwood Custom Cycles. There is a $25 per rider or $40 per couple donation required to participate. Kickstands up at 12 Noon. Stops at Chute Rooster Hill City, Gold Pan Saloon Custer, Buckhorn Grille Newcastle, and Saloon #10 Deadwood.


If you have any questions, please contact Jason directly at 757-621-8654



India is one of the biggest and fastest growing consumer markets in the world. Automotive industry is just one among many sectors seeing fast paced growth and expansion, including exports.

The low introductory prices for Electric Vehicles reminds me of the oldest trick in the consumer-con business. Remember how the computer printers are affordable but the costs for cartridges bleed you dry? Now you can grab a new motorcycle for a small down-payment but after a year of paying installments you see how the interest rate has screwed you into paying more than you ever expected?

Hey, kids are sold into sugar-dripping breakfast foods claiming it’s healthy and nutritious. Many of us have bought cigarettes or alcohol considering it an affordable indulgence and if once addicted, we pay for it our entire lives, ruining our family, friendships, career and our very own existence.

This dreamboat EV love story will become another toxic landfill faster than any automotive junkyard you have ever known. I would rather start using public transport than sit on a ticking bomb which collects my personal data while telling me what to do, how to do it and also hang on to its steering wheel as it drives itself to hell.

Editor: Bikernet Blog™

EVs may soon face tough competition from ‘strong hybrid’ segment

Industry experts say the passenger vehicle market is clearly splitting into four sub-segments, with electric, strong hybrids and compressed natural gas (CNG) seeing the most growth, even as expansion in traditional fuel vehicles slows down.

Strong hybrid vehicles have an electric motor as well as an internal combustion engine (ICE), which can work together as well as independent of each other.

Since the supply chain, battery costs and charging infrastructure have to significantly improve before fully-electric cars can take off, strong hybrids are an excellent bridge to future and convenient choice with benefits.

Read full story at:

How falling lithium prices and self-reliance in battery manufacturing are fuelling affordable EVs in India

Currently, the dependence on foreign imports for lithium-ion batteries is a roadblock to delivering cost-efficient EVs to Indian customers. However, falling lithium prices and the discovery of lithium reserves in India have provided hope for lower costs and potential local sourcing.

This, along with government initiatives to achieve self-reliance in battery manufacturing, is expected to  lower EV costs, reduce import dependency, and make EVs more affordable in India.

Read full story at:

SHOP OF THE WEEK— H-D Softail Springer Evo “Zero Given.”

Contact +372 5309 0292 Viimsi, Estonia

–Sam Burns
Bikernet Shop Investigator

TailWhip Basket Weave, touring models ’08-‘23

Taking our popular Kickflip one step further! If it’s more comfort for the passenger or just another platform to let your adventurous side explore, the whipped-up tail will give you what you are looking for!

Shown with Basket Weave seating area. Also available with Double Diamond Stitch, Pleated Stitch and our new Gripp Tape material – for when traction is needed! Many other custom materials and stitch graphics are available as well!

Driver Seating:
12.5″ Wide

Passenger Seating:
7.5″ Wide


Part Number:
LK-587BW [’08-’23]

GRAND JURRIES AND INDICTMENTS– from the Journalism-Bureaucrat Translation Dictionary

258: GRAND JURIES AND INDICTMENTS (BUREAUCRAT/JOURNALISM DEFINITION)…..A method of ensuring Justice, created by the saints and angels of myth and fact in a moment of sublime revelation submitted via themselves and by themselves to government entities and resulting in degrees and instances of enlightened fairness and perfectness of the wisdom of governmental oversight seldom seen this side of the Throne of God. (ACTUAL DEFINITION)…..A cunning means of ridding political opposition under the disguise of misleading-vocabulary (“grand’) suggesting just the opposite of its cunning, politically diabolical function. Not to suggest that there is anything non-diabolical in politics or government, I am not suggesting that. I’m just trying to get through this with some level of scale of the degree of eternal, slowly simmering, evil.

A “grand” jury is just the opposite of anything suggesting grandness unless we include Grand Guignol as an example of noble grandeur.

The grand jury’s function, though it is not informed of that, being as it is composed of the dumbest-of-the-dumb in society, which would be people who not only LIKE juries but in fact consider them to be bulwarks of liberty…..the grand jury’s function is to be an unwitting accomplice in political mischief under the guise of ensuring that political mischief can never take place. Certainly not while grand juries are around to cry “HALT!” to the callous mountebanks who would seek to de-empower our empoweredment as a free society.

The degree of bullshittedness engulfing the grand jury “concept” is so flagrant and so unembarrassedly idiotic that if you have the awareness level just a little bit higher than that of a koala you have to say to yourself “Ok, this is just the Founding Fathers fucking with us now to see just how much nonsense we’ll put up with before saying wait a minute.”

IT TURNS OUT no one is ever going to say wait a minute. Good thing I showed up, no?

A grand jury is inhabited by volunteers. Who have no legal knowledge, backround, or expertise – whatever expertise in law is – often no jobs, no lives, no ambitions, a lotta time on their hands, and a burning desire to give their lives meaning by being able to tell people “I served on a grand jury.” To which the response from the equally obtuse listener will be, “Oh, did you go to Harvard or Yale?” To which the PROPER response would be, “No, I was just lazy enough to stay out of prison all my life” but which will PROBABLY be, with a shrug, while lifting the beer glass mouthward, “No, I guess they just figured I was smart.”

No, they KNEW you were STUPID. For one thing you volunteered for this. Even knowing that you would be a call-up jury member for an entire year. Which told THEM that you had no life and CLEARLY no brains. You were asked in the first place, probably very courteously, because you had, according to their records, served on a jury of some kind before. Probably a traditional jury duty “service” which was mandatory. Not a service at all. But you didn’t notice that bit of verbal chicanery. No one does, apparently. And since you couldn’t see through THAT scam and did everything you were ordered to do in the interests of patriotism under pain of legal consequences – much like the draft – they decided you were probably “civic-minded” and might like to be REALLY clobbered with some shenanigans which you just MIGHT interpret as NOBLE!

Far from being noble the actual purpose and function and reason for existence of grand juries is not to ensure Liberty throughout the land but to ensure that Liberty never actually comes into existence throughout the land. Since the American population is incapable of taking physical action against government except when an “oppressed” person is killed by police thus prompting rioting, arson and looting by genetically-related Similarly Oppressed people, the only actual internal threat to government in the USA is from a bureaucrat or from a firebrand citizen capable of arousing the citizenry to action against government OR by being in government himself in high office and using government apparatus to declare tyrannical edicts null and void.

So the Grand Jury apparatus serves to, not protect the citizenry against tyranny, but to protect government against liberty.

You are not supposed to notice this. And it’s a really good bet that you haven’t.

The grand jury, consisting of 23 people, sits quietly in comfortable stupefaction and some sense of importance for the first time in their lives, and listens to the government explain to them why so-and-so needs to be arrested. There is no “other side” or “defense” in the room explaining why the person should NOT be arrested. That would defeat the purpose of the Grand Jury function. It would be marginally FAIR in other words. This is why grand juries are called grand juries: to suggest to the listless citizen that something so vital is being determined that a normal jury-duty jury that listens to both sides is too remedial: a jury consisting of GRAND Deciders must be “convened,” that is gathered from a pool of, needless to say, ultra-knowledgeable legal and majestic minds far above the normal limits of human discernment of right from wrong, capable of grand focus and grand fairness and grand abilities of attention to detail that to date only the gods of Olympus have been able to wield. The members of the grand jury are SO ATTUNED to the successes and failings of Mankind that only through their laser inspections of the myriad ramifications of the accusations being presented can they, and only they, reach a decision that is far out of the reach and hope of success of the normal human.

Whereas, in fact, they are listless fools being moved-about by con artists.

It gets worse. Less than a majority have to agree to ruin the accused’s life….. for the authorities to proceed to ruin the accused’s life.

And there you have it! Now you know something. Oh, and by the way: good luck waiting to hear any of this from what passes for journalists in America. As far as those failed-novelists are concerned grand juries are things that, like masks, keep us all safe.

–by J.J. Solari


It’s our 10th Anniversary so we’re going BIG!

Enter for your chance to win Scott’s bike!

2023 Harley-Davidson Low Rider ST

It’s our 10th Anniversary so we are going big and inviting our sponsors to help us customize every inch of this bike.
– Sawicki Speed
– Bare Knuckle Performance
– Speed Kings Cycle Supply
– Klock Werks
– Saddlemen

Lots of custom goodies coming to this one.
– Keep an eye out for update videos, pics & podcasts!

P.S. did we mention this is Scott’s bike…?
– Who wouldn’t want a bike that belongs to one of the masterminds behind the Mama Tried Motorcycle Show?!

Warrior Wisdom—Philosophy Of The First Arrow

The concept relates to human reactions, response and instincts for revenge.

The philosophy of the first arrow, says that, yes, it hurts. The second arrow however is actually an attack we do onto ourselves. A true martial artist uses skills beyond physical combat to engage his foes. You need to develop the warrior spirit that knows there is no benefit to anyone in an actual fight.

As a sport, it definitely has its place in society. As a self-defence skill, it inculcates both physical and mental discipline essential for social welfare including overall health and well-being. Yet, as an act of rage or retaliation, the fight brings escalation and eventual losses to all involved.

Prepare such that there is no need for war!

Refer the brilliant interview and message from “The Ultimate Shaolin Routine”

5 hindrances to self-mastery :

  • Sensual Desire (5 senses)
  • Ill Will / Aversion
  • Dullness / Heaviness (body & mind)
  • Restlessness (present moment)
  • Sceptical Doubt (indecision, what-if)
  • Prevent these or find a technique to remove it.

4 steps to remove hindrances :

  • Recognize (your current state of mind)
  • Accept (acknowledge, allow the situation/person to be as-is)
  • Investigate (emotional, mental state — ask why it came up, what are consequences of being in that state)
  • Non-identification (I am not the body, mind, my emotions –just that I can see these aspects about me)

Two mistakes along the way to self-mastery

  1. Not starting it and
  2. Not going all the way


Student of the arts


The end of the 2023 Sturgis Rally brings with it an important milestone.

It was 10 rallies ago that you got your first glimpse of all the wild and crazy items left behind at the end of the annual two-week Sturgis Buffalo Chip party. After a decade of documenting the debauchery, you’d think we would have seen it all. But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Each passing year seemed to up the ante, with this year cranking the weird all the way to 11.

See it all here:


Dice Magazine Launch. Join us in our second home, Margate, to celebrate 101 issues of DicE Magazine.

SONG PICK OF THE WEEK—- an olden gold dedicated to all those working to pay bills, raise a family, keep up appearances, count savings, blessings & taxes and get their say in through one vote in four years.

Song: “Sixteen Tons”
Artist: “Tennessee Ernie Ford”
Released: 1955

Some people say a man is made outta mud
A poor man’s made outta muscle and blood
Muscle and blood and skin and bones
A mind that’s a-weak and a back that’s strong

You load 16 tons, what do you get?
Another day older and deeper in debt
St. Peter, don’t you call me ’cause I can’t go
I owe my soul to the company store

I was born one mornin’ when the sun didn’t shine
I picked up my shovel and I walked to the mine
I loaded 16 tons of number nine coal
And the straw boss said, “Well, a-bless my soul”

You load 16 tons, what do you get?
Another day older and deeper in debt
St. Peter, don’t you call me ’cause I can’t go
I owe my soul to the company store

I was born one mornin’, it was drizzlin’ rain
Fightin’ and trouble are my middle name
I was raised in the canebrake by an ol’ mama lion
Can’t no high toned woman make me walk the line

You load 16 tons, what do you get?
Another day older and deeper in debt
St. Peter, don’t you call me ’cause I can’t go
I owe my soul to the company store

If you see me comin’, better step aside
A lotta men didn’t, a lotta men died
One fist of iron, the other of steel
If the right one don’t get you
Then the left one will

You load 16 tons, what do you get?
Another day older and deeper in debt
St. Peter, don’t you call me ’cause I can’t go
I owe my soul to the company store

Laborer of Love

[page break]


–Sam Burns
Vintage Curator™


Earlier today, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) released a document highlighting what it sees as “simple steps” to reduce motorcyclist deaths. First and foremost, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) is very concerned about the safety of bikers. 2021 saw 6,000 motorcyclists killed on our nation’s roadways, accounting for nearly 14% of all traffic fatalities.

While we don’t agree with all the positions of the IIHS, including their push for universal helmet laws, we do appreciate that they take a wider view of the issue. They point out the need for other people on the road to look for motorcycles and ensuring other vehicles properly judge their speed in relationship to motorcycles.

Additionally, the IIHS position of ensuring crash avoidance systems are designed to detect motorcycles is a good idea. Of course, that’s a good idea! That’s why the MRF is pressing Congress and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration on this topic here in Washington, D.C.

All bikers should be happy to learn about a new technology focused on left turn assist. According to the IIHS, “Left turn assist, has the potential to address crashes in which another vehicle turns left in front of an oncoming motorcycle — the most common type of crash between a motorcycle and another vehicle.”

Another place where we find common ground, is understanding that crash avoidance is the best way to save lives. A crash that never happens is 100% better than a “safer crash.”

As the release notes, “Each one of the thousands of motorcyclists who die on U.S. roads every year is someone’s loved one.” The MRF has lost way too many members and friends because of crashes on our roads. Let’s work together and decrease fatalities.


Electric vehicles (EVs) have a new problem and the damage they are doing is huge

The race to force all Americans to drive electric vehicles (EVs) continues.

But it seems like more and more problems are cropping up with EVs.

And electric vehicles (EVs) have a new problem and the damage they are doing is huge.

A new report shows that heavy electric vehicles (EVs) cause twice as much damage to road surfaces as traditional gas-powered vehicles.

Heavy batteries equal heavy damage

A study from the United Kingdom, led by the University of Leeds, found the average electric car puts 2.24 times more stress on roads than a similar gas-powered vehicle and 1.95 more stress than a diesel vehicle.

But the news for EVs gets even worse.

Larger electric vehicles can cause as much as 2.32 times more damage to roads and highways.

The increased stress on roads causes a greater movement of asphalt, which leads to small cracks that over time expand into large potholes that make the roads less drivable and force local governments to repair the damage at taxpayer expense.

The increased weight of EVs is primarily due to their heavy batteries, which can weigh up to 1,100 pounds.

But it’s even worse than that

The report comes quickly on the heels of dozens of other issues reported with EV batteries.

Problems range from batteries catching on fire or exploding to batteries that don’t hold their charge.

In a recent report, the much talked about new Ford EV truck was such a disappointment that it earned the name “RangeLiar.”

Now add the batteries’ heavy weight to the growing list of EV problems.

Of course, this is not the first time EVs have come under scrutiny for their on-road weight.

A matter of life and death

Breitbart News reported that the safety risks posed by heavy electric vehicles in collisions with lighter vehicles forced the head of the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board to issue a general warning to all drivers.

Jennifer Homendy, the Chairwoman of the National Transportation Safety Board, recently brought the issue to the forefront in a speech to the Transportation Research Board.

In her speech, Homendy pointed out, by way of example, that an electric GMC Hummer weighs about 9,000 pounds, with a battery pack alone that is 2,900 pounds.

That means the battery alone for heavy EVs weighs as much as an entire gas-powered Honda Civic.

“I’m concerned about the increased risk of severe injury and death for all road users from heavier curb weights and increasing size, power, and performance of vehicles on our roads, including electric vehicles,” Homendy said in her remarks prepared for the group.

With the danger of the spontaneous explosion of EV batteries, stranded drivers due to less than advertised mileage on a charge, and now the increasing threat to motorists caused by the much heavier EVs, one wonders when the mad dash to force drivers into the death traps will slow down.

It’s far past time for the Biden administration to put out the yellow flag in this particular race.

Deplorable Daily will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.


We had a fire at the Bikernet Bad joke library, which burned up lots of old and repeated jokes. We finally reopened.

Several men are in the locker room of a golf club. A cellular phone on a bench rings and a man engages the hands-free speaker function and begins to talk. Everyone else in the room stops to listen.

MAN: “Hello”

WOMAN: “Hi Honey, it’s me. Are you at the club?”

MAN: “Yes.”

WOMAN: “I’m at the shops now and found this beautiful leather coat. It’s only $2,000; is it OK if I buy it?”

MAN: “Sure, go ahead if you like it that much.”

WOMAN:”I also stopped by the Lexus dealership and saw the new models. I saw one I really liked.”

MAN: “How much?”

WOMAN: “$90,000.”

MAN: “OK, but for that price, I want it with all the options.”

WOMAN: “Great! Oh, and one more thing… I was just talking to Janie and found out that the house I wanted last year is back on the market. They’re asking $980,000 for it.”

MAN: “Well, then go ahead and make an offer of $900,000. They’ll probably take it. If not, we can go the extra eighty-thousand if it’s what you really want.”

WOMAN: “OK. I’ll see you later! I love you so much!”

MAN: “Bye! I love you, too.”

The man hangs up. The other men in the locker room are staring at him in astonishment, mouths wide open. He turns and asks, “Anyone know whose phone this is?”

–Sam Burns
Certified Librarian™


A cartoon on collection and collectors and then the inheritors. Estate management for dummies should be a handbook sold with every garage.



“Experience is not what happens to a man. It is, what a man does with what happens to him.” ~ Aldous Huxley

–Epoch times

NEW FROM THE LOWBROW GANG— Run any risers and bars you want on that springer front end!

Another Lowbrow exclusive, the innovative Springer Riser Adapter Top Clamp allows for the use of any standard risers and handlebars you desire.

This top clamp will fit OEM Vintage Harley-Davidson springers as well as aftermarket springers, such as Cannonball, Mid-USA and Paughco.

U.S. Patent Pending

Run standard risers on your springer fork
Keeps risers on standard 3-1/2″ centers
Includes both 1/2″-13 and 1/2″-20 riser bolts
Machined from 6061-T6 Aluminum
Made In The USA ????


I sent this suggestion to Alex Epstein, who has written several books on Fossil Fuels and the Climate issue.

Here’s your best book project yet. This one should be in every school forever. How about a book on the benefits and uses of fossil fuels. Maybe it would contain a chapter on the history of petroleum and one on how it saved the world.

You’re welcome,


“Good idea!” –Alex

OVER 1,600 SCIENTISTS– Sign ‘No Climate Emergency’ Declaration

International scientists have jointly signed a declaration dismissing the existence of a climate crisis and insisting that carbon dioxide is beneficial to Earth, contrary to the popular alarmist narrative.

“There is no climate emergency,” the Global Climate Intelligence Group (CLINTEL) said in its World Climate Declaration (pdf), made public in August. “Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific. Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures.”

A total of 1,609 scientists and professionals from around the world have signed the declaration, including 321 from the United States.

The coalition pointed out that Earth’s climate has varied as long as it has existed, with the planet experiencing several cold and warm phases. The Little Ice Age only ended as recently as 1850, they said.

“Therefore, it is no surprise that we now are experiencing a period of warming,” the declaration said.

Warming is happening “far slower” than predicted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

“Climate models have many shortcomings and are not remotely plausible as policy tools,” the coalition said, adding that these models “exaggerate the effect of greenhouse gases” and “ignore the fact that enriching the atmosphere with CO2 is beneficial.” For instance, even though climate alarmists characterize CO2 as environmentally-damaging, the coalition pointed out that the gas is “not a pollutant.”

Carbon dioxide is “essential” to all life on earth and is “favorable” for nature. Extra CO2 results in the growth of global plant biomass while also boosting the yields of crops worldwide.

CLINTEL also dismissed the narrative of global warming being linked to increased natural disasters like hurricanes, floods, and droughts, stressing that there is “no statistical evidence” to support these claims.

“There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic and alarm. We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050. Go for adaptation instead of mitigation; adaptation works whatever the causes are,” it said.

“To believe the outcome of a climate model is to believe what the model makers have put in. This is precisely the problem of today’s climate discussion to which climate models are central. Climate science has degenerated into a discussion based on beliefs, not on sound self-critical science. Should not we free ourselves from the naive belief in immature climate models?”

By Naveen Athrappully
Read the whole tamale at Epoch Times



When handsome Blaze Bowie meets beautiful Noelle Charbonnez, worlds collide and clash. Bodies soon sizzle while hearts begin to dream. They must not only conquer old grudges and face new fears, but battle the siege of the Alamo, confront the Napoleon of the West, and find the long lost, secret key if they are to always love and laugh.

DOES ANYONE WANT AN EV? Is that a surprise?

Indonesia widens subsidy access for electric bikes after poor uptake

Indonesia currently has more than 120 million motorcycles on its roads and is seeking to reduce fuel reliance and achieve a net zero emission target by 2060. It is also a major source of nickel used in EV batteries and is seeking to attract global EV manufacturers.

The nation received just 2,429 applications regarding EV for the subsidy, or 1.2% of the year’s target of 200,000 units. Indonesia’s government has widened public access to a 7 trillion rupiah (USD 458.87 million).

Read more at:

International Investigator
Bikernet International News Desk

LIFESTYLE CYCLES DEAL OF THE WEEK–2015 Harley-Davidson FLHXS – Street Glide Special

Stock # 13553N is a 2015 Amber whiskey Harley-Davidson STREET GLIDE SPECIAL FLHXS with only 14918.00 miles!

This bike is a super clean with some of the features/Add-ons on this bike are

* 103c.i. Motor with a 6-Speed trans.
* Cobra exhaust
* Navigation
* LED headlamp
* LED turn signals
* Detachable passenger backrest
* High-Flo air cleaner
Air ride suspension

This bike is only $16,995.00

Plus license, $85.00 documentation fee, and local sales tax. NO HIDDEN FEES like some dealers. And we have no reconditioning or prep fees. This bike has passed Lifestyle Cycles rigorous 92-point safety/mechanical/structural inspection.

Fill out an online application today. We have EZ FINANCING and EXTENDED WARRANTIES available!

Lifestyle Cycles is located at 1510 State College Blvd,Anaheim,CA,92806. Open 7 days a week.

NOT LOCAL? WE HAVE SHIPPING AVAILABLE! Call today (714) 490-0155.

We carry Street Glides, Road Glides, Road Kings, Ultras, Sportsters, Softails, Dynas, and much more!

We are California’s pre-owned Harley Mega-Store with over 200 Pre-Owned Harley-Davidsons in stock! To view our current inventory,

Please visit or

THAT’S NOT ALL—I’m trying to reduce my projects and expenses. I’m going to put the ’58 Chevy on the market with Hemmings and the ’48 UL.

It’s tough to find the right place or person to handle these delicate transactions. I’m still trying to dial in the Chevy. It needs some help with the tuning and brakes.

Since I’m not spending bank on the run to Bonneville, I’m buying more parts for the 1913 Board Track racer. I found some flywheels on Ebay and these rods, but I can’t confirm a casting number to know the rods are correct.

I went to Cabana Dan’s to check out the action and discuss my ’13 project.

Now Competition Distributing is making pistons for the early bikes.

I helped 45 John who will now be Panhead John or something else. He received a ’60 Panhead roller project and I helped him dismantle the crate and unload the bike. It didn’t have any brakes and he lives on a slanted Deadwood street. Randy Cramer helped with a trailer from his Dakota V-Twin shop.

The day the crate was due to arrive in the Black Hills a hot rod event filled the streets with Cool Deadwood night’s fans. A neighbor called with a rat rod welding issue. “Get that puppy over here,” I said and this is what arrived. A tie-rod bracket broke and we made quick work of cleaning and prepping the metal then MIG welding it for his parade run.

The funky Panhead survived its first 100-mile test run with only minor issues. The transmission dipstick threads were shot, gone, toast. I thought I could fix it, until I took it apart. It was rusted to shit. Some of the mounting bolts were badly rusting and the clutch cable threads were a mess.

I gave up trying to salvage it when I saw the throw-out bearing area. I replaced it with a another one. It’s now good to go, but I wanted to fix a crack on the exhaust system and cleaned up the welds with Silicon Bronze.

I remember Wolfman Jack saying to the girls, “Are your peaches sweet?” It’s the season and the local peaches are amazing and as big as softballs. I have peaches with breakfast, in my protein shakes and for desert with yogurt. Incredible.

Peter Linney shot this bike, but we still need to reach out to the owner, so we can write the feature.

There you have it. It’s never dull around here.

Ride Free!


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