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MotoDoffo Wines Releases “Rally Red” Limited Edition Wine

Named the Official Wine of the Sturgis Buffalo Chip, this specially-labeled Cabernet Sauvignon is now available for online orders. Temecula, Calif. – June 20, 2023 – MotoDoffo Wines, a moto-inspired division of family-owned Doffo Winery located in Temecula, California, has officially released its limited edition “Rally Red” wine ahead of this year’s Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. This specially-labeled Cabernet Sauvignon is now available for online orders and will be featured throughout the Sturgis Buffalo Chip’s bars during the rally. “The first-ever MotoDoffo Rally Red is here!” shares MotoDoffo Winemaker and CEO, Damian Doffo. “With a powerhouse grape like Cabernet Sauvignon inside the bottle and a bold image of an American v-twin motorcycle on the label, we feel we’ve really captured the spirit of the Rally with this wine.” Made 100% from Cabernet Sauvignon grapes harvested in the Fall of 2019 from Doffo Winery’s Temecula, California vineyards, the Rally Red is an approachable, easy-to-drink wine that goes well with a wide variety of dishes or can be enjoyed on its own. The unique label artwork celebrates good times with a massive burnout at the legendary Buffalo Chip. Limited to just 1,500 bottles produced, each bottle’s back label features a serial number and a quote from Buffalo Chip founder Rod “Woody” Woodruff: “Ride free. Take risks. You deserve the best.” The MotoDoffo Rally Red is available now at Doffo Winery in Temecula, CA and from the winery’s online shop at Visit for more on MotoDoffo Wines, lifestyle apparel, motorcycle collection, and visitation information.

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Tell ’em Sent Ya !!

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NCOM Biker Newsbytes for June 2023

Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish

Industry & Legislative Motorcycle News from USA and the world



Click Here To Read this Month’s NCOM Newsbytes on

National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) News provides updates on motorcycle industry, market, legislation, rights of bikers, motorcyclists in USA, and motorcycle news from around the world.

The National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) is a nationwide motorcyclists rights organization serving over 2,000 NCOM Member Groups throughout the United States, with all services fully-funded through Aid to Injured Motorcyclist (AIM) Attorneys available in each state who donate a portion of their legal fees from motorcycle accidents back into the NCOM Network of Biker Services ( / 800-ON-A-BIKE).

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Rest assured, our coverage is comprehensive…yet revealing. Subscribe now! Click & Go!

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The Bikernet Code of the West Seminar

There are two stereotypes for bikers. Some people believe bikers are something a little more than human… and some people believe we are something a bit less. 
Those of us who actually ride know that the mores, are generally the correct assumption. True bikers ride farther, laugh louder, live harder, and fuck longer than the average person. We brave elements that send most humans scurrying for shelter, whether its sunshine cooking us into beef jerky or rain running down the cracks of our asses.
 I generally strive to write about the mores, not the lesses… unfortunately, this makes me an oddity in journalism. Entertainment and media have long battered our lifestyle with the ‘dirtbag’ persona, chittering in glee when some biker scuffle happens, especially amongst patches. This brings me to write something that has been on my mind for a few weeks.
You see, there have been two mass shootings and several scuffles in recent current events involving bikers. I have refused to write about them, because I am tired of small popup clubs picking fights with old 1%er clubs and people dying and getting hurt, and I am tired of the cops and the media always blaming the big 1% clubs for what happens, no matter who started the fight. I won’t give those small clubs the honor of me even writing their names and giving them notoriety… because I honestly believe it’s a pussy bitch move to pull that Jack McCall shooting Wild Bill stunt to make a name for your club. 
But, then, I woke up Memorial Day weekend and saw there had been a shooting at the Red River Run. How much more could you embarrass all of bikerdom than to have something like that splashed all over the holiday news when we are supposed to be honoring the people who died for this country? As many of us are bikers and military families, it turned my stomach to see what was playing out on my tv… to see my friends and loved ones on Facebook terrorized and worried they were going to get shot or arrested or all of the above, at a Memorial Day bike rally or on the way home.  
So, this is what I have to say about all of that. This shit has got to stop. There is absolutely no reason to be having shootouts in public places. It’s time to go back to handling your business like real men, with fisticuffs, instead of like ghetto rats shooting into crowds of innocent people. 
You don’t like the 1%ers in your area? Then don’t go where they are and where they have been going for twenty or thirty or forty years. Because here is a little biker knowledge for you puppies and bantem roosters… you are not ever going to bring them down. Those big clubs have thousands of members all over the world and thousands more who love and support them. They have been around since you boys were still shittin’ yellow at your mama’s tit, and they will still be around when you are shittin’ your pants in a nursing home. 
You are accomplishing some things with your behaviors, alright. You are making all those people hate YOUR club. You are making all bikers look like crap in the media, who we know are always smacking their lips for sensationalist reasons to yell about ‘biker gangs’.. you are giving cops a reason to fuck with ever biker on the road. You are making the public fear us. You are ruining events that are enjoyed by many innocent people and screwing up the cash flow of all the vendors and bars and restaurants involved in your spat. 
You are handing the FBI and the RICO laws and the gang databases a free ticket into all of our lives. You are taking a giant shit on all of the hundreds of people who spend countless hours and thousands of dollars a year in MROs and the MRF fighting for our rights. 


You are endangering our 2nd Amendment rights, our 14th amendment rights, and every gathering of bikers in every city in America, running around playing your little cowboy games and pissing contests. Every damned shooting puts us one step closer to another Waco happening. And, most importantly, you are taking husbands and fathers away from young mothers and little kids over stupid fights that coulda been handled with a couple of black eyes out behind a clubhouse… instead of literally taking someone’s life, over trivial bullshit. 
So, on behalf of bikerdom, I wanted to say to you all… you really need to stop making us look like street gangs. When you open fire in a crowd, you are no better than one of those camo’d and manifesto’d little shits who walks in shooting up a school or mall or church. Please start dealing with your shit like real men, so everyone lives to fight another day. Strive to teach the members of your clubs to be more than human… not less.


–The Wicked Bitch


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Ride To Work Day 2023

Let’s fill the streets with motorcycles and scooters tomorrow, June 19th! Show the world you rode by flooding social media with your photos and videos!

Here’s a short interview about Ride to Work Day from a popular blog site:
‘5 Questions to Andy Goldfine about Ride to Work Day’ (Click Me)

We hope you’ll be able get out and ride somewhere this Monday, even if only for a short errand. Have fun.

Note about the 2024 day (and following years):
Because the recently established United States federal holiday of Juneteenth is the same day as the current RTW Day, because many business and government entities now close on this day, and because RTW Day is about riding to work (as well as for utility transportation), starting in 2024 RTW Day will annually be on the Second Tuesday in June. This day is chosen because: A) it breaks up the workweek better than a Monday day does (RTW Day is a demonstration day), and B) because a midweek day is more likely to receive media coverage than a Monday or Friday.

Ride to Work Day, a 501 c4 nonprofit organization, can be reached at:
1730 West Superior St, Duluth, Minnesota, 55806 USA
218 722 9806 /

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Follow Bikernet Free Weekly Newsletter to get latest Motorcycling news, updates, reviews, tech, tips, & lot of fun. Click here & take a test ride.

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NCOM Biker Newsbytes for June 2023

The National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) is a nationwide motorcyclists rights organization serving over 2,000 NCOM Member Groups throughout the United States, with all services fully-funded through Aid to Injured Motorcyclist (AIM) Attorneys available in each state who donate a portion of their legal fees from motorcycle accidents back into the NCOM Network of Biker Services ( / 800-ON-A-BIKE).

“Nebraska becomes 33rd state to repeal mandatory helmet law!” blasts a headline across the top of the ABATE of Nebraska website (, heralding the passage of Legislative Bill 91; which was amended to transportation measure LB138, overwhelmingly approved 30-5 and then signed into law by Governor Jim Pillen (R) on June 1, 2023.

“Glad to have played a role in allowing the riders of Nebraska to ride free,” Facebooked State Senator Ben Hansen (R-Blair) who carried LB 91 through the unicameral legislature, touting that people should be free to decide if they want to take the risk of riding without a helmet.

Under Sen. Hansen’s bill, any motorcyclist or passenger over age 21 who has completed a basic certification course by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation would be able to ride without a helmet, effective on January 1, 2024.

Riders from out of state could also ride without a helmet if they have taken an equivalent course and carry proof of completion. The bill would also require riders and passengers to wear protective glasses or have a windshield on their bikes.


Sikhs and others whose faith requires them to wear a turban or patka could soon be allowed to ride motorcycles in California without a helmet as mandated by state law, as the State Senate voted 21-8 on June 1st to grant a religious exemption for the headwear.

“Freedom of religion is a core foundation of this country,” said State Senator Brian Dahle (R-Bieber), who sponsored Senate Bill 847. “We, as Americans, have the right to freely express our religion and I believe that right should equally extend to everyone.”

Sikh turbans and patkas are considered articles of faith for believers.

“Although other countries and our own military make accommodations for Sikhs’ deep beliefs, out of the U.S. states that require helmets, none has exemptions for Sikhs or any other group based on religious practice,” according to Sen. Dahle. SB 847 now moves to the Assembly.


House Bill 1112, signed into law on May 16, 2023 by Washington Governor Jay Inslee (D) creates a new gross misdemeanor penalty for negligent drivers who kill “vulnerable user victims,” which can include pedestrians, cyclists, and people riding tractors, horses or motorcycles on the roadway.

The traffic infraction of negligent driving in the second degree with a vulnerable user victim is renamed negligent driving with a vulnerable user victim in the second degree, and effective January 1, 2025, following a public awareness campaign, the scope of the infraction will be modified: A person commits the infraction if the person “operates a vehicle in a manner that is both negligent and endangers or is likely to endanger any person or property, and proximately causes great bodily harm or substantial bodily harm of a vulnerable user of a public way.”

Negligent driving with a vulnerable user victim is punishable by up to 365 days in jail, a $5,000 fine which may not be reduced below $1,000, or both. A person convicted of this crime will also lose their driving privileges for 90 days.

The bill was a bipartisan effort by State Rep. Paul Harris (R-Vancouver) and will allow judges, at their discretion, to hold negligent drivers to greater accountability and impose criminal penalties to protect vulnerable victims of accidents.


U.S. Senators Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Bob Casey Jr. (D-PA) announced that they would introduce the Electric Motorcycle Parity Act in the Senate which, if enacted, would expand available tax credits to riders who purchase qualifying electric motorcycles in the U.S. with the same qualifications required for four-wheeled electric vehicles that previously passed into law as part of the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act.

In the United States, electric motorcycle purchases that met certain conditions were previously eligible for tax credits before the 2022 calendar year, but unfortunately for riders those tax credits expired at the end of 2021. Although some individual states have opted to offer tax incentives for electric motorcycles purchased in 2022 and 2023, nothing has existed at the federal level for the past year and a half.

According to Sens. Casey and Baldwin, the Electric Motorcycle Parity Act of 2023 would make vehicles with fewer than four wheels (potentially two- and even three-wheeled vehicles) eligible for the clean vehicle tax credit that is part of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, which awards up to $7,500 to customers if both the vehicle and the taxpayer meet certain requirements.


Several members of the U.S. House of Representatives are urging Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg to re-establish the Motorcyclist Advisory Committee (MAC). The MAC was supposed to be re-established within 90 days of the Motorcyclist Advisory Council Reauthorization Act of 2021 becoming law, expanding membership seats to include manufacturers, motorcyclists rights organizations and safety professionals, yet over a year has passed since its enactment with no action thus far by the DOT.

In the joint letter to the Transportation Secretary, the group of Congressmembers write in part; “Unfortunately, despite the requirement that the MAC be established within 90 days of enactment it appears no such action has been taken. While we understand the many priorities you manage at the Department of Transportation, this critical Council must be instated to ensure the safety of motorcyclists.”


A former federal transportation safety advisor warns, “It’s very dangerous for motorcycles to be around Teslas” in a Washington Post article acknowledging the vehicle’s Autopilot driver-assistance program “has been involved in far more crashes than previously reported.”

The June 10 article notes that “The number of deaths and serious injuries associated with Autopilot also has grown significantly… The most recent data includes at least 17 fatal incidents,” with four of those involving a motorcycle.

Last year, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) opened two consecutive special investigations into fatal crashes involving Tesla vehicles and motorcyclists.

Former NHTSA senior safety adviser Missy Cummings, now a professor at George Mason University’s College of Engineering and Computing, called the surge in Tesla crashes “troubling” and said the number of fatalities compared to overall crashes was also a concern.

An uptick in crashes coincides with Tesla’s aggressive rollout of Full Self-Driving, which has expanded from around 12,000 users to nearly 400,000 in a little more than a year. In February, Tesla issued a recall of more than 360,000 vehicles equipped with Full Self-Driving over concerns that the software prompted its vehicles to disobey traffic lights, stop signs and speed limits.


Sales figures for the first quarter of 2023 are in for the European PTW (Powered Two-Wheeler) market, and things seem to be looking up for the international motorcycle industry. In total, there was a 15.5% increase across the top five European markets as compared to the first quarter of 2022.

It goes without saying that the European motorcycle market is considerably more diverse than what we see in the U.S. With a wider selection of motorcycles due to stricter licensing parameters, manufacturers need to expand their model ranges with bikes in the 125cc, 300cc to 500cc, and 650cc+ categories. On top of that, more and more people are hitting the road on electric motorcycles.

Italy leads the pack with an impressive 31.1% growth versus the first quarter of 2022, with runner-up Germany experiencing 13.2% more moto- sales than the same period of last year. In third place, France marked a 7.1% increase over Q1 2022, while fourth and fifth places went to Spain and the U.K., respectively.

The European motorcycle industry appears to be rebounding from a rather lackluster 2022, and should the current trend continue, could result in an excess of one million new motorcycles sold there by year’s end.

Spanish Enduro Champion Iván Cervantes has set a new Guinness World Record for the longest distance ridden by one person on a motorcycle, by riding 4,012km (2,493 miles) in 24 hours on April 30, 2023 aboard his Triumph Tiger 1200 GT Explorer.

The previous record, set at 3,406km (2,116 miles), was achieved by American rider Carl Reese on February 26, 2017, recording an average speed over 24 hours of 141.9kph (88.2mph). Cervantes’ record therefore extends the record by 606km (377 miles), and with an average speed of 167.8kph (104.3mph).

There was a total of 18 pitstops, around every 1.5hours, with 520-litres of fuel used.

When asked if he slept during the event, the five-time Enduro World Champion and Triumph Global Ambassador admitted: “Believe me I tried, but after 10 minutes I couldn’t sleep because of all the adrenaline inside my body.”


A prominent motorcycle journalist has broken a world record for visiting the most amount of countries while riding a motorcycle in one 24-hour period.

Moto-writer Thierry Sarasyn started his ride in southern Poland, strategically chosen because of its close proximity to a significant number of other countries before ending his trip in the Netherlands.

At the end of his record-setting journey, Thierry racked up an impressive 1,367 miles, visiting 15 countries, and completed the feat in just 22 hours, yet breaking no speed limits and no local road traffic laws. That meant he had to basically ride 1,300 miles, through different countries all with varying traffic laws, in less than 24 hours.


Does your favorite motorcycle manufacturer have an official postage stamp from its country of origin? If you’re a Ducatista it does, as the Italian national postal service, Poste Italiane, officially released its special Ducati stamp collection on June 9, 2023 crafted in honor of the 2022 Ducati MotoGP World Championship won by the Ducati team led by Factory rider Francesco “Pecco” Bagnaia.

The stamp depicts a stylized drawing of the Ducati GP22 MotoGP machine, roaring around a chicane painted in the tricolor of the Italian flag, along with a laurel wreath and text that reads “2022 Campioni Del Mondo Ducati” in the upper right corner.


The Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM) has officially announced the beginning of an entirely new racing series for 2024, and this time the circuit will be all about women racers, and will be called the FIM Women’s Motorcycling World Championship.

Women from all over the world will be invited to race in this new Championship, and tentative plans for the opening season will include at least six rounds, with two races held per round, and will “primarily run alongside the MOTUL FIM Superbike World Championship” starting in March or April of next year.



“The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at best, knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”

~ Theodore Roosevelt, “Citizen in a Republic”, April 23, 1910

Read More 2023 Indy 500 Race Report

by Prince Najar

Robin Performs Harikari: A Death Ducking Sportster Survives the Indy 500

At 6:00 AM on Sunday, May 28th I woke up to a crisp radiant morning in the eye of a swirling cold snap. Just 100 miles south of bustling Indianapolis, it took just a few moments to make a seismic shift to a mental, full-on party mode. Under dire deadline pressure, I prepped for the run on my Sporty, to see the Greatest spectacle in Racing, the Indy 500.

Click here to read this photo feature article only on

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Visit the 5-Ball Racing Garage and get the gear for riding to your favorite events.

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Shit’s happening everywhere. Action is happening all over the country from the Black Hills to Born Free in Califa.

Here’s my recent breakfast with fresh fruit available. It’s amazing with my second cup of coffee. Gotta wrap it up quick, shit to do.

Bros are rolling into the Black Hills like crazy, maybe they will stay or move onto Milwaukee for the anniversary. 

Hell, even Willie is planning for Biketoberfest already.

Let’s hit the news.

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum.


“It’s very dangerous for motorcycles to be around Teslas”

Over the weekend a Washington Post story on Tesla’s Autopilot system made national news. The story included this quote from former National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) senior safety adviser, Missy Cummings, “It’s very dangerous for motorcycles to be around Teslas.”

According to the Post’s research, since 2021, there have 17 fatal crashes involving Teslas operating in Autopilot mode. Motorcycles were involved in four of the 17.

You may remember that NHTSA recently opened investigations into fatal crashes involving Tesla vehicles and motorcycles. One occurred in Utah, when a motorcyclist on Interstate 15 outside Salt Lake City, was struck from behind by a Tesla in Autopilot. “The driver of the Tesla did not see the motorcyclist and collided with the back of the motorcycle, which threw the rider from the bike,” the Utah Department of Public Safety said.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said in May that Autopilot is not an appropriate name “When the fine print says you need to have your hands on the wheel and eyes on the road at all times.”

The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) has been raising this issue with federal officials for years. Just last month, MRF President Kirk “Hardtail” Willard and Vice President Jay Jackson, met with safety officials at the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) on this very topic. The two MRF leaders stressed the concerns of bikers about the deployment of this new technology. Additionally, in the coming weeks, MRF senior officials will meet with leaders at NHTSA to seek answers on this troubling report.

These meetings with Biden Administration officials come on the heels of the MRF’s Bikers Inside the Beltway (BITB) annual event. During BITB, riders from across the country met with Members of Congress seeking action on self-driving cars as they relate to motorcyclists.

The MRF has been, and will remain, vigilant on this subject that effects ALL motorcyclists. Increased media scrutiny, along with the thousands of voices demanding action, is turning the heat up. Let’s keep the pressure up and protect bikers on our nation’s roadways.



We are thrilled to announce the release of our latest innovation, the Flare Wings for Indian Challenger and Pursuit. Designed with precision and aerodynamic excellence, these wings provide improved wind deflection and a sleek, aggressive look.

Engineered to optimize your riding experience, the Flare Wings are a game-changer, combining style and functionality.


Thought I’d share this show info with you. The big deal at the Chopper Show is $2500 cash to best of show, plus $500 cash to other 1st place winners. Also, Xavier Muriel and Hot Bike.

The big deal for the Evo Show: A complete S&S engine, Paughco Frame and Baker $1000 certificate to best in show. Plus, free Mint Speed Shop flannels to the first 100 registered! Also, Paul Wideman and Rusty Coones will be on hand!

And don’t forget the Builder’s Breakfast for Charity.

–Marilyn Stemp

NAMZ New Product Drops just in time for the summer season!

So here is our follow up to our hugely successful Sharktooth headlight, we introduce our EXCLUSIVE Quad Beam LED headlight for 2015-Up Road Glide models, except 2023 CVO.

We dropped this new addition yesterday on social media and they are available on our website as a pre-sale as we plan on beginning to ship mid-July, right it time for Sturgis!

Part #: LLC-QB-FH
UPC #: 810088722868

Description: Quad-Beam Full-Halo Road Glide Headlamp complete with integrated FULL-HALO DRL/Driving Light for 2015-Up Road Glide models. A mixture of black & chrome accents, housing is built with plastic, aluminum and a poly-carbonate lens, DOT, SAE and E-Mark compliant and 100% plug-n-play.

And how can you make the Sharktooth headlight any better, simply make another one that will fit the skinny-tire Road Glide® models! That is exactly what we have done, this Sharktooth will fit 1996 through 2013 Road Glide models. We also dropped this new addition yesterday on social media and they are available on our website as a pre-sale as we plan on beginning to ship mid-July, right it time for Sturgis!

Part #: LLC-3ERA-TS
UPC #: 810088722851

Description: Sharktooth LED Road Glide Headlamp with integrated SWITCHBACKS turn signals for 1996-2013 Road Glide models. A mixture of black & chrome accents, housing is built with plastic, aluminum and a poly-carbonate lens, DOT, SAE and E-Mark compliant and 100% plug-n-play.

Could possibly be one of the coolest bikes the factory has come out with in a long time, the Sportster S. This new headlight is one of the few upgrades that can make the 2021-Up Sportster S even cooler! Features integrated DRL/driving lights and white-to-amber SWITCHBACK turn signals to take LED lighting to a whole new level. We also dropped this new addition yesterday on social media and they are available on our website as a pre-sale as we plan on beginning to ship mid-July, right it time for Sturgis!

Part #: LLC-LH-SS
UPC #: 810088722875

Description: Sportster S Black Premium LED Headlamp with integrated white driving lights (DRL) and amber turn signals, 100% Plug-n-Play. (Fits Sportster S Models 2021-2023 only)

“Where the BRIGHTEST ideas come from!”

DICE SUPPORTS BORN FREE— To celebrate the greatest show on earth, we are doing our iconic Born Free 10 books at half price.

Hardback with 270 glorious pages featuring some of the most radical motorcycles in history.



The all-new Hot Bike: Issue 1 2023 DIGITAL EDITION is out now! For a limited time, we’re allowing you to read the all-new Hot Bike Digital Magazine for free! Same articles, same photos, same look and feel, now easy to access. This is the first issue to print since 2018 and we had to make sure it was special and worthy of your time.

We take a closer look at Team Saddlemen’s Cory West and Patricia Fernandez-West. The teammates, competitors race professionally in the Mission King of the Baggers and Mission RSD SuperHooligans series. Did we mention they’re also married? Learn more about the Wests’s wild ride in the new issue of Hot Bike

An Arch motorcycle is unique. So much so, that each is aesthetically tailored to its owners preferences. We take a detailed look into Arch Motorcycle’s 1s from the Arch owner’s perspective as we sit with co-founder Gard Hollinger and one of his customers/friends to understand the process of designing and building a truly one-of-a-kind motorcycle.

If you want a tangible magazine in your hands, you can still get a copy of the new issue or subscribe to get all four print issues for 2023 today!

BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!–


Kool wrap-up. Well written in the Bikernet family style. So, the legacy will continue as the 5-ball keeps rolling.

–El Waggs
Oceanside, CA

100-WORD FICTION CONTEST—New Florida Submission

The Bad Deal All Around

Woke up on a warm sunny day for early spring. Prepared for a shop run to check on my ‘49 Pan project: Rigid frame with performance gussets and a Coffin tank mounted high, with brown ribbons over metalflake paint. A girder front end was on order. A wild departure from my first bike, an old rat Triumph Tiger with an Indian blanket for a seat.

The phone rang, bad news. Break-in at the shop, everything down to the paint compressor taken. The builder feared for his life, fled to the west coast. I guessed it was a deal gone bad, perhaps drugs.

The comforting, warm, spring day suddenly turned cloudy and dark.


“We are about to pick the May Winner, hang on!” –Bandit


In 1938 Edward Turner unleashed his 500cc Speed Twin, followed by the higher performance T100 Tiger in 1939. Triumph’s first parallel twin was a nimble high performance machine 20 pounds, or more, lighter than typical twin and four cylinder machines made in America. This marked the beginning of a great run for Triumph; the parallel twin design served in a wide range street and competition applications.

The Speed Twin and higher performance Tiger both received telescopic forks after World War II. By comparison the stock Tiger had 34 horsepower, about seven more than the WLDR, Harley’s flat head 750cc race bike.

Up until the “oil in frame” design of 1971, the parallel twin design Edward Turner brought to Triumph was the mainstay through its entire 75+ years at Meriden and remained so in John Bloor’s resurrection of the marque in 1995. The styling and general form of the sheet metal and the engine have lived on in today’s machines. In road racing, dirt track, enduro, drag racing and land speed record, hundreds of racers rode to fame on Edward Turner’s design, and countless racing records were set on its sound engineering.

This fine Triumph will be among hundreds of motorcycles and thousands of pieces of memorabilia offered in the John Parham Estate Collection Mecum Auction at the National Motorcycle Museum, Anamosa, Iowa, September 6 – 9, 2023.

Watch for information on the Mecum Auctions website, For schedule information, to consign a vehicle or to register as a bidder for this and all Mecum events, visit, or call (262) 275-5050 for more information.


The Electric Motorcycle Parity Act of 2023 would subject bikes to the same rules as the EV credits in the Inflation Reduction Act.

On June 1, 2023, United States senators Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin and Bob Casey of Pennsylvania announced that they would introduce the Electric Motorcycle Parity Act in the Senate. If enacted, this legislation would expand available tax credits to riders who purchase qualifying electric motorcycles in the US, with the same qualifications required for four-wheeled electric vehicles that passed into law as part of the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act.


“Behind the light in every little bulb is a great dynamic current; beneath every little wave is the vast ocean, which has become the many waves. So, it is with human beings.”

~ Paramahansa Yogananda,
Author of Autobiography of a Yogi

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Clintel publication: “The Frozen Climate Views of the IPCC”

Thorough analysis by Clintel shows serious errors in latest IPCC report

Amsterdam, 9 May 2023

* IPCC hides good news about disaster losses and climate-related deaths
* IPCC wrongly claimed the estimate of climate sensitivity is above 2.5°C
* IPCC misleads policy makers by focusing on an implausible worst-case emissions scenario

The IPCC ignored crucial peer-reviewed literature showing that normalized disaster losses have decreased since 1990 and that human mortality due to extreme weather has decreased by more than 95% since 1920.

The IPCC drew the opposite conclusions, claiming increases in damage and mortality due to anthropogenic climate change. These are two important conclusions of the report The Frozen Climate Views of the IPCC, published by the Clintel Foundation.
The 180-page report is the first serious international ‘assessment’ of the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report.

With the recently published Synthesis Report, the IPCC finished its sixth assessment cycle. An international team of scientists from the Clintel network has analyzed several claims from the reports.

This has now led to The Frozen Climate Views of the IPCC. This Clintel report documents biases and errors in the IPCC assessment.

For instance: given the political relevance of what is known as “Loss and Damage”, one would expect a thorough review of the relevant literature. However, Clintel shows that the IPCC has totally failed in this respect. A review article on the subject, published in 2020, showed that 52 out of 53 peer-reviewed papers dealing with “normalized disaster losses” saw no increase in harms that could be attributed to climate change.

But the IPCC only mentioned the single paper that claimed an increase in losses.

Climate-related deaths

“We are on a highway to climate hell”, said UN-boss Guterres recently. But an in-depth look at the mortality data shows that climate-related deaths are at an all-time low. Well-known economist Bjorn Lomborg published that important information in a 2020 peer-reviewed paper, but the IPCC, again, chose to ignore it. The strategy of the IPCC seems to be to hide any good news about climate change and hype anything bad.

The IPCC has also tried to rewrite climate history by erasing the existence of the Holocene Thermal Maximum, a warm period between 10,000 and 6000 years ago. It has introduced a new hockey stick graph, which is the result of cherry-picked proxies. And it has ignored temperature reconstructions that show more variability in the past, such as the well-documented Little Ice Age.

Furthermore, the IPCC claims there is an acceleration in the rate of sea-level rise in recent decades. Clintel has shown this claim is flawed, because the IPCC ignores decadal variability.

Climate sensitivity

A ’spectacular’ result of the IPCC AR6 report was the rise of the lower bound for the climate sensitivity likely range from 1.5°C to 2.5°C, therefore claiming that low values for climate sensitivity are now unlikely. But the Clintel report states that observed warming and other evidence indicate that the true figure is more likely to be below 2°C than above 2.5°C.

This also means that the best estimate for climate sensitivity, which the IPCC says is 3°C, is not justified.

On top of that, the IPCC is ‘addicted’ to its highest emissions scenario. In recent years, several papers have demonstrated that this scenario is implausible. Deep inside the IPCC report, the IPCC acknowledges that this scenario has a ‘low likelihood’ but this very important remark was not highlighted in the Summary for Policymakers, so important audiences are unaware of the issue.


We are sorry to conclude that the IPCC has done a poor job of assessing the scientific literature. In our view the IPCC should be reformed and should include a broader range of views.

Our own conclusions about climate – based on the same underlying literature – are far less bleak. Due to increasing wealth and advancing technology, humanity is largely immune to climate change.

A longer version of this press release including a link to download the report can be found here.

ABOUT CLINTEL — The Climate Intelligence foundation (Clintel) was founded in 2019 by emeritus professor of geophysics Guus Berkhout and science journalist Marcel Crok. Clintel’s main objective is to generate knowledge and understanding of the causes and effects of climate change, as well as the effects of climate policy. Clintel published the World Climate Declaration, which has now been signed by more than 1500 scientists and experts. Its central message is “there is no climate emergency”.

FORGERT EVERYTHING— You Think You Know About the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally and Start from ZERO

Over the years, there’s been a lot of professing about what Sturgis is or isn’t, and who it is or isn’t for. “It’s just a bunch of big wheel baggers.” “It’s not my scene.” “There’s nothing there for me.” Insert any number of other zero fun or legit excuses.

The Sturgis Buffalo Chip asked themselves, if you’re with the largest gathering of moto enthusiasts and music festival fans in the world and you can’t make a new scene or your own scene, whose fault is that, really?

If you want to do your thing, just start by getting your friends together and doing your thing. Don’t worry about who’s soiling their pants from flexing too hard down the street. So, that’s exactly what the Chip did… they soiled their pants with dirt at Camp Zero instead.

Camp Zero is where you can find hell raisers, wiener jokes and miles and miles of smiles.

Grab your favorite Coleman minibike and your best friend because the memory making parties are happening at Camp Zero, located in the northeast part of the Sturgis Buffalo Chip property. The iconic Zero Bar, an 80-year-old barn with a bar built inside and hosts your favorite bartender slinging the coldest bevs, is the epicenter for shenanigans and zero fun.

It’s the raddest place to set up home base.

Ride in and tent camp, rent one of our no-frills tipis or tents or bring your RV.

Camp Zero was built by a group of folks who wanted to ditch the preconceived notion of what the Sturgis Rally was and party like 1980s animals who love rad bikes and wild parties.

OGs like @DaymonWoodruff the Unsung Zero, Brady McClean from @GoFastDontDie, Big Joe Mielke from @SnapFabrications, Jason Lightner from the @TheGambler500, @pgarvin from J&P Cycles, @KellyYazdi from Ride Wild, @MotoLady Alicia Elfving and others all contributed to creating a space to push back against the perception that a motorcycle rally is filled with old men and big baggers who think that there is no room for riding anything else. This truly is the launch site for raising hell and rallying like the old days.

–By Ashley Eriksen


–Sam Burns
Associate Editor™

NORTHERN TOOL+ Equipment Announces First-Of-Its-Kind Rat Rod Kart Build-off with Release of New Engine

Two Minnesota high schools will spend a year building rat rod go-karts with the new NorthStar engine under the watchful eye of celebrity mentors Richard Petty and Billy Lane

Northern Tool + Equipment will celebrate the upcoming release of its all new NorthStar line of engines by announcing an exciting build-off in front of thousands of people at the Minnesota Street Rod Association Back to the 50’s event on June 23rd. Two Minnesota high schools will spend the next year constructing rat rod go-karts using 740cc NorthStar EFI engines under the watchful eye of mentors Richard Petty, a NASCAR legend, and celebrity motorcycle builder Billy Lane. The build-off is part of Northern Tool + Equipment’s Tools for the Trades™ program.

“Tools for the Trades™ is a great program, and it’s important for kids to know they have career options. This country will always need tradespeople to make and manufacture things,” said Petty. “The team at Petty’s Garage and I are excited to meet the students and help them with this build-off.”

The schools will each receive a new, cutting-edge NorthStar EFI engine. Later this year, multiple sizes of the engine, from 180cc to 825cc, including two new engines at 300cc and 420cc, will be used in NorthStar products and available for purchase at Northern Tool. Each school’s career and technical education program will also receive a donation of professional-grade tools and equipment, including air compressors and air-powered tools donated by Ingersoll Rand.

“Ingersoll Rand is excited to support these students with the opportunity to learn valuable skills by providing access to the same quality equipment used by professionals across the skilled trades,” added Kate Hartman, marketing leader at Ingersoll Rand.

The schools selected for this build-off, Minneapolis North and Lakeville North, will be able to provide students with invaluable hands-on experience through the project. The finished carts will also be custom pinstriped by renowned pinstriper Cliff Anderson, Jr, and the eight-month process will be featured on social media with progress narration by celebrity YouTuber Dylan McCool.

Finished carts will then be unveiled at the 50th Anniversary of Back to the ‘50s in 2024 and will be raced at Lane’s Sons of Speed® classic motorcycle racing series.

“It’s a thrill and an honor to be involved in teaching students these skills,” said Lane. “There are a lot of good ways to make a living, and this effort by Northern Tool + Equipment to expose students to the trades at a young age is critical.”


Fabrication: Zach Boxx
Motor: 89 883 Sportster
Frame: Paughco 4” stretch 40 degree rake

Front End: 12” Over Narrow Glide
Gas Tank: Throttle Addiction Frisco Wassell
Oil Tank: Paughco

Fender: Throttle Addiction Wassell
Wheel set up: 16” / 21” /Avon SM Tires

Bars: Throttle Addiction Rabbits

Exhaust: Custom Built – MCM exhaust tips

Paint: Zombie Shaun – Ohio

–Sam Burns
Feature Bike Editor™


It’s been well, maybe not 16 years but pretty damn close, but I finally did get divorced and sold my house and go figure met an amazing woman and found another house in Minnesota.

I was told that the banner needed to be put up, so now it’s in my garage above my girlfriend’s bike. Hoping things are going well you!


–David Florence

“Your new girl definitely has class!” –Bandit


–DON’T DELAY! Please contact lawmakers to request their support for this proposal:

Overview: U.S. Rep. John Joyce (R-PA) introduced a SAN-supported bill (H.R. 1435) to protect Americans’ right to choose the technology that powers their motor vehicles. The “Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act” was introduced in response to California’s plans to ban the sale of new gas- and diesel-powered cars and trucks in 2035 unless certain conditions are met.

If approved, H.R 1435 would prevent the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from allowing California’s Zero Emissions Vehicle regulations that would ban the sale or use of new motor vehicles with internal combustion engines from taking effect.


BUILDER OF THE WEEK—Jeff Cochran of Speed Kings

–Sam Burns
Builder editor

Today, the Senate Public Safety Committee will hear Assembly Bill 1483, which expands California’s one-gun-per-month rationing scheme to also include private party transfers.

Please contact committee members and ask them to OPPOSE AB 1483.

Visit website and Take Action!
Thank you for taking action!

Yours in Freedom,

–Ken Lan
Communications Coordinator




One of my favorite covers. Jesse’s shooter sent the 4×5’s and the cover shots all had guns? I called Jesse and said hey man what’s with the guns? Walmart don’t dig guns.

He said ya schmo we are The James Gang we gotta show guns hmmm
Ahhh Ok F it.

Let’s do it.

One of our best sellers.


Stock# 13873


Special Touring with only 6473 Miles!

Every day at Lifestyle Cycles we come across more and more bikes that you would never think someone would ever part with but today we have a particular bike that cannot be found anywhere else but here! the 2017 FLTRXS Road Glide Special Touring in Hard Candy Red is one of the most sought out bikes and we have one in our inventory!

* This Paintjob is a very rare find, Hard Candy Red!
* LED Front Headlight and Turn Signals
* Chrome Engine Guard
* Polished Chrome Front End
* Powdercoated Black Front and Rear Rims
* Vance and Hines Oversized Raider 450 Slip-ons
* Rider Backrest
* Luggage rack
* 8 1/2-Inch Dark Smoke Windshield
* LOw, low, low miles that you will not find on another bike!

This bike is only $21,995

Plus license, $85.00 documentation fee, and local sales tax. NO HIDDEN FEES like some dealers. And we have no reconditioning or prep fees.

This bike has passed Lifestyle Cycles rigorous 92-point safety/mechanical/structural inspection.

This motorcycle has not been refurbished and does not come with any warranty expressed or implied! EXTENDED WARRANTIES are available!

Fill out an online application today. We have EZ FINANCING

Lifestyle Cycles is located at 1510 State College Blvd,Anaheim,CA,92806. Open 7 days a week.

NOT LOCAL? WE HAVE SHIPPING AVAILABLE! Call today (714) 490-0155.

Huge selection of Street Glides, Road Glides, Road Kings, Ultras, Sportsters, Softails, Dynas, and much more!
We are California’s pre-owned Harley Mega-Store with over 200 Pre-Owned Harley-Davidsons in stock! To view our current inventory,

Please visit or

–Richard Allstun
Marketing Director
Lifestyle Cycles

FREEDOM RINGS–Wisconsin Legislature Passes Bill Supporting Internal Combustion Engines

Wisconsin passed SAN-supported legislation (A.B. 142) which would prevent any state or local government unit from restricting the use or sale of motor vehicles based on the energy source used to power the motor vehicle, including internal combustion engines. A.B. 142 has passed both chambers and is now pending before Governor Tony Evers for final approval.



Buck created this magazine awhile back and he still has one. He’s still a master behind the lens in the Black Hills, shooting for Cycle Source, with a display of his works in the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum.

–Buck Lovell
Lovell Photography & Design
B.L.A.B.B. (Buck Lovell’s American Biker Blog) /

Is there a Strange duality of X440 Engine ?

Hero MotoCorp working on Xtreme 440R; launch next year

Hero MotoCorp is going quite aggressively with its premium bike plans. The company is working on a new 440cc motorcycle planned for a 2024 launch.

Xtreme 440R and powered by the same engine seen on the soon-to-be-launched Harley Davidson X440. This new motorcycle will help the company take on brands like KTM, Royal Enfield and Husqvarna.

Premium segment growth has been consistently increasing, and with Hero’s strong foothold in the 100cc-110cc segments, it now wants to go aggressive in 200cc plus segments.

— Wayfarer

[page break]


There are some major issues going on now because Gloria Struck is not being allowed to attend this year’s Motor Maids convention.

Seems she missed the dues deadline.
We want to take time to recognize the importance of Gloria’s accomplishments over the years, which occurred organically because of her love for motorcycling and her love of people.

Midwest Women Riders has been honored numerous times to have Gloria and her daughter Lori (who is fighting cancer and forgot to pay the dues) as special guest at Midwest Women Riders NFP GYGO and will ALWAYS be welcomed as she is part of our MWR family.

Icon•trailblazer•author•Sturgis Hall of Fame Inductee •Sturgis Lifetime Achievement Award•member of Motor Maids•AMA Hall of Fame Inductee•Living Legend•speaker•matriarch•gal pal & friend• Gloria Tramontin Struck will be turning 98 in July••a true inspiration to all.

–Midwest Women Riders NFP

–from Rogue
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005
Senior Editor™

“Two Hamsters volunteered to pay her dues.” –Bandit


Almost every week gets hit with requests to publish articles supporting various products unrelated to motorcycling and motorcyclists. Some examples would be cannabis goods, or online gambling entities. They even offer to pay us a sum of $100 for publishing their articles on and leaving it there forever with links to their businesses.

Of course, we could use additional income, but we don’t like the notion of offering up space on for products or services that have nothing to do with motorcycling lifestyle. We would much rather have our industry be represented for the very same fee.

So, we want you all to know that we will be happy to make that same offer to the chopper world. We will publish your tech or new product or service related articles on with your photos, links and banner for a flat fee of $100. This article will be promoted on our award-winning Blog, and our growing social-media empire, and it will be ultimately archived on Bikernet forever, always working for you.

We are online for people and businesses such as you since 1996 and we will make it worth your while. Additionally, we throw in our editorial expertise and clipart gallery for your articles for free.

There you have it. We would much rather cover your products than a suspicious gambling cartel phishing on our turf.

— Bandit & the Bikernet Crew

TATTOO OF THE WEEK—This is the latest masterpiece from my Frank Ball Jr. in Venice, California.

He is truly a master, but what do I know. I’m just his gramps


TEXAS WEATHER REPORT–Life in south Texas!

Do you remember these catalogs? Now I understand why no one really remembers, they ended in ‘81, but had a 10 year run. My roommate and I had 3 of the posters in our room and I have No pictures of any of them! Smoke accessories, posters, etc. Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers stuff, Zippy the Pinhead.

Two of the posters had secondary pictures painted into the main picture. I discovered what the style was called before the internet. Haven’t worded my searches right yet since, but the book I found seems the artist shared one thing, vitamin A, tripping, Are you experienced?



Spanish Enduro Champion Iván Cervantes has set a new Guinness World Record for the longest distance ridden by one person on a motorcycle, by riding 4,012km (2,493 miles) in 24 hours on April 30, 2023 aboard his Triumph Tiger 1200 GT Explorer.

The previous record, set at 3,406km (2,116 miles), was achieved by American rider Carl Reese on February 26, 2017, recording an average speed over 24 hours of 141.9kph (88.2mph). Cervantes’ record therefore extends the record by 606km (377 miles), and with an average speed of 167.8kph (104.3mph).

There was a total of 18 pitstops, around every 1.5hours, with 520-litres of fuel used.

When asked if he slept during the event, the five-time Enduro World Champion and Triumph Global Ambassador admitted: “Believe me I tried, but after 10 minutes I couldn’t sleep because of all the adrenaline inside my body.”

–Bill Bish

Read Bill’s complete legislative report for June on Bikernet in the next couple of days.



Stock, race bike, custom chopper… Sportsters have a long history of helping people go fast and have a good time.

“In 1957, Elvis Presley released the hit song “All Shook Up”, the first Frisbee was produced, and the Harley-Davidson Sportster was introduced.

Known as the XL series, the Sportster is still being produced today, and it retains its status of being…”

See the whole tamale on the Lowbrow website.


I’m prepping our new shop with fresh black paint around 3/4 of the upper section of walls. We got a lot of great ideas to commemorate route 66. Spending hours restoring the original door, so much history on route 66.

Got to use the gorilla wood filler kit to give the door a fresh look. Can you believe this building was a watchmakers shop in the ‘50s? Also, I’m looking to get an old school entertainment rack system with dual cassette and records.

Also started a new handmade chopper seat for a Panhead customer. These seats are all handmade with original art. They start at $350 for all leather seat, and $850 with custom art. Plus shipping. Call/text 309-262-9345 to order. Fits most custom hardtails and vintage Harley rigid frames.

–Adam Croft
President and Founder
Dime Bag leathers


SGT Til I Die Tshirt by artist @rotten.donut

— available in black or white with choice of front or back print.

Available worldwide at


It’s the middle of June — and that means we have just 15 days left in the Member Drive to 445! Can you help us reach our goal of 445 new members this month by joining our ranks today?

As a special thank-you gift, you’ll receive a FREE Bluetooth speaker when you become one of the first 445 new members to join!

DAV is a community of veterans helping veterans, and we rely on member support to keep us strong for the veterans of today and tomorrow. This FREE gift is to show our appreciation for helping ensure we can continue to be there for all veterans. And when you join today, you’ll also unlock the many amazing benefits and perks available to all DAV members.

Become a member of DAV today to start receiving the benefits you’ve earned through your service and add your voice to a community of more than 1 million veterans.

Join Now

“If you are a veteran, you need to join the DAV and stay engaged. I can’t tell you how much the DAV has done for me. It’s beyond incredible.” –Bandit


E20-compliant Royal Enfield Classic 350 starts arriving at dealerships

This motorcycle is now E20 fuel-ready, which is a blend of 20 percent ethanol. Notably, the power and torque outputs remain unchanged, and the latest iteration of the Royal Enfield Classic 350 retains the 349cc, single-cylinder, air-cooled engine that makes 20.2bhp at 6,100rpm and 27Nm at 4,000rpm.

Royal Enfield has revised the prices of the motorcycle, and it is now available from Rs.193,080 as against the Rs.190,092 previously.

Full story at:

Harley Davidson X440 could be the most affordable HD ever, launching in July 2023

News has been trickling through around the new Harley Davidson X440 which has been developed in conjunction with Hero MotoCorp. After a slew of spy shots, the company has released these images, giving us a clear view of the new motorcycle.

The X440 will take on the retro cruiser segment dominated by the Royal Enfield Classic 350 and the Royal Enfield Meteor 350. More than the Classic, it is the Meteor that is at threat from this new Harley. The X440 features a classic Harley Roadster design.

Full story at:

Wayfarer’s Note: If you recall, Hero MotoCorp is the exclusive dealer and service provider for Harley-Davidson motorcycles in India since the American company shut offices and left India overnight in 2020 strategy change. As regards, X440, will anyone accept this “poor man’s Harley-Davidson” is anybody’s guess. Meanwhile Triumph is chasing deadlines with Bajaj India to launch a “poor man’s Triumph”.

High volume sales are mostly for commuter segment motorcycles and scooters of 100cc, 125cc and 150cc engines. Hero MotoCorp is the market leader in commuter class and hoping to capture the middleweight segment as well through Harley-Davidson partnership.

India sells more two-wheelers than China making it the number one consumer and market for motorcycles and scooters. Many car manufacturers are launching larger sedans and SUVs to profit from the robust economy of the Asian nation. Demand for Electric two-wheelers and four-wheelers has sustained despite limited infrastructure for the same. Public transport in some cities are soliciting electric bus tenders.

Bikernet Blog & Facebook Page


I’m riding to Alaska starting this Friday morning. We’ll be back in Colorado around the 12th of July. We’re looking at about an 8,000 mile ride, going up through Wyoming, Montana, and Alberta to catch the Alcan Highway (Dawson Creek, British Columbia to Fairbanks, Alaska) and coming back on the Cassiar Highway southbound through BC. Got a new set of tires and did an oil change on my Indian Challenger today. It’s gonna be one for the books!

I’ll be checking email / texts periodically. We’ll be riding across a lot of wide-open spaces in Canada and Alaska, so I might not be able to answer quickly but I will when I can.

Hope all of you have a great summer doing what we all love best.

Gas ‘em up and eat bugs!

–Mark Buckner

STRANGE DAYS—It’s sunny and almost in the 80s one day and cool and rainy the next. I asked someone recently about the season’s emotional impact. She just shook her head in terror. Even today, the mercurial madness is blossoming in the Black Hills. I’ll check my weapons and whiskey supply.

A friend passed a couple of months ago and his wife is trying to hold the fort down. Irish Rich and I are trying to get Mike’s bike back on the road, so at least Vickie can go for a ride.

It’s the last year of the Shovelhead. I fixed the clutch hub and Rich is going to switch it back from a jockey to a stock foot-shift. We hauled the Shovel over to Rich’s shop in Sturgis. I need to find some parts. I will work on that today.

I received elements for a 1913 H-D twin from Billy Lane this week. I took the shit to Lonnie Isam, who is a mover and Sturgis Shaker since the mid ‘90s. He’s also a master of early Harleys and has some of the elements I need to make the engine complete.

I built a plank from one of our moving crates. You know, when someone needs to walk the plank… It should lead to a shallow grave.

I’m tinkering with my UL, prepping it for a photo shoot for Choppers Mag. I adjusted the rear fender, shortened the drive chain and adjusted the brake. It’s just about ready.

We are working on scrutineering issues with the Salt Torpedo. I ordered a battery shut-off switch, jumper connections, etc.

Atomic Bob handled my VL, XA, FL Knuck project concept illustration. I had it framed at the Scott Jacobs Gallery. It found its place in my office. I’m getting close to final welding.

Picking up our Bonneville Torpedo trailer tomorrow, E-brakes connected. Rock and roll.

The guys at the antique bike shop faced leaking Knucklehead petcocks from Tedd’s cycle. I pointed out this solid brass one from McMasters Carr. I’m having good luck with it.

Paul Cox said my primary drive is shipping out this week. Can’t wait.

Stay in the wind and stay free!


Read More

The Spring Has Sprung Bikernet Weekly News for June 15, 2023

Action is starting to pop


Shit’s happening everywhere. Action is happening all over the country from the Black Hills to Born Free in Califa.

Gotta wrap it up quick, shit to do.

Bros are rolling into the Black Hills like crazy, maybe they will stay or move onto Milwaukee for the anniversary. Hell, even Willie is planning for Biketoberfest.

Stay in the wind and stay free!


Click Here to read this week’s news only on

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At 6:00 AM on Sunday, May 28th I woke up to a crisp radiant morning in the eye of a swirling cold snap. Just 100 miles south of bustling Indianapolis, it took just a few moments to make a seismic shift to a mental, full-on party mode. Under dire deadline pressure, I prepped for the run on my Sporty, to see the Greatest spectacle in Racing, the Indy 500.

As I readied to swing a leg over the narrow Le Pera seat, I realized the icy brisk morning might freeze my bejeezus off. I jammed back into the disheveled pad to grab my dusty Bandit’s 5-Ball Racing Leather Bedroll. It’s saved my ass more than once.

Bandit designed it with a Western bedroll motif in mind but made it far more functional. Might be blistering in the stadium once the sun blasted it’s shimmering ways into mid-day, so I tossed in a set of sandals, light threads and chow, open-finger gloves, a first aid kit and a tool kit. It comes with an exterior tool flap and a pocket for duct tape and bailing wire.

I slipped on my merino wool hoodie, 5-Ball Racing, thick leather Flat-Out vest and deer-skin Grifter gauntlet gloves. I loaded up the Bedroll, end-pockets with a brake rotor lock, aspirin, sun screen, the best cannabis products and a AAA card in case I got stoned and lost.

I used Velcro straps to secure the Leather Bedroll to the Ape hangers, but it also works well strapped over a rear fender, like behind a saddle in the old west. I could now ride comfortably on the run home with all my warm, outer gear stuffed into the Bedroll.

I love Bandit’s Leather Bedroll because it acts as a fairing. It cuts the wind by…. 50% say, and it makes a difference at 70-80mph. Plus the 7-inch diameter roll provides plenty of space and it looks good on the sled.

The bag features include:

• Tool flap and parts pocket
• Two zippered end pockets
• Shoulder Strap
• Hand carry strap

South of the city and blasting North on Interstate 65 into Indianapolis, time ran out. The 38th Street turn-off, backed up for miles prevented my entrance. I shifted gears, peeled to the next exit and found it deserted.

I snaked through the back streets and arrived at the rendezvous point in Speedway, Indiana, just in the nick of time, maybe.

I flash of orange distracted my dark shaded eyes and a harried, confused Robin flew into my single CNC machined aluminum headlight. The nacelle, razor sharp cleaved the bird in two, like slicing a mallard for dinner. Half of the bird splintered into the forks and the other half bounced off the pillow-soft Bedroll and popped out the other side of the bike.

I skidded to an abrupt stop at the next light. Thinking to myself, if this is any inclination of race day 2023, I’d better double-up on alcoholic drinks.

At this race, you’re allowed your own adult beverages, amazing. Once inside the track, I broke out the Fireball. We yelled a few chants, perhaps at the racers or at the sweet whiskey and took another shot. We survived the ride in, the crowds and the wild life. It was time to break up and head to our respective seats.

I popped a Delta 8 gummy. They’ve replaced alcohol for me and eliminated next morning hangovers. They are more mood enhancing than party time.

Out on the track, Josef Newgarden took the historic win. The last bit was wild. The annual race interrupted by three red flags in the closing 20 laps.

I got an adrenaline kick with only 7 laps to go. Racer Pato O’Ward made a daring move right in front of my grandstands, against last year’s race winner Marcus Ericsson. O’ Ward’s number 5 Arrow McLaren Chevrolet lost grip in the corner because Ericsson doesn’t give any room in the turns.

With a crash and deep-in-your-chest thud, O’Ward spun out, slamming into the turn 3 wall. But it didn’t stop there. Rookie, Agustin Canapino ran into the back of O’Ward’s car, sending the No. 78 over the top of O’Ward’s left rear tire.

Everyone walked away but O’Ward was in position to take the win for McLaren. What a shame.

After the race, I packed my shit and headed to the Sporty. Somewhere in town a girl waited. Fortunately, I packed for the amorous occasion with more gummies and well-wrapped bottle of Lost Soul Cabernet Sauvignon…

Hang on!

Read More Revenue Challenge

A Few Good Men needed for A Fistful of Dollars !
Editorial from on online revenue and opportunities for your small business.

Almost every week gets hit with requests to publish articles supporting various products unrelated to motorcycling and motorcyclists. Some examples would be cannabis goods, or online gambling entities. They even offer to pay us a sum of $100 for publishing their articles on and leaving it there forever with links to their businesses.

Of course, we could use additional income, but we don’t like the notion of offering up space on for products or services that have nothing to do with motorcycling lifestyle. We would much rather have our industry be represented for the very same fee.

So, we want you all to know that we will be happy to make that same offer to the chopper world. We will publish your tech or new product or service related articles on with your photos, links and banner for a flat fee of $100. This article will be promoted on our award-winning Blog, and our growing social-media empire, and it will be ultimately archived on Bikernet forever, always working for you.

We are online for people and businesses such as you since 1996 and we will make it worth your while. Additionally, we throw in our editorial expertise and clipart gallery for your articles for free.

There you have it. We would much rather cover your products than a suspicious gambling cartel phishing on our turf.

— Bandit & the Bikernet Crew

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