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Daytona Edition of the Flying Piston Benefit

Each year, I produce the Daytona edition of the Flying Piston Benefit Builder Breakfast and online silent auction with industry maven, Marilyn Stemp.

This year it was a tale of 2 rides, the cold one and the hot one. The cold ride is where all the trouble happened and, well, I’m still thawing out.

I left for my Daytona adventure early Thursday afternoon with icy rain dogging me. I got as far as Richmond, KY, before the rain seeped through the layers and I couldn’t stop shaking more than the Harley. My Aerostitch insulated deerskin gloves worked surprisingly well until they got soaked. I like these gloves, but they are not impervious to water.

I got up at 5AM on Friday and headed South. I then met up with Edge and Bear at a McDonald’s outside Columbia, SC. We motored down to Brunswick, GA and got in a little after dark. I had 12 hours in the saddle and was ready for a break.

Saturday was another early morning, as we were heading to New Smyrna Speedway for Billy Lane’s Sons of Speed race.

We hit the Georgia/Florida line during a morning rain shower when my clutch cable snapped. I was in the middle lane when I lost power and coasted to the side of the road. I whipped out my phone and dialed my go-to-AAA service for a tow.

Yikes, what a disappointment. The first lady I spoke with couldn’t hear me or I her. I asked her to speak up. She counters with, “get in your car where it’s quiet.” I told her about the horse I rode in on. She gets frustrated and hangs up.
So, I’m standing in the rain with sheets of water cascading down and call AAA again. This time they spoke up and wanted to know what city I’m calling from. They didn’t seem to understand that some areas don’t have cities. I know this because this is the second time I’ve used them, and both times they were adamant that I give them a city. I’m thinking now that no one actually uses them while traveling, only if they are in a city. I get a flat bed 3 hours later with a driver who has never towed a motorcycle. How is that possible in Florida?

They tow me to Adamec Harley-Davidson dealership. This is Bike Week and you can imagine they are busy. The good news is, it is warm. The bad news, they tell me my ape hangers are not stock and don’t have a cable to fit my bike. Ouch!

I think, of course, my ape hangers aren’t stock. It took Hank Thibodeau of Widowmaker Custom Design & Repair weeks to talk me into these things. He measured it and made them for a custom fit. And I am glad he did, as it has doubled my riding experience.
When I asked how long it would take to order a clutch cable they said Tuesday. Four days for a part? They must not of heard about the Internet.

While we are waiting around, we all do my second favorite activity of the trip. And that is looking at all the Harleys in the dealership. It’s interesting to see how guys change their views. When I first met Edge he was a custom Chopper, Softail, Sportster guy. Since he joined the Hamsters he is a Bagger, Chopper, Softail, Sportster guy. I have to admit, a 26 inch front wheel custom bagger has my attention.

Back to the dilemma—after deliberations with a mechanic, they used a longer clutch cable and make do. Great, and I am back on the road by 6PM. I have to say these guys really came through in the clutch and I’m exceedingly grateful!

I throw a leg over the Nightster and head to the Days Inn in Palm Coast to meet up with the weekend team. We’ve added Ralph Bellini, and Bruce Seigal. Bear and Edge are ex-Green Beret and Ralph is an ex- Maintenance Warrant officer. These guys are smart, focused, capable, and jokesters.
After dinner, we are walking back to the Days Inn and stop in front of Bruster’s Real Ice Cream parlor. Ralph is undecided about which ice cream to buy, so the Florida beauty with eyes of porcelain and blue behind the counter offers him a taste. He tries Black Raspberry Sherbet, Blueberry Cheesecake, Blueberry Cobbler, and Almond Divinity. These flavors weren’t exactly what he wanted, so he tries Banana Chocolate Chip, Banana Cream Pie, and Black Cherry. The girl’s freckles are becoming more pronounced and her face is turning a light shade of red and is showing her impatience when she asks Ralph to make up his mind. “Well, I’m full now. I think I’ll pass.”

After watching this, I almost spit out my ice cream. As we turn to leave, Edge slips up to the counter and slides the honey a 20 spot and sez keep the change.

On Sunday, Marilyn Stemp and I set up banners, secure the tables, and set up the art in the green room at Teddy Morse’s Harley-Davidson. We staged the event the night before.

The Flying Piston Benefit has three featured art categories. They include the customized electric bikes sponsored by Stacyc. These are tiny bikes that were sent to and customized by Cory Ness, Bill Dodge, Jordan Lessig, and Jim Lynch/Gina Woods.

The second category is the Art On Deck presented by Gnarly Magazine competition which are custom-painted skate decks. And the last category is the Drink the Art presented by BIG FRIG, which are custom painted BIG FRIG tumblers/growlers.
On a bright and sunny Daytona Beach Monday, the event kicks off. I arrive at 6:20 AM to see Marilyn and Woody of the Buffalo Chip moving tables. Edge, Bear, Ralph and others jump in to get the show ready to go. The coffee shows up and then 6 dozen Donnie’s Donuts. Ron Harris of Chop Docs rolls in with breakfast sandwiches from Giuseppe’s NY Pizza Pasta Express.

It takes a village of bikers to make the Flying Piston run.

Headlining the event includes custom builder Bill Dodge of Blings Cycles and artist Curt Green of Bare Bones Leather. In addition, we had one of the originals daredevils, Doug Danger. He hung out and signed books.

I love these events as you never know who will show up. Rusty Wallace and his son Steve came in on their outrageous baggers built from their shop, Southern Country Customs. Athena “Chickie” Ransom a.k.a. “The Vagabond Chickie” came through. She has the Rock and Roller cross with the ex-MMA actress Gina Carano vibe going for her. She’ll also be our headline builder in Sturgis later this year.

Masha, a Ukrainian artist, won the online Gnarly Magazine competition, for her 1964 slammed Buick Riviera. She won $200.

The Peoples Choice award went to Curt Green of Bare Bones Leather for his leather wrapped skate deck and Mike Richardson of Rebel Soul Studio for his BIG FRIG Growler nicknamed Zombie Juice. They both won a case of stainless steel tumblers from BIG FRIG.
The most fun I had at the auction was poking the Bear. I’m still not sure if he is entirely happy with me. The last couple of years he lost out on the silent auction, so he is in hyper-vigilant mode to make sure he gets what he wants. He’s eyeing these pieces of art from artists from Ukraine, England, Hawaii, and the continental US. And these artists are talented.

I’m eavesdropping on Bear to hear what he is bidding on. I’m also working with Jason Hallman, the EMCEE, to promote the items to the crowd. I think you know where this is going. Bear is bidding on a skate deck is designed by Colorado native Mari Geolfos of @aireffexcustompaint. It is five minutes before the bidding closes and Bear has the winning bid. He isn’t in a bidding war with anyone. It looks like the closing minutes will tick away and Bear will get his skate deck. That is until the EMCEE picks up the skate deck, at my prompting, and ask the crowd for bids on this particular item. Bear lost the item in the last seconds. He’s spitting mad and stops talking when I come around.

Bear is good natured about the loss with everyone but me and he is joking with the guy who did win the deck when he comes to pick it up. None of us recognize the guy who won the deck at this point. Bear tells the new guy, whose name is Teddy, that he stole the deck from him on the closing bell. They both have a laugh but Teddy tells Bear to take the skate deck. “It’s yours man, I want you to have it. I am just here trying to support this charity.”
Even if he hadn’t done that, just talking to the guy, we all conclude he is a likable guy. Then we find out this Teddy is actually Teddy Morse who now owns the whole place, formerly known as Destination Daytona. Fourteen foot high signs saying Teddy Morse’s Harley Davidson are scattered around but we didn’t do the math and that is another laugh. And then of course we had to take a picture.

Needless to say, Bear is a little less cranky after this turn of events.

The charity breakfast and silent auction are the centerpiece of the Flying Piston Benefit. The breakfast is an opportunity for attendees to network with industry leaders and custom motorcycle builders, while the silent auction features a range of custom motorcycle parts, accessories, and memorabilia.

The auction is done and it’s time on Tuesday morning to get moving. I head to CVS down from the Daytona Speedway for bandages. For the event, I bought some Converse Chucks 70 because they have a lot of cushion, I can’t walk on regular Chucks because they are so hard. After a half day on the Chucks 70 I can’t walk at all. The balls of my feet are volcano sore. I’ve got blisters on my heel and a cut on the ankle.

Ahhh, these CVS bandages are good.

I’m invited to the Hamsters’ lunch at Porkies Landing in Georgetown, FL and point the bike West to meet these exclusive riding rodents. It felt wonderful to be in 85 degrees and rolling through Florida on ribbons of asphalt that are smooth as glass. This area outside of Daytona had a distinctive 1950’s feel to it. I roll into the parking lot and I’m greeted with a sea of custom bikes. It’s easy to find my table, I just follow the yellow shirts.

As we are eating, Bruce leans into me and sez, “You know, you remind me of my grandson.” Why is that? Is it because of my rugged good looks? “No.” My intelligence? “No.” My table manners? “No.” So, what is it? “Your bandages. He sports just as many as you do…”
During my ride, I had burned my hand on the engine, inexplicably punctured my pinky, scraped the back of my hand and had 2 hang nails. That all happened after the cable snapped.
After lunch, Bruce heads South, and Ralph, Edge, Bear and I head North to the Okefenokee Swamp. We arrive at sunset and are greeted by two very cool structures for our sleeping accommodations. One is a caboose and the other one is a train engineer shack and both came with Airbnb status.

What we didn’t know but what we soon found out is that this town of Folkston, GA is known for trains. Ralph asked Bear, “how late do the trains run?” He responded, “Nothing past midnight, I’m sure.”

It’s a national train watching spot and as many as 60 trains pass every day. And as soon as we went to bed, the big trains start up.

Since we were 50 yards from the tracks and sleeping in a caboose with springs, the whole caboose would move as the trains went by. I’m not talking about small trains. These suckers were miles long.

The first night was fitful. I awoke a half dozen times, bouncing on the bed, hearing the train whistle past. The second night, I slept the night through and dreamt of trains.
On Wednesday the gang headed into Okefenokee Swamp and took a boat ride to hear swamp stories. Okefenokee in Native American is “land of trembling earth”. It refers to the swamp’s unstable ground, which can shake or tremble underfoot.

The swamp is about the size of Delaware and the water is black and so pure you can drink from it. On our boat tour, we saw 18 alligators of some 15,000 alligators that call the swamp home. We also saw a few turtles and a couple of raptors. I found the scenery to be quite stunning with the tall cypress trees draped in Spanish moss, creating an eerie and enchanting atmosphere.

One fun fact. Henry Ford used Spanish moss as seat stuffing for his cars to give him a competitive advantage. As it turns out, when he first starting using the moss, you would immediately know who was driving a Ford. They would scratch their butt because Spanish moss is full of chiggers. And ol’ Henry failed to de-chigger his moss. And that is how the term, working-out-the-bugs came about.
In the evening, we sat around the campfire telling stories. There are a lot of things you learn on the road.
Bear mentioned how he conducted a popular and highly secret scientific study called the nipple matrix. It turns out the researchers were vitally interested (him) in the correlation between eyebrow color and nipple color. They would engage the female subject to guess their nipple color. The study covered months of research in multiple countries. Their results were over 99% correct even though nipple color is determined by several factors, including genetics, skin tone, and hormonal changes. I don’t have the time here to go through the entire study and the intricacies of the research, but I will leave you with one universal result. Redheads have the lightest nipple color and are always a light pink.

I will say after hearing about the research, I can’t help but look at females a little differently.

I got to say some guys have that Huck Finn knack for getting woman to undress. Whenever I employ my brother to shoot photography for an event or a product shoot with a model, woman would always be in fewer clothes at the end of the shoot than when they began the shoot. If I couldn’t find him, I could always locate him by finding the best looking woman in the room. Always.

Since alligators were on our mind, I heard the story about a guy rescuing a baby alligator. He kept it in his basement. It grew up with a terrible disposition. It was so bad that it took over the entire basement and he had to feed it from the top of the stairs. He would open the basement door and throw down chicken. And what made him despondent was the alligator had no appreciation for his good work. He knew he had a gator problem when it charged up the stairs during feeding time. To make a long story short, the alligator got Ambien and slept his gator sleep until the van stopped in South Carolina and then was released.

Honestly, I’m not sure I believe this one. But if you live in South Carolina and you are missing any chickens, I may have an answer for you.

Friday morning I was up early and raring to go. I’d planned on staying with Edge Friday night but I determined if I kept riding, I could keep the 35 degree riding at a minimum.

During the ride, I had developed a significant amount of pain in my back and right forearm. I used CBD from HOKO Holistics and it worked like a champ reducing the sharp points.

Edge and Bear peel off in Columbia, SC. I motored on to Knoxville, TN and shut it down for the night when the rain hit and the wind started blowing. I was up at 10AM the next morning to get as much warmth as possible. My heart skipped a beat when the engine stumbled and didn’t start. I really didn’t want another AAA adventure. Then I remembered that I’m running a lithium battery and you need to charge it first by bumping the starter to wake it up.

The last three hours were in 37 degree weather during a cold slate rain. By staying in the saddle, I’d missed even colder weather, more rain, and probably an extra day on two wheels. I finally roll into my driveway and shut the bike off. I grab my gear with claw-like hands and stiff leg it into the house with a feeling of relief and satisfaction.

I reflected that no matter what you do; it takes a lot of people to do it. You can’t have an event without volunteers. Mandy and Sandy Rossmeyer, Edge, Bear, Ralph Bellini, Joan Catalino, Woody Woodruff, Steve Piehl, Ron Harris, Jessica Shine, and many more helped and made it run smooth.

None of this could have happened without presenting sponsors: Stacyc, Sturgis Buffalo Chip, Baker Drivetrain, Motorcycle Safety Lawyers, Strider Bikes, and host Teddy Morse’s Daytona H-D. Their contributions made the event possible, allowing proceeds of over $10,000 to fund All Kids Bike programs at local elementary schools. This program of the Strider Education Foundation puts bike-riding instruction in kindergarten PE classes nationwide.
And my last thought to close out the 2023 Flying Piston Benefit Builders Breakfast is Mandy Rossmeyer. Mandy confirmed her participation in the 2024 Flying Piston Benefit Builders Breakfast in Daytona. And Mandy, I am thanking you in advance.
P.S. I was asked what I learned from the trip to Daytona Beach. It gave me pause. The thing that came to mind is that rain suits from Walmart should be considered disposable.
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Gentleman’s Ride Recap

This Time Last Week Gentlefolk Across the Globe Put Their Best Wheels Forward At the DGR 2023

The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride is where dapper look and noble cause go hand in hand. This annual event is a true gift from the motorcycling community to the world at large. We loved to see many Ural riders participate across the globe.

Watch video recap from DGR Coimbra, Portugal here and more captures from around the world in the updated blog post.

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Gear up to ride to your favorite Motorcycling Events – Click Here to view the all-new 5-Ball Racing Shop


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Harley dual sport motorcycle: The Carducci SC3 Adventure

Jim Carducci is an engineer with a passion for dual sport motorcycles and the Harley Sportster motor. So he’s put the two together and created the Carducci Dual Sport SC3 Adventure.

It’s not quite as improbable as it sounds, and the amount of engineering on the finished product is quite remarkable. But the question remains: why? “I had a vision of how I could somehow transform a Sportster into a viable dual sport motorcycle,” says Jim. “Others have built variations of the idea, but none suited my eye. And few were truly capable off-road dual sport bikes.”

Read the full story at:

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I’m focused on a couple of things this week. Being focused leads to accomplishing goals. I like having goals. It gives life direction and meaning. This was an exciting week for me. With another leader in the motorcycle industry, we may have started a path toward more freedom. I’m itching to tell you more, but we just tested the waters. It has to do with the first news item. I would hope SEMA has massive success, but we will see. Hopefully, by next week I will have something more to report.

Let’s hit the news and at the end I will report on other goals in the works.

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum.

SEMA-Supported Bill Introduced in U.S. House of Representatives to Prevent Internal Combustion Engine Bans

U.S. Representative John Joyce (R-PA) introduced H.R. 1435, the “Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act,” a bill designed to protect Americans’ right to choose the technology that powers their motor vehicles.

The bill was introduced in response to the California Air Resources Board’s plans to ban the sale of new internal combustion engine vehicles by 2035.

The Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act would restrict the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from issuing a waiver for regulations that would ban the sale or use of new motor vehicles with internal combustion engines.

The bill is important to stopping CARB’s plans to ban ICE vehicles, which requires the EPA to waive federal preemption provisions in the Clean Air Act in order for California’s zero-emissions vehicle (ZEV) mandate to go into effect.


“In a major sense the MIC, the AMA, triple A, the NMA, and every other motorcycle and automobile organization on the planet should initiate similar bills and actions, but I only found one willing to step up. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation.”



When things feel overwhelming remember, One thought at a time, One task at a time, One day at a time.

–Ray Russell
Senior Professor of Philosophy
Bikernet University


Polaris launches Xchange Powersports Marketplace Giving Consumers an Easy and Convenient Way to Shop Online for New and Used Vehicles

Polaris Xchange puts consumers in the driver’s seat as they shop online for off-road vehicles, snowmobiles, motorcycles, side-by-sides, auto-cycles, and ATVs

Polaris Xchange offers an extensive inventory of new and used Polaris powersports vehicles

Polaris Inc. (NYSE: PII), the global leader in powersports, is putting customers in the driver’s seat as they shop for their first or next powersports vehicle with the introduction of Polaris Xchange. Built from the ground up with the needs of the powersports customer in-mind, this one-stop online marketplace provides customers the ability to shop, research and start the buying process on thousands of off-road vehicles, snowmobiles, motorcycles, side-by-sides, auto-cycles, and ATVs from participating Polaris dealers nationwide.

“We are constantly infusing new ways of thinking and using our knowledge of the powersports customer to help advance our industry, introduce new people to powersports and enhance the experience for our owners and riders, and Polaris Xchange is another example of that industry leadership,” said Vic Koelsch, senior vice president, chief digital and information officer at Polaris. “Polaris Xchange simplifies the shopping process for customers, allowing them do most of the process online before visiting their local dealership to sign the paperwork.”

Consumer shopping habits have evolved in recent years with more consumers leveraging online resources for discovery, research and learning as they start the buying process prior to visiting a physical retail location, and powersports consumers are no different.

Polaris Xchange offers consumers the tools they need to feel confident as well as conveniently start the buying process from the comfort of their homes including: finding the vehicle, viewing used vehicle history and condition reports, shopping for accessories, indicating interest in protection products, determining trade-in value and prequalifying for a loan. From there, the customer simply needs to complete the purchase and pick up the vehicle from a dealer or have it delivered.

Polaris Xchange also provides value to Polaris dealers who can publish their new and used inventory online increasing visibility, reach, and awareness to shoppers.

“We set out to streamline the shopping process and provide consumers with even more confidence as they look to purchase,” said Koelsch. “Through Polaris Xchange, we are offering a one-stop, credible resource that makes it easier to not only find new Polaris vehicles but search through available used powersports inventory at our trusted network of dealers.”

With JoyDrive as a technology partner, Polaris Xchange will showcase used powersports inventory from all powersports manufacturers as well as available inventory of new Polaris vehicles at participating dealers.

Shop for your next ride and learn more about Polaris Xchange at

–Erika Burke

Would someone on the inside tell Polaris to advertise on Bikernet. It’s cheap. Here’s our program:


Earlier this month the MRF’s “Road Show” made its way to the Show Me State. The Missouri Freedom of Road Riders (FORR) held their 2023 seminar in Jefferson City and the MRF was proud to participate. The seminar entitled “Rebel with a Cause” included a diverse set of presentations focused on how riders in Missouri can help protect their freedoms and safety.

MRF lobbyist Rocky Fox made the trip and shared a recap of the MRF’s 2022 accomplishments in Washington D.C. and goals for 2023. Other seminar topics included presentations on group riding dynamics, security at motorcycle events, and a recap of the state legislative agenda.

The keynote speaker at the event was Missouri State Representative Darin Chappell. Representative Chappell is a newly elected member of the Missouri State Legislature, and he discussed his legislative priorities, including addressing the issue of motorcyclist profiling.

FORR has a strong track record of building lasting relationships with key lawmakers. In 2022, two longtime supporters of Missouri bikers were elected members of the U.S. House of Representatives. Rep. Mark Alford of Missouri’s 4th District and Rep. Eric Burlison from Missouri 7th district have both been champions for bikers in the Show Me State.

In fact, Congressman Burlison was the main sponsor of a helmet choice bill that repealed the universal helmet law in Missouri. The helmet choice bill, which repealed the universal helmet law that passed in 2020, was the culmination of years of lobbying by riders in Missouri. If that wasn’t good enough, Rep. Burlison is also a member of both the FORR and the MRF!

The MRF has long preached that building relationships with lawmakers early is the best way to see results down the road. The MRF is excited to work with these two lawmakers in D.C. and build off their work in Missouri.

The state of Missouri and the MRF have a long and storied history. Nearly 40 years ago, in 1984, the first ever “Meetings of the Minds” was held in St. Louis, Missouri. As a tribute to that important moment in the history of the motorcyclists’ rights movement, the MRF will host next year’s Meeting of the Minds in St. Louis. Both the MRF and the motorcyclists in Missouri are excited about returning to the place where it all started 40 years later!

The MRF thanks FORR for including us in these events and we look forward to seeing many of you in Missouri in 2024!


DONNIE SMITH SHOW LAST WEEKEND—It was down some, but Cycle Source was on hand to cover the action. The Sturgis Motorcycle Museum was involved and the local chapter of the AMCA displayed antiques bikes from every era.

The above classic was one of the highlights. The cocktails flowed and everyone had a good time.



My three favorite things are eating my family and not using commas.

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People are usually shocked when they find out… I’m a bad electrician.

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They left a little note on the windscreen, it said ‘Parking Fine.’ So that was nice.

–Sam Burns
Certified Librarian
Bandit’s Cantina™


INDIAN AND BARNSTORM CYCLES–Forged, Custom Sport Chief Series: Barnstorm Cycles

Here’s the second builder in Indian Motorcycles Custom Sport Chief Series, Jake Cutler with Barnstorm Cycles.

Carrying the torch for west coast style performance builds on the east coast, Barnstorm has an extensive history of delivering next level cruiser and bagger builds. Straight out of Massachusetts, Jake has been riding and working on motorcycles since he was three years old.

Watch Carey Hart check in with Jake on his vision for the Custom Sport Chief here:



A resolution by the Motorcycle Riders Foundation to Congress to demand scientific transparency and truth for every motorcycle rider in this country.

Whereas Truth and Free Speech are the cornerstones of our society, motorcyclists all over the country want our rights and the truth to be respected

Whereas Critical Thinking is the backbone of science it needs held high for kids all over the world. America always endeavored to be the bastion of truth and free speech.

Whereas science is never settled and the public requires nothing but the truth as it affects their very existence.

Whereas children deserve to know the truth and scientific transparency. No matter who tries to hide the truth it will surface and the real deniers will be exposed.

Whereas every law in this country that effects the lives, livelihoods, homes, businesses and transportation must be based on truth or they are meaningless.

Whereas criminal governments throughout history restricted free speech. We cannot allow any attack on free speech to infiltrate our government.

A rough draft by Bandit

BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!

5-Ball VL,XA,FL Knucklehead build, Part 3

Kool KOOL $#!t .

And as for the ‘Stalled in progress’ chopper projects, I DEFINITELY have (I hate to say) a couple of them hahaha. Although, one is definitely back on (the lift) and progress is being made.

–El Waggs
Oceanside, CA

“This puppy isn’t stalled. It’s just my mental state that needed tweaking. More progress this week, with the Redhead’s help.”


Greetings from hot Lakeland, Florida! I am here at the Sun ‘n Fun fly-in show and will be joined by David tomorrow. Our gallery is in Hangar A, so if you are coming out, please stop and say hello!

A few housekeeping items:

1 – our production department has been working tirelessly to get all of the pieces out from our previous promotion and are now focused on finishing the orders from Daytona and Isabella’s watercolor pieces.

2 – David is bringing a fun new aviation piece (title TBD). I’ll be sending out details on this one in the coming days. Would love to get your feedback!

3 – he’s also bringing a portrait of Jackie Cochran which will serve as his second “Women of Aviation” piece (with “Amelia”).

–Greg Rhodes
International Sales Director
David Uhl Fine Art
Uhl Studios
15801 W. Colfax Ave
Golden, CO 80401


If you put 100 black ants and 100 red ants in a jar, nothing will happen.

But if you shake the jar hard, the ants will start killing each other.

The red ants will consider the black ants their enemies, and the black ants will consider the red ants their enemies.

The real enemy is the one who shakes the jar.

The same thing happens in human society.

So, before we attack each other, we should think about who is shaking the jar.

–Professor Ray Russell
Bikernet University

FIRSTGEAR’S New Palisade and Reflex Products Deliver

Features for Diehard Riders

Whether the destination is work, play or the other side of the country, FIRSTGEAR’s newest arrivals deliver features designed specifically for riders with a destination in mind. The new Palisade Jacket and Reflex Jacket, along with their matching pants, shine when the sun is out. As always, FIRSTGEAR apparel products deliver comfort, safety and style with a price tag that makes them attainable for real riders.

The FIRSTGEAR Palisade Jacket is designed to be a rider’s daily “go-to” gear. It’s a three-season, waist-length jacket, that is comfortable and durable with no excess bulk. Constructed with waterproof and windproof polyester, abrasion resistant nylon ripstop and SuperFabric reinforced elbows, this jacket uses modern fabric technology to deliver a dry, comfortable ride.

The features don’t stop there, with reflective piping and panels, removable liner, adjustable armor pockets, vents, waterproof pockets, neoprene cuffs and seamless integration with FIRSTGEAR heated gear. This jacket goes to the top of the list when riders are shopping for new gear.

The Palisade Pant is designed to pair with the Palisade Jacket, delivering the same confident, comfortable ride. Using the same fabrics and technology, these pants add stretch knee panels, “no-snag” cuffs, adjustable waist and “slide-free” seat grip panels.

The FIRSTGEAR Reflex Jacket is perfect for riders enjoying warm summer days on their motorcycle. The fully vented, abrasion resistant nylon mesh construction is designed to keep a rider cool and safe. Features like elbow, shoulder and back protection, reflective piping and panels, SuperFabric elbow panels, adjustable neoprene cuffs and removable waterproof windproof liner, this jacket looks good no matter what style of bike the rider is aboard.

The Reflex Pant provides protection during warm weather rides. It features the same fully vented, abrasion resistant nylon mesh construction, knee and hip protection, stretch knee panels and slide-free seat grip panels.

Reflex Gloves deliver solid function and protection with the comfort of ventilated fabric, stretch wrist area and a hook and loop closure. Gloves are a critical piece of riding gear and Reflex gloves are the perfect match of fit and function.

The Palisade Jacket is available in Black/Black in men’s sizes from small to 2XLT. The Palisade Jacket retails for $419.95. Matching Palisade Pant is offered in waist sizes 32 to 42 with both regular and tall sizes in the lineup. The retail price for the Palisade Pant is $369.95.

The Reflex Jacket is available in Black/Black in men’s sizes from small to 2XLT and women’s sizes from s the 3XL. The Reflex Jacket retails for $369.95. Matching Reflex Pant is offered in waist sizes 32 to 42 with both regular and tall sizes in the lineup. Retail price for the Reflex Pant is $269.95.

Reflex Gloves are available in Black/Black for $59.95 and are available in men’s sizes S through 3XL and women’s sizes S to 2XL.

FIRSTGEAR products are available at motorcycle dealers around the country and a complete list of product features is available at

NEW FROM BAKER DRIVETRAIN–The Armored Attitude Adjuster

If you have a 2006 or later Dyna, or a 2007 and later Softail/ Touring bike you know the issues that come along with the stock auto chain tensioner. At the first moment that the chain has any slack in it, the auto tensioner ratchets the shoe up another notch.

Now one notch is not going to be an issue, but the tightening never stops and this causes several problems. The BAKER manual chain adjuster prevents damage to your motorcycle’s left-side motor case bearings, inner primary bearings, clutch hub bearings, and transmission output gear bearings.

[page break]


The Cherokee Chapter of the AMCA proudly presents The Texas Fandango. The Texas Fandango is a vintage swap meet, vintage bike show, and vintage races all rolled into one fun-packed weekend, March 31- April 2, 2023.

The Fandango is located in the beautiful Texas Hill Country at the Gillespie County Fairground in historic Fredericksburg. The premier event in Texas for any vintage motorcycle enthusiast. A portion of every ticket sold benefits the Optimist Club Of Fredericksburg Texas. Please follow us on Instagram and Facebook for community photos and updates.

  • General admission is $20.00 per person
  • Active military or veterans $10.00 with a valid ID
  • Kids twelve or under are free
  • Pay at the main gate.

BRITISH MOTORCYCLISTS– Meet Minister For Decarbonization

The British Motorcycle Action Group told the minister for decarbonization that the UK government should abandon its plan to ban the sale of new vehicles with an internal combustion engine (ICE). MAG chair Neil Liversidge: “There are no reasons why electric and ICE vehicles cannot co-exist.”

Minister of State Jesse Norman (l) and Neil Liversidge.

Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) Chair, Neil Liversidge, met Minister of State (Decarbonization and Technology) Jesse Norman. With resistance to the ICE ban growing in Europe, MAG hammered home the message that the UK government should abandon its plan to ban the sale of new ICE vehicles in the United Kingdom from 2030.

Instead, MAG is presenting a radical alternative that will massively improve transport connectivity to unify the UK, improve air quality, and reduce emissions, whilst at the same time strengthening our country economically.

MAG National Chairman Neil Liversidge and MAG’s Director of Campaigns & Political Engagement, Colin Brown, met Jesse Norman. Neil and Colin hammered home the scale of the mistake the UK Government will be making if it mandates the end of internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) as planned from 2030.

Key points they highlighted included:

* Why MAG’s alternative plan makes more sense.
* The threat the Government’s forced electrification poses to the UK’s long-term economic prosperity and national security.
* How forced electrification will negatively impact most people’s standard of living.
* Why policies that work in London don’t necessarily work in the rest of the UK.

‘Net Zero can be achieved whilst this technology continues to supply the clear benefits of carbon neutral, energy dense liquid fuels.’

The meeting took place as news surfaced that the EU’s own anti-ICE plan is in trouble, with proposals tabled to create an exception for e-fueled cars from 2035.

Germany, Austria, Italy, and other EU nations are opposing forced electrification due to the lack of technology neutrality.

MAG has consistently argued that internal combustion engines will be necessary and desirable for the foreseeable future.

Net Zero can be achieved whilst this technology continues to supply the clear benefits of carbon neutral, energy dense liquid fuels. There is no logic in enforcing the demise of a technology in a way that will inevitably cause hardship for UK citizens, whilst seriously damaging the UK’s economic prospects, and therefore its security, certainly for decades and possibly forever.

Speaking after the meeting, Neil said: “We were not expecting the Minister to announce a U-turn on the policy in the meeting, but I can say that we have robustly presented the strength of feeling on the ICE ban.

We briefly discussed MAG’s alternative solution for the future of transport with rapid expansion of an electrified public transport system allied to a diverse range of technologies in the private motorized sector.

There are no reasons why electric and ICE vehicles cannot co-exist to create a diverse and resilient transport system. We are seeing Europe edging towards this reality, and the UK could lead the way. We have agreed to submit a fleshed-out proposal to Jesse Norman that will both meet the Government’s ambitions and avoid destroying the economy and motorcycling culture in the process.”

Source: MAG

“Fuck Net Zero Anything! It’s a policy for ultimate control.” –Bandit

NEW YORK Close to Passing Statewide Gas Stove Ban on New Homes

New York state is reportedly close to enacting the nation’s first legislative ban on gas stoves for most new construction, including single-family homes and commercial buildings.

Amid a statewide uproar over the plan, the Democrat-led state legislature is set to advance the move as part of Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul’s $227 billion budget blueprint, which heavily focuses on phasing out the use of fossil fuels with a commitment to creating a “cleaner, healthier environment for future generations.”

If passed as is, the measure would prohibit the installation of “fossil fuel equipment” and building systems in the construction of new one-family and smaller multi-family homes, beginning on Dec. 31, 2025. The same prohibition would apply to new larger multi-family homes and commercial buildings starting on Dec. 31, 2028.

This policy means that any new apartments or homes built after the effective dates wouldn’t be allowed to have many other common fossil fuel household items, including furnaces, water heaters, and clothes dryers. The term “fossil-fuel equipment” actually covers a wide range of oil- or gas-powered plumbing, heating, lighting, insulating, ventilating, air conditioning, and refrigerating equipment, as well as elevators and escalators that run on fossil fuel.

Exemptions for commercial kitchens, laboratories, laundromats, hospitals, crematoriums, and critical infrastructure projects would be likely, the governor’s office stated last month.

The state budget is due at midnight on April 1.

Supporters of the plan hope that New York state would take the policies of California and Washington to the next level, Politico reported.

–Bill Pan
Epoch Times


–Sam Burn
Talent Scout™


 DON’T DELAY! Please contact lawmakers to request their support for these bills:

Overview: Your voices were heard, Tennessee! After receiving hundreds of letters from folks like you, lawmakers positively amended legislation (S.B. 434/H.B. 769) aiming to reform the state’s motor vehicle noise laws.

Based on SEMA’s model legislation, S.B. 434/H.B. 769 would now implement a fair and objective method for determining compliance with the law, replacing a system that relies on subjective judgments on whether an exhaust system is too loud. S.B. 434 will be heard in the Senate on March 23rd and H.B. 769 is awaiting consideration by the House.


QUICK, New Bikernet Reader Comment!–


Agree with Bruce!

Revolvers are definitely more concealable in my experience (been carrying one for 4 or 5 years before switching to Heizer Par1 – probably the smallest handgun I’ve ever owned, uses 223 ammo hence packing quite a punch!).

And always remember – any weapon is better than no weapon!

— Rob Harris
Dallas, TX


When you can’t control what’s happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what’s happening.

That’s where your power is.

–Ray Russell
Professor Emeritus
Bikernet University Down Under Campus

V-Twin Night Drags Presented by Speed-Kings Cycle–

Last fall, we featured a dealer who has been trying to bring together the industry one event at a time; this dealer being Speed-Kings Cycle Supply. Speed-Kings is bringing a V-twin-focused drag racing night to Rosamond, California. They are encouraging everyone to come race including those who have never raced to those who have been racing their whole lives. There will be live music and other fun activities as well!

Don’t miss this high-octane fun on April 15th from 6 pm to 10 pm at Willow Springs Raceway!



DON’T DELAY! Please contact lawmakers to request their support for this proposal:

Overview: Kansas has introduced a SAN-supported resolution (H.R. 6018) reaffirming the state’s commitment to consumer choice and vehicles powered by internal combustion engines. As other states have begun to ban the sales of new gas- and diesel-powered vehicles starting in 2035, Kansas is declaring freedom from narrow and burdensome energy policies that limit existing, proven technologies.

The SAN believes that Kansas residents, not the government, should decide what vehicles are best for them and their families. The resolution awaits consideration by the House.



ANOTHER, New Bikernet Reader Comment!–Bruno is Coming

Gritty and hard hitting by a brother who’s been in the wind for so many years. Looking forward to more!

— Buckshot
Madera, CA

“Thanks much! I was inspired by a couple of Bikernet readers and I’m close. I made some notes this morning.”


AT SENOIA SHORT TRACK–Mees Edges Out Competition for Win Aboard Indian FTR750,

Jumps to Second in Season Standings

Indian Motorcycle Racing, presented by Progressive Motorcycle Insurance, secured its first win of the 2023 American Flat Tracksm season following a nail-biting performance by reigning SuperTwins Champion and Indian Motorcycle Wrecking Crew rider Jared Mees.

Piloting the championship winning Indian FTR750, Mees and Dallas Daniels went head-to-head at the Senoia Short Track, as the exciting Main event ended with Mees passing the finish line mere .174 seconds before Daniels.

Having missed the podium at the season-opening doubleheader in Daytona, Mees arrived at Senoia Raceway seeking redemption. After securing the top qualifying position, Mees took advantage of his prime starting position and demonstrated his racing prowess during the Main event. Though he relinquished the lead to Daniels around the halfway point, the bar-to-bar battled continued into the final lap, where Mees ultimately took control and edged out Daniels and captured his first win of the 2023 season.

“This was the bounce-back performance Jared needed, and we all expected,” said Gary Gray, Vice President Racing, Service & Technology for Indian Motorcycle. “Though it’s early in the season, Jared came into the race with a must-win mentality, as he fully understands the importance of keeping the points close as he competes for his ninth career championship.”

Through three races, Mees’ win and two fourth place finishes rank him 14 points behind Daniels, who sits atop the season leaderboard. As a highly decorated veteran flat track racer, having won four of the last six SuperTwins championships aboard the Indian FTR750, Mees is now just one shy from his personal career goal to reach Scottie Parker’s record of nine championships. Mees has more than 60 career wins and multiple records.

The 2023 American Flat Track season continues April 1 for the Arizona Super TT at Wild Horse Pass Motorsports Park in Chandler, AZ. For more information on Indian Motorcycle Racing, visit and follow along on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

LATEST FROM DENNIS KIRK—The crew handles all the latest Arlen Ness Products from the Bay Area.


I didn’t get any money this time

A man in a bar sees a friend at a table, drinking by himself.

Approaching the friend he comments, “You look terrible. What’s the problem?”

“My mother died in August,” he said, “and left me $25,000.”

“Gee, that’s tough,” he replied.

“Then in September,” the friend continued, “My father died, leaving me $90,000.”

“Wow. Two parents gone in two months. No wonder you’re depressed.”

“And last month my aunt died, and left me $15,000.”

“Three close family members lost in three months? How sad.”

“Then this month,” continued, the friend, “absolutely nothing!”


The customs of an Irishman

An Irishman walks into a bar in Dublin, orders three pints of Guinness and sits in the back of the room, drinking a sip out of each one in turn. When he finishes them, he comes back to the bar and orders three more. The bartender asks him, “You know, a pint goes flat after I draw it; it would taste better if you bought one at a time.”

The Irishman replies, “Well, you see, I have two brothers. One is in America, the other in Australia, and I’m here in Dublin. When we all left home, we promised that we’d drink this way to remember the days when we drank together.” The bartender admits that this is a nice custom, and leaves it there.

The Irishman becomes a regular in the bar, and always drinks the same way: ordering three pints and drinking them in turn.

One day, he comes in and orders two pints. All the other regulars notice and fall silent. When he comes back to the bar for the second round, the bartender says, “I don’t want to intrude on your grief, but I wanted to offer my condolences on your great loss.”

The Irishman looks confused for a moment, then a light dawns in his eye and he laughs. “Oh, no,” he says, “Everyone’s fine. I’ve just quit drinking.”

–Sam Burns
Official Librarian
Bandit’s Cantina

[page break]


As you may be aware, the MRF has been kicking ass and taking names for nearly 40 years. During the past 75 days, the MRF has double downed. Profiling language included in the mega spending bill signed into law in December. NHTSA answering the MRF-inspired letter from Congressman Tim Walberg regarding autonomous vehicles (AVs, driverless cars or whatever the newspeak word for this vehicle is).

The MRF is the nation’s premier motorcyclists’ rights advocacy group with full-time representation on Capitol Hill and we’re not backing down. And it’s long overdue that those who have been enjoying the freedoms the MRF promotes and protects join in our fight!

Attached please find the 2023 Meeting of the Minds sponsorship deck. Thanks for circulating it among those who repeatedly ask what they can do. Additionally, I’ve attached the 2023 Meeting of the Minds registration form and if they’re serious, here’s a copy of the Bikers inside the Beltway flyer. Like participatory democracy – Bikers inside the Beltway is free, but you do need to participate to make it work better! Hope to see you at both!

Thanks for your ongoing support of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation.

Yours in Freedom,

–Fredric Harrell
Director, Conferences & Events
Motorcycle Riders Foundation
P.O. Box 9090
Peoria, Illinois 61612


My grandson Frank Ball is considering opening a full on 5-Ball Racing Leathers Store in Marina Del Rey near Bartels’ H-D on Lincoln Blvd. Plus Rhiannon is a new 5-Ball Racing model.

Check the goods or buy a book at the 5-Ball shop.

Hang on!



Watch the new Iron Lilly video

We are making a movie!

Click the Wefunder logo for more information & investment opportunities.

–from Rogue
Senior Editor™

FEDERAL AGENCYAnnounces New Rules for Air Conditioners Amid Controversy Around Gas Stoves

The Department of Energy (DOE) on Thursday said it has finalized rules on window air conditioners and air cleaners that it says will make the common household items more efficient, coming as the federal government has signaled it would further regulate gas stoves.

The agency said it has “finalized new energy efficiency standards for room air conditioners—commonly known as window air conditioners—and portable air cleaners that will reduce household energy costs and significantly cut pollution,” according to a news release, adding that it will “save American families and consumers approximately $1.5 billion per year on their electrity bills.”

The rules for air cleaners are slated to be implemented starting next year, while the rules for air conditioners will come in 2026, said the DOE. With the rules, the agency said that it will eliminate some 106 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions over three decades.

With the latest round of regulations in combination with proposed rules for gas stoves, critics have said they’re tantamount to federal overreach. During the comments period for the DOE’s rule proposal, the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers issued a comment saying the standards are “too stringent and will have a negative, disproportionate impact on low-income households and historically marginalized communities.”

The group then urged the DOE to “reassess parts of its analysis with respect to proposed standards levels … and some of the assumptions upon which the analysis is based,” it said in its 2022 comment to the agency. “As discussed further below, DOE must conduct further analysis to determine how increasingly stringent standards disproportionately affect low-income households and historically marginalized communities, as required under” another executive order…

–Jack Phillips
Epoch Times

PANHEAD OF THE WEEK—From the Peter Kox collection.

–Sam Burns
Feature Bike Editor™



Limited Quantities

The Knuckle Buckle is the latest collaboration between Nash Motorcycle Co and Jason Momoa’s On The Roam. Jason and Taber Nash both have a passion for Harley’s first OHV motor, the iconic Knucklehead. First developed in 1936 this motor transcended the 2nd World War and developed a cult following from Harley enthusiasts and custom bike builders around the globe.

To commemorate the unique design of this motor, Jason and Taber have designed The Knuckle Buckle.This one is cast in stainless steel with an antique finish and polished Knuckle Nuts. A prodigy that is built to last a lifetime just like the venerable Knucklehead engine.

Pair this rad buckle with your favorite belt or one of our Knucklehead, Nash Motor Co., or Plain Jane belts!

LG Buckle- 5″ x 2.16″ (Accepts a belt 1.75″ wide)

Regular Buckle- 3.78″ x 1.6″ (Accepts a belt 1.50″ wide)

*Buckle Only. Belt Sold Separately.

TUCKER POWERSPORTS–Named Exclusive US Distributor for Kellermann Lighting Products

Tucker Powersports today announced its exclusive distribution agreement with Kellermann GmbH, the German manufacturer of high-technology premium lighting products for motorcycles.

Kellermann, known for its award-winning style and tremendous popularity in the custom bike community, now has access to the thousands of dealers in Tucker’s dealer network, while Tucker secures another exclusive partnership with a leading technology company in powersports.

Kellermann, based in Aachen, Germany, has been manufacturing motorcycle accessories for over 30 years. The company’s turn indicators and other lighting products have set industry standards for brightness and style and have earned a cult-like following among motorcycle customizers and designers.

With design awards from Red Dot and the Chicago Athenaeum, the broad product line can deliver classic style or dramatic custom looks. Kellermann has worked previously with Tucker’s Kuryakyn brand to develop the tremendously successful Tracer lighting systems launched in 2021 and 2022. The company’s current product line includes lighting products, mounts, and related electronics.

“Together with Tucker and their extensive dealer network, we want to take our brand to the next level in the US market “, said Dr. Stefan Wöste, CEO of Kellermann. “This partnership will make the upcoming introduction of our newest lighting products even more impactful.”

“Kellermann and Tucker share a passion for technology and product innovation,” said Marc McAlister, CEO of Tucker. “This partnership is an opportunity for two tremendous brands to have a significant impact in the motorsports industry.”

Tucker is preparing for the launch of Kellermann’s newest products in the next few weeks, which will reinforce the technology and quality leadership of the Kellermann line of products.


Taylord Cycles opened in Spearfish, South Dakota three weeks ago. It’s a small shop, but the owner Luke Wiles, worked at Black Hills Harley-Davidson for several years and he’s already cranking out full blown customs.

For more info go to
Or call 605-717-2450


It’s also known as the Bonneville Motorcycle Speed Trials, where the world’s fastest motorcycles hit breathtaking speeds on the otherworldly Bonneville Salt Flats near Wendover, Utah.

Ranging from 50cc minibikes to 3,000 cc streamliners, participants of varying investments and experiences share the stage as they showcase their enthusiasm for insanely speedy travel.

After adverse conditions prevented the event from running in 2022, the championship will be back and better that ever August 26-31.

MASSACHUSETTS– to Enforce Right to Repair Law in June

Massachusetts’ Attorney General Andrea Campbell announced plans to enforce the state’s expanded “right to repair” law, which was passed overwhelmingly by Massachusetts voters in 2020, starting on June 1, 2023.

Right to repair has been on hold in Massachusetts for over two years as the result of a decision by the state’s former Attorney General to delay enforcement of the law pending a federal lawsuit from automakers, where U.S. District Judge Douglas Woodlock has delayed ruling on the matter six times.


ANOTHER, New Bikernet Reader Comment!


Hey Bandit,

I just have to comment: You’re opening statement really hit home. At 75, you’re just a tad over 10 years ahead of me (I’m hitting 65 this year). I’ve been following your Bikernet output since before you moved to Wilmington, CA. You are SO SPOT ON.

In the early days, I had bike project sitting around for years just to find missing parts to complete an assembly. Today we can get almost everything online in real time. No more asking anyone and everyone if anyone knows someone.

I’m thinking of writing a book or two, building a Panhead bar hopper, and just happy to be living in these best of times. My point is Life IS incredible indeed, all we need to do is to get out of bed and get moving. It’s all at our fingertips indeed.

I only met you once at a Hollister rally but you’ve been a straight shooter. I consider you a friend since day one. Keep the code and Keep inspiring us Bandit!

We’re listening! Your bud

— Kolohe
Citrus Heights, CA

“Thanks brother, means a lot. This week has been wild. I got out of bed at 6:45 on Monday and haven’t stopped. Keep after it!”



ONLY 3604 Miles!

This Fat Bob will rock you in your socks with a stage 2 and dyno tuned. If you want the ultimate bike that has every high end aftermarket part you would ever need this bike is for you. This thing is fast, sexy, and comfortable. Check it out today.

* Screaming Eagle HiFlo intake
* 2 Brothers race exhaust
* Performance machine Gold risers
* Performance machine Black moto bars
* Memphis shades windshield
* Memphis shades handguards
* Avon grips
* LED headlight
* LED Turn signals all around
* Willy G derby cover
* Custom vault hard waterproof bags
* Flo motorsports foot controls
* Contrast cut shift linkage
* Dyno Jet power vision tuner
* Saddleman Red stitched seat
* Screaming eagle spark plug wires

This bike is only $16,995

Plus license, $85.00 documentation fee, and local sales tax. NO HIDDEN FEES like some dealers. And we have no reconditioning or prep fees. This bike has passed Lifestyle Cycles rigorous 92-point safety/mechanical/structural inspection.This motorcycle has not been refurbished and does not come with any warranty expressed or implied! EXTENDED WARRANTIES are available!

Fill out an online application today. We have EZ FINANCING

Lifestyle Cycles is located at 1510 State College Blvd,Anaheim,CA,92806. Open 7 days a week.

NOT LOCAL? WE HAVE SHIPPING AVAILABLE! Call today (714) 490-0155.

— Richard Allstun
Marketing Director
Lifestyle Cycles

ANDREANI USA Expands Product Offering to Include–MIVV Exhausts and Nitron Suspension Products

Andreani USA, the recently opened subsidiary of Italy’s Andreani Group, has added two notable European brands to their product offering for US motorcycle dealers and consumers. Italy’s MIVV exhaust systems offer high performance, matched with Italian style and an expansive product line.

England’s Nitron Racing Systems shocks and suspension products carry a racing pedigree and applications for all types of motorcycles. Both MIVV and Nitron’s motorcycle products have not been commonly available in the United States prior to Andreani USA’s launch.

MIVV is well known throughout Europe as a brand that delivers increased performance, refined sound and Italian-style to motorcycles of all types. Andreani USA is MIVV’s first US-based distributor and will make MIVV exhaust products readily available for American powersports dealers.

“Entering into an important market like the US required that we select a highly professional distributor, and we have a long history working with Andreani Group,” said MIVV’s Business Unit Manager Danilo DeBerardinis. “Our current production touches every segment of the motorcycle world, from naked to superbikes, from enduros to adventure bikes, and we’ve had requests to create products for models of every brand, especially Harley-Davidson motorcycles.”

Nitron Racing Systems suspension products are typically used in high performance vehicles in the automotive and motorcycle markets. Based in Britain’s Motorsports Valley, the home of F1 racing, Nitron’s shocks and forks are known for innovation, quality and attention to detail. Nitron makes shocks for all types of motorcycles, from motocross to ADV to cruisers and touring bikes.

“We strive to bring the best products to our network of dealers in the United States,” said Andreani USA President Luciano Ubaldini. “As the exclusive distributor of MIVV exhausts and Official Service Center for Nitron suspension products, we can ensure that our dealers are delivering great products and technical support to American motorcycle riders.”

Nitron Racing Systems and MIVV products are available immediately from Andreani USA.


Last night, I went out to dinner and I overheard a man at the table next to me as he asked the server if the prices on the menu were negotiable. Then after the server told him no, he snuck over to the kitchen where he made a rude remark to the prep-cook about how his neighbors dined at a similar restaurant recently and had the same meal for a lot less.

It gets even worse! He had the audacity to ask the chef if there was any way he could hurry things up for him and put his meal before all the other patrons.

Lastly, this arrogant fool interrupted the dishwasher and asked him if he might be able to save a few dollars by washing his own plates and silverware. Thank god they refused to serve him and threw him out in the street to fend for himself!

Now, I know this story may sound ridiculous when presented in a restaurant setting but why is it that so many consumers feel just fine taking this approach with mechanics

–Sam Burns

“This was cool, but I pointed out that for a $20 meal, I’m not going to question much, but if the service or the meal sucks I won’t be back.

On the other hand, if I take my motorcycle to a shop and they might charge me $2000 or $10,000 I’m going to question and look for options.”


NEW FROM THE SCOTT JACOBS FAMILY— Wow! What a bike week. Daytona Bike Week attendees, you cease to impress!

With sales through the roof this year, we nearly cleaned out the remaining numbers of “We the People” AND “We Ride Free…”

Now that’s Jackie is home from Florida, she is working hard to get your orders out ASAP.

In the meantime, we completed Scott’s video interview on “Daytona, Surf and Sand” (below).

  • Sturgis & Daytona’s 82nd Releases
  • 82nd motorcycle rally painting by scott jacobs
  • Scott created a painting for the 82nd Sturgis Rally and Daytona Bike Week. They were printed the same size for you to collect both if you’re a big bike rally fan.


I’ll try to stay focused. Tomorrow, Irish Rich and I will work with parts I have and I got from Carl Pussar and Cabana Dan at the Donnie Smith show last weekend and try to build a trans from my VL,XA,FL-5 Knucklehead project.

We are trying to build a 4-Speed case, 5-Speed guts transmission that will work with an Evo primary.

I spoke to my genius pal this week who has three PHDs and his wife is a master with Gourds. As it turns out 45 John in Deadwood grows gourds. He still has one of his classic trikes for sale.

It snows like every three days here, but the sun comes out and it’s magnificent. When it hits 36 degrees we think it’s a heat wave.

We’ve ordered some spirit bells since my point covers from Chopper Dave were delayed. Hell, we’ll have Xmas gifts for the next two years. That’s one way to look at it.

I’m writing another story about Cabana Dan and all his ’13, ’14 builds. I’m confused, but these tanks and sheetmetal stripped by Tim at Flat Earth Artworks will be amazing.

Might get a call any minute about progress on the ’58. It’s at a very organized shop in Whitewood, a town of 820 folks.
Longtime friend, rider and sailing master, Bob Bitchin sold his sailing mag and is back with his books. He owned Biker and started Tattoo magazine back in the day. 

Where’s my whiskey?

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Memorial Day – Enjoy but Remember

This Memorial Day weekend take a moment and remember the sacrifices made by many while fighting for the freedoms each of us enjoy everyday. In streets across our nation traditional motorcycle events honoring those lost in military service will be held. We at the Motorcycle Riders Foundation are forever grateful to our brothers and sisters lost defending the freedoms we cherish.

As Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

As we spend time with family and friends, let’s all take a moment to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice to keep our country FREE. We at the MRF wish you and yours a safe Memorial Day.

About Motorcycle Riders Foundation: The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) provides leadership at the federal level for states’ motorcyclists’ rights organizations as well as motorcycle clubs and individual riders. Ride With The Leaders ™ by joining the MRF at

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WordPress CMS turns 20 years old on May 2023

by Ujjwal Dey on #WP20

WordPress CMS turns 20 years old on May 2023. #wp20

The local WordPress community of bloggers, web-developers and hobbyists hosted a meetup at Marriott hotel, sponsored by American web-hosting company

I was fortunate to attend this event on Saturday May 27, 2023. From 3 pm to 6:00 pm the WordPress enthusiasm was shared and I got to proudly represent Bikernet Blog, running on WordPress since 2012.

I showcased the fact that Bikernet’s pure vanilla blog using old school simplicity is as effective in content delivery as some of the more glamorous ones running fancy themes. This is of course because, ultimately, a website it is not solely about design and graphics, but also about the “content” it publishes.

I mentioned the success of Bikernet Blog reaching Top 25 Motorcycle Blogs milestone last year. Refer that in March 2022 post by clicking here . is a partner endorsed by the official founders of WordPress and their team, powering over 2 million websites. Their features such as 1-click installation and superior customer service has made them popular with the netizens.

WordPress started in 2003 when Mike Little and Matt Mullenweg created a fork of b2/cafelog. The need for an elegant, well-architected personal publishing system was clear to them even back then.

Today, WordPress is built on PHP and MySQL, and licensed under the GPLv2. It is also the platform of choice for over 43% of all sites across the web.

While all users may not be entirely happy with the Gutenberg Block Editor, but you gotta realize that WordPress is now a full-fledged Content Management System. An open-source one at that while competing with the best in the CMS business.

* * * *

Enter the 100-word fiction contest. Win cool swag. Send us a fiction story in 100 words or less. Email wayfarer @

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Baker’s Dozen Fight for Bikers

On Tuesday, 13 members of the House of Representatives sent a bipartisan letter to U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Secretary of Pete Buttigieg seeking the formation of the Motorcyclist Advisory Council (MAC). As you may remember, the MAC was first established by Congress in 2015 and renewed with passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act in 2021.

Unfortunately, despite the requirement that the MAC be established within 90 days after the law is passed, DOT has failed to act. In the past, the MAC has provided a critical forum for policy makers, roadway engineers, and motorcyclists to discuss ways roadway and barrier design, construction and maintenance practices and intelligent transportation systems can better meet the safety needs of the nearly 9 million motorcyclists in this country.

One important part of the reestablished MAC, as outlined in the text of the law, is the expansion of membership seats. The inclusion of manufacturers, motorcyclist rights organizations and safety professionals will provide for a more expansive knowledge base and information sharing on the council. As prescribed in the law, the MAC will be required to submit biennial reports on their findings.

Establishment of the MAC was one of the Motorcycle Riders Foundation’s priorities during the recent Bikers Inside the Beltway event in D.C. Thank you to Rep. Gallagher for leading the letter and to the 12 other lawmakers listed below for supporting our efforts to seat the MAC.

Rep. Gallagher (WI)
Rep. Carsen (IN)
Rep. Finstad (MN)
Rep. Fitzgerald (WI)
Rep. Fitzpatrick (PA)
Rep. Grothman (WI)
Rep. Lee (NV)
Rep. Norman (SC)
Rep. Stauber (MN)
Rep. Steil (WI)
Rep. Tiffany (WI)
Rep. Van Orden (WI)
Rep. Wilson (SC)

About Motorcycle Riders Foundation: The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) provides leadership at the federal level for states’ motorcyclists’ rights organizations as well as motorcycle clubs and individual riders. Ride With The Leaders ™ by joining the MRF at

* * * * * * * *

Get There Faster, Click & Get the Free Weekly Newsletter

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This is show weekend at the Black Hills Motorcycle Show at the Mountain Grand in Deadwood, SD. Jason Mook and his band of renowned have taken over the historically Rapid City Show. It died because of covid, but now it’s Saturday in historic Deadwood and brothers from far and wide are coming to see it.

Jason has a special partner in this chromed endeavor, Charlie. She is not only his wife, but a City Commissioner, a partner in the notorious number 10 saloon and the broad who runs the whiskey bar. Behind that brilliant smile are the fangs of outlaw business. It’s going to be a helluva weekend.

Let’s hit the news:

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum.

AS CALIFA CRUMBLES– Officials investigate mysterious disappearance of 30-Ton shipment of explosive chemicals in California.

Ammonium nitrate is commonly used as fertilizer but can also be used as an ingredient in homemade explosives

Approximately 61,000 pounds of ammonium nitrate, a chemical used as both fertilizer and an ingredient in explosives, went missing when it was shipped by rail from Wyoming to California last month, prompting officials to begin investigating the mysterious disappearance.

Ammonium nitrate was used in 1995 at an attack on the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. The explosion killed 168 people and injured approximately 850.

On April 12, a railcar loaded with 30 tons of the chemical left Cheyenne, Wyoming. However, according to an incident report from Dyno Nobel, when the car arrived two weeks later at a rail stop in the Mojave Desert, it was completely empty.

Dyno Nobel, the company responsible for shipping the ammonium nitrate is a leader in commercial explosives and filed a report with the federal National Response Center (NRC) on May 10.

–fox news


Great article on Pat and Brook Kennedy on Bikernet. 1st met them at Kennedy’s in Oceanside 1987. In 1988 I was with Rodent from Outlaw Biker at Yuma Prison Run. Met him at Pop’s Place.

Went to the fairgrounds and 1st thing Rodent see’s is a beautiful Softail chopper, asks me who that was. I told him Bill Kennedy and that bike was built by Pat, Bill’s brother. October 88 issue of Outlaw Biker came out and there were mostly pics of Pat, Mike and me. Couple of Pat’s choppers, his old Panhead and Bill’s Softtail. This was about the time the floodgates opened on Pat.

His craftsmanship and skill was published around the world. No credit to me, only to the fine people at Kennedy’s Custom Cycle.

Mike moved to Edmonton Ky. a few years ago, just sold off inventory and shut the doors on Kennedys due to health issues. Some 39 years having known this band of 3 brothers has been an honor.

Doc, now in Ringgold, Ga. In Stitches Upholstery, 31 Shadbone Ln. , Ringgold, Ga. 30736, phone 406-422-3194 kept my old Montana number when moved here.

WORDPRESS CMS turns 20 years old in May 2023.

The local WordPress community of bloggers, web-developers and hobbyists are hosting a meetup at Marriott hotel — sponsored by American web-hosting company

I will be attending the event on Saturday May 27, 2023 from 3 pm to 5:30 pm and proudly representing Bikernet Blog which runs on WordPress.

I hope to showcase the fact that Bikernet’s pure vanilla blog using old school simplicity can also be effective in content delivery – because ultimately, a website it is not solely about design and graphics, but also about the “content” it publishes.

I will mention the success of Bikernet Blog reaching Top 25 Motorcycle Blogs milestone last year.

BlueHost is a partner endorsed by the official founders of WordPress and their team, powering over 2 million websites. Their features such as 1-click installation and superior customer service has made them popular with the netizens.

WordPress started in 2003 when Mike Little and Matt Mullenweg created a fork of b2/cafelog. The need for an elegant, well-architected personal publishing system was clear to them even then.

Today, WordPress is built on PHP and MySQL, and licensed under the GPLv2. It is also the platform of choice for over 43% of all sites across the web.

While all users may not be entirely happy with the Gutenberg Block Editor, but you gotta realize that WordPress is now a full-fledged Content Management System. An open-source one at that while competing with the best in the CMS business.

Bikernet Blog Editor


Ladd Terry became a very good friend after I left ER in 1999. With three PhDs, he was a font of knowledge and insight. He helped me renovate my home in San Pedro, dodge a bad relationship, build motorcycles and improve my writing skills. If you dig around Bikernet, you’ll find Dr. Nuttboy from time to time.

Rest in Peace Brother,


LATEST FROM COMPETITION DISTRIBUTING–Gain the Edge with Our High-Quality Cam Gears Now In Stock!

Brand New J and JD Cams by LINK Engineering Made in the U.S.A

The bushings on this new cam have only been lightly reamed to allow it to slip onto the inspection fixture and may require final sizing before installation.

Below is an excerpt from page 20 of the Harley Davidson publication, “Motor Repair Manual for the Guidance of the Motorcycle Repair Man”, copyright 1918.

As it states, the running fit of both the cam followers as well as the cam on the pins is a “free running fit, which translates into 0.0005-inch loose. You, or your motor builder, may have to hone or ream the bushing for final fitment. If reaming, it’s advisable to do it on a decent drill press or a mill for accuracy.

You should also enter from the gear side to maintain concentricity of the gears pitch circle to the centerline of the hole. The pin in your particular motor may however be slightly worn in which sizing may not be necessary. If the cam slips on to the pin and spins freely with no bind as is, then re-sizing should not be necessary.

To Inspect, Adjust, or Replace Secondary and Roller Arm Studs

1. Inspect the studs to see whether or not they are loose or worn. To test either stud to see if it is loose, strike it lightly with a small hammer.
A loose stud can be felt and will make a dull thud when struck.

If a loose stud is found, tighten it securely as explained hereinafter.

2. If the stud is tight, inspect it for wear. Try the secondary gear on the secondary stud, and both inlet and exhaust roller arms on the roller arm stud for shake.

These parts are assembled with just a free running fit, the inside diameter of the roller arm bushing or the hole diameter of the secondary gear being .0005-inch larger than the diameter of its respective stud.

Secondary gear studs are ground to ½ inch diameter, while roller arm studs are ground to 7/16 inch diameter.

3. If the exhaust or inlet roller arm or the secondary gear clears its respective stud by more than 0015-inch, the studs or stud plate assembly, secondary gear, or the roller arm bushings should be replaced. Too much clearance at any of these places reduces valve lift and delays valve action, cutting down the efficiency of the motor and also making the motor extremely noisy.

CAM-001 HARLEY J & JD CAM GEAR 1917-1929 61 & 74-INCH
Regular price $395.00
Shipping calculated at checkout.


Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida ripped President Joe Biden Wednesday during a Fox News interview, saying that reversing the president’s energy policies was one of his top three priorities were he to be elected president.

“I have always rejected the politicization of the weather, and I think what we should be doing in the United States is focusing on being energy-independent and making sure that we are utilizing the resources… and oh, by the way, when you have market-based solutions and when you innovate, in Florida we have seen emissions go down dramatically in the last 10 years, but that is through market and innovation,” DeSantis told Fox News host Trey Gowdy.

“What Biden wants to do, he wants take us in a direction where we are like Germany where we don’t have a reliable power grid, where prices spike,” DeSantis said. “California for example, they have a tough time keeping the lights on, and yet they want to ban the internal combustion engine?”

–from Fox News

“Maybe there’s hope,”–Bandit

COMPETITIVE XDA Racers–Ready to Energize VMP

On June 2-4, 2023, the XDA takes Motorcycle Drag Racing to Virginia Motorsports Park for the 37th annual MTC Engineering Summer Nationals.

XDA racers are ready to energize this family-friendly event with the country’s fastest and quickest motorcycle drag racing action. In its sixth year under the rule of Tommy and Judy Franklin, VMP is like a fine wine that gets better year after year. With yearly facility upgrades and new additions, the Franklin’s are building a state-of-the-art facility that any racer or spectator would want to proudly call their home track.

VMP also features an impressive glass-like racing surface, and along with the XDA’s world-class track prep, the combo guarantees record-setting performances at every event.

Orient Express Racing Pro Street
Points Leader – Rodney Williford

The World’s fastest and quickest street tire motorcycles will assemble once again for the Orient Express Pro Street class. These 650+ horsepower motorcycles will WOW you every time they take to the track. Their performance numbers always impress as they run at speeds over 230mph in the quarter-mile in only 6 seconds.

Rodney Williford continues his third year of Pro Street domination to lead the championship chase after a season-opening win last month. Williford is a skilled rider; however, the class is full of motorcycles that could knock him out at any given time. He may have his combo figured out, but his competition is right on his back door. His reign will end, the question is, who will have that honor, and will it be one of the twenty-four bikes in next weekend’s field?

Pro Street racers are not only competing for a championship but also an invitation to the 27th annual Haltech World Cup Finals presented by Wiseco at Maryland International Raceway on November 1-5, 2023. Racers will be fighting for a top-ten finish in points for the chance to compete in front of over 50,000 fans in November and the $5,000 payout sponsored by Platinum General Services.

DME Racing Real Street
Points Leader – Courtlan Whiting

The DME Racing 7-second, 190mph Real Street class is designed for street-legal sportbikes with limited modifications and a hand clutch. Courtlan Whiting is holding on to the top spot in points for the first time in his career after taking his first-ever Real Street win at the season opener. That spot will be hard for him to hold onto with two class champions ready to draft around him. David Stewart and Mark Hylton sit in the second and third spots, and they both have plans for another championship this season.

HTP Performance Afterdark Underground

Saturday Night, the HTP Performance Afterdark Underground program will feature the “Running of the Bulls” Shootouts and all the Clocks Off racing you can handle!

The track surface will be tight Saturday night as Jason Miller, his #KillerMillerSpiller, and VMP’s Tyler Crossnoe along with Jimmy Bradshaw from Sticky Mafia doing their thing to set up another record-breaking track surface.

So grab your lunch money and head out to watch our five premier Shootout classes, Boosted Bulls (Turbo Bikes), APE Nitrous Bulls (Nitrous Bikes), 3 Sixty 5 Transport Monster Bulls (Heavyweights), Tommie’s Motorsports DMV Bulls (Up-And-Coming), and All Motor Bulls.

MaxxECU Pro Xtreme
Points Leader – Chris Cutsinger

Chris Cutsinger currently leads the MaxxECU Pro Xtreme class, featuring the World’s quickest Turbocharged, Supercharged, and Nitrous Injected big tire wheelie-bar motorcycles. After making his Pro Xtreme debut with XDA this year, international sensation Dale Leeks sits in the number two spot. After being unable to make the final at the last event due to a broken transmission, he will be ready to do what it takes for a win next weekend on his turbocharged Hayabusa.

MaxxECU Pro Xtreme is presented by Billy Vose Racing, Fast by Gast, Dunigan Racing, DME Racing, Grothus Dragbikes, Harley Haul, Rob Bush Motorsports, Robinson Industries, Schnitz Racing, Timblin Chassis, and Worldwide Bearings.

HTP Performance Super Stock
Points Leader – Mark Blake

Whoever has the best clutch hand of the weekend will own the stock wheelbase HTP Performance Super Stock class. The class features strict modification rules, stock wheelbase, stock motor, MR12 spec fuel, no air shifters, no dataloggers, and nowhere to hide. Mark Blake holds the reign, but there is a lot of talent in the class this year, and next weekend can be anyone’s win! Patrick Cooper ran a personal best of 8.907 and made it to the final at the last event. He will look for redemption, and the winner’s circle finish next weekend on his Gen3 Suzuki Hayabusa.

Vance & Hines 4.60
Points Leader – Darion Payne

The Vance & Hines 4.60 class is the World’s quickest 1/8th-mile sportsman index category featuring four-second passes in only 660 feet. Darion Payne leads this star-studded class, however, next weekend, fifty other competitors will be looking to take that honor from him. Brad Gleason qualified number one at the last event but got knocked out in the first round; he will be one of countless riders looking to learn from their mistakes in round two of this year’s five-race series.

The XDA will additionally hold competition in SIX additional sportsman classes featuring 1 Stop Speed 5.60 Index, Mickey Thompson Tires Top Sportsman, VooDoo Components Bracket Bash, MPS Racing Pro ET, Brock’s Performance Street ET, and the Friday night Hard Times Parts & Service Gambler’s race. XDA offers up a professional environment and $28,000 in guaranteed payouts for sportsman racers at each event.

Along with over 700 Professional and Sportsman motorcycle racers battling it out for over $90,000 in payouts, the MTC Summer Nationals will feature a vast vendor midway full of great deals on motorcycle parts, accessories, and apparel.

Make plans now to come out and watch or, better yet, #racewithXDA on June 2-4, 2023.

Visit for event information, class rules, schedule, and more.

Class Entry List and Resources
XDA prides itself on having a close-knit group of racers. Below, you will find a list of racers attending this event and links to class-specific groups that you can access to talk to other racers and get your questions answered. Together we are strong.

XDA Facebook Groups

•XDA Racers –
•Pro Street –
•Real Street –
•Pro Xtreme –
•4.60 Index –
•Super Stock –
•5.60 Index –


Garage Company
1301 W 130th St, Gardena, CA 90247.
Phone: 310 330 9933 Fax 310-330-9339

–Sam Burns
Feature Bike Editor™


Born on May 31, 1930, Clint Eastwood went on to vanquish all kinds of movie villains

Later this month, Clint Eastwood turns 93. The winner of four Academy Awards and four Golden Globe Awards, he is a true American legend who made the transition from action hero to sensitive character actor in movies like The Bridges of Madison County, and Gran Torino.

But his finest moments came behind the camera as director of movies like Unforgiven, Million Dollar Baby and Mystic River

Refer full article at

— Wayfarer


Vintage Rides has teamed up with Bike Shed Motorcycle Company to curate a selection of adventures. The first of these tours is the Bike Shed Himalayan Scramble.

A few select spaces are available last minute and we are inviting our Vintages Riders community to take up this opportunity to experience the mighty Himalayas with like-minded adventurers from the Bike Shed community.
Where are they taking you?

The Bike Shed and Vintage Rides take you to two of the highest motorable passes in the world on a 14-day adventure into the incredible Ladakh region. From the heat and hustle of Delhi up through the heart of the Indus Valley, you’ll encounter ancient forts, traditional markets and unbelievable mountain vistas.

To the top of the world?

After a short flight from Delhi we begin the ride in Leh, setting off towards Kashmir following the majestic Indus River to the cliff top monastery of Lamayuru.Then heading north for a descent into the spectacular Nubra Valley and up through its gateway, the mythical Khardung La Pass (5602m/18,379ft).

Lastly, we hit the Changthang Plateau and the infinite beauty of Tso Moriri and Tso Kar lakes.

Push your limits and fill your lungs with the purest mountain air on this Himalayan scramble.

Feel free to contact Ben :
+44?? ??7?362 047 468

For any questions you may have regarding this tour.


Do not correct a fool, or he will hate you; correct a wise man and he will appreciate you.

–Ray Russell
Senior Professor


It took us a long time to discover where Buffalo Bill Cody’s best friend, Jonathan “Buffalo Chips”

White, was buried. I expected him to have been buried at the Fort Meade Cemetery with many of the horse cavalry troops who gave it all while helping to piece this Republic together.

It was quite a surprise to find his grave and an Official US Scout Memorial right at the battlefield where he lost his life to a bullet believed to have been sent his way by Chief American Horse.

American Horse was leading his people in a flight for freedom. Buffalo Chips was riding ahead of the 5th Cavalry and headed to Deadwood. The paths of these mortal enemies met just a few weeks after Greasy Grass (Custer’s Last Stand) about 88 miles north of the Buffalo Chip.

As fate would have it, it was the end of the trail for both men, killed by what turned out to be one of the last battles of the American Indian Wars.

The Slim Buttes Battle occurred on September 9th and 10th, 1876. It is an almost forgotten part of this nation’s history, a clash of two cultures. It was not that long ago and it happened right here. It was not a cowboy & Indian movie. Buffalo Chips is buried right there beside a monument thanking him for his service as a US Scout.

This ride to Buffalo Chips’ grave site began on Memorial Day, a day to celebrate peace and freedom while reflecting upon the many who sacrificed their very lives to create and preserve this Republic.

This ride is in memory of one specific man. As the mother of Marc Alan Lee, Navy Seal, has stated so well, “No man is truly dead until he’s been forgotten.”

September 10th seems a most appropriate day for a ride in remembrance of Jonathan “Buffalo Chips’” White. Riding north through beautiful country Buffalo Chips didn’t live to see, we’ll pass a couple of ghost towns, a bunch of pronghorn antelope, a few
dinosaurs, a stage stop or two and arrive at the historical marker that tells the tale.

The graves and Memorials, almost hidden on the hillside, are set just above the draw that was the site of the deadly violence.

The anniversary of that battle will be a great day for this memorial ride. I’ll be saddling up at 0900 on September 10th at the Big Engine here at the Buffalo Chip Campground.

I invite you to join me.

We’ll stop at a couple of pretty cool places along the way. Bring your own beverage, hardtack and jerky.

You can just show up for the ride. I’d be excited, though, to get a text that you’ll be joining us, rain or shine. 605.641.8490. Please meet me at 8:30 a.m. in front of my Buffalo Chip office. We’ll have coffee & snacks and then, rain or shine, it’ll be kickstands up at 0900 hours. I’m looking forward to another great Ride with you.


[page break]


Mad Protection, Incredible Value – SA1NT’s $199 ENGINEERED Riding Jean Combines Stylish Design with Next-Level Protection

MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA – Mad Protection. Incredible Value. SA1NT, a leading Australian motorcycle apparel company and innovators of the world’s strongest single-layer denim, is expanding its moto denim collection with the introduction of an all-new, entry-level ‘ENGINEERED’ line. The ENGINEERED collection by SA1NT is 120% stronger than regular denim and delivers the same sleek, SA1NT style synonymous with its industry-leading, single-layer UNBREAKABLE line.

At $199, the ENGINEERED riding jean combines a stylish design with next-level protection. A CE AA rating means riders are well protected while an engineered stretch delivers all-day comfort on and off the bike. SA1NT’s ENGINEERED line comes standard with built-in hip and knee armor, providing high-grade abrasion and tear protection, and a reflective cuff for improved visibility among other motorists.

With the introduction of its new line, SA1NT has reengaged the North American market and has filled inventory at its Utah-based warehouse.

“We’re thankful to have refocused our business after challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Aidan Clarke, SA1NT Moto CEO. “We’ve doubled down on our moto range offering and have expanded from just a handful of moto jean styles, to now offering several CE-rated jackets that look like fashion, but heavily protect the rider if things go random. We don’t want style choices to compromise protection, and our SA1NT garments allow riders to look smart without giving up safety. We love to armor the risk takers.”

On top of an expanded moto denim offering, SA1NT has developed a range of base-layer compression products that were developed in medical grade hosiery factories. From arm sleeves that can reduce forearm pump and grip issues, to compression socks that improve circulation and minimize swelling.

For more information, visit, or follow along on Facebook (@saintridefastridefree), Instagram ( and YouTube.


As rookies we did exceedingly well, actually ended up 21st place out of 67 cars. It’s a very different challenge from the Pan Americana in Mexico, not the same speed, but all the navigating and staying on time. Had a great time.

–Dr. Hamster

“The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie.”

~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

–from Wayfarer
Bikernet Investigator
International News Desk


I was going to buy a bunch of these custom made for Xmas last year. I tried a friend instead for cast ones. I’m still waiting… These are billet and sharp.


The tale of the Canadian government’s vast subsidy to Volkswagen to seize the glittering opportunity to build a battery plant it didn’t want to build without our thirteen billion bucks just keeps getting worse.

Stellantis promptly demanded a similar pile of money for its EV plant in Windsor and with his usual nasty insouciance Prime Minister Trudeau promptly tried to throw Ontario Premier Doug Ford under the electric bus, having his deputy Chrystia Freeland say to solve the problem Ontario had to pay its “fair share.”

Ford fired back “what is our fair share?” as if everybody involved were doing math. But they’re not. They’re doing politics, in which as Brennus famously said, “Vae victis”.

–Climate Discussion Nexus

May 27-28, 2023

Have you been considering Progressive Suspension for your motorcycle, but aren’t convinced you’ll be 100% satisfied? This is your opportunity to squash any doubt and feel the difference for yourself!

On May 27-28 at Red Rock Harley-Davidson, we will have our factory staff set up to let you try select Progressive Suspension shock models and feel the ride for yourself with no obligation to purchase.

We will also be set up with our famous semi-truck to perform factory monotube installations as well. Come down and see what you’ve been missing.

Red Rock Harley-Davidson
2260 S Rainbow Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89146

CAFFEINE AND OCTANE CAR SHOW–Register Today for Our Atlanta Alumni Gathering!

Spaces are available at our Atlanta Alumni Gathering in the Caffeine and Octane car show and there’s still time to register! The event will be held on Sunday, June 4 from 9am-12pm and is free for all attendees.

Caffeine and Octane is a family-friendly, monthly car show held at the Town Center at Cobb in Kennesaw, Georgia, with hundreds of vehicles on display. We’ll be right in the mix with a dedicated paddock reserved for BaT Alumni vehicles and community members.

Registration is required for members wishing to bring a vehicle to display in the BaT area. To attend with your car or motorcycle.


If you haven’t attended an Alumni Gathering in the past, these events are a fantastic opportunity for anyone in the BaT community—buyers, sellers, commenters, and viewers alike—to meet up in person and share stories, make friends, and admire some of the amazing cars that have come across the block on BaT over the years (check our 2022 Alumni Gathering coverage to get a taste).

–Bring a

NEWS FROM THE DOOMED CONTROL-FREAK STATE–California seeks U.S. approval to end gas-only new-vehicle sales by 2035

The California Air Resources Board, which approved the plan in August, asked the Environmental Protection Agency on Monday to approve a waiver under the Clean Air Act to implement its new rules.

The state of California has asked the Biden administration to approve its plan to require all new vehicles sold in the state by 2035 to be either electric or plug-in electric hybrids, according to a letter seen by Reuters.

The Biden administration has repeatedly refused to endorse setting a date to phase-out the sale of gasoline-only vehicles.

Read the full skullduggery at:

Bikernet Blog & Facebook Page



Stock# 13879

ONLY 11,244 MILES!

Nothing beats the look of a Sportster that looks like it came from the Old School days and with all its added features you can be rest assured you’ll have the power and look that turns heads everywhere you ride!

* 16-Inch Factory 47 Vicla Handlebars
* Chrome Custom Grips
* LED Headlights with Turnsignals
* Arlen Ness Beveled Inverted Series Air Cleaner
* Vance&Hines Mini Grenade Dual Exhaust
* Saddlemen Step Up Seat with White Lattice Stitch
* Sissy Bar for passengers or luggage
* 21-Inch Black Spoke Front Rim with Red Trim along with a 16-Inch Rear Rim
* White Wall Tires

This bike is only $11,995

Plus license, $85.00 documentation fee, and local sales tax. NO HIDDEN FEES like some dealers. And we have no reconditioning or prep fees. This bike has passed Lifestyle Cycles rigorous 92-point safety/mechanical/structural inspection.This motorcycle has not been refurbished and does not come with any warranty expressed or implied! EXTENDED WARRANTIES are available!

Fill out an online application today. We have EZ FINANCING

Lifestyle Cycles is located at 1510 State College Blvd, Anaheim, CA 92806. Open 7 days a week.

NOT LOCAL? WE HAVE SHIPPING AVAILABLE! Call today (714) 490-0155.

Huge selection of Street Glides, Road Glides, Road Kings, Ultras, Sportsters, Softails, Dynas, and much more!

We are California’s pre-owned Harley Mega-Store with over 200 Pre-Owned Harley-Davidsons in stock! To view our current inventory,

Please visit or

— Richard Allstun
Marketing Director
Lifestyle Cycles


The Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC) has released their 2022 Motorcycle Statistical Annual, a comprehensive collection of data about the motorcycle business in America, featuring detailed information on vehicle population, owner demographics, product use, sales, market share, manufacturers, distributors and dealerships nationwide.

“While 2022 is pretty much flat compared to 2021 and 2020, it still is a significant increase from 2019,” explains Buckner Nesheim, MIC Director of Research & Statistics. The industry’s reference book has been updated and the data indicates 2022 sales of new motorcycles and scooters decreased by -3.5% over the previous year, while ATVs decreased -12.7%.

“When we compare 2022 to 2019 sales, off-highway is up +36%, on-highway is up +4%, and scooters are up +12%,” notes Nesheim. “Dual sport (ADV) is a tremendous growth story. Sales in this category have increased every year since 2016 and more dual sport motorcycles were sold in 2022 than in any other year since we started collecting data in this category in 1990.”

MIC data for the full year 2022 show total powersports industry new model retail sales at -6.2% (733,537 units compared to 781,806 units in 2021). Domestic U.S. on-highway retail motorcycle sales were 297,174 units for the year (-5.4%); scooters at 22,181 units (-4.3%); dual sport models (ADV) were 72,643 units (+0.0%); off-highway motorcycles were -5.0% (145,216 units), with ATV retail sales -12.7% at 196,860 units.

–Bill Bish

Read Bill’s whole tamale legislative report for May on Bikernet.

BRAND NEW Bikernet Reader Comment!–

How to build the 45 Magnum Engine

Hi, would like to know if Duncan is still in business building motors. I have a 45 flathead engine and would like to build a magnum motor. What is his current number.

— Bob Marcuccelli

There you have it:


NEWS FROM BIKERNET’S INTERNATIONAL NEWS DESK–Nowhere to go and no place to ride

2.7 million two-wheelers in Mumbai, max density in India at 1,350 per km

The city, with the second highest density, is neighboring Pune with a two-wheeler population of 2.45 million and density of 1,112 bikes per km as on date.

In comparison, Chennai, Bengaluru, Delhi and Kolkata have bike density of less than 1,000 bikes per km.


Clearly, motorcycles and scooters reduce petrol consumption and greenhouse gases when compared to four-wheelers. It is not uncommon to see a large SUV with just one person driving to office.

I would say, two-wheelers are the best alternative to public transport for daily commute.

Lead Reporter
Bikernet International News Bureau

STURGIS MOTORCYCLE HALL OF FAME–Join us for the 2023 Hall of Fame Breakfast & Induction Ceremony

The Hall of Fame Breakfast is one of the can’t-miss events of the Sturgis Rally. The Breakfast starts at 8:30 a.m. and the Induction Ceremony is at 9:00 a.m. at the Lodge in Deadwood, SD.

The Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame honors the most influential people in the motorcycle industry, sport, and culture, to highlight their accomplishments and to promote the future of motorcycling.

Here are our 2023 Hall of Fame Inductees

1981 Team USA, winners of the Motocross Trophee Des Nations

Chris Callen

Jay Allen

Roland Sands

Scott Jacobs

Donnie Smith, Arlen Ness Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient

Russell Radke, Freedom Fighter

Bert Munro, Kickstands Down

Join us as we celebrate their accomplishments and hear their stories.


Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or a small act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.

–Ray Russell
Senior Monk
Bikernet Thought Temple


As we’ve gone through a leadership change, you may have felt like a passenger in the backseat going down an unfamiliar road in the dark. I certainly don’t want you to feel like that. But it’s on us/NMA to communicate clearly, concisely and timely. Let me hit the high beams on the road ahead…

As I’ve shared before, we are reinventing the NMA. This is a rebuild not an oil change.

We need a different structure and more capabilities to keep pace with the rapidly changing regulatory landscape. We are seeing trends such as automated enforcement proliferate and accelerate (speed cameras and red light cameras as one example).

Just this past week, SB23-200 in Colorado has been sent to Governor Polis for signing. This particular bill paves the way for expanded use of automated enforcement throughout the state.

In Texas, we mobilized efforts through our local activist Henry Stowe and Terri Hall of Texans United for Reform and Freedom (TURF) to track a wave of onerous bills that have been sent to Governor Abbott for signing, most notably SB-1663 which allows municipalities to arbitrary set speed limits without requiring traffic engineering studies. Wow.

What attracted people to the NMA decades ago – the repeal of the 55-mph national speed limit— was a big-bang event, but now it’s death by a thousand paper cuts.

It feels like a slow, painful death. Auto enforcement. Traffic calming. Tolling. Congestion taxes. The list goes on. Let’s not forget the systematic neutering of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) through an FHWA-driven committee, specifically the dilution of the 85th percentile as a time-tested scientific approach to setting speed limits. Note: The revised version of this key federal document is expected to be released this month.

Numerous members have raised questions, and valid concerns, about what the NMA is doing. What are the NMA priorities, you ask? Have we abandoned our roots in speed limits?

If we tried to fight on many fronts in the past, we’re going to move from a shotgun to a rifle. As an example, we have established criteria to guide our priorities. We ask ourselves these questions:

Q: What is the magnitude of the issue? How big of a threat is it to your freedom? Does it impede your ability to travel or is it just an incremental bite out of your pocketbook?

Q: If it’s a particular piece of legislation, could it set a precedent that might spread to other states if not challenged? What is the risk-reward?

Q: Where is the actual bill in its lifecycle and can we stop it or merely slow it down?

Q: Do we have a viable, effective position we can articulate? Or is our stance too complex, nuanced or convoluted?

Q: Last but not least, do we have the knowledge, tools and resources to win?

We need more activists!

Today we have X number of activists in a handful of states. I am amazed at how engaged these people are, what they have accomplished, and their level of dedication. Jay Beeber (our new Director of Policy & Research) and I are reaching out to meet with our activists. Going forward we are going to publicize our efforts in what will be called, “Victory Lane.”

To battle legislation, we need more boots on the ground. Please let us know if you’re interested in being an activists. We will arm you, train you, and support you!

P.S. As we continue to build out our infrastructure, staff, and systems to bring the fight to those who do not respect your rights, your freedom, and your lifestyle.

Now more than ever, we need donations to fund these investments for the future. Please give if you can!

We need to increase our speed!

–Stewart Price
NMA President


Is this our macho bad ass TV hero?

Henry Winkler Reveals He Rode Fonzie’s Iconic Motorcycle Only Once — and Crashed It



There’s been a disturbance in the force, the brush area is smoother than it looks. Cut lines are closer to being a drawn marker line, then able to feel them. Not sure how much the missing section effects it? It spins great, just too worn to stay engaged and pops back out of the clutch basket and spins. New solenoid, multi-strand cables, old starter.

She’s old as the Hitachi failed between ‘79-’81 and I replaced it with the Prestolite.


DICE ON THE MOVE–We were out in California & Utah all week with our friends Go & Masumi Takamine, Brat Style Custom Motorcycles.

–the Dice Team


Please contribute to the Daytona 200 Monument Hogslayer plaque honoring drag racer TC Christenson and John Gregory, the builder of the world famous Hogslayer dragster.

The Sunset Motors drag racing team from Kenosha, Wisconsin, commanded four world championships on their Norton double engine Hogslayer dragster in the 1970s.

This remarkable Hogslayer legend deserves to be celebrated for all time at the Daytona 200 Monument. Please donate to this very worthy cause to benefit motorcycle history.

–James Cutting
Independent Producer/Director/Screenwriter
A Division of The Cutting Edge, Inc.
Products at
772 Valley Forge Drive, Slinger, Wisconsin 53086
Producer of the 10th Anniversary “Hogslayer: The Unapproachable Legend”
“Walter: The Missing Link – Discovery of a Centennial Motorcycle” –


This week bikers from across the nation descended on Capitol Hill. The 2023 Motorcycle Riders Foundation’s (MRF) Bikers Inside the Beltway was the largest event in the 14-year history of the event! Motorcyclists from 34 states made the trip to Washington, D.C. to advocate for issues that matter to the street rider.

The list of policy concerns was long! Issues include: right to repair, preserving the internal combustion engine, profiling of bikers, autonomous vehicles, ethanol mandates, the definition of a motorcycle, and the creation of a Motorcyclist Advisory Council within the Department of Transportation.

In just one day, all 435 members of the House of Representatives and 100 Senators received an informational packet from the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) explaining who we are, what we’ve done, and what we want.

Working with our State Motorcyclist Rights Organization (SMRO) partners, sustaining clubs and the National Council of Clubs we earned many important victories. In 2022 we saw the passage of an anti-profiling resolution, answers from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration on autonomous vehicles, and language requiring a report from the Department of Transportation on policies related to the targeting of bikers.

Perhaps the best part about Bikers Inside the Beltway is the buzz that occurs on Capitol Hill when hundreds of bikers roam the halls on Congress. They not only hear us, but they see us!

The MRF is committed to being your voice in Washington, D.C. We’ve had a presence in town since 1986 and we won’t leave until the job is done! We are, and will remain, the voice of the street rider in our nation’s capital.

Thank you to all the motorcyclists that attended the event! It’s never too early to start making plans for the next installment of Bikers Inside the Beltway in May 2024.

Check out some of the pictures of your fellow riders fighting for your rights in the halls of Congress.


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BIKERNET IRON-PILE GYM REPORT–This below article is lengthy but I already did bits of it long before I read about it.

Short bursts of push-ups or pull-ups at any free moment or if I feel lethargy setting in or to shoo away boredom. They call it an “exercise snack”. That and brisk walking is how I look ten years younger than my peers of the same age.

Plus, I can stand on one foot forever. In Yoga as well as Wu-Shu pose.

After quitting smoking, I attempted 5 km runs in local events as well. I am not as fast as 6 km per hour, but I finish the 5 km run in 45 minutes — which is more than enough aerobic exercise for the day for me.

Easy Ways to Turn Back Fitness Clock after 40

Fitness Guru™


“A man is great not because he hasn’t failed; a man is great because failure hasn’t stopped him.” ~ Confucius

“It is the mark of an educated man to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” ~ Aristotle

“If you feel pain, you’re alive. If you feel other people’s pain, you’re a human being.” ~ Leo Tolstoy

“To inspire people, don’t show them your superpowers. Show them theirs.”

“You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.” ~ Rabindranath Tagore

“Don’t promise when you’re happy. Don’t reply when you’re angry. And don’t decide when you’re sad.”

“You are not the darkness you endured, you are the light that refused to surrender.”

“Do what is necessary, not what is convenient. Pursue a meaningful life, not an easy one.”

Professional wandering mendicant™


–Sam Burns
Curvy Curator™


George Hendee, a champion bicycle racer and bicycle manufacturer, and Carl Hedstrom, the maker of a bicycle racing “pacer”, met in the late 1890’s. Pooling their talents they began creating their first prototype for a production motorcycle in 1901. Together they created a refined machine, one of America’s first mass-produced motorcycles.

This specific Indian design related to the 1900 patented engine design of Emil Hafelfinger of New Jersey, a derivative of the French De Dion-Bouton design. Engines were produced by Aurora Automatic Machinery Company of Aurora, Illinois.

Read the whole story at the National Motorcycle Museum web site. This bike will be auctioned off soon.

This very early American motorcycle is graciously on loan to the National Motorcycle Museum from the John and Jill Parham Collection but will be among hundreds of motorcycles and thousands of pieces of memorabilia offered in the John Parham Estate Collection Mecum Auction, Lot 131, at the National Motorcycle Museum, Anamosa, Iowa, September 6 – 9, 2023.

Watch for information on the Mecum Auctions website,

For schedule information, to consign a vehicle or to register as a bidder for this and all Mecum events, visit, or call (262) 275-5050 for more information.


It’s a challenge to write a story with a beginning, middle and end in 100 words. We will award monthly winners with a serious Bikernet Bling Bag and a signed book of your choosing. Give it a shot.

Here’s my first attempt…


The phone rang early. “Do you want it or not?” The temperamental voice demanded. It involved the sale of a 1945 Knucklehead, my dream ride.

I rolled over and touched the softest ass on the planet. She woke and twisted into my arms naked and wet. Her sapphire eyes blinked and we kissed. “Where are we going for our honeymoon?”

My phone blinked a text message. “Have you registered for school?” Dad. I rolled over and she climbed on top of me. As she pushed against my chest and stirred, I pondered the bobbed Harley and riding across Mexico.




Friday, September 8, 2023 at 8PM
Miracle Theatre in Inglewood

Join us for the KJazz Blues Bash on Friday, September 8th at 8pm at The Miracle Theater in Inglewood. Headlining is multi award-winning artist Mud Morganfield, the eldest son of blues legend Muddy Waters. Hosted by “The Wagman”, the KJazz Blues Bash also features singer-songwriter and guitarist Jackie Venson.

Opening the concert will be Sean Lane, who plays solo-acoustic Delta style blues and solo-electric Hill Country blues.

VIP tickets are sold out! GA tickets are available for $66-$88. Tickets are available now at

URAL UPDATE–New Limited Caribbean Blue

Just Hit The Shores. Atlantic Shores.

This is a true story of a stunning metallic Caribbean Blue paint we developed for a limited edition that didn’t happen.

We love the color so much we decided to let it out and be in the world.

There are about 11 units that are going to be available for US and Canada between now and July.

Get hold of your dealer and secure yours.

NEWS FROM GREASY KULTURE–Perfect parallel twins, straight from the freezer!

OK, for a bit of fun we’re dipping into the vast Greasy Kulture archive and pulling out some of those bikes we wish we could feature again and again they’re so tight ‘n’ right! As always, we hope you enjoy these flashbacks and appreciate your support if you decide to invest in some back issues! Remember, once they’re gone (and some of these bikes come from sold out issues) they’re gone!

So, let’s look through some truly tasty Trumpets – are your favourites here?

There are some world-renowned builders – yeah, you’ll know who! – that have built more than one show-stopping Triumph, but in the interests of variety we decided to keep our shortlist to five different individuals.

Customizing Triumphs brings its own set of individual challenges: stock pre-uint rigid frames can look awful when used as the basis for a chopper, as can stock gas tanks. It takes a great eye and some fabricating ingenuity to really make these machines stand out for the right reasons and that the proportions work.

The main photo, above, is of Jared Weems’ ‘David Mann Triumph’, a beautifully flawless ’52 Speed Twin replicated painstakingly from Mann’s ‘Dog Gone Hot Dogs’ painting; we brought it to you in issue 78, sadly sold out. Jared built it for Born Free a few years back and it’s one of those bikes we dream of having in our garage; and here are a few more…

Check the whole line-up at Greasy Kulture.

TWO-WHEELERS to now run on blended ethanol fuel: Honda

In Uttar Pradesh State of India, two-wheelers being introduced now will be compatible with 20% blended ethanol fuel. Senior executives of Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India said that technology advancements have been made by the industry to handle the increased ethanol content in the fuel.

Read more at:

NEW BIKERNET READER COMMENT—The GROUP BIKERNET WEEKLY NEWS for May 18, 2023. — Read it by clicking here

Couple tubes of BBs will work on internal rust removal with a hint of lacquer thinner. Shake like hell, drain, clean grit off BBs repeat as needed.

–David E.

I’m going to try this.  –Bandit 

GET PAID to Write Climate Horror Stories

Have you ever wondered why you only read apocalyptic climate stories in the mainstream media? So, did I.

Here is one reason why:

Several liberal foundations ponied up $8 million and got at least 65 biased stories circulated worldwide with the AP brand for their money in just one year.

The AP reported that it would hire 20 new environmental writers with that money to create a “Climate SWAT Team” to promote climate alarm.

Funding was provided by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Quadrivium, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Walton Family Foundation in February 2022.

Read whole story at


Quote of the Week

“Few people would enjoy a world in which
the Sierra Club had achieved all of its goals.”

–Simon Lack, investment manager and energy writer

WELCOME to the MRF Team in Illinois– Dellann Stutsman!

She is also a Road Captain with Leather & Lace MC. Along with being an ABATE of Illinois member too.

Welcome to the Motorcycle Riders Foundation Team!

(“She is assistant club rep, and we are very please to have her, she is a go getter and we welcome her, knowing she will make a difference.”)

(“Russell Radke”)

So, she can still be an Assistant State Rep. if she wants to be, “the pay is still the same!”

(“Ride Safe, Ride Smart, Ride Often, Ride Home!!”)

Beowulf M.C. LTD. 1976 – Life, H.O.G. 1983 – Life
A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois, 1986, Freeport Chapter,
A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois FED-PAC Committee,
A.B.A.T.E. of Wisconsin, A.B.A.T.E. of Iowa,
A.M.A. Charter Life Member 25 years.
MRF member, 01/2008, MRF Illinois State Representative, 1/2020
Dennis “Cleaver” Yeager
14459 W. West Grove Rd.
Forreston, IL. 61030

Paughco Trike Conversion Kits For Sportster Models

Turn your 1986-up Sportster into a trike, and enjoy all the benefits that having a third wheel provides. These conversion kits are very affordable, and can be installed in stages, if necessary. All of these components are designed to work seamlessly with each other.

• Mix and match swingarms and axle assemblies to cover all 1986–2015
Sportster models whether fitted with chain or belt final drive
• Uses wheels with GM/Chevy 5 x 4.75″ bolt pattern
(sold separately)
• No cutting of your frame is required
• Mount to existing swingarm and shock locations
• US-made Paughco axle assemblies with posi-traction non-slip differential
• Gloss black powdercoated axle assemblies and raw steel swingarms
• Axle assemblies include brake calipers and rotors

The Paughco crew makes everything you need to build a cool, chopped trike.

Electric cars more harmful than conventional, hybrid cars: IIT Kanpur study

A recent IIT Kanpur study suggested that electric vehicles are doing more harm to the environment. Battery Electric Cars (BEVs) emit 15-50 per cent more greenhouse gases in different categories than other vehicles, according to the study.

The manufacturing, use and scrapping of electric cars is producing 15 to 50 per cent more greenhouse gases (GHGs) than hybrid and conventional engine cars, according to the report by IIT Kanpur’s Engine Research Lab.

In the per kilometre analysis, the purchase, insurance and maintenance of electronic vehicles (EVs) are also costlier by 15-60 per cent. The study also showed that hybrid electric cars are the most eco-friendly.

The study was conducted by IIT Kanpur with the help of a Japanese organization on electric, hybrid and conventional cars. The study divided the cars into three categories — two foreign categories and one Indian category– to calculate the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of the vehicles.

Read the full story at:

Bikernet Blog & Facebook Page

MORE FROM TEXAS–Got the replacement ready, and approved for one of two shows so far, so it may be Saturday before I finish. And random Nikki Lane


YAMAHA OUTDOOR ACCESS INITIATIVE— Makes First-Quarter Grants Nationwide

The Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative listed its grants for the first quarter of 2023, supporting outdoor recreation projects and programs across the country, including efforts aimed at younger generations.

“Part of the Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative’s mission is to protect the future of outdoor recreation for everyone, as well as have them experiencing and appreciating it, so it was great to grant multiple applications this quarter that focused on getting kids active and outdoors,” said Steve Nessl, Yamaha motorsports marketing manager. “Additionally, Yamaha is honored to accept the Public Lands Alliance’s Corporate Stewardship Award, which acknowledged the success of the Outdoor Access Initiative in promoting and defending access to public lands for motorized and outdoor recreation.”

The Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative is continuing its support of All Kids Bike, getting students in public schools outside and helping teach them how to ride bicycles. The $100,000 OAI grant will support activations in elementary schools across America and help thousands of kids exercise and enjoy the outdoors while on two wheels.

Yamaha awarded 13 grants for the first quarter of 2023, totaling more than $288,000 in funding.

The deadline to apply for consideration in second-quarter funding is June 30. OHV riding clubs and other outdoor recreation organizations with nonprofit status should visit to learn how to apply for a grant and review the submission guidelines. Yamaha stated that since 2008, its Outdoor Access Initiative has contributed more than $5 million to more than 450 projects across the country.

In Aberdeen, coupled with a Black Hills Chapter meeting of the AMCA for the antique Sturgis Run 2023. We drove the injured Charlie Rust and Rob from Sturgis to Aberdeen, 5 hours for the meeting of the minds, lunch and the family Birthday Party.

I might not have this exactly correct, but Matt Olsen’s Birthday, his son’s and his wife’s Birthday fall on sorta the same day.

On the way out we discussed everything from drug abuse to health issues and of course motorcycle experiences. Motorcycle stuff are made of dreams, racing and creativity. Rob owned a shop in Minneapolis for many years and had the opportunity to tour Jon Kosmalski’s shop where House of Kolor magic happened. It was a sight of mystic colors and textures to behold.

Well, if you ever have the chance to tour the Olsen compound you will encounter Knucklehead heaven from the antique architecture adorned homes, to the art and racing artifacts, to the collection of restored Knuckleheads, to the expanded and expanded shop fulla tools, knowledge, parts and pieces to make any Knucklehead shine again.

Okay, enough of that, here are three tips for Knucklehead restoration fans. I took Matt into his massive home basement containing a maze of rooms for welding, machining and wondered how the hell he got everything down to the basement. He built an elevator, of course, and not just a regular box but a lift large enough to carry any motorcycle or 8-foot long lathe.

Sequestered in the dark confines of the basement I asked if he saw considerable differences from Knuckles to Pans. He did not, and actually pointed out weak bronze valve guides in Panheads over iron strong guides in Knuckles.

He told me they generally shift their restorations from 6 to 12-volt and they worked with BDL to develop a primary belt drive for inside Knucklehead primaries. They save on lots of tedious adjustments and last.

Happy Birthday, Goddammit!


JUST THE BEGINNING—Of another wild week. I installed an ol’ school oil filter on the Dicey Knuck. Then I discovered, after I cut my braided line a new way of attaching the oil filter directly to the tank. Matt Olsen came up with it, and we will share it with you shortly.

Hang on for what we did with the muffler Charlie gave me. We couldn’t get the pipe out of it. I’m going to Silicone Bronze weld it directly to my pipe.

Billy Lane is headed to the races this weekend. He’s thinking about buying this cute little ’37 WLDR. We are working on a deal for a 1913 Harley twin engine.

Howard Knight made a new sheath for the massive knife Gearhead gave me for my BD. Had to give Gearhead credit on the back.

We are trying to come up with an exterior jump-start system for the Salt Torpedo. I’m not sure how this puppy works. May need a trip to Camping World.

Last night, Scott Jacobs unveiled his Sturgis Rally art for 2023, at the Sturgis Museum. I couldn’t make it. The Redhead got a job in the Chubby Chipmunk Chocolate Mines, in Deadwood. Buck (above) was also involved in a new exhibit of his photography.
It’s going to be action packed this weekend. Hang On!
Ride free forever!
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The Show Weekend Bikernet Weekly News for May 25, 2023

Click Here to Read this week’s news only on

This is show weekend at the Black Hills Motorcycle Show at the Mountain Grand in Deadwood, SD. Jason Mook and his band of renowned have taken over the historically Rapid City Show.

Jason has a special partner in this chromed endeavor, Charlie. She is not only his wife, but a City Commissioner, a partner in the notorious number 10 saloon and the broad who runs the whiskey bar. Behind that brilliant smile are the fangs of outlaw business. It’s going to be a helluva weekend.

Billy Lane is headed to the races this weekend. He’s thinking about buying this cute little ’37 WLDR. We are working on a deal for a 1913 Harley twin engine.

It’s going to be action packed this weekend. Hang On!

Ride free forever!


* * * * * * * *

Get the inside scoop with plenty of extras — click to visit Bandit’s Cantina menu and membership options.

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100 WFC: Rear View Mirrors by Wayfarer

100 word fiction contest continues…. #100WFC

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They come in pairs. You buy ’em in pairs. That’s how it is with motorcycle rear-view mirrors. You can’t just pick one out of the pile and use it. It’s a set, like my Mom’s cutlery – you break one, you can’t buy just one!

I should’ve attended the summer camp for off-road terrain. I was a prick. I could’ve paid attention to the neighbour’s kid showing off his skills. Thought he was a prick. Busted motorcycle, broken ego.

On the beaten track, I got beat. There is no looking back in life. Move onward!

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Yup, its a weekly contest open to all. Just sign up for the free weekly newsletter by clicking here.

Then email us your 100 word limit fiction to the editor

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