Never a dull moment. Let’s hit the news:
S&S CYCLE CONFIRMS LAUNCH OF ‘VIOLA V-TWIN’ Quality Service Parts Program for dealers–S&S Cycle is stepping up to the plate with an initiative that seeks to plug the parts-sourcing gap for specialty and independent service shops and custom bike businesses.
Called ‘VIOLA V-TWIN’, the program seeks to redress the imbalance caused by changes in availability of OE parts by guiding workshops to aftermarket service parts where they are available, while confirming the OE part number the shop needs to source for items not available through the ‘VIOLA V-TWIN’ program.
S&S is publishing a 218 page print catalog and unveiling an online tool that guides independent workshops to the OE components they need and then cross-references S&S and other “high quality” third party alternates to the service they need.
“Quality is a fundamental priority,” S&S Marketing Manager Bruce Tessmer told AMD Magazine. “Customers have high standards and expectations where the S&S brand is concerned, and rightly so. Our new program will make it easier for workshops to identify the quality service parts we offer for an OE product, where we have one. If S&S doesn’t have it, we will make the product available from carefully selected manufacturers whose product quality is compatible with our own.”
‘VIOLA V-TWIN’ is a development from an OE/S&S part number cross-reference guide that S&S released a year ago, and it is reaction to that new guide that has resulted in this new concept.
“Many in the market, especially in the aftermarket, look to S&S for independent and authoritative advice and help, and this program has really grown from that,” says S&S President Steve Iggens.
“VIOLA V-TWIN’ will grow into a comprehensive reference guide and supply source, offering service shops and performance/ tuning shops access to simple, straightforward application-specific information that allows them to get on with what they do best – keeping the world’s greatest motorcycles on the road,” he went on to say.
“There’s no question that the economic downturn has changed the character and type of the business most shops can expect to do nowadays, and service plays an increased part in it. It has also changed the supply options that shops have with fitment and application information harder to come by, and smaller orders harder to have fulfilled economically.
“Because the aftermarket looks to S&S as its driveline component brand and vendor of choice, everybody wins if we are able to widen that choice and give the independent workshop and motorcycle dealer community faster, simpler and more cost-effective access to the basics they need on a daily basis.”

TAKE A BREAK FOR A SHORT SPIRITUAL MOMENT AT THE BIKERNET CHURCH– The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the Congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday.
Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 PM . Please use the back door.
The eighth-graders will be presenting Shakespeare’s Hamlet in the Church basement Friday at 7 PM . The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy.
Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use large double door at the side entrance.
–from Sam Burns

Nuff said.

CUSTOM TWIN CAM FUEL INJECTION AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW FROM PERFORMANCE FI–Robert Tracy, President of PerformanceFI, feels that this new kit meets a definite need: “Since introducing our original EVO Pegasus kit to the market, we have heard from many owners of later model Harleys asking for a similar fuel injection system to give them better horsepower and full control over the performance characteristics of their motorcycles. We are happy to be able to offer this solution with our new kit and cover the whole Harley market.”
For more details and pricing information or to order a Twin Cam kit, please visit: Dealers and builders can also sign up there to qualify for a dealer discount.
PerformanceFI, a division of American Mechatronics, Inc., is dedicated to bringing professional automotive engineering to the VTwin electronics aftermarket. It is focused on leveraging its expertise in electronics, software, and combustion engineering to create products that significantly upgrade the performance of Harleys and custom bikes. The company also plans to continue building partnerships with motorcycle builders to develop OEM solutions for their performance needs.
QUICK ALERT FROM BUCKSHOT–Hey, Brotha! Maybe you can put this link on the Thursday news? Reggie and I make this one every year.

–Markus Cuff
NCOM MEETS THE MRF FOR THE GOOD OF ALL MOTORCYCLISTS–I was just notified by Doc the Chairman of NCOM (National Coalition of Motorcyclist) that I have been chosen by NCOM representatives as the new representative for New Mexico, and will sit on the NCOM board representing our region which includes states New Mexico, Nevada, Utah and Arizona.
I am so honored to have this opportunity to move our state and region forward addressing issues such as discrimination, profiling, motorcycle rights and freedoms that will the affect all motorcyclist in our state along with the COC, NMMRO and ABATE and C.H.O.I.R. He said NCOM is very impressed with all the progress the NMMRO has made in our state in the last few years.
–Annette Torrez
NM MRF Representative
This is certainly outstanding news, I see this as a definite step in the continued right direction of this movement, you have exhibited the ability and willingness to work for the good of all motorcyclists and your talent and passion will be utilized now to an even greater extent.
I still recall the first time you and I talked after a meet the board at Best of the West, I recognized then you would be a dynamic influence in our movement, thanks for all you do.

TRAVEL FEATURE COMPLAINT— Oh gee isn’t that special!!! I rode to Santa Barbara on Thanks Giving and was told we couldn’t park where the lot you wrote about and that it was designated. We were told that we’d have to park a block down and walk back, due to the fact that it was a valet lot.
Oh……. and the cute little shots of the blonde and her man riding a motorcycle in Califonia with no helmets all pretty just for the camera. PLEASE!!!!!!
So, we give preference to foreigners and then we take foo-foo shots to play it up. In my opinion this last article has significantly lowered the worth of this site. I live the biker lifestyle and this did not portray it at all and I will make it known!!!
Can’t say much about the parking. What’s wrong with sneaking a shot in of riding Free. The whole notion of helmets is a slap in the face to basic freedom. Should everyone be forced to ride with reflectorized vests, armor-padded gloves and knee-high boots? I agree that Gary is sort of a California surfer, nerd. Here’s the strange part. He hates the ocean. Never goes in.
We kicked off the travel section to study riding domestically and abroad, and of course feature new riders who experience the joys of riding stateside for the first time. Should we be poor hosts?
MORE SHOWS COMING TO A NEIGHBORHOOD NEAR YOU–The Easyriders 2013 Bike Show Tour is rolling into Sacramento, CA on January 12 & 13, 2013 at the Sacramento Convention Center. Witness hundreds of the planets hottest bikes on display as competitors compete for 59 total awards, cash, and the chance to have their bike featured in one of our magazines. Meet Charlie Hunnam “Jax” from the #1 hit TV show Sons Of Anarchy signing autographs and taking pictures with guests. Other special celebrity guests include Michael & Angie from TV’s “Full Throttle Saloon”. Meet the world’s top bike builders including Bagger Nation’s own Paul Yaffee.
Bike competitors and exhibitor applications can be found on our website under the applications tab at

MAYOR VILLARAIGOSA ANNOUNCES AGREEMENT REACHED TO END PORT STRIKE–LOS ANGELES – Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa released the following statement on Tuesday night:
“I am pleased to announce that an agreement has been reached between labor and management that will bring to an end the eight-day strike that has cost our local economy billions of dollars.
I would like to thank both the employers and the union for returning to the bargaining table in earnest beginning last night and working feverishly to reach a new deal. The result is a contract amenable to both sides and the return to work during this holiday season for thousands of men and women who are vital to keeping our port running around the clock.
I also wish to express thanks to the federal mediators who quickly flew to Los Angeles today, fully prepared to work with both sides to reach an agreement. I appreciate their responsiveness and willingness to help us work to find a solution to the strike.
With the strike now ending, we must waste no time in getting the nation’s busiest port complex’s operations back up to speed.”
“The Port of Los Angeles commends both sides for reaching an agreement,” added Port of Los Angeles Executive Director Geraldine Knatz. “We are particularly grateful to Mayor Villaraigosa for his leadership and tenacity in keeping the negotiations moving over the past 24 hours. The days ahead will be busy, but we look forward to seeing a workforce of thousands back on the job and returning this complex to business as usual.”
INSIDE BDL HOLIDAY SCHEDULE– To all of our customers and vendors, the following are our closing dates for the holiday:
From December 21, 2012 to January 1, 2013 returning on January 2, 2013
From all of us at BDL to all of you and your families,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Bob, Scott, and Steve

SPONSORS NEEDED FOR THE FLORIDA MOTORCYCLE EXPO AND BIKER BUILDER INVITATIONAL–This will be the third year the Motorcycle Expo and Bike Builder Invitational will be held at Quaker Steak and Lube but the 15th year that we have been hosting this event. The Florida Motorcycle Expo is a three day event that has over 100 vendors, the Jagermeister stage, free fireworks displays on Friday and Saturday night, $100 an hour give-a-way, MAN CAVE give-a-way and some of the best bands from around the area.
Friday night will be headlined by Greg Billings. Saturday will be the Black Honkey’s, a Miss Full Throttle Bikini Contest, Free fireworks display and the Universal Studios Blues Brothers Band brought to you by Walker Ford and Ford Power Stroke Diesel.
Sunday will have the Soul Circus Cowboys and the Bike Builder Invitational Awards. We are expecting over 20,000 in attendance over the weekend to this great FREE event. For more info contact Full Throttle Magazine at 813-814-1424 or visit our website at
Tony Cianci (Chief Cupcake)
Editor – Florida Full Throttle
850 Dunbar Ave. Oldsmar, FL 34677
813-814-1424 – Office
813-814-1256 – Fax
New Bikernet Reader Comment!
West Australian Trike
I’ve actually rode this bike in Perth. The owner let me take it for a squirt, an it was great to ride, very user friendly. I’m a paraplegic an had no problems riding it .

Bonneville, SCTA August 10-16, 2013
BUB Speed Trials August 24-29, 2013
2nd Grandchild, June
Ain’t it funny how time slips away? Seems like just last week I graduated from Navy Boot Camp in the winter of 1962, a mere 50 years ago. Some things have stayed the same since or before high school, such has my motorcycle addiction. As you might have noticed my addiction has come a long way since my first Sportster in the early ‘60s. Hell yes, it was chopped with a bad ass Bonnie Truett engine.

Haul Ass!
Ride for your Life!
Ray C Wheeler
Performance Editor

FROM THE BIKERNET MEDICAL CENTER–How to Get More from Your Workout.
Would you exercise longer and more effectively if competition were part of the experience? A study from Michigan State suggests that the best approach to developing a longer, better workout may be exercising with a partner who is stronger than you.
Researcher Brandon Irwin, assistant professor of kinesiology at Kansas State University, noted that most people don’t meet the goal of 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise per week. He recruited 58 female Michigan State students and assessed their physical fitness and regular physical activity.
During the study, the students exercised on a stationary bike for six 60-minute sessions over four weeks. When the students returned to the lab for additional sessions, they were told that they would work out with a partner in another lab who they could see on a video screen (the “partner” was a looped video). At first, the study participants exercised about nine minutes longer than when they didn’t have a “partner” but when the students were told they were being scored as part of a “team” with their fit partner, they exercised 200 percent longer than those without partners.
The study was published in the October, 2012, issue of Annals of Behavioral Medicine.
My take? I have long recommended spending time in the company of those who practice habits that you wish to emulate. Exercising with a friend is a good way to maintain a commitment to a regular workout, and exercising with someone who is a bit more fit than you are may motivate you to ask more of yourself, as did the students in this study.
It’s good to be a bit uncomfortable with a routine that requires effort, and your workout should challenge you, but not result in injury. Competition can be a powerful motivator, but a competitive spirit shouldn’t override your body’s signals that you’re overdoing it.—Dr. Weil
ULTIMATE BUILDER ROLLS INTO LA– The Ultimate Builder Custom Bike Show moves into Long Beach on January 7-9, 2012. The SOCAL show is always an exciting one as many of the nation’s most noteworthy builders make a presence.
Promoting Kustom Bikes
We’ve designed the show for manufacturers, builders and dealers. We provide each participant with a motorcycle pad and a steel ring that encircles the bike. We encourage interaction with the crowd with owners handing out brochures and business cards. Average attendance is 50,000+ enthusiasts.
Working the Ultimate Builder has led to sales of customs, new and used bikes as well as parts, accessories and service for our dealers, builders and manufacturers.
Promoting the Kustom Industry
We construct a photo studio on the premises. We will shoot your bike and make the photography available to you. You can bring a model and / or parts to include in the photography session.
On Sunday afternoon we host the awards ceremony. Bikernet will be providing an editors choice award with the winner receiving a bike feature. We have 5 classes with $7,000 in prize money and over $500 in prizes. There is a small fee to enter depending upon your class.
If you bring 2 bikes we provide a 10% discount. For 4 bikes, we provide a 25% Discount.
I’m working on a new site. Would you take a minute and tell me what you think:
–Jeffrey Najar

My official logo. This week I’m grinding away at setting up the shop floor plan.
–John Norris

1. To slake, satisfy, or allay (thirst, desires, passion, etc.)
2. To put out or extinguish (fire, flames, etc.).
3. To cool suddenly by plunging into a liquid, as in tempering steel by immersion in water.
4. To subdue or destroy; overcome; quell: to quench an uprising.
5. Electronics. To terminate (the flow of electrons in a vacuum tube) by application of a voltage.
Foul water will quench fire as well as fair.
— John Heywood, Proverbs
— William Faulkner, The Town

FINKS MC CONTINUE TO CHALLENGE AUSTRALIAN HIGH COURT–Lawyers for the commonwealth and the Queensland government say using secret information to declare a chapter of the Finks motorcycle club a criminal organization will not undermine the authority of the legal system.
Pompano Pty Ltd, a company linked to the Gold Coast chapter of the Finks, is challenging Queensland’s Criminal Organization Act in the High Court in Canberra.
Queensland police want the chapter and the company declared criminal organizations on the basis that their members allegedly associate for the purposes of engaging in, or conspiring to engage in, serious criminal activity.
But lawyers for the Finks say these allegations against the club are based on secret criminal intelligence, which cannot be made public or challenged in court.
They claim the Queensland legislation is unconstitutional, stripping courts of their independence and denying procedural fairness.
Walter Sofronoff QC, for the Queensland government, defended the use of criminal intelligence – which can be gathered from sources such as police informants or undercover agents.
He said the authority of judges would not be diminished in any way in cases where such powers were used.
“The act confers a discretion on the judge to make the extreme order (to use criminal intelligence) if it sees fit,” he told the High Court today.
“The judge has not lost his or her authority to make a decision.”
But Mr Sofronoff conceded it would be a challenge for the prosecution to refer to secret intelligence in an open court, particularly if the information contradicted evidence given in sworn testimonies.
This would be a “problem” for the police commissioner to contend with, he said.
“The commissioner has, at least, the advantage of using the intelligence … but there is a price to be paid,” Mr Sofronoff told the court.
The commonwealth’s acting solicitor-general, Justin Gleeson SC, said the power of the courts would not be undermined by the use of criminal intelligence.
Courts would still have “ample powers” in deciding whether the criminal intelligence should be admitted in the first place or in deciding whether it should be given any real weight.
The act also allowed declarations for the use of such secret intelligence to be appealed, Mr Gleeson added.
“The appeal rights are expressly noted for the substantive applications,” he told the court.
“An appeals court would have access to the criminal intelligence.”
Finks MC lawyer Bret Walker SC told the court yesterday police should use criminal law, rather than relying on secret intelligence, if they have evidence to lay charges.
“This is another scheme enacted by a state parliament which seeks to address the suppression of crime in ways other than by criminal trial,” Mr Walker said.
The High Court has reserved its decision.

RIDE IN BRAZIL–Why not visit somewhere exciting in the coming year?
Head on over to our website and check out our exciting motorcycle tours for 2013. Our riding season kicks off in April, so join us for great rides along the coast, through the mountains and into the country side of Brazil on a truly amazing two-wheeled adventure.
We have combined Adventure/Holiday like never before. We offer Great Bikes, Great Destinations & Heaps of Fun. (The tours are ideal for couples). For more information on our motorcycle tours please visit our website.

BIKERNET INTERNATIONAL EDITOR CHECKS IN–This is the annual Christmas show at the John Force headquarters. The pictures show John and his three daughters – all who race in the fastest cars on the planet. They go over 300 mph (500kph) in less than 4 seconds and only 1000 feet. He is a living legend in the drag racing world.

By Phuketwan Reporters
PHUKET: The Marine Police, the Tourist Police and the Anti-Human Trafficking Division are seeking to take additional corrupt payments from Phuket’s nightclubs, bars and pubs, Patong officials said today.
The three groups had asked for their share of corrupt payments already being made to 13 or 14 organizations, the President of the Entertainment Association of Patong, Weerawit Kuresombut, said today.
”It’s like a big [corruption] cake,” he told Phuketwan before going into a meeting with Phuket Governor Maitree Inthusud at Provincial Hall in Phuket City. ”Everybody wants to eat it.”
Phuket’s tourists are the ones who pay for all the corruption on Phuket, Khun Weerawit said. ”If the corruption continues to grow at this rate, the tourists who come to Phuket will go to other destinations.”
Patong officials are known to have been trying to limit the scale of corruption payments for several years.
Patong Deputy Mayor Chairat Sukban, who attended today’s meeting, was also at a public meeting in Patong two years ago where Mayor Pian Keesin told hundreds of people that Patong businesses could not afford to pay bribes to any more organizations.
Thought I would send these over to get the ball rolling. Basically it’s a small Snapshot of how this bunch of Motorcyclist enthusiast (K-FAB Crew) went from Oahu to the 21st annual Yokohama Hot Rod Custom Show, and had the time of there lives….I will have more to follow….
–A hui hou
–Darren Ho

BIKERNET SITES CONTRIBUTOR OFFERS A SOLUTION TO THE DOLDRUMS– Had a story idea I hope would provide some relief from the winter doldrums: It’s early January, the tree has lost most of its needles, shreds of wrapping hide in corners, and you feel like you’re still digesting the last enormous holiday dinner and wondering if you’ll fit into your leathers, which seem to mysteriously shrink more every year. Spring seems so far off, but you’re already thinking about it and wondering how you can make your pile of useless new holiday stuff into something that will get you back on the road sooner than later.
The story would focus on how to repurpose unwanted holiday gifts to make them useful for motorcycling, plus a little bit on dead-of-winter riding. It’s an offering of post-holiday humor, some comic relief for the depressing dark days engulfing us before the dawn of the next riding season. Misfit Gifts is a satirical look at the impractical presents we can somehow make practical.
The same signature resourceful ingenuity that can get a broke biker home can be used to turn the sentimental into a tool, and have fun doing it.
What do you think?
–Josh Placa
Bikernet Desert Tarantula Editor

AMD SHOW SPONSORS FOR 2013—It’s good to have sponsors contribute. Sometimes they help keep the doors open during planning stages, so promoters can continue to produce shows in your area.
For the AMD World Championship of Custom Bike Building (UK affiliate event) Zodiac has kindly sponsored the Freestyle, Old School and Best in Show categories at CUSTOM:ExCeL with product vouchers worth a total of 3,500 euros for the winners and runners-up.
Best in Show builder will receive 1000 euros product voucher as well as *paid trip to Essen Germany in May for the Grand Finals. *Expenses paid for bike transport, builders’ travel and accommodation.??Plus we are pleased to announce that 100% Biker magazine is kindly sponsoring and supplying all the category trophies; plus each builder will receive 2 free show passes.

SEAT MAKER BIKERNET COMMENT– I really feel that I get good response from your news updates for me, and it is worth funding each of my updates. I just believe your news updates are best for me at this point. Or I could send support to the Salt Flat builds for the future. Either way, give me an outlet to send support.
–Adam Croft

SPEAKING OF ADS– America through the eyes of the Advertiser: Old Motorcycle Ads I have collected off the internet over the years.
–Ujjwal Dey |

UNCLE MONKEY ON CANADIAN FINANCES–The tirade from the other side of the counter continues. It is becoming a regular enough occurrence that I don’t think Saskatchewan’s economy is as booming as we like to believe. Saskatchewan managed to miss out on the financial downturn that saw many people loosing their jobs, loosing their homes.
Business and building is booming and praises are coming in from around the world wondering how we were so lucky. I’m not so sure we are. When billing out invoices I try to be fair as possible, even over generous at times but lately it seems every customer comes in to tear me a new one about ripping them off.
The latest gentleman, who has a service plan that covers regular hours labour and discounts parts, was furious at the $50 bill he received in the mail. It didn’t matter that the bill should have been $285, it didn’t matter that combined with what he paid annually for his service plan he was still saving $100. I wronged him. I’m the worthless piece of trash trying to get rich off of him.
I politely explain that my journeyman techs are paid standard journeyman pay and that I paid my tech overtime wages plus his minimum call out time to help this customer after hours. Even if I had charged out the full rate I lost money just in the wages I had to pay out.
He tells me I’m an idiot. He’s right. Why am I bending over backwards to satisfy a customer? It use to be that I could justify it because a happy customer was a repeat customer. I lose now but that customer remembers my name down the road and comes back time and time again, they remember the service when my estimate comes in a couple hundred more then the next guy.
So what the answer? Close up shop and call it a day? I still have lots of customers who pay for quality work and pay on time. I’ve weaned out the majority of deadbeats who can never be satisfied and who only hurt business. But as the baby boomers continue their march to the grave they are moving from the workforce to retirement often with a greatly limited income then what they are use to living on.
My customer above declared he made $15/ hr when he retired as a heavy-duty mechanic. That’s the problem. Smokes use to be a quarter. I could fill my car for $10, a hard worker at the corner gas station would make enough to own a modest home. Life has become more expensive.
Minimum wage went to $10/hr last week here, starting wage at McDonald’s in Glendale California is $19.95. Corporations drive towards annual billion dollar profits raises the cost of living to where even the basic of living are out of reach for most people. All I’m trying to do is put food on my workers tables and a roof over their heads so that one day I can sell it all and ride off into the sunset.
-bad Uncle Monkey
Saxon Models For 2006
I have a 2006 Firestorm, and I am need of the tranny ,can anyone please tell me where I can get the replacement tranny or parts. or which tranny can I use to replace it with . I been trying to find the company that makes it ,I think its a roadmaster .however I am having a hard time locating it .I am the original owner and havent been able to ride ,I am hurting .thks Angel
— Angel Ace
melbourne, FL

SUPPORT THE RED CROSS–The headlines were filled with emergencies this year. Blood shortages across the country. Powerful storms and flooding. Wildfires and drought.
Behind these headlines was the incredible generosity and compassion of Red Cross supporters like you who made a difference in 2012. The volunteers who handed out relief supplies after a hurricane. The donors who gave pints of lifesaving blood for patients in the hospital. Everyday heroes who saved lives because of First Aid and CPR training. The supporters whose gifts brought much needed relief and hope.
I don’t know what next year’s headlines will look like – but I do know that with your support, we can make the stories behind them stories of hope.
We are a community millions-strong, willing to do whatever it takes to help our neighbors in their time of need. Outside of major disasters like Hurricane Sandy, in a given year we:
•Facilitate over 50,000 stays for people facing disaster;
•Provide 400,000 services to military members and their families;
•Deliver more than 4 million meals and snacks to people impacted by disasters.
It all happens because you truly care about people – even if you have never met them. And because every gift you give goes straight to helping people in need.
Please help today. Provide comfort, hope and vital relief to the people who need it most by making a tax-deductible gift to the Red Cross today.
Thanks for partnering with us to do amazing things, yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Gail McGovern
President and CEO, American Red Cross
ELVIS “JAILHOUSE ROCK” BIRTHDAY PARTY AT THE ACE!– Ace Cafe London’s annual Elvis “Jailhouse Rock” Birthday Party Night, features Danny Fisher with Elvis in Mind and DJ Bill Guntrip on the decks, from 9pm – 2am on Saturday 12th January.
This special evening includes opportunity to win a range of prizes, including copies of Vintage Rock Magazine, pairs of tickets to attend the cafe on occasion of Dale Watson’s debut gig on Saturday 2nd February, the annual Gene Vincent Tribute Night on Saturday 9th February, a meal voucher for two and a CD set of three volumes that showcase the music from the “King’s” personal jukebox.
Courtesy of the UK label Vee-Tone Records – “The Memphis Jukebox”, Volumes 1.2.3, is a selection of tracks carefully chosen by Vee-Tone to demonstrate the young Elvis Presley’s wide musical tastes, including Blues, Rhythm n ‘ Blues, Rockabilly and Rock n’ Roll. David Gillespie of Vee-Tone Records said; “This is a truly unique and historic collection.
Whilst many of the records individually will have been heard before, together they give a remarkable insight into Elvis’s life and musical influences. Every time you press “play” to listen to this collection, you are recreating a moment in time, a moment in Elvis’s life when he would press “play” on his personal jukebox in Graceland”. To be in with a chance of winning, just retain your entry raffle ticket. Entry £10?Sorry no under 18’s

JAUNT JACKET FOR MEN from BIKER’S CHOICE–With exceptional fit, extensive use of high performance materials and technological innovation, the Jaunt will blow your mind – and not your wallet.
Features include:
• Durable, UV resistant, polyester outer shell
• Waterproof/breathable Drop-Z Liner
• Hold-open venting system
• High-wicking, poly-mesh lining
• Large drop tail, rear pocket and front cargoes
• Adjustable exterior waist belt
• CE-approved armor at shoulders and elbows
Suggested Retail: $219.95
*Includes a 2 year limited warranty
Visit for information…

EVER SINCE I WAS A CHILD, I’VE ALWAYS HAD A FEAR OF SOMEONE UNDER MY BED AT NIGHT. SO I WENT TO A SHRINK AND TOLD HIM –‘I’ve got problems. Every time I go to bed I think there’s somebody under it. I’m scared. I think I’m going crazy.’
‘Just put yourself in my hands for one year,’ said the shrink. ‘Come talk to me three times a week and we should be able to get rid of those fears..’
‘How much do you charge?’
‘Eighty dollars per visit,’ replied the doctor.
‘I’ll sleep on it,’ I said.
Six months later the doctor met me on the street. ‘Why didn’t you come to see me about those fears you were having?’ he asked.
‘Well, Eighty bucks a visit three times a week for a year is an awful lot of money! A bartender cured me for $10. I was so happy to have saved all that money that I went and bought myself a new car!’
‘Is that so!’ With a bit of an attitude he said, ‘and how, may I ask, did a bartender cure you?’
‘He told me to cut the legs off the bed! – Ain’t nobody under there now!!!’
–Jim Waggaman

5-TIME LAND SPEED MOTORCYCLE RECORD HOLDER VALERIE THOMPSON TO APPEAR IN LONG BEACH– Valerie Thompson to appear at Long Beach IMS as guest of BMW Motorrad USA and Shorai Battery for Photo & Autograph Sessions
Valerie Thompson, owner/driver of Valerie Thompson Racing (VTR), will display her record setting BMW S 1000 RR race bike and host autograph sessions at the BMW Motorrad USA booth at the upcoming International Motorcycle Show (IMS) in Long Beach December 7-9. She will also make appearances at the Shorai Battery display in the Market Place area of the show.
Thompson set 3 new land speed records this year with her Martech Services Company sponsored BMW S 1000 RR. She also became a charter member of the “Mojave Magnum 200 MPH Club” after running a top speed of 209.5 mph at the event in June. Thompson holds three land speed records in East Coast Timing Associations (ECTA) events and two records at the Bonneville Salt Flats BUB Speed Trials.
Based on Thompson’s successful racing results, BMW Motorrad USA will partner with VTR for the 2013 racing season through the BMW Motorrad HP Race Parts program. “Over the past few days, Mark Ledesma at GO AZ Motorcycles of Scottsdale has been installing new BMW Motorrad HP Race Parts to my DoubleR. We can’t wait to dyno the bike with the new equipment. I’m confident we’ll see a dramatic performance improvement,” said Thompson.
“I’m looking forward to promoting the HP Race Parts program, my first choice when it comes to performance enhancing equipment for my race bike. It’s easy to promote quality brands you know are the best in the business,” said Thompson. “I’ll be very busy at Long Beach working with both BMW Motorrad USA and one of my other official sponsors, Shorai Batteries. Both provide products that work equally well on the track and street, which is an important consideration for dedicated riders like me,” added Thompson.
The show will be held at the Long Beach Convention Center at 300 E. Ocean Boulevard.
Visit for show hours and ticket prices.

NEW TECH COMING TO BIKERNET–I’m writing a Tech Article for Bikernet. I’m installing a set of Zippers Red Line Cams and their Dual Piston Cam Tensioner.
We will also cover the Feuling Pressure Test Tool for Bench Testing the Cam Support Plate

INDIAN MOTORCYCLE MAKES NEW SOUNDS AT 2012 INTERNATIONAL MOTORCYCLE SHOW IN LONG BEACH– New ‘Indian Motorcycle Experience’ Includes Custom Sound Booth Where Attendees can, for the First Time, Hear and Feel the Sound of Future, A Completely New Indian Motorcycle Engine
Indian Motorcycle, the original American motorcycle company, today announced its plans for the International Motorcycle Show in Long Beach, California, which runs December 7-9, 2012 at the Long Beach Convention Center. At the show, the company will make a number of significant announcements including the reveal of a limited quantity, model year 2013 Indian Motorcycle that pays tribute to the Kings Mountain era motorcycle, and an all new Indian Motorcycle display. Indian Motorcycle will participate in the show Media Day on December 7th with senior managers from parent company Polaris Industries in attendance.
In celebration of the 111-year history of the legendary American brand, Indian Motorcycle has crafted an all-new, specially-themed show presence called the “Indian Motorcycle Experience,” which will debut at Long Beach, and will carry through to additional stops on the tour. The exhibit highlights important milestones, achievements, and historic moments from the past — many of which are considered turning points in motorcycling.
It also features a custom-built sound booth where, for the first time ever, attendees can experience firsthand the sound and rumble of the upcoming, completely redesigned, all new Indian Motorcycle engine. Host Mike Wolfe from the HISTORY Channel’s “American Pickers” series will guide attendees via video as they hear and feel the excitement of what’s to come later in 2013 with the highly anticipated reveal of the new Indian Motorcycle Company under Polaris Industries ownership.
The Long Beach display will include legendary vintage motorcycles including the original Burt Munro 1920 Indian Scout that broke the under-1000cc land-speed record in 1967 at the Bonneville Salt Flats as famously portrayed in the movie “The World’s Fastest Indian.” A secondary exhibit at the show will also include the fully-restored 1935 Indian Chief featured on the HISTORY Channel’s November 5th broadcast of “American Pickers.”
“The Indian Motorcycle brand is steeped in a heritage of industry firsts, awards, and classic models that represent key milestones in the history of motorcycling, and many of those iconic moments and memories will be on display in Long Beach at our new interactive exhibit,” said Steve Menneto, Vice President of Motorcycles, Polaris Industries. “In addition to a retrospective and nostalgic look back, the IMS show marks the date when we’ll start talking about the present and the future of this legendary brand, so we look forward to sharing that information with members of the press and our loyal fans throughout the event.”
Indian Motorcycle will also display its exciting line of apparel for men and women, including jackets, gloves, casual wear, and more — much of which will be available for purchase by show attendees.
Consumers are invited to take part in the “Indian Motorcycle Experience” at Long Beach, or at upcoming International Motorcycle Shows in Minneapolis (January 11-13), New York (January 18-20) and Chicago (February 8-10). For tickets and more information on specific shows, log on to
Today that heritage and passion is reignited under new brand stewardship. To learn more, please visit

LAT ON BOARD WITH 2013 NHRA WORLD CHAMPION–LAT Racing Oils, sponsors of many of the fastest and quickest Pro Stock motorcycles and cars in the NHRA has reached the pinnacle of drag racing hierarchy in just 5 short years! This amazing all American success story was etched in stone with Allen Johnson’s crowning as NHRA’s 2012 Pro Stock World Champion.
The popular win culminates another American success story as Team Johnson, Allen’s entire family, has battled with and learned from the best drag racing has to offer for the past 17 years. The win is proof positive that determination, patience, practice, knowledge and dedication to detail remain the path to success.
This championship was a long time coming and according to AJ “The difference this time was consistency, and the team developed that the way it had everything else. We did it through consistence, team development, dedication and working hard as a family.”That is the part that is the most satisfying,” said Johnson, 52, who lives in Greeneville, Tenn. “We did the engines on our own, my dad built them, and we climbed the mountain and learned how to run the cars and developed a crew. “It’s been 17 long years, a lot of work and a lot of money. This is unexplainable.”
Just a few of the most notable Harley and Buell powered machines running LAT include Mike Berry NHRA Pro Stock Buell, Jody Perewitz World land Speed Record holder and Rod Requejo running the world’s only professional Harley Davidson powered sidecar.
LAT manufactures a complete line of high performance motorcycle lubricants for racing, street and touring applications as well as high performance thread lockers, ATV and CV grease.

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NON-STOP WEEKEND—We scrambled all week long in preparations for this weekend. I need a break. Have a helluva weekend. Stop by our booth #1956 if you attend the show.
Happy Holidays, Goddammit!