Peter Fonda Rides The Harley-Davidson LiveWire


Hey, check out this article in the Los Angeles Time this week. It’s a gas!

According to Harley-Davidson President and COO Matt Levatich, the LiveWire is still under development and it will take time before a production motorcycle makes its way to showrooms and garages.  Levatich told the Journal Sentinel that the LiveWire “will be ready for the marketplace when next-generation battery technologies are ready.” Right now, the electric bike would travel half the distance buyers want and cost $50,000, “about 50% more than customers would want to pay,” said Levatich.

We rode the LiveWire a couple of weeks ago in Long Beach and we confirm that this little bike is real hoot! We recommend you schedule a test ride when you get a chance. Keep an open mind and get ready for some serious fun!


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