Pingel In Downtown Sturgis

Pingel Enterprise, Inc. is proud to celebrate 46 years in the motorcycle business. Also, this is their 6th year owning Shifters Bar & Grill, the place to see and purchase Pingel products as well as enjoying a burger and a beer, in Sturgis, SD. Shifters Bar and Grill, located on Junction directly across from the Sturgis Harley-Davidson dealer, is where “Shift Happens in Sturgis”.

Pingel displays their entire product line including a dyno demonstrating their all electric shifter kits which has been the theme for the bar. The bar is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner throughout the rally. Watch the bike traffic in the cooled down outdoor beer tent or in the air conditioning inside with the “coldest beer in Sturgis”. Check out the Pingel Speed Shifters when you’re at the rally or go to for their complete product line.

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