Please Tell Me SOA Is A TV Show?

That’s it, that’s it, and that’s it, I guess that’s it.
I have had it up to my ears with S.O.A. and the way people think it is real. People it is a show, on TV, for TV, what part of this do you not get? I can see if you like the show, but to think it is ANYTHING like what bikers do is nuts! This show was created for entertainment. I have had too many people and things happen to not open my font and type my piece.
Even my bike catalogs have S.O.A. parts and stuff. Ebay is the same, slap S.O.A. -Style in the description and a higher price on it then sit back and rake in the dough. I get that part of it. But when I see people wearing S.O.A. ”Colors” and thinking they are part of something that they will never truly understand, it slays me.
It was about this time of year three years ago when a friend ( Ol Jolly ) and I were going somewhere downtown and seen two guys with colors on parked in front of a business. Both of us being “blind as bats”, we whipped around the block for a closer look. Jolly gets out and these Cats are wearing hard “three- piece patches” of the S.O.A. TV Show variety.  No shit people, Hard Patches! Jolly says to them, “What’s up, Bro?” (Bend Right Over). 
One Cat tells Ol’ Jolly that he is the Prez. of the Washington Chapter of the S.O.A. Motorcycle Club. Right about now, I am starting to wonder how much the stuff they’re on is per Gram! I was all slack jawed. THE PRESIDENT OF THE WASHINGTON CHAPTER OF S.O.A. I just let that sink in for a moment. Right here, on a downtown street, in front of everyone stood the Prez. himself. I have to tell ya, it was hard to keep a straight face. Ol’ Jolly then got to meet the Vice Prez, too. Yup, you guessed it, standing in front of us were the two “top cheeses”. 
Now the weather was bad, cold and snowing. They were outside a bike shop, and they had their “color”s on. It was broad daylight and we were NOT drinking yet. What they said made no sense at all. Big Ol’ Jolly informed them that there was NO Washington chapter of S.O.A. or ANY chapter of S.O.A., for that matter. It was only a TV Show. These two Cats got hot, I mean ready to blow up! They were way into this whole thing, I mean THEY actually seemed to believe it.
It was all I could do not to laugh myself sick and just when I thought it couldn’t get any stranger; this guy tells us he is going to put in a call to Charming to prove it. Seriously? And, he said it with a completely straight face. Ol’ Jolly says “You do know that there is no Charming, California, right?” This Cat tried his level best to make believers out of us. He just would not let it go. I have no clue where these Cats got their “colors” but then this entire exchange was beyond me. 
I have to say that this also grates on me. Just what the hell are they doing out here in public? I have seen a lot over the years. There is always a bunch of Sidewalk Commandos, Posers, whatever you want to call them walking around trying to make people think they’re tough. They would dress like a biker and try to look like one. They have been around in one stinking form or another ever since I can remember. But, never in my born days, have I seen anything like this. The posers back in the day knew that they were posers, and never tried to fool a real biker. They were happy trying to fool the citizens. 
This TV Show has spawned a new type of poser, wannabe biker, fake ass club member, W.T.F. Ever! It is a TV Show right? Please tell me it is just a TV Show? I mean we thought for a fleeting second we had walked onto a movie set by accident. Or maybe, we had just traveled through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are the imagination?
That’s the signpost up ahead — your next stop, the Twilight Zone!
Editors Note: the following is taken from Wikipedia

The Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club (SoA), is a fictional outlaw motorcycle club and organized crime syndicate at the center of the FX television series Sons of Anarchy. The club was formed by John Teller and Piermont “Piney” Winston, two Vietnam War veterans, in 1967 in Charming, California. Six of the original nine members were war veterans. Their logo is a Grim Reaper wielding an M-16 rifle with scythe blade in one hand, and holding a crystal ball in the other. The club’s mottos include “Fear the Reaper” and “Ride Free or Die”, their colors are blue and white. The club has 29 charters worldwide. In North America, these are located in Alaska, Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, New England, Nevada, New York, New Jersey, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Washington in the United States, and Alberta and Manitoba in Canada. There are also a number of charters in the UK, Australia, and Sweden. The club’s signature weapon is a knife carried on their waistbands.
Read More: 
Gypsy on the Sons
A Real Brother Talks about TV Fiction, By Gypsy Raoul 
This article was posted on Bikernet in 2010…….
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