Possible New NJ Helmet Law

Fellow ABATE Members in NJ:

I want to inform everyone that a bill has been introduced into both the New Jersey State Senate (S3791) and the Assembly (A5424), which will make it legal for many riders to ride without a helmet in the state of New Jersey.  The Senate bill is sponsored by Senator Robert Andrzejczak and the Assembly version is sponsored by Rep. Matthew Milam.


Here are the basics.  If you are 21 years old or older, have been riding for at least two years and have taken a motorcycle safety class, then you are not required to wear a helmet.  Likewise, the passengers carried by any qualifying rider will also be exempt from wearing a helmet.  Whether or not to wear a helmet will become the rider’s choice.


As of right now those two bills only have one sponsor.  We know that in order to get any action on this we will need more sponsors.


Call to Action!


Please contact your Senator and your Assembly people and tell them that you ride and you would like them to support A5424 in the Assembly and S3791 in the Senate and to please consider becoming a co-sponsor.  It should be a rider’s choice whether or not they wear a helmet.

You can find out who your senator and assembly people are, and how to contact them, here…




Thank you,


Bill Downs

Chairman, State Board of Directors

ABATE of the Garden State


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