Power Of Attorney

“Dago” Red sat on the bottom bunk and watched a roachscurry across the toes of his county issued slippers.He had sat, elbows on knees, his chin resting in hispalms for the last two hours waiting for his attorneyto show up. The arrogant bastard. Red reached outsuddenly, squashing the roach with the sole of hisright foot, leaving a greasy smear on the smoothconcrete floor. He’s got my last nickel, my Harley,and my shack, for what it’s worth, and he still actslike I’m a freeloader. The thought made him long foranother roach to smash, but none ventured withinreach.

“He’ll be along in his own good time, Red.” CharlieNewsome, Red’s cellmate swung his feet over the edgeof the top bunk, slid to the floor, and sat next toRed. “Damn attorneys are all the same. Take yourmoney, and treat ya like you’re shit on their shoes.””Yeah. Well, he better get here pretty damn soon, orI’ll find me a new shyster,” Red groused, tapping hisfoot on the smear of deceased roach. Charlie laughed.”And what’ll you pay the new shyster with if thisshyster has everything you own?” “Shit.” Red smackedhis balled right fist into his left palm. “He’s got meby the short-?n’-curlies and he knows it.”

Charlie stood and walked to the barred cell door.”Yep. That’s how they work. Then they spend the timeyou’re payin’ for chasing women and playin’ golf, andto hell with your case until the last minute.” Redstarted to agree when a burly guard appeared at thedoor. “Back away from the door, Charlie,” the guardordered. “You know the rules by now.” Charlie returnedto the bunk, where he sat with an exaggerated sigh ofdisgust.

“Purnell Lombretti?” he asked, looking at Red. “Comewith me. You’ve got a visitor.” Red stood and walkedto the door, turning to Charlie as the guard unlockedit. “‘Bout damn time he showed up. Maybe he can get methe hell outta here!” Charlie just laughed. “See ya inten, my friend!”

Red took a seat behind the reinforced glass window,and picked up the telephone receiver. “Any good news,Renfreau?” he asked, his six-foot-three-inch frameslumped in the chair. “Well, Mr. Lombretti,” theattorney said, tapping his manicured nails on thechipped Formica counter, “I’m still appealing the nobail stipulation. That’s unusual for this type ofcase. The judge should announce his ruling thisafternoon.” “Look, Renfreau,” Red straightened in thechair, his face so close to the glass that his breathfogged its cool surface, “the son-of-a-bitch stole myscooter, and I went over to get it back. He pulled theknife, I didn’t. It was clear-cut self-defense, andyou damn-well know it!”

Renfreau leaned back in his chair, almost tipping itover, though the glass separated him from Red. “I knowthat, Red,” he agreed. “But the judge thinks you’re aflight risk. And besides, you have about exhausted allyour resources.” “All my, resources?” Red stammered,his face turning red, the veins in his foreheadthrobbing visibly beneath the tanned skin. “You’ve goteverything I fuckin’ own, damn you!” Renfreaushrugged. “My services have to be paid for, you know.Or, you could ask for a public defender.” “Yeah,” Redgrumbled, “somebody’s kid brother in a cheap suit. Nothanks. Maybe I can hit my ex-wife up for a loan.””Well,” Renfreau stood, brushing imaginary dirt fromthe seat of his suit pants, “maybe this afternoonwe’ll have good news for one another, Red.”

Red stood and turned his back without a word, theguard walking him back to his cell. “Hell, Red,” thevoice in his ear said, disgust evident from her tone,”I’ll do what I can. You’re still getting yourself inthese fixes that are never your fault, I see.””Damnit, Brenda, this time it wasn’t. I only went overthere to find my Harley. You know how much it means tome!” “Yeah, Red,” she sighed. “I guess I found thatout, didn’t I?” “Aww, baby. I never wanted you toleave,” he said, his lips close to the phone. “But younever asked me to stay, either.”

Red sighed, waiting several heartbeats before hereplied. “Guess it doesn’t do us any good to argueabout it at this stage of the game, does it? Can Icount on you for the money?” “Shit,” she said, almostunder her breath, “after all these years, I stillcan’t tell you no.” “Thanks, baby,” Red said, hangingthe receiver back on the pay phone.

The following afternoon, Red walked out the wide glassdoors into the sunlight for the first time in two longmonths. With no money, and no wheels, he had beenforced to impose on Brenda once again to pick him up.He slid into the passenger seat of her faded blueToyota, and sat hunched over, his head against theroof. “All comfy?” she teased, seeing his discomfort.”Just dandy,” he chuckled. “Why are you still drivin’this piece of shit?” She brushed a strand of dark hairback behind her ear, the smile disappearing from herfull lips. “Because I bailed you out with my new carfund, asshole!” “Damn. I’m sorry, baby.” He shook hishead. “Seems like I’m always sayin’ that to you.” Shelooked over in silence that lasted the rest of theride to Red’s house. No, he corrected himself,Renfreau’s house.

At nine the next morning, Red stood towering over thereception desk in the downtown office of Renfreau,Renfreau, and Hacker, Attorneys at Law. “I’m sorry,sir, Mr. Renfreau is with a client,” the perkyreceptionist said, looking up at Red. “May I give hima message?” “Uh, yeah,” Red answered, his eyes lockedon the short skirt that rode higher up her thighs withevery movement. “Tell him I’ve got the witnesses linedup and ready to go. I just need to know when he cantalk to ?em.” “I’ll ask him, sir. Is there a numberwhere he can reach you?”

Red was about to give her Brenda’s number, since hisphone had been disconnected, when a voice from thedoorway stopped him. “Perhaps I can be of assistance,Mr.?” “Dag uh, Red Lombretti,” he stammered, reachingout to take the proffered hand in his, the daintymanicured fingers engulfed by his huge hand. “NicoleRenfreau,” she said, shaking his hand. She looked himup and down with no hint of subtlety, her steel grayeyes moving from his long, red ponytail, down therippling muscles in his chest and arms, stopping onlywhen they reached his scuffed engineer boots. “Whydon’t we step into my office where we can talk?”

Red followed her swaying hips as she walked into theoffice. He only gave a cursory glance to the dark oakpaneling, and the opulence of the brocade furniture,preferring to concentrate on the promise of sensualdelights barely contained by the tight black dress,and the raven hair framing the hard, yet lovely face.”So, Red,” she began, half sitting on the edge of themassive teak desk, the slit in the side of her dressopen almost to her waist. “May I call you Red?” “Ofcourse,” he answered, his eyes locked on the milkywhite skin of her thigh. You can call me to dinnerdown there, if you want, he thought.

“My husband tells be that you’re a biker,” she said,toying with a crystal sculpture, her eyes turnedtoward the sparkling, phallic looking toy. “I’ve nevermet a biker, though I’ve seen some documentaries onPBS.” Red chuckled, bringing a flush to her cheeks.”You can’t believe everything you hear, and only halfof what you see.”

She rose from the desk, not bothering to pull the hemof her skirt down, and opened the door a crack,peering out into the deserted office. “You always looklike such bad boys,” she purred, walking so close toRed that he could smell the subtle perfume she hadtouched to her throat that morning. What the hell, Redthought. It’s her game. I’ll play along.

“Well, Nicole, I guess that depends on what you’d callbad,” he said. “Peter told me you killed a thief,” shesaid, stepping so close she had to tilt her head backto see his face. Red shrugged. “Wasn’t my idea. Hepulled a knife on me, so I took it away from him, andshowed him how to use it.” He reached down, running abig hand down her back, his splayed fingers puttingslight pressure on her trim ass, pressing her flatstomach against him, while the fingers of his otherhand tangled in her raven hair. He pulled it out ofthe jeweled clip that held it, so the silken lockstumbled over her shoulders like black water, thenleaned down and kissed her.

Her full lips parted, greedily drawing his tongueinside, while her slim fingers reached down to strokethe growing bulge in his Levi’s. “My,” she whispered,her small hand searching the length of his member.”You are a bad boy!” He roughly pulled her skirt up,then cupped her firm buttocks, pulling her up untilshe wrapped her long legs around his waist. Hisfingers found the zipper of his jeans, tugging it downto free his throbbing manhood, then pulled her sheerthong panties aside and entered her in one stroke.

She gasped as his full 10 inches found unusedterritory in her steamy depths. Her lips found his,her darting tongue dancing with his as she rocked withabandon. Backing her against the wall, Red continuedto plunge into her tight little pussy. Her whimperingbecame so loud, he reached down and ripped the thinlace panties from her, and pressed them between herteeth to silence her cries.

Within moments, he felt her shudder against him, herinner walls pulsing, driving him over the edge. Healmost dropped her as his seed spilled into herdepths, running down her smooth ass cheeks to stainthe deep, white carpet. “Mmmm,” she murmured, hercheek against his black Harley T-shirt, her firm bodynow limp in his arms. “Nice!” He lowered her slowly tothe floor. Her legs still shaky, she leaned againsthim for support while he zipped his fly.

“You know,” she mused, almost to herself, “I’m goingon a business trip to the Mexican Riviera in threeweeks.” She picked an envelope up from the desk andwaved it in front of his face. “Two tickets toparadise,” she laughed. “Would you like to come withme?” Red laid his big hands on her shoulders, “I’dlove to, Nicole, but I can’t. Your husband wants moremoney before he’ll get me off the hook, and I have totry to get the pink slip on my Harley back from him.”A sly smile spread across her lovely lips. “The pinkslip is no problem, and I’m sure I can persuade him toget this case resolved as quickly as possible,” shesaid, her tongue snaking out sensuously to moisten herruby lips. “I always get what I want, if you know whatI mean,” she winked. Red smiled. “Yeah, I think I do,”he said, pulling her into his arms.

Reaching behind her back, he picked the envelope upfrom the desk, and slipped it into his back pocket.She reached for the envelope, but he caught her hand,bringing her fingers to his lips. “Never hurts to havea little insurance,” he told her. As he started forthe door, he stooped to pick up her torn panties. Hepressed them to his nose, then stuffed them into hispocket. “You really are a bad boy,” she laughed, as heclosed the door behind him.

Two weeks later, Red pulled up to Brenda’s door on hisshovelhead, the staccato rumble bringing her out thedoor. “Open the garage door,” he shouted above theroar of the shotgun straights. She pulled the door upand he rode inside, shutting the big V-twin enginedown.

“What do you want now, Red?” she asked. “I don’t haveany more money.” Red grabbed her and pulled her tohim, holding her tight, as the rumble of his laughterrolled through the silent morning streets. He pulledan envelope from his pocket and pressed it into herhand. “Just a little thank you, baby! I’m a free man,and we’re going to Ol’ Mehico!” “Where did you getthese?” she asked, pulling out two first-class airlinetickets. “Oh!” he chuckled, “let’s just say I usedpower of attorney!”

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