Pre-Love Ride Thursday News For October 16, 2014


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A master passion is the love of news. – George Crabbe


Just when life seems to calm slightly, someone tries a new mapping system in the computer and threatens the industry with disarray once more. Guess that keeps life stimulating.

It’s like your pal who can’t keep a job. He goes to work anywhere with the best intentions, then his or her personality feeds into the mix. Soon there’s a problem. It’s one of our toughest challenges in life, to look in a mirror understand ourselves and change. Very demanding and tough, almost impossible in many situations. Folks mostly want to look outward, no inward.

Let’s hit the news and watch as the chips fall over the next few weeks. Fortunately, our team is still intact and moving toward the New Year with a positive mantra. We are studying our Bagger audience with the help of David Campbell.

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