Laughlin is flying at us, and we are planning a secret run into the desert to meet with a couple of industry agents, find all the hot redheads, and then slip outta town. I know, I’m too old for hot redheads, but it’s a warm comforting thought, when I think back to the wild action days in the desert.
I remember a time… I better leave that for the X-rated history books. This has been a damn interesting week and the news reflects the nature of our hard fought industry. We know how tough it is in the motorcycle business, so the brothers are reaching out to help Big Dog riders, like you’ll see S&S did. Earlier this year or last S&S helped Erik Buell. We’ve got to stick together.
I also reached out to Polaris after the Indian purchase announcement.
“We have had lots of positive comments,” said Robert Pandya from the Polaris Headquarters. “In fact, overwhelmingly so. It’s clear that many people love the Indian Brand, and the Polaris reputation for quality will only serve the brand well. The confidence in both Victory and Indian has gone up in the wake of the announcement.”
“Internally we’re excited to have a couple great brands to work with, and think that in the heavy cruiser world they compliment each other well. The Victory owner forums are positive as well.”
Interesting shit happening all around and we’ll keep you posted. Let’s hit it:
S&S Cycle to Stand Behind Big Dog Motorcycle Engine Warranties–
DIRICO TO DONATE 2011 Sturgis Rally Raffle Bike in honor of 10th Anniversary of 9/11–The bells for the 10th anniversary of 9/11 will ring loud and clear at the 2011 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally this year as the official Sturgis Motorcycle Rally bike will pay tribute to the Sturgis Volunteer Fire Department and all the heroes who rushed to help those in need after the terrorist attacks on that fateful day.
For the second year in a row, Dirico Motorcycles, USA, will donate the official Sturgis Motorcycle Rally bike that will be raffled off, with proceeds benefiting the Sturgis Volunteer Fire Department and other charities in town. Painted fire engine red with white trim and loaded with chrome, this year’s bike will simulate the Sturgis Volunteer Fire Department fire trucks.
Stephen Talarico, owner and president of Dirico Motorcycles, USA, said when he heard this year’s Rally theme would honor the heroes and victims of 9/11, he was compelled to donate another bike for the cause. “I have close family members who were directly affected by the terrorist attacks. Ordinarily, we would not have donated a bike two years in a row, but due to the emotional connection, we are proud to do so,” said Talarico.
Dirico Motorcycles, out of Manchester, N.H., has built the official Sturgis Rally motorcycle for the last three years. After the Sturgis Chamber of Commerce Charitable Foundation paid for the bike and raffle expenses in 2009, the group was able to donate $7,500 for area nonprofit organizations. In 2010 Dirico executives decided to help even more by donating the bike. As a result, last year the raffle raised $25,000 for the Sturgis Rally Charitable Foundation, funds that were ultimately distributed to various local organizations. It was more than the group had ever raised with the bike raffle.
“This year”, said Talarico, “the company decided to extend its charitable donation for another year. The beauty of the raffle, is that 100 percent of all the proceeds directly affect the citizens of Sturgis who reap the benefits of the nonprofit organizations.”
Eric Fowler, a board member with the Sturgis Chamber of Commerce Charitable Foundation, said Dirico has been a great partner for the motorcycle raffle. He called their donation “phenomenal,” because it helps so many people in the community.

See more at www.diricomotorcycles.com.
This is the seventh year the Sturgis Chamber of Commerce Charitable Foundation has raffled off the Official Sturgis Motorcycle Rally bike. It is the only motorcycle at the Rally that has the honor of carrying the official Sturgis Motorcycle Rally logo. Raffle tickets for the bike are $100 and can be purchased online at www.sturgisrallyraffle.com after April 15, 2011 as well as at the display on 3rd and Main Streets, next to the Loud American Roadhouse, or at the Sturgis Area Chamber of Commerce. Only 999 tickets will be sold. Raffle will be held on August 13, 2011 at 8pm at the Loud American Roadhouse.
HARLEY-DAVIDSON JOINS COUNTRY THROWDOWN TOUR– Harley-Davidson will join this year’s Willie Nelson Country Throwdown, a 24-stop touring country music festival featuring a range of country acts, including Willie Nelson, Jamey Johnson, Randy Houser, and more, as the event’s official motorcycle sponsor. Harley-Davidson’s participation will include the Golden Horse Saloon and Jumpstart motorcycle demonstrators.
The tour kicks off May 27 in Philadelphia and concludes July 4 in Texas, with stops throughout the south and Midwest along the way. For more information on the Throwdown Tour, visit www.countrythrowdown.com .
BIKERS LIKE NEW WA law about police profiling– Bikers will have something to celebrate at today’s Motorcycle Mountain Jam in Clark County: Gov. Chris Gregoire has signed into law a bill that outlaws profiling of motorcyclists by state troopers and local law enforcement officers.
Engrossed Senate Bill 5242, which prohibits singling out bikers for police stops without a legitimate reason, passed both legislative chambers unanimously and was signed by the governor Wednesday.
A similar bill in the 2010 Legislature passed the House decisively but ran out of time in the state Senate.
The new law is modeled on a 2002 state law outlawing racial profiling by police, and it includes similar safeguards. It requires the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs and the Criminal Justice Training Commission to add a statement condemning motorcycle profiling to their existing policies banning racial profiling.
Motorcycle profiling is defined as when law enforcement officers single out people who ride motorcycles or wear biker garb, stopping, questioning, searching or arresting them without legal grounds.
Motorcycle enthusiasts presented compelling evidence to legislators, including a video of a state trooper crawling through bushes near the Legislative Building in Olympia two years ago and writing down motorcycle license numbers while bikers were holding a rally.
Jeff “Twitch” Burns, a member of a Tacoma-area motorcycle club, has produced an 86-minute video documenting the emergency of the anti-profiling movement. “It chronicles our growth and how it developed between the independent motorcycle community and the club community,” he said.
Burns said he has been stopped repeatedly for wearing motorcycle paraphernalia.
“As soon as you are stopped, officers don’t treat you like a normal person,” he said. “They search you, they ask you about your tattoos, they try to take pictures of your tattoos. They ask you about your motorcycle club and its affiliation with other motorcycle clubs.”
By KATHIE DURBIN, Seattle Times
–from Rogue
MOSCOW HARLEY-DAVIDSON WINS STURGIS TICKET– Staged at Russia’s largest motorcycle expo, Motopark, held in the Crocus Expo Centre, this year’s Moscow Custom & Tuning Show (April 1-3) attracted a record turnout of 41 entries spread across the widest geographical area yet. Motopark itself maintained the same number of exhibitors as last year, this year featuring booths from Harley-Davidson and Indian Motorcycles, and attracted an increased number of visitors.
After making a huge impact on the international stage last year, as Affiliate winners Yuri Shif and Fine Custom Mechanics achieved third and ninth place respectively at the World Championship in Sturgis, Russia will have a new representative in 2011 as the Best in Show title and ticket to Sturgis was won by local authorized dealer Moscow Harley-Davidson’s Aleksander ‘Fitil’ Fitisov.
His bike, ‘V-Glide’, started life as a V-Rod but now features a hand-made one-off steel frame with variable rake and constant trail. The unique steering system operates via an on-board computer and activates by four actuators with feedback. All the aluminium bodywork is also by Fitil.
Runner-up was Sergey Levsha of Night Wolves MC with ‘Nazgul’, a skeleton-themed radical custom with sidecar, with T&V Custom third. Winner of the Modified Harley-Davidson class was Orekhovo Custom Art.
A second builder travelling to Sturgis (without his bike) will be Oleg Skvortsov of Demons of Calm, who won MOTO Magazine’s sponsored travel expenses prize for the best ‘budget’ bike.
The flight went well and LT (the promoter) was waiting to pick us up. We went directly to the venue to get situated and made it to the hotel about noon thirty. Just enough time to change- shower up and get back for opening ceremonies at 2pm. Lots of dignitaries on hand – lots of press/media. Traditional dancers – bands – mod dancers. Very busy afternoon. We got out of there about 1030 pm and I opted out of dinner for you guys.
I gotta say the show was very impressive. As big as the Easyriders show except for the bike competition being a smller number.
A very unique feature to this competition is that ALL classes must be tested. This weeds out the trailer queens. A tech check to see if the bike will start – idle and navigate a medium turn. Lights must work also. About 10 bikes were disqualified. This is a competition for bikes that can be ridden. Real gusto !
Again I was wowed by the quality of the builds and the creative design work.
I have never seen so many ride in survivor bikes as today. Must have been fifty HD’s form the early days. Interesting history is that the army left thousands(? lots) of bikes here after the war. Those bikes never had to be registered and you were in a good ole boys club if you had one.
It is obvious that I am not from here and seem to be a bit of an oddity. Other than the usual. People are very friendly and I think they want to say hello but are too polite to initiate contact.
So it is 1145 and I want to quit this – lay down and maybe even sleep the whole night.
Got to be at the convention center about 9am to begin judging. Bummer – the convention center fills up with that clove cigarette smoke. About 70-80% of the people are smokers – that huge building is blue with fumes.
I was announced several times as Art Hall Quickthrottle Magazine from USA – they are enjoying that notoriety. I was also interviewed by the videographer for a few minutes.
One question I get a lot is “How do you find it here in Yogyarkata”? They want to know that I like their city, their hospitality and am enjoying myself.
Weather was OK for not being out in it much – but didn’t seem too hot. A little humid.
–Quick Throttle Art
THIS JUST IN FROM KUSTOM FAB–Aloha, I was able to catch the annual South Seas Ride in bike show this Sunday. It was a gorgeous day, and the bikes were out in full force.
Seeing such a large crowd at the event makes me feel like bikes are still a big deal. People were just looking for a reason to show off what they have been working on. A lot of the bikes were flashing some “bling!” Seemed like the 30” wheels and plus was the latest rage. It’s all good to me, as long it is about bikes in general. It’s definitely good to see the market recovering and people interested in bikes and bike building. …..
Kustom Fab

SFV CAR AND BIKE SHOW COMING–It’s time again! Same great location with the same GREAT GUYS! Join the San Fernando Valley Hells Angels for their yearly CAR/BIKE SHOW
‘MEET/GREET’ Speedway Sidecar Racing Teams @ The Starting Gate this Wednesday APRIL 20th. TEAM 16 – Kevin Brown & Matt Dars with their GSXR 1000.
TEAM 23 – Shaun & Missy Driggers with their YAMAHA R1 1000
TEAM 25 – Gene Stone & Trod with their ILLUSION Harley Davidson
Starts @ 6pm! Bring a camera for this special event. Speedway Sidecars all in the same place ON DISPLAY!!
***meet the team members who ride them***
A ‘historical first’ at THE STARTING GATE Bike Night: April 20, Wednesday —- 6pm till 9pm.
Meet/Greet sidecar teams with their sidecar speedway bikes, including the ONE & ONLY HARLEY-DAVIDSON SIDECAR BULIT BY ILLUSION CYCLES!
The Starting Gate is located at:
5052 Katella Ave. Los Alamitos CA. 90720
Great Food, drink specials for bike night
Subject: Illusion Cycles presents SPEEDWAY SIDECAR ‘Racing Division’
Hard work & team efforts pay off!
T-Rod & Gene Stone present the ONLY Harley Davidson motor driven SIDECAR for Speedway Racing!
Thank You Pete Alva Photography
1. Grossly or obscenely abusive.
2. Characterized by or using low buffoonery.
As always with scurrilous rumors, ’tis best to do nothing.
— Julia Justiss, Rogue’s Lady
But, promised the Prime Minister as he began, the speech would take only seven hours, at the most, providing the Opposition did not interrupt too often with scurrilous irrelevancies.
— Anthony C. Winkler, The Painted Canoe
Scurrilous likely traces its origin to the Etruscan language, coming into Latin as scurrilis, “fashionable city idler,” and, later, “buffoon.”

European researchers discovered some interesting facts about the common causes of motorcycle accidents. The Motorcycle Accidents In Depth Study (MAIDS) was based on 921 motorcycle accidents, which included 103 fatalities, across France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain.
While some of the findings were expected, others were unanticipated. Not surprisingly, the study indicates that the motorcyclists most often collided with passenger vehicles. Surprisingly or not, 70% of passenger vehicle drivers involved in accidents with motorcycles failed to perceive the motorcyclist. And while 73.1% of riders attempted some form of collision avoidance, 32% nonetheless experienced some form of loss of control during the maneuver.
While all this may seem disheartening to riders, there are steps that can be taken to maximize safety; other findings from the study indicate: Over half of the accidents occurred at intersections – Although 90% of those involved in crashes were wearing helmets, 9% of helmeted riders lost their helmets in crashes due to improper fit, fastening or damage – Younger riders — those between 18 and 25 years of age — crashed at a higher percentage and riders aged 41 to 55 crashed less frequently.
Riders wearing dark clothes were more likely to crash than others – Modified conventional street motorcycles were over-represented in crashes in the study, but engine size did not appear to be a factor – Unlicensed bikers were more likely to crash than properly licensed bikers – Weather was deemed to be a factor in only 7.5% of accidents.
–from the NCOM Legislative News for April
I say loud pipes would save some lives at intersection where distracted drivers are prevalent.–Bandit
–Steve Mad Dawg Curran
Steve Curran Karate
3814 N 27th St.
Tacoma, WA 98407
2011 LOW BUCK PROJECT BUILD WITH MR. LUCKY–Tomorrow we’re making a run out to pick up a 1980 Yamaha 650XS for a local kid. He’s going to build a low-buck bobber with the help of the Mr. Lucky product lines that is primarily manufactured by Paughco.
We will bring you all the action, and each step of the build. We’ll show you how a hard working young stiff, with a small child can build a very inexpensive cool custom, and get his ass in the wind. Hang on. Here’s a first report from Ed Martin, the boss of Mr. Lucky:
All 3 items are in Gilroy, CA in Nace’s warehouse. Checking with Bill Brazillo, his CA rep, to see when he is headed to the LA area. ………..he is down there regularly, so can deliver.
The brass & copper finished parts are selling well. You might consider them for the build. They are located in the “Exclusives” section of the “Mr Luckys” online catalog.
Brass Theme:
ML1300BB; Bates style black/brass headlight. $89.99. Or ML1310BB; black/brass bullet headlight. $129.99.
ML203008; Sparto Taillight, ant. brass finish. $39.99.
ML153015; 3” round brass finished mirror. $19.99. Or ML153022: 4” round clamp-on mirror for 7/8 or 1” bars, ant. brass finish. $21.99
ML267004; Universal Shorty mufflers, ant. brass finish. $49.99 ea. Or ML267007 universal Trumpet mufflers, ant. brass finish. $89.99 ea. Or, upswept trumpets ML267011 & ML267012. $89.99 ea.
ML271007; 6” long perforated heatshields, ant. brass finish. $25.99 ea. And/or ML271010; 9” long perforated heatshields, ant. brass finish. $29.99 ea.
ML445002 Universal rigid rear fender mounts, ant. bras finish. $15.99 pr.
Copper Theme:
ML1300BC; Bates style black/copper headlight. $89.99. Or ML1310BC; black/copper bullet headlight. $129.99.
ML203009; Sparto Taillight, ant. copper finish. $39.99.
ML153016; 3” round copper finished mirror. $19.99. Or ML153023: 4” round clamp-on mirror for 7/8 or 1” bars, ant. copper. $21.99
ML267005; Universal Shorty mufflers, ant. copper finish. $49.99 ea. Or ML267008 universal Trumpet mufflers, ant. copper finish. $89.99 ea. Or, upswept trumpets ML267013 & ML267014. $89.99 ea.
ML271008; 6” long perforated heatshields, ant. copper finish. $25.99 ea. And/or ML271011; 9” long perforated heatshields, ant. copper finish. $29.99 ea.
ML445003; Universal rigid rear fender mounts, ant. copper finish. $15.99 pr.
“Mr Luckys”
6411 Saffron Hills Dr.
Spring, TX 77379
P: 832-559-8560
W: www.mrluckys.biz
E: info@mrluckys.biz
Later, Ed
CRIMINALS OKAY’D TO RUN FROM COPS!– Sydney Australia, Criminals have been given the green light to run from police in a decision that has stunned the force.
A magistrate found that a drunk who sparked a police chase through city streets did not resist police.
The lawyer who helped beat the charges said the landmark ruling – which makes it clear suspected criminals cannot be punished for running from police – could now make the police’s job of arresting suspects even harder.
The Victorian police association fears the decision will encourage more criminals to try to escape arrest, putting the safety of the public at risk.
Sydney man Andrew Hamilton ran from a Taco Bill restaurant in March last year after an argument about an unpaid $136 bill.
When approached by police, Mr Hamilton, 24, ran from the Collins St store and was chased on foot and in a squad car.
Ignoring police sirens and calls for him to stop, Mr Hamilton – who was later cleared of responsibility for the restaurant bill – was eventually arrested near Flinders St station more than 500m away.
He was charged with resisting police, but could not be immediately interviewed because he was too drunk.
In a ruling in Melbourne Magistrates’ Court that is believed to be an Australian first, magistrate Simon Garnett found that Mr Hamilton had a “moral or social duty to stop when requested to do so and assist the police”, but was not legally obliged to do so.
The charge of resisting police was dismissed and Mr Hamilton was awarded costs.
“After having committed no crime and merely being asked by police to talk to them, I was within my rights to run away,” he said.
“Whilst I can appreciate the challenge that police face in investigating matters when the people they wish to speak to decide to run, there is no legal obligation for someone to remain there if the police have not told them they are under arrest.”
Police Association secretary Greg Davies called for a review of the decision.
“We would hope that a review of this decision will be sought by the DPP, as this potentially gives the green light to all offenders to flee from police,” he said.
Mr Hamilton’s lawyer, Thomas Bevan, relied on cases from Britain and New Zealand. He said the outcome was “surprising” but made sense.
“The ruling is clear in that if you haven’t been arrested then you don’t have to stop,” he said.
Taco Bill manager, Fonsie Julius, said he received an anonymous cheque for the outstanding $136 bill a week after the incident.
MORE ON CHINA FROM OVERSEAS CORRESPONDENT– China became the number one car consumer in 2009 – ahead of the US.
Speaking of China – they eat dogs there. Per Global Times some 200 animal rights activists blockaded the truck carrying 420 to market. They bought them for 530,000 bht – about 17,500 USD.
Kuala Lumpur – will start putting body mass index on report cards. Kids are fat.
The Thai Army softened it’s language for PCness as previously reported.
Transgenders (ladyboys) have “gender identity disorders” not “psychological disorders”
Three teenagers get wild and become GGW Thai style dancing topless at a Songkran gathering..
That offended the officials and they were fined 500 bht. $16.34
Some restaurant has a 5 course menu of lobster dishes from around the world for 2200 bht.
I think I’ll call and see if it is close by.
That’s a wrap.
–Quick Throttle Art
ILLUSION CYCLES MAKING HISTORY IN STURGIS THIS YEAR–Illusion Motorsports & Trigger Gumm wants to invite you to be a part of history in the making at this years Sturgis 2011.
On August 13th, 2011 World Record motocross distance jumper and industry icon Trigger Gumm will be attempting to break the world record Long Distance jumped on a Harley Davidson Sportster built by Illusion Motorsports. This will take place at the World Famous Buffalo Chip Campground in Sturgis, jumping over 200 feet.
With an estimated 600,000+ in attendance every year at the Sturgis run, this event will take place over a nine day period with jump shows running daily August 5th-12th and the record jump taking place midnight, August 15th. Also performing Toby Keith, Def Leppard, Alice Cooper and many other acts throughout the festival.
here’s a download;
–RJ Valdez
CUSTOM SEAT OF THE WEEK FROM LE PERA–Maverick seat with Red Faux Ostrich flame inlay. Thought you folks may like to see your beautiful seat on my beautiful bike!!
Maverick Daddy Long Legs Seat with red ostrich flames and a tank bib!
Love, love, love this seat and so many thanks to Ashely for helping me design it……….she was very patient and kind!
–Christine Le Pera
STEAL OF THE WEEK FROM THE BIKERNET CLASSIFIEDS ! 2001 ROAD KING, GREAT PRICE $7900 ! Very clean, two tone paint scheme, read for that long ride ! 37K on the ticker ! THE BIKERNET CLASSIFIEDS, WHERE THE ADVENTURE IS JUST WAITING TO BEGIN !
2001 Harley Road King Fuel Injected 37k, runs great! Its a hell of a deal at this price, NO TRADES call ONLY if you HAVE CASH and are coming to get it! NO BS at this price $7900
The the best prices you’ll find web-wide on Oil and Fuel Tanks are right here. Yup, these savings are kinduvabigdeal!!!
Keep your hot-rod motor cooled down and brightened up with our Billet Oil Cooler for Most Models. Billet oil cooler has twin vertical tubes that follow the front down tubes on the frames of most models. Requires standoff clamps for oil cooler. Chrome Plated.
So your Softail needs an oil tank? Then we got ‘em at a fantastic price!
This one is an OE Style replacement Oil Tank for the Stock Width Softail. 3 quart steel tank. Faithful copy of the OE oil tank found on all Softail models. Includes fill plug. Chrome Plated Oil Tank. Fits Softail models 1986/1999. Replaces HD# 62498-89A 30% Off at $112.03
or if you’re newer than 1999
Who doesn’t love these Fat Bob Style Gas Tanks!
Our solid mount Fat Bob style gas tanks are available with the early bayonet style gas cap opening or the late screw-in style opening. All stock and aftermarket products sold for Fat Bob Gas Tanks will fit, and these tanks have one 13/16″ external thread fuel valve connection. Gas tanks are unpainted.
Gas caps are not included with any of these gas tanks. Replaces HD# 61213-83 & 61229-83. These are a super great deal at 30% off!!
Raw Steel 3.5 Gallon Bayonet cap style gas tank set (Approximate width 7 1/4″, use Bayonet cap & 13/16″ fuel valve). $91.49
Or Raw Steel 5 Gallon Bayonet cap style gas tank set (Approximate width 8 “, use Bayonet cap & 13/16” fuel valve). Fits Big Twin 4 speed frames 1936/1984 (except Softail). $95.49
Or Raw Steel 5 Gallon Screw-in cap style gas tank set (Approximate width 8″, use Screw-in cap & 13/16″ fuel valve). Fits Big Twin 4 speed frames 1936/1984 (except Softail) $109.46
We’re bringing you great values each week in our Peel-Back Pricing section so be sure to check it out often. Our blog page is worth the click! Find fun, news and more about K and G Cycles at www.vtwinmotorcycleblog.com. Come on by www.kandgcycles.com and find the perfect part for your ride. Check us out on Facebook at www.facebook.com/kandgcycles. We’d love to hear from you! We work to earn your business every time you shop!
–Aaron Nichols
K and G Cycles LLC

BAKER DRIVETRAIN IS HERE TO HELP – EVEN AFTER HOURS!–It’s that time of year again, when all of our brains are on two wheels – it’s riding season! BAKER understands that this doesn’t just mean between 8 and 5, so we’re extending our Tech and Sales hours to better meet the needs of our customers!
Call today – Toll Free: 1-877-640-2004 – to have your drivetrain questions answered by one of the BAKER Tech guys!

THE BIKERNET BLACK MARKET DEAL OF THE WEEK, THE OLD SKOOL BOBBER BOOK IS BACK!!!–They call him “Teach” but his real name is Kevin Baas. He’s the famous shop teacher from Minnesota – famous because he teaches a high school shop class with an unusual title: Chopper Building.
Kevin’s book, How to Build an Old Skool Bobber, sold so well it went out of print. Wolfgang Publications is pleased to announce the reprinting of Kevin’s book, complete with all the original how-to information, and three new chapters – including one on Wiring.
WISH I COULD GO FISHING ALL DAY !!--I went fishing this morning but after a short time I ran out of worms. Then I saw a cottonmouth with a frog in his mouth. Frogs are good bass bait.
Knowing the snake couldn’t bite me with the frog in his mouth I grabbed him right behind the head, took the frog, and put it in my bait bucket.
A little later, I felt a nudge on my foot. There was that same snake with two more frogs in his mouth.
–from Bob Clark
ULTIMATE BUILDER SHOW BIKE OF THE WEEK–One Bad-Ass Bagger by Voodooman. Radical Baggers took home the prize this year for best modified Harley in Novi Michigan. This Road Glide named “One Bad Ass Bagger” has the wild graphics on only one side of this shimmer lime gold green paint job. It also sports a pneumatic license plate that tucks behind the fender.
Where’s the hidden automatic machine guns and smokescreen Huck? Oh yeah they’re in the custom electronic lids. Front and rear air ride, a Baker 7–speed, this build had 27 sponsors so there is nothing this bike doesn’t have.
One Bad Ass Bagger made the cover and feature story in Baggers magazine and anybody who braved the cold and came out to the Progressive International Motorcycle show in Detroit got to see Bad-Ass in person.

THE MAN TO WATCH IN THE FUTURE, D. BOONE PICKENS–He is trying to switch all our dirty, enemy fuel consuming 18 wheelers to clean, U.S. produced, natural gas trucks, but passing a bill that would give truckers a tax credit of $60,000 when they switch. For each truck that switches, it’s the equivalent of switching 1,600 cars. They have already switched California busses and they are working on trash trucks.
JIMS TOOL OF THE WEEK Dipstick Socket– Are you tired of burning your hand while you check the oil level on your Bagger or Dyna? If so, you’re not alone. Gary Smith has teamed-up with JIMS to develop the Dipstick Socket No. 759.
This ingenious new tool, Patent #D630092, allows riders and mechanics alike to quickly and safely remove the engine oil level dipstick that lies precariously close to a scorching hot exhaust pipe. The Dipstick Socket not only protects your hands from the heat, but aids riders with limited hand strength in easily checking their oil level. Features include a square hole for 3/8” ratchet fitment, 7/8” hex for wrench fitment, and a cutout for clearance around the exhaust pipe.
Application is for Harley Davidson FL ‘07-present, FXD ‘06-present with OEM factory installed level indicators. The tool is made in the U.S.A. from non-marring Black Delrin, ensuring strength, durability, and heat resistance. JIMS Dipstick Socket has an MSRP of $25.75 and is backed by a lifetime warranty. For more information connect with JIMS on the web at www.jimsusa.com, become a JIMS Facebook fan, or call 805-482-6913.
UNCLE MONKEY COMES CLEAN ABOUT HIS BROTHER– My brother has mental issues. It first became relevant twenty years ago when he began arguing with my cat. Not the usual disagreement we all have with our pets (my dog insists the corner of the couch is his by laying there as soon as I move) but my cat was talking back in a literal sense to him. He would eventually be diagnosed as Schizophrenic.
He phoned me the other night asking for help. His life spiraled out of control years ago to the point that he has lost everything. He knows he needs helps, and wants to get help. The complicating factor is he is an alcoholic. He’s not a social alcoholic where he goes out all the time and doesn’t know when to quit, or a functioning alcoholic where he works all day and drinks all night, but still able to separate partying from work. No, my brother is a sit alone in the dark and drink non-stop kind of alcoholic.
He says he drinks to make the voices stop but sadly many of those voices are because of the alcohol. The alcohol also eliminates the effects of the medications he is to be taking for Schizophrenia. He is drinking himself into an early grave. He is sick, depressed and suicidal. That is where the phone call the other night originated. He is reaching out for help. This isn’t the first time. He has tried to commit suicide several times before mostly in half hearted attempts to get attention, to cry out for help.
My brother is fortunate enough to live here in Canada. He has free and unlimited access to healthcare, to treatment, psychologists, medications, everything he needs to get better. The first steps the most critical of steps, all of his doctors have suggested is rehab to deal with his addiction. It is what I reiterated to him on the phone to check himself into a clinic. He promptly told me to go fuck myself and hung up.
My brother is desperately crying for help, but his alcoholism is the one thing that is not negotiable. He wants treatment for his mental issues to free himself to enjoy his alcoholism. He needs intensive, long term, inpatient treatment for it before he can move on. Something he refuses to embrace. Everyone has provided lifelines, surrounded him with life rings to save him but he refuses to let go of the heavy anchor of alcohol that is pulling him under. All we can hope is that he doesn’t pull us under with him.
We all have issues that we need to deal with. All of us have had our lives touched by addictions and mental health issues at some point, whether it is personal or through family and friends. For some we have conquered alcoholism or drug abuse, some are still dealing with it, some of us are dealing with the fall out of someone else’s addictions. We deal with the far and wide issues of mental health from panic and anxiety and OCD to Schizophrenia and bi-polar and beyond. As you ride today, lost in the solitude of yourself wondering which way to turn, remember, you are not alone.
-bad Uncle Monkey
MISTRESS MASTER ENGRAVER CHECKS IN– I hope you are enjoying some sunshine… We still have about ten inches of snow here…but it is melting today anyway…
(We don’t rule out snow until the middle of June around here…LOL)
and the roads are drying which means I’ve already seen quite a few folks riding…
…die-hards up here or what? LOL
This is a piece I just completed for Jeff Kazakoff of Unlimited Choppers up in Grande Prairie Alberta… He put those brass fins on, so that the filtre resembles a rocket ship…
I decided that the Gargoyles needed to hang on for dear life, cuz you should see the restof his bike!

ARTICLE COMMENT FROM BIKERNET READER–MONSTER TWIN CAM RACE ENGINES FROM JIMS– I just ordered a 120 b for my fatty. I totally broke down my ’95 bigbore Screamin heads mill for good. I’m excited by this article awaiting the arrival of my new mill. I hope this motor can take some hard ridin. I’m nowhere made of money, but can appreciate quality workmanship and hopefully durability.
Can’t wait to ride my scoot this season after it’s put together. Bet it will sound different lol.
LIFESTYLE DEAL OF THE WEEK, 2006 DYNA LOW RIDER: TAKE IT HOME! ONLY $10,995.00– Check out this ultra clean Dyna Low Rider! It’s got a powerful 88 cubic inch motor, 6-speed transmission, highway pegs, custom seat, drag bars, custom grips, chrome battery box, and tons of other upgrades! Like all of LifeStyle Cycles pre-owned Harleys, this bike has been thoroughly tested and inspected by a LifeStyle Cycles technician after undergoing a rigorous 38-point motorcycle
–Irving Marsh
This was written by a construction worker in Fort MacMurray- he sure makes a lot of sense.
I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit. In order to earn that pay cheque, I work on a rig site for a Fort Mac construction project. I am required to pass a random urine test, with which I have no problem.
What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don’t have to pass a urine test. Shouldn’t one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare cheque because I have to pass one to earn it for them?
Please understand that I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet. I do on the other hand have a problem with helping someone sit on their ass drinking beer and smoking dope.
Could you imagine how much money the provinces would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance cheque? Please pass this along if you agree or simply delete if you don’t.
Hope you will pass it along though, because something has to change in this country, and soon!
–from Robert Taylor
SHERIFF MEDIAGROUP OF SWEDEN will celebrate 35 years behind the lens with a series of “roadmovies” meeting known and unknown heroes of our Kulture– First three is Shinya Kimura, Yaniv Evan and Dan Colins.
Shinya with more then 25 years in the mechanics world both Japan and USA.
His organic metalpieces given him a name both among builders and art people. But Mr Kimura could also blueprint everything from a Flathead to A Ducati or as on this photo a MV Agusta 1975. Canonball race last year was also a challenge, Shinya admits his butt still suffer.
Behind every man a good women in this case Ayu, blogqueen(http://shinyakimura.blogspot.com) and yeah the office-cat brings luck too.
Yaniv of Powerplant Vintage Choppers a selfmade man on Melrose of all places.
Every year when in town I visit and notice 6 to 7 new projects in the works. His own line of accessories made for both H-D and good ol English wheels. Latest venture a clothing line which will be worldwide this summer. All this made surrounded by the trendy Melrosecrowd, maybe that’s the key.
Dan Collins Old Gold (http://oldgoldgarageco.blogspot.com/?zx=e12deb208b66b5eb) Dan is full with skills. How about building Hot Rods, choppers and working at his Victory Tattoo shop. His Ventura-location is a nostalgic flashback to good ol garages.
A steady stream of projects flowing through. His latest bike a 41 knuck though did fight back last week, kicker broke Mr Collins ankle.
Blood sweat and tears, I salute all three members of
the next generation, without the soap-operas.
SAMSON INTRODUCES TRUE DUAL “CROSS UNDER” EXHAUST SYSTEMS–Brea, CA – Samson is proud to introduce a new line of True Dual “Cross Under” exhaust systems for many makes of motorcycles, including Harley-Davidson Baggers and Dressers. When you need a true dual, there’s only one manufacturer that you can go to…Samson. Samson is the only manufacturer that doesn’t crimp the crossover pipe so you won’t lose any horsepower due to “crushing the cross under tube” like our competitors. When you need motorcycle mufflers or complete exhaust systems, come to Samson Exhaust for the best products made in the USA.
Samson has released its NEW True Dual “Cross Under” System with dB Killer Mufflers! With this style, you can have that new “Cross Under” look with the quiet rumble of our new 83-85 dB Killer Mufflers®. Now you can actually ride at the beach again without being pulled over for noise!
Samson’s “Cross Under” System is designed to allow maximum airflow through the system to maintain the bikes peak performance with less heat to deal with for the rider and passenger. Each company has taken a different approach at the exhaust design, but here you can find features you are looking for that others are not using. Kenny Price, President and CEO of Samson is known as the “Godfather of Pipes”….he’s always reinventing exhaust systems to make them look stylish, perform better and work with a wide selection of bikes and applications.
Samson’s “True Dual Cross Under System” Features
True dual, means there is two exhaust pipes running from the engine all the way back on both sides of the bike. Samson’s True Dual “Cross Under” Systems offer a show quality finish with Samson’s exclusive Quad Chrome plating process that provides ultimate adhesion and corrosion protection. True Duals eliminate the rear crossover pipe to the front pipe providing for a cooler and improved ride for both rider and passenger. All of Samson’s exhaust systems have been designed and tuned to produce maximum horsepower, torque and awesome sound. This system is ready to bolt on right out of the box.
Samson exhaust systems are made like true double wall construction to prevent bluing due to the heat that is generated in a motorcycle exhaust. Every one of these systems is not only made to look great, but to also perform perfectly for your bike. Various designs can be included in a true dual system and all Samson exhausts are available in Sinister Black Ceramic and Chrome.
Additional Features and Benefits
· O2 sensor ports accept O.E.M. / Aftermarket sensors
· Produces up to 20% or more horsepower and torque
· Mounting hardware included
· Improves gas mileage
· Installer Friendly
· Awesome Deep Tone
· Exclusive Show Quality Quad Chrome Finish
· Full Coverage Head Pipe Heat Shields
· Over 575 different exhausts to choose from no matter what your riding situation
Listen to sound clips and see plenty of pictures to help you decide which exhaust is best for your bike. Check out Samson Exhaust’s entire ‘11 product line at www.samsonusa.com or contact them directly at (888) 572-6766; Samson USA, 655 Tamarack Ave., Brea, CA 92821…email them at info@samsonusa.com.
LACHOPRODS SHIPS TO EUROPE–A Bikernet Reader from Switzerland reached out about a product he saw on Bikernet. In each case, if a domestic reader or a reader from any place on the globe needs help, we endeavor to make a proper connection. Here’s what Gard from LA ChopRods had to say:
We have a Dealer Price program in place but for international orders we like to see some minimum quantities for initial orders, so if you only desire the 1 item it may not be worth the time for application and approval.
–Gard Hollinger
LA County Choprods
18001 S. Figueroa Street, Unit F
Gardena, CA 90248
(310) 353-2467 Tel
(310) 768-4100 Fax
YA KNOW BANDIT, LIFE IS REALLY AMAZING– Some days I just can’t believe my good luck!! Got a call from some friends from Germany asking if I wanted to ride along on their stateside trip to Utah. Check this out: Micky and her husband Peter own a company called Bike the Best up in the cool pines of Flagstaff, Arizona. It’s a killer cool company that puts motorcycle tours together that include everything from rental bikes to the flights, hotels, routes and all. Rides can be tailored and can be as elaborate as guided tours with all the trimmings or just bikes and a route map and off you go.
I’m cruising to Flagstaff, AZ then tagging along on the Utah tour. We head out for the Grand Canyon, Bryce, Zion and Moab in Utah and cover about 1,400 miles in 10 days. Managed to get myself so jazzed up I can’t sleep..which is why I’m here banging away on my keyboard to you at 3 in the morning! I have to meet the rest of the crew in Flagstaff on Friday night when first order of business will be to “meet at the bar for a beer or two, or three, or…” is the note I got. Damn this is a tuff job, ain’t it??!!
I’m including some photos of Sedona, which is between Phoenix and Flagstaff and is where high school friends and I used to go when we ditched school way back when slipping down Oak Creek ’til the butts of our Levis got shredded and riding a Yamaha in the red dirt was high times. Looking around at how much urban sprawl has now taken over the natural beauty of even such places as Sedona’s red rocks broke my heart.
Western author Zane Grey, who wrote “New Riders of the Purple Sage” lived, fished and wrote in this area along the Mogollon Rim and once penned these words: “The so-called civilization of man and his works shall perish from the earth, while the shifting sands, the red looming walls, the purple sage, the cast brooding range, and the towering monuments show no perceptible change.” I’m certain he would be shocked and saddened at the sights he’d see today but the cool thing is the riding’s still as great as it ever was, puttin’ along the twisties up through the canyons. Amazing rocks carved out over the passing of time make it hard to concentrate on the road and frequent stops for photos is a necessity.
Breath taking images of incredible skylines, and this is just the beginning! I can’t wait to experience Utah. I’ll send you updates from the road since I know you’re busy and can’t come along. Maybe next trip, huh? Better make a hole in your schedule, they’re talking about another road trip in October. Hang a “Gone Fishin” or “Got the Flu” or how about “Kiss my ASS” sign on the door and meet up with us!
Your ever so euphoric..
–River Rat
BIKERNET INSURANCE WEEKLY REPORT, A FATHER-SON SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION TRIKE STORY–PRA Volkswagen Bug racer, Tony Klink, knows a few things about drag racing super-powered Volkswagen Bugs around the tracks of the Pro Racing Association. He takes these suped-up Bugs to 125 miles per hour with his heavy foot and has a garage full of trophies to prove it. When not pursuing his Bug Racing passion, he works for Subaru as a technician. His mechanical acumen was recently put to the test when he decided to build a custom VW Trike for his Dad, Thomas Klink.
Dad Klink, a spry 72 year old living in Arizona, could not be more excited about his new three wheeler. This 2010 Volkswagen powered Trike has a 1600cc dual port head engine built by the Bug Performance Motorsports Pros in Sacramento. The rear-end uses a VW trans-axle and the front end carries itself with Springer forks and HD Sportster wheel. The big fat mag wheels at the rear keep this beauty running smooth down the roadways.
The Ride That Almost Didn’t Happen
Dad Klink’s excitement came to a screeching halt when, just as delivery of the bike was to occur, he could not find anyone to insure it. After all, the Trike was not state registered, had no official manufacturer’s certificate of origin, no title work, and no insurance company knew what to do with it.
Frustrated, Thomas remembered seeing the Bikernet Insurance pages at Bikernet.com. He called the office and told us about how his son had just built him a special Trike and he could not wait to take it for a spin. He got us excited about his new toy too so we instructed Thomas to go online to complete the quick “Special Construction” motorcycle application. Once received, we went to work to make sure he would be riding his new Trike asap.
Insuring Special Construction Customs Takes Know-How
No one in the insurance business knows more about constructed custom machines than we do since we are Bonneville-style gear heads and bike builders ourselves. We have developed a Comprehensive Motorcycle Appraisal form that is easy to complete by quality shop Techs and has been “approved” by all our key insurance carriers. And, when we insure your special custom, its “free” to you. No charge. A $150 value right in your pocket.
Listen to the Customer
When asked about his experience with the insurance pros at Bikernet, Thomas responded, “I really did not know where to start finding insurance for this Trike. I called insurance companies all over the place and no one knew what I was talking about let alone how to insure it. What really sold me on Bikernet Insurance was their approach to the motorcycle appraisal process. They prepared 80% of the appraisal form. All I had to do was find an experienced shop tech to review, verify and sign off on the agreed value of my Trike. They made it easy for me. Very professional, knowledgeable and their service throughout the entire process was just excellent. Thank you for helping me get on my new ride.” . . . Thomas Klink, April 2011.
There you have it folks. Another happy Bikernet Insurance customer. Don’t take any chances with your custom rides. Whether you’re on two wheels or three, let the insurance pros at Bikernet insure your ride properly and at a price you can afford.
You are not just another policy number with us. We care about you.
Ride Safe Out There.
The Team at Bikernet Insurance
Call Toll Free Anytime: 888-467-8703
Email for fastest response: clientservice@bikernet-insurance.com
CA 0G67810 & 0D71028 – Serving 21 states. States added as required to serve customers.
You just gotta love and respect Texas women.— A TRUE STORY FROM… “THE HOUSTON HERALD” HOUSTON, TEXAS– Last Thursday Night Around Midnight, A Woman From Houston, Texas Was Arrested, Jailed, And Charged With Manslaughter For Shooting A Man 6 Times In The Back As He Was Running Away With Her Purse. ~
The following Monday morning, the woman was called in front of the arraignment Judge, sworn-in, and asked to explain her actions.
The woman replied, “I was standing at the corner bus stop for about 15 minutes, waiting for the bus to take me home after work. I am a waitress at a local cafe. I was there alone, so I had my right hand on my pistol in my purse hanging on my left shoulder. All of a sudden I was spun around hard to my left. As I caught my balance, I saw a man running away with my purse. I looked down at my right hand and saw that my fingers were wrapped tightly around my pistol. The next thing I remember is saying out loud, “‘No Way Punk! You’re not stealing my pay check and tips.'”
“I raised my right hand, pointed my pistol at the man running away from me with my purse, and squeezed the trigger of my pistol 6 times!
When asked by the arraignment judge, “Why did you shoot the man 6 times?
The woman replied under oath, “Because, when I pulled the trigger the 7th time, it only went click.”
The woman was acquitted of all charges. She was back at work the next day!
A BLOWN BAGGER GOES FAST AS STINK— Take a look at a world class Bagger from fabricator Robbie Closson from CamTech Customs in Summerville SC. It’s built off a 2010 Harley Road Glide with a molded front end from a Hayabusa.
The engine is a built 124” motor using ThunderMax management system , Revolution Performance engine components with everything powder coated black with diamond cut treatment on the fins. When the fuse is lit the ProCharger whines and the modified D & D 2 into 1 exhaust sings one nasty tune.
To get your gases expelled and to increase your power where you need it most, off idle and in the passing zone, then hit the link to check out the lastest Bagger pipes from D&D Exhaust.

Robert Christopher was convicted of killing officer David Crowther during a drug raid in 1979, but he was released from prison after less than two years due to police misconduct in his case. He was among a group of bikers who stood near Gregoire on April 13 as she signed a bill prohibiting law enforcement from profiling motorcyclists for sporting club colors or logos.
She said she’s aware of grumblings from some law enforcement officials about Christopher’s presence, but said bill signings are open to the public and that’s how it should be. Attendees do not have to pass through metal detectors.
“Those folks who showed up last week, I didn’t know them; I’d never met them before; I didn’t know anything about their backgrounds. They came in here just like anybody else would,” she said. “I don’t screen people; it’s a free process here for people to come in and observe if they choose.”
Christopher shot Crowther on Dec. 12, 1979, when the plainclothes patrol officer entered the Outsiders motorcycle clubhouse on a drug raid. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison, but served less than two years after an internal police investigation revealed that officers lied to obtain a search warrant used in the raid and brought drugs with them to plant at the club.
Washington State Patrol officers at the Capitol campus in Olympia said they had no advance knowledge of anyone with potential criminal histories attending the bill signing. A patrol spokesman declined to discuss the governor’s security.
Under previous law, police cannot target people for arrest based on their race, appearance — or the fact that they ride a motorcycle. The bill Gregoire signed last week requires additional training and policies to prevent law enforcement from singling out motorcyclists.
The bill’s passage “is a huge victory that’s being minimalized,” Landsman said.
Rep. Steve Kirby, D-Tacoma, sponsored the bill in the House. He said several law enforcement groups had opposed the legislation, and he said news coverage of Christopher’s attendance was part of an anti-biker smear campaign.
MSF (Motorcycle Safety Foundation)
With soaring fuel prices, the industry expects record numbers (Estimate of 150,000+ new riders for 2011) of new people entering the motorcycle market who are looking for an affordable mode of transportation. Most of these new riders will be in the market for an entry level motorcycle. In May we will launch marketing campaign nationwide to “newbie” riders to incentivize them into buying an ATK Street Motorcycle. The campaign will be offering rebates to the students by way of a special $200 safety apparel credit, which would be made available on the purchase of any new ATK street model motorcycle. In essence we offset the students schooling fees with motorcycle safety apparel.
Former Harley Davidson Sales Manager Joins ATK
Mr. Jon Syverson recently joined ATK as an Executive Vice-President, Sales. Jon started with Harley-Davidson Motor Company, Inc. in 1976 and has held several key managerial positions throughout his career. Jon served as Manager, Worldwide Police and Fleet Sales from 1986-2006, which also included military sales, and several successful special project motorcycles. Notably, Jon was a key leader in the Buell start-up. Between the years 1976 and 1986 Jon served in Dealer Development and other key field and internal sales positions with Harley Davidson.
Electric ATK Motorcycle (I will get you some better info on this in a couple of weeks prior to being released to the public..
Bonneville Speed Week
We would like to participate in several racing classes at Bonneville in September. We have some industry sponsors who would like to participate with us. There are several racing classes that we could be competitive in and have some racers that could get some world records. We are also interested in a big announcement on the E-Bike project as noted above and the place to do this would be at Bonneville with the politicians attending….
Lungo Drom – New Orleans, LA to Rockingham, NC – June 19 to June 23, 2011– The Gypsies have a word, “Lungo Drom,” which translates into English as the “Long Road.” The Long Road being a synonym for life.
This year the 1,000 + mile ride will take the party through parts of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina. The average day will be about 250 miles with wildly interesting activities along the way. New Orleans, LA to Rockingham, NC – June 19 to June 23, 2011
Wednesday, June 22 – Ride 215 miles to Columbia, SC to stay at the Sesquicentennial State Park. We rented the entire campground, every space, so they have been able to allow us to have music and outdoor movies on a big inflatable screen. We will show Smoke Out and Long Road footage as well as “The Masters of Menace.” Nicky Boots might do the cooking but don’t let that scare you off. I hear he is an underground master chef.
Hit it to get all the details on the Long Road and Smoke Out Rally .

READER’S TRIUMPH RAT– this was my 1949 Triumph 6T rat that I built up in the UK, this sounded like rolling thunder as the reverse cone Megga was an empty box.
Oh Happy days, I use to ride this up to the Ace Café in London (100 miles each way ) and she never missed a beat but did cover the tail end rider who ever was behind me in a thin film of Oil J, I put it down to lubrication
GETTING READY FOR STURGIS– Some pics of the tank that might go to Sturgis.
— Mikey
South Africa
BIKERNET MEDICAL CENTER TAKES A LUNCH BREAK–Three Reasons to Eat Asparagus: A good source of vitamins K and C, potassium and folate, asparagus is a perennial with 20 edible varieties. A springtime favorite, it may help support heart health, healthy fluid balance and prevent birth defects. Asparagus is prized worldwide as a gourmet vegetable, yet it is easy to grow, fairly inexpensive to buy and simple to cook. Look for:
1. Green asparagus – the most common variety.
2. White asparagus – grown underground to inhibit its development of chlorophyll content, it has a more delicate flavor and texture.
3. Purple asparagus – smaller than the green or white varieties, it has a fruitier flavor. Purple asparagus also provides benefits from phytonutrients called anthocyanins that give it its distinctive hue.
When selecting asparagus, look for stems that are thin and firm, with closed tips that are deep green or purple in color. When preparing to eat, an easy way to determine where to cut the ends of asparagus stems is to hold one stalk and break it – wherever the break naturally occurs is your guideline for trimming the rest of the stalks.
DURING ILLEGAL RAID COPS WANT TO BLAME BIKERS FOR DEFENDING THEMSELVES– An April 13th bill signing ceremony in Olympia presented a strange scene. Governor Chris Gregoire was surrounded by a motley crew of leather-clad bikers. They were there to watch her sign into law a ban on police officers profiling motorcycle riders. It was a lighthearted affair.
But some police officers aren’t laughing. In fact, they’re furious. One of the bikers in the room that day killed a Portland cop 30 years ago. But the story gets even more complicated.
It would take a cop’s eyes to pick him out of the crowd. Robert “Pigpen” Christopher a longtime member of the Outsiders Motorcycle Club with chapters in Portland and Tacoma.
In 1979, Christopher shot and killed a Portland officer named David Crowther during a police raid. More than 31 years later there he is standing to the right of Governor Gregoire with a gray beard and wearing the uniform of the Outsiders club.
C.W. Jensen: “I think the Governor’s office made a mistake.”
C.W. Jensen is a retired Portland police captain. He was a young patrolman back then and knew Officer Crowther well.
C.W. Jensen: “To have it be one of your best friends, it was a devastating incident.”
But even Jensen readily admits there’s more to the story. The shooting in 1979 was not black-and-white Turns out, the raid that night on the Outsiders’ clubhouse was illegal.
In fact, it led to one of the most notorious police corruption scandals in Portland history. Robert Christopher was convicted of manslaughter but later sprung from prison because of the police misconduct. Today he’s a throat cancer survivor and still proud member of the Outsiders.
He invites me to the the Outsiders clubhouse in Tacoma to talk about that night more than 30 years ago and why he was at the governor’s bill signing. The place looks and feels like a biker bar – pool table, motorcycle memorabilia, beers in the fridge.
We sit on barstools. He tells me he had no idea who was busting through the door that night. Since his trial he’s maintained the police didn’t identify themselves.
Robert Christopher: “I told ’em ‘don’t come in here, I’ve got a gun, don’t come in here’ and all of sudden the door flew open and this guy filled up the doorway and pointed up his gun in essence to shoot me and I shoot and turned around then a lot of shots came through.”
Somehow Christopher wasn’t hit by the return fire.
Robert Christopher: “To this day I did what I believed was the right thing to do. It changed my life forever. It changed everybody’s life forever.”
Christopher says he attended the bill signing ceremony with Governor Gregoire as chairman of the Confederation of Clubs, a group of motorcycle organizations.
His case is legendary among Northwest bikers. He says this new Washington law is the culmination of a decades old tension between two brotherhoods: the police and motorcycle clubs.
Robert Christopher: “In ’79 and getting through that we learned a lot about law to help apply for up here where people were getting discriminated against, they were getting profiled.”
Christopher denies he was living a criminal biker lifestyle back then. Retired Portland police captain C.W. Jensen is skeptical.
He makes no excuse for the police corruption. But he believes the cops did announce themselves that night. To this day Jensen can still recall the address of the Outsiders clubhouse in Portland.
C.W. Jensen: “9014 North Lombard Street in St. Johns is etched in my mind and that’s because I went there a lot of times. And Mr. Christopher may be a model citizen now, but in my opinion he wasn’t then.”
A spokeswoman for Governor Gregoire says bill signings are open to the public and attendees are not pre-screened. Still in emails and chat rooms some police officers in Washington are calling her appearance with Christopher a slap in the face.
–Austin Jenkins’ Olympia, WA
Northwest News Network
–from Rogue
PRE-LAUGHLIN PLANNING–We’re getting ready for the run, but first we need to make the XS run to Riverside. Interesting times. We have new contributors, and old contributors coming back, including Doze. You’ll see his first piece tomorrow.
Thad is working on his FXR bike feature, and JIMS just shipped a new Evo breather gear to Bennett’s performance, so we can wrap up my engine and you’ll see another tech on the Mudflap girl FXRs.
I spoke to Joe from Vegas yesterday and he’s building an FXR. “I’m following the Mudflap girl lead,” Joe said. “I may call Spitfire, and have them build me a frame.”
I know I’ll come back from Laughlin with a fresh list of articles, and techs for Bikernet, and maybe a sizzling desert story. Ya never know.
Ride Forever,