
I called this news Promotional because you will see some self-promotional items mentioned, and I gotta be honest about them, goddammit.

We will promote our new 5-Ball Racing Bonneville Sponsorship effort for this year. We need to raise every dime we can get. We will also mention our new leather order. And I’ll ramble about Edge’s new Long Road Bedroll. It’s cool. If you order any of our products, you will receive a gift from me, a signed book and a new Bikernet Bandana.

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum. Most recently the Smoke Out and Quick Throttle Magazine came on board.

Talks between California and federal officials on vehicle emissions and fuel economy standards have broken down without a deal, three people familiar with the matter said.

The Environmental Protection Agency and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration had been meeting with California’s Air Resources Board in pursuit of a compromise as the federal agencies aim to finalize by late March or early April a replacement for Obama-era fuel efficiency regulations that automakers are seeking to modify.

The breakdown in talks adds to tension between Washington and Sacramento, which has emerged as a major antagonist to the Trump administration. California is leading a group of more than a dozen states in a lawsuit to block Trump from diverting funds from the federal budget to pay for his promised border wall, saying the move exceeds the power of his office.

No further discussions are scheduled over the critical auto industry rules, said the people, who asked to not be identified discussing the private talks. Representatives of the EPA didn’t respond to an emailed request seeking comment. NHTSA representatives didn’t immediately comment.

Earlier: California, EPA Trade Barbs on Fuel Efficiency as Deadline Looms

In a statement, CARB acknowledged the impasse and said federal officials ended communications about the rules late last year.

“The administration broke off communications before Christmas and never responded to our suggested areas of compromise — or offered any compromise proposal at all,” CARB spokesman Stanley Young said in an email. “We concluded at that point that they were never serious about negotiating, and their public comments about California since then seem to underscore that point.”

EPA Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler briefly meet with CARB Chairman Mary Nichols earlier this month when the two appeared at the BloombergNEF Summit San Francisco, and both made clear in public statements that they remained far apart on the rules.

In an interview with Bloomberg Television on Feb. 4, Wheeler dismissed a counter-offer by California to extend the timeline of the existing requirements because it would not lower vehicle prices and improve road safety enough, goals the Trump administration has used to justify its proposal.

August Proposal
The federal agencies released in August a proposal that recommended capping mileage requirements at a 37 miles per gallon fleet-average after 2020, instead of rising to about 47 mpg under rules adopted by the Obama administration. It also recommended revoking California’s cherished authority to set tailpipe greenhouse gas emissions standards for new autos.

The federal regulators are considering a final rule that would require marginal fuel efficiency improvements after 2020, rather than halting gains after 2020 as recommended in the August proposal, another person familiar with the matter said.

Automakers have urged the Trump administration to broker a compromise with California to maintain nationwide uniformity in fuel economy requirements. Roughly a dozen other U.S. states adhere to California’s vehicle emissions standards, a bloc that represents more than a third of U.S. auto sales.

— With assistance by Jennifer A Dlouhy, and Ari Natter

–Bloomberg news

THE DAV’S MISSION–Part of DAV’s mission is to be a voice for veterans — a voice advocating on Capitol Hill to improve the lives of all veterans. But to be a stronger voice, we need to hear from YOU — the dedicated veterans who make up this empowering community!

Our Mid-Winter Conference is next week, where we will discuss these and many other critical legislative issues affecting veterans. And with a new Congress in session, now is the time for us to unite and speak out about what’s most important to our nation’s disabled veterans and their families.


Please select the topic above that is most important to you and help us continue fighting to improve the lives of your fellow veterans.


–Douglas K. Wells
DAV National Membership Director

CHOWHALL OF THE WEEK– Pulled Pork Biscuit Sandwich!!

Make sure and subscribe to to see all of my upcoming videos!

This mouthwatering biscuit sandwich has, Pulled Pork with House BBQ sauce, Carr Valley Blue Cheese, House made Pickle and Slaw, with a side of seasoned Potato Wedges! It is awesome and only $10!!

They were sold out of my favorite, their Vanilla Cupcake, but I had their #1 selling pastry, The Sweet Potato Donut! It is comfort food x 1,000!!


 They are located in Madison, Wi. on Monroe street. Make sure and get there! They are also pet friendly! My Mom brought in her German Shepherd puppy! Bloom Bake Shop!


JIMS Engine Stand for Milwaukee-Eight Softail–Whether you’re doing an engine tear down or setting up your engine to display, JIMS® has got you covered.

JIMS® engine stands are made from .1875” (7 gauge) steel and powder coated JIMS® blue. For only $109 this stand (Part No.5834) is a must if you are going to be doing any powertrain work on your bike. For more information please contact us at (805) 482-6913, email us at, or visit

–Greg Thiessen
555 Dawson Drive,
Camarillo, CA 93012


Bill Burke’s “Super Shaker” Streamliner has been in the news a lot lately. After being restored and displayed at the Wally Parks NHRA Motorsports Museum, it’s going up for sale at Mecum’s Phoenix auction next month. They’ve created a short, five-minute film about Jerry “Weeks” Baker’s restoration of the car that’s really quite well done, with a lot of interesting history packed into the five-minute runtime.

The pint-sized racer is based around a fiberglass body and tube chassis cradling a Harley-Davidson Knucklehead, bored and stroked to 90cid by noted engine builder C.B. Clausen. It debuted at Bonneville in 1959, gunning for the 136.90mph F/Streamliner record. With Burke at the wheel it turned 151.38mph, but mechanical problems prevented a back-up run to clinch the record.

After appearing in several magazines, including covers of Hot Rod (January ’60) and Rod & Custom (August ’60), the Streamliner changed hands a few times before being bought and restored by Rodder’s Journal reader Jerry Baker. An extraordinary number of original components have remained with the car all these years, right down to the Harley Servi-Car wheels and Goodyear tires. You can click here to learn more about the car and the auction, which takes place March 14th-17th (with the Super Shaker crossing the block on Saturday).

Your Friends at The Rodder’s Journal

P.S. 25th Anniversary Packages Up for Grabs!

You can still get one of our limited edition 25th Anniversary sets—which include the sought after TRJ 25th tag topper, stitched cloth banner and much more. Order yours here.

FROM THE MRF, RIDING FREE FROM DC–Your Weekly Biker Bulletin from Inside the Beltway.

Capitol Hill Update–Ethanol Education

Last week four members of Congress, two Republicans and two Democrats introduced H.R. 1025 a bill that would require the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to revise labeling requirements for fuel pumps that dispense E15.

This bill is a simple step taken by Members of Congress to address the dangers and damage that E15 is causing to engines. The MRF believes that at the very least consumers should understand what they are putting into their vehicles.

This is another example of the MRF working with like-minded groups, with common interests to impact legislation. As you can imagine motorcycles are not the only engines impacted by ethanol. The MRF will continue to support this legislation just as we did during the last Congress.

You may remember that we reported to you last summer the we participated in a joint briefing on Capitol Hill to raise awareness of the issues ethanol can cause, not just in our motorcycle motors but in other small motors.

We will continue to partner with the Marine Retailers Association, National Maine Manufacturers Association, Specialty Equipment Market Association, Briggs & Stratton, American Sportfishing Association, Boat US, Outdoor Power Equipment Institute, American Highway Users Alliance and the snowmobile industry in hopes of raising awareness about the impact of ethanol on engines.

On Wisconsin!

This week, Steve Panten and Mike Halvorson of ABATE Wisconsin came to D.C. and met with the entire Wisconsin Congressional Delegation. Over the course of two days, Steve and Mike met with the offices of both their US Senators and the 8 congressional offices that represent the state. They had a private meeting with Senator Ron Johnson who they thanked for his leadership on the anti-profiling resolution that passed the Senate last year and managed to get a picture with him in front of the Wisconsin State flag.

With the departure of Speaker Paul Ryan, Mike and Steve made it a point to visit the only new member of the Wisconsin delegation, Congressman Bryan Steil. Congressman Steil replaced Speaker Ryan and now represents the 1st district of Wisconsin covering the southeast portion of Wisconsin.

Mike is a constituent of Congressman Steil, and the Congressman instantly recognized him from an earlier town hall meeting that Mike had attended. As we were leaving the office, Congressman Steil’s staff asked, “When are we going to get the Congressman on a bike?”

As Woody Allen famously said, “80% of life is showing up.” Whether it be attending town halls, meetings with staff in the district or coming to Washington, being engaged with your lawmakers is critical for the success of the motorcycle community. Thanks to Mike and Steve for taking the time to come to D.C. and be seen!

Politics and Elections–The Shutdown Vote

Over the last three months, there has been a ton of talk about appropriations bills, funding levels, continuing resolutions, deadlines, a minibus and government shutdowns. We thought a refresher on the process and what some of those terms mean might be helpful.

The federal government is funded each year by twelve separate appropriations bills. These bills group together different government departments and agencies and ideally the twelve bills are passed separately and signed by the President before September 30th, which is the end of the government’s fiscal year.

If Congress fails to pass these bills, the agencies and departments have no funds to operate and thus “the government is shut down.”

Because Congress rarely meets the September 30th deadline, they normally pass something called a Continuing Resolution or CR for short. A CR continues to fund the departments and agencies at the levels they were funded in the previous fiscal year. A CR basically provides Congress more time to get the bills passed.

In 2018 Congress passed five of the twelve appropriations bills they were required to. Congress then passed a CR which funded the remaining seven bills until December 22, 2018. After December 22, any department or agency that had their funding in one of the seven unpassed appropriations bills had no funds to operate and was thus closed.

Between December 22, 2018 and January 25, 2019, Congress failed to pass either a CR or any of the seven appropriations bills, creating a partial government shutdown. Partial, because only those parts of the government which received their funding in one of the seven unpassed bills were closed.

On January 25th the President and Congress agreed to pass a CR. This CR allocated funds for the seven unpassed appropriations bills through February 15th effectively reopening the government. This gave Congress roughly three weeks to reach a deal and pass what is called a consolidated appropriations bill or a “minibus.” A minibus is one bill that has numerous appropriations bills included in it. Instead of voting on the seven outstanding appropriations bills separately, they are all thrown into one big bill, and one vote is taken. In this case, it resulted in a single vote on a bill that was over 1,000 pages long.

This week negotiations between the Senate and House produced a compromise “minibus” that both chambers passed, and the President signed, thus fully funding the government until September 30, 2019.

Your MRF Crew,

–Rocky & Tiffany

Enter YOUR MOTORCYCLE — in Southern Colorado’s ONLY indoor MC show for 2019 and compete for a cool trophy or one of these HANDMADE BELT BUCKLES!

To enter your Motorcycle or Street Rod,
visit: or call 719-487-8005

YOUR ARIZONA RIGHTS ALERT–RTS Action Alert – Upcoming Committee Hearings

The following bills are scheduled for committee hearings in the coming week. Please sign into your Request to Speak (RTS) accounts and register your recommendation for these bills to pass out of committee.

HM2002 is scheduled for a hearing in the House Transportation Committee on Wednesday, February 20 at 2p. This is the motorcycle profiling memorial encouraging law enforcement and the motorcycle community to have a dialogue on how to eliminate the profiling of motorcyclists in Arizona. Passage of this memorial will bring motorcycle profiling to forefront of discussion with law enforcement and not allow the denial of incidents happening.

HB2019 – highway safety fee; repeal; VLT is the House version of SB1001 with the full repeal of the $32 vehicle fee.

HB2165 – distracted driving; reckless driving is the most stringent distracted driving bill introduced this session. This will include distracted driving under the reckless driving statute.

Your RTS “vote” supporting these bills must be entered before the scheduled hearing.

To voice your support for these bills, visit the AZ Legislature Applications page, sign into your account, click on the big blue “Request to Speak” icon then click on the “New Request” menu item on the left side of the page.

A new window will open up. In the “Search Phrase” line, enter only the bill number (e.g., 1023, 1292, 2005) and click on the blue “Search” button. Your search results will appear below the “Search” button.

Click on the blue “Add Request” button on the right side of your search results to bring up your voting page. We ask you to click on the “For” (thumbs up) button for these bills. Unless you plan on attending and testifying at the hearing, always answer “No” to the “Do you wish to speak?” question.

If you cannot find any of these bills using the “New Request” option, it usually means that the committee is revising the agenda. Rather than wait for the bill to reappear at a later date, we recommend using the “My Bill Positions” option on the RTS menu where you can select and “vote” on any bill regardless of its status.

In addition to the above bills, we also encourage you to use RTS to vote against HB2504 and HB2694 which are scheduled for a House Transportation Committee hearing on Wednesday, February 20 as well.
HB2504 would allow the ADOT director to set the vehicle valuation fee and we saw how that was done with the $32 fee.
Also, HB2694 would essentially eliminate the ability for the Patriot Guard Riders to continue their mission of providing free escorts for our military and first responders.

RTS is the preferred way to express your opinion to committee members about legislation. All committee members see your “vote.” Expressing your position via RTS carries more weight than an email. If you do not have an RTS account, please do not try to create one online. If you are an ABATE member and would like assistance in creating a new RTS account, or activating one that was mistakenly created online, let us know by replying to this message and asking for our help.

Committee hearings will be a priority in the coming week. The deadline for bills to be heard in committees in their originating chamber (House or Senate) is Friday, February 22. As important bills are scheduled for committee hearings, we will notify you via these alerts.

Freedom is a team sport!


See it here:

This 2016 Harley-Davidson FLHXS Street Glide Special is is a state of the art motorcycle. It takes the hot-rod bagger formula a little further, with a Gloss Black inner fairing, Reflex™ Linked Brakes with ABS.

The Boom! Box 6.5 GT infotainment system and CVO™ model style hand-adjustable lowered rear suspension as standard equipment. Powered by the High Output Twin Cam 103™ engine and featuring a Batwing fairing with Splitstream vent to reduce rider head buffeting.

The Street Glide Special is truly loaded bagger. It won’t last at this price, so call us at (714) 490-0155 today!

QUICK, OPEN THE BANDIT’S CANTINA BAD JOKE LIBRARY, THE POLITICAL DIVISION–Here is a little test that will help you decide if you’re a Democrat, a Republican or a Redneck…

You’re walking down a deserted street with your wife and two small children. Suddenly, an Islamic terrorist with a huge knife comes around the corner, locks eyes with you, screams obscenities, praises Allah, raises the knife, and charges at you.

You are carrying a Glock cal 40, and you are an expert shot. You have mere seconds before he reaches you and your family.

What do you do?

Democrat’s Answer:

Well, that’s not enough information to answer the question!

Does the man look poor! Or oppressed?

Have I ever done anything to him that would inspire him to attack?

Could we run away?

What does my wife think? What about the kids?

Could I possibly swing the gun like a club and knock the knife out of his hand?

What does the law say about this situation?

Does the Glock have appropriate safety built into it?

Why am I carrying a loaded gun anyway, and what kind of message does this send to society and to my children?

Is it possible he’d be happy with just killing me?

Does he definitely want to kill me, or would he be content just to wound me?

If I were to grab his knees and hold on , could my family get away while he was stabbing me?

Should I call 9-1-1 ?

Why is this street so deserted?

We need to raise taxes, have a paint and weed day and make this a happier, healthier street that would discourage such behavior.
This is all so confusing!

I need to discuss with some friends over a latte and try to come to a consensus.

Republican’s Answer:


Redneck’s Answer:

(sounds of reloading)


Daughter: ‘Nice grouping, Daddy! Were those the Winchester Silver Tips or Hollow Points?’

Son: ‘You got him, Pop! Can I shoot the next one?’

Wife: ‘You are not taking that to the taxidermist !

–Sam Burns
Somewhere in Texas

[page break]

VINTAGE MOTORCYCLE ROAD TOURS–The ultimate motorcycle trip: raw, intense, trying. Dust, rain or scorching sun. Dirty hair flying in the wind, an uneven tan, an expression of intense determination in the eyes… But wait, who decided adventure had to be messy? Trust us when we say you don’t have to push yourself to the limit to enjoy a memorable riding experience.

That’s exactly why we came up with a bespoke offer for those who like to travel the relaxing way: the Luxury Tour. Open to riders of all levels, our crafted itineraries keep the average driving to a maximum of 3-4 hours a day, leaving you plenty of time between rides to discover and indulge. We also chose the most charming accommodations, to make sure you always end the day on a comfortable, refined note.

Our Luxury Tours are the go-to for those who crave a stunning ride and an opportunity to slow down.

Changes in pillion prices apply to all tours starting from 1st June 2019.

Sri Lanka
Luxury Tour in Sri Lanka

Pilot price: €4,050
Pillion price: €3,060

All Sri Lanka motorcycle tours

Luxury Tour in Uttarakhand

Pilot price: €3,890
Pillion price: €3,080

All Himalaya
motorcycle tours

Madhya Pradesh
Luxury Tour in Madhya Pradesh

Pilot price: €3,490
Pillion price: €2,770

All India
motorcycle tours

–Vintage Rides
(By appointment only)
Grand Tour Coworking
30 rue des Trois Bornes
75011 PARIS

NASTY NEWS–Florida ranked 2nd most sinful state in the US

TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) – Floridians just can’t behave themselves.

The Sunshine State was ranked as the second most sinful state in the U.S., according to a new report from the personal finance website WalletHub.

Wallethub compared the 50 states across 43 key indicators of immorality, such as excessive drinking, gambling addiction and violent crimes per capita. Then the states were ranked on seven sinful behaviors: anger and hatred, jealousy, excesses and vices, greed, lust, vanity and laziness, the website said in a news release.

Florida is the No. 1 most jealous state, but there aren’t as many hotheads as you might expect–the state was ranked No 25 for anger and hatred.

Florida finished No. 4 in both the lust and vanity rankings.

Nevada was the most sinful state. California is No. 3, followed by Texas.

“[T[he cost of state sins is something we have to share as a nation. Gambling alone costs the U.S. about $5 billion per year. That’s nothing compared to the amount of money we lose from smoking, though – over $300 billion per year. Harmful behavior on the individual level can add up to staggering economic costs on a national scale,” Wallethub added.

By: WFLA 8 On Your Side Staff

–from Rogue
Senior Significant Editor™


We are making amazing progress on the Salt Torpedo. We now have a solid team and will be up on three wheels this week, with what appears to be the first Streamlined Trike.

We need to raise enough money to make the run to Bonneville, pay for registration, hotels, beer and a trailer to haul our creation to Wendover, Nevada/Utah.

This year we are kicking our Sponsorship program into gear.

1st Gear: For just $100, you will become a first Gear sponsor and be a part of our entire effort to become the World’s Fastest Trike.

2nd Gear: For $500, We will send you a 5-Ball Racing T-shirt and bling, and your name or company name will become a part of our liner effort on all our signage.

3rd Gear: For $1,000, your company logo will glow on the side of the liner. Your logo will be featured in all of our articles and signage.

4th Gear: For $5000 you become a secondary title sponsor with sizeable logo on the liner and major placement on all signage, plus we will toss in an ad contract on our blog and Bikernet.

5th or High Gear: This is our title Sponsor for $25,000. Now were flying with a Title Sponsor’s logo on the liner forever and all signage and logos will include the Salt Torpedo sponsored by your company name. You will receive a leader board advertising contract on Bikernet, and the Bikernet Blog for an entire year and your logo will be right alongside of the Salt Torpedo logo on all the signage. Hang on, we’re moving fast.

Send your checks to, or stop by the shop:
5-Ball Inc.
200 Broad Ave.
Wilmington, CA 90744

Or reach out to me:
Keith R. Ball

Our Current Sponsors Include:

Jim’s Machine

Hot Rod Underground



Strictly Hawgs

MetalSport Wheels

Custom Cycle Engineering



Bassini Exhausts

Twin Power

Lucky Devil Metal Works



SPLINTERED ROAD—The Screenplay. I just finished my first draft of this puppy and sent a copy to the Writer’s Guild of America for registration. Who knows. Here’s a couple of lines. I don’t know how the hell they got into the news.


Sooner or later I’ll post it in Bandit’s Cantina under books so you can read it. Maybe someday someone will make a movie out of it. It’s all about a brother coming back from WWI and trying to find freedom and fun in the middle of bad blood and control freaks.


‘GREEN NEW DEAL’ SEEKS TO OUTLAW GAS-POWERED VEHICLES AND GASSY COWS–In very broad strokes, the Green New Deal legislation laid out by Congressional Democrats sets goals for some drastic measures to cut carbon emissions across the economy, from electricity generation to transportation to agriculture.

The nonbinding resolution calls for “10-year national mobilizations” toward accomplishing a series of objectives that the legislation lays out. Among the most prominent, the deal calls for “meeting 100 percent of the power demand in the United States through clean, renewable, and zero-emission energy sources.” The ultimate goal is to eliminate fossil fuels, shifting away from oil, coal and nuclear power, in favor of eco-friendly energy such as wind and solar power.

The Green New Deal calls for “replacing non-essential individual means of transport with high-quality and modern mass transit,” which is a flowery way of calling for a ban on gas-powered passenger cars, trucks and motorcycles, as well as airplanes.

According to the legislation, within the decade;
– Achieve a net-zero carbon economy with 100% clean renewable energy
– Eliminate internal combustion engines and expand electric car manufacturing
– Overhaul transportation systems and make air travel obsolete by expanding high-speed rail
– Retrofit all existing buildings for energy efficiency
– Work with farmers “to eliminate pollution and greenhouse gas emissions” such as cow farts
– “Economic security” for all, including higher education, jobs, wages, housing and health care

In short, the legislative framework combines climate-change-related ideas with a “dream” list of progressive economic proposals that would affect every American and overhaul the U.S. economy, all at an initial estimated cost of up to $6.6 trillion a year over the decade.

Importantly, the bill, introduced on Feb 7 by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), is a nonbinding resolution, so even if it were to pass it wouldn’t itself create any new programs but would instead establish a lofty set of ideals the House should pursue in the coming years.

Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish,
National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)

See Bill’s complete report in Bikernet’s Biker Rights Department right now. Interesting shit.–Bandit


 5-BALL RACING JACKETS AND LEATHER SHIRTS—A new shipment is about to arrive. And the weather calls for leathers. Check out our entire line. Each order will receive a signed book and bling. Read about the fight for Freedom and the Sam “Chopper” Orwell brothers’ fight.


We are proud to announce the exciting news that WRN founder, Genevieve Schmitt, has been presented with the 2019 American Motorcyclists Association (AMA) Bessie Stringfield Award! This award was created in memory of AMA Motorcycle Hall of Famer, Bessie Stringfield, and is presented annually to an individual who has been instrumental in br bringing emerging markets into the world of motorcycling.

We can’t think of anyone who deserves this recognition more than Genevieve, who has not only been promoting the sport since 1988 in print, television, and on the web, but who has been influencing women and those who make decisions in motorcycling with her editorials, interviews, presentations, and videos. She began Woman Rider magazine in 2001, and when the publisher folded the mag in 2006, Genevieve, knowing there was a huge, viable market that was being ignored, created

Thank you Genevieve!

–WRN Staff

Congratulations Genevieve! No one worked as hard as you did for Women Riders.—Bandit


Two nationally-recognized powerhouse dealerships based in Columbus, Ohio have joined forces as Ricart Automotive assumes majority ownership of A.D. Farrow Co. Harley-Davidson’s three Columbus franchises.

“I have known and admired the Ricart organization all my life,” says A.D. Farrow dealer principal Bob Althoff. “The family has been Harley-Davidson riders for years, and I couldn’t imagine better stewards of this legacy business in the decades to come,” adds Althoff, who has led A.D. Farrow for the last 17 years. “Their passion for motorcycles and the people who ride them convinced me that they will dominate the Harley-Davidson Dealer ranks as they have the Ford ranks.”

“We’re beyond thrilled to be growing the Ricart brand with A.D. Farrow Co. Harley Davidson. Harley is one of the oldest and strongest brands in our country, and the Ricart family has been avid Harley Davidson riders for years,” said Rick Ricart, President of Ricart Automotive Group. “We’re excited to get to know the A.D. Farrow employees and their families and to take on the next chapter of this historic brand.”

Harley’s plans to diversify its product line by developing more electric scooters, bikes and vehicles to meet the new demands of an urban customer. Together Ricart Automotive and A.D. Farrow Co. Harley-Davidson will grow their services, further expanding into the lifestyle electric vehicle ownership market as well as the traditional Harley-Davidson products.

Althoff also retains Dealernews and will continue to manage the dealerships. This is Ricart’s first expansion away from the Ricart Automotive Mega Mall in Columbus, Ohio in 10 years.


CLASSIC OF THE WEEK–This is the last of Honda’s 305 models, which began with the dry-sump CA76 in 1959, moving on to the wet-sump CA77 Dream in 1960, then the CB77 Super Hawk in ’61, and finally, the model we are dealing with here, the CL77 Scrambler. Nobody seems to know where the 77 came from.

–Rider Magazine

My brother had one of these during the Vietnam era. What a classic.–Bandit

Toll lanes are expected along I-270 and I-495, but will they solve congestion woes?

Almost everyone in the DMV area has gone through the frustration of dealing with traffic along 270 and the Beltway in Maryland.

And now the state is considering an option that would provide drivers some relief — toll roads.


Dan Bromley & Shayna Texter To Compete On Red Bull KTM Factory Team

Looks like KTM will be serving up some #OrangeCrush when American Flat Track kicks off this season. Both #1 plate holder Dan Bromley and Shayna Texter #52 will be racing for the Red Bull KTM Factory Racing Team.

Bromley, the 2018 AFT Singles Champion, looks to defend his first title in the Singles class. Last season he notched four wins and 13 podium finishes en route to his championship. “I am extremely excited to be joining the Red Bull KTM Factory Team. After having a support effort last year, I look forward to having the full-factory backing in 2019. Teaming up with Shayna, I feel that the team will be a force to be reckoned with and I look forward to continuing my momentum from the 2018 season.”

Texter, who also hails from Pennsylvania, finished third overall in AFT Singles in 2018 with three race-wins and eight podium appearances. Texter began her professional racing career in 2008 and since then she has earned 15-career AFT Singles wins, the most of any other rider in the class. In 2011, Texter became the first female to win an American Flat Track National Main Event and she continues to pave the way for women in racing.

“I’m really excited to have the opportunity with the Red Bull KTM Factory Racing Team,” says the veteran racer. “I learned so much this past season running my own program, but it’s a dream to be joining a team with a winning culture that is always READY TO RACE.”

“I am looking forward to another step in my career and the learning experience of being Team Manager,” says former racer-turned team manager, Chris Fillmore. “Both riders have incredible potential and we can’t wait to get the season underway. Building a new team and program from the ground up is not short of challenges, so I would like to personally thank the KTM Motorsports team, Dan and Shayna, as well as our team partners Red Bull, Roofsystems, Motorex, WP, Akrapovic, Renthal, Dubya, Hinson, HBD MotoGrafx, MotoMaster, Acerbis, Twin Air, Alpinestars, Red Torpedo, KTM Powerparts, KTM Powerwear and Wings for Life.”

The 2019 American Flat Track Championship kicks off on March 14, 2019 in Daytona Beach, Florida. For more information on the American Flat Track Championship, please visit their website

DIRECT FROM THE WHITE HOUSE–A national emergency in plain sight

Five days ago, President Donald J. Trump signed a Homeland Security appropriations bill that earned a number of important legislative victories for our country. At the same time, he used his legal authority as President to take executive action to address the immediate national security and humanitarian crisis at our Southern Border.

“It’s very simple: We want to stop drugs from coming into our country. We want to stop criminals and gangs from coming into our country,” the President said Friday from the White House Rose Garden. “We don’t control our own border.”

The crisis is real. Pretending it doesn’t exist is an insult to those who face its consequences every day. “January saw a surprising surge of 22,000 more apprehensions of illegal immigrants at southwest border crossings over January 2018, prompting a key predictor to suggest that border officers will make over 600,000 apprehensions this year,” Paul Bedard reports for the Washington Examiner.

Politicians and the media should listen to our experts in law enforcement. The lack of physical infrastructure at our southern border is continuously being exploited for illegal purposes, U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials explain. To their point, take a look at a string of recent arrests along our border:
103 illegal aliens from Central America detained Monday morning

Two sex offenders arrested in separate weekend incidents

Multiple criminal aliens arrested over the holiday weekend, including some with warrants and convictions for sexual assault, kidnapping, and murder

A convicted rapist caught in El Centro, California

A previously deported MS-13 gang member recently apprehended

Nearly $1 million of drugs seized in the Rio Grande Valley

Behind the numbers are real stories of suffering. When America can’t vet who crosses its border, our citizens, including legal immigrants, suffer. On Friday, one such “angel mom”—a legal immigrant whose only son was killed by someone here illegally—told CNN’s Jim Acosta something that every American should agree with: “We need to protect this country.”

Her son’s death was preventable. Our leaders had the power to stop it, and they chose not to. For years, Washington put political convenience over real national security.

If that isn’t a crisis, nothing is.

President Trump is keeping his promise to secure America’s border.

 [page break]

GOVERNMENT RELATIONS--Senate Passes Key Public Lands Package

Last week, the U.S. Senate passed the Natural Resources Management Act (S.47), a bipartisan public lands package important to powersports, and the MIC Government Relations Office and its industry partners will now work with their champions in the House of Representatives to bring this legislation across the finish line.

“This measure is a good step toward investing in recreation access and infrastructure, helping the growing outdoor recreation sector provide high-quality jobs, while supporting rural communities and conserving our treasured places for future generations,” said MIC Chair Paul Vitrano, also senior assistant general counsel at Polaris Industries. “S.47 takes great strides in protecting our public lands and waters, which suffered greatly during the recent government shutdown, and delivers needed reforms to really improve visitor experiences. We need to see this through.”


US Supreme Court Overturns Land Rover Seizure As Excessive–
High court decision delivers a severe blow to the law enforcement practice of taking away automobiles from individuals suspected of minor crimes.

Tyson Timbs
The US Supreme Court on Wednesday delivered a unanimous blow to state law enforcement agencies that generate millions in revenue from the seizure of automobiles. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg authored the decision that found the seizure of a white 2012 Land Rover LR2, worth $41,558, from Tyson Timbs over a minor drug charge was excessive under the federal constitution.

In 2013, Timbs was at a low point in his life. His father had died, and the proceeds of a life insurance policy allowed him to buy the SUV. While suffering from a work-related injury, he became addicted to opioids — a habit that quickly escalated to heroin. As soon as the insurance money ran out, Timbs turned to selling small amounts of the drug to feed his addiction. He was caught selling $225 in heroin to undercover officers.

Timbs admitted his guilt to an Indiana judge and promised to turn his life around. He was sentenced him to one year of home arrest, five years of probation and $1203 in fines and fees. The state then moved to permanently confiscate the Land Rover under drug forfeiture laws. The maximum penalty under the law for the offenses Timbs committed was $10,000, but the SUV was worth four times that.

Timbs insisted that taking his Land Rover was excessive. The Bill of Rights bars the imposition of “excessive fines,” but until now the courts have not applied this protection to the states.

“For good reason, the protection against excessive fines has been a constant shield throughout Anglo-American history: Exorbitant tolls undermine other constitutional liberties,” Justice Ginsburg wrote for the court. “Excessive fines can be used, for example, to retaliate against or chill the speech of political enemies.”

Indiana prosecutors did not want to give up the $3.7 million in annual revenue from impounding cars and other property from suspects, so they argued the clause did not apply, particularly since grabbing the Land Rover from Timbs was “not excessive.” The court was not persuaded, and it pointed to the state’s clear financial motivation.

“Perhaps because they are politically easier to impose than generally applicable taxes, state and local governments nationwide increasingly depend heavily on fines and fees as a source of general revenue,” Justice Ginsburg wrote, citing the brief from the American Civil Liberties Union.

Article Excerpt:
Excerpt from the concurring opinion of Justice Clarence Thomas

The prohibition on excessive fines remained fundamental at the time of the Fourteenth Amendment. In 1868, 35 of 37 state constitutions “expressly prohibited excessive fines.” Nonetheless, as the Court notes, abuses of fines continued, especially through the Black Codes adopted in several States. The “centerpiece” of the Codes was their “attempt to stabilize the black workforce and limit its economic options apart from plantation labor.”

Under the Codes, “the state would enforce labor agreements and plantation discipline, punish those who refused to contract, and prevent whites from competing among themselves for black workers.” The Codes also included “‘antienticement’ measures punishing anyone offering higher wages to an employee already under contract.”

The 39th Congress focused on these abuses during its debates over the Fourteenth Amendment, the Civil Rights Act of 1866, and the Freedmen’s Bureau Act. During those well-publicized debates, Members of Congress consistently highlighted and lamented the “severe penalties” inflicted by the Black Codes and similar measures, (Sen. Trumbull 1866), suggesting that the prohibition on excessive fines was understood to be a basic right of citizenship.

For example, under Mississippi law, adult “freedmen, free negroes and mulattoes” “without lawful employment” faced $50 in fines and 10 days’ imprisonment for vagrancy. Those convicted had five days to pay or they would be arrested and leased to “any person who will, for the shortest period of service, pay said fine and forfeiture and all costs.”

Members of Congress criticized such laws “for selling [black] men into slavery in punishment of crimes of the slightest magnitude.” (Rep. Cook, 1866) (“It is idle to say these men will be protected by the States”).

Similar examples abound.
As a constitutionally enumerated right understood to be a privilege of American citizenship, the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition on excessive fines applies in full to the States.
Source: PDF File Timbs v. Indiana (US Supreme Court, 2/20/2019)


BRAND NEW FROM S&S–The iconic S&S Cycle Teardrop air cleaner gets a Stealth makeover

Born in 1975 and arguably the most recognized big twin air cleaner on the planet, the classic S&S Cycle Teardrop looks as much at home on a knuckle as it does on a 2019 Bagger and S&S just made it even better. They are easy to install, easy to clean and in most cases CARB approved Stealth Air Cleaner has long been a staple for high performance induction (up to 6 hp gain on the M8!), the one thing it was missing was the full size teardrop cover (several exposed filter styles and a mini version of the teardrop are still available for the Stealth) .

The Folks at S&S have rectified that by mating their best air cleaner platform with their most popular air cleaner cover, creating the Stealth Teardrop. A tribute to the classic lines of the teardrop that look so right on the side of a bike combined with the high-tech and high-flow Stealth back plate/air filter brings the best of both worlds together.

CARB approved and available for all 1999-2019 Harley Davidson® big twin models and an easy install as well. Cover only kits also available for all existing S&S Stealth systems

Ton of demand for the classic teardrop for M8 powered bikes, made more sense for us to use our Stealth high flow intake platform and make the teardrop a cover (like mini and carbon fiber teardrop, Air 1 and the Muscle covers). Let me know if you need samples for an install piece.

–David Zemla
VP – Marketing
S&S® Cycle, Inc.

Harley-Davidson Makes Learning to Ride Easier Than Ever with Limited Time Promotion–

Turn “Someday I’ll ride a motorcycle,” into “Today” with the latest offer from Harley-Davidson Riding Academy. Available for a limited time, Harley-Davidson is offering customers the opportunity to learn to ride from the experts for 50% off the published price of a Harley-Davidson Riding Academy New Rider Course in their area with promo code RIDE50. Redeemable throughout the calendar year, if your resolution is to ride this year, this is an excellent opportunity to begin your motorcycling journey.

The Harley-Davidson® Riding Academy New Rider Course is designed to get you comfortable on a bike and give you the skills you need to ride with confidence. Offered at select H-D® dealers, the New Rider Course provides you with expert guidance from H-D certified coaches.

Supporting Harley-Davidson’s long-term goal to build the next generation of riders globally, Riding Academy is an engaging and accessible component for new riders to learn the fundamentals of riding and inspire their two-wheeled (or three-wheeled) journey ahead.

RIDE50 offer valid on enrollments that occur between from February 15 and March 3, 2019 and can be applied to any H-D Riding Academy New Rider Courses that take place by December 31, 2019 at: Act fast, offer is limited to the first 10,000 customers.

To find available courses contact a local dealer or search for classes online at


[fawr-skawr, fohr-skohr]

four times twenty; eighty.

Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
— President Abraham Lincoln, “The Gettysburg Address,” November 19, 1873


Americans will recognize the phrase “Fourscore and seven years ago” from the Gettysburg Address (whether they will know what a score of years amounts to is another question). Most Americans will recognize the line from Psalm 90, “The days of our years are threescore years and ten” and will probably guess 70.

The noun score comes from Old English scoru “a tally of 20,” from Old Norse skoru “a notch, scratch, tally of 20.” Score is one of the developments from the very complicated Proto-Indo-European root sker-, ker- “to cut.” In Latin the suffixed form ker-sna appears in cena “dinner,” literally “a slice.” Old Latin also has the form cesnas; Oscan (an Italic language spoken in southern Italy) has the very conservative form kersnu “dinner.”

Sker-, ker- in Germanic (English) appears in shear “to cut” and shears “scissors,” shard, shirt (from Old English scyrte), and skirt (from Old Norse skyrta). Fourscore entered English at the end of the 13th century.

THE LEGACY OF HAL ROBINSON IS STILL ALIVE IN THE 5-BALL GARAGE—We still have a few T-shirts and limited edition prints left. It’s been an epic journey to help out the family of Hal Robinson with this effort.

I will have a complete set framed on the walls of the Bikernet Headquarters very soon.


NATIONAL POWERSPORT AUCTIONS (NPA) CONTINUES TO EXPAND–National Powersport Auctions (NPA) continues to expand with a second California location set to go live in Sacramento.

With the Golden State’s GDP surpassing the United Kingdom as the fifth largest economy in the world and having the highest motorcycle sales in the nation, it is no surprise NPA is stepping things up in Sac-Town!

“With nearly 1.5 million motorcycles in use in the state, there are more powersports vehicle transactions in California than anywhere in North America, so there was a real need to bring our 7th facility online,” says NPA COO Jim Woodruff. “The Sacramento area is also an ideal gateway to the Pacific Northwest for NPA clients and dealers.”

Given the size of the state and the volume of anticipated business, the new Sacramento operation occupies a 38,000 sq. ft. facility conveniently located near Interstate highways for improved efficiency. “Our transportation and logistics team will now be able to get units from Sacramento to as far north as the Canadian border much more efficiently,” adds Woodruff.

Whether it is getting your inventory to auction or having units transported back to your dealership. NPA has its own trucks and partners with its transportation affiliates throughout the United States to simplify the auction transportation process from beginning to end.

“We are here to better serve both buying and selling dealers throughout the entire region,” adds NPA VP of Operations Jeff Kinney. “This location has been a long time coming. We are extremely excited to share our dealer services and add this location for our customers.”

Consignments are being taken now and the first auction is set for March 14, 2019 at the Sacramento facility.


8687 Weyand Ave, Building C,

Sacramento, CA 95828


QUOTE OF THE DAY-“If you want to change the world, pick up your pen and write.”

–Martin Luther

‘CLIMATE SECURITY’ PANEL MAY GIVE WHITE HOUSE SKEPTICS NEW VOICE–The White House is considering establishing a presidential committee to assess the consensus of scientists and the Pentagon that climate change poses a national security threat, according to a person familiar with the plan.

The move, being spearheaded by William Happer, a physicist and National Security Council senior director who has touted the benefits of carbon dioxide emissions, could give climate skeptics a platform to push back against conclusions reached by Pentagon and other agencies within Trump’s own administration that climate change is a major national security threat.

The proposed Presidential Committee on Climate Security has yet to receive sign off by the White House and the panel will be the subject of a deputy-level meeting on Friday, according to the person who requested anonymity to discuss non-public deliberations.

Representatives of the National Security Council did not immediately comment.

The idea drew swift condemnation from climate activists.

“The science and facts on climate change are well-established and do not need a administration-influenced review by an NSC headed panel,” said Ron Keys, a retired U.S. Air Force general and senior member of the advisory board at the Center for Climate and Security, a nonpartisan Washington think tank. “What we do need are practical and pragmatic policy choices today to fix the problem.”

According to a National Security Council discussion paper obtained by the Washington Post, which reported earlier on the proposed committee, the panel would “advise the president on scientific understanding of today’s climate, how the climate might change in the future under natural and human influences, and how a changing climate could affect the security of the United States.”

“It’s a great idea, spearheaded by a great guy,” said Steve Milloy, a policy adviser for the Heartland Institute, a group critical of climate science. “Sounds like the dishonest/know-nothing climate bedwetters in the national security apparatus — as well as those across the federal government — are about to get schooled in CO2 reality.”

The effort to upend the military approach to climate change comes as some conservatives grow disappointed the Trump administration is not moving more aggressively to eliminate or undercut a swath of domestic climate policies enacted under former President Barack Obama.

–Global Warming Policy Forum

LONG ROAD BEDROLL ARRIVED AT THE 5-BALL GARAGE--Editor’s Note: The Long Road Bedroll was conceived and designed by the Commander of the annual SmokeOut, the most rowdy event on the planet. I have ridden the Long Road to the SmokeOut several times with Edge, the mastermind. I know about the grassy knolls, the rained on fields and the shared motel rooms. Edge experienced them all for 20 years straight, so when he decided to create this product, he had good reasons. Here’s his story.–Bandit

Hotels continue to raise rates… often over $ 200 a night (sometimes over $300) during bike rallies and events. About six years ago, four of us just started booking one double room with two guys sleeping on the floor. I didn’t realize this would turn into a quest for the perfect bedroll but it did.

I tried a variety of wool blankets, army poncho liners, tech blankets and quilts. I feel a little bit like Goldilocks saying this, but nothing was “just right.”

Usually, the idea is to produce something as light and warm as possible, but that concept wasn’t working for me. I sleep much better when I have a cover that has some weight to it, but I don’t want to sweat like a pig in a 68-degree hotel room.

All the synthetic materials I tried are slick and they seem to slide all over. Wool blankets or Mexican blankets look cool on the handlebars until you hit the first rainstorm. I looked at some “waxed cotton” lined with a wool blanket but they were always too short for me and insanely expensive. Nothing was “quite right.”

This bedroll is right and it’s American made. The quality is top shelf. On one side is an extremely rugged tan, Sunforger 12.5-ounce marine grade canvas and the other is a soft but durable flannel. The dimensions are 52”x 82”… so it is wide enough to cover a fat guy and long enough for a tall guy.

I wanted the extra length because I tuck some under my feet when I sleep. Every detail is on point including a seam to allow you to fold it into thirds easily and then roll it up. It straps to the handle bars nicely as an 18” long roll with less than a 5” diameter.

It absolutely has that look that would have received approval from John Wayne and Steve McQueen, but even better… it’s has a ton of uses.

Fold in once more and you can lay your tools out while doing some shade tree maintenance to your bike (or a road side repair). Throw it over your head and enjoy watching a thunderstorm or throw it over a wet chair in the morning as you relax with a morning cup of coffee. It’s great for a picnic lunch (of broken glass, Jack Daniels and hard salami). Guy’s like Bandit can grab a cute redhead and head out to a quiet spot in the woods.

Dimensions unrolled: 52” x 82”
Dimensions rolled: 18” long with a diameter of under 5”
Made in America
Cost: $ 110

Purpose: This bedroll exists because I wanted it for my own personal use and I couldn’t find any bedroll that met my requirements.

Bedroll Strap:

These are ¾” straps, 20 ½” long, made with a thick, rich Havana brown harness leather with solid brass buckles. Heirloom-quality, fine, old world craftsmanship from Bad&G Leather.

So… the sales price for the Rally Bedroll is $ 110
The straps are $ 23 a set. And you can order them right here in the 5-Ball Racing Garage.

LET’S PARTY—That’s what I keep telling the government. We should be dancing in the streets.

We will be working on the Salt Torpedo again tomorrow. Michael Lichter shot Eric Bennett’s badass Shovelhead and I am working with Chris Callen of Cycle Source to get it featured. It deserves to sparkle on his pages. Great bike!

Hopefully, after it hits the pages, we can feature it on Bikernet. Next week we will bring you the final Chapter on Mike Pullin’s Shovelhead restoration with a few slight modifications.

And another Salt Torpedo report is coming your way, as soon as I finish a chapter for Cycle Source Magazine.

Hang on for more action.

In the meantime, Ride Free Forever.


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