
I want to tell you the ultimate formula for success. It’s all about working with you’re group and helping out whenever possible. It’s not about power or profits.

I’ll give you a for-instance. Harley represents freedom to so many of us, but they haven’t always followed the code. They restricted their dealers and tried on numerous occasions to eliminate the aftermarket.

Now, that we’re facing tough times and ridiculous regulations, they start a freedom campaign. I’m not trying pound on Harley. I’m excited to see how they will handle these efforts and if they honor the Code of the West. Being true is the ultimate goal. 

We may have one last shot with this administration. In the ‘60s we questioned authority and sought freedom. This may be our last shot or we’ll be forced underground, sort of like I wrote in my 1999 book, “Sam ‘Chopper’ Orwell.

I’ve always said chopper riders and custom builders are the last mechanical bastion of Freedom in the United States. Let’s keep it alive and continue to reach out and help everyone on two wheels.

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown and, Sturgis Museum.

THE WISCONSIN BRAKE LIGHT CONTROVERSY– I got a call last week from a rider in Wisconsin who was pulled over for a brake light violation. The State Patrol deputy said his modulating brake light was illegal. After some discussion, he let the biker off with a warning.

I researched the law in Wisconsin, and talked to several biker friends to find out if any of them heard about enforcement of the brake light law. It turns out, Wisconsin allows the modulating brake light or a deceleration warning light on motorcycles, but only if center mounted and emitting an amber color. Most systems I’ve seen incorporate the brake lights, which are red.

So, although seldom enforced and not a huge problem, current brake light warning systems are in conflict with the statute language. The language itself is in conflict with another state statute, which says the only color allowed to be seen from the rear of a vehicle is red, yet the brake light statute calls for center-mounted amber lights. After some checking, it appears there is a lot of misunderstanding and confusion among many of the states that allow brake light modulating or deceleration warning systems.

I’ve asked my ABATE chapter to look into this problem and seek some legislative relief. Tennessee seems to have found a remedy in that it allows an exception for red warning systems on motorcycles. The link below is the article I wrote to explain this all. Feel free to share it with your readers on Bikernet.

Tony “Pan” Sanfelipo
Hupy and Abraham, S.C.


The tragedy in Las Vegas is extremely upsetting and we pray for everyone the tragedy has affected.

I think we can all agree that in this world of individuals who do not value life, we have to stand strong and make a statement that this type of incident will not force us to cower or hinder us.

Las Vegas BikeFest is on schedule and we do not anticipate any changes. As many of you know, the event site is Downtown Las Vegas, 8 miles from where the events unfolded last night, and as always we are working with the Las Vegas Police Department to protect our event.

We urge everyone to continue their travel plans and know that our event staff, security staff and each of us are always vigilant in observing the surrounding areas.

We look forward to seeing you at Las Vegas BikeFest. If you have any questions, please give us a call at 866-BIKEFEST (245-3337) or 702-450-7662.



LETTER FROM A HORSE READER—I was told that I would receive issue 171 back in August.  It is now Oct still have not seen issue 171?  Has is been on newsstands?  The last issue I received is April 17? 
 I have been a subscriber for at least 20 years!  This will be the 4th time I have contacted you concerning this. Each time I have been told something different??  If this cannot be corrected, refund what is owed to me on my subscription! This is ridiculous!
—Mike Pullin
We took over the subscriptions because the fulfillment company was making too many errors.  Issue 171 will be the last issue the subscribers will receive.  We will no longer be doing subscriptions.  You can go under the subscription link on our website and fill out the form for the refund.  We will process them accordingly.  You will still be able to purchase the magazine through our website or at book stores.  Thanks for your sub.

–Charlie Horse

EIGHT Really Bad Laws That Went Into Effect Today– From cellphone tracking in Connecticut to gummy bear bans in Colorado and bitcoin surveillance in Japan

Every year, thousands of new laws go into effect across the country on October 1. States use the start of the fiscal year to begin enforcing these laws. A sobering number of these laws will turn out to be bad.

Federal agencies and even some foreign countries revel in imposing all new manner of unnecessary authority. On this day, for example, the United Arab Emirates started levying a 100 percent excise tax on products like tobacco and energy drinks and 50 percent for soda today.

There are much worse laws than that. Here are eight of the worst going into effect today around the country and around the world!

Touching your phone in Oregon

From this day forward, Oregon drivers are prohibited from touching their cellphones while operating their vehicles, except to make a single swipe intended to turn a phone off. While lawmakers passed the prohibition to make it easier for cops to enforce cellphone while driving laws, the “single swipe” exception is sure to muddy that.

The law will apply to cellphones, tablets, and GPS devices, but not for police officers, of course.

“You don’t want to hurt anybody else just to answer a simple text,” Officer Jeremy Shaw told KOBI 5.

Gummy bear-ijuana ban in Colorado

As of today, gummy bears, chocolate bunnies, and other playfully-shaped marijuana edibles are banned in Colorado, where recreational marijuana has been legal since 2014.

Despite a steep drop in teenage marijuana use after legalization, the state Assembly continues to harbor misguided idea that it needs to ban adult products to protect children.

There is no evidence children hunger for marijuana edibles—nevertheless the new law is specific and wide-ranging in its ban on “edible marijuana-infused products in the shape of a human, animal or fruit… including shapes that resemble or contain characteristics of a realistic or fictional human, animal, or fruit, including artistic, caricature, or cartoon renderings.”

You’ll still be able to purchase plain-looking edibles, the law clarifying that edibles in “geometric shapes and simply fruit flavored are not considered fruit and are permissible.”

Cellphone tracking in Connecticut

Among the 140 laws going into effect in Connecticut today is one that aims to regulate cellphone tracking by police agencies. Unfortunately, the law gives cops too much discretion to use the cell site simulator devices that make phone tracking possible.

Specifically, the law permits police to use such devices for 48 hours without a court order during “exigent circumstances” (despite it not taking nearly that long to obtain a warrant even in an “exigent” circumstance) and for two weeks under an “ex parte court order,” which means police don’t have to notify anyone about the tracking.

Legislators also brought in use of cell site simulators to intercept communications under the state’s wiretap laws, allowing prosecutors to ask a three-judge panel to issue ex parte wiretap orders for them.

Enhanced sentencing for crimes against first responders:

In Nevada, enhanced penalties kick in today for hate crimes committed against first responders, including police and firefighters, because they are first responders. Criminals convicted of such crimes can face between 1 and 20 years in prison on top of the sentence for the crime. The enhancement, at least, can’t exceed the length of the original sentence.

Critics of hate crime laws have been warning since the 1990s that hate crimes, which rely on the speech of a suspect for proof, would end up being used by those in power to punish speech offensive to them. Last year, Louisiana became the first state to make killing a cop a hate crime. Momentum, meanwhile, is growing for a federal version of such a “blue lives matter” law.

Fracking ban in Maryland:

After a two year moratorium, Maryland this year passed a complete ban on fracking, which goes into effect today. The law is not based on sound science but on rank fearmongering.

A 2015 study from Yale found that fracking does not contaminate drinking water, a popular bugaboo for fracking opponents. The Obama Environmental Protection Agency also found fracking had a negligible effect on drinking water.
Other lies about fracking have also helped to motivate opposition to fracking—fracking does not make it possible to light your drinking water on fire.

Fracking fluid can’t seep into groundwater and poison your tap, Fracking doesn’t increase air pollution. It doesn’t cause cancer. And the natural gas freed by fracking is decidedly better than coal.

Unfortunately, Maryland is the latest but unlikely the last place where hysteria has won out over science.

Continuing education for cosmetologists

The Maryland General Assembly should take a collective bow for making it twice on this list. A new law in effect today gives the State Board of Cosmetologists (yes, there is such a thing for the people who do make-up professionally) the authority to require most cosmetologists to complete continuing education classes to renew their licenses.

At least 33 states and the District of Columbia require cosmetologists to be licensed, often requiring more than 1,000 hours of training to qualify. Maryland requires 1,500 hours or a two-year apprenticeship, which requires a license of its own.

Remove your electronics and prepare for pat-down:

Starting today, the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) will require all passengers going through security screening to remove any electronics larger than a cellphone from their bags and place them in separate bins.

Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly announced the new regulations in June, prompted by reports that terrorists were now capable of hiding bombs in large electronics.

Finally, our wait is over.
A four-month delay in implementation seems excessive if the threat was as dire as the DHS suggested. On the other hand, four months of passengers getting through security checkpoints without taking out their electronics without incident suggests the threat might be less dire than DHS suggested.

Most of what the TSA does at airports is kabuki security theater. The agency has wasted billions of dollars, while perfecting the fine art of harassing travelers.

Bitcoin surveillance
Japan legalized cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin in April, and today all cryptocurrency exchanges must be registered with the country’s Financial Services Agency (FSA).
The agency will monitor the exchanges’ internal system and, according to the Japan Times, conduct on-site inspections as necessary. In preparation, the FSA assembled a 30-person “surveillance team” to oversee the exchanges.

Japan is separately considering a plan to create its own digital currency to completely eliminate cash, and the anonymity that comes with it, by 2020.

–Ed Krayewski

Ed Krayewski is an associate editor at

–from Rogue

Lisa did an excellent job on Chapter 25.
Further Adventures of the Borderland Biker will be forthcoming on Bikernet.

Just google (How to meditate by Dr. Andrew Weil) and you’ll find a series of youtube videos on diet and meditation. He calls it a ‘path’ to Wellness.



Vanderkooi Joins the 2017 American Flat Track Champion Jared Mees, Wrecking Crew Rider Bryan Smith & Privateer Johnny Lewis Aboard the Scout FTR750

Heading into the American Flat Track Finals, Indian Motorcycle Racing today announced Twins rider Jarod Vanderkooi will race Brad Baker’s backup Indian Scout FTR750. The half-mile race in Perris, Calif. will be Vanderkooi’s first time running the Scout FTR750 this season.

“Jared, Bryan and Brad have dominated for Indian Motorcycle all season,” said Vanderkooi. “As we head into the last race, I was approached with an opportunity to run the Scout FTR750, and after getting approval from RMR and our sponsors I couldn’t pass up the opportunity. I wanted to experience the Scout FTR750 for myself.”

Vanderkooi will join Johnny Lewis, who will again run a stock Indian Scout FTR750. Lewis ran the off-the-showroom-floor race bike at the Lone Star Half-Mile on September 23, where he reached the podium for the first time all season.

After more than 60 years away from professional flat track racing, Indian Motorcycle, backed by Allstate Insurance, secured the 2017 American Flat Track Manufacturer’s Championship. Additionally, Wrecking Crew rider Jared Mees secured his fourth career national championship after a first-place finish at the Williams Grove Half-Mile on September 9.

Aboard the Scout FTR750, the Indian Wrecking Crew has combined for 36 of the season’s 51 total podiums, including six sweeps. Mees has nine victories on the season with a total of 362 points. Fellow Wrecking Crew Riders, Bryan Smith (290 points) and Brad Baker (247 points) rank second and third place in the season’s standing.

For more information on Indian Motorcycle Racing and the Indian Wrecking Crew, visit and follow along on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.

BOOK REVIEW OF THE WEEK– World Run (motorcycle fiction by K. Randall Ball)

The story picks up shortly after the previous story ends (Harbor Town Seduction). Even though this tale can stand on its own I would recommend reading Harbor Town Seduction first as it sets up this book nicely.

World Run finds our hero, Chance Hogan, down and out in the women department only to fall in lust and subsequently in love with a local Asian beauty. This love affair propels Chance into an adventure where he has to count on old friends and new to sort out the cause for events which lead him on a wild journey around the world.

Again, KRB no doubt has drawn on his own experiences to help this story flow by providing vivid descriptions that puts the reader right there in the different ports of call.

I would highly recommend these two Books, Harbor Town Seduction and World Tour to anyone who wants to get lost in a good story for a few hours.


A Missouri convicted murderer whose lawsuit forced the state prison system on Monday to announce a ban on tobacco will seek a transfer out of state because of threats from angry inmates, his lawyer said.

Ecclesiastical Washington, who is serving a life sentence for strangling and suffocating two women in the 1980s, recently argued in court that secondhand smoke was harmful to his health and asked a federal judge to force a policy change.

After the court last week prohibited the sale, use and possession of tobacco after April 1, 2018, under a settlement agreement, the Missouri Department of Corrections on Monday said it was sending memos to alert 32,000 inmates to the change.

“Tobacco will become contraband,” prisons spokeswoman Karen Pojmann said.

Michael Foster, Washington’s lawyer, said threats from inmates who are losing the opportunity to smoke had already forced Washington to move to another prison. Foster said on Monday they would seek to move Washington out of state.

“We’re worried about what might happen to him,” Foster said.

Washington’s years-long legal fight centered around his complaints that as an inmate at the Crossroads Correctional Center, in Cameron, he shared cells with heavy smokers despite having asthma.

Smoking was already prohibited inside the state’s 21 adult correctional facilities but allowed in outdoor areas and available for purchase at prison commissaries, Pojmann said. Foster argued at a trial last year that inmates were often found smoking indoors amid lax enforcement.

“He was sentenced to life in jail, not life in jail with constant exposure to secondhand smoke,” Foster said.

Foster said the ban on tobacco would not benefit just his client but could also save the state money in health-care costs.

After U.S. District Judge Nanette Laughrey ordered the state to ban tobacco products late last week as part of an agreement, prison officials said Monday that inmates would be offered smoking cessation classes and counseling. Smoking areas will be provided for staff and visitors outside the perimeter.

Smoke-free policies nationwide in prisons were rare in the 1980s, but by 2007 almost 87 percent prohibited smoking indoors, a 2015 government-funded study found. Tobacco is banned in federal prisons.

“Missouri is among the last states to do this,” Pojmann said.

Washington was sentenced to death in 1989 under his former name of Willie Simmons for the 1987 murders of Leonora McClendon and Cheri Johnson, the Kansas City Star reported.

(Reporting by Chris Kenning; Editing by Leslie Adler) MSN.COM

–from Rogue

V-TWIN EXPO BY EASYRIDERS CANCELED– This letter is to regretfully inform you that the 2018 V-Twin Expo in Cincinnati is being cancelled, due to factors beyond our control that ultimately impact the overall event quality. As you know, the V-Twin Expo has played an important role in the v-twin industry since 2000.

I’m proud to say the V-Twin Expo delivered a world-class trade show year after year and helped reignite the industry’s only v-twin focused trade show. We apologize for any inconvenience, and hope that you will see our decision positively and support it.

I want to take this time to thank you for your on-going support over the years, and I look forward to seeing you again at the next v-twin industry event. If you have any questions regarding this cancellation notice, please email,

–Jim Betlach
Vice President
Easyriders Events

With a first edition in February 2000 in Cincinnati, the V-Twin Expo by Easyriders was an annual trade show dedicated and reserved to all professionals of the V-Twin industry. Held at the Duke Energy Center, vendors showed their new aftermarket parts and accessories to journalists, distributors and motorcycle dealers while many seminars were held on the topics of the day.

When the big economic recession hit in 2008 the V-Twin trade show and all other motorcycle trade shows, including the Advanstar general show (out of business last year) and the AIM show in Orlando began to struggle. With each year less vendors participated and less dealers visited (there were significantly fewer dealers). The major Advanstar show moved to Chicago then died. The new AIM show shifted locations and the parent company sold out to the MIC.

Manufacturers tight marketing budgets, expensive exhibitor booths, significant travel expenses and cheap competition from internet letting vendors announce and explain their new products all year long, accelerated the demise of the all trade show efforts.

Since April, owner of Paisano, Joe Teresi has sought a buyer of all the Group assets, Easyriders and Tattoo magazines and Easyriders outdoor events. In The Wind, Road Iron and Wrench mags were recently shut down and Easyriders is currently 9-times a year with Tattoo quarterly. Times are rapidly changing. But there’s a bright star looming ahead. Hang on for more reports.

[page break]


thim-buh l-rig]
 a sleight-of-hand swindling game in which the operator palms a pellet or pea while appearing to cover it with one of three thimblelike cups, and then, moving the cups about, offers to bet that no one can tell under which cup the pellet or pea lies.


1. to cheat by or as by the thimblerig.


Many different kinds of games were the sucker’s ruin–monte, chuck-a-luck, vingt-et-un, keno, roulette, euchre, craps, loo, banco, thimblerig, and a dozen others …

— Richard Erdoes, “Bucking the Tiger,” Legends and Tales of the American West, 1991

The venerable swindle thimblerig is nowadays called the shell game (an Americanism dating from about 1890), in which walnut shells or small cups are used for the classic thimbles. The -rig of thimblerig is from the archaic noun rig “swindle, fraud.” The verb sense of rig is alive and well in the U.S. in the meaning “manipulate fraudulently” (for example, the price of precious metals). Thimblerig entered English in the early 19th century.

PANHEAD DEALS OF THE WEEK— Beautiful 1955 Panhead complete with sidecar and very low production numbers.

Original paint historic 1958 Panhead with an amazing story behind it and the literature behind it. Both of these bikes come from a serious industry collection.

If serious, reach out to Rick Krost at U.S. Choppers. 1-949-394-8609

I passed a garden and there were hundreds of flowers from a single flowering plant. I wondered if the flowers competed to show themself or seek sunlight or attract honeybees and butterflies.

Then a passer-by plucked the pretty flower most visibly showcased on the tree. I asked my teacher if this is unfair. Why only the rich get robbed? Why only the poor suffer misery? The teacher spoke thus, “Lose your worries. Enjoy the pleasant sun.”

–Ujjwal Dey
The most exclusive
Bikernet Indian Guru


If you’re looking for the ultimate beach day, this could be it. Roland Sands is set to realize a long-held dream with the Moto Beach Classic. The one-day festival of music, surfing, racing, and artwork with multiple big-name sponsors will present a smorgasbord of aural and visual euphoria.

The Roland Sands Moto Beach Classic will take place October 14 at Bolsa Chica State Beach in Huntington Beach, California. Roland Sands Design and Sea Legs Live, a concert venue directly on the beach, are the primary partners for the musical entertainment. The menu serves up reggae with Black Uhuru and Wargirl in the day time followed by punk rock in the evening with Lit and Unwritten Law.

And then we get to racing. How about motorcycle drag racing, five classes of Super Hooligan and Hooligan flat track racing? BMW Mottorad is sponsoring a day full of one-eighth mile motorcycle drag racing on a paved track parallel with the beach and adjacent to the flat track race track. Indian Motorcycle and Roland Sands Design are building a 110-foot by 300-foot track for sideways flat track racing just for the day. Just to put a capper on the motor racing, the Beach Classic will include mini bike racing on an asphalt course, too.

Surfers are featured in the day’s events right up with motorcycles and music. Non-pro surfers representing Board Riders Clubs will hold the West Coast Board Riders competition at Bolsa Chica. To complement the traditional surfing competition, Fast Surfboards will run surf drags for homemade surfboards that are “part floating artwork and part wave-dragster.”

For an artistic expression that is not racing around tracks, down a strip, or over waves, Iron and Air Magazine is sponsoring the Architects of Inspiration Art Collective and Bike Show. The collective will create surf and motor culture-inspired installations. In addition to everything to see and do, the Moto Beach Classic will feature food, drink, and a “Vendor Village.”

If you’re interested in going to the Moto Beach Classic, tickets are available now for festival admission, flat track pit pass, VIP lounge, and a VIP top deck. Tickets range from $29 to enter the festival and see and partake in all the fun.

–By Bruce Brown

QUICK, OPEN THE BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY– Two drunks are walking along. One drunk says to the other, “What a beautiful night, look at the moon.”

The other drunk stops and looks at his drunk friend. “You’re wrong, that’s not the moon, that’s the sun.”

They began to argue when they come upon another drunk. They asked, “Sir, could you please help settle our argument? Tell us what that thing is up in the sky that’s shining. Is it the moon or the sun?”

The third drunk looked at the sky and said, “Sorry, I don’t live around here.”

–from Rogue and Ed

SAMSON SUPER-SALE, 35% Off All Products–
No Discount Code Required

The time is now! Samson Exhaust has announced a 35% price drop on all products.

No exclusions apply! Simply purchase online or call us direct to redeem your discount.

–Samson Exhaust
Pipe Dreams Magazine
1151 Industry Road
Sturgis, SD 57785

Phone: (605) 720-7676
Fax: (605) 720-7643

Sorry for dropping off the face of the earth there. I suffered a severe dog bite to my left hand back at the beginning of July that required extensive reconstructive nerve and muscle surgery. It’s been a rough summer after a month of complete immobility,

I’ve been working hard at physical therapy to get my movement, feeling and strength back. Thankfully my progress has better than my surgeon thought possible, and while I’m still not 100-percent, I’ve started cautiously turning some wrenches again.

That said, I’m in a spot where I can finish up the 5-BALL Racing pin-up design if you like. I’m getting ready to start on a totally new project bike, based a tracker/café Buell conversion frame I’ve been working with Redneck Engineering on for a couple years now. They’re just a couple of days from shipping the chassis my way and I’m getting ready to strip my donor Buell down to the bones. I’ll keep you posted as it comes together.

–Justin @ Two-Bit Choppers

Of course we’re going to move ahead on our 5-Ball Pin-up derby cover. Can’t wait. I asked him if he killed the dog. –Bandit

NEWS FROM LE PERAS SEATS– It’s as simple as black and white!

Iconic North Hollywood, California based seat specialist LePera says that every one of its seats can be made in the popular black and white combination – including the 2-inch set back ‘Daddy Long Legs’ version for taller riders.

Seen here is their Outcast GT, and like all LePera seats, it has 45 years of hand-craftsmanship invested into every detail and features a powder-coated steel base plate, a specially poured high-density “Marathon” molded foam foundation and double-stitched handcrafted cover with bonded polyester thread for durability.


–from AMD

Biker’s Choice adds big TBR choice

Tucker Rocky/Biker’s Choice has been appointed the exclusive domestic USA distributor of the Californian designed and made Two Brothers Racing exhaust line for Harley-Davidson models.

Two Brothers Racing has been in the performance exhaust manufacturing business for over 30 years, with fitments for most popular makes and models of sportbikes to V-twin cruisers with fitments for V-twins such as their dyno-tuned 2-into-1 Comp-S exhaust with swept-up muffler for enhanced ground clearance.

An AMD ‘Hot 100’ winning product when they were first released in 2014, they feature race-inspired, stainless steel headers that “shave pounds off the competition to ensure a long lasting, weather resistant, amazing sounding exhaust.”

Additional TBR V-twin designs include their race bred, classically styled 2-into-1 Gen-II exhaust featuring a 100% stainless steel classic reverse megaphone, welded end caps and a Two Brothers exclusive spiral wound stainless steel perforated inner core for a new look and Old School sound.

TBR’s Dual Shorty slip-ons, which are about 10 lbs. lighter than stock and feature a “unique, exciting design for Dyna and Sportster models with an aggressive sound and hand TIG-welding, this slip-on is a quick and easy stock head pipe install that replaces the OEM muffler.”

TBR Comp-S slip-ons are another dyno-tuned performance design for stock head pipe fitment that has been hand TIG-welded providing economical top end horsepower improvements; TBR dual slip-ons give a “straight back style with a sleek appearance while delivering low end horsepower improvements and an incredible sound.”

Their FL Touring headers accept the stock O2 sensor and heat shields, “making it a true dual set-up with a hidden crossover. Finally, TBR V-Stack intakes feature CNC-machined aluminum construction with lightweight, durable components and an internal breather to eliminate oil leakage.”

As this edition of AMD Magazine went to press, TBR had announced that it believed it was first to market with OE replacement mufflers for the 2018 Softails.

–from AMD

BADLANDS CAN bus eliminator–

The Badlands CAN bus eliminator with built-in load equalizer gives running and brake light function to turn signals and maintains turn signal function.

They are available in Illuminator hard wire and plug ‘n’ play versions for selected ‘11-‘17 Softail, ‘12-‘17 Dyna, XL, Touring and ‘14-‘17 models.

NAMZ CAN bus controller for custom handlebar switches

Starting from 2011, handlebar switches became CAN bus controlled. This effectively means you cannot use any ‘old fashioned’ custom switches on models equipped with CAN bus switch technology. This CAN bus controller takes care of that. The module is installed between the wiring of the bike and allows you to use any type of custom switches. Available for selected ‘14-‘17 models.


“There comes a day when you realize turning the page is the best feeling in the world, because you realize there is so much more to the book than the page you were stuck on.”

– Zayn Malik

–from BobbyStark

ZTechnik Cockpit Winglets for BMW R1200GS LC (2013-2016)– Our ZTechnik Fairing Winglets are a replacement for the OEM cockpit fairings on the 2013-2016 R1200GS (standard) models. The winglets greatly extend the coverage of the OEM deflectors, reducing turbulence in the rider’s cockpit for a quieter and more comfortable ride.

The winglets are made from 4.5mm thick polycarbonate for the ultimate in strength and impact resistance. Then they are Quantum® hardcoated for unbeatable scratch resistance and many years of use.

Each winglet uses sturdy three-point mounting on the OEM attachment points with the bike’s original hardware. Installation is quite simple. This is an easy way to increase the effectiveness of your OEM or ZTechnik Windscreen.

WILD 1/Chubby’s Billet risers and narrow Apes–

Recent new products from Huntington Beach, California based Wild 1/Chubby’s include these new Wild 1 brand, 12” tall, thick, straight billet aluminum risers with 1” clamping section.

Machined out of the highest quality 6061-T6 aircraft aluminum, these risers are available in a show chrome, military grade anodized black or raw finish for Dyna, Sportster and Softail.

Also seen here is a new OutlawZ narrow apehanger with Chubby style that is said to “combine bad ass style with maximum comfort as they are 33.5” wide with a 9.5” center and a perfect 22° wrist angle.”

OutlawZ Apes range in size from 10-16” and come in a show chrome, satin black powdercoat or raw finish. Like all Chubbys, they are drilled for internal wiring and made with the same heavy duty double wall 1.25” diameter tubing construction as all Chubby bars.

“We take special care in the manufacturing process to make sure the inside corners are smooth, so the electrical doesn’t get hung up during installation,” said Nate Schultz, VP at Wild 1/Chubbys. OutlawZ apehangers are designed to fit most H-D models (except FLHX and FLHT/C/U/K models).


–from AMD

No. 5818 Fuel Tank Wall Mount

When your fuel tank is removed from your bike, it can create storage issues. A tank left on a work bench or otherwise exposed can typically create a disaster by being knocked to the floor or damaged on the bench.

The concept of our fuel tank storage was brought to us by Kevin Baxter at Pro Twin Performance.

Our FuelTank Wall Mount’s base is to be mounted to a stud in a wall or other suitable mounting surface, where your fuel tank can be easily and safely mounted out of harms way. Being priced at $130.00, the hanger justifies its value by knowing the cost of a damaged tank can be significantly more.

Additionally, fuel tanks can be displayed for show and “wall art” purposes. For more information contact us at or visit

–Greg Thiessen
Marketing Representative

555 Dawson Drive,
Camarillo, CA 93012
Ph: 805-482-6913

[page break]

When the American Flat Track Series final hits the Budweiser Arena track at Perris Auto Speedway during the Southern California Fair on October 7th, fans will be able to see a lot of legends. Not only the legends of today like Jared Mees, Bryan Smith, Brad Baker, Sammy Halbert and Briar Bauman, but a bevy of past flat track heroes from days gone by being brought in by Ascot Motorsports.

As has been previously announced, Sammy Tanner, the winner of the first AMA Grand National race at Ascot, and Oklahoma’s Ronnie Jones, who won the last AMA Grand National at the Gardena track in 1990, are co-Grand Marshals for the event. Through the hard work of Ascot Motorsports head man Chris Agajanian, 24 legends will be on hand to sign autographs, pose for photos and talk with fans.

The list of legends who will be appearing at the Southern California race follows.

Gene Romero #3

Dennis Kanegae #5X

CH Wheat #6x

Eddie Mulder #12

Bobby Sirkegian #12x

Ralph White #15

Ronnie Jones #16

Chris Cannon #17r

Sonny Nutter #19

Keith Mashburn #19

Everett Brashear #25

Don Emde #25

Rob Morrison #25

Jim Berry #39

John Wincewicz #50

Tom Horton #55

Dallas Baker #58

Jody Nicholas #58

Sammy Tanner #59

Eddie Wirth #77

Bryon Farnsworth #79X

Tom White #80

Danny Perkins #89

John Hateley #98

“This is more great news for the fans who are coming to this historical race,” Southern California Fair CEO Carl Wuersch said. “Not only will they get to watch the best riders in the nation on the track, but they will be able to meet many legends of days gone by.

Chris Agajanian has assembled a great group of racing heroes and it is a bonus for the fans who will be attending. They will be signing autographs, posing for photos and telling stories from their days in racing. How much fun will that be? And, Chris will have his popular Ascot Motorsports merchandise for sale as well. Every race you go to nowadays, you see people wearing the shirts or caps from Ascot Motorsports.”

The riders will be gathered around the Ascot Motorsports trailer for the meet and greet with the fans and they will be signing a special “Hero Card” Ascot is providing for free. During the show, they will be introduced to the crowd.

Legendary Sammy Tanner taking a checkered flag at Ascot in 1959.
Photo courtesy of Ascot Motorsports.

The race will honor the late Skip Van Leeuwen and will be a salute to Ascot. Popular Sonny Nutter, who raced against Van Leeuwen at Ascot, will don Van Leeuwen’s old leathers and go for a couple of memorial laps on the famous Riverside County half-mile clay oval.

The race will be the 18th and final round of the 2017 AFT Championship series. Starting at Daytona in March, the series will have made appearances in 13 different states by the time it reaches the So Cal Fair and Event Center in October.

However, it will be the first time since 1990 that it has appeared on a race track other than a horse racing facility in Southern California that is modeled after the legendary Ascot Park raceway.

Fans can get a sneak peek at the exciting action they will see next week at the fair by watching previous rounds on the NBCSN on Thursday.

Tickets for the race, which will feature the best flat track racers from across North America and which could well decide the AFT 2017 championships, are on sale now. Ascot throwback ticket prices are only $20.00 for reserved seats which includes a $10.00 ticket to the Southern California Fair.

Fans are urged to purchase reserved seats as soon as possible as they will sell out! There will be plenty of general admission tickets available for everyone in advance and on race day. General admission tickets are just $5.00 and require the purchase of a $10.00 fair admission. Fans can order tickets for the historic race 24-hours a day by clicking on the following link or by pasting it into their browser: .

On race day, gates at the track will open at 11:00 AM and open practice will begin around 1:00 PM. Qualifying will be at 5:00 and the first race will roll off the line at 7:00.

Before and after the race, fans will be able to enjoy a day and night at the Southern California Fair that will include carnival rides, great fair food, livestock, midway games, music, displays and more.

To keep up with the daily happenings of the SoCal Fair and Event Center and the AFT, fans can use the following social media links.



S&S cams for Touring models with M-8 engines
S&S bolt-in cams for Touring models with M-8 engines are compatible with all stock valve train components and can “improve power and peace of mind,” according to Motorcycle Storehouse. The S&S 465 cam is available in chain drive and gear drive versions. Both provide a substantial increase in performance. The gear drive 465G and the stock spec gear drive 350G cam provides improved valve timing accuracy and reliability by eliminating the cam drive chain and tensioner.

The camshaft and gear kit seen here includes camshaft, drive gear and driven gear on camshaft, all required bearings, O-rings and hardware. The 350G bolt-in stock grind for 107″ M-8 engines eliminates the stock chain drive; the 465G bolt-in also increases torque and horsepower.

The 465C M-8 bolt-in chain driven camshaft kit also boosts torque and horsepower; this includes all required bearings, O-rings and hardware.
Available for chain or gear drive camshafts, the cam drive installation support kit can be used when changing cams – it includes camshaft cover gasket, O-rings and an inner bearing.

S&S Quickee pushrods for 2017 Touring models
Motorcycle Storehouse say S&S Quickee pushrods for 2017 Touring models with M-8 engines “make cam changes a snap”!

By using a bolt cutter to cut the stock pushrods out of the engine, the money saved in labor by not having to disassemble rocker covers and coolant lines to remove them more than makes up for the cost of the Quickees – effectively making for a minimal cost an upgrade to super strong and adjustable pushrods that are more reliable and versatile; their chromoly steel construction reduces pushrod flex. Compatible with all cams and tappets and available as pushrods only or pushrods with covers.

MRF PAC ANNOUNCES WINNER– of Bikers Inside the Beltway Sweepstakes

Thanks to everyone who participated in the sweepstakes at Meeting of the Minds which benefited the MRF Political Action Committee! As you know, we sold over 100 tickets for a chance at winning a trip to Washington, DC for Bikers Inside the Beltway 2018.

Our big winner is Lynne Adkins from Missouri! She will receive a $200 gas card and 2 nights accommodations as well as dinner with MRF leadership and a private tour of the Capitol. Lynne must have had luck on her side at MOTM, she won the hospitality room 50/50 and then upgraded her MRF membership to a Sustaining Membership and purchased a MRF PAC Sweepstakes ticket. We are excited to welcome Lynne back to Washington, DC to participate in her second Bikers Inside the Beltway.

Again, our sincerest thanks to everyone that participated in the sweepstakes!

Your contribution benefits the MRF Political Action Committee (MRF PAC) which serves for the benefit of political candidates and activities on a national level who support motorcycle rights. Federal law prohibits the MRF PAC from soliciting contributions from outside the restricted class. Any such contributions will be returned to the donor. You have the right to refuse to contribute to the MRF PAC without reprisal.

Thank you for your support!


Paulette Korte Lenny Holcomb Ryan Hubbard Megan Ekstrom
Treasurer, MRF PAC Asst Treasurer, MRF PAC MRF PAC Chairman VP, Government Affairs

+Federal Election Law requires the MRFPAC to report the name, mailing address, occupation, and employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in a calendar year
+Contributions or gifts to MRFPAC are not tax deductible
+Federal regulations prohibit political action committees from accepting donations from corporations, labor organizations, foreign nationals and government contractors (2 USC Chapter 14, Sections 441b – 441f).

Harry was finally a groom and was very excited about his upcoming marriage. He was on his way out of the office when his boss came over to him with an outstretched hand, “Congratulations Harry, I just wanted to tell you I’ve been married for twenty-two years, and I am sure that you will always remember this day with the fondest of memories, as the happiest day of your life.”

“But sir”, said Harry, “a little bit confused, I’m not getting married until tomorrow!”

“Yeah, I know”, said his boss.

–from Rogue and Ed

MOTORCLUB RETURNS TO NBC– Innovative programming brings new audience to action motorsport 
Motorclub returns to NBC Sports Network this fall with Season II

The hit series Motorclub returns to NBC Sports Network for a second season this fall with insider access to all-new stories from behind the scenes of professional auto racing.

“What we’re doing opens a door to the off-track lifestyle story that you don’t see in traditional racing coverage on TV,” said series co-creator and motorsport agent Fred Chang. “We bring viewers into an experience that’s always been hidden behind closed doors — until Motorclub.”

LIFESTYLE DEAL OF THE WEEK– 2015 Harley-Davidson Softail Heritage

Our Price


Transmission: Manual
VIN: 1HD1BWY17FB027503
Mileage: 16,566 miles

Lifestyle Cycles

1510 N. State College Blvd.
Anaheim, California 92806
(714) 490-0155


Hurricane Irma affected Floridians from Key West to Jacksonville. Because of wind, but mainly flooding in Daytona Beach where is located Bling’s Cycles, the shop of well known custom builder Bill Dodge.

During the passing of Irma, Bill spend the full night with Buddy, Bill’s dog defending his shop against the flooding coming from the close-by Halifax River. Inside the shop, water rose to 28 inches at the deepest.

Lots of Bill’s custom bikes have severe water damage. In addition to losing a Miller TIG welder, the motor from a band saw was shot along with all the shop’s electric powered tools and consumables.

Lots of friends have pitched in to help. You can donate directly to Bare Knuckle’s Paul Wideman also set up a Bling’s Cycles Go Fund Me account to help Bill Dodge restart his business.

Darren McKeag did the artwork for these tee shirts that you can order by calling with size and address at blingsfund@gmail. Thank you in advance for helping Bill.

The staff at Spectro shipped a new round of Spectro Oils and fluids to Bling’s Cycles to help Bill keep the doors open.

Supreme Senior Editor
Bikernet Baggers

I wanted to make sure you all are aware that we did decide to move forward with aligning our dates for 2018 with the AIMExpo. Our 2018 dates will be October 11-14, 2018.

I look forward to seeing many of you in a few days!

–Mindi Cherry, CEM | Vice President/Event Manager
Las Vegas BikeFest | ConvExx, Show Producer |

GREAT NEWS FROM HEARTLAND– Heartland USA Sport Chop – Stage 3 Conversion, includes 2” Tank Lift and Ignition/Coil relocation Brackets, Spark Plug Wires, Bobber Seat with Hardware, Steel Fender to allow a 180mm tire on the rear of a non Custom Sportster Models 2007 to Present.

–Lonny Spiva
Director Sales and Marketing

2466 E. Fender Ave. Suite B
Fullerton CA 92831


For those just visiting here is where we are in American history Oct 2017.
Any veteran Navy man will tell you when you see a ship with a distress call, even if it is an American flag hung upside down, that the ship and the people on it are not disrespecting the flag but calling for help. Just because the ship you are on is in fine working condition and the seas are calm doesn’t immediately mean the same is true on the other ship.


Title 4, Chapter 1

§ 8(a) The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.

Most individuals who have served in military service of our nation should recognize this signal. United States Marine Corps Lt. Gen. Vincent Stewart made it clear Tuesday: “Never forget who we serve. The Citizens of the United States.”

If a person is struggling to stand for the national anthem whether it is because they are old, infirmed or protesting racism you are expected to extend an arm to help them stand, not spit or kick at them, scream at them for disrespecting you.

Let’s be clear, taking a knee during the national anthem is an absolute slap to the face of veterans, just as flying a flag upside down. A distress signal is supposed to shock you, grab your attention. If you’re not in the same boat you don’t get to decide what an appropriate distress signal is, just know that you’re to come to their aid.

A group of people have given that distress signal and while you don’t see any problems in your world you didn’t get here on the same ship as them.

-bad Uncle Monkey


Sturgis Motorcycle Museum Hall Of Fame Nominations Now Open

Nominations for the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame Class of 2018 are now open. As always, there are no restrictions on who can submit a nomination, but you do have to meet the deadline of December 29, 2017.

Established in 2001, the Sturgis Hall of Fame recognizes individuals or groups who have made a long term positive impact on the motorcycle community. After vetting and voting, the Class of 2018 will be honored at the annual Sturgis Motorcycle Museum Hall Of Fame Induction Ceremony presented by Strider in August of 2018.

“We were honored to be inducted with friends Jim Thiessen, Cory Ness and Terry Vance,” said Colleen Barnett-Taylor after this year’s induction ceremony. “Emcee John Paul DeJoria’s comments were so inline with what we have always felt about the industry and quality of our products!”

“As JP noted during the awards ceremony, quality rises to the top,” added Sturgis Motorcycle Museum Executive Director Myrick Robbins. “But with a legend like Willie G., Pappy Hoel Award winner Rod Woodruff, go-fast guys Terry Vance and Jim Theissen, builders Cory Ness and Mark Shadley and the husband and wife team Mike Taylor and Colleen Barnett-Taylor, the bar has been set at an all-time high.”

With the exception of current members of the board of directors and employees of the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum who are ineligible, all qualified individuals are welcome and there are no restrictions on who may submit nominations. After the deadline, all nomination forms are then reviewed by the Hall of Fame committee (made up of the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum’s board of directors, its Executive Director and staff directors). There are also not restrictions on how you support a nominee. Send a letter, a postcard, whatever in support of your candidate.

“The criteria for being inducted into the Hall of Fame is to recognize the men and women who have dedicated much of their lives to improving, promoting and advancing motorcycling,” stated Robbins. “We also have a separate nomination specifically for the Freedom Fighter Award, which recognizes those individuals who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to protect our rights to ride.”

Nomination forms for the Class Of 2018 and the Freedom Fighter Award must be accompanied by credentials explaining why an individual should be considered for induction. Please keep in mind that while their achievements may be outstanding, not everyone knows it. A comprehensive overview of their accomplishments is necessary to make an informed and educated decision. Biographical information, newspaper articles, historical documents, etc. may be submitted.

Note new deadline is December 29, 2017 NO EXCEPTIONS.

Click here to download the official nomination forms for both the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum Hall Of Fame and the Freedom Fighter Award:

Joe took his blind date to the carnival.

“What would you like to do first, Kim?” asked Joe.

“I want to get weighed,” she said.

They ambled over to the weight guesser.

He guessed 120 pounds. She got on to the scale; it read 117 and she won a prize.

Next the couple went on the ferris wheel. When the ride was over, Joe again asked Kim what she would like to do.

“I want to get weighed,” she said.

Back to the weight guesser they went. Since they had been there before, he guessed her correct weight, and Joe lost his dollar.

The couple walked around the carnival and again he asked where to next.

“I want to get weighed,” she responded.

By this time, Joe figured she was really weird and took her home early, dropping her off with a handshake.

Her roommate, Laura, asked her about the blind date, “How’d it go?”

Kim responded, “Oh, Waura, it was wousy!”

–from Rogue and Ed

Going to haul ass to Vegas this weekend for Bikefest, but in a sense I would rather hang out in the shop. I picked up my Panhead engine from Bennett’s Performance yesterday.


I’m ready to rock. A couple of days in the shop and I might be riding. Maybe I could ride it to the Roland Sands’ event on the beach.

I hung out with Rick Krost of U.S. Chopper last night and scored a super cool muffler, perfect. I just need to install the engine, dial the carb, make the exhaust headers and wire this puppy and I’ll be golden for the road.

Then something strange happened. I took Tony over to Century Cycles to find an old Arlen Ness gas tank. Tim from Century took me aside. “My mom told be about a deal she had with you, before she died. It involved some old vintage parts.”

I was taken aback. Was it a VL or a Peashooter project? I didn’t remember exactly. We discussed it briefly, and I returned this week to pick up this ’29 D frame, front end and lower end. As it turns out this is a 45 twin and the first year of the side valve engines and maybe the only year of the vertical mag setup. Amazing, so now what?

The art arrived from David Clark. I will sign it along with Valerie Thompson. I have a surprise for Valerie.

In the meantime, ride free forever.


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