Fortunately for civilization there is a go-to way to stop a charismatic crowd-pleaser who says things the press doesn’t like: and that’s….. rape charges!!!

If the World Health Organization and the Center For Disease Control had come up with an overnight vaccine for Russel Brand like they did for the most dangerous virus in human history the rape-charge protocol would not have had to have been implemented. Even a Burma Shave roadside sign-a-thon ditty might have stopped him, if there were enough of them placed on roads worldwide.

Russel Brand went…
from impish sprite…
to global threat…
fucking overnight.
Burma Shave.

Yes, I know: I realize that making the planet’s newest threat to our sacred democracy into a frivolous Burma Shave road-sign ditty is not keeping us safe. Sadly, the deed is done. I did such a thing and we are now in danger. Alas for you. For I am drunk with power.

But enough about you and me and my indifference to your safety, let’s talk about Russel Brand.

Remember when he was a devil-may-care mocker of 9-11 and an outlandishly inappropriate libertine bragging of his indifference to the norms of propriety and cavalierly strutting his rakish persona before us all in jesterish hijinxity and rapscallion fearlessness while boasting of his love for the forbidden fruits of drugs, kicks, and hot pussy?

Well, that was long ago when he was what I will call a happily oblivious non-threat to anyone since he was basically a kind of lazy-brained Marxist. As are all Marxists. If that’s what he was. Who knows what he was? He was all over the place. Hey, he married Katy Perry. How focused could he have been.

Well, that has apparently changed. Literally overnight. To where he is now Public Enemy Number One. Eclipsing even Sam Bankman in news headlines. But Sam Bankman is not being accused of rape from 20 years ago by women who refuse to identify themselves. So, Sam is just being MONITORED and looked-in-on from time to time by bureaucrats and journalists. Rather than being declared Public Enemy Number One by them. Unlike with Russel Brand.

What caused this? Unlike Sam Bankman’s – by comparison – unlike Bankman’s presumed innocent but still jailed mere assaults on peoples’ pocketbooks, which could very well be remedied by taxpayers, Russel Brand has – apparently with some persuasional skills – he has railed against the Sacred C-19, the Sacred Ukraine “war,” and the Sacred Great Reset, and for all I know, and God forbid, the Sacred Global Warming, and has thus therefore threatened our Sacred Democracy.

Now I know what you’re saying: lots of people do that. Lots of people rail against these four sacred sacrednesses. But “lots of people” are not capable of going up against a wall of accusatory media types and coherently making fools of them, ten at a time, without getting rattled and without losing ground and in fact pissing them off. Whereas Russel Brand is not only capable of doing that he is capable of doing that in his sleep.

There’s a small example of this interesting ability of Senyore Brand here: where he deals with not just three professional news dullards on something called The Morning Joe but he manages to turn around in his chair and mock the entire NBC news apparatus “working” in the background. While at the same time making Joe Scarborough’s wife hot from experiencing little flashes of sexual excitement. Without even trying.

To journalists and bureaucrats insisting on having the upper hand in any ideological confrontation this is a potentially dangerous ability. In fact, they consider it almost treacherously magical. Because they, on the other hand, have NO abilities. Of any kind! And are holding onto their imagined power by a thread what with the instantaneous mass communication now available to us all. Thanks to a few geniuses of free enterprise and innovation, one of whom is unfortunately dead and one of whom is very likely deranged.

Therefore, when you can’t defend your idiotic “liberal” and “progressive” perversions of reality to someone famous and charismatic enough to actually attract allies seemingly overnight and seemingly from out of the woodwork that the Left assumed just harbored wood….or when you’re actually capable of ANYTHING, like Trump and Musk are, in other words…….if you can’t out-argue these people who are better at what you do than you are, namely, BEING POPULAR AND LIKEABLE…… declare them immoral and unsanctified and unworthy of admiration or fandom. You declare them a rapist in other words.

So far Musk has actually escaped this. Because the press and bureaucrats are actually afraid of Musk. Which they should be. They should also be afraid of Brand. They just don’t realize it yet. They think he’s an idiot. But he isn’t. Like myself, he’s one of the very few members of the Screen Actors Guild with a functioning IQ.

Four women, Rachel, Nadia and Alice Nottheirrealnames and someone named Tobeannounced, have all come forward at the same instant 20 years after the alleged fact to announce to apparently every “news” medium on earth that the man uttering “conspiracy theories” against the “pandemic” and the Ukraine-Russia “war” and declaring The Great Reset to be a threat to humanity rather than a wondrous pathway for humanity to reach their innate godlike status as self-created beings – which man would be Russel Brand – is a rapist. Because when you are Russel Brand and you say all these things you get “reported” by the world press as being a rapist. At least by every “news” organization in the English-speaking world. Which would be two thirds of North America, all of Europe, and some of Australia. Or in other words the only three places on earth that actually matter. In other words. And yes, that’s what I said. Got a problem with that? Round-up some anonymous women because I fear I have just endangered our sacred democracy. That’ll show me.

The “reasoning” here, then, is as follows…. If this is TRUE…… that someone is a rapist….then his political opinions cannot be factual and in fact could be dangerous to the public. In other words, assuming journalists could actually articulate their thoughts, “He rapes women….therefore he is dangerous to us all. For even as he forces his penis upon women, he has other mighty pizzles at his disposal; other cocks, dicks, peckers, lizards, boners, shafts, rods, lances, dirks, swords, one-eyed-monsters, fuckwands, pikes, ram-a-cunts, twatpluggers, seam-stretchers, hair-pie harpoons, vee-jir violators, ‘down there’ destroyers, pussy penetrators, labia lances, crack cannons, hole harriers, tunnel tigers, slit slayers, slut slammers, trollop tamers, slattern seducers, vixen violators, fox fillers, bimbo bulldozers, snatch blasters, beaver busters, bitch bruisers of oppression and invasion, that are not just his penis but also his words! His words too are instruments of rape!

Words forced upon the ears of virgins of social justice and fairness in order to corrupt and shame them into callous indifference to the plight of humanity and animals and plants and air and water and terrain and bunnies. And whether he uses his actual pizzle of heinous flesh filled with unholy blood or if he uses words of persuasion and deceit….there is no difference! It is it the same with his words and opinions as it is with his woman-wounding cock! These words and opinions overpower us with their crafted tones and syllables and ideas that hypnotize us like verbal Rohypnol: opinions and ideas and ‘narratives’ that are at first charming and seductive and then transmogrify and metastasize into ramrods of violent filthy male sound-semen and syllable-semen and acoustical cum and vocabulary violence that invades our ears and slides into our consciousness and squirts and ejaculates lies and untruths and theories-conspiratorial in the manner of verbal splooge that takes us unawares and defiles us in seductive evil filth, making us pregnant with The Unwanted Child of Mind-Rape….…..and thus leading us into harm. So, it must be aborted.”

Let’s go through that again: the journalist-bureaucrat First Course of “progressivist logic” food onto the plate of your dreary brain is – if you are a rapist…..your political opinions are not valid and are not accurate. And you are a threat to society. And to our sacred democracy. And, for Desert – you are a “conspiracy theorist.”

I will reduce the “Conspiracy Theory” theory to the meaningless powder that it is in just a bit. And I’m just the guy for the job.

Remember when Russel Brand was – basically – just a wild and zany commie? Now I’m not saying he referred to himself as a commie. Meaning an advocate of the Karl Marx “theory” of economics and human political society. It’s just me using a name that has ENOUGH of a meaning to where some people will go “Yeah, we remember when he was just a wild and zany commie.”

Well apparently, he’s not a wild and zany commie anymore. Apparently, he is a threat to humanity now. Which can only mean, I assume, that he is no longer a commie. Which to 95% of the world’s bureaucrats and to 100% of the world’s journalists means….he actually now IS a threat to humanity.

Or in other words, he’s apparently just started looking around on his own, lately, rather than having Karl Marx look around for him or whoever was looking around for him before he started doing it for himself.

Keep in mind I am SPECULATING. I don’t have Russel Brand here. I can’t ask him whether or not, “So, do I have this right?” Then I would have him correct me on any of my incorrect conclusions regarding his observations and opinions.

Now there WAS a time, when his opinions did not merit 300 rape allegations overnight from 50,000 different women, none of whom apparently have “actual” names, but rather have “other” names or “to be announced” names or “according to sources” names or “who spoke on condition of anonymity” names. Assuming they are all even women. I mean, since none of them have been actually identified by their real names yet, as far as I know they COULD be goddamn goats that got allegedly raped. And not even people. Which would be hot. But that’s just me.

Now, I DON’T know if raping goats is illegal. Not to change the topic. And the species. But I DO know that if you are accumulating a following “among the public” via statements that contradict “the accepted-as-agreed-upon” statements……. then your personal conduct rather than your personal opinion is what is going to be attacked. Not your opinion. No. Your behavior. And then your morality and sanctity levels. USUALLY regarding something that has nothing to do with your political opinions. Like for instance “rape.”

For instance, if I say in a public forum, or maybe even in a private forum, the following….. “C-19 is the annual cold and flu seasonal virus that appeared in 2019 and was elevated to a global ‘pandemic’ necessitating mandatory shots for an allegedly unknown virus, which shots called vaccines although having no similarity to anything defined as an actual ‘vaccine’ were produced and distributed around the globe within a year, that could ‘save lives’ and which C-19 was claimed to be this unprecedented planetary scourge TWO DAYS after the Senate threw the House’s impeachment papers regarding Trump into the trash – which C-19 claim was immediately orchestrated via a media blitzkrieg of coordinated lie-attacks in conjunction with a UN pronouncement of plague-like monsters now being spread via an incubation of horrors in a Chinese sidewalk meat market and also a Chinese bio-chemical-biological warfare lab – we have not decided – all of which was designed to throw Trump into a confused surreal environment in which he was at the time not able to discern truth from lies so that his turn-around of the global economy could be shut down and halted by shutting down EVERYONE via ugly, usually misshapen, ‘health advisors’ who came into existence overnight with power and majesty and virtue and honesty to have government handed over to them in order to dupe, lie and tyrannize the public into 2 years of desolation and madness on the – correct, it turns out – assumption and gamble that ‘the people’ are basically stupid little morons who will believe anything.”

If I was to actually SAY that?….. I would have rape charges brought against me. Because….if I’m an Accused-By-Ms.-Anonymous rapist…..then my opinions on everything, including what I just said, are incorrect and in fact are probably lies designed to rape minds, as does a cock rape a vaginal insemination intake tunnel.

Keep in mind that raping happens a LOT on this planet. The global instances of it, which annually probably number in the millions, are ignored by the press and the “governing personnel.” Unless, of course, someone they consider to be a personal threat to their comfortable pastimes of blissful deception shows up with enough charisma to actually attract converts who leave their cults of stupidity and enter into the universe of reasoned intelligence. Then rape becomes the topic of the day, but not the millions of them, just ones this particular individual targeted-for-destruction is being accused of having committed. According to sources. Meanwhile these other millions of unwanted penis intrusions are not making millions of headlines. APPARENTLY those rapes are ok to ignore. At least to bureaucrats and to news “outlets.” Because those rapes are not a threat to the Global- Grooming Cabal of untalented human deities determined to keeping us all safe via lockdowns and inoculations and “temporary” emergency health measures that last forever.

So, it’s not, therefore, rape that bureaucrats and journalists have a problem with. It’s suggesting that the World Economic Forum is attempting to orchestrate “The Great Reset” that bureaucrats and journalists have a problem with. Which – in fact – the World Economic Forum is proud to admit! “Yeah! That actually is what we’re doing!” is their enthusiastic response. What the WEF and the press and the world’s bureaucrats, with the possible exception of the ones in Poland and Hungary, have a PROBLEM with is anyone suggesting that the World Economic Forum is actually not a godsend but in fact a crazed lunatic NIGHTMARE led by a guy in a Star Wars costume that is going to forcibly eradicate and/or “elevate” humanity “Heaven’s Gate” style and which he says C-19 presents a golden opportunity to get things rolling.

It’s at this point, aside from the boilerplate rape charges, that the odd expression “conspiracy theory” routinely comes into play.

To review: Russel Brand is overnight a rapist….and a conspiracy theorist. Who for both these reasons must be banished from human consideration as being deserving of human consideration.

Now, what is a conspiracy theory and why is it something to be, if it is declared as such, and if someone is declared to be uttering such….why is that person to be considered null and void as an observer, or for being ‘opinioned,’ or for having a notion, or for making an utterance: as happens in the very same manner if someone is declared a racist or a sexist or a homophobe or an Islamophobe or an anti-Semite or a bigot – such that therefore that person is pronounced depraved, not actually human, lacking in value, and being immoral. At least until such time as he renounces that opinion. Or at least claims to be doing so. Why is it that “conspiracy theorist” is just as damning as “racist.” or “bigot” etc. And will it become a hate crime? As the “n-word” now is? I’m guessing yeah. Sooner or later. Probably sooner.

In fact, a conspiracy theory is neither a conspiracy nor a theory. A conspiracy is something you have no knowledge of it being in existence, forget about itemizing its particulars. It’s a conspiracy. You’re out of the loop. Only the conspirators know about it. Second, conspiracy theories are not actually theories. Theories are complex. What are called conspiracy theories by what I like to call “commies” are OPINIONS. Not theories.

APPARENTLY, some opinions are regarded as threats to “the common good.” Because we’re all in this together. As you may remember from the city signs put up by the city governments during whatever Covid-19 was. So apparently some opinions threaten the common good. Some opinions are SO threatening to god only know who or what that they have to be declared not opinions or suggestions or possibilities at all. They’re a new category: they’re conspiracy theories. Meaning – I guess – that they’re either inherently too dangerous to even consider, or else they have some seductive charm that will lead the Protected out from the Protection. Well, yeah, the seductive charm is that they make fucking sense. Because whatever opinions, now called conspiracy theories, apparently are, they’re so goddamn fucking persuasive EVEN AS NONSENSE REQUIRING SAFE SPACES….. that they have to be either shouted out of existence or shamed out of existence or as a last resort assassinated out of existence.

You’ll notice the press has no problem with the flat earthers. Or the moon-landing-was-faked people. Or the chemtrail people. Or the aliens from space people. Rape charges are never brought against them. Why? Because so far these people have not attracted a huge fucking crowd of devoted followers led by one charismatic gifted public speaker who doesn’t need teleprompters. Otherwise, these Paul Reveres would also be getting the Russel Brand treatment. They would be declared rapists. Assuming they were good looking, of course. Rape is an easy accusation, hard to prove in court but doesn’t get a lot of converts if you’re trying to railroad someone who looks like Fetterman on the charge, for example. Which is what the flat-earthers and the chemtrail people and the fake moon landing people and space alien people UFO crowd look like. They look like Fetterman.

There’s a reason government and the media have a parasitical symbiotic relationship with each other even though “Washington Press Corps” sessions are window-dressed to look like some sort of adversarial encounter. Any hack who was REMOTELY adversarial with your normal kind of President, meaning someone not Trumplike, or in other words not carrying a set of balls and an actual job history in the real world with a favorable win-loss record…… that hack would be OUT of the Washington Press Corps. Which, you may have noticed, is the same people every time by the way until one of the fuckers dies. It’s like the Supreme Court: you don’t GET there unless you’re 1: stupid and 2: you promise to remain stupid.

The reason they have a parasitical symbiotic relationship, government and the media, is because they both live on the lies of the other. It’s like they eat each other for mutual nourishment and for a reinforcement of the allied bond and then shit each other out their asses creating new cross-bred hybridized versions of their former vile selves which then feed off each other. And this goes on day after day century after century, both sides reveling in breathing-in the anguish of the tortured souls and pains of everyone not a bureaucrat or a journalist….that they are creating with their relentless, enthusiastic lying. They’re like some two-headed Cerberus guarding the gates of Hell, namely, “democracy” – against reality.

A “conspiracy theory,” whether it’s proclaimed as such by a journalist moronic failed-novelist slave to an editor he detests and who rewrites all of his already-shitty prose to make it even worse….. or whether it’s used by a candidate or an office holder – is defined as “a right-wing observation regarding global Marxism suggesting global Marxism is going to destroy the Industrial Revolution and reduce all of humanity to an ‘equitable and sustainable’ level of universal poverty and stone-age cloud-worship.” Which is correct. But it’s not a theory. It’s a fact. And it’s not a conspiracy: anyone with their eyes and brains open can see it plain as day.

Now, you might say “ Excuse me, sir, but c-19 and global warming and the World Economic Forum and mandatory vaccines that don’t actually fall under the definition of vaccines have nothing to do with Marxism.” Well, yeah they do. Marx is just more honest about it and calls it Marxism rather than “keeping everyone safe.” So, you can’t get Karl Marx for lying, He actually called it Marxism. Or, I SHOULD say, if someone ELSE called the C-19 tyranny “Marxism”….. Marx would say, “Yeah, I guess you could call it that.” He’d admit it. No problem. Try getting Al Gore to admit he’s a Marxist. In fact, try getting any Marxist in American government, which is basically everyone in American government now, to even consider that “an appropriate question” to even ask them.

But enough about commies, let’s get back to Russel Brand.

You will look real hard and for a real long time to get an answer to the Googled question “What are Brand’s specific ‘conspiracy theories’ that are regarded as ‘conspiratorial’ that he is espousing?” Apparently, whatever he’s saying is SO heinous it cannot be reprinted. Because good fucking luck trying to get from the “news” a detailed synopsis of whatever his opinion on anything “forbidden” actually is.

Good fucking luck with this. You will get sent to endless “news” sites which have run stories about this “problem with Brand” without ever 1: being specific about his opinions and proclamations, just referring to them as “regarding the Ukraine war” and “The Great Reset.” By the way, this isn’t ME capitalizing the great reset. This is the fucking great reset people capitalizing it. They admit it! They’re excited about it! Why the “press” isn’t calling the World Economic Forum a bunch of conspiracists, I don’t know. They’re the only “secret society” in history 1: blabbing their secrets to the world and 2: saying they don’t care if you agree with them or not: that this is the deal and you’re on board whether you like it or not. They’re SO conspiratorial they’re BRAGGING about it and telling their conspiracies in news conferences! Why journalists aren’t accusing them of rape from 20 years ago is beyond me. Journalists COULD be just stupid. Which of course they are. We give journalists and news people way too much credit for being clandestine. They’re not. They’re just giggling little mommas’-boys assholes looking for things to fuck with since girls are off the table.

Which Russel Brand, regarding their stupidity, will demonstrate!! Russel Brand is MORE than a match for any journalist fuckhead on earth. I THINK the press and the “media” are having too much fun at the moment to keep in mind that he is not only more than a match for them….he’s excited about all this. He might be a commie one decade and a normal person the next decade and go back and forth all over the place…..but he’s still SMARTER and more intellectually and verbally ADROIT than any of them.

But the idea here, regarding the giggling press and the more sinister global SWAMP – which is basically the people now “running” Western Civilization – in calling Brand a rapist……is to train his fans into “realizing” their new hero is a reprobate.

You’ll notice they are not even addressing his views and conclusions about things. They are addressing his “lack of morality.” His OPINIONS are not going to be discussed or investigated or proved erroneous. Because they fucking can’t be. I know it. They know it. Russel Brand knows it.

And THEN there is the little matter of claiming that the Russel Brand of 20 years ago, with his swashbuckling energy and otter-like enthusiasm and his rakish good looks and his charming, disarming qualities of sincere communication and his adequate bank account and his individual notions of couture and stylistic raiment and his wide-set almost nocturnal-ready eyes that in two seconds have discerned more truths about you than you know about yourself and possessed of Tyrone Power good looks…….is this a guy that needs to rape women in order to get laid? To a journalist still living with mom and convinced that people exist, so that he can destroy them to the entertainment of the gullible and envious?….the answer is yes.

–J.J. Solari

Images from Sam Burns

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