Sam Wheeler Memorial Service – 10/17/16

Now don’t get the wrong idea as I mean no disrespect but when I go I want a Celebration of Life like Sam Wheeler had. Wonderful weather, a perfect location and a host of friends and family that filled the place to capacity. Laughing, telling stories, enjoying each others company. An afternoon well spent reminiscing about yesterdays and those that leave us to early. A fitting tribute to Honor Sam Burr Wheeler who tragically lost his life at the Bonneville Salt Flats during testing on the EZ Hook/Parts Unlimited streamliner that he hoped would set a new world record at the upcoming Speedweek races.

Held at the National Hot Rod Association Museum in Pomona California on October 17, 2016, the event was well planned out. A short walk from the entrance, past a room full of Hot Rods and Dragsters along with signs, jackets, helmets, trophies and more. Two full bars greet your arrival at the “Hall of Champions” entrance.


Giant Sam Wheeler pictures lined one side of the Hall entrance. Held in an upright position everyone was encouraged to grab a Sharpie and leave his or her mark. Most did.

Sam Wheeler Memorial pamphlets, posters, decals, DVD, and full color eight page booklet that included pictures and a wonderful story by Dick Lague filled tables on the other side of the Hall entrance.

Entering the “Hall of Champions” a well-edited Sam Wheeler photomontage played on two giant monitors. In the back of the room multiple tables were filled with food. Lots and lots of food. On the other end a NHRA podium and seating for probably 100 or so.



There were lots of people. Many wearing shirts honoring Sam Wheeler, the SCTA and 200 or 300 MPH Club. Talking, eating, enjoying a drink or three. The mood was light and joyful. Everyone with a story or five. It was well after three before the Memorial started.


Not an empty seat in the house people standing 8 deep lined the Hall. Reverend Jim Walden gave an opening prayer. Master of Ceremony Allen McAlister followed with a couple of stories and a list of speakers. A lifelong
friend Allen and Sam were very close.

New Southern California Timing Association President Pat McDowell was the first. Like all of the evenings speaker’s he praised Sam and his ability to do it all. Dream, design, manufacture and drive along with a smile and good attitude were the common thread among them.

Sam’s wife Carol Wheeler was next. Forty-Five years the bride she spoke of their life and love. The kids, the challenges, the adventures. A lovely women Carol thanked the massive crowd for attending. She expressed with great emotion what so many had said in private. Sam died doing what he loved, at a place he loved, with people he loved.

Wheeler’s son Ben and his wife Cindy followed with a loving tribute. Sam’s granddaughter Samantha and other family members joined them on the podium.

A line of VIP speakers followed. Life-Long friendships, Love, Respect and Admiration were spoken by all.

Terry Kizer shared that he was the last person to see Sam Wheeler alive. “Sam gave me the thumbs up as I closed theStreamliner canopy. He had a smile from ear to ear. Sam loved running at at Bonneville”.

Sponsor Phelps Wood talked about Sam being more than an employee at his EZ Hook Company. “For 35 years we did everything together. Even now I go to his office and expect to see him there” he told us.

Other speakers included: Rick Marsh, Frank Sherrill, Mike Akatiff, Russell Avery, Gary Richards, Don Harris, Doug Robinson, Ole Tweet and Dick Lague.

Sam Wheeler loved Speed, Engineering and Time the Reverend Jim Walden told us. His closing prayer reminded us that we are all here for only a short time.

And so the Life turns into Legend. RIP Sam Wheeler. You will not be forgotten.

Howie Zechner

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