Save 30% on Wire Plus' Mid Frame Wiring Systems

Mid Frame Wire Harness Hi-Res 9-17-11Repairing, restoring or building a new bike…Let Wire Plus help offset the costs of your new build. All Wire Plus Mid Frame Wiring Systems are 30% off until the end of September.

Wire Plus manufactures a complete line of self-diagnostic wiring systems to fit any stock or custom bike. They’re pre-assembled and designed for bikes with and without stock or aftermarket ignitions, electric or kick start and can be used with or without turn signals and a variety of other options.

Some of the advantages that you get with Wire Plus include Solid State Breaker Technology (the breakers never have to be replaced) and a replaceable start relay that can be purchased at most auto parts stores. Their power modules are waterproof and very compact in size with harnesses that are engineered to be smaller than any other on the market.
For those interested in obtaining more information on Wire Plus, you can reach them at (620) 221-2417 or check them out online at or email them


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