Baker Attitude Chain Adjuster install tech from Rogue.
The automatic chain adjuster was designed to remove any primary chain slack, by noticing flex in the chain ratcheting up a notch. We know from past experience, that the chain tightens as it heats up from running. If the automatic adjuster ratchets up cold it may make the chain too tight under normal operating conditions.
A chain that’s too tight will put undo pressure on inner primary bearings, main shaft engine bearings (which were recently down-graded from Timken bearings to old-style roller bearings) and main shaft transmission bearings. We have received numerous reports of severely damaged ’06 and newer Harley-Davidson 6-speed transmissions. In each case the main bearing was worn out in less that 40,000 miles. On the other hand, manual adjusters have been used for over five decades without serious issues and require very little maintenance.