
It’s the middle of January in a new year. This is the time to center on our goals for this year and make a move.

There’s so much discussion going around about our industry, but much of the problem goes way beyond it. Did you know that Al Gore’s films has been aired in front of school children. In England it was stopped because of the fear is caused in kids.

I watched his first film and was impressed, but my concern has always been for motorcycling and riding free, so I questioned him. So much of his film is unfortunately lies. What’s worse is his policies will kill people and mostly poor people. Did you know Global Warming stopped in 2001. Did you know that temperatures rise first, then CO2 levels. Did you know CO2 levels are not a bad thing and were much higher thousands of years ago.

That’s just the tip of the bullshit iceberg that’s hurting so many of our industries including motorcycling. Let’s do something about it. Here’s a quote from Roy Spencer’s (NASA Scientist) “Global Warming Blunder:”

In my first book, Climate Confusion, I provided some qualitative reasons why I thought the climate models are wrong. But we have learned much more since that book was published in early 2008. We have uncovered scientific evidence that strongly suggest the fears of man-made global warming are unfounded. While scientists like NASA’s James Hansen and politicians like former Vice President Al Gore are increasingly warning us that we must act now to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, the latest science is turning in the opposite direction.

Even though global temparatures have not risen in at least seven years, we are being told that the climate is changing faster than expected…

I’ll let you check out his books. He points out that science is the study of all factors good and bad, It’s does not stop at one assumption. What the hell do I know. I’m just a grubby biker. I won’t ever give up trying to keep us riding free.

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown and, Sturgis Museum. And the Smoke Out.

bike night every Thursday.

SUNDAY, Jan 21
Cumberland Gap Live | 3pm
Catch these boys playing the best classic tunes on a Sunday afternoon!


International Motorcycle, Scooter and E-Bike Fair–
October 3-7, 2018 in Cologne, Germany – Dealer & trade media day: October 2

MPN, published by Babcox Media, is named one of the international media partners of INTERMOT, and the publisher of INTERMOT Live, a daily electronic newsletter produced at the show featuring all the news & events “live,” as they are happening! Babcox Media is sponsoring the USA Pavilion and offering special advertising rates for confirmed exhibitors (every category). If you’d like to take advantage of this opportunity, contact Rita at Koelnmesse Inc. in Chicago.

Exhibitors: contact us today for your special advertising rate offer.
Visiting? Be part of the Babcox/MPN delegation & receive a VIP pass & insider access!

Industry Voices:

“It doesn’t get any better than INTERMOT for those who know the two-wheeler industry. Here, you’ll find your trading partners as upbeat as your end customers.”

Dr. Christian Arnezeder, Managing Director HARLEY DAVIDSON Germany

For a prime location reserve your booth today!

USA Pavilion Packages: In Hall 9 and now also in Hall 10, where customized products have their home.

Back by popular demand: Turnkey or Custom Booths in various size & cost options. Plus, another economical alternative, choose one of our Work Stations for a total investment of $3,400 (includes all fees). For your basic participation package click pavilion flyer and then request an application form. Contact us for custom booth exhibit solutions.

Call or email Rita Dommermuth, Koelnmesse Inc./Cologne Intl. Trade Fairs North America – tel: 773-326-9929

The best global access to the motorcycle industry
On target to repeat the success of INTERMOT 2016: 40 premieres by motorcycle manufacturers; 1,133 exhibitors from 32 countries (+17%); 220,000 attendees from 95 countries; including an amazing 26% trade visitors. That’s 59,000 buyers! The exhibition area will again span over 750,000 sq.ft. of space. NEW: E-MOTION will be in Hall 10.2 (upper level), right above CUSTOMIZED on level 1.

Start planning your trip to Cologne with the travel experts.

Rita Dommermuth | 773-326-9929 |

2018 Manufacturing Update + Embr At CES

Posted by Embr Wave (Creator)
Hey Embr Wave Backers,

We’ve got our first campaign update of 2018…

We’re happy to report that production for the February 2018 units is complete! We’re going through the final quality checks to make sure your Waves are working properly.

We’ve already shipped nearly 500 Waves, and we’re still on schedule to deliver by the timelines promised during the campaign.

Boston has been…well, absolutely freezing cold these last few weeks. We’ve been using our Waves to warm up in and out of the office to stay focused on delivering your Waves on time.

We’ve received a ton of great feedback from our initial batch of Wavers, and we’re using all of it to make sure that you’ll love your Embr Wave from the moment you receive it.

We appreciate all of your support, and we can’t wait for you to #feelthewave soon.

For now, check out our recent Facebook Live segment with Kickstarter at CES in Las Vegas! Sam talked about the long and bumpy road to launching Embr Wave.

— David, Sam, Matt & The Embr Team


FREEDOM FIGHTER DOWN– Pan says he wishes he would have seen this sign before he went boom yesterday on the ice, LOL!

Now it’s on his hospital room door. We were at an exciting event yesterday at Wilson Park when for the first time in 35 years, AMA sanctioned motorcycle ice racing was taking place in Milwaukee. As always, Pan was in the thick of things with Eric Ellis shooting pics and videos for Behind the handlebars.

The ice was slick and Pan fell hard, landing on his back and hitting his head on the ice. There was an immediate response of emergency personnel and I was near enough to get there quickly.

The staff worked well with a swift response to get him on a scoop stretcher and off the ice. He was in tremendous pain and was taken to the ER by ambulance. After CT scans of his head, neck and spine they found that he has 3 broken vertebrae: T-12, L-1 & L-2. He also has a broken rib. He was admitted for pain control and will be seen by neuro today.

He is joking with the staff and having me communicate with people so he’s doing OK. He says, “god can walk in water but he prefers the soft kind”. We appreciate your well wishes and prayers.

–Vickie Roberts

First Responder


As I sit here getting ready to work on some Motorcycle Rights I cannot help but take a minute to mentally say Thank You Martin Luther King.

I was a young man when I saw him on TV and read about him in the newspaper. I paid serious attention to what he was saying and doing to help people of color. But then I realized that he was not just talking about people of color But all people.

It was during a time that the motorcycle people were having issues with law enforcement referring to them as outlaws while in fact many members of law enforcement should have been the ones under investigation.

That was also around the time that the Federal Government tried to Blackmail states into passing Five (5) laws or face the possibility of losing highway funds. One of these laws was the Mandatory Helmet Law for Motorcyclist. Though the majority of motorcyclists have never been against helmets they were upset about someone trying to force them to wear them.

This law and other things caused the motorcyclist to say enough is enough and they banded together to fight the helmet law. Using the teachings of Martin Luther King they formed motorcycle rights groups.

Easyriders Magazine started ABATE (A Brotherhood Of Totalitarian Enactments). Bandit was the manager when it started and ultimately the National Director. People and organizations intentionally got traffic tickets and took them to court while others contacted their legislators and filed paperwork to make the Federal Government Stop The Blackmail Threat and when we were successful in doing that, many states repealed their Mandatory Helmet Laws. I should note that some states are still trying for repeals today.

Oh just in case you are wondering what the other laws were, they were the 55 Mile Per Hour Speed Limit, Mandatory Seat Belt Laws and .04 Blood Alcohol Content for DUI. And something to do with school busses, sorry do not remember exactly what that was.

Motorcycle rights like other rights are a Big Thing in our country now. The motorcycle rights organizations are numerous and represent a large amount of people and all the organizations are active in getting their members to become registered to vote.

While many do not indorse specific candidates for fear of upsetting some of their membership, most do let their membership know how legislators voted on motorcycle issues in the past and suggest they use that as a guide on how to vote.

I do belong too many of these organizations and value the information I receive from them. I ask questions, get facts, look at voting records and then decide who I think I can work with on Motorcycle Rights and then campaign and support my choice. I try to let people know why I have made the decisions I have and why and I also reserve the right to change my opinion should other information and facts become known to me.

There is much going on in the United States right now and some of the issues will be decided in 2018 with the upcoming elections. I am requesting if you are not a voter to become one, to become educated on the issues and Vote. I would hope that you would be inclined to vote for those I like and support them, I do realize that many of my friends and associates do not agree on every subject and I am good with that.

I remind my friends in motorcycling we cannot all agree on everything including what motorcycle to ride, color, model etc. But we still all want to be treated fairly and with respect and we continue to work towards that goal.

We may take different roads to get there as we have in the past. But we have accomplished a lot and I expect we will accomplish more as we continue to move forward.

Thank You Martin Luther King For The Lessons You Have Taught Us.


Nice. Here’s my 1937 W, engine rebuild is almost done. I painted the ‘37 myself with rustolem. The motor is tricked out with gonzo cams & valves. Built to H-D racing specs, guaranteed over 50hp.

–Billy Lane
Choppers Inc.

NMA ALERT– Fight over Right to Repair will heat up in 2018

You bought, you own it! That’s what most of us think anyway when we buy a car. We should be able to do what we want with it, whether modifying the engine for better performance or taking it to our favorite mechanic to have it repaired. Many car owners, however, might be surprised to find that they actually don’t own every part of their vehicle.

Increasingly, automakers have utilized embedded software to take the place of mechanical functions. Automakers consider this code to be intellectual property protected by the 1996 Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Access to the software can only be given by permission. The embedded programming can control brakes, emissions, ignitions, transmissions and even windshield wipers.

Vehicle owners cannot just have any mechanic (themselves included) make adjustments to the factory coding. You either have to take your car back to the dealer or have it serviced by an approved/authorized third-party repair shop.

According to the Auto Care Association (ACA), the advocacy association for indie repair shops, this limitation hurts the free market. ACA’s Aaron Lowe notes, “The manufacturers want to control where you get your car repaired. There are many ways they can make it available to independent shops, but then it’s no longer an independent market.”

Richmond, VA independent auto shop owner Gary Thaxton said he would love to see some competition entering the programming side of the auto repair market. “Right now the dealership has you by the …, they can charge whatever they want.” He added, “I would be in favor of having an independent option to get the price down to a more reasonable amount.”

The right to repair and property rights seems to be clashing with intellectual property rights. The website questions whether the DMCA should even cover manufactured equipment.

U.S. patent law protects consumers’ right to repair their motor vehicle themselves, or choose a trusted technician to perform the work for them. Cleaning, repairing and refurbishing parts or replacing worn or broken parts has always been considered permissible under the law.

Congress passed the DMCA to provide IP protections for expressive works, such as movies or music – not enable original equipment manufacturers to design systems that prevent replacement of functional software and parts. While unattended, DMCA is being used to stifle competition in the vehicle repair industry. Congress and the U.S. Copyright Office must take immediate action to clarify that vehicle owners and authorized third parties can continue to access embedded software for purposes of repair and maintenance.

Every three years the U.S. Copyright Office solicits public comments with suggested exceptions to the DMCA. As the 2017/2018 comment period opened up the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) joined forces with the Auto Care Association to ask the copyright office to provide an exemption allowing independent repair shops, and third party companies authorization to access and fix factory-embedded coding with the vehicle owner’s permission.

In December, the EFF logged their preliminary comments with the patent office and has been successful on advocating for other DMCA exemptions since 1999. If you wish to write a comment in support of this exemption, go to the NMA web site. The Copyright Office ask that all written reply comments from supporters of a proposed exemption and parties that neither support nor oppose a proposed exemption are due March 14, 2018.

The right to repair goes further than just cars. The Owners’ Rights Initiative represents a broad coalition of stakeholders who have interest in protecting ownership rights around the world.

If owners don’t have the right to alter their property as they wish within the confines of existing regulations while also accepting that factory warranties could be affected, then the idea of product ownership begins to lose meaning. The battle on this front, particularly as it relates to vehicle repair, will continue long past 2018.

I wonder where the MIC (motorcycle industry council) and SEMA are on these issues?–Bandit

Bare Bones Solo Diamond Seating for Touring Models. If the quest is for a lowered bagger, all the elements are available including lowered, comfortable, classic seats from Le Pera.


The Bare Bones is a little lower and thinner than the Silhouette Solo. Simplistic design allows it to slip into any stock or custom touring bike.

This bad boy will change the entire attitude of your bike and is the perfect seat to take full advantage of one of our killer inlays or stitched graphics.

Pillion pads are available, please see next page.


Driver Seating:
11″ Wide
Passenger Seating:



Biker Gel: MSRP + $ 87.00
Leather Seating: MSRP + $ 88.00
Full Leather: MSRP + $149.00

Part Number:

LK-005DM [’08-’18]

Give A Shift Clicks up the Gears in 2018–
Additional panels to drill into five areas of focus

The Give A Shift About Motorcycles initiative was formed out of a desire to elevate and promote the category of motorcycling in a public manner that leverages industry experience, enthusiasm and new ideas via an “informed anonymity” round-table.

With new motorcycle sales stagnating after a significant drop in 2009, and a quickly shifting consumer base and retail culture, GAS is an informed grassroots effort to facilitate a variety of solutions.

The goal is to discuss issues, address some problems and develop some solutions. The initiative was seen by a considerable audience, becoming the biggest business story in the LA Times in December 2017 with over 80,000 reads of the story and thousands of downloads of the report.

Additional stories and sharing of the report has spurred increasing interest. The final reports and the full and anonymous transcript from the first meeting can be downloaded at the new web hub at for free. Additional links, a blog, photos and all future materials will be posted to this site as well.

Announced at Lucky Wheels Garage on Jan 11, 2018, the Give A Shift motorcycle industry round-table will host additional round-tables to discuss the five major take-aways from the initial meeting. With a mission to create five more sets of reports, and transcripts that delve deeper into the initial meetings output.

We have a categorical desirability problem, not a product problem
2. Motorcycles can get eliminated in an autonomous vehicle future
3. Mothers and female ridership increase is critical, but real action is needed
4. Motorcyclists and industry must relentlessly self-promote to survive
5. Improvements in the dealership experience is desperately needed

Give A Shift will kick off the next set of roundtable events with a late spring session in New York. Additional round table events will be announced in the coming months with a goal of completing the reports and making each available by the end of August 2018. This will produce diverse and actionable information that can be used by anybody interested in the future of motorcycling going into the 2019 selling season.

“What I thought would be a very focused base for the report has grown exponentially”, says GAS founder Robert Pandya. “I feel that the interest is high enough and I have received many notes of support from a variety of people in the industry as well as well-informed enthusiasts from around the world, that committing to a complete drill-down of the five major topics is worth the work and effort. I’m very happy that so many people have taken the time to be part of the initiative and wish to be part of future panels. I encourage OEM’s, industry leadership and connected businesses to participate in the GAS panels and absorb the work.”

Give A Shift is seeking out additional leaders for the remaining panels to encourage a further diversity of voices and leadership coming out of the initiative. Panel leaders will be responsible for managing facilitation, overseeing the report and supervising transcripts coming out of the sessions. In addition GAS is seeing out facilitation sponsors who are willing to donate space, food and and resources to complete the series.

Give A Shift is a volunteer program that leans on simple but critical enthusiasm for motorcycling, riders and the genuinely positive effect that motorcycling and scootering can have on a community and an individual. The program requires voices and leadership that is reflective of the wide variety of riders.

Those interested in the program can connect with Robert Pandya directly at or via

I take a slightly different slant. Here’s my list:

Motorcycles will never be eliminated by autonomous vehicles.
More females are riding than ever before and we’re helping.
We are working on a major campaign to promote motorcycling and motorcycle racing all over the world.
Dealers are more engaged with their customers than ever before, sponsor more events and racing. We can help.
We are working with school kids all over the world to introduce them to the fun and adventures of motorcycling.
We are actively involved in the science of the climate and how little change is man-made.

We are actively involved in motorcyclists rights and how regulation impacts the sport—ride free


Charge Debuts Portable Charger That Can Also Jump a Vehicle–6600 mAh Adventure Jump Start works on cars, trucks, boats and ATVs

According to AAA, dead batteries are one of the top reasons American drivers place a call for roadside assistance. The automotive association also says that 4 out of 10 drivers are not prepared for a roadside emergency and don’t carry an emergency kit containing items like a phone charger and jumper cables. The new myCharge Adventure Jump Start makes it easy to remember both of these essential tools by combining them into one glove box sized package.

The Adventure Jump Start features a 6600 mAh battery, enough for up to 4X extra battery for a smartphone. Compatible with most cars, trucks, boats and ATVs the myCharge Adventure Jump Start has a sustained jump start current of 200A and a peak jump start current of 400A. The included smart jump start cables provide LED feedback for safe use.

Designed for compact portability, the Adventure Jump Start .75 x 3 x 5.75 inches and weighs 1.2 pounds. It has one USB-A port with 2.4A maximum output and comes with a recharging cable. An integrated LED flashlight with SOS function further enhances the safety features of the device.

Now available at and Best Buy the myCharge Adventure Jump Start retails for $99.99.

Learn more at

The Children’s Climate Lawsuit Against The Children

Litigation may be as American as apple pie, but some lawsuits are so destructive that they stand out even among the hugely expensive wreckage wrought by our legal system. The most prominent current example is the “children’s” climate lawsuit (Juliana v U.S.): A group of kids, including “future generations, through their guardian Dr. James Hansen,” claim that the government’s actions and failures to act have caused climate change, thus violating the youngest generation’s constitutional rights to life, liberty and property, and have failed to protect essential public trust resources.

I leave the numerous legal issues to the lawyers, although precisely how the ineffable Hansen came to be the “guardian” for future generations is a question both fascinating and amusing. Instead, it is crucial to recognize first that the fundamental policy assumption underlying this lawsuit — we can make “the children” better off by making them poorer — is preposterous.

More generally, the lawsuit is a blatant attempt to circumvent democratic processes, in terms of both the Congressional power to make policy and the authority of the president to implement it.

No Hidden Agenda: Get News From A Pro-Free Market, Pro-Growth Perspective
Climate policies — mandated reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions — by and large are energy policies, and the constitution is silent on which such policies would serve the interests of future generations, or on the appropriate tradeoffs between the interests of “the children” and the adults alive in the here and now.

Those are policy questions, and this attempt to induce judges to interfere with Congress’ legislative powers is deeply destructive of our constitutional institutions. Should “the children” not be concerned about that? Why are “the children” not suing about, say, the national debt?

Second, the claim about the protection of “essential public trust resources” boils down to an assertion that carbon dioxide is a “pollutant.” No, it is not: A certain minimum atmospheric concentration of it is necessary for life itself. (Merely look at NASA’s time-lapse photo of the earth’s greening over the last 30-plus years.) By far the most important GHG is water vapor; does anyone claim that it is a “pollutant?” Obviously not, and not because ocean evaporation is a natural process; so are volcanic eruptions, and the massive amounts of effluents emitted by volcanoes are pollutants by any definition.

Third, consider a homo sapiens baby born in a cave some tens of thousands of years ago, in a world with environmental quality effectively untouched by mankind. That child at birth would have had a life expectancy on the order of ten years; had it been able to choose, it is obvious that it willingly would have given up some environmental quality in exchange for better housing, food, water, medical care, safety, ad infinitum. That is, it is obvious that people willingly choose to give up some environmental quality in exchange for a life both longer and wealthier.

In other words, the children’s lawsuit is inconsistent with actual interests of future generations, as the obvious underlying assumption is that future generations would prefer the purest possible environmental quality. That is not correct: Future generations want to inherit the most valuable possible capital stock in all of its myriad dimensions, among which environmental quality is one important component among many, and among all of which there are tradeoffs that cannot be avoided.

Is it the position of the attorneys representing “the children” that making energy more rather than less expensive unambiguously would make future generations better off? In order for future generations to receive the most valuable possible capital stock, the current generation must consume and invest resources most productively.

If regulatory and other policies implemented by the current generation yield less wealth now and a smaller total capital stock for future generations, then more resource consumption and more emissions of effluents currently would be preferred from the viewpoint of those future generations.

That is only the beginning of the problematic factual assertions and assumptions underlying the children’s lawsuit. The measureable effects of increasing GHG concentrations are far smaller than the climate models would lead one to believe. The degree to which recent warming has been anthropogenic is unsettled in the scientific literature; and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in its fifth assessment report (AR5) has reduced its estimated range of the effect in 2100 of a doubling of GHG concentrations from 2.0–4.5 to 1.5–4.5 degrees C.

There actually is little evidence of strong climate effects attendant upon increasing GHG concentrations, in terms of sea levels; Arctic and Antarctic sea ice; tornado activity; tropical cyclones; U.S. wildfires; drought; and flooding. IPCC in the AR5 is deeply dubious (Table 12.4) about the various severe effects often hypothesized (or asserted) as future impacts of increasing GHG concentrations.

One might assume that the facts underlying a lawsuit ought to be consistent with its central claims; one would be wrong. And wrong again if one assumes that the policy objective would make an actual difference: The Paris agreement with full U.S. participation would reduce temperatures by 2100 by seventeen one-hundredths of a degree. The U.S. contribution would be fifteen one-thousandths of a degree. Add another one one-hundredth of a degree if you believe that the Obama pseudo-agreement with China is meaningful. (It is not.)

Precisely what is the children’s climate lawsuit trying to achieve? It cannot be protection of our constitutional principles, or protection of future generations, or environmental improvement. Only one possibility remains: It is part of the long-term effort by the environmental left to use any means possible to exert control over other people’s property, economic choices, and lifestyles. The plaintiff attorneys are happy to participate in a litigation process in which “the children” are irrelevant.

Zycher is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.

[page break]


Brings you the Turbo Encabulator

If you ever have to give a Press Conference on a difficult subject I suggest you watch this gentleman from Rockwell International discuss the Turbo Encabulator.

Rockwell International decided to get into the heavy duty automatic transmission business and they wanted an introductory video. The stage crew began what has become a legend within the training industry. This is strictly off the cuff, nothing is written down. He had NO script!

–from Joe Teresi
All Encompassing Publisher
Paisano Publications


Scorpion low profile lock-up clutch

Scorpion lock-up clutches by Californian specialist Barnett feature a low profile billet aluminum lock-up pressure plate that is designed to fit under the stock primary cover.

“No need to change or modify your cover,” says Barnett. “The clutch surface area and capacity is also greatly increased compared to stock, and three different sets of six coil springs provide a wide variety of pressure options, making it ideal for stock to 200+ HP applications. In most applications light or medium springs can be used, resulting in reduced lever effort.”

A steel inner hub is also included to complete the unit. All Scorpion clutches are designed to fit into the stock type basket, and hydraulic versions are also available. Scorpion lock-up clutches are available for ‘41-’84 Big Twins, ‘90-‘18 Big Twins and ‘91-‘03 Sportsters.


I do know that some of the changes that the new Secretary of the VA David J Shulkin has put into place are working because I and others have seen it at the clinic and hospitals we go to.

I do suspect that those who may face firing or other administrative action will continue to fight the changes But Progress is being made.

See my previous message about Patient Advocate at Viera Clinic being replaced.
The motorcycle community is responding by contacting VA about issues and they appear to be listening.


Trump’s new VA office shelters whistle-blowers–Advocates praise agency, though some skeptics doubt it will be any different from past failures.

Dan Martin is chief engineer for Veterans Affairs hospitals in northern Indiana, but he hasn’t done much engineering for almost a year — or much of anything for that matter.

After he reported concerns about possible contracting improprieties at the hospitals, managers stripped him of his duties last March after they said he had been mean and used inappropriate language to his employees. They isolated him in an out-of the-way office in Marion, Ind., his lawyers said, and moved to fire him in December.

Since President Trump created a whistle-blower-protection office at the agency by executive order in April, the office has stepped in to help Martin and more than 70 other VA employees by delaying discipline against them until further investigation can be done.

The director of the office, Peter O’Rourke, told USA TODAY in an exclusive interview that 41 of those cases remain open,
and a “very small number” of the others were decided in favor of the employees.

The office, which has operated largely in secret, had a rocky start and faces staffing challenges and deep skepticism among some whistle-blowers.

But the early moves to help them drew praise from longtime advocates.

“There’s no agency in the executive (branch) that’s come close to providing temporary relief for over 70 people in less than a year,” said Tom Devine, legal director at the non-profit Government Accountability Project, who has worked on federal whistle-blower cases since 1979.

Devine, whose group represents Martin and a handful of other whistleblowers at the VA, said that if only a fraction of cases are decided in the employees’ favor, it would represent an improvement. He said whistle-blowers historically get relief in only 2% to 5% of cases.

Since June, the VA Office of Accountability and Whistle-blower Protection has fielded more than 1,000 complaints about operations at the VA, according to statistics compiled by the office.

They included roughly 300 alleging employees violated rules or laws, abused their authority or were engaged in mismanagement. In 28 other cases, the office determined they involved threats to public health or safety. A total of 232 complaints cited retaliation against whistle-blowers for speaking out about problems.

O’Rourke, a member of Trump’s transition team, said he designed the office to take quick, decisive action on complaints and track them until they are resolved. They are triaged, investigated and, if legitimate, shared with all levels of the agency, from headquarters in Washington to regional and local officials in the field.

“In the past, people make a complaint, who knows who saw it? Maybe the medical center saw it, maybe they didn’t, maybe my supervisor never sent it anywhere,” said O’Rourke, a Navy veteran and former business consultant. “The process we have now,that disclosure now gets visibility … so these things cannot be hidden.”

He said the identities of employees reporting wrongdoing are kept secret unless the employees give permission to reveal them. In cases of retaliation, he said, permission may be necessary to fully vet the complaints.
The office has faced challenges and skepticism.

It inherited a number of employees and cases from the now-defunct VA Office of Accountability Review, an Obama-era effort that targeted leaders for discipline but that some whistle-blowers viewed as ineffective.

O’Rourke interviewed a prominent whistle-blower, Katherine Mitchell, a physician who has testified before Congress about threats to patient care at the Phoenix VA and is well-connected to dozens of VA whistle-blowers. She said he offered her a position at the new office in August, then reversed himself in a two-sentence email in October and hasn’t responded since.

Mitchell hasn’t seen any progress on a case she filed with the office accusing the agency of retaliating against her by not allowing her to perform duties related to specialty care contained in her job description. She works in a regional office performing unrelated tasks, including reviewing and distributing policies from headquarters.

–Donovan Slack

–from Rogue


Rebuilding The S&S Shorty Series Carbs

This is a great article. I am thinking of buying an old XLH with an S&S Shorty with what he says has a needle seat gasket problem. I could not figure out how to download this article onto my zip drive. Could it be possible for you guys to email me the article?

Mason, WI

You should be able to print out any article we have.–Bandit

HOW ABOUT A MUSIC VIDEO TEASER– Chapter 1 “Graveyard Moon” Teaser

Underground Thieves:
Chapter 1 – “Graveyard Moon”
Jan 26th 2018
Available digitally to buy and stream everywhere



This flier was sent to me from one of the women on Bikers For Trump



Scooters get ready buyers – Clumsy Cops sue Victory and Polaris – The Big Bike and the Big Biker – Cleveland Cyclewerks to challenge Enfield – Competition heating up in premium bikes – Enfield to announce five new brands in AutoExpo 2018.

More customers seen shifting to scooters from motorcycles, says Honda’s Minoru Kato

Minoru Kato President and chief executive of Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India Pvt. Ltd says the firm’s strong presence in the scooter segment, along with the government’s focus on improving road conditions, would propel the company’s growth in India.

“Indian operation is the largest in the world for Honda company. So far it has been very exciting and luckily I came to India, which has been the biggest motorcycle market in the world, and of course we can expect to increase it further. We have a strong sales and service team, and on the factory side as well we have a very capable team to improve the quality of our daily operations and our products. Our sales and marketing network across the nation is now more than 5,500 touchpoints and we have plans to strengthen our network to maximize customer satisfaction.”

“Now with betterment in road infrastructure across the country, we expect more customers to shift to scooters from motorcycles. Scooters have smaller wheels compared to a motorcycle, so if the road conditions are not good then it is not comfortable for scooters.”

He further adds, “Customers who ride scooters do not expect performance and use the vehicle for commuting purposes. On the contrary, in the motorcycle segment customers expect performance. That is why in the motorcycle segment we have seen products from 150cc to 300cc and above but when it comes to scooters, 125cc is enough.”

Hilliard officer’s estate sues motorcycle trainers in his death

The administrator for the estate of Sean Johnson filed the suit Dec. 22 in Franklin County Common Pleas Court. It accuses Victory Police Motorcycles LLC and its director of sales, Michael Schultz, and Polaris Industries, Inc., and its trainer, Timothy Klenk, of negligence that resulted in Johnson’s fatal motorcycle crash during a training run on May 19, 2016.

The suit accuses those named of “having the (police) trainees undertake dangerous maneuvers for which they were untrained, ill prepared, and unable to perform and committing other negligent acts during the training of the class participants.

Hilliard bought four motorcycles in 2016 at an average cost of $47,959 each, to form a new motorcycle unit. The police department, in 2015 city documents, told the Hilliard City Council the motorcycles would help the city “from a visiblity standpoint and maneurving in the (city’s) roundabouts.” Johnson, 46, and three other Hilliard police officers Brandon Long, Robert White and Kyle Bright began training on the motorcycles on May 16, 2016.

Prior to that, Johnson, a Hilliard police officer for 16 years, “had very little experience riding a Victory motorcycle or any motorcycle as large as the Victory,” the suit alleges. “The other five students in the class also had minimal experience riding a motorcycle as large as the Victory.”

The training group were on Interstate 270 south, taking the off ramp to State Route 161 east, heading to New Albany in eastern Franklin County, at 1:47 p.m. On the ramp, though, the front tire of Johnson’s motorcycle touched the rear of Bright’s motorcycle. Witnesses said the pairs formation was traveling about 60 miles per hour on the ramp when the motorcycles touched. Johnson’s motorcycle continued straight and struck the ramp’s right retaining wall, sending Johnson off of the motorcycle, over the wall and to the grassy area 30 feet below. Seven minutes after the crash, Johnson was pronounced dead at the scene from head and torso trauma.

An autopsy found no drugs or alcohol in Johnson’s system. His motorcycle was found in sixth gear. The suit seeks unspecified money damages, alleging wrongful death, pain and suffering, legal fees and funeral expenses. It notes Johnson left two children, a mother, sister and brother.

American bike maker Cleveland Cyclewerks to launch retro challengers in India at Auto Expo 2018

An American based motorcycle company, Cleveland CycleWerks will soon enter the market as Cleveland CycleWerks India. According to a report on OverDrive, the brand will make its official Indian debut at the Auto Expo 2018. The brand will launch two new sub 250cc motorcycles. The two motorcycles that will be launched are Cleveland Ace and the Cleveland Misfit. Cleveland will launch retro-inspired bikes to ride on the high popularity of such bikes in India, especially looking at the success of the Royal Enfield brand.

The Cleveland Ace is a retro-neo commuter bike and the Misfit shares the same platform but the Ace is designed as a scrambler while the Misfit is designed as a cafe racer. The Misfit is also higher powered than the Ace.

The Ace is powered by a 229.5cc single cylinder engine that produces a maximum power of 14.5 PS and peak torque of 16.5 Nm. The carbureted engine is air-cooled and there’s nothing extraordinary about it. Cleveland is yet to share the Indian specific details about the engine and the motorcycle but it is expected to get around the same power.

The bike is targeted at the young audience who want retro styling accompanied by modern engine and accessories. The motorcycle is designed to carry out daily commutes with weekend highway runs. The Ace also gets a Deluxe variant that features aluminium wheels, inverted front forks and a more aggressive seating position. It is not yet clear if the brand will launch both the bikes or only the standard version of the model.

The Cleveland Misfit is a sporty commuter bike with retro-neo looks. The bike has been designed with classic American looks with modern attire. The bike is powered by a 223cc single-cylinder engine with overhead cam and counter-balancer. The engine produces a maximum power of 16.3 PS and 18 Nm. It gets 315mm disc brake at front and 220 Nm disc at the rear. It also gets twin-pod instrument cluster with upside down forks and various other accessories.

Competition hots up in premium motorcycles
Heightened competition in premium motorcycles may also lead to pricing pressure and squeeze profitability, affecting hitherto rich margins

The premium segment accounts for barely 12-15% of the total motorcycle sales in India. To be sure, the largest selling motorcycle in the premium segment with scorching growth rates of 25%-plus over the last few years is Royal Enfield from Eicher Motors Ltd.

However, in FY17, compared to five years ago, many global manufacturers such as HD Motor Co. India (Harley Davidson), Triumph Motorcycles, Suzuki Motorcycles and India Kawasaki have entered the Indian market. Other listed premium motorcycle manufacturers such as Bajaj Auto Ltd and TVS Motor Co. Ltd have been around for a long time.

Five new Royal Enfield motorcycles coming to the 2018 Indian Auto Expo

Royal Enfield will show no less than 5 new motorcycles at the 2018 Indian Auto Expo, an event that’ll kick off from the second week of February. Here’s a quick walkthrough on what to expect from the retro-motorcycle giant.

Thunderbird 350X
Himalayan Sleet with Accessories
Thunderbird 500X
Interceptor 650
Continental GT 650

by Ujjwal Dey
Most Magnificent Editor
Bikernet Trikes

[page break]



The online ticket sales for the 74th Annual Trailblazers Banquet on April 7th banquet opened on the morning of January 2nd. Fifty hours later we were sold out and the ability to buy a ticket on line was shutdown.


If you are still looking for a seat at the banquet, GET ON THE WAITING LIST, and be patient. We still have almost three months and seating changes take place hourly. There are various reasons for cancelations. The best way to get on the waiting list is to email or call Judy, with all your contact information and guest info at (909) 226 6038 cell (951) 780 1978.

DAN GURNEY R.I.P. 1931 – 2018

We have lost a Champion in every meaning of the word. Daniel Sexton Gurney passed away at the age of 86. He was an extraordinary man and very much a true gentleman. Two of his many awards, were the induction into the Trailblazers Hall of Fame and he also received our highest honor, the Dick Hammer Award. Among his many accomplishments as a driver were wins in Sports Cars, Formula 1, Indy Cars, Nascar, CanAm and the Trans Am series. He was also a manufacturer among many other ventures. Take a look at his bio on Wikipedia. There is also a nice write-up in Cycle News, Volume 55.

We offer our condolences to his family and friends. God Speed Dan, we will miss you.



Saturday, March 24th in Randsburg, California. Who’s invited? Any enthusiast who rode enduro’s back in the day (60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s) or before or after. Spouses, girlfriends, boyfriends, all are welcome. You are welcome to bring your enduro paraphernalia, pictures, bikes, etc. for display. A flyer is attached; Larry Langley and Jerry Counts are hard at work on this event. For questions, call Larry at 559-877-4514. Limited free camping at Opera House. Goat’s Sky Ranch Hotel 760-374-2285.–CA/homes?allow-override%5B%5D=&s_tag=QD1pAhLL Lodging in Ridgecrest (25mi) Hall, Dinner and T-shirt $30. If the flyer isn’t attached, email and I will forward it.


Trailblazer, Jim Wilson, was honored as a legend of Supercross and Motocross pre-race at the Anaheim Supercross opener on January 6th. Mike Chamberlain, also a Trailblazer, was on stage with him for the ceremony.


A huge dirt track enthusiast, Robert Herrick in Michigan authored a motorcycle dirt track encyclopedia of riders assigned numbers from 1965 to 1990. It includes all amateurs and experts, both National and non-national numbers. It is 366 pages and sells for $35.00- $40.00 (depending on shipping costs.


Ronnie Jones wanted to let the racing community know that 95 year old Margie Nix, Freddie Nix’s mother, passed away on December 29. Freddie was a much loved Flat Track racer who died in a dune buggy accident in Bakersfield, California many years ago.


The 15 day Rally started on Saturday, January 8th in Lima Peru. The 5600 mile course takes them through Bolivia and ends in Argentina.


Sorry, but I missed this excellent article written by Steve Bauer. It was in Issue #45 and you can still read it FREE at Steve did a great job of describing the Tom we knew and loved. Thanks


Take a look and see what you will miss if you don’t ride their next event on Sunday, February 11 at Glen Helen Raceway. Lots of photos and a good story. Practice days will precede race days and will be posted. For race information

This years Old School program will be considered a Championship Series, consisting of five events on the truck track pavilion on a custom designed TT Scrambles Course.


On New Year’s Eve, 1967 Evel Knievel’s attempted a historic jump 115 feet over the fountains at Caesar’s Palace. It was on the cover. Unfortunately Evel and his Triumph cartwheeled down the landing ramp, causing multiple injuries. There were an estimated 12 -15 thousand spectators. A few days later he called Cycle News to say he was planning another LV jump at the grand opening of Circus Circus and then the Grand Canyon. Steve Hurd was featured rider in Meet the Racers column.


It was the opening round of the CMC/Suzuki Golden State MX Series at Saddleback. Winners were Brian Myerscough, Gaylon Mosier and Rex Staten. New short series in Cycle News by Bob Hannah. “How To Ride Like The Hurricance”. John Penton and Jack Lehto interviews. They were the new managers of the newly formed KTM America.


Interview with race promoter Mickey Thompson, who was in the middle of a Supercross sanctioning war with Mike Goodwin’s Supercross Inc. At that time, Thompson’s MTEG company had exclusive rights to conduct all motorsports events at Anaheim Stadium. Rick Johnson and Micky Dymond on cover. Rick won the Sandhill Ranch round of the Golden State MX Series. An interview with Micky.


Eddie and Jody Mulder are hosting the Cachuma Ralley from June 1 – 4. There will be Bikes, Rides, Prizes, Food, Field Events and more. This year will be in remembrance of Bruce Brown. More information as we get closer to June. Meanwhile, they will be glad to forward the flyers: There are always good reports from this event.


All his articles are good. This time he writes about the 1986 season and Eddie’s focus on winning back the 500cc Grand Prix World Championship lost to Freddie Spencer in 1985. You will have to read it to see if he is successful. Volume 55

In volume 55 Larry wrote about the AMA Grand National race at the Lakewood Fairgrounds in Atlanta in 1973. The track that was so bad the race was canceled The fans weren’t happy.


This group was formed in 2017 to address the concerns about the level of safety in flat track racing. Their goal is to create a national awareness of the lack of safety standards and work with promoters, riders, parents and sanctioning bodies to make the necessary changes. You can get more information from their website: and Facebook:


The Tom Cates Memorial bike show has become a center piece of the TB banquet due to the hard work and dedication of Tom White and his crew. It is fitting that the Best of Show trophy be named after him. Thank you Tom.


2018 MotoGP, Moto2 and Moto3 World Championships will be the first in the history of Grand Prix racing to mandate the use of airbags for every permanent rider. The airbag fits under their suit. More information in Cycle News volume 55.


Saturday, Jan 20 Supercross at Angel Stadium in Anaheim

Sunday, Jan 21 SoCal Norton BBQ at Dan Shoenwald’s contact:

Sunday, Jan 21 Milestone Vet

January 27-28 AMA National Hare & Hound RD1 Red Mountain, CA

Saturday, Feb 3 Speedway at Perris, Race at 5, 1205 Burton Rd.

Sunday, Feb 11 Glen Helen

Paradise Road Show is this weekend!
It’s year two and we have so many new things happening !


Tell all your friends! We want to see everyone at the show next weekend !
#ParadiseRoadShow #AceHotelPalmSprings
You can find the flyer here

This year is a ticketed event.
You may buy tickets online, HERE, for single days or the weekend, or you may purchase tickets at the event, for the same price.

This weekend the Ace will be serving up some delicious dishes, a vegan option included, and we will even have our Signature Cocktail, The Pink Flamingo!

We have 30 + Vendors!
Here’s list of the vendors that will be in the Commune area all weekend:
Wild Records, Delinquent Bros.,
Cosmic Vinyl, Old Tobacco MFG, Chinatown Tattoo, B.Blakely Custom Embroidery, The Teenaged, Kilroy Vtg, Range Needle Works, Sunset Vintage & Blackboard MFG, Cycle Zombies, Showpony Brand, No Grand Rituals, and last but not least The Alchemistress will be back !
Don’t forget to visit Golden Years Road for more amazing Mid Century treasures, outside with the cars !

YOU GUYS will be deciding our Best in Show bike this year ! Visit the HWY Booth in the Commune to cast your vote !

Wild Records band Bebo & The Goodtime Boys will be playin some rocking tunes to close us out on Saturday !

We have proudly teamed up with Brixton once again to bring you our official limited edition 2018 merch !

Don’t forget Paradise Road Show is a family and dog friendly show !


Saturday 1/20
7 AM – 9:30 AM Load in
10 AM – Doors Open
1:30 – 2:30 Pie Eating Contest
4:30 – 5:30 Raffle + Awards Presented by Paradise Road
6:30 – 7:15 Bebo and the Goodtime Boys (band)
10pm – 2 AM Paradise Road Show After Part at the Amigo room at Ace Hotel

Sunday 1/21
7 AM – 9:30 AM Load in
10 AM – Doors Open
1:00 – 2:00 Raffle

*Dj’s will be playing throughout the day in the Commune Area*
Paradise Road Year Two !


Motorcycle awareness should be included in all driver training and increased in safety campaigns, according to the authors of an Australian National University study which found that drivers are twice as likely to miss seeing a motorcycle compared with a taxi and admit they do not expect to see motorcyclists.

Referred to it as “inattentional blindness” resulting in “looked-but-failed-to-see” (LBFTS) crashes, these are the most common type of collision involving motorcycles, according to the 2017 US Motorcycle Crash Causation Study.

Now, a new Australian National University study, “Allocating Attention to Detect Motorcycles: The Role of Inattentional Blindness”, has found that drivers are overloaded with more sensory information than the brain can handle. “So our brain has to decide what information is most important,” the study reports.

Researchers showed photographs of “safe” or “unsafe” situations involving a motorcycle and a taxi, and 65% did not detect the motorcycle while only 31% did not notice the taxi. In other experiments, drivers modulated their attention to accommodate motorcycles when necessary, suggesting that motorcycles are given the least amount of attention.

Participants said they believed a motorcycle was just as likely to be on the road as a taxi, but admitted they would be far less likely to notice the motorcycle. However, participants who have a motorcycle license were more likely to notice the motorcycles.

“Motorcycles appear to be very low on the priority list for the brain when it is filtering information,” University researcher Kristen Pammer says. Co-authors say their study highlights the need to encourage drivers to be more motorcycle-aware with special training for novice drivers to “put motorcyclists higher on the brain ‘radar’ of the driver.”

Pammer notes many ways drivers can be made rider-aware, including advertising campaigns. “I would put it into driver training programs where everyone who drives must also experience what it is like to ride a motorbike,” she says, adding that “If we could have everyone pass a simulator motorbike riding test — I bet it would make a big difference.”

–Bill Bish
NCOM Legislative Newsbytes

Read Bill’s entire monthly report on Bikernet in the next couple of days.–Bandit

Crank & Stroker Supply Co.

–Andy Calogero

New Number: 1 760 707 6093

By David Allan Coe

–from El Wags


Everything fits if your wallet is thick enough. If you can think it, anything is possible in this modern day and age. Want to put a new M8 big twin into your old 1970 Sportster. Sure just start stroking a cheque and the work can start. That is where the internet becomes a real tool.

A few clicks and you can find out how others have fixed the problem you’re facing. Sometimes it is finding compatible parts, other times it is discovering what you want to do is very, very expensive and will require days in a machine shop to come to fruition.

For some projects it is discovering all the work, all the money will not net you the gains that you’re hoping or expecting. The internet holds a wealth of information from those that have been there and done it and willing to share.

After *cough* months on the lift I finally turned my attention to tearing into the heart of Mrs. Monkey’s HondaMatic to replace the head and base gaskets that were seeping after decades of intermittent service. One of the things that always bothered me was that the bike should have more get up and go. It was fine while she was learning to ride but after all these years of going to Sturgis the flicker of an idea of riding her own bike there has come to light.

It meant finding out why the little pony didn’t have much kick. The local experts shrugged it off as it just being a gutless bike. Turning to the internet I was able to find like minded people who demanded more from their Honda Twins. Sure enough I was able to drive the problem down to being an aging CDI computer. Thanks to Longdistancerider on the Honda Twins forum, I now know what parts I need to find, and who to contact for the one off specialty part.

That is where the power of the internet really shines through. In the old days a tired motorcycle would be pushed beside the shed between the rotor tiller and the broken lawn chairs – left to rust away. Maybe someone tries to keep a bike going throwing money after money at parts not knowing that the components themselves have a finite shelf life whether that from a million miler or NOS sitting on a shelf in the back corner of the shop.

Others is it thousands of dollars milling, shaving trying to make something work that was never meant to in the first place. Today simply reaching out on the internet to someone like Longdistancerider and others will help keep some green in your wallet and your bike on the road.

-bad uncle Monkey

There is no law that prevents a convicted felon from running for the U.S. Congress. Six convicted felons are running during the 2018 midterm elections, two for the U.S. Senate and four for the U.S. House of Representatives. Four are Republicans and two are Democrats.

They are in alphabetical order:

Democrat candidate David Alcorn who was convicted of stalking. Alcorn is one of nine candidates for the Democratic Party’s nomination in New Mexico’s 2nd Congressional District.

Former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio who is running in the Republican primary the U.S. Senate seat in Arizona. Then Sheriff Arpaio was convicted of misdemeanor criminal contempt of court in July 2017 for defying a court order requiring him to stop detaining people he suspected of being illegal aliens. President Donald Trump pardoned him one month later.

Don Blankenship, the former head of the coal mining company Massey Energy who is running in the Republican primary to challenge Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.). Blankenship served one year in prison on a misdemeanor conviction for conspiring to evade safety laws after the death of 29 miners at his Upper Big Branch Mine in 2010.

Congressman Greg Gianforte (R-Mont.) is running for re-election. Gianforte plead guilty to a misdemeanor charge of assaulting a reporter in 2017.

Former Rep. Michael Grimm, who is challenging incumbent Rep. Dan Donovan (R-N.Y.) Grimm is a former FBI agent who pleaded guilty to felony tax evasion in 2014.

Bradley Edward (Chelsea) Manning who was convicted by court-martial in July 2013, of violations of the Espionage Act and other offenses, after disclosing to WikiLeaks nearly 750,000 classified, or unclassified but sensitive, military and diplomatic documents. Manning’s sentence was communted by former President Barack Obama in 2016. Manning is running in the Democratic primary in Maryland for the U.S. Senate.

Perhaps the two most interesting candidates are Republican Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Democrat Bradley Edward (Chelsea) Manning.

Both have something in common. Both are convicted felons and both have been pardoned by a U.S. President. Control of the U.S. Senate is critical to furthering any president’s agenda. President Trump has taken strong positions on rebuilding the military, border security, immigration and growing the economy by reducing taxes and regulations.

It is clear that the Democratic Party is not and will not help further President Trump’s agenda of making America great, again.

The Family Research Council in an article titled “Chelsea Manning: The Voice of Treason” notes:

Chelsea Manning had a chance to serve his country — and betrayed it. Now he wants to serve in the U.S. Senate. The former Army private-turned-transgender-activist stunned everyone this week by announcing a run for elected office, one year after he was pardoned for treason. Welcome to the new Democratic Party.

For most people, the idea would be outrageous even if Manning weren’t sure which gender to identify with. This is, after all, a man who was convicted of war crimes against the very country he’s running to represent. “All Manning would have to do,” a Fox News commentator pointed out, “is swear another meaningless oath and promise to obey it this time to once again gain access to our national security secrets, which [he] could leak again if [he] wished. That should fill you with confidence.”

The midterm elections will be notable is many different ways, the idea of convicted felons running is just one more anomaly.

This reminds us of the Capitol One commercial. What’s in your Congress?

–Dr. Rich

–from Rogue


S&S mini teardrop

Created in 1975, the S&S teardrop air cleaner has long been the iconic shape of V-twin performance. Adding to that legacy, the new mini teardrop is a compact version designed around the S&S Stealth high flow air cleaner system for a simple and, in most applications, emissions compliant install.

S&S says that the mini teardrop is “a natural for the Sportster and Street, but looks and performs great on Dyna, Softail and Touring models as well.”

Available in chrome or gloss black as a full air cleaner kit or a retrofit cover for existing Stealth air cleaners.


Freestyle inspired ‘Step-up’ seats

These T-sport inspired ‘Step-up’ seats by Californian manufacturer Saddlemen have been designed in collaboration with top freestyle performers.

Lattice-stitch style with high lumbar and integrated ‘Gel-Core’ technology

Available in ‘lattice-stitch’ (LS) or ‘tuck-and-roll’ (TR), the high lumbar keeps the rider locked into the seat. They feature Saddlemen’s ‘Ultra-Foam’, formulated to provide a “perfect balance of rigidity and user compliance” with their integrated ‘Gel-Core’ technology and black whisper-grain saddlehyde covers.

Tuck-and-Roll style with ‘Ultra-Foam’ for rigidity and comfort



Awesome bikes! And a great cause!


Thanks much.–Bandit

HANG ON FOR THE Colombo Bike Show 2018– 
The Biggest 3 Day Exhibition for the Motor Cycle & Bike Industry of Sri Lanka.

Date : 2 ~ 4 AUGUST 2018
Venue : Sri Lanka Exhibition & Convention Centre (SLECC), Colombo – Sri Lanka
Opening Hours : 10.00 am to 8.30 pm
Frequency : Annual
Open to : Trade / Business & Public Visitors
Official Website : Colombo Bike Show 2018
Concurrent Exhibitions :
Sri Lanka Auto Parts Show 2018 Int’l Expo

Event Profile

CEMS-Global USA in association with CEMS Lanka are delighted to present `Colombo Bike Show 2018’ to be held concurrently with the `Sri Lanka Auto Parts Show 2018 Int’l Expo’, scheduled to be held from 2 – 4 August 2018, which will be a glittering showcase of the world of 2-wheeler, e-bikes and auto component and after-market industry.

Great news for the show is the latest announcement of the Sri Lankan Budget for the year 2018.

The Finance Ministry has announced a definite cut-off date for the usage of fossil fuel vehicles – 2040. Several other countries, includingIndia, Bangladesh, UK and China have also settled to phase out fossil fuel vehicles in the near future. Better still, the entire Sri Lankan Government vehicle fleet will be either electric or hybrid by 2025.

Customs duty on motorcycles (less than 150 cc) has been reduced by 90% and the Government has drastically reduced the import duty on e-bikes, which makes Sri Lanka a highly potential market for sales of e-bikes in coming years.

With 2-wheeler and e-bike sales reaching newer heights in Sri Lanka, the `Colombo Bike Show 2018’ will be an exclusive show on local and international 2-wheelermotorcycle and e-bike manufacturers &suppliers showcasing their latest motor cycles and e-bikes or e-vehicles. It will be a leading show of the sector and will create a great opportunity to network Sri Lanka’s motorcycles supply chain and lead business to greater success and gain market access to Sri Lanka’s colossal 2-wheeler market and e-bikes/ vehicles.

The `Colombo Bike Show 2018’ will also reveal to the country the rapid developments in the 2-wheeler and e-bike Industry and will also be a launching-pad for many new Motorbikes as well as new technology components. The neat layout of the show provides ample opportunity to the consumers of vehicles to see the latest offerings in the market as well as to the business visitor to carry out networking in a highly enabled environment.

The `Colombo Bike Show 2018’ is therefore not only a networking ground, but also a place to find business partners and strategic alliances for manufacturing, outsourcing, sub-contracting, design and development as well as direct marketing.

Profile of Exhibits

The `Colombo Bike Show 2018’ will have Exhibitors from: Motorcycles:
Sport Motorcycle, Road Motorcycle, Sport Cruiser Motorcycle, Off-road Motorcycles, e-bikes, All Terrain Motorcycles, Moped, and Scooter.Motorcycles Parts, Components and Accessories, Brake, Brake Control System, Control Cable and Parts, Exhaust Muffler and Pipe Silence, Filters, Motorcycles Engine, Other Brake Control, System Components, Piston, Rear Mirror.

Bicycles, E-Bikes and Light Electric Vehicles:

Cross Country (XC), XC Trail, Competitive XC, Progressive HT, Enduro/All Mountain (AM), Free Ride (FR), Dirt Jump/Urban and Street (DJ), Downhill (DH), Recreational XC, Competitive Road Bike, Endurance Bike, Fixed Gear Bike, Fitness Bike, Cyclocross, Dirt jumper, etc.

Please contact:

CEMS USA In Association with: CEMS SriLanka
Global HQ:
Conference & Exhibition Management Services Ltd.[CEMS-Global]
New York, USA
T : +1 – 646 – 416 – 7902 , F : +1 – 646 – 365 – 8625
Mail to : CEMS-Global , Colombo Bike Show 2018

W: CEMS-Global , Colombo Bike Show 2018

Your Friends At Indian Motorcycle Charlotte Are Ready To Help!

Thanks to our loyal and growing family of Indian motorcycle zealots, we look forward to another exciting new year here at Indian Motorcycle Charlotte.

As you know, our commitment to customer satisfaction never wavers. Our goal: to make you a “customer for life” and the only dealer you’ll ever need. Once you experience the high level of passion, product knowledge and integrity that our locally owned and operated dealership can offer, we think you’ll appreciate the difference.

We know January and February are not exactly the best riding months, but that’s what makes them the best buying months. We have the entire 2018 Indian motorcycle lineup on our showroom floor. It’s crowded. Stop in, look around and let’s discuss your dream. Attractive financing with zero down and 3.99% financing for 72 months.

With several weeks of winter ahead, it’s also time to update your closet. Check out our special deals and attractive pricing on the full range of Indian apparel to keep you warm and comfortable. Visit our online catalog or stop in for unadvertised specials. Flagship News subscribers shopping online can use the exclusive customer code: indianfriend at checkout.

As we ride on into the new year, we sincerely “thank you” for your continued support. Indian motorcycles are better than ever, and the legendary brand continues to grow in popularity. We are very confident in the future and proud of our role as “The World’s First & Finest Indian Motorcycle Dealer.” We know you will enjoy our legendary service and the world’s finest ride.

Ride safely and we look forward to seeing you soon.

–Mark Moses – Owner & General Manager

T-SHIRT OF THE WEEK– 40 Years of Honda CBX
The “THE MAGNIFICENT SIX” anniversary t-shirt from

The iconic Honda CBX turns 40 this year. On this occasion offers a striking “CBX – THE MAGNIFICENT SIX – RIDING SINCE 1978” anniversary
t-shirt for all owners and fans of the legendary six-cylinder motorcycle.

The high-quality black t-shirt with white lettering is available in sizes M through 3XL.

The new t-shirt is available exclusively at and costs 23 Euros.

BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!–

The Hardbikes Mission

Where are Hardbikes now? I assume out of business? Is there anywhere to get parts for a 2006? Like handlebar risers and a different seat option that came on these bikes? Did someone buy their stock?

Any answers would be greatly appreciated.

–Brian Snyder
Grand Prairie , Tx

From Bob Kay: They are out of business. Evil Kneivel Cycles had taken over the operations but they are gone now too. You can use any risers if you use a clamp with Dakota digital mount. Seats were custom so take the seat pan to an upholsterer

–Bob Kay

I also suggested the new Big Dog team. They could help. And I’m sure Lifestyle Cycles in Orange County was a dealer. They might still have some parts.–Bandit

Changes being made at my local VA Clinic

The VA Administration Is Listening
The Veterans Affairs has improved greatly since President Trump has taken office and more changes are coming.

I was told today that Mike Carter the Patient Advocate is no longer with the Viera VA Outpatient Clinic, 2900 Veterans Way, Viera, Florida 32940.

I do not have all the details yet But I do know that there have been complaints filed over how he handled some issues for those who went to see him.

I have also been told there is a replacement coming soon. Let us monitor how that person does things.

Remember for VA to improve we all should let the Honorable David J. Shulkin the current secretary know the good and also the things that have to be improved. I suggest you start by going to the Veteran Affairs web site at

–from Rogue

and other motorcycle makers face big challenges as sales sputter

Harley-Davidson and other motorcycle makers are trying to find a way to throttle up sales this year, but the road is rutted with obstacles.

Harley is scheduled to release its fourth-quarter 2017 financial results Jan. 30, closing out what was a difficult 12 months for the Milwaukee-based company.

Harley and other makers of cruiser and touring motorcycles have seen their sales remain flat or fall as the economy has slipped in some states and interest in motorcycling, overall, hasn’t been as strong.

The world’s largest manufacturer of heavyweight bikes saw a 40% drop in its third-quarter 2017 profit, to $68.2 million from $114.1 million in the same period a year earlier.

In the U.S., Harley and other motorcycle manufacturers are caught between two customer demographic trends: Millennials who aren’t widely embracing the motorcycling lifestyle and Boomers who think they are getting too old to keep riding. They’ve also seen sales decline in some states, including Texas.

“The motorcycle market has been soft,” said analyst Craig Kennison with Milwaukee-based Robert W. Baird & Co.

Still, there are encouraging signs.

-Building ridership:
“Used motorcycles have been stronger. Our analysis shows used bike prices are rising, which is good news for riders looking to trade up. Harley has embraced the used market as part of its strategy to build ridership,” Kennison said.
Harley-Davidson dealerships say they remain optimistic even with sluggish national sales trends and the normal seasonal slowdown. In December, they sold a lot of motorcycling clothing, parts and accessories as holiday gifts.

More potential customers are getting serious about buying a bike for the spring.
“We are starting to see activity for sure, especially on Saturdays,” said Todd Berlin, sales manager of Suburban Harley-Davidson in Thiensville, Wis.

Trimming back inventory: Still, motorcycle industry analysts will be watching sales closely to see that manufacturers aren’t producing more bikes than the marketplace can handle.

“Harley has been working to significantly lower U.S. inventory,” analyst Robin Farley with UBS Investment Research said in a recent note to clients.

There could be pressure on Harley CEO Matt Levatich, too, if the company’s financial performance doesn’t improve soon.

? Recruiting the next generation of rider: The median age of motorcycle owners has increased from 32 to 47 since 1990, the Motorcycle Industry Council says.
“Retention of Boomers will continue to be a significant mission for the industry in the next decade, despite the fact that they are aging out,” said a recently published report from a group of motorcycle industry officials calling themselves Give a Shift.

The report said there never has been a more compelling time to ride, with a wide variety of motorcycles across all brands, but the negative or flat trends have persisted since 2009.

Harley-Davidson said it isn’t part of the “Give a Shift” group, started by a former Polaris Industries executive, but that it shares some of the group’s goals.

Harley’s 10-year strategy is to train 2 million new U.S. riders, grow international business to 50% of sales and launch 100 new “high-impact” motorcycles. The company has challenged the motorcycle industry to build the next generation of riders for the good of everyone in the industry, Harley spokesman Michael Pflughoeft said.

–by Rick Barrett
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel USA TODAY

–from Rogue

I can’t stand it. If you read the above report carefully it’s bullshit. We live in a strange time. If you stub your toe and someone writes about it, they will report that you’re disabled and may never walk again.

If a company’s profits don’t soar every quarter, the corporate world is coming to an end. Quick, we need to fire the boss and find a new strategy.

I keep reminding folks that no one stopped having babies, so there are more potential motorcyclists than ever before and not just a few but zillions. So hang on, if the government would open their eyes and the economy would spark, everyone would be building cool shit and riding hard to the next party.

Take for instance this little company owned by a very old sonuvabitch who could pass out at anytime. We built a new Panhead in the last few months of 2017. We are building a Streamlined Trike, with the help of JIMS machine and Paughco for Bonneville this year. We are building a sculpted bike for a Hamster charity event hopefully to help the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum.

That old fart is finishing a screenplay, working to help kick off a new motorcycle internet TV series and working on a new Chance Hogan biker book. Plus our staff constantly works with the Motorcycle Riders Foundation and any motorcycle group to support the notion of Riding Free and building anything you want.

Maybe I should give it all up because sales are down 10 percent and mow lawns. Fuck it. Let’s Ride Free Forever, or die trying.


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