Under the pen name Scooter Tramp Scotty, I’ve been writing for several publications, both printed and online, for years. These true motorcycle drifter adventure stories offer a unique niche and have gained me a large following that continues to grow.
Once a story has been published in print, I then pass it along to Bikernet, and eventually a few smaller publications as well.
Although monthly now, I started in the mid ’90s by putting out only an occasional piece that generally saw print in Easyriders magazine—for there were no online mags back then. So later, when Keith asked me for material to be used in bikernet.com, I didn’t take this new-age computer crap too seriously. Real magazines, I figured, were something one could hold in his hand while seated on the john.
In time however, the computer age came to full swing and it was necessary that I become involved in social media. To my absolute surprise, I’ve found that social media response to my printed stories is minimal, yet once this same material hits Bikernet my damn computer blows up! I guess the world’s become full of computer freaks these days, and must also attribute this phenomena, at least in part, to the fact that online media is by its very nature world wide. This has made the publication of my work in bikernet.com far more important.

Click here to read all of Scotty’s ‘life on the road’ stories. It’s fascinating stuff!