Continued From Page 3

UNDER ATTACK!–Buds, our country is under attack! What do you all think about this?The twenty-something says “oh, no, I don’t want to go to war, gee, that’s notright.”My mother, at seventy five says ” Rescue and Help first. then find thebastards and bomb them hard. Kill them. We can not tolerate this. It remindsme of Pearl Harbor all over again.” Her voice rose two octaves and she is aliberal conservative.A stunning, sorrowful, and dark day for all of us. We must not allow thescumbags to think they are beating us up. I am stunned and have watched sevendifferent channels all day. Prez is right.”Hunt them down and punish…”I love my country and all of you. Keep up the good work.

FLASH INSURANCE REPORT–It has been confirmed that, among others, the following carriers haveoffices in the World TradeCenter buildings: SCOR Reinsurance Co., Partner Reinsurance of U.S.,General Security and Indemnity, Kemper Insurance Companies, CNA Insurance.American International Group headquarters is in the financial district.There are other carriers involved.
Shock waves will echo throughout the global insurance industry as lossesfrom the incident will exceed $25 million and be declared an officialcatastrophe. A CAT number will be assigned shortly.
Some insurance ramifications of the disaster include:
? Property and liability losses sustained by the insurers and reinsurers ofthe airlines;
? Property and liability losses sustained by the insurers and reinsures ofthe World Trade Center and other surrounding buildings;
? Workers’ compensation coverage for injuries sustained by workers in theWorld Trade Center, the Pentagon and other surrounding buildings;
? Auto insurance losses for cars damaged by falling debris and thosedestroyed in underground parking garages;
? Business interruption losses sustained by the insurers of the businessesin the World Trade Center and surrounding buildings;
? Property losses for computers, furniture and other contents sustained bythe insurers of the businesses in the World Trade Center and surroundingbuildings;
? Contingent business interruption insurance for the general “interruptionof commerce” these acts caused other businesses;
? Potential liability exposure for the insurers of the World Trade Centerand surrounding buildings for not promptly evacuating all employees;
The financial impact upon specific carrier’s health cannot yet be accessed.Many of us in the insurance and financial services industry will undoubtedlyknow directly someone involved in this terrorist act. There are not words toexpress the griefthat will be felt, as their names become known. Please pray that our leadersand that eachof us act with a cool head and a focused response.
–DJ Coates
The Small Business Insurance Centeran affiliate of Supple-Merrill & Driscoll, Inc.
P.O. Box 2408 Pasadena, CA 91102-2408
Phone: 800-378-5554 Fax: 626-844-2126
Lic# 0529163

Bikernet Web Master on her way to work.
BIKERNET WEB MASTER JOINS THE FIGHT– At the moment,I’m in shock. Tomorrow, I’ll be seriously pissed.
If I had any idea who we were fighting, I’d be the first in line to sign upto fight. Of course, the cowards who did this probably realize there aremillions of us who feel the same way, so they hide in the shadows like thevermin they are.
-Digital Doll
p.s. – Stay the fuck off me Bandit…….

BIKERNET SPECIAL INVESTIGATION– After months of research we finally got actually photographs of a very special motorcycle. This is the first chopped motorcycle the Art Director of HORSE magazine built in 1970. Here’s a statement from Geno, the creator,”Here’s those pics of my XLH Sporty that I chopped in 1970-it was my first H-D. The fuzzy Polaroid pic of me is right after I bought it and I immediately put 10″ tubes on it and stripped the new lil’ Sporty tank all psycho delik with striping tape.
“The other shots are of the bike after I spent 4 months “choppin it” –I painted it, made the struts, mounted the fender, raked the frame and molded it –all with money I made after school, painting friends and the local 1%’r bikes. Ahh the good ole days.Live to chop!”–Geno
BIKERNET INSECT INVESTIGATION–Stopped at a friends shop the other day and found him stalking around witha fly swatter. When I asked if he was getting any flies, he answered, “Yeah,3 males and 2 females.”
Curious, I inquired as to how he could tell the difference.He answered, “3 were on a beer can and 2 were on the phone.”

BIKERNET LITERARY CRITIQUE–Sorry, it’s no exactly a critique, ’cause we don’t have a copy yet. In fact, the dam thing ain’t done. Buck Lovell the editor and publisher of Hardtail CD magazine is in the process of finishing a book of old cop shots. He’s been saving and hunting for shots for 20 years. If you can help, drop us a line. Hang on, the book is rumored to be published by another biker Tim Remus. Should be out shortly.

GUN BATTLE IN CALIFORNIA–Following is a report on the final week of the legislative session. I have a curious thought. We are allowed tools to fix things in our homes in case of emergencies. We are allowed fire extinguishers to put out fires, but they are trying to take guns away. Then we will have no tools if we are attacked. Seems I could sue my legislator if I was attacked and unable to protect my family because of his laws. I believe in education and training and as a young man I could not have a gun until I took the NRA course. Here’s the news–Bandit.
This is final week of the legislative session and gun grabbing politicianswilldo everything they can to get their anti-Constitutional laws passed. Bothofthe licensing bills – AB35 and SB52 – could be heard as early as Monday.Thesebills still place a huge burden on local law enforcement, and the instructorand testing requirements could put smaller gun stores literally out ofbusiness.
SB626 has just been amended to allow City Attorneys to have access to thestatefirearms registry to help them in civil suits against manufacturers,retailers,and potentially owners of firearms. This bill could be heard at any time.
SB 510 – The magazine and safety disconnect bill – mandates unreliable,non-existent technology that could cause firearms manufacturers to abandontheCalifornia marketplace. This bill could be heard at any time.
Contact your Senator, your Assembly Member and Governor Davis today. Writealetter (not an e-mail) and send it out right away.
Contact Information:
Bill Information:
Senator Ray Haynes’ “Watchlist”
–In Freedom,Jennifer and Joe
Liberty Belles

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–* Note. These are sad days, it’s almost movie like, the impression of whathas happened, the thousands of souls that have lost their lives, innocentpeople caught amid greed, religion, politics and whatever else goes onthis world. What a glorious shame. This is a vivid image on the fragilityof our world, and a reason to believe in someone above, my deepest sorrowgoes to the people who frequent this forum, and more important to thosewhom might have lost family or friends by this crime. The whole worldmourns with you–Jose.
With all this recent hoopla about the new V-rod and TC 88’s and allthis super modern stuff, high revving, fake motorcycles, closer to the japcounterparts than the Harleys of past, all this futuristic features andavant garde designs, seems that the Company is changing, changing for theworst. Harleys appeal is based on it’s motorcycles, those Knucks, Pans andShovels, the style, the unrefined metals, pure iron. These bikes were notmade to appeal the crowds, these bikes will never be replaced, like hot rodsand muscle cars. Have you seen the new Impala ? The Nova? if you have youmight notice it’s not even a close copy of what those cars used to be.Technology has retarded the appeal of these vehicles. Give me a ’64 Impalaany day, keep the new one for car rentals. There’s nothing like an oldPanhead, (in any of its forms) even the Evo’s with their nostalgic lookswere acceptable. H-D’s mystique was born on those bikes, and now, shazam,the new V-max, oops, rod shatters the image. When I wanted an H-D for thefirst time, I wanted that bulky chunk of iron, the kickstart, the leakingengine, the unique rumble, in short the many things that made a Harley,Harley.
Now are the times of seeing gazillions of Softails, cookie cutter bikeswith tons of tasteless aftermarket parts, but there is something aboutchoppers, old Fl’s and any pre Evo bike that commands attention, thatreally makes them stand out in a sea of chrome barges, and let me tell ya,those are real bikes.
Same as you might drool over the newest of Ferraris,but a ’57 Corvette will make you mortage the house and sell the dogs. Maybeit’s because it’s part of what some people call Americana, of route 66 anddrive in cinemas, things that we like to have, mechanical wonders that haveendured the ages and senses of style, with a character that outlives anyfad, nationality or social status, most of this machines were the statusthen, as they are today. Maybe the company is going the wrong way. To someof us the future is not the answer, that’s the way I see it.
The second WCC chopper is on it’s way, we will post the steps here as werush to have it ready for Biketoberfestlots of long nights (and days ) will follow, will keep everyone posted.
We have heard that Manso’s motorcycle (one of our local shops) is moving toa bigger location a few buildings down from it’s present space, we want tocongratulate everyone there on the new shop.
Also a customer showed up at our shop to tell us that they are getting ready to open a newbar in Daytona. It will be called the Four Aces. On your next trip to theBeach check this place out, tell them the guys from Caribbean Custom Cyclessent you.
Soon we will feature our clothing line Chopper Freak ™ here in Bikernet,shirts and stuff for chopper lovers, more on this as soon as we set thedamn web site.
That’s it for now, back to the T.V. and the news, most of the people herein PR have been glued to CNN and all the latest happenings. Will see yanext week.
–Jose Caribbean Bikernet Report.
TIME TO RIDE–Next week we’ll have a report on the Dallas Shovelhead project. We’ll be rocking and rolling and trying to muster a few more sponsors while the government investigates the War crimes. Then we’ll do anything in our power to see that business is taken care of.

There’s been concern that the economy will suffer, especially the airlines. We’re the United States. We relish situations that challenge our resourcefulness. In our tribute to the ones we’ve lost and to those who have suffered, we will benefit, prosper and grow. Proud to be an American, let’s ride–Bandit.–