It?s been a quiet week here, well, except for the diesel trucks, fire trucks and the damn Longshoremen who descend upon us once a day while they rush up to the hall a block away and wait for job call-outs. I understand their reason for coming this way everyday, but they act like they?re an exception to the rules of the road and courtesy. They fill up our street with their cars; box ours in, double park and jay walk so that we can hardly pass. I can?t stand those guys, even though both of my sons are trying to become Longshoremen. If they do, then I?ll be a little more tolerant.
As for the Industry, all is not quiet on that front; Howard Kelly from Hot Bike got the boot and that?s got emails a flyin?. I?ll share an email Bandit got from an anonymous person in the ending, that?s pretty humorous. I gotta a call from Wall Street Journal wanting to pick Bandit’s brain on the history of bikers, and a call from a really nice guy who builds cars and bikes for the entertainment industry wanting Bandit for contribution on a book he?s commissioned to write about building choppers. We?ll definitely keep you posted on this one. Now for the news?
Don?t Miss the “Match Race of the Century” – Mark Derryberry?s Top Fuel Harleyvs Keith Marksberry?s Turbocharged Nitrous Suzuki Dragster -FULL STORY ON WWW.TEXASSCOOTER.COM & More Dragstrip Campout Info!!!
NITRO HARLEYS * “King of the Box” Bracket Racing?s BEST &2 Money E.T. Classes & 2 Trophy E.T. Classses – PLUSOpen Drags for Pro Catagory Dragbikes with $400 for “The Quickest Run Of the NITE”!!AND AFTER THE RACE It?s LIVE MUSIC “Till The Wee Hours With MAD MAX & THE MAX ATTACK – “Texas? BEST PARTY BAND”Back By Popular Demand after ROCKIN? the Sealy Campout in August !!
With a $100 to win WET T-SHIRT CONTEST at Midnight…….
Door Prizes # Swap Meet Vendors # Blowout Style “Bikini Alerts”
Admission: $20 a head, Under 18 admitted with Parent ONLY
Gates Open: 4:pm – Time Trials 6:pm – Eleminations 8pm
Location: Take Beltway 8 East from Hwy 59 or North from I-10. Turn WEST on
North Lake Houston Pkwy. Track is 1 mile down on the left
Information: http://www.texasscooter.com –
Track Phone 281- 458 – 1972
(BYOB – Bring Your Own Beads!! & Be There !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Also Mark Your Calenders:
Oklahoma State Championships – Sat. Nite Oct. 2 – Noble Ok.
“Texas Style Party Drags” Championship Series State Finals – Sunday Oct. 17 – Evadale Texas

Noise complaint cuts short relief from generator–
MELBOURNE – A family without power for 10 days had to shut their generator soon after firing it up Monday when their neighbor, the deputy police chief, called officers to complain about the noise.
On Tuesday, Melbourne Police Chief Don Carey said John Short did nothing wrong when he called on three police officers to make his neighbor turn off the generator.
“There was no abuse of authority. I’ve had a conversation with the (neighbor) about (Short) exercising his rights under the law,” Carey said.
The neighbor, Jennifer Buksas-Gutierrez, had just gotten a generator and turned on the air-conditioning for the first time about 11 p.m. Monday when police officers came to her door.
First, they asked her to turn off the generator – which she didn’t. Then they went to Short, who told them to go back and tell her to turn it off and remind her that people can be arrested for violating the city’s noise ordinance.
“The officer just said that, ‘I have to do this because he’s my boss,’ . . . and you could hear the other generators in the neighborhood running,” said the 23-year-old mother of a 4-year-old, who had been living without electricity since Hurricane Frances.
The city ordinance allows residents affected by hurricanes to use generators from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Police on Tuesday could not say whether they handled any other complaints about generator noise.
City code officials said they’d handled about a dozen such complaints, but they didn’t make people turn them off. They worked with them to moving or shielding the generators to reduce the noise-reaching neighbors.
Short confirmed the incident involving his neighbor and said he called officers because it was 11 p.m., after the permitted hours.
“That’s too late and personally, I couldn’t sleep so they had to stop it,” he said. He said he didn’t have a generator.
During the Monday incident, Short stood on his driveway but did not speak with his neighbors. At one point, he used his city-issued police radio to talk with a supervisor for the officers who came out.
“I don’t give up my rights because I’m deputy chief. I’m entitled to my peace and quiet, too. It’s not me, it’s the ordinance,” Short said.
He also said he reminded the officers that a violation of the noise ordinance was an offense that could warrant an arrest.
Short said other residents in the neighborhood near Croton Road may have been running generators, but his primary concern was the noise next door.
When told the residents had a small child and that they said the heat inside the home was unbearable, Short said: “Do what I’m doing, sleep on the porch. Sleep where you can.”
Buksas-Gutierrez, who lost power last Saturday, turned off the generator after talking with officers for the second time. She reported the incident to the Melbourne city manager on Tuesday, and he turned it over to the police chief.
“I talked to the chief and he said he was sorry for the misunderstanding,” she said. “We’re all in the same boat. We should be trying to work with each other.”
Carey, who appointed Short to the second-in-command post, said the issue was closed. He said officers would be reminded to use discretion in situations involving generators.

BIKERNET RELATIONSHIP DEPARTMENT–A woman asks her husband to buy her a fur coat for their 25th anniversary.
“HA!” he snorted. “The day I buy you a fur coat will be the day you can grow hair on your chest!”
On that she hikes up her skirt, drops her panties, and thrust her pubic area forward.
“There! I have hair on my chest, now buy me the damn coat!”
“That’s not your chest!” he roars back.
“Damn right it’s my chest!” she argued. “Before we got married, this was your hope chest. On our honeymoon it was your treasure chest. Afterwards, it became our family chest … and if you don’t buy me a fur coat … it will soon become the community chest!”

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier–
1. How many steps does the guard take during his walk across the tomb of theUnknowns and why? 21 steps. It alludes to the twenty-one gun salute, whichis the highest honor given any military or foreign dignitary.
2. How long does he hesitate after his about face to begin his return walkand why? 21 seconds for the same reason as answer number 1
3. Why are his gloves wet? His gloves are moistened to prevent his losinghis grip on the rifle.
4. Does he carry his rifle on the same shoulder all the time and if not, whynot? He carries the rifle on the shoulder away from the tomb. After hismarch across the path, he executes an about face and moves the rifle to theoutside shoulder.
5. How often are the guards changed? Guards are changed every thirtyminutes, twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year.
6. What are the physical traits of the guard limited to?For a person to apply for guard duty at the tomb, he must bebetween 5′ 10″ and 6′ 2″ tall and his waist size cannot exceed 30.”

Otherrequirements of the Guard: They must commit 2 years of life to guard thetomb, live in a barracks under the tomb, and cannot drink any alcohol onor off duty for the rest of their lives. They cannot swear in public for therest of their lives and cannot disgrace the uniform {fighting} or the tombin any way. After two years, the guard is given a wreath pin that is worn ontheir lapel signifying they served as guard of the tomb. There are only 400presently worn. The guard must obey these rules for the rest of their livesor give up the wreath pin. The shoes are specially made with very thicksoles to keep the heatand cold from their feet. There are metal heel plates that extend to the topof the shoe in order to make the loud click as they come to a halt.

There areno wrinkles, folds or lint on the uniform. Guards dress for duty in front ofa full-length mirror. The first six months of duty a guard cannot talk toanyone, nor watch TV. All off duty time is spent studying the 175 notablepeople laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery. A guard must memorizewho they are and where they are interred. Among the notables are: PresidentTaft, Joe E. Lewis {the boxer} and Medal of Honor winner Audie Murphy, {themostdecorated soldier of WWII} of Hollywood fame. Every guard spends five hoursa day getting his uniforms ready forguard duty.

In 2003 as Hurricane Isabelle was approaching Washington, DC, our US Senate/House took 2 days off with anticipation of the storm. On the ABC evening news, it was reported that because of the dangers from the hurricane, the military members assigned the duty of guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier were given permission to suspend the assignment. They respectfully declined the offer, “No way, Sir!” Soaked to the skin, marching in the pelting rain of a tropical storm, they said that guarding the Tomb was not just an assignment, it was the highest honor that can be afforded to a serviceperson. The tomb has been patrolled continuously, 24/7, since 1930.
I don’t usually suggest that many emails be forwarded, but I’d be very proud if this one reached as many as possible. We can be very proud of our young men and women in the service no matter where they serve.
God Bless and keep them.
Sierra Club, Sheep and Coyotes —A few years ago, the Sierra Club and the U.S. Forest Service were presentingpolitically correct alternatives to Wyoming ranchers for controlling thecoyote population. It seems that after years of the ranchers using the triedand true methods of shooting and/or trapping the predator, the tree-huggershad a “more humane” solution.
What was proposed to the Wyoming Wool and Sheep Growers Association by theSierra Club and the USFS was for the animals to be captured alive, the malescastrated and let loose again. That way the coyote population would becontrolled.
All of the ranchers thought about this amazing idea for a couple of minutes.Finally, an old boy in the back stood up, tipped his cowboy hat back andsaid, “Son, I don’t think you understand the problem. Those coyotes ain’tfuckin’ our sheep – they’re eatin’ ’em”.
A. Friedman

S&S and G Squared Racing Set New Street Pro Record-First In the 8s!–
Street Pro Qualified: # 1 (9.158 seconds @ 145.03 mph)Eliminations:
Semifinals: 8.995 seconds @ 148.99 (1st in 8’s in Street Pro)
Finals: 8.963 seconds @ 146.43 (New National Record)

BRISTOL, TN (August 15, 2004) – S&S Cycle, Inc., G Squared Motorsports, and rider Chip Ellis have captured a page in the history books in the AHDRA Street Pro class. Chip recorded the first run ever in the 8’s riding the G Squared S&S #46 Tribute Street Pro Bike Sunday, August 15th. He ran an 8.995 in the semi-finals and then backed up that national record by running even quicker in the finals with an 8.963. Not only was it Chip’s debut at the AHDRA, but also his first race for the G2 team and first event ever on a V-Twin.
“I want to thank everybody at S&S Cycle and G Squared for giving me an awesome bike to ride” said Chip. “It made my job a lot easier.” He went on to say that during the course of the weekend which began with a limited test and tune session Friday night, “I rode the Street Pro nine times and the Road King 12 times. Ken Johnson and the rest of the crew did an great job of giving me the performance I needed to take care of business.”
“I knew when we started this project a year ago-on very short notice-that G Squared was the right mix for S&S to work with,” said S&S President, Brett Smith and son of G Squared President, George Smith. “How could it not be, my father and S&S Chairman of the Board, forms the first G, and George Bryce, one of the greatest NHRA Pro Stock bike crew chiefs forms the second G. I am so happy for them and for everyone at S&S who made it possible. But I really must say that I am awed by Chip’s ability to ride. He is absolutely amazing and I can’t wait to see what he’ll do for us in the NHRA.”

“I have had more fun today between the Road King and the Street Pro than I’ve had in quite awhile? said George Smith, who with George Bryce are partners in G Squared. “S&S and the G Squared gang have worked very hard to develop this Street Pro bike and engine in a package that will help the class. This weekend it finally showed its potential and it’s especially sweet to do it at Bristol in August where it’s really tough to set records.”
“It was our anniversary for the #46 Tribute 133 Twin Cam Special Application Dyna; we qualified number one, we set the record, and won with it convincingly” added George Bryce. “This is a monumental accomplishment for us at G Squared. This is the engine package that we will sell and use in lots of applications in the future. Thanks to all that helped to make this come true – tons of folks at S&S, the engine builders at Star Racing/G2, Mike at Gail’s HD and Chip Ellis (who put on a riding seminar all three days and was a sight to see). If anyone thinks it is easy to run 8’s with a Street Pro legal, no wheelie bar, foot shifting V-Twin, they should come try it.”
In addition to winning the event and setting a national record in the Street Pro class, Chip also piloted the G Squared Motorsports 2004 HD Road King, powered by an S&S VFI 124 “crate” engine, through the 86 bike E.T. Class to the finals. Chip said that “this bike has fewer than 250 miles on it and most of those are drag strip miles. Having to spot almost everyone in the field and then run them down was cool.”
George Smith added that “the S&S Twin Cam 124 is the best street engine S&S has ever produced and probably the finest push rod 45 degree Harley style V-Twin ever. The bike performed flawlessly and other than installation of the S&S engine at G2’s Americus facility, the Road King was completely stock. All we did was add gas, ride it down the racetrack, bring it back and park it in the pit area for everybody to look at. And best of all, Chip Ellis, our new G2 rider and technician, did a great job of showing its capabilities. I couldn’t be more pleased, both as an S&S part owner and one of the George’s in G2.”
The next AHDRA event on the G Squared Motorsports calendar is the Joker Machine Indy Nationals, September 11 – 12 at the Indianapolis Raceway Park, Indianapolis.

Don’t change that page! First check out TBearwear. It’s for a good cause.
Continued On Page 2