Continued From Page 2

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT– I was debating if I was going to do the news tonight, or not, but I got my lazy ass up and started writing. Lazy I say, sure, when you are juggling one thousand things at a time, hurricanes and whatever, there’s a kind of numbness that’s feels like laziness. Time just passes by and it’s the same shit, I have not been writing anything out of the ordinary or exciting (to me) because, simply nothing is going on. Or should I say way too many things at the same time.
As you all might know, it’s Hurricane high season, or peak like they love to call it at the Weather Channel, so it’s the yearly tradition, move everything from the lower (bigger shop) to the smaller (packed to the gills) just in case one of those suckers comes by and we can store everything in the bigger space. Yeap we are talking about cars, bikes, etc…. Anything that needs to be kept away from the damaging winds and flying branches. Lucky that Isabel went by our little island with no effect, well, only some heavy surf. You may ask yourself what does a guy on the borderline to insanity do in those occasions? Fuck, go surfing, what else!
Screw the shop, the builds, the calls, everything. Just hop in the SUV, grab the boards and go wave hunting. I guess it’s Hawaii’s fault, my shop was first, second and third in line, now we are taking breaks to just say fuck this and go hit the waves. You may ask why, and I can’t answer that, just that before (when I was younger) nothing was more important than go catch some good waves. There was always more schools days, more girls and other jobs, back then it was everything. Like everyone else that needs to “grow up” we find a lot more commitments, things to do and deadlines to meet. Going back in the water is just a way to do something that it’s not related to bikes or business, I dare call it an escape.
I don’t know how close of a relation choppers and surfing have, all I know is that many of my friends who build bikes surf as well, but you will see where I’m heading. Like I’ve said thousands of times before we are lucky to live on an island in the Caribbean, the sea is eternally here. It?s one of our resources and our playground, it’s there to enjoy and respect. I grab a board and take a time out, everything else has to wait. There?s always tomorrow and we can’t be expected to meet all the deadlines, all the time.
This Sunday while we were tackling 6 foot waves (12 foot faces for those who measure that way) on the other side of the island one of our friends suffered a stroke and passed away while riding his bike. He was an old friend who was a dealer for Pro One motorcycles here and had a car dealership for a really long time. We even had the pleasure to have him at our annual trip to Sturgis a few years back. I guess riding to him was like surfing to me, a way to escape the everyday hustle of shit to do and phone calls to answer, and he passed away doing what he liked, taking a break. I guess that as we ” mature” the things that matter the most are not really the ones that we think do. Sure I would love a Discovery channel show, but I also love being able to share some waves and time with old friends in the water. To joke around and hoot at buddies when they catch a kick ass wave. I guess what I’m trying to say is that we need a balance in our lives, we need to be productive but we need to enjoy things as well, since we never know when our turn will be.
Most of us don’t realize how lucky we are to be able to do things that we enjoy. I truly think that motorcycling in general is one of the freest things we can experience (until you have a shop) and something we really enjoy. Sure surfing is way up there, but it depends on the waves and the weather. To go riding all you depend is on the desire and the pavement, which is always there.

Ok, that’s it, I am ending my sermon for this week, not without respectfully saying goodbye to Junior Perez, and wishing everyone in North Carolina and Virginia the best of luck with Isabel heading your way.Be safe and live….

HANG JANKLOW HIGH–Pec, a Bikernet investigative reporter dug into Janklow’s record and discovered a distressing list of fines:
Janklow speeding violations since 1990
Jan. 4, 1990
Jackson County
Guilty plea to charge of driving 78 mph in a 65 mph zone.
Fine: $70
Jan. 13, 1990
Moody County
Guilty plea to charge of driving 74 mph in a 55 mph zone.Fine: $70
April 30, 1990
Hughes County
Guilty plea to charge of driving 45 mph in a 35 mph zone.
Fine: $25
Nov. 6, 1990
Jones County
Guilty plea to charge of driving 79 mph in a 65 mph zone.
Fine: $72.50
Incident date unknown. Case was disposed of July 15, 1991
Hanson County
Charge was driving 75 mph in a 65 mph zone.
Fine: $10
Oct 11, 1991
Aurora County
Guilty plea to driving 69 mph in a 55 mph zone.
Fine: $85
Nov. 5, 1991
Davison County
Guilty plea to a charge of driving 47 mph in a 30 mph zone.
Fine: $75
Dec. 16, 1991
McCook County
Guilty plea to a charge of driving 85 mph in a 65 mph zone.
Fine: $85
July 15, 1992
Minnehaha County
Pleaded no contest to a charge of following too close.
Fine: $28.50
March 15, 1993
Minnehaha County
Guilty plea to charge of driving 80 mph in a 65 mph zone.
Fine: $88.50
April 30, 1994
Jerauld County
Guilty plea to charge of driving 75 mph in a 55 mph zone
Fine: $78.50
May 30, 1994
Brookings County
Guilty plea to charge of driving 90 mph in a 65 mph zone.
Fine: $88.50
Oct. 30, 1994
Moody County
Guilty plea to charge of driving 80 mph in a 65 mph zone.
Fine: $63.50

CITY OF LONG BEACH ATTEMPTS TO CANCEL CHARITY BEACH RIDE– Carmela, Executive Director of the Exceptional Children’s Foundation in Culver City, California, received a letter from the City of Long Beach indicating that based on intelligence received by the Long Beach Police Department and information gathered from various law enforcement agencies in Ventura County, the City of Long Beach was going to revoke the permit already issued in January to ECF for Beach Ride. That was one week before the charity event was scheduled.
The ECF attorney forwarded a letter stating that permission was granted to ECF on 1/8/03. ECF had already spent over $50,000 and contracts with bands and vendors were already executed which meant that it was literally too late to cancel the event. The letter also stated that the references to “intelligence” and “information” were vague. The assistant tried to set a Wednesday evening meeting with ECF and Ashman. He walked everyone to the City Attorney’s office where the 10 am meeting was to convene. Also in the conference room were other City personnel. After discussions on attendance and security issues, the ECF group was asked to wait in the cafeteria.
In a letter/contract to ECF from the City Attorney dated Sept. 4: “Despite concerns raised primarily by the Police Department concerning public safety, this is to confirm the City’s agreement that your event may go forward in consideration of your agreement as follows: The letter listed 9 items ECF had to comply with including sending the City of Long Beach a check for $18,985 representing expected costs to the City for an event such as Beach Ride, and a total attendance cap of 4,500 people.
The Beach Ride Is 11 years old, without so much as a fist fight, yet the new police Chief felt it was wise to hold the Exceptional Children’s Foundation ransom for 18 grand. The event went forward the following weekend.

TEXAS COMING RIDER EVENTS-MARK YOUR CALENDAR–Howdy Harley Enthusiasts – Just Thought We’d Drop You a Line and Tell Ya What’s Coming Up From The “Times” this Fall & Winter. Mark Your Calenders !!
September 20 – Thunder Valley Raceway Park – Oklahoma State Championships – Noble Oklahoma
October 12 – Swap Meet Dallas – Longhorn Ballroom – Dallas Texas
October 19 – Texas Style Party Drags STATE FINALS – Lone Star Raceway Park – Sealy Texas
November 9 – Swap Meet Dallas – Longhorn Ballroom – Dallas Texas
November 23 – Swap Meet Austin – Crockett Center – Austin Texas
January 4 – Swap Meet Dallas – Longhorn Ballroom – Dallas Texas
Late January or Early February – Swap Meet Abilene – Location TBA
February 29 – Longview Swap Meet – Convention Complex – Longview Texas
March 7 – Swap Meet Dallas – Longhorn Ballroom – Dallas Texas

BEACH RIDE POSTERS AVAILABLE–For a limited time, if you join the Cantina or buy a copy of Orwell, we’ll send you a bitchin’ Beach Ride Poster featuring a CCI kit bike built by the Bikernet Crew and the lovely Marnie. Just order a Book or Join the Cantina and you’re golden.

Just click on the center Book Shop in the Bikernet Gulch below or the Cantina Banner at the bottom of the page.
MO’ BIKERNET RELATIONSHIP ADVICE–A Husband and wife are getting ready for bed. The wife is standingin front of a full length mirror taking a hard look at herself.
“You know love” she says, “I look in the mirror and I see an oldwoman. My face is all wrinkled, my boobs are barely above mywaist, my bum is hanging out a mile, I’ve got fat legs and my armsare all flabby.”
She turns to her husband and says…”Tell me something positive to make me feel better about myself”
He thinks about it for a bit and then says”Well……there’s nothing wrong with your eyesight”.
–from David M.

Continued On Page 4