September 19, 2002 Part 2


Continued From Page 1

ARE YOU BORED?–1. At lunch time, sit in your parked car with sunglasses on and point a hair dryer at passing cars. See if they slow down.

2. Page yourself over the intercom. Don’t disguise your voice.

3. Every time someone asks you to do something, ask if they want fries with that.

Jose Dog

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–Like all of us who use the internet I have been following some chat places,bike related, not “Tony the black Python” kind of forums, and after sometime I have realized that most of those places are home away from home tosome bored , ass tight jerks.Sure there is lots of information that can be gained by those, and 99% ofthe people are fellows with similar interests that get to “socialize” withothers, but there’s so much negative feedback everywhere it’s amazing! Iguess the stuff that is said (written) on those forums is pretty bold, boldbecause most are hidden in anonimity by some “nickname” or handle, stuffthat many of them would not dare tell anyone face to face. Bashing isrampant, they call names, ridicule, and critisize everything, from race tobike preferences, from magazines to bike builders and brands. Which I guessis cool since we are all entitled to an opinion, but you know what theysay, opinions are like assholes, everybody has one… But getting topersonal attacks to people you don’t know, it’s simply and act ofignorance. Get a fucking life!I would love to see one of these guys say the crap they write, forexample, to Jesse’s face, they will know the actual meaning of a knucklesandwich.

And now to the news……

There’s a new magazine coming up here in Puerto Rico, the name’s BikerSpot. I’ve had a couple meetings with them and I see good things. They havean interest in making it a top notch local mag. Where others have tried and failed,this one might succeed. Yes, you betcha, I will be writing editorials andarticles for them. Let’s see what happens.

I’ve got the info on all the stuff that’s going on Discovery, they arecalling the week-end of September 28th Bike Week end, The Biker Build off.Both of Jesse James motorcycle manias, Biker Women , American Chopper andMonster Garage on Monday.It’s great that our lifestyle is getting so much exposure…and aboutfucking time too !!!

It’s only a month to Biketoberfest, yeah….The Horse will have a partyonce more…can’t wait to see those cool choppers and our friends oncemore……

HA Booth Jose

This week end is the Key West Poker run, so take your damn bike and headdown that beautiful road….We used to do this run, but it’s smack in the middleof hurricane season for us, not the smartest time to be away fromhome.

Man do I miss that place called Upstairs….. and all those southFlorida girls getting really wild on Duval….could do without the”factory” dudes with cooler than thou attitudes…well and the world couldbe a perfect place…..Sure.

For those of you that liked last weeks tribute to 9/11, Thank you, it wasmy honest opinion. To those who made fun of it…..Lick my Vanssoles……and use a real name so I can make fun of you too….

I want to wish Geno Diddy, the master playa’ mack daddy ball buster a HappyBirthday !!! I know it sucks turning seventy, just ask Bandit…..

Jose sportste

Our Caribbean Custom Cycles chopper is in the works, and it’s almost areality. The first two frames are on the way…Will post stuff as soon as Istart putting those together…..Nope we are not riding on the bandwagon,for us choppers have never been out of style.

We are really happy with the way the web site has been working. Check it We have been adding stuff almost daily, but it’s getting there. We are doing somenew stuff all the time, so check it out…(as soon as Bandit get’s thosephotos…)

We are working on a new section for The Horse, sort of kinda an interviewthing….Keep your eyes peeled…. I’m trying to make it really funny…..let’s see……

Speaking of The Horse….yeah, yeah, I know the Horse again !!!! issue#27 has a cool article of one of our bikes and seems like #28 is going tobe even better…..

I’m still pushing the Chopper Freak shirts, and still will give apercentage of sales to Mike Pullin’s Run for Breath, so check our websiteand order some damn shirts !!!! Before everyone sees them on Discovery !I want to make those donations now so the can reach the $7,500mark….Let’s do it…

Well, enough for this week, gotta save some stuff in order to be able tokeep my “acclaimed” status. one more thing. Bikernet has the power of agroup of “experts” in the motorcycle mechanics, Frank Kaisler, master of tech,Bandit, 70 years of experience, Crazy Horse, T Bear, Sin & Layla, who knowall about chicks and whips and so many others. Don’t be a fool, use it toyour advantage. Use Your Shot for technical questions (all are answered) and please post messages back if we sortedout your problems (so we know). Hell where else does will the Bandit buy a RoadKill, just to give readers new tech about EFI stuff…….No fukin’ elsewhere…..

See ya next week….time to take my red pills…..

Jose Caribbean, webmaster, chopper builder, sales manager, the Horse,Biker Spot, Bikernet reporter……

97 Days Left Till Christmas– And you were hoping I wouldn’tremind you of that. Sorry folks, but facts are facts and Christmas is rightaround the corner.

Last week I promised we would have new art prints in the Gulch and we do!Chris Kallas, featured below the news in Special Reports and Interviews, hasa new print called “Chopper Heaven”. Now you can purchase it right here in the Gulch.

O.K., your thinking to yourselves, I really don’t care for artwork but Ido like to read, well hop on over to the book section for Sam “Orwell”Chopper. A great biker fiction novel that you won’t be able to read fastenough or put down. Now, I’m not just saying that because I’m boinking theAuthor, I read it and really enjoyed it.

We also carry the full line of HA Leather products, the best leatherjackets and vests anywhere. Joe and Lori really take care of theircustomers, going out of their way to make sure you get a perfect fit. Check’em out!

(Bandit trying to look cool!)

Now you’re thinking, I wish this bitch would go away so that’s enough ofthe ole’ pump and grind from me. I’ll be back next week to harass you somemore and I know you just can’t wait!

Take care,

Continued On Page 3

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