It’s beyond confusing, so we sent our own Bikernet International investigator to the front to report and we have a report in the news.
This has me so frustrated that I’ve paid for passage on a tramp freighter out of Houston for a trip around the world. I’ll bring you reports from seaports all over the world.
Sure, you’re thinking. What the fuck is he going to ride? How can he ride? Where did he get the cash?
I’ll bring reports via Satellite phone and a lap-top on Biker activities from Singapore, Cartagena, Spain, Hong Kong, Baltimore, Ensenada, Manila, Vietnam, Pusan and many more dumps the world over. Regarding the site, we’ll be growing just the same. We’ve hired two full-time lusty babes to manage. Sin Wu and Layla will be on staff constantly. Nuttboy the Morale Officer will sign the checks. I’ll be weaving cargo nets on this Rickmers Tramp Freighter and sending my checks home to keep the joint afloat. Oh, I promise to drink rum, and finish my first Chance Hogan book and start another.
Let’s get to the news:

HORSE SPY REPORT–We have an informant within the ranks of HORSE mag and we taped this quote regarding one of their recent project bikes. Too bad the FBI didn’t have a couple of spies working the hills of Afghan.
?This chopper was originally going to replace my ?Money Magnet? twin Linkert carbed chop which I sold. As luck would have it, I started to build it and my good friend George Jupin decided it was time for him to ride a long bike, so I simply did the honorable thing.
“I?m glad it worked out this way cause George enjoys the hell out of this bike. The bike is a Billy Lane/Choppers, Inc. creation, goes on sale 10/30.
The girl is named Tiffany she is from Miami and has a most awesome ass— other than that that’s all I know about her, lol. The most unique thing on the bike is the full rear perimeter brake Billy built from scratch.”
–Geno, HORSE art director

LITTLE EDDIE’S COLUMN–This will be just another foe this country was forced to face.Just like the Bonzai Soldiers of Japan, and the fanatics of Nazi’s of Germany, and crazier than imaginable.I fear we must think “out of the box” on this one. As a society we have tried to behave, even in war, honorably and with a respect of humanity.I don’t believe we can have this policy in this case. Our hands cannot be tied.
It’s much like the “vendetta” mentality. If we don’t strike as hard as we can, our children and children’s children will live with this threat and will die at the hands of these people without conscience. We all know this. But can we live with it? I believe I can. One look into my Granddaughter’s sweet face and my heart goes cold to those that would take her life.
Remember one of the high-jacked planes had a two-year-old and a four-year-old on board, and people in the middle east danced in the streets over the deaths of these children. Yes, my heart is very cold.
We have at our disposal the means (and I don’t mean nuclear) to rid ourselves of this menace. It will take a combined effort of the entire free world. It will require heavy-handed tactics not usually used by us. But it’s the only way.
Our terrorist enemies and ALL their friends and supporters must be brought to their knees or put in their graves. All of them. No exceptions! Only then do we have a prayer of a life of safety and security. If we don’t fix this now we will be looking over our shoulder anywhere we go. Every flight, sports event or even your daily job will not be safe, Ever.
Thought for next week: If the thought of this bothers you, go to the nearest schoolyard and imagine the joy a terrorist would take in the suffering of those you see. Think of the dancing in the streets. Think of Sadam Hussein”s quote last Tuesday, “This is the happiest day of my life.” See if your heart goes as cold as mine.
–Eddie Dyer
THE OTHER SIDE OF THE COIN–I want you (Bandit) to know how much you mean to me. As a friend and mentor, these recent events have prompted me to tell all my family and friends how much they do mean to me. I am so proud to be a part of this country, your life and our lifestyle. I am quite shaken by this episode in history, however, they can not take my joy. I love this life and know that God is my co-pilot wherever I go.
Big hugs! and kisses!

HEY MOTORCYCLING POLICE HISTORIAN–My name is is Buck Lovell. I am currently compiling photographs and material fora pictorial book to be titled “AMERICAN COP BIKE”. I have been gathering material and photos for more than 15 years, but can use any photos or other material pertaining to police motorcycle operational procedures for the period to 1904-to-1970. The book is in the final stages of pre-press at this time. I would like to request the loan of any photos or other relevant material. First person accounts about operational procedures from retired motor cops, training manuals or brochures, historical documents, and other would help me to present a well rounded perspective of the man and the machine.
As any motorcycle officer already knows, being a motor cop is exceedingly dangerous work. Of all historical categories, the motorcycle officer and the two-and three wheeledvehicles they rode are the most forgotten.
This book is attempt to portray the almost forgotten history of sacrifice and service made by thousands of police officers across the country. Getting paid to ride a motorcycle has it’s advantages, but the risk is enormous, the recognition minimal. Please send along any material you think would enhance this book, be it photos or other. Any Material loaned will be returned promptly after scanning. Whenever possible date and or caption photos for reference. The deadline for materials is August 32, 2001. Thanks you in advance for your time. I look forward to seeing your photos.
–Buck Lovell / Editor

REBUILDING WORLD TRADE CENTER UNDER WAY–This has been suggested as what the new world trade center towers should look like after we rebuild them:Whaddya think??
–Wino Joe, USA
MORALE LESSON– The teacher gave her fifth grade class an assignment: get theirparents to tell them a story with a moral at the end of it. The next day thekids came back and one by one began to tell their stories.
Kathy said, “My father’s a farmer and we have a lot of egg-laying hens. One time we were taking our eggs to market in a basket on the front seatof the pickup when we hit a bump in the road and all the eggs went flyingand broke and made a mess”
“And what’s the moral of the story?” asked the teacher. “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket!”
“Very good,” said the teacher. “Now, Lucy?”
“Our family are farmers too. But we raise chickens for the meatmarket. We had a dozen eggs one time, but when they hatched we only got tenlive chicks. And the moral to this story is, don’t count your chickens untilthey’re hatched.”
“That was a fine story Lucy. Johnny do you have a story to share?” “Yes, ma’am, my daddy told me this story about my uncle Bob. UncleBobwas a Green Beret in Vietnam and his helicopter got hit. He had to crashland in enemy territory and all he had was a bottle of whiskey, a machine gun anda machete. He drank the whiskey on the way down so it wouldn’t break and then he landed right in the middle of 100 enemy troops. He killed seventy of them with themachine gun until he ran out of bullets, then he killed twenty more with the machetetill the blade broke and then he killed the last ten with his bare hands.”
“Good heavens,” said the horrified teacher, ” What kind of moral did your daddy tell you from that horrible story?”
“Don’t fuck with Uncle Bob when he’s been drinking.”
–from “Scooter Grigsby”

BIKERNET AFGAN UNDER WORLD REPORT–The Afghanis are about as backward as they come. I worked over there about10 years ago after the Russian invasion, right near the border of Pakistanat the foot of the Kyber pass. These fucking people still rely on the useof camels and donkeys for travel and freight.
The country itself isn’t mucheither, mostly rocks and dirt. It kind of looks like the Mojave betweenBerdoo and Primm, Nevada, only without the pavement, high lines and traffic.Maybe a little rockier and certainly less vegetated. The vast majority ofthe people are ignorant, probably less than 25% literacy rate and they relyon the local “holy man” to keep them informed. They live in the 18thcentury at best and aren’t in a big hurry to catch up with the rest of theworld.
As far as the “jihad” that they have declared, it is rather hollow. Alittle like the Spanish Navy declaring war on the US Navy. They might dosome minor damage, but pretty much ineffective in the long run. Most oftheir arms are either captured Soviet AKs and RPGs plus the remnants of theUS equipment that we provided during their war with Russia. The mostdifficult thing about a war with them on their soil, is similar to what wefaced in Vietnam. A small cadre of very dedicated soldiers that are willingto throw rocks at attack helicopters to win. Plus, the terrain is veryharsh and rugged and more suited to guerrilla warfare.
As far as oil, there isn’t very much, despite all of the dollars that havebeen spent looking for it over there. They are a net importer and rely onthe goodwill of the other Arab states to meet their needs.
I agree, that we have been given all of the justification that we need toblast the mother fuckers back into the stone age. I have a pretty goodfeeling that we probably have Special Ops troops on the ground right nowlooking for targets of opportunity. But the bulk of the destruction of thenetworks and foot soldiers will have to be placed on the shoulders of USground troop (USMC), whom if given the opportunity and support will tearthem a new ass in short order. I just don’t want us to half-ass this deal.The president has the support of the American public, press and theCongress. Let’s just hope the peace-niks don’t fuck it up for him.
–Secret Agent Man
Continued on Page 2