September 21, 2006


kraft lead

Kraft Custom Cycles teaser. Get ready to see her in The Girls Of Bikernet.

While Bandit?s off test riding the new Saxon?s from Phoenix to Sedona, I?m here slaving away to bring you the news. I love you guys, I?m sticking with you no matter what. Bandit on the other hand is gone in a hot second when someone says, ?lets go for a ride?. Friggin no-good big ass biker.

It?s a short news cause I can?t take weeding through Bandit?s emails. The girls writing him, ?oh Bandit?, the complainers, ?you suck?, the gimme mo-fo?s, ?gimme a motorcycle?, it?s enough to drive me to drink. Here?s the best news I can do for you today, cause I care and I?m here for you.




As you saw, if you’re a regular reader of BIKERNET, I just returned from the Canadian Championship of Bike Building in Wembley Alberta. While I was there I had the pleasure of meeting a group of youngsters from the Bernice MacNaughton High School in Moncton, New Brunswick and their teacher Marc “MAZZ” Mazerolle.

TBear and Mazz, the instructor. TBear?s always shooting for hire grades.

Mazz, as the kids call him, runs a program to help “at risk”, misfits, and kids that have nowhere else to go teaching them various skills such as welding and metal fabrication that they currently put to use building custom bicycles.

The kids themselves raised funds for their trip to the AMD Canadian Championship of Custom Bike Building in Wembley Alberta, Canada. The kids sold tickets on various prizes throughout the summer and attended two custom vehicle shows displaying “Wendy” and the Indian Larry Tribute Bicycle.


Chica from Chica’s Custom Cycles took time from his busy show schedule, as did many of the Canadian Builders, to take the kids under their wings and go over their bikes to show the kids the details that go into making a winning bike.

Thanks guys for understanding that kids like these are the future of our industry.



All the parts for a bobber, wheels, tires, front-end, seat, tins, engine, tranny, everything!!!! If they can get this first bike built, they are counting on selling it, once completed to finance the next bike and so on. All funds raised will go 100% directly back into the program to help “at risk”, misfits, and kids that have nowhere else to go.

Mid-USA’s Canadian Division stepped right up and donated a custom Bobber frame to get the kids started and has challenged all the other parts manufacturers to do the same with whatever parts they can.

Thanks Chuck!!!

These parts do not have to be new, they don’t have to be shiny, they are ready to refinish any parts they get and they will take anything you could send to them. This is an incredible opportunity for these kids and for you too.

If you can help out in any way, please contact:

Marc ” MAZZ” Mazerolle
Teacher/Bike Club Manager
Bernice MacNaughton High School
999 St George Blvd. Moncton, New Brunswick
Canada E1E 2C9
Phone: 506-856-3469 (school)
Phone: 506-856-9903 (home)

From TBear

mike lichter

ANOTHER COMPLAINER ON BIKE NOISE– Hi Bandit, You may or may not remember meeting me (it’s been years), but I took theliberty of running your noise study in the Keystone Motorcycle Press, aPennsylvania regional monthly publication.

A reader responded to your study and Iwant to afford you the opportunity to respond him. It follows. In addition, ifyou’d like to receive the KMP, just say so and I’ll see to it. I also sometime ago printed a blurb about your neat furniture. Are you still doing that? In any event, please respond to this address, if you’d care to do so. Thanks.

Dan Faingnaert, editor
Keystone Motorcycle Press

Dear KMP, It’s been a while since I?ve written a letter to the editorconcerning an article appearing in your paper, but after reading “An IndependentMotorcycle Noise Study,” by Keith R. Ball, I feel compelled to do so. His positionthat motorcycle safety requires the use of loud pipes, based upon his “study”of whether a car driver can hear the sound of a stock motorcycle is, plainlyput, ridiculous.

First, a stock exhaust system, by definition, is going to be quieter than anaftermarket one (unless, of course, the aftermarket one is a directreplacement). No striking revelation here, and certainly no need for a study to confirmwhat most motorcycle purchasers know and actually look forward to.He goes on to argue that many drivers are being distracted by the use ofmobile electronic devices and are a threat to our safety. Does Ball think, that byblasting your pipes at such a driver, it will somehow make him or her lessdistracted? Yeah, right!

Finally, he plans on having his cake and eating it too. His position is thatin order to be safe, make sure your bike is loud enough to be heard intraffic, but be considerate of your neighbors…lest they vent their anger on you.

Well, how about showing some consideration for the rest of us who are not yourneighbors and who you are likely to meet on the highway?I keep hoping that loud pipes on motorcycles will go the way of the dinosaurs(legislators notwithstanding), but here we are in 2006, and I keep readingthe same lame arguments for loud pipes. Sigh.

Albert Singer
Middletown, NY


Thanks for your response. For every nine responses I receive, one is as misguided as yours. I’ll tell you what’s ridiculous, when a motorist runs over a biker while talking on a cell phone. Ridiculous, is when a motorists turns left in front of a motorcyclists, killing him, and walks away by saying, “Sorry officer, I didn’t see him or her.” What’s ridiculous is that between 70 and 85 percent of all motorcycle/car crashes are the fault of the motorists.

Of course we had to study a variety of motorcycles in order to come up with a base. And of course we know that whatever we have to do to distract a cell phone user to save a life is necessary and relevant. And finally, I would like to think that vehicular manslaughter will someday go the way of the dinosaur. Almost weekly I receive testimonials from bikers who prevented accidents with aftermarket pipes. Sorry pal, but I can only confirm that ‘Loud Pipes Saves Lives’.

Ride Forever,
K. Randall Ball

P.S. We recently published a study on deadly cell phone use on Feel free to check it out:

spikey unknown

Unknown rider, unknown photographer.

BIG TWIN WEST HOUSING NOW OPEN!–December is quickly approaching! Be sure to make plans to attend Big Twin West 2006 taking place Decemeber 1-3, 2006 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Already registered to attend Big Twin West 2006?Simply follow the 5 easy ways to reserve a hotel room listed below and make your reservation today. Housing will close October 29, 2006 so be sure to book your room before the special discount rates expire.

Not yet registered to attend Big Twin West 2006? Be sure and click on the appropriate link below to get registered today:Click here to register if you have previously attended Big Twin West or Dealer Expo.Click here to register if you have never attended Big Twin West or Dealer Expo.

Once you are successfully registered you are all set to follow the room reservation instructions below.

5 Easy Ways To Reserve A Hotel Room

Online–Click here to reserve your room online at

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212-532-1660 (International)
9:00 am – 7:00 pm EST M-F



Big Twin West ’06
Travel Planners Inc.
381 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10016

If you are emailing, faxing or mailing your housing reservations, please include your phone number and all information required on the Housing Request Form, which can be found on our website .

Host Hotels & Room Rates

Mandalay Bay Resort & Convention Center
3950 Las Vegas Blvd South
Las Vegas, NV 89119

Luxor Las Vegas
3900 Las Vegas Blvd South
Las Vegas, NV 89119

Excalibur Hotel & Casino
3850 Las Vegas Blvd South
Las Vegas, NV 89109

The last day to make hotel reservations with Travel Planners is October 29, 2006 . You can cancel your reservation within 72 hours of your first arrival date with no penalty.

See you at Big Twin West on December 1 – 3, 2006!


ARTISTRY IN IRON PEEK–Hey Bandit, Here’s a picture of the winning bike by Greg Westbury. He does incredible work. I also included a pictue of the seat I made for it. Thanks, Duane


9:00 AM TO 11:00 AM
609-628-1838 FOR INFO

LOOKING FOR A FRIEND–I don’t know if i’ll reach the right guy but I am looking for a friend I met in Daytona in 1995 .His name is Maurice BALLOU and he was from Oxford / MA . I was racing in the 24 hours of LE MANS and spent good moments at the bike week all together . Could you give me some news or redirect my mail ?

My very Best regards from BRITTANY/FRANCE . Christian LE BADEZET.

–Le Badezet Christian

KENNEDY CHOPPER CLASS NEEDS YOU–The Kennedy Chopper Class located in Bloomington MN isworking on a new fund raiser bike build to helpsupport the shop classes from being dropped. We arelooking to get any publicity possible to help promotewhat I am doing with the kids. Any motorcycle partsor donations are tax deductible and greatly needed tokeep this program going.

You can see a video of my class on the S&S website goto this link, click on the Kennedy High School Link. Any interested people can contact me through ourchopper class website

Thanks for the support
Kevin “TEACH” Baas
Custom made steel signs, art, furniture and fabricated parts.

“When in doubt, burn out!”

Belt Drive covers2

BELT DRIVE COVERS WITH INTERCHANGEABLE FACE PLATES–PRO-ONE is now manufacturing a collection of DESIGNER BILLET BELT DRIVE COVERS that feature interchangeable, custom designed face plates. That?s right now you can fit your scooter with an enclosed cover fit with any one of a number of custom face plates. These 2-piece covers are machined from 6061 T6 aluminum and available in show quality chrome or anodized black. Covers are offered for Roadmax, PRO-ONE, Primo and BDL drives and can be ordered with any of the designs shown. Order several different inserts and change with your attitude. For complete details call 800-884-4173 or visit .

Budget Fat 2002

FAT 200 ON A BUDGET–So you want to run FAT rubber on your 89-99 Softail but you don?t want to bust the bank. No problem, Doherty Machine has just introduced a new FAT 200 conversion that retails for a fraction of their award winning original. The new set up is a complete kit and allows you to run up to 200 mm rear meat. Each kit includes everything you are going to need with the exception of a fender and tire. You?ll get a fully chrome plated 60 spoke rear wheel with steel hub and correct offset, front and rear sprockets, chain, axle assembly, splash guard, gaskets, seals, spacers and necessary hardware. And get this, the entire package sells for under a grand! Check all the details by calling 928-541-7744 or go to

whiplash - keystone

WHIPLASH ART MOMENT–Hey Bro, The little town of Keystone SD…on the balcony drinking Margaritas…watching the world go by… after a long day’s ride.

Ride Hard,
Whiplash Biker Photog

texas bike show banner

TEXAS NATIONAL BIKE SHOW UPDATE–Howdy All, Well just as our glorious leader Bandit (HMFIC)said, ?Holly, with BIKERNET as your sponsor you can’t go wrong!!!?

He was right …..

So here I am with a post from another of our fabulous builders participating in the Texas National Builder Showdown,American Heli-Arc, with Mr. Tom Young at the helm, he and his band of merry men (at least I think they are merry) have brought to the table “The Little Red Chopper” they are building this creation for a guy in Japan and his pretty bride, who are anxiously waiting to have it finished so when they get stateside they can give it a whirl. I am sure it will get a lot of attention at the buildoff.

LD teaser

Now… with some bike show news,we have finally nailed down our esteemed judges, “Joe T” from Joe T’s Customs in Dallas will be returning for a third time (sucker for punishment) and our very own, home grown “Fat Robert” of Thunder Press fame will add to the mix, once again I don’t envy the guys that have to make those decisions. so be kind to your judges they have a hard job.

O.K. do you want girls??? Well we have more girls this year; we are excited to bring you Concrete Rose a sexy group of ladies that perform a Nuevo Burlesque act complete with fishnets, garters, feathers and very tight corsets! (yea) get your socks knocked off on Friday night @ 7:00 pm.we will also bring in “Rosie Rawhide” and her girls all the way from Corpus Christi to do a little GO GO dancing on Friday and Saturday.

I am not going to give it all away today, so look for more updates on the Texas National Bike Show, November 3rd and 4th @ the Galveston Island Convention Center, come vote for your favorite builder, see some very pretty girls, hot motorcycles, have a cold one, oh you know…all of the fun stuff we like to do in the Lone Star State.

Discount tickets will be available for $8.00 until October 15th after that they are $10.00 at the door and get you in both Friday and Saturday contact:

Bike show registration is going strong so bring on your customs. We have also added a Sportster class this year now there can be no excuses from our Sporty friends, and vendor spaces are still available @ $1.50 a sq ft, you can’t beat it!

See you at the show!
Mrs. Devil

p.s. for those of you that don’t know what HMFIC means please contact me.


RALLY IN THE ROCKIES UPDATE– First and foremost, we wish to apologize to all Bikers throughoutthe US. Especially to those that made plans, traveled, bought roomsor pre-rally tickets, only to find a Court issued an injunction tostop the Rally. This event has been in controversy for the entirehistory, 14 years. In 2002 while the Iron Horse was promoting theRally it was canceled. Now with the Court stoppage of the Rally thisyear that means in Five years this Rally has been stopped twice,inexcusable. Thousands of bikers have come to trust us over theyears since we have honored our commitment to stage a rally that is”for bikers, by bikers”; we feel that we have really let down thosebikers this year by not being able to stop these officials who donot want bikers in our area.

Not only have bikers been denied their rights, it has been costlyfor thousands of bikers. The actions taken by County Officials wereno doubt not only designed to hurt bikers, their rights, the rally,but to put the Rally in a spot where it would go bankrupt, erasingany lawsuits and legal action the Rally would have against thosethat caused this mess.

For those that planned, came to, or bought pre-rallytickets/camping/beer tickets, we have worked out a way with ourAttorney to try and get all bikers involved a repayment of theirdamages as long as you have hard copy proof of expenses in case theyare required.The information is found on the front page of our website, weencourage you to take the time to read the entire front page.

This exact same thing happened in Hollister, now the Four Corners,where is next? When we read about Hollister, we all said “what ashame” but did nothing. Now the past promoter of Hollister isbegging us to stand up here, for us to stand and fight. What bigrally can be shut down by this method next? Will this generationstep up and stop these officials before it is too late? We all haveto ban together to fight this injustice against bikers.

Take the time to get involved, read our front page, send this andour comments on to everyone you know, write you favorite motorcyclemagazine, get your groups/organizations to get involved, lets stopthis before it goes any further. Two major national motorcyclerallies lost in one year, how many next year?

The Rally in the Rockies


Enter Bikernet Bikini Contest Sponsored by D&D Performance Exhaust Steve Tate is this week’s D&D Bikini Contest Winner! He receives a D&D Performance Exhaust T-Shirt. He sent in this pic of his bike and gal pal.

To enter the contest send in a picture of your bike with your favorite bikini honey to . Each week we pull the best picture and award a D&D Performance Exhaust t-shirt. Then we pull them all together, vote on the best picture and the winner receives a set of D&D Performance Exhausts.

Include in your email your Name, Motorcycle, Year, Model, Email, Bikini model name, and Telephone number. The contest runs from August 17th through September 28th.

Need a race proven high-performance exhaust pipe for your Harley? Check the thunder that D&D makes with there Fat Cat and Boarzilla pipes. Bandit swears by them! Click here to view D&D Exhaust Pipes.


Cyril HuzeSpikelights–These 2-function lights will turn heads well before you make turns. Three designs: Mini, Hardcore or Visor style. Spikelight Mini (3″ x 1 1/4″) is offered with a 2-function bulb. Spikelight Hardcore (3 1/2″ x 1 1/2″) and Spikelight Visor (4 1/4″ x 1 1/2″) are offered with a 2-function bulb or a strong 2-functon L.E.D. with standard red or amber lens. L.E.D’s are brighter than bulb, have no filaments, are not susceptible to failure due to vibrationsts are high gloss polishing billet aluminum.

Cyril Huze
Tel: 561-392-5557
Fax: 561-392-9923

Horse Banner

The HORSE BackStreet Choppers Smoke Out West Update–9 area hotels SOLD OUT, and 2 entire RV Campgrounds are also SOLD OUT! Do not despair! The ride to Cottonwood is incredible. Trouble finding a place to stay -call Monica at (803) 629-2442. There is hotel availability north toward Sedona.

Dates for this historic event are Friday and Saturday, October 6-7, 2006. Hours for the event are 10am to 11pm both days. This kick ass event will be held at the Verde Valley Fairgrounds in Cottonwood, Arizona. Cost to enter the event is $45.00 per person, which covers both days.

HBSC chip

To commemorate this inaugural event the HORSE has commissioned a high quality keepsake poker chip with Charlie Horse gracing one side of the chip. This will be given away FREE to the first 4000 people through the gates (or buy one at the HORSE T-shirt booth).

Meet Vern Autry, from the original Boozefighters Motorcycle Club that rode into Hollister and inspired the original Wild Ones movie or chat with Chica or a host of other builders.

The Bands are fast-living and hard-rocking high energy Rock n Roll to drink beer by. Witness the SUPERSUCKERS. You?ve seen the name, heard the music, seen the t-shirts and stickers. Probably the favorite band of someone you know and will no longer be a mystery. DEVIL DOLL, a timeless, silk-lined speakeasy of seduction and strength. Rose petals that cuts like a knife. ROCKET 350, Elvis swagger, high-speed, rockabilly rock ‘n’ roll with a deep southern fried feeling. Traditional, hard-rocking twists. Blends of four-on-the-floor drums, break-neck bass and scorching guitar. Plus a special surprise guest band to be announced.

Our Sponsors are Jammer Cycle Products,, Baas Metal Craft, Flyrite Choppers, and PANOPTX.

The Builders for the Chop-Off (you vote for the winner) are Scott Webster from Leroy Thompson Choppers, Paul Cox and Keino of the Indian Larry Legacy, Scott Craig from Chopperville Cycles, Cole Foster of the Salinas Boys Customs. Need we say more?

The ride in Bike Show is scheduled for Saturday. Registration is at the event. One class chopper and the staff pick ten winners to be featured in The HORSE Backstreet Choppers Magazine.

Salisbury?s chosen Horse Maiden, Jennifer Scott will be on site. Roller Derby girls will entertain and have a parking lot show scheduled for Saturday afternoon. Get spanked.

Vendors will travel from all over the entire continental United States to set up and sell their wares! Look for American Nightmare and many more. It?s going to be a good time rolling on in the heavenly hills near Phoenix. For more information go to and see what other signals are in the smoke. It?s almost here. Feel the excitement on the horizon! Get ready!


kraft end

THAT?S IT FOR ME–When we post the news, we put up stuff that everyone and their uncle has sent us, however, there are a couple of items that I would really like those who can, try to attend. The Texas National Bike Show put on by some of the best people walking this earth. Two in particular are Kent and Holly Weeks, (Mr. & Mrs. Devil). They host this show not for love of God or money, but because of passion for motorcycles in the purest form. They want to put on the best darn bike show they possibly can. So, if you find yourself in or near Galveston, TX on Nov. 3rd and 4th, show your support for them. If you make it, you?re gonna see some of the coolest custom bikes from all over, but your true reward would be to find Holly and see her smile.

Now for my other ?gotta do?, The Horse Backstreet Chopper first ever Smoke Out West. All the info is above so if you missed it, go back up and read it again. This event is described at best as ?indescribable?. You will see more home-built choppers than you ever knew existed. Hot women walking around half naked and the coolest people on earth all there for two things; to admire each others masterful creations, and to PARTY! You gotta go, gotta go, gotta go. That?s all there is to it. I mean, it?s the first ever on the West Coast. I?ve heard people complain about the quality of the shows out here; they suck, they?re too expensive, they?re full of RUBS. Check out the Smoke Out? October 6th & 7th in Cottonwood, AZ.

Have a great Friday, Saturday and Sunday. And then come Monday have a great week!


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