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CRAZYHORSE RETURN FROM THE BADLANDS–The most evil home built hardtails are right here on Bikernet. Check out this month’s Readers’ Showcase. Arik Adam’s sweet coil cover is just a peek at the pure talent lurking out here that has decided to share the vision with us. As many folks are getting ready for their winter projects, we have a bit of inspriration for all of them. Between cleaning the ranch and cooking for company that seems to be arriving regularly every weekend, my niece’s soccer games ( her team is winning), getting this place ready for winter by patching the roof and slapping paint on the rotting wood, it seems odd that I should be doing some of the best artwork I have ever done. Maybe I’m getting good at this.

The flame paint belongs to EdSherrer up in Virginia. The parts belong to an evil hardtail he’s building. I had an odd request on this bike. He wanted a pile of turds with a Number 2 on the rear fender. My paint guys asked him why. He says “….cos it’s Pile of Shit #2.” I should be getting the parts for Pile of Shit #3 for painting next spring.

The VRod cover belongs to Jerry Wolfe of Texas. It’s dull cos there was no clearcoat on when I took this picture. Jerry shipped the entire bike to my husband Jim Bortles. He wanted Jim’s special brand of fab work done to it. The bike is complete now, but I haven’t gotten up to the shop to take pictures yet.I talked to Goth Girl a few weeks ago. She’s playing keyboard at Mike Corbin’s Biketobefest party. That’s reason enough to attend. Maybe she’ll stop by The Horse’s Saturday Bike Show at The Last Resort. Billy Lane is judging bikes. Last year’s winner was Hank Young’s Flying Pan. So if you’re thinking there’s no bikes worth making the journey to Fla to see, think again.
Good food, good times, no attitudes, and brutal choppers duking it out, Last Resort, Rt 1, Oct 18th, be there or be square.
–Crazy Horse

JANKLOW SPEAKS–“I believe in the system,” Janklow said during a press conference Monday.”And I think it needs to be fair for everybody and me. I’m entitled to the same presumptions and the same fairness as everybody else and I’ll get it.”
–from Rogue

BOXING AND MUAY THAI SEMINAR–with Richard S. Bustillo.Former Boxer * USA Boxing Coach & Official * certified Muay Thai Kruand a member of the Black Belt Hall of Fame and World Martial Arts Hall of Fame@ The IMB Academy on Saturday, October 18, 2003 from 1 PM to 4 PMTel (310) 787-8793 www.IMBACADEMY.com22109 South Vermont Avenue, Torrance, CA 90502
Hands-on training will emphasize strong basics and fundamentals for all levels above age eighteen. Male and female, beginner to advance, and non-martial artists are invited. We don’t want to teach you only techniques, we want you to be able to understand your strengths and weaknesses, your coordination, stamina and physical condition for a better well being and a healthy body.
WHAT YOU WILL LEARN AND PRACTICE: 1) Balance and foot work 2) Rope skipping and shadow boxing 3) Punching & kicking techniques and combinations 4) Defense positions5) Countering maneuvers 6) Reaction drills for immediate response 7) Strength training.
WHAT TO BRING: 1) A smile 2) Two t-shirts and a towel because you will sweat 3) Hand wraps if you have them 4) Bag gloves if you have them 5) Focus pads if you have them 6) Jumping rope if you have them 7) Money, If you don’t have the above items, you can purchase them at the IMB. However, it is not necessary to bring any of the above items. Just bring in your work out attitude.
NOTE: No free sparring. So! Don’t worry about getting knocked out or knocking out anyone.
Fee: $35/Pre-regisration or $45/Door Registration
No spectators and video cameras allowed
AH, BLONDE JOKES–There are three blondes washed up on an island. Suddenly a fairy appears and offers to grant each one of them one wish.
The first blonde asks to be intelligent. Instantly, she is turned into a brown haired woman and she swims off the island.
The next one asks to be even more intelligent than the previous one, so instantly she is turned into a ravishing redhead. The redhead builds a boat and sails off the island.
The third blonde asks to become even more intelligent than the previous two. The fairy turns her into a man, and he walks across the bridge.
–from Rogue
BLONDE JOKES FOREVER–The blondes at the university led by Suzy , were tired of not fitting in. They were tired of other students assuming they were just stupid bimbos. They wanted somewhere where they felt they belonged.
So Suzy pressured the administration to set up a new Department especially for them. The university agreed and set up the Blonde Education Department.
Suzy and the blondes were ecstatic to have a department of their own where they could gather without being ridiculed. They felt they really belonged now. They wanted other students to see that they weren’t just stupid bimbos — after all, they now had their own department at the university.
So they now all proudly wear the official sweatshirt of the Blonde Education Department designed by Suzy which sports the saying: “I Belong in B.E.D.”
–from ROGUE

Chris T. the owner of Expressive Designs, the crew who make Bikernet stickers. He learned everything about building bikes from OCC.
SNAP-ON TOOLS AND ORANGE COUNTY CHOPPERS TEAM-UP TO DESIGN AND BUILD INCREDIBLE CHOPPER–MILWAUKEE, Wis., Sept. 23, 2003 – Snap-on Tools and Orange County Choppers haveannounced the completion of a specially designed and built Snap-on Tools chopper thatincorporates Snap-on? tools such as sockets, wrenches and ratchets into the actual design of theremarkable bike. In a special event at Snap-on’s Milwaukee, Wis., manufacturing facility onAugust 29, Orange County Choppers presented the bike to Snap-on Tools.
As part of the presentation, Snap-on Tools announced the father-and-son team of PaulTeutul, Sr., and Paul Teutul, Jr., will begin the development of a series of licensed products forthe industry to include tool storage units, equipment, hand tools and power tools.
Chris Pfaus, vice president of marketing for Snap-on Tools, said the two entities are aperfect match. “Snap-on Tools is the premiere supplier of tools and equipment for theprofessional automotive technician and Orange County Choppers is nationally known for some ofthe best new chopper designs on the market. Both are undeniably best-in-class. With a garagefilled with Snap-on Tools, Paul, Sr., and Paul, Jr. will now be even better able to build thoseremarkable machines that their millions of fans have come to love.”
–from TBear
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